Rezultatele căutării pagină 19
Număr de rezultate: 1035
Save our ship
Since who knows when we got used to silence
How often the tides washed us away
I see a broken compass
If you're sad, seek me once again
Oh, Save our ship
Because it's a soul eternally adrift
At least hold me strong
We'll go through an invisible future
Save our ship
See each one of the lights
The sail that swelled up with the soft breeze on a far day
Like a broken promise
Makes a pale sound in the reef
The southern cross gets clear, look at it once again
Oh, Save our ship
We could burn the days of a limited life
That's why you came here
We're breaking up from the same oath
Save our ship
Collect the resurrected love
Oh, Save our ship
Because it's a soul eternally adrift
At least hold me strong
We'll go through a far future
Save our ship
See each one of the lights
We'll stare at each other calmly
Loneliness will break onto shore
We'll stare at each other calmly
Loneliness will break onto shore
Bravery, Truth and Loyalty
Versions: #1
I want to look beyond the war
Towards freedom
My family is my life
Nothing will touch them
I could ask myself
What a warrior would do
And if underneath my armor
I have bravery, truth and loyalty
Bravery, truth and loyalty
Winning costs strength and courage
Losing is for those who haven't them both
There is no one ready to save me
There is no kindness or goodness
I could ask myself
What a warrior would do
And if underneath my armor
I have bravery, truth and loyalty
Bravery, truth and loyalty
Consciously and calmly I'll wait for
Those answers I don't have at the moment
I can be strong or I can fall apart if
You are not with me
I'm trying to find
My true identity
It's not easy to honor
Bravery, truth and loyalty
With a heavy heart
Rain falls upon us
with lightning and thunder.
Wheat and promising rice
and sweet sugar canes.
But our hear is heavy
and choking in our throats,
when there's no more water in the river
and its two banks are fields of dust.
When rain comes by surprise
all sing 'how good.'
All say 'it's promising,
promising a wet winter.'
But in dry winter
hell is near again.
And then our hear is heavy
and choking in our throats,
when there's no more water in the river
and its two banks are fields of dust.
A very hot, dry year dries
river, field, hill and valley,
the two eyes of Annabella
and the well of my hopes.
Forest Brothers
I went through the forest,
Sii-saale- soo-saale- seira!
Through the forest, squatting,
Through the bog, through the fen.
Who did I meet on my way?
I met five brothers on my way.
Men as strong as oxen,
Women as sharp as needles,
Were sitting around the fire,
There they ate deer meat,
They drank moss soup,
They heated bog water,
They slept in moss beds.
Sii-saale, soo-saale
The forest nurtures them,
The forest protects them,
The wings of the forest cover them,
In the forest like animals,
Like the little birds in the sky.
’Come out, brother,
I will surely catch you!’
’No, I cannot come today’
Prima întâlnire cu tine,
inima-mi bate tare ca unui copil
Zilelea astea, Duminica,
soarele numit tu răsare Duminica
Prima întâlnire cu tine,
inima-mi bate tare ca unui copil
Zilelea astea, Duminica,
soarele numit tu răsare Duminica
24/7, toată ziua, mă gândesc numai la tine
Prima întâlnire pe care o aștept
Mă gândesc că va fi specială,
pot să fiu un gentleman
Căci sunt iubitul tău
După ce m-am gândit la asta o vreme
Am stat treaz toată noaptea
Când soarele nici măcar nu răsărise
De ce e ziua așa lungă?
Dau înapoi limbile ceasului
Încă de când am început să ies cu tine,
am simțit o diferență
Toată noaptea, fato
Mă gândesc la tine toată noaptea, fată
Te voi vedea când vine ziua de mâine
Și nu știu ce voi spune
Ne vedem Duminică,
aștept ziua de Duminică
(Ce vom face, ce vom face,
ce vom face uh yeah)
Timpule, te rog, treci mai repede
Ne vedem Duminică,
doar mi-am imaginat ziua de Duminică
Nu cred că voi putea dormi deloc astăzi
Prima întâlnire cu tine,
inima-mi bate tare ca unui copil
Zilelea astea, Duminica,
soarele numit tu răsare Duminica
Prima întâlnire cu tine,
inima-mi bate tare ca unui copil
Zilelea astea, Duminica,
soarele numit tu răsare Duminica
Mâine e ziua la care doar am visat
Stelele sunt așa frumoase
și luna e drăguță
Lumina care bate asupra mea,
lumea pare a fi făcută pentru mine și mai mult astăzi, nu-i așa?
