Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 21

Număr de rezultate: 834


Vreau să zbor

Vreau să zbor!!!...
Ochii mei sunt ca ai unei păsări mici
Puţin speriaţi
Ochii mei sunt ca ai unei păsări mici
Puţin ruşinaţi
Zbor atât de departe
Curând vom juca un alt joc
Avem nevoie de noroc să mergem mai departe
Mirele şi mireasa
Avem nevoie de noroc să mergem mai departe
Mirele şi mireasa
Zbor atât de departe
Am nevoie de ajutorul tău , da, da, da.
Ceremonia Henna este acum,1
Ceremonia Henna este acum.
Munţii cântă şi se bucură
mirele şi mireasa sunt iubiţi.
Ceremonia Henna este acum
Ceremonia Henna este acum
Vreau să zbor!!...
Eu vreau să zbor !!...
Munţii au sărit precum berbecii.2
Fericire şi bucurie.
Piatra pe care constructorii au refuzat-o.3
Ei au împodobit mirele pentru mireasă.4
Na na na na...
Vreau să zbor!!...
Am fost
Am fost
Am fost
Şi nu ştiu despre sosirea lui
Am fost
Am fost
Am fost
Da da da da
Vreau să zbor !!!...

Don't close the door on me

Don't close the door on me
open up, so I may enter
and don't leave me outside
Just like the raindrops
are wetting my body
so is my bitter tear
dripping in my soul
Don't close the door on me
forgive my mistake
and don't excoriate me
Don't close the door on me
the pain I gave you
don't give me back
Much as I went astray,
I came back to you,
because you are the
biggest love of mine
Don't close the door on me
forgive my mistake
and don't excoriate me

Eyes on the sand

To the sea in my chilled palms
Our parting I carry.
By the sea,
Morning and night
Eyes on the sand I'm sketching.
Eyes that remind of a
Far quiet autumn.
And waves,
Into the sea
your blue eyes waves carry,
Carry away and don't return!
Return his eyes to me,
Return his words to me,
Return our rendezvous'
Return the spring!
All that is now lost,
All that is now spent,
All that was wished
Quickly return!
But sea,
All the time in my face it is laughing.
That cold sea.
And seagulls,
Loud sounds of grief
Over the water are drifting.
I draw,
I draw you for the hundredth time
On the sand under the moon.
And sea,
With the treacherous wave,
Again steals you,
Carries away and does not return.
Return his eyes to me,
Return his words to me,
Return our rendezvous'
Return the spring!
All that is now lost,
All that is now spent,
All that was wished
Quickly return!
Sea! Return him!

Did you regret it

I pour a glass of wine for the days to come
For the sun after a summer rain
I put a smile on my face, chase away the dark thoughts
To be happy, I don't need you anymore
Did you regret it when you were leaving
Still, darling, I would like to know
Now I found a new love
But your shadow still follows me
I start singing loudly
so that the sorrow of my life
is deafened with every verse
I place a rose on my pillow
So I can smell like him
Because I don't care about you anymore
Did you regret it when you were leaving
Still, darling, I would like to know
Now I found a new love
But your shadow still follows me
Pour a glass of wine for the days to come
For the sun after a summer arin
Put a smile on your face, chase away the dark thoughts
To be happy, you don't need me anymore
Pour a glass of wine for the days to come
For the sun after a summer arin
Put a smile on your face, chase away the dark thoughts
To be happy, you don't need me anymore

