Rezultatele căutării pagină 20
Număr de rezultate: 834
[Strofa 1: Iggy Azalea ]
Am fost în jurul lumii și eu eu eu, nu-mi pot găsi iubirea
Lucrurile o iau razna , îmi pierd răbdarea
De ce mă pui să aștept? Mergând prin etape
Mă ai mergând afară din casă toată pregătită
Doar în caz că îți văd fața și decizi să fugi
Da, sunt într-un loc diferit, am nevoie de cineva după care să aștept
Am trimis o rugăciune sper că o să meargă
[Pre-Refren : Iggy Azalea ]
Căci inima mea bate numai pentru tine
Mă întreb dacă chiar mă cunoști
Număr fiecare moment
În care te aștept, te aștept
Mă întreb dacă chiar observi
De curând m-am simțit fără speranță
E ușor să-ți pierzi concentrarea, dar o să te aștept
[Refren : Quavo ]
Eram în căutarea unui salvator (hey)
Eram în căutarea unui salvator (hey)
Eram în căutarea cuiva real
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, un salvator, da, să mă salveze
[Post-Refren : Iggy Azalea & Quavo ]
Ay na na naaa
Ay na na naaa
Ay na na naaa, eram în căutarea unui salvator
Ay na na naaa ( să mă salveze )
[Strofa 2 : Iggy Azalea ]
Simt că Dumnezeu joacă feste cu mine, este fixat cu mine
Simt greutatea lumii ca și cum aș avea o cărămidă peste mine
Am dansat cu diavolul și m-a prins
Voi încerca doar să ajung la rai, sper că ai un bilet pentru mine
Am trimis rugăciuni am nevoie de feedback
Trecut plin de păcate, poate cineva șterge asta?
Drumul meu e noroios, simt ca și cum piciorul meu a căzut in capcană
Poți să îmi dai puterea să trec peste asta?
[Pre-Refren : Iggy Azalea ]
Căci inima mea bate numai pentru tine
Mă întreb dacă chiar mă cunoști
Număr fiecare moment
În care te aștept, te aștept
Mă întreb dacă chiar observi
De curând m-am simțit fără speranță
E ușor să-ți pierzi concentrarea
Dar o să te aștept
[Refren : Quavo ]
Eram în căutarea unui salvator (hey)
Eram în căutarea unui salvator (hey)
Eram în căutarea cuiva real
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, un salvator, da, să mă salveze
[Strofa 3 : Iggy Azalea ]
Salvându-mi iubirea mea pentru tine,salvându-mi iubirea mea pentru tine,salvând-o,
Salvând-o toată pentru tine,salvând-o toată pentru tine,toată pentru tine
Salvându-mi iubirea mea pentru tine,salvându-mi iubirea mea pentru tine
Salvând-o, salvand-o toata pentru tine, salvând-o toata pentru ...
[Refren : Iggy Azalea & Quavo ]
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, ay na na naaa
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, ay na na naaa
Eram în căutarea cuiva real
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, ay na na naaa
Salvator, da , să mă salveze
[Sfarsit : Iggy Azalea & Quavo ]
Am fost în jurul lumii și eu eu eu, eram în căutarea unui
Am fost în jurul lumii si eu eu eu, eram în căutarea unui
Am fost în jurul lumii si eu eu eu
Eram în căutarea unui salvator, salvator , da , să mă salveze
Sad People
[Verse 1, Diane Abernina]:
Do not worry, you will not be late anyway
Without threats and excuses. I'm snow.
Do not worry, I melt at dawn -
Keep me a secret from everyone.
Sad people - we are each other
Can't, will no longer.
It is worth imagining that we are gone:
Life is under attack, I am under attack.
[Verse 2, Sergey Lazarev]:
Do not worry, we are talented children.
Time does not catch us on the net, you are mercury.
But I'm not afraid - I inhale you gently,
Soon to sleep peacefully.
Sad people - we are each other
Can't, will no longer.
It is worth imagining that we are gone:
Life is under attack, I am under attack.
I'm under attack ... I'm under attack ...
Sad people - we are each other
Can't, will no longer.
It is worth imagining that we are gone:
Life is under attack, I am under attack.
Don't worry, -
Anyway, you won't be late.
Without threats and excuses.
I'm snow ...
Where have you been for so long?
This story is quite strange,
a far away love and a close love,
a story of all of us,
it relaxes your mind when we finish it.
Where have you been for so long?
My mind has flown away and heart become jealous,
I've turned the world over for you,
and haven't found you anywhere.
Why haven't I seen you for a while,
I gave you my heart and more.
Might have seen you on the street,
my mirror passed by a stranger.
Oh dad oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad where have you been, where have you been, my heart says and for so long?
If we could go back in time,
I wouldn't leave anyplace,
I'd flip all of Amman for you,
I'd ask every person about you.
If I could choose what happened,
I'd find you and the past would be the past,
and you in my arms today,
oh dad.
Why haven't I seen you for a while,
I gave you my heart and more.
Might have seen you on the street,
my mirror passed by a stranger.
Oh dad oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad oh dad where have you been, where have you been, where have you been for so long?
Oh dad where have you been, where have you been, my heart says and for so long?
And for so long
A tale heard in the transportation depot
So I was on my way to delivering some gravel
in my old wreck of a
and I drove slowly, chatting with a chick
to which I gave a ride, just for the company.
I talked to her tenderly, like to a princess,
yet she must have weighted about 20 stones.
Had she been working as a stewardess
the plane would never have lifted off the ground.
I said 'Bonjour madame merci l'amour toujours or something,
I would be delighted to know your name.'
And she said: 'Pardon me, my name is Nyurka,
and what about yours? How should I call you?'
I told her I was Grisha, also unmarried,
a lone traveller since young age,
and I added that I was pretty well-off,
with a plump wallet in my pocket for more than 30 years.
After a dozen kilometers or so,
I quietly stopped the GAZ-51 and told her
I had busted the [beep]ing shaft and we were up [beep] creek.
Then I quietly drove in neutral toward the forest.
She said: 'You're taking the piss, I bet the shaft is fine.
You just have something on your mind, but that's ok, I'm game'
And of course everyone around here knows I'm an adept [beep]er,
and I thought 'great, now she's all mine'.
I climbed onto her, but the cabin is pretty small, you see,
and her navel squeezed me right against the roof.
Out of breath, I said 'My dear Nyurka,
let's get out of here, I can't stand it any longer!'
We went to a forest patch, that was easy to find,
and she immediately forgot all about her, hmm, modesty.
I [beep]ed her blind and gave her six [beep]ing helpings!
She said: 'Exhausted already, you scoundrel?
Now I'll climb on top of you and squash you on the spot.
Come on, get a move on, why did you stop?
Faster, come on, shake it until I [beep]!'
I can endure quite a lot, but still I'm not her pig,
and I have an (appointment?) at half past five.
And then I said to myself: 'come on, driver Egorov,
give her a good [beep]ing and let her run away home.
I lifted her with difficulty and gave her (hell).
'Get lost, you [beep]' I shouted as she ran.
'Well, you wanted a good [beep],
but how many times is it possible? I went to 7 already.'
I walked back and happily sat in my cool truck
I reversed along the track and was back to the long road in no time,
and I laughed about the whole [beep]ing story as I drove,
thinking to myself those chicks were nothing but [beep].
