Rezultatele căutării pagină 8
Număr de rezultate: 279
I will never forget here your beautiful eyes
Just like the girls, the boys also are dancing,
all is good, the goose bumps on the skin.
The vibrations of music you are feeling inside,
everything just as you wanted tonight.
Everyone on the edge, we've got the drift,
moving the bodies, we are right into it.
Succulent music, good beat,
pulling you in, like a magnet.
If you remember,
Even once, about me,
If I still mean something to you,
Don't ask,
But lookup to the sky
And brightness of the stars -
There, you'll find me,
You know.
If there is a safe harbor,
Some town
And some secret corner,
Then, cry
Without hiding tears,
At least for a moment,
And know.
Let this night's memories torment
Hearts, that secretly love each other.
Let you be carried by
Some old songs,
Guitar's tearful chords.
And forgive me
For I still love you.
If there is a safe harbor,
Some town
And some secret corner,
Then, cry
Without hiding tears,
At least for a moment,
And know.
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.
Now the heart is stone
Days and years passed since
You told me: lead me.
Nights wept with rainfalls,
And music was killed by silence.
Your name was known, known to all
So at least they talked to me.
For a long time, easy dreams wouldn't call,
At night, footsteps would scare me.
And now, the heart is stone
It no longer weeps,
It's not afraid of footsteps
In the evening
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.
Come on, everybody
Come on, hypodermic needle
Blood collection tube
Neorubber tubing
Alcohol, cotton swab
An intense craving
Safe touch
Butterfly needle
Lesson One
Everybody hypodermic needle
Roll up the sleeve, place the elbow on the support
Adjust the level of the F-type support stand
Place a tourniquet
About 10 centimeters above the intended location of venipuncture
Choose a thick, straight vein in the upper arm
Clean up first with alcohol and a cotton swab
Stretch the skin out, secure the vein in place
When you puncture the vein, come at it from above
With a 10 to 20 degree angle appropriate to the movement
Anchoring the collection tube in place with the right hand,
Directly insert the empty collection tube
After drawing blood, immediately invert the mixture
Apply pressure to the location of venipuncture
With the alcohol and cotton swab as you remove the needle
Carrying oxygen, red blood cells
Fighting germs, white blood cells
Coagulating the blood, platelets
They're ingredients in the liquid, yes, blood plasma, yes, blood plasma, yes, yes, blood plasma!
Let's medical checkup!
Lesson Two
Ah, your liver function will be grateful, keep GOT
Glutamic acid, oxaloacetic acid, transaminase,
We got taurine, ornithine,
EPA, triglycerides
They work to lower the fluidity of cell walls
Yes! Medical checkup!
Hemoglobin A1C Test
After crossing Chile, Mexico, Argentina
Central and South America, I finally arrived at this island--
Ceiba Norte Village, Caguas district
I opened a hospital there in Puerto Rico because
I started getting along well with the local goats
I want to protect their smiling faces and blood sugar levels
Carrying oxygen, red blood cells
Fighting germs, white blood cells
Coagulating the blood, platelets
They're ingredients in the liquid, yes, blood plasma, yes, blood plasma, yes, yes, blood plasma!
Happy to take requests for Japanese music in particular :)
[Couplet 1]:
You're far away, but it's like you're outside my window.
I'm glad to see you, even if it's just a glimpse.
But I'm thrown in 'Ignore' when I'm not quiet,
I'm telling you, ooh.
Forget-me-not — your favourite flower,
A graceful kiss becomes the most bitter.
You love to say that I don't love you,
That only girls can love.
Forget-me-not — your favourite flower,
A graceful kiss becomes the most bitter.
You love to say that I don't love you,
That only girls can love.
[Couplet 2]:
I'm on the road to you with a bouquet in my hands,
I'm going without a ticket, straight to your heart.
It won't matter where, fear won't gnaw at me,
You have nowhere to hide from me.
It could have ended here, without starting,
But you and I would not have known who needs us.
