Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 146
when I first saw you I felt glad
and you carried an old guitar
you sang one song that gave joy
in my hurt feelings
you gave me hope
you solved my problem
i hope you won't leave
i hope you won't leave
by my side
you added strength in my will
to accept the truth
you added strength in my weakness
to face sorrow
you awaken my slumber thoughts
you lit up my dark surroundings
at first without you i was very confused
because of the world so troubled
now by your side i was delivered
and thought right
i hope you won't change
from now until the end?
Assassin of souls
Stop, I didn't understand why you tell me
Assassin of souls
And I understood why, when you showed me how it is
My rationality tells me a lot, it's hard to catch the heart
It's always been this way
You wanted to tell it, even I tried
But what nerve
Cuz they never tell anyone what to do
You can break it into pieces . . . and what if?
Rather than never feeling again
It's better to remain with what was beautiful once upon a time
Chorus x2:
Assassin of souls
Stop, I didn't understand why you tell me
Assassin of souls
And I understood why, when you showed me how it is
Without love, happiness is temporary
It comes when it wants and I can't make it disappear
Only a drop is the remedy for anything
It's the best medicine, but the strongest drug
When you passed through my life
Assassin of souls, you killed all that was
But the heart is made to love, it resists
There doesn't exist a soul which hasn't been wounded
Chorus x2:
Assassin of souls
Stop, I didn't understand why you tell me
Assassin of souls
And I understood why, when you showed me how it is
Sometimes I want to stay in the park, to look at the stars
With you by the hand, without making any problems for myself
Without crying on the streets, to heal my wounds
And instead of kissing me, steal my bandages
If love is torment, I prefer to do without it
It's only that my heart cries out that it wants you
How can I have faith to put faith in us
Because we are crazy, but crazy about is
Chorus x2:
Assassin of souls
Stop, I didn't understand why you tell me
Assassin of souls
And I understood why, when you showed me how it is
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Fucked Up
Versions: #2
Fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
Fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
Fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
I'm confusing myself with others, how could I admit it
I could push them out from myself, or beat them up
Many people could do the same, I have high expectations of what I am
Cheating myself seas and rivers, when normal life is do boring
Stories, you believe them, they could be true if it'd depend on me
It's not always like that, it isn't our heaven, anyway
So they're bothering you for nothing, you just shuffled the deck properly
I'm searching for a vacant spot from my heart and vein, good morning
I do against to what I'm told to do, my head is mine, it's mine
I'm afraid that it'll blow up, that it'd suddenly go boom boom
And I fucked up my head, I fucked up my head, I fucked up my head
I went outside alone, escaped my thoughts
Woke up from a park bench having nightmares
Somehow this was predicted by Max Weber: if someone has one, I got to get two
Even though we understood this since we were small, we don't need any luxury for anything
When the economy is haywire and the world's spinning like a pinwheel
It's not a surprise that the electroencephalogram is shaped like a crooked curl
The specs are in disorder, food and sex, only drugs can make you happy
I do against to what I'm told to do, my head is mine, it's mine
I'm afraid that it'll blow up, that it'd suddenly go boom boom
And I fucked up my head, I fucked up my head, I fucked up my head
I went outside alone, escaped my thoughts
Woke up from a park bench having nightmares
Fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
Fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
Fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
All young people are insane, and the old ones even more so
Just let the brains rest and lighten up your mind, the world is made by madmen
The head hasn't learned anything, this is exactly what you think it is
When the powder is wet, the mood is more like a gyroscope than a Rubik's square
Who wants to be fine, who wants to be boring
Are you half full or half empty, no one gives a shit
What's my job here, I put my dreams in a bottle and I'll recycle them
The cotton stick is already in too deep, feeling sick but in a good way
I do against to what I'm told to do, my head is mine, it's mine
I'm afraid that it'll blow up, that it'd suddenly go boom boom
And I fucked up my head, I fucked up my head, I fucked up my head
I went outside alone, escaped my thoughts
Woke up from a park bench having nightmares
fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
fucked up, fucked up, fucked up
Fac un scandal
Am scris «Te iubesc» pe nisip
Nah, pot sa fac mai bine
Rup scalpul al acestui zor (nu stiu daca e corect cum am spus)
Si ti-l aduc la trezire
Si am rupt tot ceea e puteam
Pentru tine, care esti tot ceea ce voiam
Cand eram pusti eram bun cu Lego
Si e clar ca acuma ma leg
Zici ca da in timp ce pleci
Un pic din tine
Ramane aici chiar daca nu vrei
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Am plecat fara sa salut
si fara sa fac biletul
Pana la urma ce ar fi trebuit sa fac?
