Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 29
Număr de rezultate: 107625
Nu O Să Dormim
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
[Versul 1]
Știam că vei fi aici două nopți la rând
Ai intrar singur prin poartă
O casă mare, cu spațiu în plus
Fără sutien, Santal, miroase a tort
Dinții de aur și toate aerele conditionate de aur
El a spus: 'Se simte ca o seară de vineri, o noapte diferită, același vibe'
Te duc afară, scenă de film de fiecare dată
Filmează-mă, sunt pregătită, nici un unghi prost
Nu sunt o târfă, dar e înăuntrul meu, beau pahare de parcă aș fi Lindsay
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Am muncit toată săptămâna, da, da
Am făcut tot OT, da, da
Diminețile devreme vin repede, da, da
Le voi spune că sunt bolnavă, da, da
La-la, la-la
La-la-la, la-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la
[Versul 2]
Toată săptămâna, menține presiunea ridicată
Te-am fermecat, toate răspunsurile rapide
Recunosc că încă sunt timidă, copleșită în exces
Așa că mă întreb: 'Cum e să te culci cu mine?'
'Și cum te simți să fii cel cu care mi-o trag?'
Cum e?
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Am muncit toată săptămâna, da, da
Am făcut tot OT, da, da
Diminețile devreme vin repede, da, da
Le voi spune că sunt bolnavă, da, da
În Versace din cap până-n picioare, da
Te duc înapoi la lobby, da
Arăt mai bine naturală, da
Diminețile devreme vin repede, da, da
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Noi doar trăim în schimb
Putem dormi când suntem morți
La-la, la-la
La-la-la, la-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la-la
[Versul 3]
El a spus: 'Se simte ca o seară de vineri, o noapte diferită, același vibe'
Te duc afară, scenă de film de fiecare dată
Filmează-mă, sunt pregătită, nici un unghi prost
Nu sunt o târfă, dar e înăuntrul meu, beau pahare de parcă aș fi Lindsay
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Nu o să dormim, nu, nu
Am muncit toată săptămâna, da, da
Am făcut tot OT, da, da
Diminețile devreme vin repede, da, da
Le voi spune că sunt bolnavă, da, da
La-la, la-la
La-la, la-la
I'm Lost
I'm lost, I'm a heart with no home
Like a ship in a storm,
And I can't get back to you.
Oh I'm lost, I'm out on a limb
And I'll sink or I'll swim
Oh, I can't get back to you
Oh, I'm lost
I got no money
And I'm reaching the end,
And you know its not funny
When you can't find a friend.
I tried keeping promises,
I made quite a few,
But you know it ain't easy
To live up to you.
And I'm lost, I'm a heart with no home
Like a ship in a storm,
And I can't get back to you.
Oh I'm lost, I'm out on a limb
And I'll sink or I'll swim
Oh, I can't get back to you
Oh, I'm lost,
Yeah, I'm lost
I heard the warning
Like the roar of a wave,
Oh and I've searched the highways
For a soul I can save.
Oh, I woke in the gutter
To the break of day light
And I'll give all I have
Just to hold you tonight.
'Cause I'm lost, I'm a heart with no home
Like a ship in a storm
And I can't get back to you
Oh, I'm lost, I'm out on a limb
And I'll sink or I'll swim
Oh, I can't get back to you
Oh, I'm lost
Baby, I'm lost
Everyone can hurt me
I don't care if they do
No I don't care
If I don't have you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm lost, I'm a heart with no home
Like a ship in a storm,
And I can't get back to you.
Oh I'm lost, I'm out on a limb
And I'll sink or I'll swim
Oh, I can't get back to you
Oh, I'm lost
I'm lost, I'm a heart with no home
Like a ship in a storm,
And I can't get back to you.
Oh I'm lost, I'm out on a limb
And I'll sink or I'll swim
Oh, I can't get back to you
Oh, I'm lost
Baby, I'm lost
N-avem nevoie decât de iubire
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
(Iubirea e, oh, oh, oh
Iubirea e, oh, oh, oh)
N-avem nevoie decât de iubire,
Deci n-ai vrea mă iei în brațe
Și să mă iubești, să mă iubești?
N-avem nevoie decât de iubire,
Deci draga mea, strânge-mă la pieptul tău
Și iubește-mă, iubește-mă.