And this day I remember, as if yesterday,
Because from that day on we were no longer 'we'.
I was late a lot, no offense,
But from now on I'll try to catch everything on time.
Maybe I did little for our love,
But till the end of my days I'll remember the forget-me-not is your flower.
Forget-me-not — your favourite flower,
A graceful kiss becomes the most bitter.
You love to say that I don't love you,
That only girls can love.
Forget-me-not — your favourite flower,
A graceful kiss becomes the most bitter.
You love to say that I don't love you,
That only girls can love.
Thanks for reading! I hope my translation helped you!
Feel free to leave a comment if I made any mistakes.
This is love
When you become unconscious
And do things that you don't usually do
When you suddenly change
This means that you are in love
When you can't distinguish
Between illusion and logic
When you can't understand
This means that you are in love
This is love not companionship
And it doesn't exist after some time
When you can't control yourself
And even you can't count to ten
By the way, love isn't a feeling
As many people think
Love is soul that takes control of us
And after that we stop being normal persons
Because this is love
In just a moment, the heart beats
Casablanca dandy
The cheek of a naughty woman
You slap once, twice
If you smoke turning your back
There's nothing left to say with that
On a happy moment, a piano melody
You pretend not to hear with your painful face
Men and women wandering like this
Played a pantomime
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
Men could be snobbish and glittering
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
Men could be snobbish and glittering
While being sad, you give a cold kiss
To the mouths of women who talk too much
You take down the back zippers
You have nothing else to do
Even if you pick only the memories
Living tomorrow, you can't help your dreams
Men and women o purpose
Were continuing a painful drama
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
You showed with style men's grinning and bearing
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
You showed with style men's grinning and bearing
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
Men could be snobbish and glittering
Bogie Bogie
Your era was good
Men could be snobbish and glittering

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I am a poor vagabond, no home and no fortune,
and I don't know any of the joys of this world.
I go through life with no direction, sorrow is my condemnation
and liquor calmed my sorrow because love is a lie.
I don't care what they say about my bohemian heart,
I get drunk because I carry in my soul a tragedy.
And so I take the path that fate condemns me
because at the end in life I will be a vagabond until I die.
I don't care what they say about my bohemian heart,
I get drunk because I carry in my soul a tragedy.
And so I take the path that fate condemns me
because at the end in life I will be a vagabond until I die.
Am pierdut cuvintele
Am pierdut cuvintele
si totusi le aveam aici acuma o clipa,
trebuia sa spun chestii
chestii per care le stii,
care trebuia
care ar trebui.
Am pierdut cuvintele
poate am pierdut doar minciunile mele,
s-au ascuns bine
dar poate,
pur si simplu
nu erau ale mele.
crezi putin
pune impreuna o inima si incearca sa auzi si apoi
crezi putin mai mult cu adevarat
Am pierdut cuvintele
si as vrea sa iti ajunga doar ceea ce am,
eu am sa ma fac inteles
si de tine,
daca asculti bine daca asculti putin.
Esti frumoasa de doare
esti frumoasa de se danseaza doar cum vrei tu
nu este nevoie de cuvinte
stiu ca stii
cuvintele mele nu mai trbuiesc.
crezi putin esti pe radiofreccia uitate in fata si apoi
crezi putin mai mult cu adevarat
Am pierdut cuvintele
sau sunt ele care ma pierd pe mine,
eu stiu ca ar trebui sa zic
chestii pe care le stii,
pe care trebuia, pe care ar trbui.
Dar am pierdut cuvintele
As vrea sa imi ajunga doar ceea ce am,
Pot sa ma fac inteles
si de tine,
daca asculti bine
daca asculti putin.
crezi putin
pune impreuna o inima si incearca sa auzi si apoi
crezi putin mai mult cu adevarat
crezi putin esti pe radiofreccia uitate in fata si apoi
crezi putin mai mult cu adevarat
Cheers to you
Thinking of the strong bonds
of the younghood days which we can't say it all
Sometimes there are wounds, sometimes joy
Pats in the shoulders, those days
Since then how much there is until now
How many setting suns we counted
¿Do the friends of your hometown
always live in your heart?
