Rezultatele căutării pagină 21
Număr de rezultate: 678
În ultima vreme am fost greu de ajuns
Am fost prea mult timp singur
Fiecare are o lume a lui
Unde poate fi singur
Oare încerci să mă suni , să te strecori
Încerci să ajungi la mine ,
Încerc să ajung la tine
În pula mea sunt atat de deprimat
Pare că nu mai ies din impasul asta
Doar dacă aș putea să trec și peste pasul ăsta
Dar am nevoie ca cineva să mă tragă afară din căcatul ăsta
Mi-am luat loviturile
am căzut si m-am ridicat imediat
Dar am nevoie de acea scânteie care să mă ridice
nu știu cum mă voi ... departe
Și cum am ajuns in această poziție
Încep să mă simt distant din nou
Așa că am decis să înving aceasta durere
Și am incercat să ...
Dar nu pot sa accept faptul că
Aș putea termina cu rap`ul
Am nevoie de ceva nou
Cunosc niște căcaturi greu de înghițit
Și nu pot sta în spate să mă plâng
În propria-mi amărăciune
Dar știu un lucru
Voi fii ceva greu de urmat
Greu de urmat
Acum aici , mâine plecat
Dar ai de mers o mie de mile
Refren :
Intra-n pielea mea , ca să vezi
Cum e să fi eu
Iar eu voi fii tu , hai să facem schimb
Ca să vedem cum ar fi
Să-mi simţi durerea , iar eu pe a ta
Să intrăm unul în mintea altuia
Doar ca să vedem ce găsim
Să căutăm probleme unul în ochii altuia
Dar nu-i lăsa să-ţi spună că nu ești frumos
Se pot duce toți la naiba . Doar să-ţi rămâi fidel ție însuți
Dar nu-i lăsa să-ţi spună că nu ești frumos
Se pot duce toți la naiba . Doar să-ţi rămâi fidel ție însuți
Cred că încep să-mi pierd simțul umorului
Totul e atât de intens și neclar
Simt că trebuie să verific temperatura din camera
Chiar atunci când intru
Deodată toate privirile sunt către mine
Așa că încerc să evit contactul vizual
Căci dacă nu fac asta .. vor incepe conversațiile
De parcă aș vrea asta
Nu caut atenție
Vreau sa fiu ca și tine
Să mă amestec printre cei din camera
Mai bine indruma-mă catre cea mai apropiata baie
În pula mea n-am nevoie de nimeni sa mă servească
Încercând să mă urmărească și să mă șteargă la cur
Să râdă la fiecare glumă pe care o fac
Iar jumatate din ele nici nu sunt amuzante
Ahh Marshall , ești atât de haios omule , ar trebui să fii comediant
Din pacate sunt , Dar mă ascund în spatele lacrimilor unui clovn
Așa că , de ce nu vă așezați jos
Și ascultați povestea pe care am să v-o spun
Nu trebuie să schimbam locurile
Iar tu nu trebuie să mergi mii de mile
Numeni a cerut ca viața să se ocupe de noi
Cu aceste maini pline de indoieli
Trebuie sa luam aceste cărți noi înșine
Și să le intoarcem , nu aștepta ajutor
Acum aș putea avea
Stând , trist si supărat
Dar iau aceasta situație ca atare
Și mă ridic singur
Nu am fost niciodată tipul de copil
Care să astepte , dar știu cum să-i desfac bagajele
Nu am stat niciodată să sper și să mă rog
Pentru un tată care nu a aparut niciodată
Doar am vrut sa mă integrez
În fiecare loc
La fiecare școală la care am fost
Am visat să fiu acel copil mișto
Chiar dacă asta insemna să mă port stupid
Matusa Edna mi-a spus intotdeauna
Mai stramba-te tu mult , că o să rămâi așa
Intre timp eu doar stăteam acolo
Ținându-mi limba-n sus și încercând să vorbesc așa
Până mi-am lipit limba pe semnul de stop înghețat la 8 ani
Mi-am învățat lecția și pentru că nu am mai încercat să-mi impresionez prietenii
Dar deja v-am spus toată povestea mea
Care nu a fost bazată doar pe descrierea mea
Căci felul în care o vezi tu
E probabil 110 % diferit
Cred că ar trebui să ne plimbam o mila
În pielea fiecăruia , cel puțin ..
Ce marime ai ?
Eu am 10.
Hai să vedem dacă ne încăpem în piele.
Da.. pentru copiii mei ..Fiți puternici . Tati va fi aici în curând
Și pentru restul lumii .. Dumnezeu v-a dat fiecăruia viețile
Care vi se potrivesc .. așa că trăiţi-le
Și .. fii tu însuți .. fii mandru de ceea ce ești
Chiar dacă sună pompos
Să nu lași pe nimeni să-ţi spună , că nu ești frumos.
Love with you
It was springtime,
the 60's were just starting
with their bandit's life.
I was 17 and said to myself
'You're old enough,
it's time you try to live a great love.'
And you appeared near a
kiosk on Saint Germain ,
we both ask for Salut les copains
and between Françoise Hardy songs
I got to invite you out for a cup of tea in Le Paradis
and I talked to you about poetry,
about flesh and pleasure
and you about the malice aforethought
hidden inside women.
And you taught me how to live
and you taught me how to say
'J'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour
j'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour
j'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour avec toi.'