În seara asta, voi fi un băiat simplu, doar pentru tine, dragă
Dacă timpul era un stoc numit tu, aș investi
Hainele pe care să le port cu tine, alegerea, mă învârt pe lângă șifonier
Inima mi-e plină de zgomot, vibrez de entuziasm
Toată ziua, m-am gândit numai la tine
Nu voi putea să dorm din cauza fanteziilor cu tine
Toată noaptea, fato
Mă gândesc la tine toată noaptea, fată
Te voi vedea când vine ziua de mâine
Și nu știu ce voi spune
Ne vedem Duminică,
aștept ziua de Duminică
(Ce vom face, ce vom face,
ce vom face uh yeah)
Timpule, te rog, treci mai repede
Ne vedem Duminică,
doar mi-am imaginat ziua de Duminică
Nu cred că voi putea dormi deloc astăzi
Mă tot uit în oglindă
Inima îmi bate puternic
Nu vreau să mai spun asta
Simt că nu vreau să mai spun asta
(Știu) Oh Tu
(Știu) Îmi faci
Zilele ca un film
Zilele astea, Duminică,
zi după zi, Duminica
(Ce vom face, ce vom face,
ce vom face uh yeah)
Zâmbesc natural de mai multe ori pe zi
Doar mi-am imaginat, într-o zi,
dar nu acum, într-o zi
Cred că voi zâmbi
Prima întâlnire cu tine,
inima-mi bate tare ca unui copil
Zilelea astea, Duminica,
soarele numit tu răsare Duminica
Prima întâlnire cu tine,
inima-mi bate tare ca unui copil
Zilelea astea, Duminica,
soarele numit tu răsare Duminica
Autumn is around, gentlemen
It seemed to us the summer will be endless,
It seemed to us that life is warm and blessed,
And the dewdrops were like diamonds, it seemed,
We laughed a lot, we fell in love, we dreamed.
Our wounds were washed away by summer rains,
Only scar marks on our souls still remain,
But autumn will come and the leaves will disappear,
Then why do I want so much, to come back, my dear.
Autumn is around, gentlemen, autumn is around,
Bright summer outfit with sadness will come down,
The wind blew wedge of weary cranes to the ground,
Autumn is around, gentlemen, autumn is around.
Only the cold winds from the north sighed a little,
Only autumn clouds in the sky cried a little
And my heart starts to ache with a slight sadness
Either I dreamed about this summer, or it happened.
Once it seemed to us, that life will go on and on,
But where does this bitter weariness come from?
Where does the sparkling frost come from on our hair?
And these grey-haired on the photo, are we there?
Autumn is around, gentlemen, autumn is around,
Bright summer outfit with sadness will come down,
The wind blew a wedge of tired cranes to the ground,
Autumn is around, gentlemen, autumn is around.
Dimineața sosește cu râset și cafea
Zburdăm, fiul meu cu mulțimea
de copii.
Al viselor sărut încă ne mângâie fața,
dar ne tot cheamă fulgii de nea și ghiața,
să fugim cu cărțile peste mări și țări
să zburăm înaripați cu patine,
gâdilați în piept să sorbim
gerul cumplit,
să strivim zăpada
Hai sus, zbori cu mine
până într-un cer de copilărie.
O altă, a mea mezină dimineață.
care le evoci pe cele trecute,
Vino, să-ți multumesc,
că mai am viață
pentru continuitate și pentru că totul se înnoiește
cu tine.
Please, Leave Me Alone
Just what made you decide
That you can have me just like in the movies,
That I should be the same as your wives,
That I would be a picture you've hidden away?
I, too, can have the troubles
Like every other person – and I do,
So pray to your god
For me to be your living truth.
Please, leave me alone!
Let me be by myself tonight
And when the dawn comes
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
I didn't hide from anyone,
I opened all curtains in front of me.
Please, leave me alone!
I'm happier in my solitude.
Just what made you decide
That you can have me just like in the movies,
That I should be the same as your wives,
That I would be a picture you've hidden away?
