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My Being Without You feat. Mickael Carreira
I'm in need of that embrace of yours
Of that love of yours that puts me at ease
I'm in need of those dark eyes of yours
Of that snow-white smile of yours
I'm in need of those eyes that slay me
Of those warm lips that wrench me inside out
I'm missing that beautiful face
That asks me to say for just one more second
I'm like a jungle craving rain
A chilly dawn awaiting the sun
I've become as needy as a prisoner
I'm living a nightmare, a passionless kiss
I'm ready to take on the world
To forever be the guide for your heart
I'm one half of a love that resonates
Through a poem in the form of a song
Without you I'm a hunter without a hunt
Without you loneliness takes me in its embrace
Without you I'm less than a half
I'm an inability to live on my own
Without you, my being without you
I'm in need of that embrace of yours
Of that love of yours that puts me at ease
I'm in need of those dark eyes of yours
Of that snow-white smile of yours
I'm in need of those eyes that slay me
Of those warm lips that wrench me inside out
I'm missing that beautiful face
That asks me to say for just one more second
I'm like a jungle craving rain
A chilly dawn awaiting the sun
I've become as needy as a prisoner
I'm living a nightmare, a passionless kiss
I'm ready to take on the world
To forever be the guide for your heart
I'm one half of a love that resonates
Through a poem in the form of a song
Without you I'm a hunter without a hunt
Without you loneliness takes me in its embrace
Without you I'm less than a half
I'm an inability to live on my own
Without you, my being without you
Without you I'm a hunter without a hunt
Without you loneliness takes me in its embrace
Without you I'm less than a half
I'm an inability to live on my own
Without you
Without you
Without you
My being without you
Without you
To Breathe
[Carolina Deslandes]
I know that sometimes I don't see it
I know that you deserve better
I know that sometimes I make you suffer
That I don't read your signs
But a new day has come
And with it a chance to start anew
And if love hasn't died
I have a whole lifetime to show you
[Diogo Piçarra]
That without you I don't know how to live
Without you I don't even know how to put into words
What would become of me if you were taken away
[Carolina Deslandes]
Without you I don't know how to live
Without you I don't even know how to put into words
How badly I need you
[Carolina, Agir e Diogo]
To breathe, to breathe air
To breathe, to breathe air
I know that I've never deserved you
I know well that I've failed you
You're so much more than I asked for
But I do my best, mmm
[Diogo Piçarra]
Today a new day has come
And with it a chance to start anew
And if love hasn't died
I have a whole lifetime to show you
[Carolina, Agir e Diogo]
That without you I don't know how to live
Without you I don't even know how to put into words
What would become of me if you were taken away
Without you I don't know how to live
Without you I don't even know how to put into words
How badly I need you
To breathe, to breathe air
To breathe, to breathe air
I know that sometimes
I don't deserve what you give me
To breathe, to breathe air (yeah)
To breathe, to breathe air
To breathe (to breathe air)
To breathe, to breathe air
To breathe, to breathe air
To breathe, to breathe air
Sînt Eu în Tine
Sînt strălucirea ochilor tăi cînd te uiți la mine
Sînt zîmbetul tău cînd cîstigi un sarut de la mine.
Sînt întregul tău corp tremurînd
Cînd ai fost în brațe, ai salutat.
Sînt secretul tău cel mai ascuns
Dorința cea mai profundă, voința ta
Foamea ta de plăcere, fără a te ascunde
Sînt sursa ta de bucurie, sînt visul tău.
Sînt umbra ta, sînt ghidul tau.
Sînt lumina lunii în lumină naturală
Sînt pielea ta, protecția este căldura ta
Sînt parfumul tău pentru a parfuma dragostea noastră.
Sînt dorința ta reprimată
Sînt sîngele tău cînd mă uit la jocul meu
Sînt pieptul tău cînd cer să strig in durere
Cînd te uiți mai departe de dragostea mea.
Eu sînt eu, sînt sufletul tău
Sînt cerul tău, dracu', calmul tău
Sînt totul tău ... Sînt nimicul tău
Sînt doar iubitul tău ...
Sînt lumea ta, sînt puterea ta
Sînt viața ta, sînt eu în tine.
Mi-am amintit de acel sentiment
Care striga înăuntrul nostru,
Noi toți eram copii,
Și în fiecare trăia o pasiune.
Ca într-o scenă dintr-un film
Noi am învins coșmarurile,
Înfruntând dragonii,
Creați de temerile noastre,
Rodul imaginației.