Spune-mi că ne vom avea mereu unul pe altul,
Pentru că asta e tot ce vreau să știu.
Spune-mi că nu va mai exista nicicând un altul,
Căci te voi dori mereu atât de mult!
N-avem nevoie decât de iubire
Pentru a ne îndeplini fiecare vis,
Așa că iubește-mă, iubește-mă.
Tot timpul n-avem nevoie decât de iubire
(Iubește-mă, iubește-mă, ah)
Spune-mi că ne vom avea mereu unul pe altul,
Pentru că asta e tot ce vreau să știu.
Spune-mi că nu va mai exista nicicând un altul,
Căci te voi dori mereu atât de mult!
N-avem nevoie decât de iubire
Pentru a ne îndeplini fiecare vis,
Așa că iubește-mă, iubește-mă.
Tot timpul n-avem nevoie decât de iubire
(Iubește-mă, iubește-mă)
Un milion și una
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Câte lacrimi
Am plâns de dorul tău?
Un milion și una de lacrimi,
Un milion și două.
Câte nopți lungi
M-au durut brațele când le-ntindeam spre tine?
Un milion și una de nopți,
Un milion și două
Te iubeam, draga mea,
În timp ce credeam că mă iubești doar pe mine.
Dar tu doar păcăleai,
Iar prostul pe care l-ai păcălit am fost eu.
Câte vise dulci
Nu se vor împlini niciodată?
Un milion și unul de vise,
Un milion și două.
Te iubeam, draga mea,
În timp ce credeam că mă iubești doar pe mine.
Dar tu doar păcăleai,
Iar prostul pe care l-ai păcălit am fost eu.
Câte vise dulci
Nu se vor împlini niciodată?
Un milion și unul de vise,
Un milion și două.
Flowers, Perfume, Candy
You gave me flowers every day
Until the day you went away
You proved your love was nothing more
Than faded petals on the floor
Flowers, flowers, flowers
But you never gave me you
You gave me perfume to put on
The bottle's empty and you're gone
The fragrance lingers in the air
And slowly drives me to despair
Perfume, perfume, perfume
But you never gave me you
The flowers did their job so well
You held me captive in their spell
The deadly perfume made me weak
I should have screamed but couldn't speak
And once you knew I was your slave
You threw away the love I gave
You gave me candy for a treat
But somehow it's no longer sweet
It leaves a very bitter taste
Just like my love it was a waste
Candy, candy, candy
But you never gave me you
The flowers did their job so well
You held me captive in their spell
The perfume sprayed away my fears
The candy sweetened all my tears
And once you knew I was your fool
You turned from hot to warm to cool
You gave me so much to recall
Except the greatest gift of all
Before we started we were through
Because you never gave me you
Flowers, perfume, candy
No, you never gave me you
Flowers, perfume, candy
No, you never gave me you
Flowers, perfume, candy
No, you never gave me you
Flowers, perfume, candy
(fade out)
Unde să mă duc fără tine?
Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Ca o lună fără cer,
Ca un călător fără drum
Merg fără să știu încotro,
De când cu mine nu mai ești.
A fost atât de ușor să mă părăsești,
Să ne schimbi brusc destinul.
Era atât de ușor să trăiești
Cu altcineva pus în locul meu.
Și nu am nicio stea de urmărit,
Nu găsesc un umăr pe care să plâng.
Unde, iubire, unde să mă duc fără tine?
Fără buze de sărutat,
Fără vise noi de trăit,
Unde, iubire, unde să mă duc fără tine?
Ca o corabie în derivă sunt,
Ca un curcubeu fără culori.
Despărțindu-te de mine,
Mi-ai sfărâmat iluziile.
Solos, estamos frente a frente en casa, solos,
y en medio de los dos, el atardecer,
de rojo comienza a florecer.
Solos, brillante de deseo la mirada,
tratamos de no hablar y es el corazón
quién habla por boca de los dos.
Acércate, olvida tu temor,
y deja que el amor resbale por tu piel.
Acércate, y no lo pienses más,
escucha al corazón y déjate llevar.
Entre mis brazos construiré un hogar
de viento, lluvia y sueños.
Acércate, aprende conmigo a ser mujer.
Somos dos locos que el amor unió esta noche,
y que nos encontró por casualidad,
huyendo de nuestra soledad.
Solos, desnudos en el cuerpo y en el alma,
tratamos de buscar, una noche más,
la llave de la felicidad.
