Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 47
Forgive Me
Open your eyes, listen to meTomorrow is still far away so come closer to me
We have been waiting for a while, but this will be our moment
Let it all go and the rest will come easy
Forgive me that look in my eyes
Forgive me the way I'm exploring you
I want to keep on feeling the thoughts I've had so often
I want to die in your arms every hour of the night
Forgive me that look in my eyes
Forgive me that I have to admit
I want to keep on feeling the thoughts I've had so often
I want to die in your arms every hour of the night
Let me look into your soul, tell me your story
Don't let this moment pass by, tell me your name
Hand me over your weapons, whisper to me loudly
I will surrender throughout the entire night
Forgive me that look in my eyes
Forgive me the way I'm exploring you
I want to keep on feeling the thoughts I've had so often
I want to die in your arms every hour of the night
Forgive me that look in my eyes
Forgive me the color of my voice
I want to keep on feeling the thoughts I've had so often
I want to die in your arms every hour of the night
Never, never!
I never though there would be someone like you
Never, no never!
I never felt this high and yet so clearly minded
Above the ground
Forgive me that look in my eyes
Forgive me the way I'm exploring you
I want to keep on feeling the thoughts I've had so often
I want to die in your arms every hour of the night
Forgive me!
Forgive me!
I want to keep on feeling the thoughts I've had so often
I want to die in your arms every hour of the night
Dog heart
Earlier today I was fineWithout any longing for you
I accepted that invitation to drink
Everything went wrong, I looked to my side
It was you at the other table, with company
This dog heart is in love with you
When he sees you, he goes
Au, bark, dog heart, bark heart
Au, bark, dog heart, bark heart
Au, bark, dog heart, let out that howl
Bark heart
Bark heart
Earlier today I was fine
Without any longing for you
I accepted that invitation to drink
Everything went wrong, I looked to my side
It was you at the other table, with company
This dog heart is in love with you
When he sees you, he goes
Au, bark, dog heart, bark heart
Au, bark, dog heart, bark heart
Au, bark, dog heart, let out that howl
Ávine Vinny e 'MF' (Matheus Fernandes)
night of your life
Give me a night of your life, and let me tell you about it ...Every time the sun rose ... he would start talking to us ..
It is difficult for us to be together now ..
And how many times have we said goodbye, without joy
You always made me feel these feelings, I don't deserve them
Every night, hear the sound of my wounds ...
My voice is choking, my throat is prickling ...
And you think you are normal ... and you are strange, my heart is burning but your heart is not burning ...
You don't feel ... we broke up and other things ...
Nothing changes for you.
I went away ... but my feelings were close to you.
Your heart is dead, your heart is no longer in love
Să respir
[Carolina Deslandes]Știu că uneori nu reușesc să văd,
Știu că meriți mai mult,
Știu că uneori te fac să suferi,
Nu-ți citesc semnalele.
Dar ziua s-a născut
Și cu ea - o șansă de a o lua de la capăt.
Și dacă dragostea n-a murit,
Am toată viațф mea să-ți arăt...
[Diogo Piçarra]
Că fără tine nu știu să trăiesc,
Fără tine nu știu să vorbesc,
Ce ar fi dacă te-ar lua de lângă mine?
[Carolina Deslandes]
Că fără tine nu știu să trăiesc,
Fără tine nu știu să vorbesc,
Câtă nevoie am de tine...
[Carolina, Agir e Diogo]
Ca să respir,
Ca să respir.
Știu că niciodată nu te-am meritaе,
Știu bine că te-am dezamăgit,
E mult mai mult decât mi-am cerut,
Dar fac tot posibilul.
[Diogo Piçarra]
Astăzi ziua s-a născut
Și cu ea - o șansă de a o lua de la capăt.
Și dacă dragostea n-a murit,
Am toată viața mea să-ți arăt...
[Carolina, Agir e Diogo]
Că fără tine nu știu să trăiesc,
Fără tine nu știu să vorbesc,
Ce ar fi dacă te-ar lua de lângă mine?
Că fără tine nu știu să trăiesc,
Fără tine nu știu să vorbesc,
Câtă nevoie am de tine...
Ca să respir,
Ca să respir.
Știu că uneori
Nu merit ceea ce-mi dai
Ca să respir.
Ca să respir,
Să respir,
Ca să respir,
Ca să respir.
Ca să respir.
Ea mi-a spus: iubește-mă,Ia-mă în brațe
Nu mai am pe nimeni
Nu-ți lăsa mirosul
Să-mi impregneze cearceafurile
Dacă mă abandonezi
Nu sunt cine crezi tu
Niciun ticălos nu m-a atins
În afară de tine caballero
Nu, nu m-a atins nimeni.