În fața unei ere noi,
Pe valul unui cântec,
Ne-am construit istoria,
Mintea, sufletul și inima.
Trăiască pereții
Prin care ne-am făcut drumul,
Cât luminile regatului străluceau
Doar pentru mine și pentru tine!
Eu țipam: 'Trăiască
Toată magia pe care noi am făcut-o',
Și să vină toți impostorii,
Într-o zi vom fi amintiți.
Eu am zis: 'Adu-ți aminte de acest sentiment',
Am dat mai departe imaginile
Tuturor anilor de când noi am stătut
În fundal, dorindu-ne ca acest moment să vină mai repede.
Suntem regi și regine,
Ai schimbat șapca ta de baseball pentru o coroană,
Când ne-au dat trofeele noastre
Și le-am ridicat în sus în onoarea orașului nostru.
În fața unei ere noi,
Pe valul unui cântec,
Ne-am construit istoria,
Mintea, sufletul și inima.
Trăiască pereții
Prin care ne-am făcut drumul,
Cât luminile regatului străluceau
Doar pentru mine și pentru tine!
Eu țipam: 'Trăiască
Toată magia pe care noi am făcut-o',
Și să vină toți impostorii,
Într-o zi vom fi amintiți.
Trăiască toți munții pe care noi i-am mutat din loc,
Mi-am petrecut viața,
Luptându-mă cu dragonii alături de tine,
Eu țipam: 'Trăiască
Expresia de pe fața ta',
Și să vină toți impostorii,
Nu mi-e frică.
Așteaptă un pic,
Doar învârtindu-se,
Confettile cad pe podea,
Să ne dărâme căderea amintirile acestea.
Mi-am amintit de momentul
Când am dat o promisiune pentru noi doi,
Pictându-ne destinul,
Curat şi simplu, plin
Şi fără de capăt.
Să fie așa,
Fără niciun 'la revedere',
Să fie un 'am venit' pentru totdeauna,
Visul pe care l-am construit,
M-am văzut fericită, te-am găsit.
Va fi mai mult
Decât 'a găsi',
Va fi mai mult
Decât 'a se gândi'.
© Vladímir Sosnín
Ştii că nu va fi bine pentru noi
Dacă oamenii ştiu ce avem noi doi
Că am mâncat dintr-un fruct interzis
Iubim asta şi o ştim, ha ha ha
Nu am nevoie de alt Don Juan
Care să îmi deschidă uşa când ajung la restaurant
De Sfântul Valentin, nu-mi doresc mai multe flori
Tu, tăcere, tăcere, iubitule, despre toate zvonurile
Ce avem noi e ilegal şi nu neg asta
Aştept momentul să te sărut, muahh
Ştiu că este la fel pentru tine şi nu negi
Am făcut deja greşeala de a mă îndrăgosti, da da
Am venit să te văd, pentru divertisment
Şi mi-ai furat un sărut pe care nu ai de gând să mi-l dai înapoi
Am simţit că zbor, am fost dusă departe
Când mă aşteptam mai puţin, tu deja mă îmbrăţişai
[Shakira & Maluma]
Continuă în felul ăsta, nu te opri
Te-ai transformat în boală
Ţine-o tot aşa, exact aşa
Cu cât vii mai aproape de mine
Cu atât mă simt mai neliniştită
Clan-clan-clandestino, oh
Soarta nu ar fi fost altfel
Nu te uita după probleme dacă nu sunt , nu sunt, nu sunt
[Shakira & Maluma]
Clan-clan-clandstino, oh
Nu uita că suntem prieteni
Mă uit după probleme acolo unde nu există, nu există, nu există
[Shakira & Maluma]
Oh, da, woah
Spune-mi, iubito, că nu mai înţeleg de ce avem nevoie
Să ne vedem singuri şi să ne stingem în întuneric
[Shakira & Maluma]
Tu pleci, dar corpul meu cere mai mult
Continuă cu atitudinea aia când se sting luminile
O iei razna cu câteva sărutări pe buze
Ce avem noi e ilegal şi nu neg
Aştept momentul să te sărut
Ştiu că este la fel pentru tine şi nu negi
Am făcut deja greşeala de a mă îndrăgosti, da da
Am venit să te văd, pentru divertisment
Şi mi-ai furat un sărut pe care nu ai de gând să mi-l dai înapoi
Am simţit că zbor, am fost dusă departe
Când mă aşteptam mai puţin, tu deja mă îmbrăţişai
[Shakira & Maluma]
Continuă în felul ăsta, nu te opri
Te-ai transformat în boală
Ţine-o tot aşa, exact aşa
Cu cât vii mai aproape de mine
Cu atât mă simt mai neliniştită
Versions: #2
You know it does not suit us
Let people know what we both have
That we eat of a forbidden fruit
We love it and we know it, hahaha
I do not need any other Don Juan
Let me open the door when I arrive at a restaurant
That briefcase does not need more flowers
Your quiet, baby, of all the rumors
[Proverb: Shakira, Maluma]
Ours is illegal and I will not deny you
That I pay the sentence for kissing you (muack)
I know that the same thing happens to you and you can not deny me
I already made the mistake of falling in love (yeh, yeh)
[Pre-Chorus: Shakira, both]
I came to see you, to entertain me
And you stole a kiss from me that you still do not think about giving me back
I felt like flying, I was escaping
At least I thought, you were already hugging me
And keep it up, do not stop
You have become a disease
And keep it up, well, no more
That the closer you get
You increase my anxiety
(More fire!)
