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Număr de rezultate: 407



Another lonely night again.
Sisters stars are whispering something
and you're sleeping like an angel.
The nightmare has begun again.
An empty home, window panes full of tears.
The whole world is only with you
but you're not coming back,
the moon is explaining this to me.
Night, night, oblivion,
night, night, I love you,
every night I'm looking out
for your face from empty walls.
Night, night, oblivion,
night, night, I love you,
every night I'm looking out
for your face from empty walls.
Every night the same,
I already know this scenario by heart.
The role in it is the same, only tears and tragedy.
Window panes are crying, the world is crying too.
Only the moon is comforting me.
It wasn't supposed to be this way but it happened.
Night, night, oblivion,
night, night, I love you,
every night I'm looking out
for your face from empty walls.
Night, night, oblivion,
night, night, I love you,
every night I'm looking out
for your face from empty walls.


When the summertime is coming,
the whole bunch goes to the forest.
In the forest, a green orchard grows.
Bottle bank is provided.
Anulka was picking blueberries quickly.
She was singing how beautiful this orchard is.
In the orchard there were the boys, under an apple tree they were drinking.
They saw her and started to drink heavily.
When the girl saw
so many men, she became worried
'cause there were many boys
but only two blueberries.
But the boys were unanimous
and they handled it this way:
they took Anka1 and blueberries
while drinking wine to cool down.
When the summertime is coming,
the whole bunch goes to the forest.
In the forest, a green orchard grows.
Bottle bank is provided.
  • 1. Anulka and Anka are other forms of the name Anna

A man's thing

You surely want to have it,
hold it, take it and eat it.
I assure you that it won't bite.
It's not an animal, this is a man's thing.
Since I can remember, women look at me, uuu, it's so fine.
Her face always smiles but I don't know what she has inside, uuu, I'm telling you.
I don't fall behind. Now I know that I live.
You surely want to have it,
hold it, take it and eat it.
I assure you that it won't bite.
It's not an animal, this is a man's thing. (x2)
Don't blame me for the fact that chicks love me, uuu, I love them too.
From morning to morning sex follows me like a dog, uuu, it's hard.
Forgotten moments, there have been so many of them...
You surely want to have it,
hold it, take it and eat it.
I assure you that it won't bite.
It's not an animal, this is a man's thing. (x4)


When I went to the pond,
I saw her walking.
Black hair and eyes like a tear...
Chorus: Oh, my Jagódka,1
my sweet girl,
why are you still angry at me?
Oh, my Jagódka,
my sweet girl,
why are you still angry at me?
Waves were hitting the shore,
the sun was disappearing somewhere
and you were standing lonely in the fog.
Chorus: Oh, my Jagódka...
Over our heads, the wind was blowing,
the forest was rustling nicely,
there I saw you first time.
Chorus: Oh, my Jagódka...
Suddenly you made a gesture
and you turned round.
On your cheek I saw a tear.
Chorus: Oh, my Jagódka...
  • 1. Jagódka is a female name which can be translated as 'little berry'

It doesn't matter how and where

Chorus: It doesn't matter how and where, something must be going on.
Now only sex and your body matter.
Turn round, stick it out, cross the thin line.
You want to scratch and scream too and I'm close at hand.
In the day you're good, at night you're a crazy
intelligent businesswoman.
You're conquering the world, no scruples. You have both style and class.
Second you appears every night: a vamp woman.
Chorus: It doesn't matter how and where, something must be going on.
Now only sex and your body matter.
Turn round, stick it out, cross the thin line.
You want to scratch and scream too and I'm close at hand.
You're always good-looking and well-behaved,
polite and beautiful. It's your game.
You like living this way, you don't have to dream
'cause you have anything you want.
Nobody tells you how to live now
and you do it great.
Chorus: It doesn't matter how and where, something must be going on.
Now only sex and your body matter.
Turn round, stick it out, cross the thin line.
You want to scratch and scream too and I'm close at hand.


Versions: #3
I dreamed about
A childhood friend yesterday
Like the telecommunication dreams
About swallows in the spring
I awoke from the noise
From machines in deep sleep
I awoke so happy
Over just having dreamt
She waves through a window
Her mouth is like a sore
So my heart breaks
It has been a lonely year
I will never ignore you again
I will never forget how it feels
My New Years Resolutions
I film now
Big feelings, big words
But everything important that I say
I have stolen from a book
I read something about kisses
Something everyone knows
But they never catch
In the movies you see
She waves through a window
Her mouth is like a sore
So my heart breaks
It has been a lonely year
I will never ignore you again
I will never forget the love
My New Years Resolutions

Outro: Love is not over

The long night is following you as it flows
Time follows you and fades
Why are you getting farther away?
So far that I can’t reach you?
Tell me why, you’re so far away, why
Can’t you see me in your eyes anymore?
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful
I can’t go on if you’re not here
Love me, love me
Come back to my arms
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful
I can’t go on if you’re not here
Love me, love me
Come back to my arms
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is not over, over, over
Love is so painful
Goodbyes are even more painful

Butterfly (Japanese Version)