Acércate, olvida tu temor,
y deja que el amor resbale por tu piel.
Acércate, y no lo pienses más,
escucha al corazón y déjate llevar.
Entre mis brazos construiré un hogar
de viento, lluvia y sueños.
Acércate, aprende conmigo a ser mujer.
(Acércate, olvida tu temor,
y deja que el amor resbale por tu piel.
Acércate, y no lo pienses más,
escucha al corazón y déjate llevar.)
Entre mis brazos construiré un hogar
de viento, lluvia y sueños.
Acércate, aprende conmigo a ser mujer.
Acércate, aprende conmigo a ser mujer.
Această iubire
Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
În seara asta vreau să-ți vorbesc,
Și nu știu cum să încep.
E greu de explicat
Ceea ce simt cu adevărat.
Nu mi-am putut imagina
Că dragostea este așa
Și cred că a noastră a început
Ca un alt joc.
Această iubire e neobișnuită,
Această iubire e diferită,
Această iubire interzisă mereu
Este motivul pentru a fi rebel.
Căci această iubire pe care am căutat-o, da,
Această iubire pe care am sădit-o în tine,
Această iubire îmi aparține,
Această iubire care mă face cine sunt.
Am vrut să fiu pirat
Și să-ți fur inima,
Azi mă simt dezarmat,
Prizonier al iubirii tale.
M-ai făcut să mă trezesc,
M-ai învățat să fiu fericit
Și mă gândesc că n-am vrut nicicând să mă leg
Sau de tine să mă îndrăgostesc.
Această iubire e neobișnuită,
Această iubire e diferită,
Această iubire interzisă mereu
Este motivul pentru a fi rebel.
Căci această iubire pe care am căutat-o, da,
Această iubire pe care am sădit-o în tine,
Această iubire îmi aparține,
Această iubire care mă face cine sunt.
Această iubire e neobișnuită,
Această iubire e diferită,
Această iubire interzisă mereu
Este motivul pentru a fi rebel.
Căci această iubire pe care am căutat-o, da,
Această iubire pe care am sădit-o în tine,
Această iubire îmi aparține,
Această iubire care mă face cine sunt.
Si tan solo entendieras
Si tan solo entendieras,
que en las sombras se anida la tristeza,
mas no te engañes
la soledad allí no encuentras,
mas no te engañes.
Si tan solo pudieras
ver que hay vida en las cosas
que parecen muertas,
que lleva el llanto, la risa, siempre a cuestas,
si tú entendieras.
Si tan solo entendieras
que con el alba se nace cada día,
que en tus manos esta el mundo y tienes alas
y tienes vida.
Mas no te engañes,
que esta loca que tú dices,
mas, mas te quiere,
que te ofrece hasta su vida si la quieres,
si tú la quieres.
Si tan solo entendieras
que hasta el viento va entonando melodías,
que el otoño va cantando poesías,
si tu entendieras.
Si tan solo pudieras
ver que hay vida en las cosas
que parecen muertas,
que lleva el llanto, la risa, siempre a cuestas,
si tú entendieras.
Si tan solo entendieras
que con el alba se nace cada día,
que en tus manos esta el mundo y tienes alas
y tienes vida.
Mas no te engañes,
que esta loca que tú dices,
mas, mas te quiere,
que te ofrece hasta su vida si la quieres,
si tú la quieres.
Si tan solo entendieras,
si tan solo me quisieras...
Laraira laraira....
El amor no es una piedra
El amor que te tengo
lo estás matando con tonterías,
pero si tú no lo quieres mejor es partir,
porque yo quiero que me bebas
como el agua, pero no,
que te queme el alma.
Porque el amor no es una piedra
que puedes darle, darle y darle
porque el amor no es una piedra
que puedes darle, darle y darle.
Y puede ser un cristal
que cuando se quiebra
nunca sera igual
El amor que te tengo
no ancló en tu puerto y paso de largo,
no se puede amar a veces, mejor es partir,
porque yo quiero que me bebas
como el agua, pero no,
que te queme el alma.
Porque el amor no es una piedra
que puedes darle, darle y darle
porque el amor no es una piedra
que puedes darle, darle y darle.
Y puede ser un cristal
que cuando se quiebra
nunca sera igual
Porque el amor no es una piedra
que puedes darle, darle y darle.