Cine stie, poate sa las unbilet
Si sa arat ca un prost
Era mai bine daca nu te cunosteam
Si tu sa te joci chiar esti buna
Dar nu cu mine
Zici ca da in timp ce pleci
Un pic din tine
Ramane aici chiar daca nu vrei
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Zi-mi ce vrei de la mine
Zi-mi ce vrei de la mine
Zi-mi ce vrei de la mine
Stii ce?
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Alo, ce ai? Esti nervoasa
Ai rupt un alt celular
De ce ma suni doar daca te simti rau?
A casa noua si trebuie sa pun la loc
Nu voi fi ultimul si nici primul
Dar ai lasat un dezastru fain
Si in afara de tot chiar erai buna
Dar nu cu mine
Zici ca da, in timp ce pleci
Un pic din tine
Ramane aici chiar daca nu vrei
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Zi-mi ce vrei de la mine
Stii ce?
Iubeste-ma sau fac un scandal
Mind Trip
Oh my friend
with glazed eyes
Due to the inhaled smoke
Is there some left? Can I have some
So the ugly becomes beautiful
Blinking light
So pretty to look at
If you ask him/her
Only one reason
Hit the post
In a wide road
The middle of the day
Saw the moon
Oh my friend
That has something
Bring it out
Can see it in your eyes
Fly that passed by
He talks to it and stares
Because he thought
it will crush him
He said oh oh oh
Oh my friend
Left an ace
Gave it all
His eyes went blank
Oh my friend, never learns
After a few days I saw him
Walking alone and talking to himself
He became great
The great dumbass
Stone Thrown to the Heavens*
Stone thrown to the heavens
Whoever gets hit shouldn't get mad
Pepe got mad because of the bread that was thrown
Don't take offense
From the advises you hear
They come naturally as it is our responsibility
For the people with knowledge
We are asking you
You can learn from people in the streets
Impart your knowledge, it is to be treasured
My ambitions and my love has no ending
If someone out there gets hit by the stone
If you are offended
we are too
Listen to the advise
even if it comes from a stone
Trust in the heavens that tomorrow will be well
Stone thrown to the heavens
Whoever gets hit shouldn't get mad
Pepe got mad because of the bread that was thrown
Don't take offense
From the advises you hear
They come naturally as it is our responsibility
For the hard-headed, it is knocking
For the advise you don't accept
Pass it to the grass
Whisper to the wind, you never know
It might come back to us
Our talk is done, the circle is going round
Stone thrown to the heavens
Whoever gets hit shouldn't get mad
Pepe got mad because of the bread that was thrown
Don't take offense
From the advises you hear
They come naturally as it is our responsibility
Stone thrown to the heavens
Whoever gets hit shouldn't get mad
Pepe got mad because of the bread that was thrown
Stone thrown to the heavens
Whoever gets hit shouldn't get mad
Stone thrown to the heavens
Whoever gets hit shouldn't get mad
The Forgotten Heroes
*He/She is naked and barefoot
The farm is where you can find
Farmer is what *he/she is called
Forgotten heroes in the farms
Bless the salt of the land, the farmer
They stink when beside you
Due to dried sweat
Tall buildings they raise
Forgotten heroes the laborer/worker
Bless the salt of the land, the laborer/worker
Every drop of their sweat
In our lives is important, blessed
Whole day the teacher stands
Their face shows lack of sleep
Mouth is dry from teaching
Forgotten heroes in the schools
Bless the salt of the land, the teacher
Every drop of their sweat
In our lives is important, blessed
Blessed, blessed
Because of All of You
Listen to the whisper
Of the innocents
Like the breeze
In the quiet hills
We are excited
When the time comes
Like now
We are together
Everyday our lives change