Now listen further:
After delivering the gravel, I immediately went to the pub,
to get myself a good beer after a long ride.
But when I put my hand in my pocket, I immediately realized
my plump wallet was gone!
I am the GAZ driver!
- Come on Petrovich, finish your story. Pour him another drink!
I am the GAZ driver!
- Petrovich is pissed! Pour him another!
- Another glass for Petrovich!
- Bring 'em up!
Now I will give an advice to all at the end of my story:
In order not to loose your wallet ever,
don't fool around with chicks nor stray into the forest,
and your wallet shall always stay with you!
amazarashi - ''14 Years Old'' 14歳
Versions: #2
14 Years Old
Songs of ash.
Grief and mourning.
The gloom of crows, sitting on the overhead wire of the North-bound Joban Line platform.
The gloom of the girl watching them, shouldering days that she can't laugh away.
''Every day, it's always the same, but I'm not a kid anymore. So I won't chase after the things that have left, and I won't look back on things past. I still feel like I'm making a mistake, but there's surely no getting around that.''
The long hair of a boy, who came to Tokyo with a dream sways in the gust from the city's high-rises. And she watches it.
She watches.
With the eves of a crow, she watches.
She watches.
Songs of ash.
Grief and mourning.
I have no idea where I am.
I can't put up with the lingering ridicule.
It's like white dwarf star down an alleyway, and I'd like to be incinerated in it.
In an instant, I'd be turned to dust, blow off into the wind, and disappear.
But I'm cooped up in a locked room, so I won't even burn out or anything.
A father and son were laughing out on the veranda of an orange apartment building.
Their voices were confident that good things would happen tomorrow.
But it was a little heartbreaking, just how confident those voices were.
Because with dark clouds in the distante, I'm sure there will be rain tomorrow.
It wasn't fun, but we tried to smile.
And yet, we're still empty inside.
Right now, I need to start doing something.
In that case, I'll sing songs.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
Songs of ash.
Grief and mourning.
In the attic of teenage self-consciousness, which wanted to fit in more than anything else, all the light is blocked out by posters that say things like, ''I didn't want people to dislike me''.
''What on earth can I even become?'' - in the end, I didn't really become anything.
Still today I live on, sipping an evening dew that resembles the embers of adolescence.
Unlike all the American movies, my happy ending never came.
In the end I'm still me, so in the end today is still today.
I thought we were supposed to have the power to change our futures.
A run-of-the-mill variety show playing on TV made me laugh a little.
It wasn't sad, but tears still fell.
That's because we're always empty inside.
Right now, I need to start doing something. In that case, I'll sing songs.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
She didn't want to live, but she still survived.
Because even today, she's still empty inside.
Right now, I need to convey something. In that case, I'll sing songs.
Though dreams don't really exist, I tried to sing.
Because in the end, everything is garbage.
Right now, I need to leave something behind. In that case, I'll sing songs.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
I'll sing the songs that I love.
Songs of ash.
Grief and mourning.
amazarashi - “Mayday, Mayday!” メーデーメーデー
Versions: #2
Men and women of all ages bleach their retinas, clouded by limitless pleasures.
They march mindlessly along to the tune of depravity.
Resistance is futile.
Tyranny of the majority.
No is not even an option.
That still, small voice in your head? Kill him.
Ignorance incarnate, incompetence, and trash are our moral compass now.
The opposers, who stay clear of the dazzling, popular world are cornered here, backed against the wall of modern rationalism.
We pray for the many victims on the other side of the TV, but click our tongues at the suicide victim who delayed today's train.
Our ill intentions are unconscious, like sighs, and they saturate Tokyo with a smell like fast-food oil.
A moment of silence.
“Keep it down, you're so noisy!”, my self-consciousness can't help but blurt out, “Stop ruining the silence!”.
Trampled asphalt, an anatomy purged of all life - if we should die equally in this land, the Sister!
Please show us mercy on us outlanders!
What is “immorality”? For it was good that begat evil.
We cling tight to it, immediately after it abuses us - “You whore!”
The age of mankind's rebellion is at last ushered is by the 21st century.
In order to redefine value, virtue, and beauty, we have a sword sharpened for insurrection, hymns of lamentation.
You haven't forgotten who you are, have you?
At a used bookstore, Heidegger comes at a dollar a pop.
High-rise buildings.
Coughed-up blood.
Destined to burn.
A shameless civilization.
And our only consolations are that we die after the final chorus and that nirvana comes eventually.
We weep at such a naturally evident condemnation, “Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
After graduating college, he found a job at a small company.
He took that as the opportunity to settle down with the classmate he had been dating.
Sons and daughters, one by one.
Blessed by a family of four.
Work was hard, but the salary was better than average, so he was at ease for a while.
He sacrificed so many things.
he gritted his teeth through all the humiliation.
For his efforts, it seemed like he might be able to afford that brand new apartment downtown.
Light started to shine a bit.
He worked himself harder than ever before.
But that ended poorly.
Ambition and vanity kept him away from his friends.
Rumors spread about how loathsome he was.
He was insulted and scorned.
“Don't stand out”, he admonished himself Peer pressure.
Bottom of the hierarchy.
Housing costs.
Down payments.
He realized he was no more than a chained- up dog.
He couldn't bear to let down his wife's smiling face.
──── That's all what I guess happened, to the guy who jumped in front the train today.
High-rise buildings.
Coughed-up blood.
Destined to burn.
A shameless civilization.
And our only consolations are that we die after the final chorus and that nirvana comes eventually.
We weep at such a naturally evident condemnation, “Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
Should we lay them off?
Should we discriminate?
Should they be weeded out?
Truth is, that very sort of malice is ubiquitous.
These days, if you're able to have the confidence that you'll be alright, you're either stupidly powerful or just plain stupid.
If the only reason you vent your anger on others is that you want to flaunt your status, then you should keep that filthy, sewage drain of a mouth shut.
Is this a loveless era? I don't think so.
But I've seen love carelessly handled countless times.
I love people.
But more than that, I've hated people too.
There are bastards I want to kill, but I've also met people I want to protect.
The time to idly resent the world is over.
I plan to pay it back.
But if it gets to than point, I wonder if I'm going to have to fight.
Win or lose, top or bottom - it's not about that.
Not prizes or awards either: it's already a fight for survival.
Can you afford to be distracted?
Can you bear to stay silent?
Will you please just make it out of this alive?
High-rise buildings.
Coughed-up blood.
Destined to burn.
A shameless civilization.
And our only consolations are that we die after the final chorus and that nirvana comes eventually.
We weep at such a naturally evident condemnation, “Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
“Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
“Mayday! Mayday!” with a naive love that wails like a child.
amazarashi『ポルノ映画の看板の下で』|| Poruno eiga no kanban no shitade
Versions: #2
''Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie''
The shadow of an old apartment complex stretches out, and it engulfs an abandoned bed of flowers,
full of grave markers written in pen by children.
The flowers, in their windswept uncertainty, refuse to bloom.
Vagrant crows splash around in the water - in the parking lot of a taxi company.
A rusted fence decays along the roadside, almost like this city's laceration scars.
Almost like this city's laceration scars.
I often say, ''It's too painful, it's too painful'', but there's no time I've ever died from the anguish.