The Enemy
My youth was but a tempest, dark and savage,
Through which, at times, a dazzling sun would shoot
The thunder and the rain have made such ravage
My garden is nigh bare of rosy fruit.
Now I have reached the Autumn of my thought,
And spade and rake must toil the land to save,
That fragments of my flooded fields be sought
From where the water sluices out a grave.
Who knows if the new flowers my dreams prefigure,
In this washed soil should find, as by a sluit,
The mystic nourishment to give them vigour?
Time swallows up our life, O ruthless rigour!
And the dark foe that nibbles our heart's root,
Grows on our blood the stronger and the bigger!
The day you and this planet disappeared
Trapped inside a steel cage, a pair of deep blue eyes
Stuck in this rotten world, where we were born
My heart was shut ice cold, the sky gray full of ash
Even so, I got to meet you
Your silver locks of hair were suddenly dyed red
We held so tightly in a warm embrace
My only purpose was protecting you, but still
Even so, you became a star
The lights they shine as bright as dying stars
I shall forget about you and this universe
'Please answer me' My voice hoarse as I call you
And my feelings, forever washed away
I walk under the sky caressed by the cold rain
Cut through the barren land, sharp as a blade
As if the countless stars were washed away by blood
That was the day you disappeared
The lights they shine as bright as dying stars
I shall forget about you and this universe
'Please answer me' My voice hoarse as I call you
And my feelings, forever washed away
So please forget, forget we ever met
And let me hear you and all of the stars above
'Please answer me' My voice hoarse as I call you
And my feelings, forever washed away
Please answer me...
Please look for me...
As we embrace I let out all my strength
And let the light engulf all that we know
Even my feelings will be washed away
When you go on a trip
When you go on a trip, you sometimes realize
What is important?
What is important?
When you go on a trip, you sometimes realize
Who is the person you love?
What is the thing you love?
Every time I meet myself
Everything passes
What is the thing that remains?
When you go on a trip, you sometimes realize
Every time I meet myself
That's why I'm a little scared
When you go on a trip, you sometimes realize
I want to meet myself
Today, I'm going on a trip again
Why do you show your face here?
Why do I remember those words here?
There are so many things I don't understand
I don't understand 'myself' the most
That's why I go on a trip
What is important?
Who is the person I love?
Like there are stars in the sky
Like there are stars in the sky
Like there's sand on the beach
There's only one thing in my heart
I had a small dream
Like the wind blowing east
Like the river flowing
With the passage of time
My one and only small dream has vanished
Lonely, lonely, staring at the stars
Alone, alone, covered in tears
Everything everything is
Although it's over
Everything around me
Although it has disappeared
Like a light rain in spring
Like dead leaves falling in autumn
It seems like everyone has that
It's just a change of seasons
All in
Zoo, I’ll be here yesterday, I was here tomorrow, I’m here forever
Now everyone’s got a blade in their pocket
Back then, the most we had was a bar and a knuckle-duster
I don’t have a habit of asking for something
'Cause if I see a chance, damn right, I take it
'Cause we only play all-in, ay, the city knows who’s real
With my brothers, we’ll do business, throwing meat on the grill
I’ve shut everyone up who had something to accuse me of
Turu tururururu, turu tururururu
'Cause we only play all-in, ay, the city knows who’s real
With my brothers, we’ll do business, throwing meat on the grill
I’ve shut everyone up who had something to accuse me of
Turu tururururu, turu tururururu
I look into your eyes, but I don’t see anything in them
All seems cool, but it’s shallow, not like a DVD
Billie Jean, others would kill for you
But I don’t want to live fake
You were never close, so now step back
Step back, step back, stop
Saying anything around you is like being constantly wiretapped
You changed your mind too fast, you said something else, say it again
You said something, say it again, you said something, say it again, punk
You told me something, say it again
'Cause we only play all-in, ay, the city knows who’s real
With my brothers, we’ll do business, throwing meat on the grill
I’ve shut everyone up who had something to accuse me of
Turu tururururu, turu tururururu
'Cause we only play all-in, ay, the city knows who’s real
With my brothers, we’ll do business, throwing meat on the grill
I’ve shut everyone up who had something to accuse me of
Turu tururururu, turu tururururu
I’ve met real hustlers, a few came before me
Only their opinions count for me on this scene
The rest are crappy vampires, to live, they drink seeds
I give the streets hope and step in like Rocky
These chicks will keep their eyes on my hands, yet I’ll make the deal anyway
'Cause I’ve got a twisted mind
Don’t let my style and intellect fool you
They’ve ended my career, made scandals
But I kept pushing against the current non-stop
Sweat on my forehead to stay on top
Underground sauce to live on the scene
And the voice from below that shakes the game
'Cause we only play all-in, ay, the city knows who’s real
With my brothers, we’ll do business, throwing meat on the grill
I’ve shut everyone up who had something to accuse me of
Turu tururururu, turu tururururu
'Cause we only play all-in, ay, the city knows who’s real
With my brothers, we’ll do business, throwing meat on the grill
I’ve shut everyone up who had something to accuse me of
Turu tururururu, turu tururururu
All my memories are full of melodies
and that one light of me which never disappears.