Dacă nu mă iubești

Ce s-a întâmplat în final?
Te-ai intors cu hainele tale la acest umil bădăran,
M-ai lăsat pentru ca nu te-am tratat cum doreai,
Deoarece alături de mine nu puteai învinge.
De ce?
De ce vrei să te întorci?
E pentru că egoismul tău nu poate suporta o altă femeie,
Cineva care mă poate iubi și suporta în pat,
Care știe să aibă grijă de mine.
Mi-ai spus ”Nu te vreau”,
Te-ai privit pe tine însăți într-o oglindă și mi-ai spus cu un gest
Că ți-am veștejit chipul, m-am purtat rău cu pielea ta fină,
Nimeni altcineva nu te va mai dori.
Dacă nu mă iubești,
De ce revii în casa mea,
Cu chipul tău de sfântă,
Fără a căuta nimic?
De ce vrei să revii,
Dacă ai plecat să cauți
Pe cineva care să te citeze și să te curețe?
Eu n-am fost nesincer cu tine,
Eu doar te-am dorit pe tine
Și tu ai părăsit casa mea
Cu aroganța ta,
Iar eu deja am uitat
Că odată te-am avut.
N-a mai rămas nimic de la tine
Aici, în sufletul meu.
Ce tristă a fost ziua când ai plecat,
Căci te-am iubit sincer.
Căutând pe cineva să te depășească,
În sfâșit am găsit-o pe ea,
Ea este iubita mea!
Ay ay ay ay oh oh
Asta e școala,
Ala Jaza ooohh ohh
De ce vrei să te întorci?
Vrei să-mi faci necazuri pentru ca am altă femeie,
Cineva care mă poate iubi și suporta în pat,
Care știe să aibă grijă de mine.
Dacă nu mă iubești,
De ce revii în casa mea,
Cu chipul tău de sfântă,
Fără a căuta nimic?
De ce vrei să revii,
Dacă ai plecat să cauți
Pe cineva care să te citeze și să te curețe?
Eu n-am fost nesincer cu tine,
Eu doar te-am dorit pe tine
Și tu ai părăsit casa mea
Cu aroganța ta,
Iar eu deja am uitat
Că odată te-am avut.
N-a mai rămas nimic de la tine
Aici, în sufletul meu.
Oh no, oh no
Ay ay oh oh
Asta e școala!
Dacă nu mă iubești...

Hei Iggy

Cea mai tare catea din club
Baieti hot in pula mea in club
Spune-le sa se calmeze, super stramt in club
Asta e noua mea porcarie, da-i drumul in club
Un grup dragut de femei face un barbat sa aiba o semi-erectie
Loveste-ma noaptea tarziu precum Jimmy
Daca i-o dau o data, o sa ma urmareasca in jurul orasului
De unde ai curul ala?
Care este numarul doctorului tau ca fato esti buna?
Curve zgomotoase intreaba de noul meu nas
Dar contul meu bancar are noi zerouri
Am auzit ca el a primit postul, vrei sa fi asistentul meu
Iubeste ciocolata alba, eu sunt mai densa decat un snicker
Mai densa (buna/rotunda) decat o striperita, daca ma palmuieste, o s-o si platesc
De unde ai curul ala?
Talie mica mica, geanta nou nouta
Spun, hei Iggy, esti asa buna
Esti asa buna, imi zapacesti mintea
Spun, hei Iggy, esti asa buna
Esti asa buna, imi zapacesti mintea
Cea mai tare catea din joc
As putea sa-l fac pe Future sa lase paharul jos
De la trap in Miami, nominalizata la Grammys
Hate-arii nu ma suporta, dar ma iubesc la banca
Vrei toate alea in hunnids?
Chiar ma excita cand vad panarame primind bani
Chiar ma scarbeste cand vad baieti prefacandu-se exicitati
Spune-le ca sunt rea si ca ma curbez dupa el
De unde ai curul ala?
Ma simt bine cu fundul in timp ce imi umplu paharul
Asta e ce vrei, de ce ai nevoie, huh?
Pentru baietii cool dublandu-le stocul
Pentru fetele fierbinti cu chilotii lor tanga
Urmeaza sa le dai imdediat ce pleci, huh?
De ce o urasc pe Iggy?
In timp ce tu ai fost la dieta, fata ta facea milioane
La dracu cu vita, am mai multa friptura decat Philly
De unde ai curul ala?
Talie mica mica, geanta nou nouta
Spun, hei Iggy, esti asa buna
Esti asa buna, imi zapacesti mintea
Cea mai tare catea din joc
As putea sa-l fac pe Future sa lase paharul jos
Cea mai tare catea din club
Baieti hot in pula mea in club

I like her eyes

I like her eyes.
Like from a flame, everything melts.
By the minute, and not by the day.
I only drown in her eyes.
[Verse 1]:
Let's play a game (play a game)
Let's disappear at night and return in the morning.
Come on! Without any delay (without any delay)
Do you want love? Then give me it first.
Ay, still give me a reason.
I'm so in love with you and my freedom.
In love so much, I'm losing reliance.
I want to see you again and again.
Don't leave too early.
It's dark outside, it’s 2 o’clock in the morning.
I'm in a serious mood.
My heart is open, and only lets in grown-ups.
Its late and we shine like stars.
My friends ask me
What do you see in her?
Everything is simple!
I like her eyes.
Like from a flame, everything melts.
By the minute, and not by the day.
I only drown in her eyes.
[Verse 2]:
My thoughts don't let me rest even once.
I don't run after them, I won't chase them away.
I'm a fan of her eyes, yeah I'm a fan!
Like the first time, to the moon and back.
My cosmos are in her eyes (my cosmos)
And we fly over thorns to stars.
While dissolving in the silence.
She melts like snow. Like in a dream!
Don't give in, put the rules aside.
Your dances spin my head so much.
This is hypnosis, yeah I'm hypnotized.
Put the sound on blast and let her carry you away!
I'm not gentle as if its May.
Let's exhale, come on exhale.
I look at her and she looks at me.
This is euphoria!
I like her eyes.
Like from a flame, everything melts.
By the minute, and not by the day.
I only drown in her eyes.