This feeling of loneliness is just the perfect amount Almost every day it's just the perfect amount.
That's why I dress myself in it, like the jester of a play set in the night sky.
Is what's falling stardust, or is it trash?
Either way, it's nothing more than rubbish.
If going on living is such a bother, then dying once and for all is also a bother.
And making these songs is also a bother.
All around the world, everything is just a bother.
Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
And if she wears her careless ''everyday'' in place of a scarf, her frozen, numb future still won't warm up, and whatever she calls ''dreams'' are just vain idols.
But those are the kinds of idols I worship, like an angel fallen from grace. (basically, a person without virtue)
''If you wish for something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging, but it doesn't do me any good.
''The cherry blossoms scatter away, and that's what makes them beautiful''- almost as if they're trying to liken it to human life.
If that's just run-of-the-mill romanticism - then it's something I used to hold on to, too.
When the flowers scatter away, it brings me to tears.
When the flowers bloom, it brings me to tears.
Even the end of a long day brings me to tears.
And it doesn't make a difference when I point out how depressing that is.
If thinking optimistically is such a bother, then thinking pessimistically is a bother too.
And falling asleep is a bother too.
Each and every little thing is just a bother.
Underneath the billboard of a pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
Even if she wears these carefree memories as earings, those expressionless days will do nothing but abandon her.
If dreams themselves are our last salvation, then I'll go around preaching that like a megalomaniac.
''If you wish for something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging, me, but it doesn't do me any good.
Derisions, like insects, swarm around a town lamp-post, its light of hope flickers on and disappears, and each and every face tries to float up into the light.
Even if light were like an unwavering lantern, you can't trust your own speculations - that is to say your resignation.
The red color of blood that spills at the brink of surrender - is the red of the evening sky back home, the red certain death in the face of flames.
It all flows with so much anguish.
And mere time slips away.
Is there a sort of empty despair in that?
Is there any place to start anew in that?
Urderneath the billboard of pornographic movie, a young woman is always waiting for someone.
Even if she decorates her flowerpots with her carefree hopes, these dreary days will remain bland and dull, and if dreams themselves are struggle of humankind, then all of our sympathizers will go around preaching that.
''If you wish something, it will come true! It will come true! It will come true!'' -
That's what my guardian angel keeps nagging me, but it doesn't do me any good.
(but it doesn't do me any good...)
(but it doesn't do me any good...)
amazarashi - Karappo no sora ni tsubusareru (空っぽの空に潰される)
Versions: #4
amazarashi - Crushed Beneath an Empty Sky
I collected too many letters that I had to get rid of my own belongings.
Just as I finally start to feel satisfied, the truth is it empty again.
''It's better to have more money'',
''It's better to have more friends'',
''It's better to have more peace of mind''
- what is ''happiness'' in the end?
We speel ''frantic'' as ''certain of death'',
we speel ''dazed'' as ''inside of a dream''.
And, right now, frantic and dazed, we're running through the seasons.
Our injuries wouldn't stop growing, but we had friends who could laugh and say, ''It hurts!''
But don't envy your past self- that person's only an imaginary rival.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right?
But in that time, what can I even do? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky!
When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
These curt seasons come one after another, saying goodbye without any reluctance.
And on top of that, what should I even look forward to? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.
In the end, ''human beings'' seem to have one or two things missing.
Do you think we're lacking something?
Do you think we're in need of something?
I only have as little baggage as I need, and for me that's more than enough.
So let's see if I can run again.
Let's see if I can run, frantic and dazed.
Today comes to an and, and another today comes around.
I can't go anywhere as they stream past, but when I said I hate the things I hate, I've finally washed ashore at this ''today''.
That's why today is an anniversary: the anniversary of when I finally took a stand.
But there's still just one problem: today feels completely empty.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right?
When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
The people and things we loved abruptly disappear, saying goodbye without any reluctance.
And on top of that, what should I even look forward to? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky.
Would things get easier if I complained? Would things get easier if I did nothing but cry?
Does it feel nice to say ''I want to die''?
Do I even want to take another step from here?
I left something behind somewhere, in a classroom or maybe back in the womb.
''Happiness'' must be learning to love your permanent flaws.
If you're happy, you should laugh, right?
When you're sad, you should cry, right?
So what should I do when I feel so empty? Tell me! Tell me!
I came all this way from a dark place, only to return back to another dark place.
But in that time, what can I even do? Tell me! Tell me!
I'm crushed beneath this empty, empty, empty sky!
amazarashi - Getsuyoubi ''Monday'' (月曜日)
Versions: #2
The smell of moldy urethane in the P.E. storehouse, the court lines separate us clearly.
A pigeon is lying dead in the walkway, next to a tidier than usual stream of discarded textbooks.
Road side trees bound to supporting stakes, almost like crucifixions made to set an example.
Even though they way want to stretch out their branches freely, they seem like they're bound by their identical uniforms.
They turn to the right, then look to the left, then they face the other way, like a grammer school line-up.
Our immaturity was clearly mean to relieve us, so can you please be theonly one to not grow up?
If we were to say no to Mondays, we'd despised and left in the dump, tumbling around and rusting from the tidal breeze.
The reason it's so hard for us to breath, is because this isn't a place for us to live.
Maybe we're extra-terrestrial life?
Saying that you like things that you like, was it always this hard of a thing to do?
If that's so, I'll hold my breath and dive in.
Even though compared to the depth within your chest, it doesn't even come close at all.
Waiting idly at the train station building's concourse, our soft-serve ice cream melted, and every time the drawn-out car horns got closer, I learned more and more that there are so many things that I didn't learn in that off-district school overlooking the river.
I hate talking about tomorrow to begin-with, and I hate talking about the future even more.
People say they're beautiful because they're fleeting, but I think it would be better if fireworks lasted forever.
I pretend that I can't see the things I can see, and I pretend I don't know the things I know.
When I think of how much I've grown up without realizing, it's gotten to a point that I can't help but to laugh.
If we were to say no to Mondays, and skipped stones on the surface of the river, we could split the full moon's reflection in half.
The reason that my chest hurts so much, is that we're sharing the things we think and feel with and feel with each other.
Or maybe I'm telepathic?
Saying that you dislike the things you don't like, I wonder if that's really such a selfish thing to do?
If that's so, I'll hold my breath and dive in.
Even though compared to the depth within your chest, it doesn't even come close at all.
Since we could neither become normal or ordinary, we at least wanted to become special individuals, but since we couldn't be special individuals either, we at least needed people to accept us.
Well that's the case for you, and maybe it's the case for me, and even if we were left behind in trash cans, from my perspective, for a long time already, you've already become special, you know?
Well if we were to say no to Mondays,we would just burn up in the atmosphere, and a crater would open up in my chest.
We were definitely very similar to each other, but we're just not meant to be identical people.
The most terrifying thing to do is say goodbye, so because of that, let's make promise that until the end of time, we'll never leave each other.
Even though I know it won't really be the end of time, and the thing I swore, doesn't even come close to how long love and friendship last.
Hold Me
(My) love, I dreamed of you once
I dreamed you were the queen and I was the king (2x)
I can not imagine that you are not mine
I can not make your paper image
Hold me tight please
and if you arrive to hear me crying
it's cuz you need me
And I wanted to hold you to see if it was true
that the dream I had was reality
And as much as I became strong, the tears rolled
and I told you tenderly hold me my love
Work out #2
give me autotune
Yeh, ehi!