You have not changed at all, perhaps
now there's a melancholic shadow in your eyes,
even if you keep that
virginal doll look,
like one of Chagall's Russian madonnas.
And you didn't just make me go crazy,
you turned my world upside down
when you said to me
'Je serai ta maitresse'
that night, at Les Deux Magots,
after we watched Truffaut's 'The soft skin' .
And now I no longer go to the movies
and our skins isn't that soft anymore,
let me guess
you've got an unfaithful lover.
And you taught me how to live
and you taught me how to say
'J'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour
j'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour
j'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour avec toi.'
And without us noticing,
like mercenaries
the 90's came along with no warning,
and now that at last I'm
some scars older
and you a woman
going trough lovesickness,
we meet again
but this time
I talk to you about the past
and you talk about your disappointment,
after you took
'400 blows',
we are far from l'amour fou now.
Just like all the poetry
about flesh and pleasure,
that was just a passing whim
and will never return.
And you taught me how to live
and you taught me how to say
'J'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour
j'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour
j'aime, j'aime, j'aime
faire l'amour avec toi.'
In Ellis Box
have you been to Ellis box on the Second Line?
Had no powder on her cheeks but was shapes liked a lily
Her dark red lips they charmed me
And they charm, and doze and intoxicate and arouse the feelings
They were others in the box too, but Elli was the loveliest
She was the best to dance, but the fattest of the group
And she whispered with a cheerful voice, 'boy, come and dance, ahoy
and hear how the violins and banjos play!'
Now I sit on the steps to a bar, singing this song
I have dark rings under my eyes, as I remember Elli
I greet all you who carol in the box
I miss the old times and I remember Elli
I greet all you who carol in the box
Only a sailor can know
Only a sailor can know how the nature loves
When the wind rocks the boat and lulls it to sleep
Only a sailor can know how the nature punishes
When storm shakes the boat, it howls and rages
Even when wild breakers strike or a wave smiles
Always in the joyful chest there is also longing
Only a sailor can know when longing for farawy lands
Can make the blood boil, can feel it in the veins
Only a sailor can know how fatherland calls
When the boat again roams towards the home port
Even when wild breakers strike or a wave smiles
Always in the joyful chest there also is longing
Only a sailor can know what vastness means
When the familiar land stays behind and the sea opens
Only a sailor can know how small the world is
When from his boat he views each harbour
Even when wild breakers strike or a wave smiles
Always in the joyful chest there also is longing
Only a sailor can know how a maiden loves
When he tours many ports and always has a new one
Only a sailor can know how the longing remains
And yet always in his mind is the girl from fatherland
Even when wild breakers strike or a wave smiles
Always in the joyful chest there also is longing
I've given love the cold shoulder
I am every emotion
I am sheer madness, dark shadow
The perfect illusion
I am your longing, your rage
Your ashes, your ember
You must only program me
I am your hope and your worry
Your lust and desire
You must only activate me
I am your automaton
For wishes of all kinds
Toss a coin in
Then I can do everything
Press start
I am your automaton
I am at clean slate, at fault (*)
Your new religion
I am virtue, your sin
I give you absolution
I am your fear and your taboo
Your secret rendezvous
Depend one me for anything (*)
I am your truth, your responsibility
Your lost face
I make you feel life
I am your automaton
For wishes of all kinds
Toss a coin in
Then I can do everything
Press start
I am your automaton
I am your automaton
For wishes of all kinds
Toss a coin in
Then I can do everything
Press start
I am your automaton
A day like another
A day like any other day
When I'm all alone with me
Why Anna, Anna,
Do you stay all alone with you?
La la la la la la la la la la la
A day like any other day
He will come to me
To say
'I love you, Anna, Anna.'
That day, everything will change.
La la la la la la...
If that is love,
What's it good for?
Better never, never
Better never, never love
One day it's me
And tomorrow it's another girl
(La la la la...)
So then, why
Why me, instead of another girl?
La la la la la...
If that's love
What's it good for?
Always, always changing
I'd sooner forget love
White throbbing shoulders:
wings in exile from a body.
The scintillating railway arms
for the train of the soul.
And the emigrant eyes
in the ship of the eyelid
stranded in renunciation or cowardice.
At times female. At times nun.
In accordance with the night. In accordance with the day.
Mollusk. Soaked
sponge in a filter of magic.
Spider of gold
ensnared in the web of its ruses.
And at the feet a heart of porcelain
shattered in infantile games.
Beautiful Disaster
I repeat it to myself just not to sleep
Stay awake because the best is yet to fade
And then dream in an another way to be able to raise
Like the rain that falls without ever getting hurt
Where you guys came out?
Says an uncertain voice
I don't know but we entered from an opened wound
The scars say just stay among the weak
We speak in indelible sign languages
Just like yesterday you were not here
Heredarity problems, unfortunate heirs
Because often who judges you then slaugters you
When throwing a stone is worth more than a begging
They told us not all gold that glitters
But they said it because it's all theirs that glitters
It's a beautiful disaster
It's a beautiful disaster
I get this feeling I can't miss
You're getting harder to resist
And maybe by the time I know
It'll be to late to let you go
Who knew my heart could beat so quick?