Închide-ți ochii

Ziua dispare pe neobservate,
De acum nu-ți voi mai vedea umbra,
Nu rămâne decât un minut până când se face întuneric,
Acum ești singură, o știi,
Nu închide ușa în urma ta,
Voi veni la tine, să nu-ți fie dor de mine,
Vom întregi noaptea cu noi doi,
Doar tu și eu, suntem împreună.
Închide-ți ochii și dă-mi vreun semn pe tăcute,
Închide-ți ochii și spune-mi în șoaptă un 'da',
Închide-ți ochii și vom ajunge la capătul lumii.
Închide-ți ochii și dă-mi vreun semn pe tăcute,
Închide-ți ochii și spune-mi în șoaptă un 'da',
Închide-ți ochii și doar lângă mine vei crede în minuni.
Noaptea dispare pe neobservate,
Știi că doar eu pot să te ajut,
Nu fi timidă, vino mai aproape,
Doar tu și eu, doar tu și eu.
Închide-ți ochii și dă-mi vreun semn pe tăcute,
Închide-ți ochii și spune-mi în șoaptă un 'da',
Închide-ți ochii și vom ajunge la capătul lumii.
Închide-ți ochii și dă-mi vreun semn pe tăcute,
Închide-ți ochii și spune-mi în șoaptă un 'da',
Închide-ți ochii și doar lângă mine vei crede în minuni.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Flirting with me

Flirt with me, with my eyes
All your words are longing
For you I take care of myself
And I look after my beauty
How I love your flirting to me!
Only for the sake of your eyes I feel I'm sweet
'What I want from the world'
How beautiful is it when I hear it from you
In front of your eyes my shadow entered your shadow
And I forget the people around me
What my dreams would be if
You didn't wake the up
And you let me know that I am
Falling for you, and your love stole me and took me away
To a forgotten heaven

My trouble has green eyes

My trouble has green eyes
They won't forgive me, won't show me mercy
I am walking, head bowed,
Hiding my guilty look
I'll go out into a peaceful field
And will cry in self-pity
Who invented this pain?
And why do I get this pain?
I didn't mean, it just happened,
It was a twist of fate, not evil
It wasn't you who made this shirt
So that you will enjoy looking at lme
It isn't you who is returning home hand-in-hand with me
From a visit to friend
And I can't even drift over you in the sky
Like a cloud
We didn't meet at the right time
We married others
Had weddings a long time ago
For you I am 'three-is-a-crowd' forever
The hot nights are rustling
Like a pasque-flower
And my trouble's relentless green eyes are
Watching me
Watching me

Vor numele tău

Ei vor si de la mine numele tău
M-au ținut 2 de guler, spun 'nu se poate!'
Vine timpul eroziuni, cel mai scump pierderea prieteniei
Eu nu rămân la acest examen
Cât de mult ne-am schimbat noi, așa în picioare te ține viața dând o declarație
Apoi m-am uitat chiar au fost învinși ei
Nu mai rezist în această beznă, gâtul lor stă oblic
Deasupra noastră sunt jocuri
Spune-mi rănile de pe brațele tale, nu te rușina
Lucrurile frumoase vin cu dureri și dezamăgiri mari
Detaliile despre bijuteriile minorități, sunt fanii oamenilor
Ziua vine așa cu o gură nedeschisă de cuțit
Pe această stradă ne vom strânge
Tu spui 'iubire', spui 'dragoste' dar nu se poate acum
Spune cine le-a spus lor 'trăiesc liber'
M-au ținut 2 de guler, vor numele tău
Vina pică deasupra noastră
Nu contează asta va veni ziua tuturor
Țin minciunile, exte interzisă opinia deschisă
Pentru că este o figură ca vina să pice deasupra noastră
Un prieten ca primăvara, să fie ca primăvara
Ce este în mintea noastră? De ce fug și se opresc?
Ce va fi să fie o dată în curând vom cădea
Factorii răscolii nu au nici-o prestație, am vorbit despre asta
Ei sunt oamenii frumoși
Nu nu mint cei care spun că au capul gol
Drumul de a curăța mâine în curând oricum într-o zi brațul aripei se va prinde
Cu siguranță ultimul meu cuvânt nu va fi 'rămâneți cu bine'
Ce am dat parcă? Ce vor de la mine?
Gura mea, fața mea sunt în sânge, dar o să tac
Tot timpul spre deosebire de și crede tot timpul
Brațele mele s-au legat, vor numele tău
Ege Kökenli