I smoke, i smoke, I'm working out yah
I get back home, phone's off yah
Mom chill out, I'm having fun yah
I stay with the ones that don't mess around yah
Put your phone down, it makes you go crazy
Yes,here, it's the same shit, it ain't your party
My friends wants peace, outside there's war
My State rules you like a puppet
These ones want me outside, I sent them flowers
I'm a little savage, so you fall in love
This was just a glimpse, I've got new powers
My friend says:'Relax, you're going to devour them'
'Plaza', you say 'Plaza'
Yeah, my cool boys empty the grocery store
I have a matter on my hands, and no, it has nothing to do with you
My people don't talk to you, so stay away
Yeah, the flow eats you yah
I smoke, I smoke, but I'm always careful
I take a good look behind me
A brother betrayed me yah
Every day's the same, always the same
I don't, I'm not complaining
I'm good where I am bro yah
Adidas jumpsuits, packages and boxes yah
You haven't got the pass inside these buildings yah
Not even cranes can move us yah
I eat everything, I don't leave leftovers for you yah
I eat everything, I don't leave leftovers for you yah
Against these bastards always a step forward yah
I run, I run, I run, I'm never going to look back yah
We're savages, crazy gorillas
Plaza champion yeah, out of the classroom
At school I used to play basketball
But I had the master at smoking yah
I'll take everything and I won't thank you
Plaza, yeah, is the champion
Constantly working out yah.
amazarashi - hakisou da ''Nauseated'' (吐きそうだ)
Versions: #2
amazarashi - Nauseated
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
Though I've moved into a new house, I'm still close friends with the western sun.
Peace of mind comes once you've settled into a new life, and I'm an uncommitted daydreamer.
I remember the landscapes hazily, those old days are like black-and-white photos.
I've killed ''me'' so many times, but that bloodstained ''me'' still dwells in my mind.
Momentarily reflected in the window at night, his eyes are ghostly and reproachful.
''Come back here whenever you'd like''
Whenever he says that, it takes so much effort to stay put: talking myself out of my own values, playing with words just to prove him wrong.
If you strip off my façade layer by layer, inside my head is an absolutely, loathsome person.
That's no surprise.
A fully exposed person isn't much different from an animal in the first place.
So basically, I'm the only one at fault. How many times has that been the punchline?
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
In an instant, an infinitesimal flash changes our lives.
But I think it's wrong to worship that flash like a god.
That naive sense of self-worth has bent the knee to reality.
And the tune of resentment on our lips has really cut deep.
I'm still grateful for that flash, but it's just become an excuse for laziness.
By only wanting to lord over those who've treated me like a fool, I've become a show-off, like some kind of vain exhibitionist.
At the end of the rat race, we're ashamed of the meaninglessness of such an existence.
But in the end, we've all contributed to the intention of the masses.
So given that, just get back to claiming to be the cutest, you pack of animals!
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
Life is a desolate breakwater overlooking the shores, rusting in the ocean spray.
But calling it so is an aimless way to live, so I'll tack on a half-hearted ''even still''.
Nowhere to belong, nowhere to go.
Even my soot-stained spirit is beyond my control.
I push my heavy legs forward, dragging along the regret of pretending not to have regrets.
Stop complaing. Stop whining.
Stop dreaming of becoming someone spectacular.
Just put up with it. Even if you give it your all and lose your way, don't turn back.
Live kindly, with a strong sense of duty.
Pay back favours.
Don't rack up debt.
That's loving selflessly. Is that loving selflessly?
Or is that just egotism? God, I hate this!
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
What is ''a reason to live''? Is it something as small as a morning cup of coffee? Or like countless nights of drinking? Cause I might just vomit from the first hangover.
amazarashi - Taxi Driver
Versions: #2
Shopping malls, outlets, the melancholy of suburbia, family outings, suffocating crowds, portraits of saints on sweaty T-shirts, gloomy young men buying car-towing rope, planning to hang themselves from the rafters of their houses.
What we call suburbs are just cities that can't make up their minds, still hanging out with friends back home, occasionally having a drink, boasting about happiness while felling asphyxiated, the blue, blue sky is so blue that it's practically black.
Taxi driver, lament the state of the world with me.
Put on a hit song for those whose lives are clouded with their sighs.
We'll race down Route 4 with our drunken ramblings, it doesn't matter if it's politically incorrect, just talk to me.
An absurd blackness is stuck in the black of my throat, I feel like I'm about to spit out the things I don't want to spit out.
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
There was a pregnant woman standing tiredly in front of the priority seating, I was furious, but in the end I couldn't say anything.
Salarymen were sending out perverse imagens on the screens of their smartphones - all the unpleasantess of the world was consolidated in that train car.
A terrorist attack in a far off country and a crime statement - all the things I heard on the taxi radio this morning.
From the cab window, the high-rise buildings of Roppongi are so hideous, materialism is all over the place, it's the cornerstone of Tokyo.
Taxi driver, can you open up the trunk for me?
We have way too much luggage, we can barely walk.
The scenery of the city rushing by is far too gaudy, it makes our own happiness seem withered by comparison.
I spend all my time and effort fort a single drop of satisfaction, so, let me leave the ''getting home'' part to someone else.
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
Conflict in the news, jpegs of dead bodys circulating the web, people can become all but demons when they can ignore others' suffering.
There are peole who alienate others in the name of tolerance, there are those who ignore conflict in the name of non-violence.
To become a bad person, you first have to be a good one, just like how can't run away from home without living there first.
Mr. Driver, you've got the best mind of anyone I've met, since you're running with a philosophy built from life experience.
Taxi driver, can you roll down the window for me?
Get rid of this stale air, and let in the summer breeze.
My short and long-term future both have a fairly bad outlook, but there's no way that I can surrender my life to insecurity.
When the hell do you think we'll get out of this long tunnel?
It doesn't matter, just go ahead and take me as far as you can.
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
Taxi driver, take me off toward the end of the night!
amazarashi - Natsu wo matte imashita (夏を待っていました)
Versions: #3
amazarashi - We Were Waiting for Summer
Hey, do you still remember that hot June back when we were young?
We walked along those abandoned rail tracks as far they would take us.
With Masatoshi, excitedly, wearing something like a canteen, bragging about the mountain bike his dad bought him.
“But hey, you know, I hate my old man, cause all he ever does is make mom cry.”
I was a little embarrassed, and I turned my eyes away, because there was a big bruise on Masatoshi's face.
Running through a sudden evening rain, taking shelter in a run-down train station, “What do you want to do tomorrow?” “And the next day?”
We rolled around laughing at pointless stories - my chest throbs as I feel a storm coming.
Back then, we were all, whithout a doubt, waiting for summer.
“I don't want to be here” and “I want to go somewhere”, they both have the same meahing, right? At any hate, let's get going.
Yasuhito was terrible at P.E. and sports more than anything else, and at the end of the day, clutching his knee, whispered, “I'm always holding everyone else back... I'm really sorry for being such a worthless friend”
For some reason, we all broke out laughing.
By the end, even Yasuhito laughed with teary eyes.
Playing hide-and-seek in the tall summer grass, waiting for “it” to finish counting, “Are you all ready?”, “No, not yet!” we'd shout.