My life I'd give away for this
Don't care what anybody sees
I know I'm doing this for me
I take all those pieces that I lived by mistake
And change them in small denominations emotions
Those who live always and however, who live closed in a bunker
Who live under the light and see the start of the tunnel
With heart of stone, you with the quilty conscience
Tired of burrying our heads under anger
Eating dust, the season of earth
We who are looking for the piece at the price of the war
With 24 million kisses Judas probably would have exterminated us
Feeling inadequate, feeling one of many
A missed opportunity makes a man a thief of regrets
Raptors born with the quality soul
Complaint your life for misleading happiness
And all of us grew up in dark rooms
Where every mind is a jerk and the truth is pure
t's a beautiful disaster
It's a beautiful disaster
I get this feeling I can't miss
You're getting harder to resist
And maybe by the time I know
It'll be to late to let you go
Who knew my heart could beat so quick?
My life I'd give away for this
Don't care what anybody sees
I know I'm doing this for me
I can be your butterfly
And be so high that I could die
One life will make it worth at all
What a beautiful way to fall
t's a beautiful disaster
It's a beautiful disaster
I get this feeling I can't miss
You're getting harder to resist
And maybe by the time I know
It'll be to late to let you go
Who knew my heart could beat so quick?
My life I'd give away for this
Don't care what anybody sees
I know I'm doing this for me
Beautiful disaster
It's a beautiful disaster
It's a beautiful disaster
It's a beautiful disaster
Once upon a time, there was, in a land far away, a young prince.
He lived in a beautiful castle.
Even though he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, egotistical and kind to no one.
But then, on a winter night, a beggar knocked on the castle door.
She offered him one rose, if she could hide from the bitter cold.
Full of disgust for her bewildered appearance, the prince laughed at her offer humiliatingly and he wanted to send the old woman away.
She warned him that he should not be deceived by her appearance, because you can only find beauty within.
And when he pointed her towards the door once more, the ugly old woman melted away, making room for a beautiful enchantress.
The prince wanted to make up for it, but it was too late, because she had seen that there was no love in his heart, and as a punishment she changed him into a horrendous monster and uttered a horrible curse on the entire castle and all its inhabitants.
Ashamed for his monstrous appearance, the beast hid in his castle, with just a magic mirror as a window to the outside world.
The rose she had given him, was in truth a bewitched rose that would flourish until he turned twenty-one.
If he could love someone else and gain her love as well before the last petal fell off, only then the curse would be lifted.
If that did not happen, he would be doomed forever and stay a monstrous beast forever.
Year after year passed and he lost all hope, because who could ever love a beast?
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America - și toate femeile frumoase din ea
Ia-mă așa cum sunt
Ia-mă, iubitule, cu calm
Doar tu mă poți salva în această seară
Nu ai unde să fugi
Nu ai unde să te ascunzi
M-ai primit, nu mă lăsa
Sau abandona
Chiar și când sunt singură, nu sunt singuratică
Aud cele mai plăcute melodii
(cele mai plăcute melodii)
În ieșirile de incendiu ale orașului
Sună ca libertatea
(Mă face să cânt)
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
Și toate femeile frumoase din ea
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
Și toate femeile frumoase din ea
Fie ca voi să rămâneți mândre și puternice
Ca doamna libertății strălucind întreaga noapte
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
Ia-mă așa cum sunt
Nu mă privi pentru ceea ce nu sunt
Doar tu mă poți asculta deseară
Ține-ți luminile aprinse, iubitule
S-ar putea să stau afară
M-ai primit, nu mă lăsa
Sau abandona
Chiar și plimbându-mă singură, nu sunt îngrijorată
Îți simt mâinile înconjurându-mă
(Mâinile împrejurul meu)
În aer, pe străzile orașului
Se simte ca și când sunt liberă
(Mă face să mă gândesc)
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
Și toate femeile frumoase din ea
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
Și toate femeile frumoase din ea
Fie ca voi să rămâneți mândre și puternice
Ca doamna libertății strălucind întreaga noapte
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
(Cele mai plăcute melodii)
Toată lumea va merge înainte cu viețile lor
Deci mai bine crezi că nimeni nu mă poate face să mă simt singură
Deoarece aud (cele mai plăcute melodii)
Toată lumea își va vorbi vorbele cu viețile lor de partea mea
Deci știu că nu mă voi simți, nu mă voi simți singură
Nu am nicio teamă (mă face să mă gândesc, yeah)
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
(Toată lumea își va vorbi vorbele cu viețile lor de partea mea)
(Deci știu că nu mă voi simți, nu mă voi simți singură, nu am nicio teamă)
Și toate femeile frumoase din ea
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
(Toată lumea va merge înainte cu viețile lor de partea mea)
(Deci știu că nu mă voi simți, nu mă voi simți singură, nu am nicio teamă)
Și toți oamenii frumoși din ea
Fie ca ei să rămână mândri și puternici
Ca doamna libertății strălucind întreaga noapte
Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze America
Și toți oamenii frumoși din ea
Și toți oamenii frumoși din ea
Come join us [Be our guest]
My dear lady (ma chère mademoiselle), it is with great pride, and with a lot of pleasure, that we welcome you.
And now, forget all your worries, have a nice seat, because the dining room offers you with great pleasure.
Your dinner.
Come join us, come join us
Put your worries aside.
A napkin around your neck, my dear (chérie)
The rest of the work will be up to us.
Soup of the day, do you want more.
To serve you is an honor.
Taste it, it is delicious.
The plates say it too, honestly.
They sing and they dance.
The kitchen (cuisine) here is in France (en France).
With a seldom guest we are already very happy.
Look, our menu is enormous, make a choice fast.
Come join us, come join us, come join us.