[Chorus: Shakira, Maluma, both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Oh, yeah, woah
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
[Verse 2: Maluma, Shakira Both]
Tell me, mai, because I no longer understand the need
To see each other alone and kill us in the dark
You leave, and my body here keeps asking for more
[Bridge: Shakira, Maluma, both]
You continue with that attitude
When the light goes out
You go crazy
With a couple of kisses in the mouth (muack)
[Proverb: Shakira, Maluma]
Ours is illegal and I will not deny you
That I pay the sentence for kissing you (muack)
I know that the same thing happens to you and you can not deny me
I already made the mistake of falling in love
[Pre-Chorus: Shakira, Both]
I came to see you, to entertain me
And you stole a kiss that you do not even think about giving me back
I felt like flying, I was escaping
At least I thought, you were already hugging me
And keep it up, do not stop
You have become a disease
And keep it up, well, no more
That the closer you get
You increase my anxiety
(More fire!)
[Chorus: Shakira, Maluma, both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
I look for problems where there are none, there are, there are (aha)
Oh, yeah, woah
I look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
[Estriibillo: Shakira, Maluma, Both]
Clan clan clandestine, oh
So destiny wanted it
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Clan clan clandestine, oh
Do not forget that we are friends
Do not look for problems where there are not, there are, there are
Piece of Earth
A distant idea in the middle of the night
Came to me the other day
Rewatching the past
I wrote my lament in this melody
I remembered the ballads in moonlit nights
That my mother sang
And the house full of voice and happiness
Is empty today
And the longing,
Evil and kind
That wound and cause me to sing
Of return to the past
I feel your kiss
The song and the moonlight
In that house I was a girl
My giant world - a piece of earth
In that small ranch that was our nest
Where lived I, my mother, my brothers
Counting stars.
I dreamed of holding them
In the palm of my hand
Counting stars
I dreamed of holding them
In the palm of my hand
Counting stars, oh the longing piece of earth
In the eyes of time
I thought of words that would bring you (here)
Nice words, excited for sure
Loosing my mind to see you
In a romantic tone
A voice that would intone
In the embracement of a deep dream
In a hurry to see you
Lived words
That know about lives
With a magical turn
It could happen
Someone who inspires you
The air you breathe
I swear, I would make him live
Another great love
It would be once again
Much more than desire
A necessity that time
Has not erased
Love, in the eyes of time
Does not leave
My love, in every moment,
Is getting deeper
It's Not True
Next time
That I fall again
If you see me persisting
Don't look back
I won't be in me
If I want you one more time
Even if I say that this is it
I will be lying
And if I tell you this is wall a confusion
I won't speak with the heart
I won't speak with the heart
And if I tell it's not too late
It's not, love
It's not true
And if I still
Miss it
Let me heal
The wound that burns
Let me stay
With the best memories
The story's over
Don't look back
And if I tell you this is wall a confusion
I won't speak with the heart
I won't speak with the heart
And if I tell it's not too late
It's not, love
It's not true
And if you try to speak to me to make things up
There's no turning back
If I tell myself that I'll forgive you
There's no need to believe
And if I tell you this is wall a confusion
I won't speak with the heart
I won't speak with the heart
And if I tell it's not too late
It's not, love
It's not true
From ford(crossing) to anguish-smith
I swimmed near the bottom again
I offered my soul
Maggots and flies in your hair
Sulfur on your virgin thigh
Wandering on the edge
The abyss slippery rim
So long ago
All hope disappeared
The animal in the depths
Stares upside down at your soul
Kicks in the door
and makes you whole
Clammy light
Backwards into the fire
Onwards Devil's spirit
Womb and death
Creare your own mask
Ugly and sly
by wreckage
The animal in the Depths
stares upside down at your soul
Kicks in the door
and makes you whole
There is no jar of gold
Under threatening skies
Water in the beak
Better to be seawater
Than to be water from the well
Stagnant water creates insects
Stir the water boy
There are people who don't move
They are slow, almost stopping
They leave life stagnated
They are sleeping although they awake
They don't even see that it goes by
It seems that it is fashion now
To be cosuming
The same mind that creates
Ends up destroying itself
Our planet needs
That mankind be human
What will be of his children