Even now, nobody found found me yet, so I clutched my knees just like I did that day, I looked up at the blue sky from my bedroom, and I waited for summer.
Tall in stature and tough in a fight, Taihei was always coming up with ridiculous games: “Whoever can hang from that bridge railing the longest, no matter what they tell us to do, we have do to it!”
We were all too scared, and couldn't do it at all, but Taihei hung there with a without breaking a sweat.
Seven years later, Taihei jumped off a building.
If that's courage, it would have been better if he didn't have it.
Now we're playing hide-and-seek in the shadow of high-rise buildings, and I wonder, how long has is been since those days?
“Are you all ready?” “No, not yet!” There's no voice calling that out anymore.
If today is just a continuation of those days, then I had no choice but to continue my adventure, so I looked up at that June sky, and I waited for summer.
Like a Bird
Like a bird that was born to be free,
I'll spread my wings unto a vacation,
For my hopes have returned to nest within me,
I shall forget about restless days,
Find some rest, a Godlike calm,
And my songs now play once more.
Like a bird that was born to be free,
I'll spread my wings unto a vacation,
For my hopes have returned to nest within me,
I shall forget about restless days,
Find some rest, a Godlike calm,
And my songs now play once more.
Amongst my friends on the balcony,
I am so very thrilled,
I also feel the change in my heart,
Yesterday I was like a blind,
So lonely, so different,
And suddenly like an unexpected dream.
Like a bird that was born to be free,
I'll spread my wings unto a vacation,
For my hopes have returned to nest within me,
I shall forget about restless days,
Find some rest, a Godlike calm,
And my songs now play once more.
I'll keep on singing songs of love,
I shall rhyme words, the pearls of the mind,
I will finally feel, oh, what it's like to be alive,
For days I've fought and never gave in,
I've finally overcome my despair,
Therefore I am among those who are happy.
Like a bird that was born to be free,
I'll spread my wings unto a vacation,
For my hopes have returned to nest within me,
I shall forget about restless days,
Find some rest, a Godlike calm,
And my songs now play once more.
Like a bird that was born to be free,
I'll spread my wings unto a vacation,
For my hopes have returned to nest within me,
I shall forget about restless days,
Find some rest, a Godlike calm,
And my songs now play once more.
Îți mulțumesc
Păsările albe îmi zboară prin cer,
Acestea sunt paginile noului album al vieții mele.
Ești aripile mele, ești răsăritul meu,
Ești cel mai mare secret al meu,
Secretul meu preferat.
Îți mulțumesc pentru această dragoste,
Îmi ești soare printre nori,
Îți mulțumesc pentru fericirea pe care o împărțim împreună,
Pentru muzica care îmi răsună în inimă.
Mi-ai fost predestinat în cer pe nesimțite,
Să te întâlnesc n-a fost accidental.
Ești bucuria fiecărei zile,
Îmi ești cea mai strălucitoare lumină,
Îmi ești o rază a soarelui.
Îți mulțumesc pentru această dragoste,
Îmi ești soare printre nori,
Îți mulțumesc pentru fericirea pe care o împărțim împreună,
Pentru muzica care îmi răsună în inimă.
Îți mulțumesc pentru această dragoste,
Îmi ești soare printre nori,
Îți mulțumesc pentru fericirea pe care o împărțim împreună,
Pentru muzica care îmi răsună în inimă.
© Vladímir Sosnín
İn my own world
I don't fool myself
its reason is very
I don't fool myself
no need for fakes
it wastes a lot
It's not necessary
í need
mood therapy
i want to stay
in my world, in my world!
in my own world with my dreams
in my own world my dreams
this kind of miracle of life
still have many questions
no answer
I want to only my soul full,
my hearts are full
I need
mood therapy
want to stay in my own world, in my world!
in my own world with my dreams
in my own world my dreams
I need
mood therapy
want to stay in my own world, in my world!
in my own world with my dreams
in my own world my dreams
Dead Gonna Steal From Alive
Dead gonna steal from alive
Take your gun, take your gun
Dead gonna steal from alive
They gonna take more than they deserve
Crabs, they will have nothing (when it's done)
Respectable men will fear
Dead gonna steal from alive
Today my vocal cords filled with blood ah
So this my destiny ah
Be smart, there are many graves
This revenge called 'extortion'
Who has beaten down by life?
VIP places, private parties
(When you act) Like kings
Time is moving on tick-tock
It's like we be partners on one night
We are angry and like spook
(You're) Always in Miami always on the Alps
Your jets, your helicopters
Crimes that you hide
These fags gonna think that we are stupid
A full belly is not being enough to take your anger away, stop back!
His salivas flows, always satisfy himself with poor people
Cries from the beginning, runs away from the beginning..
Cause he is afraid of lost
They don't know that living in the down hides anxiety
Status only give you respect from skyscrapers
You are trashs on the streets which ones are burning in dump and kindling fire..
Dead gonna steal from alive
Take your gun, take your gun
Dead gonna steal from alive
They gonna take more than they deserve
Crabs, they will have nothing (when it's done)
Respectable men will fear
Dead gonna steal from alive
Everyone hangs singular, no one organized
Who will we save, who will we let to go?
Think quickly, they are close
Stray dogs shred your
Pet tigers in one night
Ahh you have so much money, your bags are full filled with moneys
There're women on your all each sides and your stylish table
Dom Perignon and champagne
There's minimum ten gram on your plate
And next to them your undercooked ribs
You have a 100 dollar boat
But there is a gun on your head so what you gonna do?
When it comes to justice nobody speaks
You are afraid of the end of the unknown
There's no one not be proud of himselfs when they commit murder
Dosage determine poison and cure
One morning you'll see your weighbridge is not there
You shameless
Your frost not on your ass, your walking stick is not there
(And) The girl who do blowjob for you is not there
Your personal belongings, your fancy rings
Gonna stay on callous hands for a while
Insurance certificate, AK-47s will come out from quilts
Scowling eyebrow'll attack you
Deads gonna steal from alives
Dead gonna steal from alive
Take your gun, take your gun
Dead gonna steal from alive
They gonna take more than they deserve
Crabs, they will have nothing (when it's done)
Respectable men will fear
Dead gonna steal from alive
Blue Eyes
Do you recall, in the fall
We met each other, my doll.
You said: 'Forgive my foul play.'
I was odd man on her way.
You broke my heart with your ploy,
With you I never knew joy.
Light blue eyes, light blue eyes, I'm your captive, all right,
You are beckoning me
With bright shine in the night.
Light blue eyes, burning bright with the flaming delight,
You are luring me in, light blue eyes in the night,
Hiding passion and plight.
Light blue eyes, light blue eyes, turquoise shines in your sight,
And your gaze is so blue
Like the early spring skies.