Gray skies full of clouds, raging winds, and surging storms.
I live in the shadows of consuming isolation.
Amongst the crowd in a chaotic big world with no direction, where do I belong?
Venture out just to find myself still
lost and confused by the traumatizing memories,
fumbling through destiny. My dreams,
where could you be?
Still searching for the song that I’ve lost.
No matter where, these hands will reach out to grasp.
One day, the time will come when my hidden wings
take off to the skies, just as I’ve dreamed.
Your world, once muted in silence,
will then be filled with my melodies.
The memories I hold are filled with sounds of music,
and you, who are like the winds passing by.
It still hurts everytime I close my eyes. All I have is my life.
What is left are traces of tears and unanswered questions.
Screaming, begging for these hurtful words to stop.
Drowned in this bitter agony called destiny. My dreams,
where could you be?
Still searching for the song that I’ve lost.
No matter where, these hands will reach out to grasp.
One day, the time will come when my hidden wings
take off to the skies, just as I’ve dreamed.
Your world, once muted in silence,
will then be filled with my melodies.
One day, I’ll rediscover the song that I’ve lost.
No matter the distance, my heart will never waver.
One day, the time will come when my hidden wings
will soar high in up the skies, just as I’ve dreamed.
Your world, once muted in silence,
will then be filled with my melodies.
Vasya - Vasilyok
Why are you depressed, Vasya,
Hanging your head?
Your clear eyes now look dim,
Frowning, unhappy...
With a joke, with a jest, into battle
You used to march, my friend,
What happened suddenly to you,
Oh, dear! Oh, Vasya-Vasilyok! Ah!
Sadness doesn't suit the soldier
Do not let your grief overcome you
Even if there's a reason
Never be depressed
Do not let grief get inside
Never be depressed!
Do not be depressed!
For almost five weeks already
There is no letter from the post.
You see, my bro,
My heart wants some endearment!
Beating the enemy is a different matter -
It's better done jokingly.
If there's no letter from your sweetheart -
Then your thoughts are darker.
Oh, dear! Oh, Vasya-Vasilyok! Oh...
But if she is not going to write
Then she has forgotten me
Then I shall understand
That she has never loved me.
Why are you, Vasya, my big friend,
Torching yourself that way?
If she loves you with all her heart,
Then you'll get good news!
Oh, dear! Oh, Vasya-Vasilyok! Oh...
Keep our shoulders close to each other!
Our friendship will stay!
If your heart is hot,
Then you'll find a girl for you!
And if today it hurts don't be sad,
Tomorrow will be your day!
Hold your head high,
Oh, dear! Oh, Vasya-Vasilyok! Oh...
The people are not guilty of anything!
I think the soldiers who fight on the battlefield,
Those who commit atrocities on foreign land,
Whatever one may say, they don't admit their guilt
And someone else does everything for them.
They are still from those distant, long forgotten days
Denying guilt for bringing death to our door
'We lived peacefully and carefree'- they say,
Damn us, someone started a bloody war.
Either vodka, or a hangover helped you enlist, -
What can you do, you sold your luck to Putin
People are speechless beasts,
And one khuilo is to blame for everything.
You will get there, to the essence, in the future:
No matter who you ask, they didn't choose 'Z'.
And Putin cut women’s ears in Bucha,
And in the basements Putin ate the cat.
He took the underwear and the washing machines
He stole sugar from the stores and cigarettes
And it was Putin who crawled through the ravines,
Taking rings and watches from the dead.