Without doing anything now
Because I do not need words
Show me your smile.
Are you really you?
Everything is like a dream
Do not wake up yet
Is it true? Is it true?
You, you ...
It gets scared and scared
Untrue, untrue
You, you, you ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
Like a Butterfly
Dancing Butterfly
Like Butterfly
Butterfly, like a Butterfly
Like a dancing Butterfly, Butterfly
You are Butterfly
I want to look at it.
I will fly as you touch
Azure sky Hide In darkness and rain
I will not lose if you are there Anymore
It's like a spring breeze
Gently stroke my cheeks
You can see but I did not reach you Stop
Like a dream Girl Butterfly, high
Untrue, untrue
You, you, you ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
My chest makes a pain
There is nothing that is certain
My, 'Kafka at the shore'
Going to the forest without heading
In my heart, even when you are still around
A night book full of thoughts
This love forever ...
It's all free for you
Baby ...
Always by your side
For me forever
It is likely to be far away and it is likely to run away
Scary place, painful
As it is this way
Time stops ...
You are away
I miss you.
Scary place, painful
Like a Butterfly
Dancing Butterfly
Like Butterfly
Butterfly, like a Butterfly
Like a dancing Butterfly, Butterfly

Vibraţii bune

Ah, iubesc hainele colorate ce le poartă ea
şi felul cum lumina soarelui se joacă-n părul ei.
Ah, iubesc sunetul unui cuvânt frumos
pe vântul ce ridică parfumul prin părul ei.
Iau vibraţii bune
ea-mi dă excitaţii
Iau vibraţii bune
(Ooo, bop-bop, vibraţii bune)
ea-mi dă excitaţii
(bop-bop, excitaţii)
(Bune, bune, bune, vibraţii bune)
Iau vibraţii bune
(Ooo, bop-bop, vibraţii bune)
ea-mi dă excitaţii
(bop-bop, excitaţii)
(Bune, bune, bune, vibraţii bune)
Iau vibraţii bune
(Ooo, bop-bop, vibraţii bune)
ea-mi dă excitaţii
(bop-bop, excitaţii)
Închid ochii, ea e cumva aproape acum
zâmbeşte încet, ştiu că trebuie să fie caldă
Când o privesc în ochi
ea merge cu mine spre o lume ce-nfloreşte
Nu ştiu unde, dar mă trimite aici
(ah, senzaţia mea de iubire)
(ah, dilatarea inimii mele)
Trebuie să ţin aceste vibraţii bune de iubire ce se-ntâmplă cu ea x3
(Bune, bune, bune, vibraţii bune)
Iau vibraţii bune
(Ooo, bop-bop, vibraţii bune)
ea-mi dă excitaţii
(bop-bop, excitaţii)
(Bune, bune, bune, vibraţii bune)
Iau vibraţii bune
(Ooo, bop-bop, vibraţii bune)
Na na-na na-na na-na-na x4

Să te iau înapoi

Bow bow bow bow oop
Ahh ooo oohh waaa oooo
Bow bow bow bow oop
Ahh ooo oohh waaa oooo
Cealaltă noapte, se auzea cântecul nostru
nu l-am mai auzit de mult timp
M-a dus cu gândul, iubito la acel moment când eram în maşina mea
când tu plângeai toată noaptea că am mers prea departe
Aş putea vreodată să te iau înapoi
Să te iau înapoi, iubito?
Am să te iau înapoi, iau înapoi
Iau înapoi, iau înapoi, iubito
Am să te iau înapoi, iau înapoi
Aş putea vreodată să te iau înapoi?
Am obosit să stau întins noaptea
gândindu-mă la altul care te ţine strâns în braţe
El poate are bani şi o maşină nouă
poate să te trateze ca pe o vedetă de cinema
şi indiferent ce ar face el pentru tine,
el nicicum n-ar putea să te iubească aşa ca mine
Aşa că dacă o las şi dacă tu-l laşi....
Aş putea vreodată să te iau înapoi
Să te iau înapoi, iubito?
Am să te iau înapoi, iau înapoi
Iau înapoi, iau înapoi, iubito
Am să te iau înapoi, iau înapoi
Aş putea vreodată să te iau înapoi?
Bow bow bow oop
Bow bow bow oop
Am s-o las
(să te iau înapoi) şi-ai să-l laşi
(să te iau înapoi) am reuşi oare?
(să te iau înapoi) să-l aducem înapoi
Am s-o las
(să te iau înapoi) şi-ai să-l laşi
(să te iau înapoi) am reuşi oare?
(să te iau înapoi) să-l aducem înapoi
Am s-o las
(să te iau înapoi) şi-ai să-l laşi

Dead Leaves

Horseback riding on dad, straddling
You watch the first dead leaves fall
Far from stress, that make our forehead wrinkle
When our innocence puts the key under the door
Since you got here did you know my child laugh
Is ringing again somewhere deep in me
Like an old friend, that I was no longer waiting for
Who comes back to party under my roof
In my head cheering, just like the New Year
A rocking chair, my childhood memories
Hello grandma, Happy New Year big nose
So many emotions since you were born
You know more we grow old, and it is sad
Wonder loses its feathers on the way
But you are a spark, who rekindles my fires
And everything within me that had long gone out
My bursts of laughter in the piles of dead leaves
Merbromin on my little knees
The school where i used my bottom
Slush puppie and the raspberry candies at one cent
All these images, a bit damaged
By my shipwrecks and the weight of the years
Relive under my hat, in the head of dad
Just like the maple syrup time after a long winter
if one day your carefree laugh of a child
Is carried away by tears
By death, or the I should have
Make you for a time lose your illusions
Remember that everything passes by so fast in life
The good and the bad that the wind brings us
And within each of us, hides well buried
Our bursts of laughter in the dead leaves