Please, leave me alone!
Let me be by myself tonight
And when the dawn comes
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
I'll even give you my heart.
Mereu vii din mare
Mereu vii din mare
şi ai vocea ei răguşită,
mereu ai ochii tainici
de apă vie printre mărăcini,
şi frunte aplecată precum
cerul aplecat de nori.
De fiecare dată renaşti
ca un lucru vechi
şi sălbatic, pe care inima,
presimţindu-l, se strânge.
De fiecare dată e-o rupere,
de fiecare dată e moartea.
Noi am luptat mereu.
Cel ce se sparge ciocnindu-se
a gustat moartea
şi o poartă în sânge.
Ca buni inamici
ce nu se mai urăsc
avem aceeaşi voce
aceeaşi durere
şi trăiam încleştaţi
sub cer sărman.
Între noi nici insidii,
nici lucruri inutile -
mereu vom lupta.
Vom lupta iarăşi,
vom lupta mereu,
căci somnul morţii
îl căutăm flancaţi,
şi-avem glas răguşit,
frunte-aplecată şi sălbatică
şi un identic cer.
Am fost făcuţi pentru asta.
Dacă tu sau eu vom ceda la ciocnire,
urmează o noapte lungă
ce nu e armistiţiu, nici pace
şi nu e moarte-adevărată.
Tu nu mai eşti. Braţele
zadarnic se zbat.
Până când inima ni se-nfioară.
Au rostit un nume al tău.
Reîncepe moartea.
Lucru neştiut şi sălbatic
şi renăscut din mare.
Va veni moartea şi va avea ochii tăi
Va veni moartea şi va avea ochii tăi –
această moarte ce ne însoţeşte
fără somn, de dimineaţa până seara,
surdă, ca o veche remuşcare
sau ca un viciu absurd. Ochii tăi
vor fi un cuvânt zadarnic,
un strigăt mut, o tăcere.
Astfel îi vezi în fiecare dimineaţă
când singură te-apleci deasupra-ţi
în oglindă. O, speranţă dragă,
în ziua aceea vom şti şi noi
că eşti şi viaţa, şi nimicul.
Pentru toţi moartea are o privire.
Va veni moartea şi va avea ochii tăi.
Va fi precum sfârşitul unui viciu,
cum ai vedea-n oglindă
ivindu-se din nou o faţă moartă
sau cum ai asculta o gură-nchisă.
Şi în vâltoare coborî-vom muţi.
I have a story
Stories I tell are rippled with colour
The stories I tell about the wonderful world
Stories I tell are rippled with colour
The stories I tell about the wonderful world
For a fantasy world
Full of beauty
Fantasy world
Full of beauty
I have a story that I tell the children
I have a story that I tell the children
( Music )
Stories I tell are rippled with color
The stories I tell about the wonderful world
For a fantasy world
Full of beauty
Fantasy world
Full of beauty
I have a story that I tell the children
Into The Open Air
Love is like a distant star
Takes us to our home
Love blooms like a sun
It sheds light on what we do
I would like to tell you
My words flew with the winds
How did we end up like this
Will we be able to get enough of love
At the end of this day
What will happen
Will it begin from
Where we left off
It’s like everything is falling apart
Our love is standing tall
If we carry our love together
To these endless skies
To these endless skies
To these endless skies
Love blooms like a sun
Cobor spre Liverpool
unde te duci cu nimicurile alea în mâna ta?
Am zis hei,
prin ţara asta verde şi plăcută
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Unde te duci cu discul ăsta cu UB40 în mâna ta?
Am zis hei,
prin ţara asta verde şi plăcută
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Unde te duci cu discul ăsta cu UB40 în mâna ta?
Am zis hei,
prin ţara asta verde şi plăcută
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Cobor spre Liverpool să nu fac nimic
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Toate zilele vieţii mele
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui
Versions: #1
Obişnuiam să cred că poate mă iubeawi
acum sunt sigură
şi abia aştept ziua
când vei bate în uşa mea
Acum de fiecare dată când mă duc la cutia poştală,
mă ţin să nu cad
Fiindcă abia aştept
până-mi vei scrie că vei veni...