The people are tired of false accusations,
Fucking karma is leading them to hell.
And Putin is certainly, not a nation
He blew up a women's hospital himself.
The bright God cries in the sky with rain
And hanging over crap throwing “Z” patriot, -
There can't be so many people who are not to blame
In a country where one in three is an idiot.
The day will come and a triangle of cheerful cranes
Flies from the south back to their native swamp,
From under the sky shitting into a pit of shame,
Where all the people are not guilty of Armageddon.
Love is a Hundred Years’ War
It looks difficult, a love triangle
You understand a little bit, right? After 8 o’clock
Go by commuter train, to the office’s 6th floor
The person at the counter with a straight face, that girl
It sounds nice, his answer
You kind of get it, right? It’s too suspicious
I’ll move at lightning speed, back to him
End the annoying things, now’s the hundred years’ war
Tell me where the tied red thread ends
Even Joan of Arc doesn’t know, doesn’t know, the future
Tell me where the stolen red thread ends
I’ll cut it off and show you
It’s newly increasing, his marriage line
You know who it is, right? Grinding the teeth
Heading out with the best equipment, in tonight’s final
Finish a task, I’m battle-hardened
Tell me where the tied red thread ends
Even Berserk doesn’t know, doesn’t know, the future
Tell me where the stolen red thread ends
Cut it off…
Love tactics were repeated with those two
Lunchtime is survival
Today in world history, Tried to turn it upside down
The chronicle starts to turn
Tell me where the tied red thread ends
Even Joan of Arc doesn’t know, doesn’t know, the future
Tell me where the stolen red thread ends
Even Berserk doesn’t know, doesn’t know, the future
Tell me where the tied red thread ends
Even Gorbachev doesn’t know, doesn’t know, the future
Tell me where the stolen red thread ends
I’ll cut it off and show
A pure-hearted type from a port town
I want love, real love
There's only imitations weaving webs of lies
I know nothing of the real world
But I wanna live life with a pure heart
Ah, the ship lights hurt my eyes
I'm a pure heart from a port town
I want a dream, a dream I'll never wake up from
So I would die waiting for that man
Even if I'm told I'm a fool,
I wanna live life with a pure heart
Ah, today again it turns to rain at the strait
I'm a pure heart from a crying town
I want love, real love
I wanna fly away to that man's side
Even if the tears will continue tomorrow,
I wanna live life with a pure heart
Ah, the fog horn lets out a cry, and the ship leaves
I'm a pure heart from a port town
Eat What You See
Boys wearing skirts,
girls lifting dumbbells,
and everyone else in between,
I don’t need to know them well,
I just dive right in.
Bold bodies
and frail souls,
embody universal love,
Breaking all food taboos, with no limitations.
Hey boys, why hesitate?
Eat what you see.
Hey girls, what are you waiting for?
It's better to try something risky than nothing at all.
Everybody, why hold back?
What's ahead smells enticing.
The Tang Monk who eats the most virtuous,
the bad people who consume the most toxic,
it's inescapable,
Understand the nutrients they offer.
Balance in your diet,
I love both vegetables and meat,
catching everything,
no judgment of good or bad.
Hey boys, why hesitate?
Eat what you see.
Hey girls, what are you waiting for?
It's better to try something risky than nothing.
Hey, hey boys, why hesitate?
Love what you see.
Hey girls, what are you waiting for?
You're hungry either way.
Whether human, ghost, pig, cow, sheep, chicken, duck, or goose,
Break all food taboos, leaving nothing behind.
Hey boys, why hesitate?
Eat what you see.
Hey girls, what are you waiting for?
It's better to try something risky than nothing at all.
Everybody, why hold back?
What's ahead smells enticing.
Hey boys, why hesitate?
Eat what you see.
Hey girls, what are you waiting for?
It's better to try something risky than nothing.
Hey, hey boys, why hesitate?
Love what you see.
Hey girls, what are you waiting for?
Being picky keeps you from Heaven.
Hey boys, why hesitate?
Eat what you see.
Hey girls, what are you waiting for?
Whatever you dare to eat,
you’ll surpass it.
Hey boys, hey, hey girls
Hey boys, hey, hey girls
Hey boys, hey, hey girls
Eat what you see.