Dirt boys

Filthy Dirt Boys
We dirty, dirty
Dirt, dirt
[Verse 1: KOHH]
Filthy, but I'm still looking fresh
Artistic, tats all up on my neck (Tatted up!)
Damaged denim Ksubi, is how I'm dressed
Shirts by Y3, clothes every month I cop too many
Taking scissors to expensive shit (Woo!)
Looking like I'm broke, thinking like I'm rich
Some be on that Andy Warhol tip
Including me and my homeboys
Let's have a good time... Filthy fuckin' Dirt Boys
Never play dirty, I'd rather keep it real
Bitch get over here
And I'll sign on your tits
Everyone can get filthy and shit
New kicks, Onitsuka Tiger Asics
Weekends and weekdays, my homies stay lit
[Hook: KOHH]
Filthy Dirt Boys (Dirt Boys)
Fakes and Dirt Boys (Dirty!)
Brush our shoulders off and we're proud, Dirt Boys
Dirt Boys, dirt...
Dirt Boys, Dirt Boys, dirt... (x3)
Dirt Boys, Dirt Boys, dirt, dirt...
[Verse 2: Dutch Montana]
Even if the road is rough and you fall, get back on your feet
Scarred up my skin with all of this ink
Don't give a fuck about the days people pointed at me
And treated me like I was crazy
Ahh shit, being serious is for suckers
Stay smokin' marijuana
Always positive so...
Ya'll should read 'Power'
If it's dirty money, bear the sin
If your heart's broke, must be love you're lacking
Frontin' won't get you anywhere
If you don't get the shit I'm saying, let me make it clear
Just look at those who already disappeared
[Verse 3: Loota]
We got work, don't give a fuck about dirt
Results over reasons in this cold world
A lot of people just can't say no
No dirty methods, Dirt Boys stacking that clean dough
Look, my APC denim are clean
Worn to death, frayed at the feet now they're more fitting
White Vans start showing their age
Still I get on stage
Sweat shining brighter than diamonds on a chain
My hair's fucked up, but whatever
She still loves my long hair
Ponytail like Vagabond but I don't care
Yeah, let's get dirty
Fuck the how and why, we just do what we like

Wake Up

Wake up, Wake up
Wake up, Wake up
[Verse 1: Rap Monster]
Those mornings flooded with emotions
I wish they would just end
When I thought I was going to stray from the path again
My parent's voice calls 'Wake up already!'
Aight mom okay, I'll get up now
My fam, my friends, and my fans
For the sake of all the wonderful people who are more important than my dreams
I can't sleep anymore
I prepare my face and body and keep going to work
My pen is a sword, my whole body is a pistol
And all my haters, if they are living, they also know what it means to be tired
But I gotta kill ya'll so that I myself can live I gotta beat ya'll
Lately I understand how my parents feel
A feeling overflowing from my heart
However many times I get tired and fall asleep
The morning won't change Just keep on and on and
Just keep on and on and
Just keep on and on and
Just keep on and on and on and on and on and on
[Chorus: Jungkook, V]
Wake up
Open your eyes, look
Wake up
Everyone's waiting for you
Wake up
There's no time to lose
Wake up
Run with all your might
[Hook: Jungkook, Rap Monster]
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
[Verse 2: Suga]
The clock hand points to 6:00
At the time everyone wakes up, I'm going to bed
I see my face reflected in the mirror
I know I'm tired
It's not anyone's fault I'm doing this to myself
Making music I like is almost like a war
Shit! All I can do is keep on deliriously
Keep following my destiny
I start a little later than everyone else
All day, I put off the urge to play
Right now my dream is more important
I don't care about the future
22 years old, nothing more than that
I feel the difference to those around me It's like being hypnotized
Sleeping like I'm drunk but wake up
Change into my tired face, that's my life now
Chasing the present, I'm a Dream Chaser
Even if I don't care, I put on a costume and turn around
The moment I get on the stage I wake up
That's the meaning of my existence This is how I step up!
[Chorus: Jin, Jungkook]
Wake up
Open your eyes, look
Wake up
Everyone's waiting for you
Wake up
There's no time to lose
Wake up
Run with all your might
[Hook: Jungkook, Rap Monster]
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
[Verse 3: J-Hope]
Wake up Sun, get up
Today's plan is to take my share of surprise
My mind and body are on the decline
But before I know it I'm in my costume
Go make up, no break up
This makeup hides even my tiredness
Like pros we take the stage we the player
Bathe in everyone's cheers We enchant them again
When I'm holding a mic it's like I'm on fire dribbling a ball
No one can stop me I shoot but miss
Even the sound of my sweat dropping is in rhythm
Water and oil My early morning self
I'm ill, I'm real
Time passes buts it's a thrill
I don't understand but I'm living as if I do
But I won't stop I keep going still aye...
No matter what I can't stop I spread my wings
Nobody can surpass me My polished sneakers
Shine in the light woah
[Chorus: Jimin, Jungkook]
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
[Hook: Jungkook, Jimin, Rap Monster]
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
Gotta live my life
Gotta take my pride
Gotta shine my light
Wake up, Wake up
[Outro: Rap Monster]
Juss keep on and on and
Juss keep on and on and
Juss keep on and on and
Juss keep on and on and

Save your tears (don't use them on me)

You can't go around feeling sorry for yourself forever
But lift your eyes and don't take everything so hard
You can't go around thinking everyone's to blame for your misery
Trudging in circles and dragging up everything that hurts
No, don't do what other lonesome souls do
The night isn't only stars and cliches
Dry your tears and give me a smile
Because life isn't only brooding and doubt
Save your tears, don't use them on me
Save your tears, don't use them on me
You can't go around watching life, my friend, try to live it a bit
Lower your shoulders, let down your hair and be happy
Come out with the rest of us, don't grow dim in the emptiness and quiet
Dragging around in the same circles, the same circles with everything that hurts
No, don't do what other lonesome souls do
The night isn't only stars and cliches
Dry your tears and give me a smile
Because life isn't only brooding and doubt
Save your tears, don't use them on me
Save your tears, don't use them on me
Save your tears, don't use them on me
Save your tears, don't use them on me