Cheesey (?), cheese soufflé, sole and tournedos (steak) flambé.
Cabaret with dinner.
Yes, come people, come on.
I gesture and look at that, everything is ready for you.
After the chocolate cake, follows the parade of spoons.
I juggle, very risky, with my candles, both of them.
(partially in German) With beer, one has fun, with each other.
So take up your glass and let us say cheers because,
you are part of us, unlucky you, all those worries you eat away.
Come join us, come join us, come join us.
I am originally, a servant that wants to serve you.
What do I do without my domestic chore?
Oh, once people could use us very well.
And all of a sudden it was all over.
Ten years we've been aimlessly waiting.
We've been longing for work,
For some employment in the job we practice
Usually we're just hanging around
Just chatting.
Then you came, well!
It is a guest, it is a guest.
That surprises us with her coming.
Get the wine for this feast and get the napkins from the cupboard.
Do you want two cups of tea?
Well that is not a big deal at all.
If the water sings, my cups will jump happily.
I would like my tea.
Hey what do I see over there, a stain.
Remove it, we have a guest of honor here.
Do you like it like this?
Would you like some sugar in it?
Come join us, come join us, come join us.
Come join us, come join us, you are as happy as we are.
All those years we do nothing and that's why we rust here.
And all of a sudden you stand here, well we will happily help.
Let those candles burn happily, you are in good hands here.
Course after course, every time
Until you scream: I can't (have) any more!
If you go to bed, we will sing
we hope you like the food tonight
Come join us, come join us, come join us!
Something There
Look at him over there
How sweet he acts
Still he was rough
And rude and agressive
Does he then still
Have feelings maybe?
Why have I never seen him
Like that before?
She looked over here
Do I imagine it?
She's not afraid anymore
Because she's coming
Closer every time
No, she's running away
Of what I am
Still she looks at me
With a look
That I do not know
I feel that this is not normal
Who would have ever thought
That it would be like this
No, he is not an Adonis
But he has something
That I can hardly resist
Who would have ever thought of that?
Well, have you ever!
It's not true!
I'm amazed!
As if it were nothing those two
Are together now
It is so unique
We'll see
How things go
There might be something there
That we did not notice before
Who knows there may be something there
That we did not notice before
There might be something there
That we did not notice before
O iubire atât de frumoasă ...
Sorele verii a apus peste ...
Dragostea noastră de multă vreme
Dar în inima mea simt același ...
Vechi amurg.
O iubire atât de frumoasă,
În orice fel ...
O iubire atât de frumoasă,
Am lăsat-o să ne scape.
Eram prea tineri să-nțelegem
și să știm ...
Îndrăgostiții se despart
și așa merge dragostea.
O iubire atât de frumoasă ...
O dragoste atât de liberă ...
O iubire atât de frumoasă.
O dragoste pentru tine și mine ...
Şi când mă gândesc la tine,
Mă îndrăgostesc din nou.
O iubire atât de frumoasă,
În orice fel ...
O iubire atât de frumoasă,
Am lăsat-o să ne scape ...
Și când mă gândesc la tine
Mă îndrăgostesc din nou.
O iubire atât de frumoasă ...
Am lăsat-o să ne scape
O iubire atât de frumoasă,
În orice fel ...
O iubire atât de frumoasă,
Am lăsat-o să ne scape ...
Gee, what a nuisance it is, Gaston
Are you feeling that down?
Every man here would be happy to be you
Even though you look like a fool now
No man in this village is as populair as you
You simply belong everywhere
Everyone looks up at you with awe
And that is rightfully so, we think
He is great, Gaston
And so fast, that Gaston
And his neck is looking good, right?, Gaston
There is no one in the village that is as tough
He truly is a perfect man
Just ask if the butcher, the baker, the farmer
aren't really jealous of that Don Juan
What a guy, that Gaston
Truly a man, that Gaston
No one has strong jaws like Gaston
There are guys that envy me for my power
That is truly a man, that Gaston
Like Gaston there is no one
Gaston is the best
Everyone thinks so
No one fights like Gaston
Hits as straight as Gaston
And he doesn't bite too badly, that Gaston
His endurance could not be better
I have muscles like that of a horse
His wit is not up to discussion now
From top to bottom I am very hairy
No one plays chess like Gaston
He hits the mark, that Gaston
Watch out for the points he scores, that Gaston
Because I am the champion of spitting matches
A ten for Gaston
As a child I ate about forty eggs
Each morning, because then you'll get big
Because I now shove sixty of them in daily
I am such a hunk now
No one shoots like Gaston
Kisses a broad like Gaston
And when he stamps on the ground
That Gaston enjoys himself
And I would prefer the walls full of antlers
That is truly a man
Kill the beast [The mob song]
He needs to die what I roar to you
He sneaks up on us at night
He pulverizes our children
With his fierce brute force
Anything he finds in his way
He furiously smashes together
Our patience has reached its limit
Come with us to that barbarian
Through the fog
Through the woods
Through the dark and through the shadows
It is dangerous, but we're going
We have to
Who loves us very much
Has to pray for us fervently
Because it is worse than hell over there
Razor sharp, strong as iron are his teeth
No one has ever survived his claw
He lures all in his trap
But come with, truly do not
be afraid
He has to die
Kill the beast
Grab your sword
Get on your horse
Gather your courage and bloodthirstiness
We are now going with Gaston to the castle
Through the fog
Through the woods
To that horrible monster
His brutal tiranny
Is becoming too much for us
It is a beast
That is as big
As a giant
That will spare
No man
Or animal
Come, fight with us
Like a man
And prove
What you can do
Come on
Here we go
We are scared
Very scared
Of something that we
Don't understand
Of that big scary monster
The most
Come with us now
Come, hurry
Save your children
And your wife
We are not waiting
We are doing it now
Kill the beast
Come on if you dare
Because the furniture can fight too
Even though we never
Have been that brave
Chop that beast into the pan
Here we are with fifty men
We can handle every monster
Just kill that beast
Kill the beast
Kill the beast
Kill the beast
Kill the beast
Kill the beast
Kill the beast
Kill the beast
Beauty and the Beast
Forever been told
Always true
Strangers to each other
Until very unexpectedly
Someone bows for her
It's a new feeling
It makes you timid at first
Then spontaneous all of a sudden
Has something arisen?