[ intro ]
An ache upon an unsatisfying grayscale
My confidence vanishes
[ verse I ]
I turned regret into lies I ignored our chipped blades
I worked overtime just for maintenance but I knew all along
That this faded color was an irreversible law
So I might as well pray. There's no turning back now
[ pre-chorus ]
I thought I had made up my mind
But I'm still haunted by doubt and anxiety
A bundle of emotions torn to shreds
With nothing left for me to gain
What's more important than one's life
Is to shoulder that burden to sever this monochrome
[ chorus ]
I keep searching for the answer to an unsolvable thesis
While making choices until I die
Then I remember where we came from
And the lives that could never interact
No one is allowed to use the scale
Since it falls apart in an instant
So, what can I measure ourselves against?
Instead, I hold onto your words
That gave my heart meaning
[ verse II ]
You stand there with your morals inside out
But I could never fault you for that
A sudden flashback to when I severed my only escape
Each time I dodge death the memories become fatally clear
[ bridge ]
Remembering the old days
I miss them even if I feel uncomfortable
Life suddenly comes alive, she looked at me
I notice that look, but I was hardly worthy of her
And again, I hate myself for choosing
The nondescript gray color for the hundredth time
And yet...
As far as I can tell, the future remains unfinished
[ breakdown ]
A lingering thought haunts me
I tell myself over and over
Stop assuming and embrace the distance
Be reckless and draw the bow
A quiver more important than one’s life
Is to shoulder that burden to pierce through this monochrome
[ chorus ]
I keep searching for the answer to an unsolvable thesis
While making choices until I die
Then I remember where we came from
And the lives that could never interact
No one is allowed to use the scale
Since it falls apart in an instant
So, what can I measure ourselves against?
Instead, I hold onto your words
That gave my heart meaning
[ outro ]
It's always a paradox
The moon waxes with each regret and sadness
The massive, unconquerable foe
Is the darkness that dwells within me
I forsook my pride and joy
But I am still confounded by this flock of imperfection
Beyond that white and white and resentful midnight sun
Awaits an illusion etched in black
Careless day,
which cob takes her from beside me,
which well tells her, 'Forget him!'?
Vulgar mountain,
which tree kills me inside her,
which telescope opens her eyes?
Careless night,
which hand takes her from my hand,
which star tells her, 'Hurt him!'?
Vulgar radar,
which sun blinds me inside her,
which spaceship changes her world?
On Passion '05
Tonight I'm sleeping in the city
and one thought (is) my entire mind,
one word,
my whole language (is) just one word
5 in the morning,
after a painful, nightmarish night
The syn of Paxos still burns my body
and this tireless passion still burns our soul
not my fate?
I'm cuttting into my own veins
So I could see
If life could still be found
In the darkest corners of my soul
I'm untouchable
Like a frigid isolation state
Like a drowing man
Disturbed from tenderness
I crawl in my insanity
Every other night
I'm not allowed to be
What I've always been
An animal in chains
And with no dignity at all
Next time I won't stop myself
And let myself suffer
So you don't
The Christmas of Luis
Take, Luis, tomorrow is Christmas
A sweet bread and a little wine,
Since you can't buy.
Take, Luis, take it to your house.
And you will be able to celebrate
Christmas with your father.
Tomorrow don't come to work
For the town will be in celebration
And there will be no sadness.
Madam, thank you for what you give me,
But I cannot take this
Because my life is not of Christmas.
Madam, believe that my poverty
Will end by eating bread
On Christmas Day.
My father will give me something better
He will tell me that Jesus is like me
And then I will be able to go on
Living, living
Living, living
Living, living.
Run (Up To You)
Run towards you
Run to you
This moment, we dance on the floor
I'll leave it to you
A newer day, up to you
It won't be too late, yet
To go to you, coming back
I'm running, I'm running
Dreaming of an endless unknown
We're already here
I'm running to you
Tap must tap to find each other
If we're together we got nothing to fear
It's up to you, I'm running
At the tip of your fingers, me and my world
Get ready
Let's run
Assemble up
Come on
Exceed our limits, to the end
I'll go to you, run
(I'm running)
Timing's up to you, the time to run
Shout louder, everything a little more
To a new world, now, we
Can be anything, I'm a star shining at your fingertips
Run towards you
Run to you
This moment, we dance on the floor
I'll leave it to you
A newer day, up to you
(I'm running, I'm running)
I'm out of breath, the road gets a little closer
Right here we now, can you hear me now?