Very slowly
In this confused world
Because of all of you
Life is joyous
Because of all of you
Heart is fearless
Because of all of you
Song is here
And for all of you
We offer
Because of all of you
Life is joyous
Because of all of you
Heart is fearless
Because of all of you
Song is here
And for all of you
We offer
Nu-ti lua capul si pleca
Eu am castigat aceasta apa si am baut
Mi-am impartit painea in 7
Am auzit aplauze, am vazut tradari
A fost si vocea mea, tacuta
Eu m-am indragostit de tine
Nu-ti lua capul si pleca te implor,
Te implor tine-ma de mana
Nu mi-a mai ramas nimic in viata inafara de tine
Nu am vrut nimic
Te-am vrut doar pe tine
Nu-ti lua capul si pleca te implor,
Te implor tine-ma de mana
Te implor
Ege Kökenli
I met you once in a dream
I know of you
I met you once in a dream
I know of you
The sun is in your eye as it was before
The morning comes when
There are dreams of sleeping
But when I know of you
You come to me
And I can love you again
Like before
But when I know of you, you come to me
And I can
love you again like before
I know of you
I met you once in a dream
I know of you
The sun is in your eye as it was before
The morning comes when
There are dreams of sleeping
But when I know of you
You come to me
And I can love you again
Like before
~ More like! :D ~
Clarification in footnotes:
'Lit' = 'literally'
'Or' = there is an alternate way to translate the line/phrase
I asked her father for her
I asked her father for her, he said 'my daughter's too young'
I asked her mother for her, she said she has no dowry
I asked her sister for her, she said she has many lovers
I asked her brother for her, he said 'we have no girl for you'
I asked her paternal uncle for her, he said I cannot ask for her
I asked her maternal uncle, she said 'we're not sacrificing the offspring'
I asked her paternal aunt for her, she said there is no leaving the village
I asked her maternal aunt for her, she said there is no husband for her
I asked her grandpa for her, he said 'kidnap her'
I talked to the mayor, he said 'I can't put the seal'
I talked to his councillor, he said 'I can't sign'
I talked to her master, he said 'I can't bless the wedding'
I talked to her brother-in-law, he said 'I'm undecided yet'
I asked her sister-in-law for her, she said 'I'm neutral'
I talked to her neighbour, she said 'don't pass here'
I asked her sister Fatma, she said she went to the wood
With a gun by my side I hit the road
In the depths of the wood I was there with my beloved one
The wood is far from the village, let us not fall into a trap
We came to the heart of the wood arm in arm
She used a sickle, I used a knife
My Country
My country the Philippines
Land of gold and flowers
My love in Her palms
Offered beauty and splendor
And in Her grace and beauty
Foreigners are spellbound
O my country, You are captured
Plunged to suffering
Even a bird that freely flies
Once caged will cry
What more a country of extreme beauty
Yearns for freedom
Philippines my beloved
Nest of my tears and misery
All that I desire
Is to see Your freedom
Manila, O Manila
Feel the hope
Manila, O Manila
Raise this country
Philippines my beloved
Nest of my tears and misery
All that I desire
Is to see your freedom
Privirea ta rece
Mă omoară
Focul din inima ta care obișnuia să crească
De ce s-a transformat în cenușă ?
Poate timpul va șterge totul
Dar devin din ce în ce mai slăbită
Durerea tristă
A amorțit , de asemenea
Bine , te voi uita
Voi trăi precum o floare ,voi fi eu însămi
Nimeni nu mă poate opri acum
Nu , încearcă-mă
Toată lumea vrea să-mi simtă mireasma
Dar tu ca un prost ești unicul care nu știe
Ești sigur că nu ești nebun ?
De ce ai lăsat o fată frumoasă ca mine aici
Și ai plecat?
