Rezultatele căutării pagină 17
Număr de rezultate: 1035
Prefer să plec cât sunt îndrăgostită
Prefer să plec cât sunt îndrăgostită,
cât încă mai cred în sensul cuvântului ”iubire”.
Îmi voi păstra visele și doar mă voi preface
că povestea noastră nu se va sfârși vreodată.
De prea multe ori am văzut
trandafirul cum moare pe tulpină,
cum se frânge inima cuiva,
de obicei a mea.
Nu vreau să-mi asum riscul
de-a fi din nou rănită,
și noi doi nu putem să ne luăm rămas bun.
Deci dacă te trezești și nu mă găsești,
oh iubite, treci peste asta.
Vezi tu, am nevoie de fantezia mea,
încă mai cred că-i cel mai bine
să plec cât sunt îndrăgostită.
De prea multe ori am văzut
trandafirul cum moare pe tulpină,
cum se frânge inima cuiva,
de obicei a mea.
Nu vreau să-mi asum riscul
de-a fi din nou rănită,
și noi doi nu putem să ne luăm rămas bun.
Deci dacă te trezești și nu mă găsești,
oh iubite, treci peste asta.
Vezi tu, am nevoie de fantezia mea,
încă mai cred că-i cel mai bine
să plec cât sunt îndrăgostită.
How cold the sun rises up!
The world ready to stop.
No! It’s not like before.
I am resisting and bite the solitude.
Like a soundless movie, wordless, dream or real?
I don’t wanna lie to myself!
I still want to believe!
The heart still carries one hope
and here doesn’t want to die.
I don’t want to lose it,
I want to feel the life!
I want to kill the fear today,
I’m litting it up on fure,
the freedom, where kan I find it?
The breath doesn’t let me,
I still run, through darkness, I’m searching for my path.
A new day, I imagine it, every end has a beginning.
It won’t delay, it will bring me back somewhere in life.
I will exist!
The sun will come down, to warm me up, above my eyes now.
Don’t wanna lie to me
I still want to believe
The heart still carries one hope,
and here will not die.
I don’t wanna lose it!
I wanna feel the life!
The fear I wanna kill it today.
I’m litting it up on fire.
The freedom when will I findt it?
Aș muri pentru tine
Dar cum să-ți pot spune că te iubesc,
Dacă nu-nțeleg încă ce e iubirea?
Eu am încercat, încearcă un pic și tu,
Fă-mă să sufăr, fă-mă să-nțeleg.
Fă-mă să-nțeleg dacă ce simt în inimă
E iubire adevărată, dar dacă e cu-adevărat iubire,
Am nevoie să iubesc mai mult.
Cât aș vrea să pot striga:
”Fără tine, tine, tine
Eu nu mai știu ce să fac.
Fără tine, tine, tine,
Fără tine aș vrea să mor.
Te privesc în ochi și înțeleg
Că tot restul nu contează de-acum pentru mine.”
Știu, când îți spun aceste lucruri
Îți fac mult, mult, mult rău,
Dar poate că eu sufăr chiar mai mult.
Cât aș vrea să pot striga:
”Fără tine, tine, tine
Eu nu mai știu ce să fac.
Fără tine, tine, tine,
Fără tine aș vrea să mor.
Te privesc în ochi și înțeleg
Că tot restul nu contează de-acum pentru mine.”
Dar cum să-ți pot spune că te iubesc,
Dacă nu-nțeleg încă ce e iubirea?
Puternic pentru a Salva
Toata lumea are nevoie de compasiune,
Iubire ce nu te inseala niciodata,
Lasa mila sa se pogoare asupra mea.
Toata lumea are nevoie de iertare,
De bunavointa Salvatorului
Frunzele tomnatice
Versions: #1
Frunzele căzânde pe la fereastră-mi -
Focoase, aurii, frunze veștejind...
Buzele-ți sunt săruturi ale verii pe sfârșit,
Mâinile-ți cu bronz ce-obișnuiam să le țin.
De cand plecași, zilele cu greu curg.
Curând voi auzi al iernii vechi cânt.
De tine mi-e cel mai dor, suflet drag
Când frunze tomnatice încep să cad'...
De tine mi-e cel mai dor, suflet drag
Când frunze tomnatice încep să cad'...
Ai văzut ploaia căzând?
Versions: #1
Mi s-a spus acum mult timp
,,'Nainte năpastei mereu e răstimp.”
simțeam de o lungă vreme.”