Ana dances

I have a friend, sweet like a banana
She's sort of timid and she's called Ana
Most often, you see her arm in arm with her mother
The nicest girl, this is Ana
But today, Ana wore a new dress
She invited us all to karaoke
Because Ana read pretty much the whole library
And now she wants to know what it's like in the discotheque
Ana dances
Dances, dances
Tomorrow, nobody works
Today, she dances, today
Today, Ana, Ana, today
In the discotheque, it seems to me that she sort of likes it
She undoes my blue dress a little at the neck
A man moves, dressed to the nines
Ana hasn't seen him, she pretends
We didn't know that she could also sing
Everyone applauds hotly
Ana celebrity, Ana president
Ana's with us everywhere from here on out
Ana dances
Dances, dances
Tomorrow, nobody works
Today, she dances, today
Today, Ana, Ana, today
Ana dances
Dances, dances
Tomorrow, nobody works
Today, she dances, today
Today, Ana, Ana, today
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

I Remember A Day When I Was In Jaffa

I remember a day when I was in Jaffa
Tell us, tell us about Jaffa
My boat1 in Jaffa's harbor
O, the days of fishing in Jaffa
The sea called us to go fishing on a clear day
So, we prepared our boats2
We glimpsed images in the heart
We came back with longing to Jaffa
We sailed3 at dawn
The froth and sail
We got lost in the middle4
And we could not find the beach5
Did you find a lot of fish
And did you catch a lot of it?
Say, 'day and night
We play with water'
But at night, at night
The wind came at night
What a lashing storm
It connected the sea6 with the sky
The night sea storm
A pack of Seawolves
We dropped the mast
We held the oars
We fought so hard
And death was playing us
We fought the angry waves
We dove into the tumultuous sea
And our hands are pulling bluntly
And the boat is pulling, and pulling itself too
That day, they said that we are lost
That we are doomed in the cold ever
But we came back with the morning light
We came out of the wind just like a genie coming out of its lamp
We interned Jaffa's harbor
What a sweet feeling returning to Jaffa
We filled the bank with seashells
How beautiful are the days at Jaffa
We were, with the wind howling
Saying, 'We will come back, Jaffa'
And today, the wind is howling
And we will come back Jaffa
And we will come back Jaffa
And we will come back Jaffa
  • 1. Lit. Sail.
  • 2. Lit. Ores
  • 3. Lit. Took off.
  • 4. Lit. Eyeball
  • 5. Lit. The beach got lost.
  • 6. Lit. Water.

Aria of Koschei the Immortal

Versions: #2
Have you ever heard how people give a cunt1?
No, it's not that cunt that has hairs,
U-u-u-ugh! It's a cunt, a specific cunt,
When they punch and kick you!
Ivan has just beaten me so much,
It was very disagreeable even for me,
I guess it's a custom among them
To kick right on the fucking face.
Probably now I'm going to die
From so intense battering...
Take your hat off! Koschei has got a cunt2, u-u-u-ugh!
I have got it for the soul, not for the glory!
Probably now I'm going to die
From so intense battering...
Take your hat off! Koschei has got a cunt, u-u-u-ugh!
I have got it for the soul, not for the glory!
(Narrative Part)
Koschei whined like a dog, farted several times and croaked,
He didn't stay alive, fuck him! Having crapping up his pants, he died.
And, shaking his ass, Ivan had been running across the chambers
Before he met his wife in one room.
Having seen Vasilisa, he took out his dick
And fucking fell down on the sofa with his wife,
After that, singing 'boogie-woogie', our wedded pair
Quickly went home,
Hugging with a pleasure!
  • 1. 'Give a cunt' - it means 'to beat up' in Russian non-normative slang.
  • 2. 'Has got a cunt' - it means 'has been beaten up' in Russian non-normative slang.