Beauty and the beast
Something that every time
Has so much tenderness
Something that each of them
Experiences for the first time
And gives them wings
Forever been told
Always true
Strange and unusual
It almost seems
A dream
Just as marvelous
Beaming like the sun
In a party of fairy tales
Forever been told
Each time repeated
Beauty and the beast
Forever been told
Each time repeated
Beauty and the beast
A different meaning
Every smile, every look, every word spoken, every lasting hug, every promise that failed
Every silence, every touch, every stroke of hair, every image that froze, every note that was left
Each moment we had together gets a different meaning
All that we did suddenly turn around, now that you're leaving
Every dream, every nightmare, every worry that calmed down, every excitement that died, all the words of love
Every morning laughter and midnight cry gets a different meaning
All that we did looks different now about to break up
Each moment we had together gets a different meaning
All that we did suddenly turn around, now that you're leaving
Each moment we had together gets a different meaning
All that we did suddenly turn around, now that you're leaving
This night that psssed
Last night again I stayed in the bedroom
I sat and contemplated, I cried and beat myself up
like the sea hits the boulders pitilessly
This night that passed
treated me to much sadness
The past came into my thoughts
and as I monologued
my pain got stronger
and everything in my heart
turned dark
This night that passed
treated me to much sadness
Darts are hitting my wounded chest
and as I roam alone, I sigh and hurt
and wish that no one would drink my poison
Somewhere else
I'd like to stop being reminded about future
it's so scary, it's so cold in my head at night
I'm bored, I'd like to leave my body, to finally be free
My smiles are slaves of my manners
I opened the cage of my dark raven on the moonlight
It whispered dreams in my ear and lent me its feather
I'd like to leave this place if nobody understands me
Cause I'm less scared about being empty than being fake
I don't want your boring and artificial lives
Ending up with my hands eroded by detergent
I don't want that tiny house and its well-mowed lawn
I don't wanna be myself, and someone else either
People of my age are ridiculous, but it's not their fault
You don't grow up, you just replace the playground by another kind of playing
So go ahead, do your fake and stupid shows
I'll take care of turning off the scene's lights and closing the curtains
I got needles in my heart, if it'd stop beating it'd be less painful
Putting my head in the bathtub, I hear a voice that whispers: 'come with me'
Days have a bitter taste, and so is my face expressing
Minutes are acid, they bore me, they hurt me
As the coward that I am, just leave me in peace for a million years
I'd like to take a break that never ends
We're all under sentence of death
Everyone has the same end, I'll just take a shortcut
And I'm suffering from disappointing the ones I love, I feel more fear than sadness
I'm young but deep inside I'm old, I'm hollow, there's only glass in my veins
Let her (death) bring me to the other side, and let me there
I'm writing a message, just in case, just to be polite
Future is a wall that needs to be broken with bare hands
Gotta climb it up, stone by stone
Future is a wall that needs to be broken with bare hands, and I'm not even sure that I wanna know what's going on on the other side
When time fades away, when ice appears
When tears empty your body out
You need to know, if you're willing to turn over a new leaf
That outside, someone is still loving you
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I'd like to make your icy heart melt, to break your carapace
But I just stand here, I can't do that battle in your place
We could celebrate our victory, we could dance on your shield
I know that you're worried about the others, but for once please, forget them
And I know about your doubts, we went on the road together
If you can hear me right now, I'd like you to listen to me one day
I'd like to calm you down, to see you smile in front of the mirror
Do it, do it for those who are dreaming to be in your place
And so do I, I do hell with people, I do feel better when I close my eyes
I won't say I understand you but tonight I'm trying my best to do so
Sensitive, we're so small and everything goes blurred in the crowd
Look outside, I'm sure there are so many other people just like us
I'd like you to throw all of your things away, to come with me, having a ride in the city, laughing on the other side of the planet, doing mistakes, simply discovering life
React, you can punch me, slap me if you feel like doing so
Come in my car we'll have fun, we'll go pick up some girls all night long
Answer me, cold is paralyzing me
If you book a flight to somewhere else, I'll slip into your baggage
Black looking, I know you're going around and around
But I can assure you, if you jump, I'll be down there, waiting for you
We'll trade that stupid world for something else
What has never been done here, we'll simply do it ourselves
I'm staying strong but reading your letter has been so hard
Especially that moment when you said you wanted to disappear
So just stop, stop, just breathe, take off that thorn
Enjoy your heart's beat that's making your chest tremble
Open the window, look at winter and spring hugging each other
Wrap yourself with the laughing noises that evaporate from the terraces
Enjoy life down here and break that great wall
Our childish dreams deserve a better place to grow
We'll go for a great trip and I'll love you as much as you've hated them
But if you're leaving, I have no living reason left
When time fades away, when ice appears
When tears empty your body out
You need to know, if you're willing to turn over a new leaf
That outside, someone is still loving you
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
When time fades away, when ice appears
When tears empty your body out
You need to know, if you're willing to turn over a new leaf
That outside, someone is still loving you
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
I know you wish you'd be somewhere else (somewhere else)
When tired I will lie
When tired I will underlie
Liedowned by the barn
But the barn was yet demolished:
Nor destroyers, nor not destroyers
Just had rided maiden,
Waved to my soul
And I burned with the barn,
And ceased sore my heart.