Cheers to you now that you rehearse
In the great great stage of life
A long distance you started to walk
I wish you happiness
Two people between candlelights
In that way the eyes get narrow
A great joy and a little loneliness
I want to sing with words of tears
The bodies bathe in the light of tomorrow
You can continue without looking back
Even if the wind blows, even if the rain strikes
Don't turn your back to the love you believed
Cheers to you now that you rehearse
In the great great stage of life
A long distance you started to walk
I wish you happiness
Cheers to you now that you rehearse
In the great great stage of life
A long distance you started to walk
I wish you happiness
I wish you happiness

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
That's the heat
I don't even remember my name
a ha
lying very peacefully in the sand
the street rumble
a ha
I don't care about it here
under the sun
it's so hot here
please don't get me out of here
I'm too peaceful
I don't want to know about anything today
that's the heat
The one in the middle is hot
a ha
I feel very good too
the peaceful sidewalk
a ha
life is renewed here
under the sun
It's so hot
please don't get me out of here
I'm too peaceful
I don't want to know about anything today
that's the heat
I don't even remember my name
a ha
very peaceful lying in the sand
the street rumble
a ha
I don't care about it here
under the sun here
it's so hot
please don't get me out of here
I'm too peaceful
I don't want to know about anything today
that's the heat
please don't get me out of here
I'm too peaceful
I don't want to know about anything today
that's the heat
Only you and me, together we´re the highest
Others won´t understand, they call mayday
They´d like to have what we do, they´d like to be the best
To feel high like I do, my baby
We´re flying in the feather-bed, but we don´t need feathers
Till the morning we don´t touch the door
Who doesn´t know you, doesn´t know what´s going on here
You´re my drug, it´s so hard to resist
You´re the last dose of drugs I have
You´re my taboo
I´ll take my last dose today
You ´re my taboo
You´re the last dose of drugs I have
You´re my taboo
I´ll take my last dose today
You ´re my taboo
You´re my e-e*, you´re my taboo
You´re my e-e, you´re my taboo
I´m shaking, I can´t breath properly
I don´t even remember when I had my last dose
I apply it you know where
For fifteen minutes and a few seconds
We´re flying in the feather-bed, but we don´t need feathers
If it was upon us we wouldn´t even touch the door
Till the trees will thrive, strong as we are
Till the snow is falling through our windows, you won´t resist
You´re the last dose of drugs I have
You´re my taboo
I´ll take my last dose today
You ´re my taboo
You´re the last dose of drugs I have
You´re my taboo
I´ll take my last dose today
You ´re my taboo
You´re my e-e, you´re my taboo
You´re my e-e, you´re my taboo
This is an ecstasy without ecstasy
I´m crazy even without that powder under my tongue
If the last evening of my life wwill be with you then I´m ok
And I don´t wanna wait, I want you now
My memories of you are fading like Snapchat
I have a feeling that I know your for five years now
So I´m writing those five sentences for you
You´re the last dose of drugs I have
You´re my taboo
I´ll take my last dose today
You ´re my taboo
You´re my e-e, you´re my e-e, you´re my e-e taboo taboo
You´re my e-e, you´re my e-e, you´re my e-e, you´re my taboo
You´re my e-e, you´re my e-e, you´re my e-e, you´re my taboo
You´re my e-e, you´re my e-e, you´re my e-e, you´re mine.
Next To You, The Universe
In the moment I knew you,
I had feelings.
My eyes became blind,
I stopped seeing the rest of the people.
Next to you, the universe fades.
I love you more than I can ever imagine.
Everyone I knew before you,
They were just numbers not more.
When you are next me,
I forget everyone.
I feel my heart beats stronger,
I believe the feeling.