So much passionate flame's in these wonderful eyes,
I'm spellbound by your sight,
Light blue eyes, light blue eyes, I'm your captive, all right.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Grip (embrace me)
Hours became days, it's a pity of the time
Searched everywhere, but lost everything once again
Everything I hope, everything I know
Lied too much, learned too much
What kind of person isn't scared here
Not daring to ask anything anymore is not the same as regret
Heads upside down and really everything hurts
Everything I hope, everything I know
Lied too much, learned too much
What kind of person isn't scared here
Oh, hold me just a little longer
Keep me until I am no longer who I ever was
Embrace me
We have loads of time*
Embrace me
I am losing direction again**
Embrace me
We have loads of time
Embrace me (x3)
I see everything slow down time after time, is the end near
Endless amount of questions, but so little time
Everything I hope, everything I know
Lied too much, learned too much
What kind of person isn't scared here
Oh, hold me just a little longer
Keep me until I am no longer who I ever was
Embrace me
We have loads of time
Embrace me
I am losing direction again
Embrace me
We have loads of time
Embrace me (x3)
I never said never
Until I lost all grip
And I more than ever
did change, am numb
And my head derails
Embrace me
We have loads of time
Embrace me
I am losing direction again
Embrace me
We have loads of time
Embrace me (x3)
Rachamim [Or: Mercy]
All the men in the neighborhood
Carry their eyes up to me
They say, 'You're beautiful like a picture
Like the sun at dusk'
And they all lay out their nets for me
And they all want and want
But I only ask for mercy [also: Rachamim]
Rachamim, oh Rachamim
Watch and observe
And you might also notice
How in the vineyard there will bloom
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
They all whistle to me at their window
But I can't hear it
My heart is like a telephone
At the Welfare Office
Busy for two months now
No connection, no phone lines
And they're all on their knees
Rachamim, oh Rachamim
Watch and observe
And you might also notice
How in the vineyard there will bloom
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
But if I'll leave without escaping
My feet would go to you
Oh Rachamim, when will you lay
Your mercy over me
So we could go out to the street
Embraced like two lovebirds
And I'll be glowing
Rachamim, oh Rachamim
Watch and observe
And you might also notice
How in the vineyard there will bloom
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
A rose amongst the thorns
For you, oh Rachamim
For you, oh Rachamim
Oh oh oh oh
The Song About a Shy Guy
One day, I went to dance with my girlfriend,
I was friends with her, it already was not the first day,
I confess I was tired from her too much,
I didn't even want to kiss her.
I confess I was tired from her too much,
I didn't even want to kiss her.
I am staying and looking around, she is by my side,
I didn't want it more than death,
And she is watching every my look,
She wants me to stop looking on other girls.
And she is watching every my look,
She wants me to stop looking on other girls.
Actually, I am a shy guy,
I am not looking on other girls because of her,
I am looking on the sky, the Moon, the stars,
I don't want to do it, but I please her with it.
I am looking on the sky, the Moon, the stars,
I don't want to do it, but I please her with it.
But, having given a cursory glance,
I randomly saw an another girl,
She was 100 times better than mine standing by my side,
And I thought 'Wow!'
She was 100 times better than mine standing by my side,
And I thought 'Wow!'
No one girl could match with her beauty of the face,
And her figure was the best here.
I thought 'It's good to be walking with so beautyful girl,
And it's no sin to kiss her'.
I thought 'It's good to be walking with so beautyful girl,
And it's no sin to kiss her'.
That girlfriend smiled at me
And winked at me so nicely.
Of course, I smiled at her too,
Because I have a talent for these things.
Of course, I smiled at her too,
Because I have a talent for these things.
But my cunt saw it,
Pushed me in my side, and told me:
'Don't cheat on me! I want you never to do so things like this!
My heart hurts because of you!
Don't cheat on me! I want you never to do so things like this!
My heart hurts because of you!'
'If you try again to look at her,
I will beat you and her down too much!
Then you will forget about all things in the world!
Anyway, I will be able to see how both of you look at each other!
Then you will forget about all things in the world!
Anyway, I will be able to see how both of you look at each other!'
But I thought with my chump:
'What is this shit? She ain't my wife!'
And told her very rude:
'Listen to me, bitch, now I'll fucking hit you, and you'll fall down!'
And told her very rude:
'Listen to me, bitch, now I'll fucking hit you, and you'll fall down!'
I became very angry like a tiger,
I told her: 'Fuck you!'
Then I came to that nice girl
And began to dance a slow waltz with her.
Then I came to that nice girl
And began to dance a slow waltz with her.
Then we were friends during all night
And were kissing in the silence of the night.
We were much happy together,
Then I was friends only with her.
We were much happy together,
Then I was friends only with her.
But if I remember about my previous horrible girlfriend,
I begin to feel a lot of anger.
She's a crud, a piece of shit, a bitch, a cocksucker, and a brute!
Well, then everything is vice versa.
She's a crud, a piece of shit, a bitch, a cocksucker, and a brute!
Well, then everything is vice versa!
Guys, I give you an advice: you should be friends
With this girl, with that girl, and with another girl,
Change them until you are married,
Otherwise, you will cry 'Oh, my God!'
Change them until you are married,
Otherwise, you will cry 'Oh, my God!'
Morning Grace
A voice is calling, 'Come on, wake up'
I wipe the tears off my face
The blinding light, dew drops on the leaves
A morning is born
On the secret shore that no one knows
Dance the Pas de deux of life
I'm still dreaming today
It's a current, calm yet strong
A never ending labyrinth
I'm setting off
With a dream held tight in my hand
A voice is calling, 'Do you need me?'
I'm sad and lost
Birds taking wings, flowers swaying
I whisper
Good-bye, tears, you're beautiful
Dance the Pas de deux of life
Dreaming of tomorrow
I'm coming, so I can hand it to you
It's just one smile but see?
It makes you feel so warm
On the secret shore that no one knows
Dance the Pas de deux of life
Dreaming of tomorrow
It's a current, calm yet strong
Looking for my happiness in this labyrinth
I'm setting off
Morții se vor juca în viață
Morții se vor juca în viață
I-ai pistolul, i-ai pistolul
Morții se vor juca în viață
Nu este dreptate au prea mulți ochii
Sunt morocănoși aceștia vor rămâne împotmoliți
Pe oamenii respectați îi va apăsa frica
Morții se vor juca în viață
Astăzi vocea sa umplut de sânge ah
Așa dar pe fruntea voastră a fost scris ah
Fi sombru mormintele s-au excavat multiplu
Acestei socoteli ia fost pus numele stoarcere plasată
Cine a obosit de viață?
Site-uri vip petreceri private
Ca regii
Timpul venituri didactice
O noapte suntem ca partenerii
Ne enervăm și suntem ca jefuitorii de morminte
Mereu Miami mereu sunteți în Alpini
Jedurile vostre elicopterele dumneavostră
Acoperi acuzațiile din catalog
Acești poponari nu ne fac deștepți
Nu suprima nebunia stomacul să rămână capul înapoi
Saliva continuuă prevede dorința sărăciei
În primul rând gărzile, în primul rând fugarii..
Pentru că se tem de pierdere
Nu știu ce păcat în partea de jos trăirea se ascunde de anexitate
Starea singuratică zârie-norii prevăd respect
Pe stradă gunoaie în gunoaie arde în aceste focuri..
Morții se vor juca în viață
I-ai pistolul, i-ai pistolul
Morții se vor juca în viață
Nu este dreptate au prea mulți ochii
Sunt morocănoși aceștia vor rămâne împotmoliți
Pe oamenii respectați îi va apăsa frica
Morții se vor juca în viață
Individual nu toți sunt organizați
Cu cine veți veni la braț, cui îi vom da drum
Gândește-te devreme mută-te în curând
Animale de companie tigrii voștri o noapte
Pe stradă bucăți de cățeii
Ahh ai mulți bani plin de piatră mereu în genții
Ai 4 femei lângă tine și o masă elegantă
Dom perignon și șampanie
Vase cel mai puțin are 10 grame
Lângă tine puține cotlete gătite
Există o tehnică în față 100 de milioane de dolari
Dar la capul tău ai un pistol ce vei face?