Am găsit-o stând singură
Ca în gol,
Ea pare tristuță
Și e bine, am umeri puternici
Un pic de alinare
Vorbesc cu ea și aflu cât de mult a suferit
Este un copil de război
Care își ascunde sentimentele
La mii de metri sub pământ
Cocaina, cocaina i-a luat familia
Este o clandestină, clandestină din Miami
Ea mi-a spus: iubește-mă,
Ia-mă în brațe
Nu mai am pe nimeni
Nu-ți lăsa mirosul
Să-mi impregneze cearceafurile
Dacă mă abandonezi
Nu sunt cine crezi tu
Niciun ticălos nu m-a atins
În afară de tine caballero
Nu, nu m-a atins nimeni.
Aș fi putut să-ți spun cât de sexy este
Dar nu de data asta, nu de asta
Am dorit-o pentru mine, recunosc că am slăbit
Era povestea ei sau desigur whisky-ul
Și i-am văzut cuvintele, când îmi vorbea despre ei
Și i-am văzut părinții, i-am văzut cuvintele
Ea și fratele ei erau fericiți, atât de fericiți
Într-o zi focul le-a luat sufletele
Pentru că alții au decis
Ca americanii să ia droguri
Sacrificăm destinele
Ea mi-a spus: iubește-mă,
Ia-mă în brațe
Nu mai am pe nimeni
Nu-ți lăsa mirosul
Să-mi impregneze cearceafurile
Dacă mă abandonezi
Nu sunt cine crezi tu
Niciun ticălos nu m-a atins
În afară de tine caballero
Nu, nu m-a atins nimeni.
Ea mi-a spus: iubește-mă, (x4)
Iubește-mă, iubește-mă
Nu mai am pe nimeni
Nu-ți lăsa mirosul
Dacă mă abandonezi
Iubește-mă, iubește-mă
Nu mai am pe nimeni
Nu-ți lăsa mirosul
Dacă mă abandonezi
Dacă mă abandonezi
Ea mi-a spus: iubește-mă,
Ia-mă în brațe
Nu mai am pe nimeni
Nu-ți lăsa mirosul
Să-mi impregneze cearceafurile
Dacă mă abandonezi
Nu sunt cine crezi tu
Niciun ticălos nu m-a atins
În afară de tine caballero
Nu, nu m-a atins nimeni.
My soul loves you
My soul loves you and I feel that you're as precious as this soulI miss you for no reason, I don't know why
How can I explain a feeling to you other than saying
there is a heart that loves you more than it loves its owner
I love your voice which is a medicine for wounds
I love your name and I get lost if it's mentioned around me
I'm not saying you are on my mind, coming and going
I am telling you you are my mind and I praise it
I find myself in your eyes as the sky and ambition
How I love those sleepy eyes
Your preciousness in my soul is as big as open space
and within your ribs I hid a heart
Your satisfaction with my life is my happiness and victory
I will fight the world to buy your satisfaction
and on the embers of envy, as long as the coffee pots stay fragrant
we will drink the coffee of love and put out the flames
Take my eyes and read what I couldn't say
Take my life, I don't want it without you
I love you so much that my soul asks
if it's really my heart or if you're its owner
Computer Engineer
COMPUTER ENGINEERIt is ironic that you married a computer engineer
It is ironic that in the end up went to study like everyone
You told me you wanted to be unique
You told me that you dreamed about conquering the world
I remember you breathing heavily..
It is funny that you now have an office and an administrative assistant
And a beautiful white leased Mazda
You told me once that you feared commitments
You told me that you could not be mine
I remember you breathing heavily..
Hey-Yo - He doesn’t have any problems
Hey-Yo - No doubt he is a lucky man
Hey-Yo - He has a retirement plan
Hey-Yo - No doubt he deserves to die already
Let me guess, you bought a house in the neighborhood
In order not to be too far from the parents
And how do all the house look all the same
And all the people look satisfied
I remember you breathing heavily..
Hey-Yo - He doesn’t have any problems
Hey-Yo - No doubt he is a lucky man
Hey-Yo - He has a retirement plan
Hey-Yo - No doubt he deserves to die already
Oh My nights
oh my nights my nightsthey said it is love is what I feel
then what is the reason for this unhappiness
oh my nights my nights
oh my nights tell them
that my heart did not forget about them
tell that cruel how I feel
oh my nights my nights
after all what has happened to me
oh people, my soul is sick
the sorrows and the concerns are all around me
and I cry every night
my love has betrayed me
after all what we lived together
with his love he decided to kill me
and the easiest way was the deception
I used to think that everybody is just like me
living helpless
my heart today has become ill
the sorrows are so heavy
who will carry these sorrows for me
who can heal the wound in my heart
after everything
now my soul is sick
oh my nights my nights
they said it is love is what I feel
then what is the reason for this unhappiness
oh my nights my nights
One Day My Friend Left Here
One day my friend left herewithout seeing me, and since I didn't see him,
mother, I'm going to die now.