A cattleman

I was an ugly guy in our village,
Nature didn't give me any man's beauty,
When my parents were making me,
My father had been much drunk as a pig.
And I was born lame and humpbacked,
I have had a crooked mouth and a hunchbacked head,
When I went to work or home,
All hillbillies usually laughed at me.
In my kolkhoz, I worked a cattleman,
Cows were crazy about me,
Because I loved my dear cows,
I cared for them, and I fed them on time.
And I spent the nights with my cows on the farm,
I had sex with every my cow,
What could I do if I was ugly
And girls always ran away from me?
Oh, you, my dear cows!
I carefully milked you by your tits,
When I gave peace to my soul with any cow,
This cow was better for me than any woman.
A had my own harem like a sultan,
I had sex with the cows, and it was fine for me,
For doing it, I set a stool behind a cow
And gave pleasure to all the cows.
But my intimate life was short,
One day, the chairman caught me red-handed.
There is the Article for it in the Criminal Code,
And I will go to prison.
Now the prison is my home,
And cows can't write me a letter,
Now bulls fuck my cows,
And I masturbate with my fists.

Crime without evidence

Tanja Savić (Chorus):
You're a man with no shame, naughty in the sweetest way
Somewhere around half past one, make me do crime without evidence
Later in a glass of truth when my conscience pressures me
Just around five I get ashamed of myself
Rimski - Corona (Chorus):
It's dangerous
She wants to kiss just for a night
It's a crime 100%
Cause she shoots in the heart again with a glance
It's dangerous
She wants to kiss just for a night
It's a crime 100%
Cause she shoots in the heart again with a glance
Tanja Savić:
Once again I'm acting tough, I'd kiss you like
I won't be kissing you ever again, crazy about you
I'm breaking the law, going mad because of you
Put your hands on my body to calm me down
Crazy, crazy about you
Rimski - Corona (Chorus)
Rimski - Corona:
She says she's afraid like the bank is afraid of the mob when she gets drunk
It's not easy with me she'd give everything
We're driving black Audis. she's naked
New suit ready like a gang
She's expensive tonight like Champs-Élysées, she's teasing me
Wants me to take it off of her like jewely, of the neck
The whiskey is sliding down the ice cause all the evidence
Is being hidden by the walls of that apartment
Rimski - Corona (Chorus)
Tanja Savić
(You're a man with no shame, naughty in the sweetest way
Make me do a crime with no evidence)
Rimski - Corona (Chorus)

Fuck and Go

Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Whoever fucks slowly fucks more
For the show, you're not Calado1
Don't make balloons, don't call
Don't send a message, control [your] emotion!
Drag your yesi2, move move move
You've tried the mail, you've lost control
Don't think I'm a new troll
You saw me, you pretend that you didn't see me!
Ai, don't cause me stress!
Ei psycho, follow the bullet...
Whoever touches is orderly, fuck, go go go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go, fuck, go
Go, go, go, go!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...
Go, go, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go, fuck, go
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
In this novel there's no happy end
What is the idea, now you want an encore?
You came with a lot of dancing the xaxo3
You came with a lot of dancing the xaxo
Ai, you're stuck
Hum, you're stuck
Ai, now don't bother
Go, go, go, go (you're stuck)
Fuck, go
Fuck, go
Fuck, go, fuck, go
Go, go, go, go!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...
Go, go, go
  • 1. Calado is the name of a famous comedian in Angola.
  • 2. I am sorry, I'm unfamiliar with this word. If anyone knows, please inform me.
  • 3.

Every Day Starts a Year

The sky's still clear
But in the evening it's already cold
In the window that turns to the sea
Perhaps it's impossible to say
That the summer already finished
But the sun gets tired earlier
On the grass in a yard
A day starts to get shorter
But still as though nothing changed
If you are a true friend
Hold your face now
Don't tell me that another year's already passed
No this can't be
Years are not seconds
If you look you'll be able to see
That nothing changed
All my senses rebel
Give me a few more days
I didn't manage to do anything this year.
No this can't be
Years are not seconds
If you look you'll be able to see
That nothing changed
All my senses rebel
Give me a few more days
I didn't manage to do anything this year.
There's no rain in the clouds yet
Don't jump at each sign
Don't get off before the stop
Don't show me in the journal
Be like a merciful father
Don't wake me I'm still sleeping
No this can't be
Years are not seconds
If you look you'll be able to see
That nothing changed
All my senses rebel
Give me a few more days
I didn't manage to do anything this year.
No this can't be
Years are not seconds
If you look you'll be able to see
That nothing changed
All my senses rebel
Give me a few more days
I didn't manage to do anything this year.
Year..... year.....
Year..... another year
Year..... year.....
Don't tell me that another year's already passed.
On the grass in a yard
A day starts to get shorter
But still as though nothing changed
If you are a true friend
Hold your face now
Don't tell me that another year's already passed
No this can't be
Years are not seconds
If you look you'll be able to see
That nothing changed
All my senses rebel
Give me a few more days
I didn't manage to do anything this year.
No this can't be
Years are not seconds
If you look you'll be able to see
That nothing changed
All my senses rebel
Give me a few more days
I didn't manage to do anything this year.