De ce m-ai lăsat aici
Cum poți să pleci atât de ușor
Ai promis că vom fi împreună
Dar tu ai plecat , ai plecat
Vei regreta atunci când vei vedea
cât de isteață am devenit
Spinii mei
te vor înțepa foarte adânc
Te-ai îndoit de mine
Nu acționa ca și cum ți-ar părea rău
Cel care este cu adevărat doborât
Nu sunt eu ci tu
Bine , te voi uita
Voi trăi precum o floare ,voi fi eu însămi
Nimeni nu mă poate opri acum
Nu , încearcă-mă
Toată lumea vrea să-mi simtă mireasma
Dar tu ca un prost ești unicul care nu știe
Ești sigur că nu ești nebun ?
De ce ai lăsat o fată frumoasă ca mine aici
Și ai plecat?
De ce m-ai lăsat aici
Cum poți să pleci atât de ușor
Ai promis că vom fi împreună
Dar tu ai plecat , ai plecat
Te-ai ofilit , eu am înflorit
Și s-a terminat
Chiar dacă vrei să te întorci
Pari că ești bine
Fără mine chiar acum
Dar, oricât de mult m-aș gândi
Ești sigur că nu ești nebun?
De ce ai lăsat o fată frumoasă ca mine aici
Și ai plecat?
De ce m-ai lăsat aici
Cum poți să pleci atât de ușor
Ai promis că vom fi împreună
Dar tu ai plecat , ai plecat
When I go to the casino I gamble my head and my feet
and if I win they'll have to give me 36 heads and 72 feet. 36 heads and 72 feet.
When I go to the casino I gamble my destiny
and if I win I'll have 36 different ways of running by the roads which I'll have as prize
When I go to the casino I gamble my life
and if I win they'll give me 5,14 cats with 7 lives each which total 36 lives
When I go to the casino I gamble my death
and if I win I'll have 36 deaths with their 35 corresponding resurrections
and if I lose I'll have the eternity
When I go to the casino I gamble my remaining teeth
and if I win I'll complete the set
Question. How many teeth I have in this moment?
The right answer is 0,88.
Once I went to the casino and I started to win and win, it was a state-owned casino and I kept winning and winning, and I was gambling all that I was winning and I was winning again, and so the national treasure was reducing and reducing and I kept winning and winning. It came a moment in which they owed less to the World Bank than to me, so they nationalized all the lands of the country, and they gifted them to me, and I gambled them all and I won. Then they got more loans with the World Bank and the IMF and they bought all the industry and the commerce of the country, and they gave it to me, and I gambled it all and I won. Then they borrowed me for a while the radio and television network which was already mine, and they used it to broadcast a message urging the population that for reasons of national interest they must take off their clothes and come to place it with their money their jewels and all their personal stock, including the property titles of all the homes at the casino's door, for paying me with all that, then I ordered a group of men to pick it up, and I gambled it all and I won. Theen the president ordered the army to invade the neighbour countries and he appended them all to give them to me, and I gambled them all and I won. Then I had many countries in my power, and I gambled them all with the objective of taking over the whole planet and then to resign it decreeing the abolition of any kind of private property on the means of production and so to raise the life level of the exploited masses in all the continents, but it happened that the ball fell on another number, and I lost all I had, and all I won, and I was left with nothing and they kicked my ass out of the casino, and all the countries, the lands, the industry and the commerce returned to be of who few minutes ago were their legitimate owners.
When I go to the casino I gamble the love I have for you
and if I win you'll see how much I'll love you
we'll never fight again
you'll see, you'll see how all will come out good.
When I go to the casino I gamble my door number
and if I win I'll move to a house that is on the same street 490 blocks closer to the end.
Question. What's my house number? The right answer is 700.
When I go to the casino I gamble myself
and if I win I'll make a company with 35 employees
and if I lose I'll go to work as a slave in the public share-out which I'll have as prize.
When I go to the casino I gamble my voice
and if I win I'll immediately make a choir
and get a job in weddings or in religious festivities.
When I go to the casino I gamble the human rights violators
and if I win they'll give me a number
of people that equal the population of Uruguay.
The question is. How many human right violators are in Uruguay?
The right answer will appear on the next number.

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Fall me asleep
Fall me asleep. Wrap me with silver wings
Until the new day would not break everything.