When he met me, it wasn't good for him,
for he was dying of love for me, and because of that,
mother, I'm going to die now.
He left here and dared not talk to me
neither dared I to him, and sad because of that,
mother, I'm going to die now.
I Love My Lady So Much
I love my lady so muchthat I don't even know how to react!
But she doesn't even remember
me... thus I'll die of love!
Thus I'll die in love for someone who
neither wishes ill upon me nor wishes well upon me!
When I tell her
about how much love hurts me,
she neither saddens nor rejoices,
nor even notices me.
Thus I'll die in love for someone who
neither wishes ill upon me nor wishes well upon me!
What an adventure God's brought me:
making me love such a woman
who doesn't want my work!
I'll die for someone who doesn't want me!
Thus I'll die in love for someone who
neither wishes ill upon me nor wishes well upon me!
See this suffering:
I always have to serve
that woman who doesn't want to thank me,
nor wish ill upon me nor wish well upon me!
Thus I'll die in love for someone who
neither wishes ill upon me nor wishes well upon me!
How Much Pain Must I Go Through?
I must go through much painfor loving my friend whom I can't see,
I'll sleep under the hazelnut tree.
I must endure much pain
for loving my friend to whom I can't tell that,
I'll sleep under the hazelnut tree.
I, for loving my friend without seeing him,
dare not even show him my pain which I must talk to him about
I'll sleep under the hazelnut tree.
I, for loving my friend without seeing him,
dare not even show him my pain which I must tell him
I'll sleep under the hazelnut tree.
I dare not show him my pain which I must tell him
and I won't calm down for falling in love with him,
I'll sleep under the hazelnut tree.
I dare not show him my pain which I must talk to him about
and I won't settle down for falling in love with him,
I'll sleep under the hazelnut tree.
Flamandele dansează fără să râdăfără nimic de zis duminicilor ce răsună
Flamandele dansează fără să zică o vorbă
Flamandele, care n-au cauză
Dacă dansează, e fiindcă au 20 de ani
Și că la douăzeci trebuie să te logodezi
Te logodeşti ca să te poţi căsătorii
şi te căsătoreşti ca să ai copii
fiindcă aşa au zis părinţii lor,
dascălul şi eminenţa sa
Arhiepiscopul de la mânăstire
şi de aceea, ei bine, de-asta dansează
Flamandele dansează fără să se rătăcească
fără să se rătăcească duminicile ce răsună
Flamandele dansează fără să se rătăcească
Flamandele nu sunt rătăcitoare
Dancă dansează, e fiindcă au 30 de ani
şi la 30 de ani e bine să arăţi
că totul e bine, creşti copiii
şi hameiul şi grâul din luncă
Ele sunt mândria părinţilor lor
şi ale dascălului şi-ale eminenţei sale
şi ale arhiepiscopului de la mânăstire
şi de aceea, ei bine, de-asta dansează
Flamandele dansează fără a surâde
fără a surâde duminicilor cu răsunet
Flamandele dansează fără a surâde
Flamndele, astea nu-s surâzăoare
Dacă ele dansează, e fiindcă au 70 de ani
şi la 70 de ani e bine să arăţi
că totu-i bine, că ai nepoţi de crescut
şi hameiul şi grâul din luncă
Toate poartă negru ca părinţii lor
ca dascălul şi eminenţa sa
şi ale arhiepiscopului de la mânăstire
Ele moștenesc și de aceea dansează
Flamandele dansează fără să piardă
Fără a pierde duminicile
Flamandele dansează fără să piardă
Flamanda nu se pierd
Dacă dansează, este pentru că au 'n' ani
Și acei ani 'n' este bine să-i arăți
Că totul este bine, că avem întotdeauna picior bun
Și hamei bun și grâul bun în luncă
Ele merg să-și găsească părinții
Și dascălul și chiar și eminenţa sa
Arhiepiscopul care preducă la mănăstire
Și de aceea e ultima dată când dansează
Fla - Flaul - Flamanda.