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui, oh-oh
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui, oh-oh
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui, oh-oh
Nu-i aşa că-i bine?
Hei, e bine-acum
Nu-i aşa că-i bine?
Hei, da!
Obişnuiam să cred că poate mă iubeai
acum ştiu că-i pe bune
şi nu vreau să-mi petrec viaţa-ntreagă
doar aşteptându-te
Şi nu te vreau înapoi pentru weekend
şi nici pentru-o zi
Am zis dragă, eu doar te vreau înapoi
şi vreau să stai, oh da
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui
Păşesc pe lumina soarelui
Mă simt vie,
simt iubire
simt iubire
care-i pe bune
Mă simt vie,
simt iubire
simt iubire
care-i pe bune
Sunt pe lumina soarelui, oh, oh da
Sunt pe lumina soarelui, oh
Burning The Past
Hail Queen of Heaven
Hail Mistress of the Angels
Hail root, hail door
from whence light was born to the world.
Hail Queen of Heaven
Hail Mistress of the Angels
Hail root, hail door
from whence light was born to the world.
We hoeven onze kleren niet uit te doen
Geen woord, van je lippen
Het leek je gewoon vanzelfsprekend dat ik wil skinny dippen
Een snelle hint, dat is je spel
Maar ik ben geen stuk vlees, stimuleer mijn brein
De avond is nog jong, net zoals wij
Laten we elkaar leren kennen, traag & makkelijk
Neem mijn hand, laten we de vloer aanraken
Onze lichamen dansend op de muziek
Misschien zal je dan scoren
Dus komaan schat, zal je niet wat klasse laten zien
Waarom moet je zo snel gaan?
We hoeven onze kleren niet uit te doen
Om een leuke tijd te hebben
Oh nee
We zouden kunnen dansen & feesten de hele nacht
En wat kersen wijn drinken
Uh huh
Ga gewoon wat trager als je me wil
Een man wil cool & romantisch benaderd worden
Ik heb behoeftes
Net zoals jij
Als het gesprek goed is
Vibraties door en door
Dus komaan schat, zal je niet wat klasse laten zien
Waarom moet je zo snel gaan?
We hoeven onze kleren niet uit te doen
Om een leuke tijd te hebben
Oh nee
We zouden kunnen dansen & feesten de hele nacht
En wat kersen wijn drinken
(x2) We hoeven onze kleren niet uit te doen
Om een leuke tijd te hebben
Oh nee
We zouden kunnen dansen & feesten de hele nacht
En wat kersen wijn drinken
[Verse 1]
Question the streets you were grown up in
The path you are walking is grotty and dangerous
There is no way out Do not expect a hand
He doesn't know me He listens to my duplicates
And its all okay
My plan is not to work
Struggle for the loan of a bread
Not these kids
These streets are grotty
Ghetto the lion's den gets covered with fog, just as I like
All that's happened, find n kill I wouln't even feel, just as I like
Different women happy tomorrows thronged, bring me as I like
From all variations and options just as I like
I stick around as wish
There are no answers to the questions in my head
We are the idols of the street kids
Not those tomorrows but those money bags is what we want
This is what we dream of
What do you expect of me?
My head aches yet I always walk tall
We walked with confidence yet we were kept waiting behind the doors
Mom you are the one waiting for me, I worry over you, Do not worry 'bout me
Feels like this is all fake, my pals got me pale, no one ever hears me
There's no king, what rules?
Dont call me at this hour
The whole street knows what I've been thorugh
Favela, favela
The big bads everywhere, colorless Güngören is
Favela, favela
Gang trustees, the real crew find the cracks
Pursue, pursue come and hang out sometimes, the routine is here
Favela, favela, Güngören
Favela, favela
Favela, favela
The big bads everywhere, colorless Güngören is
Favela, favela
Gang trustees, the real crew find the cracks
Pursue, pursue come and hang out sometimes, the routine is here
Favela, favela, Güngören
Favela, favela
[Verse 2]
What are you lookin' for? No problem
I have a dream, I am chasin'
I am growing up and my lungs are darker
I cannot outdo the cops
I cannot become you my man
I am not looking for some penny
I did not see your message man
I am messed up I cannot see what is front of me
Louder, I can't hear you, louder
I am known to have knocked pricks like you
Sure I changed, no one left near me
My plans in my head, my money in my pocket
Give a call when you are busted
Give a call when you have your ass in a crack
Goodness needs money, evil is free
Ain't seen no fortune, still waiting
That time is out, my city is fast and the youth is listening to me
The foggy streets dazzle you all
Some do not even visit the place they were grown up in
Is that me in the mirror?