Seed me with dreams. Patch me up, patch me up.
Hide me in the minor of nights from anxiety, from the eyes
Hide me and knit, knit
Braid yourself with flowers in my worlds, in my worlds.
Chorus (2):
Do not leave me, hold me
Into your hands all mine 'me'.
Do not leave, hold me
Tirirruay, tiirurrai.
Tirirruay, tiirurrai.(x2)
Lângă telefon
Lângă telefon, neajutorată, aștept,
Aștept, dar nu va suna, știu.
Inima mea spune:
În zadar nu aștepta!
Nu sună din cauza mândriei,
Chiar dacă te iubește mult.
Tot poți avea, dar
Iubirea noastră e o bogăție/ comoară, să știi.
Încă mă iubești,
Asta și tu o știi
De ce nu mă suni?
Nu doar pentru o clipă,
Ci o viață te voi suna.
De mândria mea nu-mi pasă…
By the Phone
I'm waiting desperately by the phone
I'm waiting but I know that it will not ring
My hearts says
Don't wait in vain
Don't call because of your pride
Even if he loves you
You can own everything but
You should know that our love is a fortune...
You still love me
You know this too
Why aren't you calling me?
Not for just a moment,
I will call you for a lifetime
I don't care about my pride..
Versions: #3
I miss your face a lot for a long time
I’m in need of your one word, believe me.
If I fall at your feet begging and crying
Could we go back to the past days?
What if we be together like we used to be
What if we forget what happened in the past
What if we stay together even if life ends, the world stops, the death comes
Tell me, did you find love you were looking for?
Or are you still alone
Just like I am unhappy in tears all alone
You've forgotten me
I can't go on without you
Oh my sweetheart, I'm begging you
I stay up late each night for your eyes
My heart yearns for you
You've forgotten me
My sweetheart you're not missing me
Why are you still hurting me?
I'm fading in your absence
Call me
A word could make feel okay
I swear to you, It'd make me forget
everything that's happened when you weren't here
I won't fall in love again
You're everything I dream of
everything I've made in my head in your absence
I can't sleep anymore
To Your Holy Ashram, Sanyasini
To your holy ashram, sanyasini,
To your holy ashram, sanyasini,
I came with evening flowers.
At the front door which nobody opened,
I stood like a stranger.
In your stream of silent tears moistened by sadness,
my dreams dissolved, sputtering,
my desires died.
Falling into the embers of your mind's eye,
these flowers of mine have burnt.
As the night to the day,
I bid you goodbye.
In the lonely road of your memories,
you will see me one day.
Someday you will search for my footprints
and still my soul will whisper to you,
'I have loved you'.
As the night to the day,
I bid you goodbye.
My Precious Forgot Me
Days and nights passed and I stayed awake
I say tomorrow her heart with sympathize with me and come to me
I miss her, what else should I do, my precious forgot me
I miss her, what should I do now, my precious forgot me
Oh Lord
I miss my darling’s eyes, I swear
She took the best years of my life with her
I won’t forget my darling for even one night, I swear
Days and nights passed and I was filled with love
And at night her shadow comes to me and talks to and consoles me
I miss her, what else should I do, my precious forgot me
I miss her, what should I do now, my precious forgot me
Oh Lord
I miss my darling’s eyes, I swear
She took the best years of my life with her
I won’t forget my darling for even one night, I swear
Oh Lord
I miss my darling’s eyes, I swear
As long as love is dignified
Versions: #3
Look at my heart!
See my fire! Feel inside me.
Come on I'm ready
As long as love is dignified
Come to my street.
Open my window, come to my bed
I'm ready
if only love is noble.
I'll die for you but I'd never bend down.
I'll put the world on fire for you
But I won't submit to you.
I'd love so unconditional, so deep you'd be scared.
If I'd turn into a desert and be in pieces
I won't be defeated.