Story of fishing

A small Gaspesien fisherman
Followed his dad every morning
Fifteen and a half and already has sea legs
Under the glow of an old lantern
Accompanied by the stars
Took off the wind in the sails
Every day his father would tell him
When they pulled up the nets
There are so many fish in the St. Lawrence
That we will have until the end of time
At the end of 40 seasons
The father of reason
Decided to throw the anchor for good
The small Gaspesien fisherman
That was no longer a child
Happily took over for the old man
Like the fishermen from the area
He wanted to expand
Exchanged the old boat for a bigger one
We cannot stop change
The small Gaspesien fisherman
Rolled his hump cheerfully
In the seventies and eighties
And to better run his business
He took his two sons
Just like his dad had with him before
Fishing was booming
It was the time of the great records
They came back every day at low tide
The boat filled with fat cod
Then a blow to the region
Only mist on the horizon
It looked like there were fewer fish
Everywhere we denied the obvious
But the rumor ran in the cove
That one would have overestimated the abundance
Since there are no more cod
And that the catches go down
The scientists shouted: stop there!
It was necessary to impose quotas quickly
Cod will come back soon
Repeated the most optimistic
Even if many were going straight to bankruptcy
Many young people of the town
Discouraged went off in waves
There are no jobs here what do you want us to do?
When we base an economy
All on the same industry
It's like putting your eggs in one basket
We remain surprised when the basket is empty
The small Gaspesian fisherman
Could feel the sadness fill up inside him
When he sees his boys exiled in the distance
Both have dry feet
One in Montreal the other in Quebec
Never again do they smell the oder of kelp
The fish never did return
And his beautiful boat was sold
All thats left is the beautiful landscape
And his memories somewhere at sea

My Beloved

My beloved
My beloved
My beloved, still I can't tear our words out of me.
In my head, I don't know where from,
she settled like the brightness in the sky again.
And although those days are gone
and now you live in the past tense,
to me still everything forms the word YOU.
My beloved,
I still have a few of your photos with me,
one poem about you,
5 letters from you.
Still I can't wash your lipstick
off the mirror.
Still I like dreaming of your lips.
And although those days are gone
and now you live in the past tense,
to me still everything forms the word YOU.
My beloved
My beloved,
outside the window, only a cold wind is blowing,
dust covered your photo
and the sand covered our every trace.

Ukaž mi smysl být osamělý

Ukaž mi smysl
být osamělý
Tolik slov
Pro zlomené srdce
Je těžké vidět
V karmínové lásce
Tak těžké dýchat
Chůze se mnou a možná ...
Světelné noci
Brzy se stane
Divoký a volný
Cítím Slunce
Vaše každé přání
Bude to hotové, řeknou mi to
Ukaž mi smysl
být osamělý
Je to ten pocit
Musím chodit?
Řekni mi proč
Nemůžu tam být, kde jsi?
Něco mi chybí v srdci
Život jde dál
Jak to nikdy nekončí
Oči z kamene
Dodržujte trendy
Nikdy neříkají
navždy pohled, pokud jen
Vinnými cestami
K nekonečné lásce
Neexistuje žádná kontrola
Jste teď se mnou?
Vaše každé přání
Bude to hotové, řeknou mi to
Ukaž mi smysl
být osamělý
Je to ten pocit
Musím chodit
(Řekni mi proč)
Řekni mi proč
Nemůžu tam být, kde jsi?
Něco mi chybí ...
Není tam nikam běhat
Nemám místo jít
Vzdej své srdce, tělo i duši
Jak to může být
Chtěla jsi mě cítit
Věci, které jsi nikdy neukázal - ooh
Chybíš mi ve svém srdci...
Řekni mi, proč bych tam nemohla být
Kde jsi?!
Ukaž mi smysl
Byla osamělá
(Být osamělý)
Je to ten pocit
Musím chodit
(Řekni mi proč)
Řekni mi proč
Nemůžu tam být, kde jsi?
(Kde jsi?)
Něco mi chybí v srdci
(Chybíš mi ve svém srdci)
Ukaž mi smysl
Byla osamělá
(Být osamělý)
Je to ten pocit
Musím chodit
(Řekni mi proč)
Řekni mi proč
(Nelze tam být)
Nemůžu tam být, kde jsi?
(Kde jsi?)
Něco mi chybí ...

Iubirea mea ...