It's time to tap
Speed up little more
Draw me in, it's time to get it right
This moment's up to you
Tap must tap to find each other
If we're together we got nothing to fear
It's up to you, I'm running
At the tip of your fingers, me and my world
Get ready
Let's run
Assemble up
Come on
Cross the boundary, to the end
I'll go to you, run
(I'm running)
Timing's up to you, the time to run
Shout louder, everything a little more
To a new world, now, we
Can be anything, I'm a star shining at your fingertips
A spark bursts
The scale gets bigger
I hope you don't stop
I hope you don't wait
Run run
The party begins
It's up to you
Run run
We're together, here
It's up to you
Tell me so I can become
Your cool and baddy, sweet and hottie
Come to me again, what
(What'd you say?)
Timing's up to you, the time to run
Shout louder, everything a little more
To a new world, now, we
Can be anything, I'm a star shining at your fingertips
Run towards you
Run to you
This moment, we dance on the floor
I'll leave it to you
A newer day, up to you
It's up to you, yeah
It's up to you
It's up to you, yeah
It's up to you
You are in
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures
So much to see
So much to do
My dream finally
I will achieve it
The combination is perfect
A new destination waits
And imagine what is to come
Hey,hey,hey, I know what you want to be
Hey,hey,hey, Barbie will help you
Hey,hey,hey, you are going to get excited
Hey,hey,hey, Barbie dreamhouse adventures
Master, don't put me in the pot
Don't put me in the pot
The water boils
Potatoes are not good with me
Dan't pat ma an tha pat
Tha watar baals
Patataas ara nat gaad wath ma
Den't pet me en the pet
The weter beels
Petetees ere net geed weth me
Din't pit mi in thi pit
Thi witir biils
Pititiis iri nit giid with mi
Don't pot mo on tho pot
Tho wotor bools
Pototoos oro not good woth mo
Dun't put mu un thu put
Thu wutur buuls
Pututuus uru nut guud wuth mu
Don't put me in the pot
The water boils
Potatoes are not good with me
Line drawing
The city is a line drawing
A fleeting soda made of wire
We are line drawings
It's strange that we can see our feelings
Looking up at the sky with you, back to back
We can become one more than just staring at each other
I love it
Line drawing
Line drawing
The city I walked with you has become a song
We are line drawings
It's strange that we can see our feelings
Looking up at the sky with you, back to back
We can become one more than just staring at each other
I love it
Line drawing
Line drawing
The city I walked with you has become a song
We are now on the dark side
Of the planet, Daughter. And yet,
Something can be said about the world -
It is half dark, half illuminated.
So is mankind, Daughter,
So is mankind.
Iubire, nu mă lăsa să plec!
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Greșelile și regretele, nu sunt tot ce mi-a mai rămas.
Pentru că atingerea și parfumul tău, sunt încă pe pielea mea.
Poate că sunt nebună, să șterg urmele tale.
Nu mai există... tu și eu, cel puțin așa simt.
Încerc să te trag aproape, mai aproape de mine,
Dar este ca și cum aș încerca să prind fumul.
Iubire, chiar mi-aș dori să ai o apariție!
Poate aș putea să te implor să rămâi.
Sunt pe podea, te implor...
Iubire, nu mă lăsa să plec!
Dacă aș putea să te privesc în ochi,
Nu ai avea unde să te ascunzi.
Sunt pe podea, te implor...
Iubire, nu mă lăsa să plec!
Dacă ai avea o inimă, aș putea s-o fac să bată pentru mine.
Dacă ai avea suflet, aș ști unde ar fi casa mea.
Nu e vorba de sentimentul de singurătate, de bărbatul pe care nu-l pot uita,
Și chiar dacă nu ești aici lângă mine, încă îți văd silueta,
Încerc să te trag aproape, mai aproape de mine,
Dar este ca și cum aș încerca să prind fumul.
Iubire, chiar mi-aș dori să ai o apariție!
Poate aș putea să te implor să rămâi.
Sunt pe podea, te implor...
Iubire, nu mă lăsa să plec!
Dacă aș putea să te privesc în ochi,
Nu ai avea unde să te ascunzi.
Sunt pe podea, te implor...
Iubire, nu mă lăsa să plec!
Sunt pe podea, te implor...
Iubire, nu mă lăsa să plec!