Mai spun și : ”Când s-a terminat
Soarele se va fi lăsat”
oglindind ca marea...
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând?
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând
Coborând în zi insorită pe pământ?
Ieri, ca și deunăzi
Soarele-i rece, ploaia se-ntări.
așa a fost de când mă știu.
Se repetă veșnic, cred.
Ciclic, rapid sau încet
nu se termină, mă miră.
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând?
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând
Coborând în zi insorită pe pământ?
Hmm...everything seemed to have stopped in just a moment
When you left your hands in mine
Come with me wherever I go
You by my side and me by yours
I am the season and you are the winds smile while I sing
You frown when I cry
I'll drown when you shower me with water
Beloved.....your face is my reflection
This is how it feels nowadays
I am the morning and you're the sunshine
I am the mirror as you admire yourself in it
I love your company
You're my life partner
You gave me all the colours of love
You pulled me away with you
To a place where we got lost
And time stopped
Where tomorrow never comes ask for a dream and I'll give you a million
My happiness lies in yours
You're different from the others
You're unique in your own way
We both are one
In just a moment, everything seemed to have stopped
You left your hands in mine
Come with me wherever I go
You by my side and me by yours
I am the season and you are the winds smile while I sing
You frown when I cry
I'll drown when you shower me with water
Be wearing you
If I can't say what I feel inside
like a sightless, like a deaf,
if I can't do what I'm supposed to do
like a monkey like a cat.
If I can't love how I'm supposed to love,
like a child, like a fool,
if I can't give as an empty pocket,
like a never solved issue.
Be wearing you
yes, like a shirt, like a jacket,
like a full pocket, like a button,
like a dead leaf, like a sorrow.
Be wearing you
like my hands, like a color,
like my voice, my tiredness,
like a new joy, like a present.
And if my heart wants to be a mouth
that seeks you and swallows you,
then i will keep your life inside me
this never ending song.
Be wearing you
yes, like a shirt, like a jacket,
like a full pocket, like a button,
like a dead leaf, like a sorrow.
Be wearing you
like my hands, like a color,
like my voice, my tiredness,
like a new joy, like a present.
Be wearing you
like my Indian summer,
like a new wrinkle, like a smile,
like a false hint, like a guilt.
Be wearing you
like a sunny day in the middle of May
that warms your skin, melts your heart
and gives you a reason to start again.
Be wearing you,
be with you,
to stay together, to love you.
Be wearing you,
be with you,
to stay together, to love you.
Brave Enough
Scared of being alone
Or Scared of love
My shadow just walks beside me
I’m getting closer to the edge
But try hard not to lose myself
When my heart walks alone
Please quietly watch it
Maybe the sound of the moment you’ve forgotten
Can reach that heart
I say I’m brave enough
Brave enough to be myself
And there’ll be a dawn after
This long and dark night
And the morning brings me a story
When I’m standing all on my own
Is there anybody out there
Just realized I’m still in my dream
Even when I show the tears of my heart
Smile as if you didn’t notice and embrace me
The memories inside of me from the past
I might be able to wipe away my tears
One day, when I suddenly looked back
There is a strange “me” there
While looking at me smiling and not saying a word
Tell me it’s okay
I say I’m brave enough
Brave enough to be myself
And there’ll be a dawn after
This long and dark night
Micul tău joc
Și astăzi te întorci aici
Cu sindromul victimei care plânge
Ai repetat acest teatru la perfecție
Lasă-mă să râd, cât de nostim ți-a fost circul
Dar fetițo, Doamne
Nu încerca să mă supui șantajului
Unde psihologia ta mă face vinovat
Ridică-te de jos, că plângând arăți teribil
Și nu, nu tolerez o infidelitate absurdă
Sinonimă cu trădarea
Nu, nu, ai ucis deja cu Cuvântul tău defect
Acea poveste care a existat cândva aici
Deja această iubire
S-a infectat de trădare
A contaminat iluzia
Nu există medicament care topește tumoarea
Ce s-a născut în mine și din cauza stării mele
Inima mea mai are de trăit câteva luni.
Se ridică și coboară cortina
Interpretare repetitivă
Cu lacrimile tale false
Cerând iertare
Dar acum s-a terminat
Micul tău joc s-a sfârșit
Spune adio iubirii mele
Spune la revedere lui Romeo.