On my way to the motel
On my way to the motel
I've been greeted by three chavs that were coming back from a party
They were taking a tea
And were arguing about life while they were going to the neighbourhood's Mass, at Colón*
On my way to the motel
While Pucho promised me he would give me a little bit from everything
I told him that rum
it wouldn't be a lack of it in the swamps of my farewell, and it's c'mon
And I'm already in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Because I'm in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Give me anything to drink
On my way to the motel
I've been greeted by three poofters that were coming back from cruising
They were taking a coffee
And were arguing about the Euribor while they were going to the neighbourhood's Mass, at Colón
On my way to the motel
While the naked muses were dancing to the sound of my song
It's my solution
To come to Marvel and tell you my experience, fasting, high as a kite
And I'm already in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Because I'm in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Give me anything to drink
And this is coming to the end, and this is going to be closed,
People are already going, close the fucking door
This is coming to the end, and this is going to be closed,
Turcana is coming to the bar, it's starting
The party is starting
And I'm already in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Because I'm in the motel, and I start drinking
And I start dancing and I start to encourage
Stupidity, give me anything to drink
Give me anything to drink
Beauty and the Beast - Eternal Story
Eternal story
How very true it is
Two strange hearts
That secret gestures
Suddenly put together
A very little change
Small differences
Both are afraid
And they are not prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Ever the same
Ever strangeness
Ever as before
Ever more certain
Than the sunrise
Eternal story
Like harmony
Bitter and sweet
To see changes
To learn the wrongs
The dreamers are preparing themselves
To begin
Once upon a time for us there were
In eternal stories
Beauty and the Beast
Once upon a time for us there were
In eternal stories
Beauty and the Beast
You'll never forget
The wind will blow in the night
Then there will be a thunderstorm
And in the morning I'll forget your eyes and your smile
I'll wake up happy again
And maybe you are somewhere in the world
Not for nothing did the furious downpour
Wash away the traces of you all night long.
I'll forget everything!
(You'll never forget)
Your voice and your face
(You'll never forget)
Your glance and your words
(You'll never forget)
I'll forget everything
(You'll never forget)
Your voice and your face
(You'll never forget)
Your glance and your words
(You'll never forget)
I'll forget everything!
Into the daybreak full of freshness
Into the dawning of the new day
There I will go so as not to remember
How you could forget me
All night long
The downpour knocked loudly and sharply at my window
And then I realised
That we broke up long ago
I'll forget everything!
(You'll never forget)
Your voice and your face
(You'll never forget)
Your glance and your words
(You'll never forget)
I'll forget everything
(You'll never forget)
Your voice and your face
(You'll never forget)
Your glance and your words
(You'll never forget)
I'll forget everything!
You will remember
You will remember
You will remember!
Tomorrow will probably be fine
Saiki Kenzou / Kubota Haruo
Tomorrow will probably be fine
Life cannot start but from a laughter
Yesterday too is probably fine
As nobody cares about what already passed by
Things that differ from expectations occur everyday
So even with you I'm always full of insecurities
Relying on fortune-telling alone, what would we do next?
The reality in front of our eyes becomes more and more alien to us
Lessons are no use, as now we have manuals
My feelings towards you refuse to take shape
Why can't I tell you just by typing on a keyboard?
The wallpaper whirls and becomes a mandala
Buddha will probably be fine
Good luck cannot start but from a prayer
Our hopes too will probably be fine
As nobody remembers what was decided
Tomorrow will probably be fine
Life cannot start but from a laughter
Yesterday too is probably fine
As nobody cares about what already passed by
Buddha will probably be fine
Good luck cannot start but from a prayer
Our hopes too will probably be fine
As nobody remembers what was decided
Tell Me Grandpa (Apertura)
Grandpa, tell me:
What sounds are these I hear?
Grandpa, tell me:
Why am I flying on this cloud?
Tell me, why does the air smell so?
Tell me, why am I so happy?
I'll never be away from you.