Here are riding two ploughmans
They are fighting with the Reaper.
Lying Reaper tired
Glinting blood into the temples.
And the ploughmans like this saying:
War - starvation, starvation - war,
I don't need already nothing
Just a you so much I miss.
By the barn lied - in
I will rise - will arise
And to sky will have comed
I will call to you right now:
,,Good morning, my beloved,
How are you, how existing?
Here, I'm died,
In the dream I'm talk with you.'
Here are riding two ploughmans
They are fighting with the Reaper.
Lying Reaper tired
Glinting blood into the temples.
And the ploughmans like this saying:
War - starvation, starvation - war,
I don't need already nothing
Just a you so much I miss.
Junkie love
Well even dad and mom liked the beginning of this thing so much
When I talked about our relationship
And praised it to be lovely
Well, we walked into the sunset
And shot junk into our veins
With romantic visions
We shagged in the bush
I guess you took Richard Gere
And I Michelle Pfeiffer
And a piece sharper than pee-pee
I pushed into you again
Low flight, I'm shooting the good stuff into you
We see the same hallucinations
It's so wonderful
Junkie love, we're heating up the same spoon
And nothing lasts and nothing holds and promises are Latin
Well two or three years went by
Somehow we fell from the clouds
When we scavenged trash cans elbow-deep for food
One cold morning I woke up
You weren't there
Or you did slouch there
But I couldn't get you up
There was some junk left
I put it all inside me
Now we travel together
To harp playing lesson
Chorus (x2)
Extrem de frumoasa
Ooh vai!
Esti asa de bun
Cred ca este cel mai minunat lucru pe care -am vazut in viata mea
A-si plati oricat doar sa am o privelise mai buna
Si da,corpul tau arata atata de 'bolnav'
Cred ca am contactat si eu raceala.
Uita-te la tine
Uita-te la tine
Fi dulceata mea,
Fi mierea mea in noaptea asta.
Uita-te la tineFrumos
Uita-te la tine
Fi dulceata mea,
Fi mierea mea in noaptea asta.
'Fiidnca esti frumos
Esti asa de bun.
Baiatule,stii ca esti frumos
Stiu ca ai mai auzit asta si inainte
Baiete,tu stii ca ai stricat matricea
Nimeni nu se compara catusi de putin
Nimeni nu se compara catusi de putin
Esti asa de bun.
Trebuie sa fi m-a-re
Fiindca m-ai hipnotizat
Cine a spus ca frumusetea este la interior este un mincinos.
Fiindca la ceea ce mai uit acum
Ar face o fata mare sa planga.
Asaca pune-ti repede centura,
Caci va fi o cursa cu hopuri.
Uita-te la tine
Uita-te la tine
Fi dulceata mea,
Fi mierea mea in noaptea asta.
Uita-te la tineFrumos
Uita-te la tine
Fi dulceata mea,
Fi mierea mea in noaptea asta.
'Fiidnca esti frumos
Esti asa de bun.
Baiatule,stii ca esti frumos
Stiu ca ai mai auzit asta si inainte
Baiete,tu stii ca ai stricat matricea
Nimeni nu se compara catusi de putin
Nimeni nu se compara catusi de putin
Esti asa de bun
Oh,cred ca te plac,
Uita-te la tine
Vreau sa ajung,ajung,ajung langa tine.
M-ai cam incins,
Dar nu am sa transpir oricum,
Abureste-ma ca pe un bol cu legume,
Uita-te la mine,stiu ca vrei sa atingi
Dar nu este pe gratis,
Nu am nevoie de banii tai,
Vreau doar P ta
Baiete,treci incoace cu fundul ala sexy!
'Fiidnca esti frumos
Esti asa de bun.
B-baiete,stii ca esti frumos,
Stiu ca ai mai auzit asta si inainte
Baiete,tu stii ca ai stricat matricea
Nimeni nu se compara catusi de putin
Nimeni nu se compara catusi de putin
Esti asa de bun
Stii tu,baiatule!