Și acum aplauze, vă rog
Dați un Oscar celei mai bune actrițe ale anului
Pentru scenele atât de dramatice și înșelătoare
Dacă nu vă supărați, un autograf pe hârtie
Și nu, nu tolerez o infidelitate absurdă
Sinonimă cu trădarea
Nu, nu, ai ucis deja cu Cuvântul tău defect
Acea poveste care a existat cândva aici
Deja această iubire
S-a infectat de trădare
A contaminat iluzia
Nu există medicament care topește tumoarea
Ce s-a născut în mine și din cauza stării mele
Inima mea mai are de trăit câteva luni.
Se ridică și coboară cortina
Interpretare repetitivă
Cu lacrimile tale false
Cerând iertare
Dar acum s-a terminat
Micul tău joc s-a sfârșit
Spune adio iubirii mele
Ești demisă din viața mea
I Would Never Leave
When I opened my eyes,
You were by my side
Oh, you held me tight
And said you are afraid that I leave
Sunlight falls on the window
It’s a season full of warmth,
A clear day with your love
I gave you the maple leaf that fell from the window
As a bookmark
I’ll be with you when you sleep
Let time stop
Let me protect you
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
Hu ha ah
When I opened my eyes,
You were by my side
Oh, you held me tight
And said you are afraid that I leave
Sunlight falls on the window
It’s a season full of warmth,
A clear day with your love
I gave you the maple leaf that fell from the window
As a bookmark
I’ll be with you when you sleep
Let time stop
Let me protect you
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
Ha I will let you take over my life
Ha Let me grow old with you
Without many words
You will see that
You are my only one
Let me feel your breath
I would never leave
I would never leave you
Again again again
This is a promise that belongs to us
This is a proof of love,
I am in your hands
If only they knew that I love you
As much as Deniz loved revolution
They'd hang me by the neck, certainly
In the wee small hours
I'll get him
and yet we passed that extremely wide sea
and where do you hide
when the dessert is closing on us
and you promised us land and we came towards you?
and where do you turn around
when the horses are ready for war?
I'll get, I'll get him
the wind is raising
I'll bring him a laugh, children
I'll bring him fire and wine
he'll come, he'll come my beloved one!
the voice of my cry will be heard on the day, i read
i wish, i had it
and where do you turn around
when the horses are ready for war?
I'll get, I'll get him
the wind is raising
I'll bring him a laugh, children
I'll bring him fire and wine
he'll come, he'll come my beloved one!
the voice of my cry will be heard on the day, i read
hurry, hurry
and where do you turn around
when the horses are ready for war?
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit
Of thy womb: Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Amen.
Hail Mary.
Păstrează pupicii pentru mine
Deși mă doare să plec, este imposibil să mai stau
Dar e un lucru pe care trebuie să ți-l spun înainte de-a pleca
Te iubesc (te iubesc), știi
Mă voi gândi la tine, aproape orice aș face
Acum timpul trece și chiar trebuie s-o iau din loc
Dar tu mă ții pe loc pentru încă un surâs
Te iubesc (te iubesc) în toată vremea asta
În modul tău drăgălaș, îmi promiți că vei păstra
Pupicii pentru mine? Păstrează pupicii pentru mine
La revedere, iubito, la revedere. Nu plânge, dulceață, nu plânge
Ies acum pe ușă, dar în curând mă voi întoarce pentru mai mulți
Pupici pentru mine, păstrează toți pupicii pentru mine
Pe curând, iubito, pe curând. Așteaptă, iubito, așteaptă
Nu mă provoca să rămân, că știi că trebuie să-ți spun
Că trebuie să muncesc în fiecare zi și de aceea plec
Dar număr secundele până revin acasă la tine
Te iubesc (te iubesc), ăsta e adevărul
Ești așa drăgălașă, vai, dulceață, nu-i așa că vei păstra?
Pupicii pentru mine? Păstrează pupicii pentru mine
La revedere, iubito, la revedere. Nu plânge, dulceață, nu plânge
Ies acum pe ușă, dar în curând mă voi întoarce pentru mai mulți
Pupici pentru mine, păstrează toți pupicii pentru mine
Pe curând, iubito, pe curând. Așteaptă, iubito, așteaptă
Nu mă provoca să rămân, că știi că trebuie să păstrezi
Pupicii pentru mine, păstrează pupicii pentru mine
La revedere, iubito, la revedere. Nu plânge, dulceață, nu plânge
Nu-i așa că-i vei păstra pentru mine, chiar dacă ai doar... trei ani?
The song about cherished name
Wherever we fly our plane,
Wherever we sail and wherever we go,
Wherever we build cities,
The cherished name is always with us.