I was born in a town of Cotabato
As complicated as the people, as complicated as the world
Because they disagree in religion and principles, it became messy*
My town in Cotabato, as complicated as my thoughts
Not knowing the origin, not knowing where to go
Sibling to sibling, blood to blood**
They are the ones who fight, I don't know the reason of the mess
Why did it become like that, the answer to my question
Why did you all fight, why did you all complicate things
I would respect your principles if you respected me
If you helped each other, my town would not have become disorderly
My town where I was born, in south Cotabato
I opened my eyes to such disorder
Because there is no respect to fellow people's principles
You make things difficult for a fellow Filipino, how messy
I am calling out, asking for your help
The way to peace, the peace in my town
Why must you fight, you are siblings by blood
When will you see eye to eye, when will peace be achieved by my town?
If I could help, I would help wholeheartedly
I offer my guitar, if it becomes disorderly, use it
If the enemy has no heart, then use your heart
Treat them as a friend
Remember that they have a heart, like you do
The town where I was born (Why is there disorder...)
In south Cotabato (In south Cotabato)
I opened my eyes (When will it end...)
To such disorder (How messy)
Because there is no respect (When will they see eye to eye...)
To fellow people's principles (fellowmen...)
Fellow Filipino (Fellow Filipino)
You are making an enemy of them (Why are you making an enemy of them)
How messy
Waray Waray
Waray Waray never retreats
Waray Waray is ready to die
Waray Waray it's up to tomorrow
Waray Waray be petrified!
Waray Waray as I am called
never retreats on battles
to anyone who dares challenge me
no matter how tough!
It is in our nature
to be always kind
But being a Waray Waray is different
we fear no one.
We Waray Waray women
are fearless anywhere
A Waray Waray is different
Especially if challenged to battle.
Waray Waray never retreats
Waray Waray is ready to die
Waray Waray it's up to tomorrow
Waray Waray be petrified!
For the first time I will experience
Give life to a new being
My feelings were extra-ordinary
In my heart was pure joy
A day's beam of the east
The moon's light in the shadows
The rays given by nature
Are what we will see in his being.
He will be a star of the future
Who will give light to our way
He is the fruit of our love
A sign of our never-ending relationship
A day's beam of the east
The moon's light in the shadows
The rays given by nature
Is what we will see in his being.
The Pipit
O cruel man, your heart showed no mercy
If I die, there is one Pipit who will cry.
Someone stoned a Pipit in a branch of wood
And the stone hit the wing of the tiny bird
Because of the pain, it can no longer fly
And it fell like a person saying
We are already familiar
I turn my face to you my love
I come out of against you again
Do we try once again
we are already familiar
Lose sideways, what a look
Again sought me
all kit and kin asked
That look like ordainers
Of course I also say that he is in love
I do not go over there
I do not forget who I see I say I am
I say like that
Let him watch it on the side
I am around my throne
Hele bir bakarsa şöyle göz ucuyla
Everyone writes witness
Do not ever touch or utter
I do not like that he is aware
Hele bir benim olursa tüm şehir uyansın
They look at my mind where is it
Where is my mind
Aș fi belea pe capul tău
Munte, deal, pământ miros iubirea,
Stați deoparte, prieteni, draga mea vine.
În felul ăsta, această sfială merită o viață,
Cochetăria ei mă înnebunește.
Nu m-am plictisit, nu am renunțat,
Te urmăresc iar, n-am obosit.
N-am putut rezista, trandafirul meu, foamea mea de tine nu m-a părăsit,
Ți-am încredințat viața mea, dar din nou nu am fost in largul meu cu tine.
O dată la stânga, o dată la dreapta, „hop!” voi dansa,
Aș fi un sclav și un servitor pentru tine,
Sunt lipit, sunt nebun după tine,
Aș fi belea /problemă pe capul tău.
Am fost comod, ceva mi se întâmplă,
M-am îmbătat, corpul îmi tremură,
În felul ăsta, această sfială merită o viață,
Cochetăria ei mă înnebunește.
The Jazzoline Machine
Come on, faster
to see the girls react
when the dude's in the car.
Cut it out, dude
can't you see i'm busy?
And scream just a little quieter.
He's right
Can't you buy a Porsche
to let a cloud of dust when it's passing?