Love Message

I want to give you a love message, of few words
The hidden secret of a heart, a heart that knows
I've understood that maybe you weren't the error
And with all the strength I have inside, I want you more
I've listened to the noise and the silence, speaking in time
I've dreamed of your face, your eyes, smiling at me a bit
How much nostalgia
Never, I've never had you
Never deep down, my sweet, sensitive love, believe me
Never, I've never had you
How it hurts, not hearing you anymore
Be that as it may, this love message for you
If I've placed my hands on faces burned by the sea
And I've climbed the dunes of the heart that are even taller than me
If I've lived nights wasting my fantasy
It's because I was alone, confused, lost
Never, I've never had you
Never deep down, my sweet, sensitive love, believe me
Never, just never, I've never had you
My soul, you know I'll be there
Take this love message with you
Never, I've never had you
Never, just never, I've never had you
Never deep down, my sweet love
Let it just be a love message
A love message
Wherever you'll always go
Wherever you'll go

I Waited For You

I waited for you so much
Your absence was so long
Without you, I’m dead
I want you the same as past
If death took you from me
In my heart you’ll stay, your place
I waited for you to come to me
Our separation doesn’t change me
Love went, I became careworn, I became alone
Craving humiliated me, and the tears likes my cheek
Look, your love chained me I’m tired of craving
Life without you became a prison
I got tired of craving
Even in my silence, I remember you
I hug your clothes and sleep
I smell the remaining of your perfume
Your illusion didn’t leave me
It’s with me, every moment
I swear if my soul leaves
In place of my soul, I accept you
How would I forget you?
A relationship gathers us
And I wished in the last day, a pit gathers us
Your absence made me tired, I lived with a cut
With tears I spend the night until the day
Hey I’m typin a signature!!1! :D


Versions: #2
A doll's hair to be free,
A moth's feather to be free,
Looking through glasses at a cherry earrings to be free,
A moment's hesitation to be free,
The song of exile to be free,
From Chehel Sotoun (1) and Bistoon (2) to Takht-e Jamshid (Persepolis) (3) to be free,
Again and again,
An incomplete dream,
Yet, what is the point
In an incomplete dream,
A shirt of flower pattern to be free,
Laughing a lot to be free,
A woven hair of forty-string(4) to be free,
As a guitar string to be free,
A drawing class time to be free,
Whoever you want to be, to be free,
Whatever you write on a paper, or on a wall to be free,
Again and again,
An incomplete dream,
Yet, what is the point
In an incomplete dream.

Love in afterlife

Again I eagerly wait for the end of Octobre,
I don't eagerly wait for the end of Octobre in vain -
You will come to me on the 31st night again,
Being mixed deadly again - loving shudder,
you will come, come from your grave.
Our bodies will merge again in the moonlight,
Our eternal love, we really need each other,
Your skill smiles at me again,
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
Long ago you died for everyone, only not for me,
Let your beautiful corpse stink for a few years,
Worms have eaten our rotten flesh,
We - are sinful people, the Lord has not taken our souls,
I need your dead flesh.
Our bodies will merge again in the moonlight,
Our eternal love, we really need each other,
Your skill smiles at me again,
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
Over the cemetery shines the big moon again,
You have no idea how much I nedd you, honey,
It's cozy for us in the family tomb with you together,
In the light we will make a [small] skeleton with you,
there will be three of us in the tomb.
Our bodies will merge again in the moonlight,
Our eternal love, we really need each other,
Your skill smiles at me again,
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
Our bodies will merge again in the moonlight,
Our eternal love, we really need each other,
Your skill smiles at me again,
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.
I will tenderly caress you on full moon.