If you sing a song about happiness,
If you are going by difficult path,
Know that you are not going alone, but together,
The cherished name in your heart.
If you are wounded in cruel battle,
If you're on the edge of death —
By blue air, by current of rivers
That man will send you help.
For many brave and honest fighters
That man replaces father,
His name will not be eclipsed in ages,
The name is dear in all languages.
Stalin — he is with us everywhere and all the time!
He is our guiding star!
There is no one in the world
Who is closer and dearer for us than he!
Not As A Friend
I want to look into your eyes
I want to talk with you
Tell you nice things
Real close to your ear
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
I want your immense love
And for it to be shared with me
And your heart of roses
To be interlocked with mine
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
Cuddle Up
What do you expect from me? I want to know what you think
Yesterday you told me 'Dude, nothing romantic at all'
You must understand that I'm not a basic bro
But I can't blame you, sometimes I don't even understand myself
I want us to keep on filling our lives with memories
I want you to tell me that you love me and that you're going to miss me
Shit! Don't look me in the eye, you're going to make me cry
Tell me this is not the last time I hold you in my arms
I wish everything was a lie and in an instant waking up
I wish everything was a lie and in an instant waking up
One more day, one more time
I want to cuddle up in your arms
One more day, one more time
I want to cuddle up in your arms
One more day, one more time
I want to cuddle up in your arms
One more day, one more time
I want to cuddle up in your arms.
Nu trebuie să ne dezbrăcăm
Niciun cuvânt pe buzele tale
O iei de bună că vreau să înotăm dezbrăcați.
Vrei să marchezi (1) rapid, asta e strategia ta.
Dar nu sunt doar o bucată de carne, provoacă-mi mintea.
Noaptea-i încă la început, la fel și noi.
Hai să încercăm să ne cunoaștem, lent și ușor.
Ia-mă de mână, să încingem ringul de dans.
Să ne unduim corpurile în ritmul muzicii.
Poate atunci o să marchezi.
Așa că, hai iubi, arată puțină clasă
De ce vrei să termini așa de repede?
Nu trebuie să ne dezbrăcăm
Ca să ne simțim bine
O, nu
Putem să dansăm și să petrecem toată noaptea
Și să bem niște cherry (2)
O, da
Încetinește ritmul, dacă mă vrei
Unui bărbat îi place să fie abordat mișto și romantic
Am și eu nevoi
Exact ca tine
Dacă conversația e bună
Putem să vibrăm profund
Așa că, hai iubi, arată puțină clasă
De ce vrei să termini așa de repede?
Nu trebuie să ne dezbrăcăm
Ca să ne simțim bine
O, nu
Putem să dansăm și să petrecem toată noaptea
Și să bem niște cherry
(x2) Nu trebuie să ne dezbrăcăm
Ca să ne simțim bine
O, nu
Putem să dansăm și să petrecem toată noaptea
Și să bem niște cherry
Rămas Bun
Rămas bun
Pack Your Things
Why continue suffering
and make this agony any longer
I'm tired of giving myself whole and only receiving small pieces
Of a mere fantasy love
My destiny isn't with you
I loved you and you failed me
Why prolong the inevitable, I want you gone
Because I longer want to deal with you
Just pack your things so that nothing's left
I don't want you to come back with excuses and promises
I'll take any trace of you out of my mind and soul
There won't be any of you
And this heart which beats for you will finally rest
Which you so many times hurt and humiliated
And these hands which always caressed you
Now are waving you goodbye
My destiny isn't with you
I loved you and you failed me
Why prolong the inevitable, I want you gone
Because I longer want to deal with you
Just pack your things so that nothing's left
I don't want you to come back with excuses and promises
I'll take any trace of you out of my mind and soul
There won't be any of you
And this heart which beats for you will finally rest
Which you so many times hurt and humiliated
And these hands which always caressed you
Now are waving you goodbye
Dacă aveți pisici
Nimic altceva nu mai contează
He drives us crazy
Midfielder is on hand when he signal gives.
His belt makes me angry because he has his mall in it.
He received the fast Batmobile from fate.
He smiles like a fool, which drives me crazy.
He drives us crazy, he drives us crazy.
Fate gave him whatever he wanted.
Even if it had hundreds of gadgets, I predict his imminent end.
He makes fools of everyone because he is outspoken.
But I will destroy this rat and he will fear me,
because his mocking scowl only drives everyone crazy.
He drives us crazy, he drives us crazy.
That great detective.
He drives us crazy.
He will get one’s comeuppance soon.