În sus și în jos
Am alergat de colo-colo
Iar inima mea stă ...
Pe muchie de cuțit, iubito.
Nu spun mai multe,
Nu pot spune cât de mult doare...
În timp ce dansez lângă tine
Focul arde adânc în sufletul meu.
Woooo ...OF!
Vreau să-ti dăruiesc dragostea mea!
Vreau să ajung la tine acum,
O, și într-adevăr să-mi pierd controlul
Woooo ...OF!
Nu contează ceea ce spui sau faci
Te vreau în seara asta, fată,
Te voi iubi atât de mult!
Vreau să-mi dăruiesc dragostea mea!
Vreau să -mi dăruiesc dragostea mea!
Vreau să-mi dăruiesc dragostea ..a...a...a, pentru tine!
Doamne, vreau să te mai fac încă o dată,
Iubirea mea!
Vreau să-ti dăruiesc dragostea mea!
Vreau să-ti dăruiesc dragostea mea, pentru tine!
Inima ta este prea oarbă să vadă...
Esti doar un fel de amantă,
Ce vrea să mă demineze, fată.
Din cap până-n picioare
Ești o femeie, chiar nu știi?
Ca un râu fără sfârșit ...
Simt strălucirea focului.
Woooo ...OF!
Vreau să-ti dăruiesc dragostea mea!
Vreau să ajung la tine acum,
O, și într-adevăr să-mi pierd controlul
Woooo ...OF!
Nu contează ceea ce spui sau faci
Te vreau în seara asta, fată,
Te voi iubi atât de mult!
Vreau să-mi dăruiesc dragostea mea!
Vreau să -mi dăruiesc dragostea mea!
Vreau să-mi dăruiesc dragostea ..a...a...a, pentru tine!
Doamne, vreau să te mai fac încă o dată,
Iubirea mea!
Vreau să-ti dăruiesc dragostea mea!
Vreau să-ti dăruiesc dragostea mea, pentru tine!
Dana Kósa

Pentru Tine

Miroase ca tine
Drumul pe care merg
Îmi conectez căştile la statusul meu
Sentimentele mele adevărate stau acolo
Dragă de ce eşti aşa departe
Nu mă pot obişnui fără tine aici
Simt că ceva lipseşte
Vreau doar să fiu mereu împreună cu tine
Când îmi dau seama că puteam să ne întâlnim doar prin intermediul acestui smartphone
Tu apari în faţa ochilor mei
Şi astăzi simt tristeţea de a nu te putea vedea
Contrar sentimentelor mele timpul a trecut repede
Chiar dacă mă simt nesigur
Cred că inima mea nu te va lăsa să pleci
Inima mea va ajunge dincolo de vânt
Sunt mereu sub acelaşi cer draga mea
Totul este pentru tine
Totul este bine
Chiar dacă nu este nici un răspuns
Totul este în zâmbetul tău
Chiar dacă suntem despărţiţi
Inimile noastre sunt conectate între ele
Pentru totdeauna cu tine
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
În faţa soarelui
Te îmbrăţişez mereu
În inima mea pentru totdeauna
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
Sub soare pentru totdeauna doar noi doi
Este în regulă deoarece noi suntem conectaţi întotdeauna
Noi trăim departe unul de altul
Şi astăzi mă simt singur
Vreau să te văd
Noaptea pentru că sunt singur mă simt inutil de singuratic
Cu distanţa inima mea se deschide mai mult
Se simte insuportabil când îţi aud vorba
Cu cât trece mai mult timpul devin mai frustrat
Cantitatea ce se revarsă mereu
Oh fată zâmbetul tău rămâne aici
Chiar dacă suntem despărţiţi sentimentele mele sunt
Încă aceleaşi, noi suntem mereu împreună
Totul este pentru tine
Totul este bine
Chiar dacă nu este nici un răspuns
Totul este în zâmbetul tău
Chiar dacă suntem despărţiţi
Inimile noastre sunt conectate între ele
Pentru totdeauna cu tine
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
În faţa soarelui
Te îmbrăţişez mereu
În inima mea pentru totdeauna
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
Sub soare pentru totdeauna doar noi doi
Este în regulă deoarece noi suntem conectaţi mereu
Chiar dacă suntem departe
Noi ne uităm la acelaşi cer
Chiar dacă ceva se întâmpla
Dacă tu eşti aici nu îmi mai este frică
Iubirea noastră va lumina pentru eternitate
Va sta mereu frumoasă cum este
Va fi mereu ca petalele de cireş
Totul este pentru tine
Totul este bine
Chiar dacă nu este nici un răspuns
Totul este în zâmbetul tău
Chiar dacă suntem despărţiţi
Inimile noastre sunt conectate între ele
Pentru totdeauna cu tine
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
În faţa soarelui
Te îmbrăţişez mereu
În inima mea pentru totdeauna
Deja emoţionat
Duşul petalelor de flori
Scânteie deja
Sub soare pentru totdeauna doar noi doi
Este în regulă deoarece noi suntem conectaţi mereu.


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I'm still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier then before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don't know I don't know
If I'm feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don't know I don't know
If I'm still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don't know I don't know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it take, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Welcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me, what I rely on
Think positively, swallow
Even if I'm anxious, if a desert
It's the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company's idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts, someone's fillt in, out dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn't be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before deep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see it's shape but I couldn't grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert, I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don't want to cry
I don't want to rest
No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no
I don't want to lose
It was originally a desert
Then let them know everything
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Ocean, desert and the world
Everything, is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
I see the world
Everything, is the same thing
But with a different name
It's life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah yeah
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials


Versions: #2
Te-am recunoscut de la prima vedere
Ca și cum ne chemam unul pe celalalt
ADN-ul din venele mele îm spune
Ca tu ești cea pe care o căutam în tot acest timp
Întalnirea noastră e ca o formulă matematică
Un ordin religios, destinul universului
O dovadă a destinului pentru mine
Tu ești sursa visurilor mele
Ia-o, Ia-o
Mâna mea întinsă spre tine este o decizie a sorții
Nu-ți face griji, iubire
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Suntem complet diferiți, iubire
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Din prima zi a creării universului
De-a lungul secolelor infinite
În viaţa anterioară şi poate şi-n urmatoarea
Vom fi împreună pentru totdeauna
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Vreau această dragoste, vreau o iubire adevarată
Mă concentrez doar asupra ta
Mă tragi spre tine cu mai multă forță
ADN-ul meu te vrea de la început
Este inevitabil, ne iubesc
Noi suntem adevărații iubiți
De fiecare dată când o văd mă panichez
În mod suprinzător rămân fără aer și e ciudat
Să fie acesta sentimentele de iubire despre care am auzit
Pentru că de la început inima mea bate pentru tine
Nu-ți face griji, iubire
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Suntem complet diferiți, iubire
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Din prima zi a creării universului
De-a lungul secolelor infinite
În viaţa anterioară şi poate şi-n urmatoarea
Vom fi împreună pentru totdeauna
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Nu te uita înapoi
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
Nu regreta, iubito
Pentru totdeauna
Vom fi împreună
Nu-ți face griji, iubire
Nimic din toate astea nu e o coincidență
Suntem complet diferiți, iubire
Pentru că noi doi am descoperit destinul
La la la la la
La la la la la
Nu e o coincidență
La la la la la
La la la la la
Nu e o coincidență


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I’m still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier than before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don’t know, I don’t know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it fake, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Overcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me
What I rely on
Think positively, swallow*
Even if I’m anxious, even if a desert
It’s the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company’s idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts
Someone’s fill-in, our dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn’t be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before sleep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see its shape but I couldn’t grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don’t want to cry
I don’t want to rest
(No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no)
I don’t want to lose
It was originally a desert
(Then let them know everything
We have to achieve more)
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Ocean, desert, the world
Everything is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
Everything is the same thing but with different name
It’s life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials
*swallowing saliva when being nervous


Somehow I walked and came to this sea
From this sea I look at the beach
Countless grains of sand and the fierce wind
I’m still looking at the desert
I want to have the sea, I gulped you all down
But I get even thirstier than before
Is everything I know truly the sea
Or is it a blue desert
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m feeling the waves in this moment or not, yeah
I don’t know I don’t know
If I’m still chased by the sandstorm or not, yeah
I don’t know, I don’t know
Is it a sea, is it a desert, is it hope, is it despair
Is it real, is it fake, shit
I know I know
That I will
I know I know
Overcome my trials
I know I know
It exposes me
What I rely on
Think positively, swallow
Even if I’m anxious, even if a desert
It’s the beautiful Namib Desert
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
I thought the sea was here but it turned out to be a desert
Small company’s idols with nothing special was my second name
Countless of times edited out from broadcasts
Someone’s fill-in, our dream
Some people said our company was small so we wouldn’t be famous
I know I know, I know it too
Even back when the seven of us struggled to sleep in one room
The trust before sleep that tomorrow would be different
The mirage of the desert, I can see its shape but I couldn’t grab it
I pray that I will survive in this endless desert
I pray that it is not the reality
At last I grabbed the mirage and it became reality
The desert I was once afraid of became that sea by our blood, sweat and tears
But what are these fears among all the happiness
We all know too well this place was originally a desert
I don’t want to cry
I don’t want to rest
(No, how about resting just for a little bit?
No, no, no)
I don’t want to lose
It was originally a desert
(Then let them know everything
We have to achieve more)
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope, there are trials
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Ocean, desert, the world
Everything is the same thing
Different name
I see ocean
I see desert
Everything is the same thing but with different name
It’s life again
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope
You know you know you know yeah
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
Where there is hope, there is despair
We have to despair, for all of those trials
We have to despair, for all of those trials

Best of me

When you say that you love me
Feels like I’m walking across the sky
Tell me about forever, just one more time
When you say that you love me
I just need those words
That you’ll never change, just one more time
You’re everything in this world to me
Harder, so it hurts, hold me tight
We shared something
And you can’t make it nothing
I hope you don’t forever
You’re my
Day by day
Summer, winter
Even if you don’t know
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
I haven’t seen the end to myself either
But if there’s such a thing, wouldn’t it be you?
I wanted to be a warm wave
But why didn’t I know you’re the ocean?
What do I do? I’m speaking in your language
I’m breathing in your breath
I’ll be you, you hold me
I’m kissing your sword
So take my hand right now
I can’t believe myself
Words I said thousands of times only to myself
Don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
Whether this is a dream or reality, it’s not important
Just the fact that you’re by my side
Day by day
Summer, winter
Even if you don’t know
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You’re my salvation, you’re my shield
I just need you
You got the best of me
I need you
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
It was raining
It was snowing
But all unhappiness stopped
You brought heaven to me
Don’t speak so easily
Because without you, there’s no me
You’re the best of me
The best of me
Just give me assurance
That’s all I want
Even if there are no rules
Laws of love do exist
Who got the best of me?
Who got the best of me?
No one knows but I know me
My greatest master is you
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You’re my salvation, you’re my shield
I just need you
You got the best of me
I need you
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
When you say that you love me
Feels like I’m walking across the sky
Tell me about forever, just one more time
When you say that you love me
I just need those words
That you’ll never change, just one more time
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Outro : Her