Inima ta este in goroapa

parca impotriva unui oras
amintirile sunt in spate
te bat pe strada
ai fost omorat la fiecare colt
numele tau este pe fiecare perete rupt
plangand si ridicand, te pacalesc pe tine
inima mea este mereu in aceeasi groapa
pentru aceasta inima daca este necesar imi fac praf mainile
niciodata nu am sa fug inapoi, ei nu ma gasesc
fugi vino intr-un colt unde ti-a fost taiata respiratia
mi-au limitat vocea, parca ne-am apropiat foarte mult de mare
in ochi sunt halucinati, etica trucului adevarat
mahalaua mea sa fixat, casa tiparita
feriti-va de mine, poate un copac, poate o pisica
am spus fidelitatea averii mele, iubirea familiei este adanca
am o scanteie in buzunar, dorinta inimii mele este la sol
sti dintr-o data usile care se inchid sunt insuportabile
si ochi lumii, fiecare continent slab
sunt 4 laturi tradate, 4 serpii laterali
a trecut aceasta iarna, a venit primavara
aceste mari cladiri laterale sunt deasupra mea
zambeste in fata mea sunt multe slabiciuni, sper ca totul este scutit
m-am intorc inapoi, nu merg prea mult
ochiul meu este orb, mintea mea mereu este vigilenta
nu o vreau azi
adica capul meu este mereu incoltit, este incredibil
intr-o zi o sa se termine toata copilaria mea, pistolul ramane la talia mea!
parca impotriva unui oras
amintirile sunt in spate
te bat pe strada
ai fost omorat la fiecare colt
numele tau este pe fiecare perete rupt
plangand si ridicand, te pacalesc pe tine
inima mea este mereu in aceeasi groapa
uita-te la mainile mele ruginesc, mainile mele au spini
varsta mainilor tale, pieptul tale
de ce ti mainile deschise
nu vad inevitabil
aceasta cortina inclinata de revenire
dar nu stie pretul platit
soarele de maine este insarcinat
traducerea devine o viata dificila
masa ta divizata*, nerabdatori sa se lupte cu teama
astazi cerul straluceste asupra mea
de fiecare data judecata voastra da judecata indoielii
se pierde perna, se demonteaza* plapuma
Ah! Ei nu vad
nu stiu ei sa miroasa florile
nu stiu ei de ce am fugit
nu stiu certurile, nu stiu dragostea
crede totul nu se termina melodia mea
nimeni nu mai aude aplauzele
totul se schimba, identitatea ta
pereti inclinati, stergeti numele
cine este aicea, cine ii minte pe ei?
astazi sa murdarit strada mea, toti sa fie pregatiti si sa-si faca repere*
nu le vor pasa ce este subtire si rupt
parca impotriva unui oras
amintirile sunt in spate
te bat pe strada
ai fost omorat la fiecare colt
numele tau este pe fiecare perete rupt
plangand si ridicand, te pacalesc pe tine
inima mea este mereu in aceeasi groapa
Ege Kökenli

The lads told me

The lads told me about a c o u p !
On the periphery, where there are no laterns yet,
If successful - I am well provided for long, -
Provided for myself and the best friends.
But at twelve o'clock people want to sleep
The next day they get up to work, -
I don't want to disturb them - I don't go stealing, -
I don't desire interrupting their sleeps!
The lads told me, that an artist is living there,
That she has diamonds, golden things, dough, -
And that everything will be quiet, without the least of risks, -
Now afterwards, of course, we shall scram at running space.
But at twelve o'clock people want to sleep,
But the artist gets up to work, -
I don't want to disturb her - I don't go stealing,
I don't desire interrupting her sleep!
Friend Mishka told me, that she has a savings account, -
That cannot be possible, not possible - our artist is not rich!
'But with her is a lieutenant colonel, he is indeed her lover!'
With this argument Mishka, the rascal, convinced me.
And at twelve o'clock people want to sleep -
The next morning they get up to work ...
It doen't matter, not to sleep! - I go - myself, I am not happy:
I don't desire interrupting their sleeps!
I told the lads that she is not rich:
The diamonds are imitations, the lieutenant colonel ran away.
Now this artist - of almost threehundred years, -
I shall not forgive myself my whole life that I disturbed her sleep!
Yet at twelve o'clock people want to sleep -
They get up the next day to work,
I don't want to disturb them - I don't go stealing,
I don't desire interrupting their sleeps!

Cossack's song.

Under the evening glow towards the river is sunset,
In advance we knew, all that wasn't, and that was.
Only the bullet as fast as cossack in the steppe(can catch up with..exact translation)
Only the bullet will knock down cossack from the horse.
Will it be from birch or pine adzed my coffin at the end.
Not a good sign this silent sunset.
Only a saber for a cossack in the steppe girlfriend,
Only saber is a wife for a cossack in the steppe.
On Midsummer day, for the frost we wait, and dream of summer on Holly day,
We'll swop the heat for snowstorm and blizzard without regret.
Only the felt cloak for a cossack is a home away,
Only the felt cloak for a cossack in the steppe is bed.
*Babka, put away your scythe, no need to dwell,
We'll finish singing, what the heck, don't hold your breath,
Only the song for a cossack in the steppe is help,
Only with the song a cossack will have an easy death