Grandpa, tell me:
What the wind is saying in its song.
Grandpa, tell me:
Why did it rain? Why did it snow?
Tell me, why is everything white?
Tell me, why am I son happy?
I'll never be away from you.
Grandpa, tell me:
If the fir tree can talk to me.
Grandpa, tell me:
Why is the moon leaving?
Tell me, why did come up here?
Tell me, why am I so happy?
I'll never be away from you.
I want to be with you this summer that we'll never have again...
on my way home, an emergency call rings out suddenly
recently something is strange
vaguely I have noticed it though
what on earth caused us,
extremely ordinary girls to be chosen?
ordinary? I'm just kidding, in fact
we are hardly competent girls, you know
A fever of love doesn't need to cool
but even so, it's too hot
this is the only way...
(do you have a love?) spare me your love
(do you have a love?) please give it to me
we need your power
you and me were able to meet in Akihabara
this town, this earth
I want to keep taking care of them forever, so...
we still don't have enough
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
we have to turn up the kindness level more
turn your hot heart into cooling power, and
have a little courage
you can do it, too!
(do you have a love?) spare me your love
(do you have a love?) please give it to me
we need your power
you and me were able to meet in Akihabara
this town, this earth
I want to keep taking care of them forever, so...
in this summer we'll never have again, with you...
(do you have a love?) spare me your love
(do you have a love?) please give it to me
we need your power
you and me were able to meet in Akihabara
this town, this earth
I want to keep taking care of them forever, so...
I'm happy to have been with you in this summer we'll never have again
thank you, I was able to spend with you this summer
Happy hour
They say everything is already written anyway
So it’s no point sweating
You are born fire-raiser, you are dead fireman, so they say
They say you just need to get killed
If you want to rock one way or another
And that we’ll bring flowers there, in the graveyards of myth
This is already happy hour
Living, living you can pay it half its price
How much does it cost pretending
Of being a star?
They say you are only born to suffer
But if you suffer well enough you’ll win a consolation prize
Anyone not jumping is the exception
They say dreams are all for free
But they’re almost all second-hand
Cover up well, ‘cause the world doesn’t pay well here
This is already happy hour
Living, living you can pay it half its price
How much does it cost pretending
Of being a star?
This is already happy hour
Living, living only half a life
And the life you’re not spending
What interest will yield?
You may still die
Only ever living by hearsay
You may still die
Of the lack of food you have
They say Heaven makes you toe the line
And that in Hell you can whoop it up
While you can’t help sentencing yourself to Purgatory
This is already happy hour
Living, living you can pay it half its price
How much does it cost pretending
Of being a star?
This is already happy hour
Living, living only half a life
And the life you’re not spending
What interest will yield?
People come and go
Versions: #2
People come and go
As if we were dancing
People come and go
Thinking that one life might not be enough
Poeple come and go
Now holding life by the tail
In case God isn't at home
People come and go hanging onto each other
Keeping themselves standing as that's how they do
People come and go forever
Between pleasure and pain more or less
Coming into the way more or less
Go, come and go, as you wish
You're born alone and alone you shall go
It's in between that you have
That great traffic
The traffic that you can
People come and go
Searching for a reason
That, later on, in the end
All the reason is here
People come and go
From a human comedy
There are those who explain it
And there are those who live and go
Still whistling
Singing their reason
For them a reason will do anyway
Go, come and go, as you wish
You're born alone and alone you go
It's in between that you have
That great traffic
The traffic
The traffic
The traffic
That you can
Go, come and go, as you wish
You're born alone and alone you go
It's in between that you have
That great traffic
The traffic
The traffic
The traffic
The traffic
That you can
Just Know
You were always here with him, or more correctly, beside him
He thought you were only his, he would argue with himself
If it's right to let you go without a fight
He would always tell of dreams that he dreamt at night
How every morning he would wake up with the same feelings
Understand that, he's trying to move on just like you.