I try to look as I am
I live up to my honor and my crew
But all is like I left
Favela, favela
The big bads everywhere, colorless Güngören is
Favela, favela
Gang trustees, the real crew find the cracks
Pursue, pursue come and hang out sometimes, the routine is here
Favela, favela, Güngören
Favela, favela
Favela, favela
The big bads everywhere, colorless Güngören is
Favela, favela
Gang trustees, the real crew find the cracks
Pursue, pursue come and hang out sometimes, the routine is here
Favela, favela, Güngören
Favela, favela
Digimon - Brave Heart
How many dreams get lost in a single clash?
How many hopes are exchanged among the wounded?
And you’ll understand that so little is needed
To make a icy heart melt and fall in love!
But I, despite destiny
go alone, to places in the darkness
Where many secrets hide, I have to know
I wait for the day when sorrow will disappear
And the sun will shine again
No matter what happens, bring your courage,
And you won’t regret it! Don’t give up!
There are days when cold rains are falling
Even though it’s hard to breathe,
don’t give up!
Forget all the rules and fly
Because you’re free, you’ll forever live that dream!
But I, I don’t look at fears
I go alone, and I follow my dreams
I let the wind carry me, look!
I wait for the day when sorrow will disappear
And the sun will shine again
No matter what happens, bring your courage,
And you won’t regret it! Don’t give up!
But I, I don’t look at fears
I go alone, and I follow my dreams
I let the wind carry me, look!
I wait for the day when sorrow will disappear
And the sun will shine again
No matter what happens, bring your courage,
And you won’t regret it! Believe in yourself!
Marginea raiului
Foc! Îl pot vedea arzând atât de strălucitor...
Foc! Pot vedea cum mă cheamă...
Şi în timp ce soarele coboară,
începe să picteze o imagine
a unui oraş antic
atât de departe, dincolo de marea fără sfârşit...
Du-mă spre lumină
şi ia-mă spre marginea raiului.
Stau în lumină
privind spre marginea raiului
Vom atinge marginea raiului...
Închide-ţi ochii şi vezi vise de mâine
Roţile se-nvârt până-n eternitate
Şi în timp ce vine întunericul,
încep să văd o imagine
a unui om singur
atât de clar, venind spre mine...
Du-mă spre lumină....
Şi navighează marea fără sfârşit
aşa că du-mă spre lumină
şi ia-mă spre marginea raiului
Marginea raiului e aproape
vom naviga marea fără sfârşit...
Versions: #1
Everyone calls me a jigaboo, Llorona,
a jigaboo, but a loving one.
Everyone calls me a jigaboo, Llorona,
a jigaboo, but a loving one.
I’m like a jalapeño, Llorona,
hot, but tasty.
I’m like a jalapeño, Llorona,
hot, but tasty.
Woe betide me, Llorona, Llorona,
Llorona, take me to the river.
Cover me with your wrapper,
‘cause I’m dying of cold.
If because I love you, do you want, Llorona,
do you want me to love you even more?
I have already given you my life, Llorona,
so what do you want more?
Do you want more?
Prea mult stat cu mintea-n Rai
Gândesc mai clar acum
Și limpede-n gând
Pot vedea unde-om fi toți curând
Dacă desparți un om de mit judecând
Poți vedea unde-om fi toți curând
Ai început sa crezi
mitul din jurul tău
Ai început sa crezi
Că ai fi Dumnezeu
Contează mult mai mult
Dacă vorbești sau taci
Și nu-s prea mulți atenți
La binele ce-l faci!
Vezi Iisuse, eu nu vorbesc la munți
Tot ce-ți cer e un pic să m-asculți
Tine minte... Eu unul niciodată n-am mințit
A-nceput iar nebunia
Cu toții cred ca ești Mesia
Dar când și-or da seama c-au greșit...