Despre subiectul justiției să nu mai vorbim
Desigur vă temeți ultima apariție
La crimele procesate nu există întoarcere
Otravă și o doză de cicatrizare determinată!
Te-ai uitat o dimineață fără cantaragii
Nu ai față nu există originalul căptușit
Nu există întoarcere din fund
Nu există muiștii
Articole de bijuterii, inelele tale cu pietre
Un pic cam împietrit va rămâne în mâinile lui
Polit6ica asigurată, aka47 forțele de poliție vor ieșii de dedesupt
Înșelătorii încruntții vă vor sparge
Morții se vor juca în viață
Morții se vor juca în viață
I-ai pistolul, i-ai pistolul
Morții se vor juca în viață
Nu este dreptate au prea mulți ochii
Sunt morocănoși aceștia vor rămâne împotmoliți
Pe oamenii respectați îi va apăsa frica
Morții se vor juca în viață
Ege Kökenli
I dream during the day too, honest
But, boy, I never see you when I do
And you must feel cramped
Being in someone else's head and verses
The feds told me everything
About you and your adventures
You seemed different at first
Desperate, genuine
You would look at me and not believe
That you were so beloved
If we ever get on TV
We'll ruin the good movies
There's so much I never told you
And there's no point anymore
Let the trains take you anywhere
Just not to my stop
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Boy, with nothing to fall back on, you gave me
Your heart on your sleeve
The [capital] city mayor is tearing the apartment buildings
Where each day about a thousand
Of your obsessive messages
Would make us implode
Sometimes, you wouldn't hear me at all
As if you and I were in different dimensions
Even if winter lay outside my window
I wouldn't care about the temperature
I'd run out in a dress without coat
Just to hug you in the end
You fell madly in love, head over heels
And it'll probably always be that way
Do you remember when we first met?
That was forever ago
If I could, I would never have shown up back then
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
Mom, you did say right away
That this wasn't love, it was an infection
Mom, understand that my mind shut off
As if this hasn't ever happened to you
What I Have to Say
I don't know who would need it and what was their reason,
Who's sent them to their deaths with unquivering hand,
They've been granted no mercy when people were easing
Their bodies in wet graveyard sand.
Cautious onlookers silently kept adjusting their fur coats,
And some woman from motley crowd with contorted pale face
Kissed the blue lips of her beloved, the deceased [one] she used to dote,
And she threw her gold wedding ring at the chaplain apace.
They were covered with green fir boughs and with dirty sand layers,
Then spectators went home to discuss on the sly
That it's high time to end all this [sad] disgrace and say prayers,
That the famine is coming soon and we'll have to scrape by.
And no one had a simple thought just to get down on his knees
And to tell these deceased young boys that in this dismal land
Even glorious feats are just steps to endless abysses,
To the Spring that is out of reach, that is splendid and grand.
I don't know who would need it and what was their reason,
Who's sent them to their deaths with unquivering hand,
Only they had no mercy when people were easing
Their bodies in wet graveyard sand.
(c) St.Sol: all rights reserved.
Prima data iei banii
Apoi iei putere, respect
Dumnezeule , Ronny !
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
(Refren 1()
Uh, deschide seiful,
Curvele au mult de spus (rah)
Păsărică în fața ta,
Asta te va pune în locul tău (bum)
Șapte litere pe farfurie,te fut in creier
Am mașini , am genți , am proprietate
Preludiu , n-am venit să mă joc
Am mulți bani de la pește
El va mușca momeala
Poți să-l lași în jos, să faci fundul ăla să-mi vorbească
Păstrează energia aia, dusă după Hennessey(fund)
Îmi trebuie geanta rapid
Despărțind 6 grade, curvele spun că mă știu
Sid Vicious Sex Pistols
Tu înfierbântat când ești ud
Lovește-mă în aplicația mea de bani
O verific in dimineață (bani)
În această curvă sclipitoare
Îmbrăcată în designer, ea s-ar putea înalța
Și este timpul perfect de visat cu bronzatul
Bella Hadid, tipul ar putea sa o ia
Bani bani
Fund genți
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
(Refrenul 2)
Fundul conduce oriunde in jurul meu
Adânc în aceea păsărică, da, mă scufund
Un rechin în apă, cum de m-ai găsit?
Cel mai bun cadou de la mine, sunt cățel
Merg la vânătoarea de recompense, ham,
Da, îmi fac propriile reguli
Tatuaje pe acel fund, ea face școala de noapte
Bine ai venit la clubul jucătorilor, Ice Cube
Diamantele ar putea creea știrile
Curvo, asta-i photoshop ca rapperi cu acel autotune
(Bani) uh, cecurile tale nu-s dovezi
RM 52 si un Craniu,rezistent la apa,
Negrii vorbesc foarte mult, până se află în afara standului
Negrii mei, cum ar fi statul de aur, au venit și trag trăgaciul
Bani Fund
Fund genți
Bani conduc oriunde în jurul meu
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Ei, ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l ia-l
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
Adânc în aceea păsărică, l-am prins înecându-se,înecându-se înecându-se
Banii conduc totul în jurul meu
Un rechin în apă, l-am găsit, l-am găsit l-am găsit.
Ia banii.
Voi toți un dolar !
[Intro: Capo Plaza]
Get inside my head, yah
I'm on my ass in a, in a Tesla
I'm wearing heavy things
(Yah, yah, yah)
[Verse 1: Capo Plaza]
I didn't even think of this
Mom look at how I fly now
In a five-star, before I used to stay in the park
Sfera is smoking another one, Gigi pours dense juice
Mom I don't waste time, we're doing it, yah
I turn right in a Tesla
Nuthouse in my head
Plaza's the name in plazas
You're nothing interesting (yah)
The glass is always full and purple
My friend flies with a wheel
You ain't Tony, not even Sosa
I want my ass on a new Tesla
[Bridge: Sfera Ebbasta]
I saw the cops there on the right, uh
In my pocket I have a thing that, no, bro, isn't allowed, uh
(Skrrt, skrrt)
Haters are spying from their window, uh
It's clear to me that I don't care, uh
[Chorus: Sfera Ebbasta]
Sometimes my head spins
Spin off, I'm with my girl in a Tesla
Hot buns, mmhhh, peach emoticon (skrrrt, skrrt)
At a hundred and eighty I shift to the sixth
She tells me to slow down but my head is spinning
Spin off, I'm with my girl in a Tesla
Hot buns, mmhhh, peach emoticon (skrrrt, skrrt)
At a hundred and eighty I shift to the sixth
She tells me to slow down (skrrt, skrrt)
[Verse 2: DrefGold]
I throw money in the air (uh), nothing changes me
Nothing calms me down I sip my drink (komparema)
Pink juice I'm a skumbag (ehi, ehi)
Money and more money, they'll build a wall (skrrt)
Ehi, yah
And I walk on it with my new shoes
Now I'm visiting other places, I drink tea, Arizona (Arizona)
Gigino most wanted, I'm riding the waves, I'm writing all words
Komparema is the best, Tesla power like the sun
In the pocket only money, I want an orange Tesla
Eh, ehh, now everything's better
Eh, ehh, now I have a reason
[Bridge: Sfera Ebbasta]
I saw the cops there on the right, uh
In my pocket I have a thing that, no, bro, isn't allowed, uh
(Skrrt, skrrt)
Haters are spying from their window, uh
It's clear to me that I don't care, uh
[Chorus: Sfera Ebbasta]
Sometimes my head spins
Spin off, I'm with my girl in a Tesla
Hot buns, mmhhh, peach emoticon (skrrrt, skrrt)
At a hundred and eighty I shift to the sixth
She tells me to slow down but my head is spinning
Spin off, I'm with my girl in a Tesla
Hot buns, mmhhh, peach emoticon (Mmhhh)
At a hundred and eighty I shift to the sixth
She tells me to slow down but my head's spinning
Work out #1
Remove the autotune bro, yeh
Ehi, ehi, are we good?