So just know,
That if he rises from the fall, it just proves,
That he keeps his promise
To be with you, through good or bad, even when it's awful
I know he's a fool and sometimes he misses you,
So just know that even now he's losing his mind
Don't forget that he's the same one that had always, been waiting just for you
He always tells to his friends, saying
That he got over you long ago, but he's lying again
Don't be angry with him 'cause between us, he tries really hard
To be a better friend, to learn to love again,
Even if it's not up close, even if it's just writing it down on paper
All of his emotions, he gets all confused
So just know,
That if he rises from the fall, it just proves,
That he keeps his promise
To be with you, through good or bad, even when it's awful
I know he's a fool and sometimes he misses you,
So just know that even now he's losing his mind
Don't forget that he's the same one that had always, been waiting just for you
And your eyes had always made him fall,
But now he stands and says it all
He's sorry and explains that it wasn't easy for him
But that same promise she heard the other day
That he would be next to her through light and dark
With all the pain and difficulties, he's still there with her
So just know,
That if he rises from the fall, it just proves,
That he keeps his promise
To be with you, through good or bad, even when it's awful
I know he's a fool and sometimes he misses you,
So just know that even now he's losing his mind
Don't forget that he's the same one that had always, been waiting just for you
When the sun will rise, the screen of light will show
Scents in various colors intoxicate me
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway
Now it's moon time, we'll scatter to the stars
'What are running from? Are you scared', she asked me
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway, anyway
Behind the sun there's a place that's only yours and mine
And an evening wind reminds me of who I am
Let's go home (Let's go), we got nothing to do with it
If it won't happen tonight (Maybe in a different world)
It won't happen anyway, anyway
You are so good Lord
From the north to south
And the east to west
That's how wide your love is
You treated me as a friend although a sinner
You loved me ever since
You're so good Lord Jesus
You're so good in my life o God
I can't describe it
Here in my mind
You're goodness is everlasting
Usio pasprabuj
Ja viedaju jak harenić pamylak smak
Dy ŭjecca karahod strat i niagod.
I chaj upadu, sa šliachu ja nie źviarnu,
I kročyć praciahnu ŭ budučy dzień.
Pierad paliotam ŭpadzieš ty nie raz,
Kab navučycca - vučysia z paraz.
I nie spynić mianie, nie strymać,
Ŭdalieč ja hliadž, nie zatarmažu
I ja sabie kažu ty ŭsio pasprabuj!
Mianie navat promacham nie spužać.
I nie spynić mianie, nie strymać,
Ŭdalieč ja hliadž, nie zatarmažu
I ja sabie kažu ty ŭsio pasprabuj!
Mianie navat promacham nie spužać.
O, o, o, o, o
Ŭsio pasprabuj
O, o, o, o, o
Ŭsio pasprabuj
O, o, o, o, o
Novych pamylak čakaju ja
Chaj adbyvajucca choć štodnia
Ŭsio novyja
O, o, o, o, o
Ŭsio pasprabuj
O, o, o, o, o
Ŭsio pasprabuj
O, o, o, o, o
Ŭsio pasprabuj
Three beats
Versions: #3
I was standing far by the sea at sunset WA AT GHROOB ELSHAMS WAIEF ALA ELBAHER BE IED
I was complaining and hanging loosely, explaining to the sea once and again AMMAL BAHKILO WA ASHKILO WA ASHRAH WA AIED
Suddenly I saw her, and I thought she was a mermaid FAG AA LAAIT HA WE KONT FAKERHA AROSET EL BAHER
Getting out of the water with a glimpse more powerful than magic KHAGAA MEN EL MAIA WE TALETHA A AWA MEN EL SEHER
@When I saw her, my heart beat three times LAMA SHOFTAHA ALBI DA AA TAALET DAA AT