At first, I was only curious as I started to show interest in you
Holy shhh yeah, even if you ignore me
You’ll fall for me for a minute
We look good together, without you, I’m like a Seoul city without lights
I fiercely glare at your empty spot, a rabbit hole graffiti
Without you, my days are like a tragedy
Us meeting isn’t just coincidence
Meeting you was what I wanted
You’re a flower and I’m a bee
You’re honey and I’m a bear
Words come out as if reading a book
Seems like you resemble me somehow
You’re so pretty, I’m getting a feeling
Your charms are exploding, come give it to me
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Because soon, you’ll want me
When you’re crying because you’re lonely, it’s already too late
I already figured out your pretty charms
Baby come on
At first, you answered once when I texted ten times
But later, you call me first and look for me all day
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here
A guy like me has talent for going to you
Admit it, I ran my finances for you
Achoo, words like a sneeze, bless you
If you get bored, I’ll debut every week
I’ll go to you, what do you want?
Come with me to the sea of love
You’re a thief, I’m the police, pay for your crime
Without you, I’m a lonely city nomad
I want you
Us meeting isn’t just coincidence
Meeting you was what I wanted
You’re a flower and I’m a bee
You’re honey and I’m a bear
Words come out as if reading a book
Seems like you resemble me somehow
You’re so pretty, I’m getting a feeling
Your charms are exploding, come give it to me
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Because soon, you’ll want me
When you’re crying because you’re lonely, it’s already too late
I already figured out your pretty charms
Baby come on
At first, you answered once when I texted ten times
But later, you call me first and look for me all day
Love your Alexander Wang, love your Isabel Marant
Baby stop playing hard to get, cmon show me what you got
You sexy girl, that’s important to me
(You’re my ideal type) let’s get married
You’re featuring in my daily life
Weighing 99kg
I can’t shake you off, I hate you
I’m wishing for some luck today
You’re cute and pretty, the truth and reason
Yo my genie, Lamborghini, be my teenie weenie mini
You’re a bikini and martini, Mercedes so hot
It’s too tiring so stop that eenie menie miny
Please take me out of here
Let me switch your mind, please change
Stand over there, let me walk with ya
Sweet talk to me
Get it?
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Because soon, you’ll want me
When you’re crying because you’re lonely, it’s already too late
I already figured out your pretty charms
Baby come on
At first, you answered once when I texted ten times
But later, you call me first and look for me all day
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here, don’t run away
Look here
δυιςεs sυεηοs

Pied Piper

It’s bad so it’s better
You know on the inside
You can’t stop it now (you can’t stop)
So be honest with me
Now stop watching and study for your test
Your parents and director hate me
Video clips, pictures, tweets
V app, Bon Voyage
I know, you can’t help what you like
But stop, interpret the music video later
You have so many pictures of me in your room anyway
It’s not just one hour, it’s a whole year that’ll disappear
So this song is an award I’m giving to you
You’re not being punished
Come here, I’m your paradise
Can’t close your eyes
Can’t close your eyes
You can throw a fit but it’s no use
(Don’t reject me)
Just close your eyes, tune your ears
Follow the sound of the pipe, follow this song
It’s a bit dangerous but I’m so sweet
I’m here to save you, I’m here to ruin you
You called me, see? I’m so sweet
Follow the sound of the pipe
I’m takin’ over you
I’m takin’ over you
You know it has already started
The moment you hear that sound
Maybe I’m a bit dangerous
Like the pied piper
I’m testing you
Like the fruit from the tree of good and evil
My pipe awakens everything
That sound burns you up even more
You’re pulled by it, you react
I’m endlessly blowing
I’m your guilty pleasure
You can’t escape
You’re not being punished
Come here, I’m your paradise
Can’t close your eyes
Can’t close your eyes
You can throw a fit but it’s no use
(Don’t reject me)
Just close your eyes, tune your ears
Follow the sound of the pipe, follow this song
It’s a bit dangerous but I’m so sweet
I’m here to save you, I’m here to ruin you
You called me, see? I’m so sweet
Yeah, I’m a bit dangerous
I can’t even handle myself
Don’t worry, my hands
They’re only warm for you
If I’m
Ruining you right now
Please forgive me
Because you can’t live without me
Because you know all of this
I’m takin’ over you
I’m takin’ over you
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Go Go

Versions: #2
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, I earn and I waste it on frivolities
Run run run run
Run run
I want it. Cruisin’ on the bay
Want it. Cruisin’ like NEMO
Don’t have money but I want to go far away
I don’t have money but I want to rest my fatigue away
Don’t have money but I want to eat Ono Jiro food.
After working hard, I earned my pay
All into my own tummy
Gather specks into specks
Pay it all into blow-it-fun
Leave me be. Even if I overspend
Even if, tomorrow morning, I cash out my savings like I’m crazy.
Woo There’s no tomorrow
My future is already being held as collateral.
Woo, spend more of my money
Friends, wussup
Do you want some?
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, man I spend it like some party
Until the day you get light in the little hole you live in
Until the sun rises
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where my money yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where the party yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-
Where my money yah?
Where the party yah?
My week is Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Fri Fri Fri
My bank account yah
Is like a barrel with a hole in the bottom
Every day I’m pouring water in it
Why not just break the barrel instead?
We’re too young to be doing nothing but worrying all the time.
Just today, instead of worrying, do “Go”
If you save it in fear, it’ll become shit.
Just hit it
Blow it all in one morning
Run run, man I spend it like some party
Until the day you get light in the little hole you live in
Until the sun rises
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where my money yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Where the party yah
Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun Blow-it-fun
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go
Rather than worrying, Go (Everybody!)
δυιςεs sυεηοs