Ehi, yaoh
I run away, run away fast from these fouls
Sa-Salerno's the zone, don't raise your voice
I smoke and I see moviola like, guys with Motorolas
And the worst things in the pockets, ya
We're around like crazies already since we were kiddos
Those rappers pee themselves, we need diapers
I've been in mansions and caught in the worst troubles
These ones act so tough and they're canaries
I dream of Toronto, Canada, I overtake in a Cadillac
Come with me, you'll have a magical night
You're a loser, it happens
The gang is all pumped up
Lend me the merch with a fast move
I tighten the shoes' straps:it's a new day
I'm sitting at the table with the guys:there's a new dish
My girl is really fit, she eats salad
Your girl sounds crazy, hadle her
'Plaza' yeah, it's the fucking name on these pussies' lips
A big bootie with the Gucci bag
Yeah just wait a minute, I'll fuck everyone in the ass
Plaza, Plaza, Plaza, everyone will know it
Ask the name around, yeah, everyone knows
Pictures, Paparazzi, these guards behind
I hang out with good boys, also with villains
I smoke 10 grams, then I'll be peaceful
I get down with the new shoes, run away from these troubles
The soles of the new Nikes are always clean
I do what I want, whatever I like
I don't give a fuck about followers, keep the likes for yourself
Gig inside tight suits, we're the lookouts
My hood is this, we live with the brain in mush
Always those same faces, the same faces
Years have passed by and I'm still in the trap
Yes, mama, now I'll have fun
I'm in the study thinking about doing them
Oh my yeah, how I rock
She's blonde and looks like a Barbie
No baby, I don't waste time
You're against the squad, you pee upwind
I only need a second yes, from 0 to 100
Plaza's a champion, I'm working out
Mourning in my country
The state covered all of this up,
Peña Nieto, I hate you and I detest you.
I can't get over it nor can I forget it
and I know perfectly who... the murderer of the people, you're worse than a rat,
this time around I revolt and I dedicate this to Ayotzinapa,
the libertarian prose, full of evil, full of rage
at the sight of this infamy that made my country bleed.
For the 43 people that you have murdered,
for the 43 dreams that you buried with bullets,
to the 43 families whose hearts you have ripped out,
to the 43've forever laid to rest.
43 mothers cry for their missing sons
and millions of us ask ourselves: 'where are the missing'?
and so, see all those that protest be killed here
and it doesn't matter whether PRD, PRAN or PRI governs,
if you are a rebel...they will come after you.
43,000 reasons I have for hating you Peña Nieto,
43,000 reasons I have for manifesting.
43 were who you massacred,
43 whose lives you have stolen,
43 dreams that you have mutilated,
43, 43, 43... You call yourself 'Mexican'? pay attention and listen up:
if the marches and blockades keep you upset then
be honest, I bet if the dead had been your own son
you wouldn't think the same way. Here there's an absurd hate
against the Federal power that overtakes you,
for the unequal treatment and the trivial way
that this hostile president gave to this vile hunt,
then you go out to march, to protest and to fight.
Let's raise our voices together, we can't stay quiet anymore,
may the bloodshed of our brothers not be in vain,
may the sowed seed germinate against tyranny,
I don't think the solution can be found in a 'hashtag'
or through fucking Twitter by saying #IWantToFightBack.
Nor do I blindly believe the support on Facebook
no by giving a 'thumbs up' on a video on YouTube.
I've changed your perception, now say 'what do you think?'
43 were who you massacred,
43 whose lives you have stolen,
43 dreams that you have mutilated,
43, 43, 43... The 26 of September will always be on my mind,
43 brave, conscious students,
dissidents, they set precedents in a coherent way,
organized they defended their ideas, always energetically,
that's why they have my respect and absolute admiration.
The 43 now live in my heart, listen up!
if you see my brother tell her not to hurry
and if one day they kill me, make this last.
Tell my daughter that I preferred fighting and dreaming
for a better country that I could leave behind for her,
that they may kill my flesh, my body,
but my rebel spirit will forever be eternal,
like those of Hamburg who faced the corrupt,
who shed their blood, Mexico is in mourning.
And I can't get over it, even if they fucking stigmatize me,
and I can't get over it, even if they say I'm stubborn.
43 were who you massacred,
43 whose lives you have stolen,
43 dreams that you have mutilated,
43, 43, 43... With respect and dignity, I dedicate this to the 43 families
and to the students of Ayotzinapa.
A year from today, here all of us remain,
Sin Mordaza, [with my] conscious and dissident rap.
43 were who you massacred,
43 whose lives you have stolen,
43 dreams that you have mutilated,
43, 43, 43... - No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.
Black Eyes
The day in autumn when leaves fell down with quiet sadness.
The crystal sorrow lived in last asters feeling doomed.
That fall we didn't know heart-grief and darkness,
We were in love then and for us the spring still bloomed.
Ah, these black eyes enchanted me, left me spellbound.
I can't forget them anywhere,
They burn before me every day.
Ah, how these black eyes loved me then, in them I drowned.
Where have you gone from me of late,
And with whom do you stay?
Ah, these black eyes will ruin me, enslave forever.
I can't forget them anywhere,
They burn before me like a spell.
Ah, these black eyes, who'll fall in love with you wherever
Will lose his peace forevermore,
Will lose his heart as well.
Black and burning eyes, bright and passionate,
Hot and beautiful, yet impassionate!
I'm in love with you, I'm afraid of you!
The day I met you was to eschew!
Ah, these black eyes, who'll fall in love with you wherever
Will lose his peace forevermore,
Will lose his heart as well.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.
Târziu în viaţă
Tu ai venit la mine
Şi ai pus un semn
Pe mine
Târziu în viaţă
Ce a rămas din tine
Când ai căzut în
O capcană de minciuni
Doar tu
Toată iubirea ta
Pe care o iubesc
Toată iubirea ta
Ca un bărbat
Care joacă jocul
Ca o vindecare
Pentru durerea lui
Tu ai jucat jocul tău
Iarăşi şi iarăşi
Foarte îndrăgostit
Doar tu
Toată iubirea ta
Pe care o iubesc
Toată iubirea ta
Doar tu
Doar tu
Doar tu
Doar tu
Doar tu
Doar tu
Toată iubirea ta
Pe care o iubesc
Toată iubirea ta