And just be chic
leaving us wooed
as in Beverly Hills 90210
Dude, I don't need no speed
to make me a flow and wind in my hair
Got a machine forever
Why would I need a Porsche, man?!
My machine goes with jazzoline
Consumes clarinet and no gas at all!
Come on, faster
let's change speeds
and run just like the ones in Formula 1.
Cut it out, dude
can't you see I'm busy?!
And why you're yelling like crazy?!
He's right
why can't you go faster?
Can't you see the Trabant outrunning us?
Get yourself a Buick
leaving us wooed
as in Beverly Hills 90210
Dude, I don't need no speed
to make me a flow and wind in my hair
Got a machine forever
Fuck Buick, man!
My machine goes with jazzoline
Consumes clarinet and no gas at all!
My machine goes with jazzoline
Consumes clarinet and no gas at all!
Come on, Darling
Come into my car
I'm gonna take you very very very far
It's not a car,
it's a machine
A special one with jazzoline
Oh, yeah!...
You've listened to rock and jazz music from the United States of America..
Where are you
In my dreams black destiny is chasing me
I have no power and no remedy for this separation
Either be mine or be others, say something
Tell your trouble, either I smile or I die
In my Spring and Summer, in the frost of night
Now search your love in my white hair
Either be mine or be others, say something
Tell me your trouble, either I smile or I die
In my days and nights, in my breath and words
The days passing without you have no value
Either be mine or be others, say something
Tell me your trouble, either I smile or I die
Ești diferită
M-ai rănit și-s sătul de viață,
nu-ți fie milă de mine, destul!
Fie mă iei acolo,
fie imi redai inima.
Nu mai știu de câte ori toamna mea s-a supărat pe vară.
Au trecut ani, ți-am dus dorul,
nu mai știu de câte ori m-ai părăsit și m-ai uitat.
Iar eu, iar eu?
Cine a fost păcălit, cine a fost lăsat în urmă?
De fapt, uneori n-am rezistat
și am cedat tentației cu ai făcut și tu.
Te-am înșelat,
nici măcar n-am regretat,
nici n-am suferit.
Mai ușor de zis, decât de făcut, m-am îmbătat,
totul e o minciună!
Deși am vrut, n-am putut s-o fac,
n-am putut iubi pe altcineva,
am încercat, dar n-am putut,
nu te-am putut înlocui cu nimeni.
Ești diferită, diferită...
Ah, e in zadar, ești atât de diferită...
Nu mai știu de câte ori toamna mea s-a supărat pe vară.
Au trecut ani, ți-am dus dorul,
nu mai știu de câte ori m-ai părăsit și m-ai uitat.
Iar eu, iar eu?
Iarăși abandonat...
Girl, I'm sorry
But I'm scared of it
I have to shoot an iPhone
what you do with the ass
I can not calm down
as if to throw it
when he looks away
Ama, I gotta get it
This little club breaks
on the switches when it climbs
Strengthen to the end yes
They burst our bumps
This little one does not stop
It breaks from ten to five
The waiter is carrying flasks
bring it in again
Practice prangies
Somebody I'll handle
per liter of sangria
Control is abducted
It breaks when it gets drunk
poses for photos
It's burning, it's light
I poured a liter of vodka
Louis Vuitton on the ass
about her by the city
in her after the club stares
with a friend when he kisses
I cry, chest chest
She does not love her punishment
Cold day as a rainbow
I'm shining like rubin at night
Refren. 2x
I could win
but I did not cash
she took everything as a casino
Red rose and red wine
I put it on red
all I had
And I'm waiting for her like a jackpot
and I'm waiting for it like a jackpot
I'm waiting for it like a jackpot
and I'm waiting for it like a jackpot
Uh, how good
You gave birth to Mom
these lips, those legs
Oh, God, that's a very dark one
Everything is dark on you
Drama is how you do it
It's in the head of drama
She opens me like a wine
he has a body like a goddess
while he looks like a slave
It's dangerous as a slave
I'm mummy there to go
where no one refuses
He practices prangies, a little like a gang
with her everything is legal
like in the center of the Netherlands
How it works, alcohol works
because you stole me tonight
I'd love to be with you