You hide but only appear when you smile
Where did you come from?
Don’t lie, I know you’re an angel
What are you?
But you
That smile is so cruel
I shouldn’t have seen that cheek
What’s really dangerous
Is only in your possession
That dimple is illegal
No, it’s dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Was it a mistake made by an angel?
Or a deep kiss?
That dimple is illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
I don’t have it, only you have it
Is that why it’s so hard?
I wanna die fallen in you, I wanna die locked in you
You are my lake
Cause you
When you smile, I get dizzy
Please be careful
What’s really dangerous
Is only in your possession
That dimple is illegal
No, it’s dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Was it a mistake made by an angel?
Or a deep kiss?
That dimple is illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
Every time I see you, my heart gets dangerous
Every time I see you, it gets more dangerous
Oh baby no hey
Oh baby no hey
You’re too dangerous to live in this world
That dimple is illegal
No, it’s dangerous, oh yes
So I call you illegirl
Your existence alone is a crime
Was it a mistake made by an angel?
Or a deep kiss?
That dimple is illegal
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
But I want it anyway anyway anyway
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

MIC Drop

Yeah who says my spoon is dirty
I don’t care I grab the mic, I got several golden spoons
I lash out, y’all undercooked, several of you steaks
I’ll chew you out repeated, on the evening of the stars’
World Business headline
#1 casted, sold out
There’s not a lot on this class, we fully enjoy the value
Bad smell on a good scent is against the rules
Mic mic bungee
Mic mic bungee
Bright light, step forward
It probably seemed like we were gonna fail, I’m fine, sorry
Sorry Billboard
Sorry worldwide
I’m sorry your son is too successful
Fulfill the fillial duty that you didn’t do
We never have a concert, grape
I do it I do it you are a tasteless ratatouille
If you’re jealous, then sue me
Sue it
Did you see my bag
Did you see my bag
My bag is full of trophies
How you think bout that
How you think bout that
Haters are struggling
It’s already golden, golden, my success
I’m so firin’ firin’ torch relay
You hurriedly, hurriedly run away
How you dare
How you dare
How you dare
Ah there’s too many trophies in my hands
It’s too heavy, my hands aren’t enough
MIC Drop
MIC Drop
Careful of your feet, feet
Careful of your words, words
Lodi dodi oh I’m so busy
So busy having one body isn’t enough
MIC Drop
MIC Drop
Careful of your feet, feet
Careful of your words, words
This is totally what they say
Right always prevails ah
Once upon a time
Aesop’s fables fly
Look at your reality, serves, serves your right
I can die happy this instant
Which country are we going to now
How many hours is it on the plane
Yeah I’m on the mountain
Yeah I’m on the bay
We collapse on the stage
MIC Drop baam
Did you see my bag
Did you see my bag
My bag is full of trophies
How you think bout that
How you think bout that
Haters are struggling
It’s already golden, golden, my success
I’m so firin’ firin’ torch relay
You hurriedly, hurriedly run away
How you dare
How you dare
How you dare
Ah there’s too many trophies in my hands
It’s too heavy, my hands aren’t enough
MIC Drop
MIC Drop
Careful of your feet, feet
Careful of your words, words
Lodi dodi oh I’m so busy
So busy having one body isn’t enough
MIC Drop
MIC Drop
Careful of your feet, feet
Careful of your words, word
Haters gon’ hate
Players gon’ play
Live a life. man
Good luck
There’s no need to meet again, this is final goodbye
There’s nothing to say, don’t even apologize
There’s no need to meet again, this is final goodbye
There’s nothing to say, don’t even apologize
You’ll see, you’ll end up like that
We’re piercing like coke
Your corneas are shocked
I-it’s cool, c-c-cool


I knew you from first sight
As if we have been calling for each other
The DNA in my veins tells me
You’re the one I’ve been searching for
Our meeting is a mathmatical formula
Religious commandments, law of the universe
The proof of fate that has been given to me
You are the source of my dreams
Take it take it
Destiny’s been chosen to the hand that I extend to you
Don’t worry love
All of this is not a coincidence
We are totally different baby
The two of us found fate
From the day the universe was birthed
Over the infinite centuries
In our past lives and probably in our next too
We are together eternally
All of this is not a coincidence
The two of us found fate
I want it this love I want it real love
I only focus on you
You’re pulling me in a little harder
My DNA wants you from the beginning
This is destiny I love us
We are the only true lovers
Every time I see her, I’m in shock
It’s fascinating and weird how I can’t breathe, maybe
This is what they say what love is
Because my heart beats for you from the beginning
Don’t worry love
All of this is not a coincidence
We are totally different baby
The two of us found fate
From the day the universe was birthed
Over the infinite centuries
In our past lives and probably in our next too
We are together eternally
All of this is not a coincidence
The two of us found fate
Don’t look back
Because we found fate
Don’t regret baby
We are together
Don’t worry love
All of this is not a coincidence
We are totally different baby
The two of us found fate
La la la la la
La la la la la
Because it’s not a coincidence
La la la la la
La la la la la
Because it’s not a coincidence
δυιςεs sυεηοs

Jenny, vino acasă ...

Jenny era atât de tânără
Și plină de dorință.
Adânc în inima ei
ardea focul.
Vroia să trăiască
La fel ca pasărea ... atât de liberă
Într-o noapte a dispărut
Pe aripile vântului.
Jenny, vino acasă de unde aparții,
Există o inimă care să te strângă.
Jenny vino acasă, nu ești singură,
EU voi rămâne lângă tine ...
Jenny vino acasă.
Nu a privit înapoi
A vrut să fugă
Doar pentru a scăpa
Din realitatea micului oraș
Vroia să trăiască
În fanteziile neon-lumină
Având grijă de visele ei, care...
Ar putea să dispară.
Jenny, vino acasă de unde aparții,
Există o inimă care să te strângă.
Jenny vino acasă, nu ești singură,
EU voi rămâne lângă tine ...
Jenny vino acasă.
Dana Kósa