If earth is endagered
And the water is getting scarce
I already feel shortness of breath
Only by thinking of the future
Pollution and indifference
Turn everything into smoke
What once was a sky
Turned into a dirty space
It is so sad to say
What I liked to see
Became the door to the end of the world
A popular saying
Is about what I am saying
In the wood that starts burning
The tiziu takes water in his beak
He knows that alone
He will make a difference
By slowly taking
A bit of water in his little beak
Curator of conscience
I wrote this song now
To touch your sentiment
Nature is passive
But it claims at any moment
If we had wings
We should be like the little bird
We would have shame in our face
We would fill the beak with water
And not burn our own nest
I only think of you
We are dedicating to all the girls
who play with the feelings of others ....
I thought I wanted more
I didn't know how to listen
And I die ...of longing..
I seem to hear your voice
Just the memory remained to me
And I die .. of longing....
Chorus x2:
I only think of you
My soul cries inside me,
I'm thinking about us
I miss you ...
And after all this time I'm thinking of you
I think about us and I believe
That we'll be able to get over
Even if I don't understand
What made you change so much?
Or maybe I don't know how to listen,
Anyway, come on, pick up yourself like an adult!
Why do you believe everything you hear without seeing?
You listen without further checking
And that's how you keep me away
Nevertheless, you're still in my mind
I can't stay all the time without you
You don't know how hard it is for me
I say I've forgotten you but I'm lying
I still love and feel
I die ... of longing ...
I remember how we loved each other
I always think
And I'm going to die .. of longing ..
Chorus x4:
You left a huge gap in my chest when you left
What a pity,
You didn't understand that I really love you
You know well that some people can't stand me
Why darling, do you care what others say?
The one who loves suffers, the loved one is kidding.
I say seriously that for you it was just a game
Without you life is getting harder
But I know hope dies last!
Chorus x 4 :
Calling you
People of Earth are calling you
While you are in the galaxy
Swing on a tree branch through the darkness of night (like a flower)
Make my heart melt more and more
Everything in this world is bearable
As we only live once
When you treat me well, all my sorrows go away
But when you block me away, happiness blocks me too
I call out for you at night, with tears all over my face
And a deep sigh goes out of my chest
'I love you' and this phrase has no second meaning
Although you gave me only trouble (sorrow)
But I forgive you, you beautiful gazelle with the black-lined eyes
I accept all your good and bad deeds
If you want me, then I'm worthy of you and your love
If you don't, it's up to you
May I give my life away for those beautiful big eyes of yours
With there killing eyelashes
Your steps with the sound of anklet
Make their imprints in my heart
I remember all your chats and talks
With your fascinating voice
I only want one thing from you:
Don't make put much efforts on something that isn't worth it
And I want your honest support
When I come back to you complaining about something
About luck, or bad men
Or about life disappointments
Or about failing to reach my dreams
And my bright ambitions
I blame the night, and a star falls off
I blink, and someone dear falls off my eyes
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!
The Hidden Ones
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are more than a thousand
We are the uncivilized city
For ten, ten thousand
For a hundred, a hundred thousand
We are your millions
And we get closer
To you
To you
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
We are that nothing
That doesn't count for anything
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the swarm
That is under the city
You, man, where are you?
The world is not here
But it is here that it will change
And it will get mixed up
And it will restart
From here
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
We are the defeated ones
Beaten and won
And if we lose,
We lose nothing
And nothing is nothing
It doesn't count for anything
We are those that don't have
In the world we are
We are children and mothers
And fathers and children
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
We are the excluded ones
And the illegal ones
We are the strangers
Of the entire world
Wherever we are
We are outside
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
We are the strangers
The hidden ones
Us, men and women
Only alive
O Notre Dame
And we ask of you
Asylum, asylum
Asylum, asylum
Caricias clandestinas
Fur un placer prober esos Hermosos labios