Chiar dacă viața este grea, nu renunța până la sfârșit
Cerul te va proteja
Pașii tăi sunt grei, fac ceva zgomot
Te scufunzi și lași un oftat
Dar încă o dată, încă o încercare
Uită-te la cer încrezător
Acum este doar începutul
Întinde-ți umerii
Înăuntrul tău este cineva ca tine
Nu renunța la viitorul tău chiar dacă este greu
Ridică-te, ține-mă de mână, cucerește lumea
La fel cum petalele cad când timpul trece
Norii promit ploaie
Chiar dacă te lupți
Se poate schimba prin orice vrea cerul
Nu-ți face griji, nu contează
Așteaptă acea zi
Uită-te la cer încrezător
Acum este doar începutul
Întinde-ți umerii
Înăuntrul tău este cineva ca tine
Nu te lăsa chiar dacă este greu, încă o dată
Ridică-te, ține-mă de mână, ridică-te din nou (Ridică-te)
Ridică-te (Ridică-te)
Ridică-ți capul
Te rog, nu ezita
Acum este doar începutul
Întinde-ți umerii
Nu te lăsa chiar dacă este greu, încă o dată
Ridică-te, ține-mă de mână, ridică-te din nou
Observă și simte
Chiar dacă suntem diferiți, prietenul meu
Nu ești singur, ridică-te din nou.
Beauty and the Beast
Tale as old as time
Beautiful and elegant
One day they are foes, suddenly they're lovers
As if they were so long ago
Just a little change
Something that there was
Both of the youngsters, are a bit introverted
Beauty and the beast
It happens suddenly
Like a surprise
Like the morning, that brings the sunrise
And the blossom with it
Tale as old as time
And so is the tune
Bitter-sweet and strange, when you meet a stranger
That looks familiar
The doubt fades away
Like it was never there
The pain disappears
Only a loving heart remains
Beauty and the beast
A song as old as time
That sounds so inviting
Beauty and the beast
Be a Guest Here
Ma chère mademoiselle, it fills us with deep pride and great
Pleasure to welcome you here today
And now we invite you to relax
Take a seat
Because we now present the meal:
Your dinner!
Be a guest here, be a guest here
We serve without haste
Tie the napkin around your neck, chérie,
So that you don't miss anything here
Soup du jour in terrines
We are here to serve you
Try this there, it tastes exquisite
Ask the dishes, you know they don't lie
When we sing and when we dance
One only thinks: Vive la France!
Poor food is despised by everyone here
Read the card carefully, it's from our perspective
Be a guest here, be a guest here, be a guest here!
Rinds-ragout, a soufflé
And pudding en flambé
We prepare -- and with flair
And culinary cabaret
You're alone in misery,
But the menu's ready for you
There should be no lamentations here
When the cutlery entertains
We'll tell you like it's nothing,
Every new candle joke
And what you can bet on is certainly the taste!
Come on and raise your glass
We bestow enjoyment to you
You're a guest here, don't be stressed, enjoy a rest with the meal
Be a guest here, be a guest here, be a guest here!
It can be so depressing
When a servant may not serve
He feels hollow, the guest's satisfaction on his mind
Ah, where did the time where one needed us go? Ah, when did we become so restlessness?
Suddenly the old times were gone
Too long the rust was accumulated
We wanted so much more than cleaning
A wanted exercise, a chance for our talent!
Almost every day we mulled around in the house
Sloppy, fat, and slow, you came here and now we're merry!
[Madame Pottine:]
Oh, a guest! Oh, a guest!
My soul, now be ready
Here's the drink, and thank God
The damask is freshly ironed!
For dessert, she'll want tea
To that, I cannot say 'no'
When the cups aren't shy to dance
I will boil, I'll be brewing
I serve piping hot
Is that a spot? Now, I'll excuse it
Wipe it away, we just want for everything to fit
Thus everyone is running around for sugar - One? No, two
You're our guest
Our guest
Our guest
Our guest
Be a guest here, be a guest here
Your wish is our command
We've had no guest here in the palace for too many years
For your wellness, for your meal
We'll make it ideal
If the candles glow for you
We want to please you
Course by course
Pot and pan
Until you shout: 'Now stop!'
Then you recover from the ordeal in your sleep
Lay down to rest, but first eat
Be a guest here, Be a guest here, Be a guest here!
Be our guest!
How can time last forever
It's Paris from my childhood
Here started the journey of my life
In the cold, dark attic
Of an artist and his wife
I have the memory with me
It's just as unclear
Here I can feel from my childhood
Has been
The Grey sea. Eternally
Our hearts
Are beating among
The wind and waves
In an eternally storming
The sea of destiny
We're drifting blindly
Having left our home
With the will of waves
We're arguing in vain
In the Grey sea
An everlasting storm
Above the water
There's no rest
Into the grey mist
Of the fight between light and dark
We're involved
Will and waves
In an everlsating fight
Die and again
Rise in the storm
To experience all the pain
Of wandering in grey dreams
In the hands of the blind destiny
And get back again
To one's peace and dust
And to burn eternally
Like a weak candle
In the abyss of night
In the maelstrom of darkness
To glow eternally
To dream eternally
To love eternally
To love
© Sosnin Vladimir
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă...
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă, e greu!
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă, TU știi... e foarte greu!
Pentru că toată lumea o vrea, toată lumea o iubește
Toată lumea vrea să-ți ducă iubita, acasă...
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă, ai grijă la prietenii tăi!
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă, nu se termină niciodată
Știi că e o nebunie și vrei să ai încredere în EA
Dar apoi cineva închide telefonul, când veri să răspunzi
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă, du-te singur.
Poate e doar o problemă de orgoliu
Problema e... am fost păcălit mai devreme
Prin prietenii fățărnici și prin iubitorii de inimi slabe
Iar de fiecare dată când se întâmplă, pur și simplu mă convinge mai mult.
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă, privești la ochii ei!
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă, cauți să o prinzi cu minciuna...