He only drives everyone crazy,
he drives us crazy.
He can carry any weight, and who gave him strength?
From where he have the strength of hard rocks?
Why is he always winning?
He drives us crazy.
He drives us crazy. He drives us crazy.
End of days
The piston rushes, a rope holds,
throat is burning, clasp is in the head.
End of days.
Pistons are moaning, clamps are clinking,
your tears are dripping down on your shoes.
Acids are driping, bonds are scratching,
the pistons are puffing, it is creaking like doors.
End of days.
Clamps are choking us, hands are bleeding,
eyes are watering, my body is trembling.
End of days.
End of days.
End of days.
Love Linked To Heaven
Pack your topknot in a bottle
Someday, I'll bury it under the floor of an empty house
I front of your image incense is burned
Everyday that the sun is gone, I'll take a nap in front of it
By the logic of love till death
The illusion of love has been claimed
Linked to heaven, flowers of love blossoms
Linked to heaven, flowers of love blossoms
Your breasts, I'll drink it like the river
It seems like I'll need to redecorate the cover of love poems
Fill the shoes with menstrual blood
Scoop it with your finger and trace the illustration on the page
By the sciences of chromosomes
The flesh of time is frozen
Linked to heaven, flowers of love blossoms
Linked to heaven, flowers of love blossoms
Linked to heaven, flowers of love blossoms
Linked to heaven, flowers of love blossoms
Linked to heaven, flowers of love blossoms
Linked to heaven, flowers of love blossoms
To the Stars
Silence reigns: whilst they glow,
lights of love, stars so pure,
by the blissful night beautiful lamps
embroider with gold her mourning cloak.
Pleasure sleeps and masks my sorrow
and my complaints break the silence,
the echos returning in unison with them,
from nocturnal birds, the sinister song.
Stars, whose modest and pure light
replicates from the sea a bluish mirror,
if bitterness moves you to compassion.
Out of intense pain is why I complain,
Why, so as to brighten my dark night,
do you not have, oh, even a pale reflection!?
To him
There is no longer a bond
Nee kannu neeli samudram
Your eye is the blue sea
In that, My heart is travelling in a boat
Your smile is Pearls Garland
Its the thread that pulls me to the shore
Your black fringe hair...Fringe hair
Made me naughty
They covered such that ,
I dont have any other world
The tingling of your bangles...Bangles
made my life chill
The love is entwined me now
Your eye is the blue sea
In that, My heart is travelling in a boat
Your smile is Pearls Garland
Its the thread that pulls me to the shore
I have build a small sand castle
I wrote your name on that
No waves exist yet to wipe that off
The myna looks pretty beside the parrot
If you are beside me,that would be prettier
I asked a debt for the new words
as all the languages on the world are not enough
They are unable to express the love in any existing letters
Your eye is the blue sea
In that, My heart is travelling in a boat
Your smile is Pearls Garland
Its the thread that pulls me to the shore
Your beauty is a tidal wave that drowned me suddenly
Even I drowned I will float again as an inflated ball
I can recognise your voice even there is a chaos
I can filter and find you out,anywhere you are hidden
Your thoughts mad me mad
Your breath is my life
I am the that caught in your love
[verse 1]
On her face a starry sky with freckles (She)
She enlarges the belt’s hole with the scissors
That cemetery made of shirts in the washing machine
Is waiting to come back to life in the dryer
The pan that tans on the stove
The guanciale sings and you tie your hair up
On an old armchair in a modern kitchen
Our bed has become a stretcher
And when a plate falls down everyone screams:
Because you pay for what you break but we divide it
Because we do it like everyone does, like crazy people
We cross the line to go back to our footsteps
And you’re that kind of girl to whom photos don’t to justice
I know you like living like a 30 year old
And we try to be like we’ve always been
We make an ass of ourselves like always
We were good but we called it quits
To give ourselves space, a bit of light
We were twins, now we’re at the Gemelli
We cut back, it doesn’t repair itself
[verse 2]
At night the airplanes dress themselves as stars
To give us hope of touching them
They stay in the dark like old lovers
Hey, you’re a star dressed as an airplane
And I can’t reach that far
We’re a tattoo made with henné
We’re limping, and don’t look at me
‘Cause I’m going to ask you
“Any news?”