Eu țin minte când la drum am pornit
Nu erai Domn, erai un om obișnuit
Crede-mă ca
Te-admir la fel de mult Ca-n prima zi
Dar tot ce-ai făcut și rostit
Se-ntoarce răs-răstălmăcit
Și până-și dau seama c-au greșit...
Nazaret, fiul tău clar
Mai bine era tâmplar
Ca tac-su, priceput și
Scaun, masă, cufărel,
Asta-i viața, Iisusel
Stai acasă la cioplit
Nu fi tâmpit!
Vezi Iisuse,dacă-ți pasă de noi
Tre'să stăm frumos pe locul doi
Că pe primul loc
e Roma si cu ăștia nu- i de joc
Te-nconjori de săraci cu duhu'
Printre ei ți se duce buhu'
Și mi-e ca ajunge mult prea sus
Mult prea sus
Vezi Iisuse câtă grijă
îți port, cred că nici tu nu te vezi mâine mort
Dar e trist să văd că timpul trece parcă fără rost
Ăștia parcă s-au stricat
Numa' Rai mai au în cap
A fost frumos cât a fost dar gata, a fost cât a fost
Vezi Iisuse câtă grijă îți port, cred că nici tu nu te vrei mâine mort
Deci haide, haide, fă bine și-ascultă-mă
Haide, haide, ascultă-mă, haide ascultă-mă, ascultă-mă, fă bine și-ascultă-mă!
Heaven's Light
Versions: #1
So many time I've seen from my tower
Those couples of joy side by side
Like they had a glimmer around them
And I almost see the Light of Heaven
That light doesn't grace this place with its warmth
And no matter how much I once again wish
Then this ugly face would never
Get to the light of Heaven
But at last with me I got an angel
She wasn't afraid of me at all
I touched her and still remember
When the bells ring again at night
They make the tower brightly shine
At last I get Heaven's light
When we dig for gold in the USA
Versions: #1
Even though we have run a thousand miles
We will run a thousand more
We hear a voice that's calling
And when we have come all the way home
We start over once again
We hear a voice that's calling
It says, ''We are finally on our way''
It says, ''It's time to leave''
Through air and over seas
To all the girls that we have forsaken
To all of you who believed
In everything we did
Do you want to follow us to the west?
To all of those who crossed the Atlantic
Showed us that you can, the world is watching
All the way from New Delhi to Moscow
When we dig for gold in the USA
So many tried and disappeared
But we have proven that we can
And we have everything to win
Because in each house and apartment
Sits people who knows
That we have everything to win
The girls have flowers in their hair
There all the boys stand lined up
Together we're unstoppable
To all the girls that we have forsaken
To all of you who believed
In everything we did
Do you want to follow us to the west?
To all of those who crossed the Atlantic
Showed us that you can, the world is watching
All the way from New Delhi to Moscow
When we dig for gold in the USA
To all the girls that we have forsaken
To all of you who believed
In everything we did
Do you want to follow us to the west?
To all of those who crossed the Atlantic
Showed us that you can, the world is watching
All the way from New Delhi to Moscow
When we dig for gold in the USA
Și tu dansezi cu el
Tu n-ai dansat nicicând așa bine ca-n seara asta,
Îți privesc părul blond sclipind în întuneric.
Tu n-ai zâmbit nicicând atât de tandru, cred,
Ești cea mai drăguță, tu nu mă privești.
Și tu dansezi cu el, cu capul pe-al său umăr,
Îți închizi un pic ochii, e cel mai prost teatru pe care-l joci.
Și tu dansezi cu el, abandonată, fericită,
Ai toată noaptea la dispoziție să te-ndrăgostești.
Nu sunt în largul meu, îmi vine să plec.
E mereu un dans lent ca să-ți prind surâsul.
Și tu flirtezi cu el, eu sunt singur cuc în colțul meu.
Nu mai știu cine sunt, nu-mi mai amintesc de nimic.
Și tu dansezi cu el, cu capul pe-al său umăr,
Îți închizi un pic ochii, e cel mai prost teatru pe care-l joci.
Și tu dansezi cu el, abandonată, fericită,
Ai toată noaptea la dispoziție să te-ndrăgostești.
Și tu dansezi cu el, și tu dansezi cu el.
Și tu dansezi cu el, și tu dansezi cu el,
Cu el!