Deoarece toată lumea o ispitește, toată lumea îi spune
EA e cea mai frumoasă femeie pe care o cunosc...
Când ești îndrăgostit de o femeie frumoasă, du-te singur.
Am avut o problema dificil de rezolvat
Intr-o faza dificila din viata mea.
Eram intre ciocan si nicovala*
Tinand cont si de opinia familiei mele.
Eu nu vroiam o viata normala,
Nu imi placeau orarele de la birou.
Spiritul meu rebel lua in ras
Banii, luxul si confortul.
Si am avut o revelatie:
Deja stiu ce vreau in viata asta.
Imi voi urma vocatia
Muzica va fi acoperisul si mancarea mea.
Pentru ca nu vreau sa muncesc,
Nu vreau sa studiez, nu vreau sa ma casatoresc.
Vreau sa cant la chitara toata ziua,
Si ca oamenii sa se indragosteasca de vocea mea.
Pentru ca nu vreau sa muncesc,
Nu vreau sa studiez, nu vreau sa ma casatoresc.
Si in cap aveam vocea batranului meu,
Ce imi suna ca o rulare de tambur**.
Tu, mai bine ca te barberesti,
Mai bine ca te maturizezi, mai bine ca lucrezi.
Deja am obosit sa-mi iei berea,
Iti voi da cu chitara in cap.
Tu, mai bine ca te barberesti,
Mai bine ca te maturizezi, mai bine ca lucrezi.
Deja am obosit sa fiu sursa ta de bani,
Iti voi agata acea chiatara de palarie.
Si am avut o revelatie:
Deja stiu ce vreau in viata asta.
Imi voi urma vocatia
Muzica va fi acoperisul si mancarea mea.
Pentru ca nu vreau sa muncesc,
Nu vreau sa studiez, nu vreau sa ma casatoresc.
Vreau sa cant la chitara toata ziua,
Si ca oamenii sa se indragosteasca de vocea mea.
Pentru ca nu vreau sa muncesc,
Nu vreau sa studiez, nu vreau sa ma casatoresc.
Si in cap aveam vocea batranului meu,
Ce imi suna ca o rulare de tambur
Tu, mai bine ca te barberesti,
Mai bine ca te maturizezi, mai bine ca lucrezi.
Deja am obosit sa fiu sursa ta de bani,
Iti voi agata acea chiatara de palarie.
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
Soarele verii a apus
peste iubirea noastră cândva
dar în inima mea simt acelaşi
vechi amurg...
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
în orice fel
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
noi am lăsat să ne scape...
Eram prea tineri să-nţelegem
şi să ştim
că-ndrăgostiţi se şi despart
şi uneori aşa-i dragostea...
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
o dragoste aşa liberă
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
O dragoste pentru tine şi mine....
Şi când mă gândesc la tine
mă-ndrăgostesc din nou
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
în orice fel
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
noi am lăsat să ne scape...
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
în orice fel
O dragoste aşa frumoasă
noi am lăsat să scape...
Pa pa frumoaso
În cele din urmă dealurile nu au ochi
Ei s-au săturat să picteze fața roșie a unui om mort
Cu propriul lor sânge
Obişnuiau să iubească pierzând atât de mult
Clipește-ți ochii o singură dată și vezi totul în ruină
Ai auzit vreodată ce ți-am spus?
Ai citit vreodată ce ți-am scris?
Ai ascultat vreodată ce am jucat?
L-ai lăsat vreodată în ceea ce a spus lumea?
Am ajuns atât de departe pentru a-ţi simți ura?
Am jucat pentru a deveni doar pioni în joc?
Cât de orb poţi să fi, nu vezi?
Ai ales drumul lung, dar o să așteptăm
Pa pa frumoaso
Pa pa frumoaso
Fantoma lui Jacob pentru fata albă
Blindfold pentru orbi
Frații morţi merg pe pământul de pe moarte
Laţul în jurul unei inimi sufocante
Eternitatea s-a rupt
Încet, acum, clopotele funerare cârtau
'Trebuie să mor să mă simt viu'
Ai auzit vreodată ce ți-am spus?
Ai citit vreodată ce ți-am scris?
Ai ascultat vreodată ce am jucat?
L-ai lăsat vreodată în ceea ce a spus lumea?
Am ajuns atât de departe pentru a-ţi simți ura?
Am jucat pentru a deveni doar pioni în joc?
Cât de orb poţi să fi, nu vezi?
Ai ales drumul lung, dar o să așteptăm
Pa pa frumoaso
Pa pa frumoaso
Pa pa frumoaso
Pa pa frumoaso
Nu este copacul care abandonează floarea
Dar floarea îl abandonează pe copac
Într-o zi voi învăța să iubesc aceste cicatrici
Încă proaspăte din lama roșie-fierbinte a cuvintelor tale
... Cât de orb poţi să fi, nu vezi ... [x3]
... că jucătorul a pierdut tot ce nu are ...
Ai auzit vreodată ce ți-am spus?
Ai citit vreodată ce ți-am scris?
Ai ascultat vreodată ce am jucat?
L-ai lăsat vreodată în ceea ce au spus cuvintele?
Am ajuns atât de departe pentru a-ţi simți ura?
Am jucat pentru a deveni doar pioni în joc?
Cât de orb poţi să fi, nu vezi?
Ai ales drumul lung, dar o să așteptăm
Pa pa frumoaso
Pa pa frumoaso
Pa pa frumoaso
Pa pa frumoaso