But I don’t want to know (no)
I ask you how you’re doing (doing)
And, I swear, I’m good
I swear, I was good
But at times we catch the wrong time
Maybe I had already left, you know, maybe we were slow
You want to talk to me, that sucks
You text me: “come down”
And shit gets real when you start off with:
About the privacy I chose
I removed the comments, I don’t think I’ll come down
And you’re that kind of girl to whom photos don’t to justice
I know you like living like a 30 year old
And we try to be like we’ve always been
We make an ass of ourselves like always
We were good but we called it quits
To give ourselves space, a bit of light
We were twins, now we’re at the Gemelli
We cut back, it doesn’t repair itself
[verse 3]
Every part of you is stitched in length
Our story is like the Operation game
You remove pieces of me and then you leave them in the dark
So that I won’t be able to find them again
You can find me at the Gemelli as an only child
Oh, you can think I’m crazy, crazy
But I won’t go away
No, we’re under anesthesia
And if nothing works out
We call in sick
But i won’t go away
And you’re that kind of girl to whom photos don’t to justice
I know you like living like a 30 year old
And we try to be like we’ve always been
We make an ass of ourselves like always
We were good but we called it quits
To give ourselves space, a bit of light
We were twins, now we’re at the Gemelli
We cut back, I’m the one who has your smile
Now I have two
We spend our days being hard on ourselves
Like a pit bull that doesn’t drop the bone
We’re a beer that came to its end
And I’m sorry, love,
But when I’m alone
Oh, I fly
[Verse 1]
Every slave wants their own slave
Cream of mushroom cloud
Head is heavy because of a crown
Children are read their rights at night
And there's another new wave
And the 'upper classes' cannot and the 'lower classes' do not want to
And we'll put our names in the history
In a news feed right under the photo of kittys
And there's another new wave
'Upper classes' and 'lower classes' has already switched places
And database has successfully updated
Kings are yours, aces are ours
[Verse 2]
Dystopias are in the top. Geese save Rome!
We drink paints, smell note, eat words
We are getting sweeter day by day
Hey, pigeons attacked monuments of leaders!
And there's another new wave
And the 'upper classes' cannot and the 'lower classes' do not want to
And we'll put our names in the history
In a news feed right under the photo of kittys
And there's another new wave
'Upper classes' and 'lower classes' has already switched places
And database has successfully updated
Kings are yours, aces are ours
De la rai la suferință
De la rai la suferință
Și scumpo, totul s-a sfârșit, nu mai e cale de întors,
Sunt în întuneric, punțile noastre de iubire au ars.
Nopți în mătase albă, amintirile sentimentelor, toate duse.
Încotro mergem, oh iubi, ce-am făcut?
De la rai la suferință într-o noapte,
Îngerul meu păzitor nu se vede.
Ne-am dorit totul și ne-am pierdut în flăcările minciunilor.
De la rai la suferință încă o dată,
Ne-am pierdut iluziile în cele din urmă.
Îți privesc chipul și văd că-ți lipsește o lacrimă în ochi.
Dacă încă îți lipsesc, trimite doar un semnal inimii mele.
Îmi voi aminti, suntem doar lumi despărțite.
Apropiați unul de altul, insule de libertate în soare.
Încotro mergem, oh iubi, ce-am făcut?
De la rai la suferință într-o noapte,
Îngerul meu păzitor nu se mai vede.
Ne-am dorit totul și ne-am pierdut în flăcările minciunilor.
De la rai la suferință încă o dată,
Ne-am pierdut iluziile în cele din urmă.
Îți privesc chipul și văd că-ți lipsește o lacrimă în ochi.
Oh, îngerul păzitor nu se vede,
M-ai lăsat singur în fiecare noapte.
De la rai la suferință,
Oh iubi, încă mi-e dor de tine!
De la rai la suferință într-o noapte,
Îngerul meu păzitor nu se vede.
Ne-am dorit totul și ne-am pierdut în flăcările minciunilor.
De la rai la suferință încă o dată,
Ne-am pierdut iluziile în cele din urmă.
Îți privesc chipul și văd că-ți lipsește o lacrimă în ochi
De la rai la suferință,
De la rai la suferință.
The air
I will go
The way, what did you show.
Autumn shakes
The lanterns yet again.
Every day
It’s getting hard to find your residue,
But don't wait,
I will be joining you.
However, never, never
Last summer will never return
You just look around, the air
Is changed
Please, don’t fly
Outside my window as the painted leaves,
Fall asleep
And staying in my dream,
Rain as stream
On shoulders flowing down today,
Please don’t say anything,
Don’t say
However, never, never
Last summer will never return
You just look around, the air…
However, never, never
Last summer will never return
You just look around, the air
Is changed