Four, one, two, three
Either your words or the way you speak
Are the gum chew that shakes me
I feel like you'll need fun (fun)
You’ll probably know why, me too
For now, for now
Come approach me, come over here
It’s not too far
Our direction
I’m curious about our direction
If we’re thinking about the same thing then let’s make some action
(Ah oh) I can’t even tell who it is
That keeps looking at me
Maybe it’s the way you made me fall
Come on, quickly
I guess I have to get more drunk for now okay, I pour up
This place has been flooded since you came over here
You’re not spilling on purpose
You look like you’re overflowing
(Drippin’) like water, water
Yeah, I wanna get to know ya
Hey little mami
Inside the wave, wave
I’m drowning
Trust your way to me
We’re surfing
So that you can't get out I'll make a
Rainstorm (splash)
Rainstorm rainstorm
I'm easily swept away by the wave of instinct
(Oh yeah) She makes me
some type of way
You're looking at me too mami, look here
Leave yourself to me before my heart changes
(Ah oh oh) I can't even tell who it is
That keeps looking at me
Baby it's the way you made me fall
I need you now, quickly
You better come
While I chew on this gum
Wasabi told me to spice it up (spice it up)
The sweet dew dripped out, you playin' dumb
Imma give you three, three, two, one
Hey little mami
Inside the wave, wave
I’m drowning
Trust your way to me
We’re surfing
So that you can't get out I'll make a
Rain shower (splash)
Shower shower
Get you one,
Get you one tonight (I love you)
Get you one, get you one tonight
Get you one, get you one tonight
I need you now, quickly
I can't take my eyes off you, you got me crazy
The existence that is you is a bit of a burden
As we continue, we get more drunk off of each other yay!
From twilight to dawn party, ha!
Hey little mami
Inside the wave, wave
I’m drowning
Trust your way to me
We’re surfing
So that you can't get out I'll make a
Rain shower (splash)
Shower shower
Shower, shower
As People
People deceive, people conceal, yet even still - even still, they laugh.
People run away, people place blame, yet even still - even still, they laugh.
I went and lied to you, then came to regret it.
It may be that I, too, was being fooled.
But rather than suspecting and exposing the one who lied,
and hurting them, I think it’s best to take the way of understanding.
Isn’t that so?
That I’ve no alternative but to keep believing?
That I’ve no alternative but to keep on loving?
Why do we point fingers at the failures ingrained in each other?
There’s no choice but to accept them, is there?
I’ve no choice but to keep on loving?
Being called an idiot.
You don’t want to become an uncool person, do you?
As people - as people, don’t we want to live coolly?
I lose my way, I grow troubled.
But I reject the thought of fleeing. I won’t stand shelving myself away.
I’m so exhausted, I feel so empty.
Yet even still, I don’t want to lay the blame on anyone.
That’s not cool. (That's not cool.)
Isn’t that so?
That I’ve no alternative but to keep believing?
That I’ve no alternative but to keep on loving?
I know. I know the one I most adore is me. Everyone’s that way.
Well, shall we laugh together, then?
Isn’t that so?
That I’ve no alternative but to keep believing?
That I’ve no alternative but to keep on loving?
Why do we point fingers at the failures ingrained in each other?
There’s no choice but to accept them, is there?
I’ve no choice but to keep on loving?
Being called an idiot.
You don’t want to become an uncool person, do you?
As people - as people, don’t we want to live coolly?
Sad Life
To endure eternal sorrow
Is the fate of all of us who are too devoted to love
Never could my heart protect itself
From love carving itself through the soul
My broken heart searched again
Reveal your chest and let it rest there
It cries out for comfort to satisfy its thirst
It is not desiring lust
Every crime must be confessed
No one can ever escape punishment
Until the lust of the last sweet release
Is devoured in death
How long can someone embrace,
Once again, the time has passed
You'll never be able to protect yourself
And extinguish that passionate flame
I know: love is sin
That's why I can't evade my punishment
My heart is broken forever
By someone who never really cared about me
So far away
I’m so far away from you
and despite the enormous distance
I feel you close to me,
sweetheart, sweetheart, soul with soul.
And I feel your kisses on my being...
Why are you so far away from me?
I’m thinking about your love
and like crazy I talk to you,
I tell you about my pain.