Hearing the drumbeat in my head, and shifting things inside WE ALTABLA DAKHALET LEBET GWA DEMAGHY HAGAT
When the Riq entered in my heart, It softened it and I fell in love LAMA EL RIQ DAKHAL ALBI RA WA HANAIT
So what could I do? I began to sing TAB HAAMEL A ROHET ANA GHANAIT
How did love touch my heart? This is beyond imagination EMTA ELHOB TALL ALBI WALA FI EL KHIAL
In just your body, many ballads can be sung AODEK DA FIH YETAAL MAWAL
Oh, wow, How beautiful are the days WE YA AINY YA YA SEEDY ALA EL AYAM
when they gift our hearts all the love, only then all the past is made up for LAMA TEHADI ALOBNA GHARAM, FAGAA YOHOON KOL ELLY FAAT
All of a sudden, a big conflict started inside of me WE LAAAET GOWAYA KHENA AA KEREERA AAMET ALA TOOL
My brain is reasoning with me while my heart is telling me to go and tell her AALI YAALNI WE ALBI YU OOLI ROH LAHA OOL
In seconds my heart was the winner MAKHADITCH SAWANY WE KAN ALBI TELEA KASBAN
I went ahead and told her that I am in love ROHET WE OLTELHA EN ANA WALHAN
How did love touch my heart? This is beyond imagination EMTA ELHOB TALL ALBI WALA FI EL KHIAL
In just your love, many ballads can be sung HOBIK DA FIH YETAAL MAWAL
Oh, wow, How beautiful are the days WE YA AINY YA YA SEEDY ALA EL AYAM
when they gift our hearts all the love, only then all the past is made up for LAMA TEHADI ALOBNA GHARAM, FAGAA YOHOON KOL ELLY FAAT
Months and years pass by and we have never forgotten WE TOMOR SHOHOOR WE SENEEN ALA YOMHA WE MOSH NASYEEN
When and where did I see you, the love of my life? ANA SHOFTAK EMTA YA HOB ELOMR WE SHOFTAK FAIN
Together we come to tell our story to the sea WE BENEEGY SAWA NEHKI HEKAYETNA HENA LILBAHER
About a love story, more powerful than magic AN ESET HOB, AAWA MIN EL SEHER
How did love touch my heart? This is beyond imagination EMTA ELHOB TALL ALBI WALA FI EL KHIAL
In just your passion, many ballads can be sung AISHAAK DA FIH YETAAL MAWAL
Oh, wow, How beautiful are the days WE YA AINY YA YA SEEDY ALA EL AYAM
when they gift our hearts all the love, only then all the past is made up for LAMA TEHADI ALOBNA GHARAM, FAGAA YOHOON KOL ELLY FAAT
Repeat @
I bit onto a colourful apple
Versions: #2
Ah, I bit onto a colourful apple,
Ah, and I kissed a beautiful brunette girl
Ah, how the colourful apple is like,
Ah, but the brunette is even more sweet
Ah, o girl, my sweet, Sweetie
Ah, who gave you such a name?
Ah, are you an angel, or a heavenly maiden,
Ah, or has your mother given birth to you beside the paradise?
Ah, I'm neither an angel, nor a heavenly maiden,
Ah, neither my mother gave birth to be by the paradise
Love, it ain't no joke
A drink, please
Clear the way for me
Cause this hot chick wants to dance
Hey, more attention
Please, don't make ugly faces
I want you to work for it
When I shake my booty
Fuckboys go crazy till Monday
Fuck-fuckboys go crazy
Hypnosis, you lost your mind
Way up there in VIP box, I look at you
And then I kiss other dude
Right plan, I got it all worked out
Smart boy, really shredded
Take your time, but be hungry
Your munchies called out, fuckboy named it
1, 2, 3
Break me, fuckboy!
Break, go
Go, go, go, go
Fuckboy, fuckboy
Love, it ain't no joke
A drink, please
Clear the way for me
Cause this hot chick wants to dance
Hey, more attention
Please, don't make ugly faces
I want you to work for it
When I shake my booty
Fuckboys go crazy till Monday
Fuck-fuckboys go crazy
Hypnosis, you lost your mind
Way up there in VIP box, I look at you
And then I kiss other dude
Right plan, I got it all worked out
Smart boy, really shredded
Take your time, but be hungry
Your munchies called out, fuckboy named it
1, 2, 3
Break me, fuckboy!