i love you
if i could i would scream to the whole universe that i love youand love is felt not just by talking
i read in your lips every word your heart said
love is a soul that shows so much in caring for someone
and i feel you and i swear i really feel you
and whatever i see in my life i would still hold on to you
my back my protection you are my support and my strength
and when im weak i will run to you to defend me
wave your hand and say i love you every second
you are my soul and if im in pain then you are my cure
beside i feel as myself and stay another one
one who owns this life even if i have my needs
India, părul tău îţi cade pe umeriNegru precum noaptea fără lună
Buzele tale de trandafir îmi surâd
Şi dulcea tandreţe a ochilor tăi
India cu pielea arămie, doresc să îţi sărut gura ta mică
India, cu sânge amerindian, tu miroşi a flori
Vino, pentru că vreau să-ţi dau
Toată dragostea mea
Când voi pleca departe
Şi va veni ora despărţirii
Stai în braţele mele doar o clipă
Lasă-mi buzele să se unească cu ale tale
India, voi lua nostalgia fericirii pe care mi-ai dat-o
India, imaginea ta
Mă însoţeşte întotdeauna
În inima mea, floare a Paraguay-ului meu
Indian Girl
Indian girl, your hair fallen on your shoulder,As dark as a moonless night,
Your rose-like lips, smiling to me
And the sweet fondness of your eyes.
Swarthy Indian girl, I want to kiss your little mouth.
Indian girl, Tupi blooded, you smell of flower.
Come, I want to give you
All my great love.
When I’ll go far away
And the time arrives to say farewell
Stay in my arms just a moment more
And let my lips join yours.
Indian girl, I’ll miss the happiness you gave me.
Indian girl, your image
Will always go with me
Inside my heart, flower of my dear Paraguay.
I Hardly Forgot
I hardly forgot her, isn't it cruel to remind me?Have mercy on my eyes, it got dry out of crying
Don't mention my beloved, please help me get over her
Everytime you mention her, my heart gets weak
I'm lying, I know, I haven't forgotten about her, but you should help me
Help me get away with this lie, like nothing have changed in me when I heard her name
And If you saw me crying, don't wipe my tears away
Maybe my memories will fall down with my tears too
If I got weak, couldn't resist and went to her, stop me please, don't let me go forward
It's out of my hands, whenever I remember her my heart stops beating
I didn't find an answer to my question, believe me
I couldn't know, if she is feeling the same way I do, or this is just a one sided love
“Whatever troubles that soul is reflected, magically, in the poetry. Reading Arabic poetry, therfore, is not an idle excercise. It is a trip inside the Arab soul.”
Don't leave me
(CAROLINA)The sun left the sky to let the moon shine
And the rain stopped falling
To dry the soil and see
Flowers and fruits sprouting around
Don't leave me
Because I can't live alone
And there's nothing I feel unless
Sadness when your hand isn't in mine
Don't leave me
Because I can't live alone
And there's nothing I feel unless
Sadness when your hand isn't in mine
The sea left the beach to see it grow
And boats must leave
To bring home the dinner
Of women and children
Don't leave me
Because I can't live alone
And there's nothing I feel unless
Sadness when your hand isn't in mine
Don't leave me
Because I can't live alone
And there's nothing I feel unless
Sadness when your hand isn't in mine
Unless sadness when your hand isn't in mine
Unless sadness when your hand
Isn't in mine
Stop, Think and See
What will you choose?Stop, think and see
She called you to say that is over
She left you and you held the bottle
Full head, you don't think about nothing else
Get on your stuff and go, you only want to left home
No one to talk with and the lane is full
Too proud to go on a ride
Speeding up with no fear in the veins
But wait, you don't want to leave this story uncompleted
How she ended leaving you?
You are blinded, with no calm or restraint
Life without her doesn't even any sense
But that was when the shock happened and you lost your senses
Stop, think and see!
What will you choose?
To live your life in a second or to have a second in life
What will you choose?
Stop, think and see!
What will you choose?
What will you choose?
Stop, think and see!
What will you choose?
Now it's late and you feel your body tired
You drink more coffee to stand up for a while
Your father invites you to stay because the bedroom is right there
You nod refusal, you have a busy day
But the rain falls outside and the road is dangerous
It's better to stay now than risking your whole life
It's better to change the hour than going with no return
Wake up before you leave through that door
How could you go?
You closed your eyes for a while
You could have changed your destiny
But that was when the shock happened and you lost your senses
Stop, think and see!
What will you choose?
To live your life in a second or to have a second in life
What will you choose?
Stop, think and see!
What will you choose?
What will you choose?
Stop, think and see!
What will you choose?
What will you choose?
Stop, think and see!
Stop, think and see!
What will you choose?
To live your life in a second or to have a second in life
What will you choose?
Stop, think and see!
What will you choose?