And even if you make me happy
I don’t tell you.
I feel your kisses on my being...
It doesn’t matter that you’re so far away.
I’m thinking about your love
and like crazy I talk to you,
I tell you about my pain.
And even if you make me happy
I don’t tell you.
And again I feel your kisses...
Why are you so far away from me?
I’m thinking about your love...
I Want To Be the Sky
When the cold wind cuts the air,
When everything is radiant up in the sky,
Both the mountains and the fog drive me
To always keep going forward.
I will run, I will fly: I want to be like the wind and the sky!
I will fly: I want to be like the wind and the sky!
Where there are mysterious forests and the mountains are high and strange,
The waters reflect memories from long ago.
I want to hear those legends,
I want to live what I've dreamed about:
To be as strong as storms,
To fly completely free.
I will run, I will fly: I want to be like the wind and the sky!
I will fly: I want to be like the wind and the sky!
I Gave Away My Soul
I gave away my soul
to the most powerful demon,
and like a madman
I went after you.
I pawned my shadow
to the glow of a star,
and like a flash
like a madman I followed you.
How can I die
if I don't know what it means to live?
you hold my life in your hands,
my worries and my summers,
you hold the best of me.
You flee because of the time,
because of everything,
because you can't find a way
to separate me from you,
isn't that right?
I forgot the dream,
I threw away my blood,
I never yearn
to belong to you.
My body doesn't exist,
my skin is no more,
only in your gaze
does a part of me remain.
How can I love you
if you won't let me live?
I live in your soul and in your shadow,
in everything that's yours. in everything that names you [as theirs]
I die to live in you.
I live in you dream and in your blood,
I die because I'm hungry
for you to die in me,
pain, isn't that right?
My voice no longer makes a sound,
my ears no longer hear,
it can no longer resist
the sway of any emotion.
My sense of touch deceives me,
my throat has gone silent,
my mind has crashed,
I can't feel anything.
How can I calm
this love when it turns indifference?
I move on because the universe turns,
because you gaze looks
at everything I didn't give you.
I remain half dead and half alive,
because you keep alive
my agony's desire to live.
Right, love, isn't it true?
right, love, isn't it true?
right, love, isn't it true?
Hearts Are Broken in the Evening
Explain what it is
In that little shadow of yours
Which is no good for anyone
But it's good for me
Explain it better
And don't hide anything
I need something
I can hold on to
Cause if I don't know what love is
I won't love you
Dreams fit into a suitcase
See you tomorrow, king
Hearts are broken in the evening
Explain it to me case there's no room
In this arena
For doubting in what I mean to you
And what you mean to me
Explain how it is that
Neither you nor I now
Some solid words
That you can hold on to
Cause if I don't know what love is
I won't love you
Dreams fit into a suitcase
See you tomorrow, king
Hearts are broken in the evening
Cause if I don't know what love is
I won't love you
Dreams fit into a suitcase
See you tomorrow, king
Hearts are broken in the evening
In the morning they are put together again
Two people looking for love
And love will be far away
From somekind of an explanation
You can hold on to
Cause if I don't know what love is
I won't love you
Dreams fit into a suitcase
See you tomorrow, king
Hearts are broken in the evening
In the morning they are put together again
Eu nu i-am spus ei, ea nu mi-a spus mie
Am un ceas care mă trezește în fiecare dimineață
Pentru trenul meu,
Am o bătătură care mă avertizează
Când va începe să plouă,
Am avut un vis care se adeverește:
Am o scumpete în vedere.
Sunt cât se poate de fericit,
Căci de fata pe care-o vezi m-am îndrăgostit.
Eu nu i-am spus ei, ea nu mi-a spus mie,
Dar noi știm că e totuna.
Sâmbătă seara, pe canapeaua ei,
O, ce bine o să petrec!
Eu nu i-am spus ei, ea nu mi-a spus mie,
Dar noi știm că e totuna.
Ea încă mă domnește,
Dar n-o s-o mai facă, știu asta,
După ce-am s-o sărut.
Am un ideal care curând se va-mplini,
Unul mic, două mici, poate chiar trei.
Eu nu i-am spus ei, ea nu mi-a spus mie,
Dar noi știm că e totuna.