Your first kiss

Yeah the first kiss from you
and you took my heart away
Yeah the first kiss from you
and you took my mind
Yeah the first kiss from you
you took dreams away
Yeah the first kiss from you
and you're going to be mine
What a love , what a love
I felt the first love
Yeah the first kiss from you
and you took my heart away
Yeah the first kiss from you
and you took my mind
Yeah the first kiss from you
you took dreams away
Yeah the first kiss from you
and you're going to be mine
Yeah in your first glance
I was dizzy
Yeah the first hug fro you
I'm losing myself without being my fault
Yeah I whisper and tell you
the first I love you
Yeah let's be together
don't leave me or I'll be crying
What a love , what a love
I felt the first love
Yeah the first kiss from you
and you took my heart away
Yeah the first kiss from you
and you took my mind
Yeah the first kiss from you
you took dreams away
Yeah the first kiss from you
and you're going to be mine
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.


Soffits, screens.
Intrigues, scandals.
The world looks at you under a microscope.
Direct Ethers.
We are the victims of their games.
Who was with whom it was noticed and when.
Constantly smile.
Be yourself and not be afraid.
All the same behind the lens.
Everyone will see what they want.
Cover your face with your hands.
And the love of cameras.
No one is interested, honestly.
Everyone wants, everyone wants.
Scandals and sensations.
At gunpoint paparazzi.
Billboards, newspapers.
They give us advice.
Everyone knows for you how to live.
We believe their truth.
As if advertising.
Not trying to change something.
Constantly smile.
Be yourself and not be afraid.
All the same behind the lens.
Everyone will see what they want.
Cover your face with your hands.
And the love of cameras.
No one is interested, honestly.
Everyone wants, everyone wants.
Scandals and sensations.
At gunpoint paparazzi.
The whole world is like glass.
We see ourselves, as no one sees.
Realizing that he was against the rules.
It is not easy to walk, not at all easy.
Constantly smile.
Be yourself and not be afraid.
All the same behind the lens.
Everyone will see what they want.
Cover your face with your hands.
And the love of cameras.
No one is interested, honestly.
Everyone wants, everyone wants.
Scandals and sensations.
At gunpoint paparazzi.


[Assorted Audio Recordings]
[Victor Trujillo, aka 'Brozo']:
They tell us that there are a lot of dead people.
A-f*ckin-lot of dead people
Killed with cruelty
and with no mercy
But for the government
the students are just...'missing'
They show us human remains
which they say belong to some
'victims' of a mass murder
[Assorted Audio Recordings]
[Victor Trujillo, aka 'Brozo']:
They also say that there is no science in Mexico.
Remember that?
That there is no science in Mexico
To determine who these dead ones are
And so, they send the human remains
To 'Innsbruck'
To be certain that they are, indeed..
The ones that are being searched
That meaning.. the missing ones.
When the time came to answer
what everyone has a right
To ask in our country
The attorney general...
Gets tired
Gets tired
[Murillo Karam]: Enough, I'm tired
[Audio recording from the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre]


[Assorted Audio Recordings]

Walking around the mosque

I thought a night alone
If I would arrive at the heaven
I walked around the mosque
I stayed some time on silence
And my broken body
Full of anger and disdain
By lots of humillations
Which makes going though the time...
We went up in silence
With a new hope
Of seing rise up on the heaven
Our flag united
And my broken body
Full of anger and disdain
By lots of humillations
Which makes going though the time...


Our heartbeat
Our taste
Our song
We'll dance forever
To our same beat
Dance countryman
Only you & me


Stand up
Even if it is in vain
I will also do it
Cause I wanna see you again
We aren't that different
You Za'atar, I mezcal
So giddyap already
With you, we will march
Show me and let me show you
The wall isn't that big if we are flying
Advance... March!
Advance Mandela (Advance)
Advance Dalia (Advance)
Advance Ribhi (Advance)
Advance Lina (Advance)
Advance Eleni (Advance)
Advance Layaly (Advance)
Hibba and Rana (Advance)
Advance Manool (Advance)
Luna and Salem (Advance)
Advance Kawther (Advance)
Advance Huwaida (Advance)
Advance Atidal (Advance)
Fayez (Advance)
Haya (Advance)
Advance Mohammed (Advance)
Advance Sumaya (Advance)
Advance Flademeer (Advance)
Advance Ibraheem (Advance)
Advance Ameer (Advance)
Dia & Ameera (Advance)
Ali & Janet (Advance)
Yaffa & Yara (Advance)
Advance Fairuz (Advance)
Advance Ghazal (Advance)
Advance comrade (Advance)
Advance.. March!
Advance.. March!
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)
From de river, to the sea (From de river, to the sea)