Break, go
Go, go, go, go
Fuck, baby
Hey, fuckboy
King of the world
You can't handle me for a second
Pull yourself together
Because I am craving
I don't lose my charm, I'm well
I'm well
Come with me
The Lord's Prayer
Our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive our debts
As we have forgiven our debtors
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom
Power and the Glory
For ever and ever
The Lord's Prayer
Our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive our debts
As we have forgiven our debtors
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom
Power and the Glory
For ever and ever
Kiss ya hands ..
I'm from the 'Company BiBaBumBumBamBriBumBiBum SA'
S.. how !??...
S- ya mother
'PaBaBaBum … PaBiBaBum'
Messy ....
PaBaBaBum … PaBiBaBum
Ya want a drink !? i won't give ya !!
What the fuc* ... just like that, cause i'm not in the mood
But what, 'i'm a boss at the 'Red Cross' or i patronate the UNICEF!?
Hold up the door , cause there's no light and i'm slipping...i'm not
really standin' up right
'If i am to pis* , i want to pis* till the washbasin right away
Isn'it that 'i'm beautiful!? i'm the perfect man! '
Them puss*es are passing me by , it seems to me rightly right
I accept sponsorships, 'put for me 1000$ into the poor box '
Cause it'll help on the future at the development of the
I pis* on the U.E , to be read as European Union
Cause i didn't received from them alcohol, or something for free
The American's have come , they've constated that i'm cool
I'm travelling with the tram since than , see ..the destiny of Teo
Hello , The police!?
I still wait a clever answear ...
Why only on my financial penalties is written the 'right price'!?
I'm drinkin' and drivin' spectaculary..I'm 'floating' with 4 wheels
in air
How i proceed 'move that crosswalk', if i'm smashin'
a sucke*!?
I beat them full of airs beggars, same like the state beats
up the protestants
I discover that they don't have shi* ...Fuc* them , pretenders
I'm pretending an intensive 'interest for the nation'
Close up the doors, cause i don't throw, i elaborate a motion
Open the bar , fill up my cup, to lift up my morale
'Cause is down , same like the Romanian Leu in it's fight with the $
Prepare ya suitcase, ...i insist , that i treat, don't be surprised !
On purpouse...i'm goin to hell , and i'm takin' all of ya with me, for free!
I'm pawnin' the 'woman' and the key from the basement
Take them bro, and give me on them 2 beers and a Pall
Mall Menthol
And now , pour more , my look to get right again
Be polite ...'Missy...Can ya dance something for us at the pool!?
The wind to blow me off, if i'm lying to you, i to extinguish if
i'm understanding how ....
Some are pussie* more pussie* than the pussie* like Justin
Ya keep dancing, balancing yourself', and pitty on ya as*
Cause them boys have their eyes on ya, to make of you the
'Miss Prisson'
The bartender i'm holding him 'hostage' till the middle of the night
You know it ...that i'm sleepin more often among the water
holes than refugees
Come on , a lady's coming ...pour another 100ml in the cup
I, to go in fumes , in one foot like Prigoana ...
PaBaBaBum … PaBiBaBum
PaBaBaBum … PaBiBaBum
Accept me!
Accept me!
Why are you insisting to change me?
Making me be someone who doesn't belong to me
If I become the way you want,
Believe me then
You will suffer the loss
You seek control
You want a heart built on your rules for you
To eliminate and change its soul
My heart is your last call
You are even depriving me to be myself
When I look to myself at the mirror, 'To whom this picture belongs' I ask
When I get closer to you
I detach from myself more and more
Leave me the way I am
If I want to change I will do so
You seek control
You want a heart built on your rules for you
To eliminate and change its soul
My heart is your last call