Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 259


Frumoase! Frumoase! Frumoase!

Într-o zi tata mi-a zis:
”Fiule, te văd ieșind seara.
La vârsta ta, sunt lucruri
Pe care un băiat trebuie să le știe.
Fetele, vezi tu, ai grijă,
Nu sunt ce crezi tu.
Ele sunt toate
Frumoase, frumoase, frumoase ca ziua,
Frumoase, frumoase, frumoase ca iubirea.
Ele te vor face nebun de bucurie,
Nebun de durere, dar crede-mă,
Mai nebun după ele, ele, ele pe zi ce trece.
Apoi din ce în ce mai multe fete
Tu vei întâlni.
Poate că-ntr-o seară
Vei uita să te mai întorci.
Mai multe vei vedea, mai multe vei avea
Și mai mult vei înțelege.
În acele momente îți vei aminti
Ce-a spus bătrânul tău tată:
Ele sunt toate
Frumoase, frumoase, frumoase ca ziua,
Frumoase, frumoase, frumoase ca iubirea.
Ele te vor face nebun de bucurie,
Nebun de durere, dar crede-mă,
Mai nebun după ele, ele, ele pe zi ce trece.
Într-o zi o vei vedea, în sfârșit,
N-ai să te poți înșela.
Vei dori să-i spui c-o iubești,
Dar n-ai să mai poți să vorbești.
Cât ai clipi, cu ea te vei uni,
La bine și la rău.
Dar tu vei păstra adevărata fericire
Acolo, în ochii inimii tale.
Ea va fi
Frumoasă, frumoasă, frumoasă ca ziua,
Frumoasă, frumoasă, frumoasă ca iubirea.
Cum i-am spus și eu mamei tale,
Îi vei spune ei, sărutând-o:
Tu ești frumoasă, frumoasă, frumoasă ca ziua,
Frumoasă, frumoasă, frumoasă ca iubirea,
Frumoasă, frumoasă, frumoasă ca ziua.”

The Nymph’s Lament

- O Love - she said,
Gazing at the sky, as she stood -
Where's the fidelity
That the deceiver promised? -
Poor her!
- Make my love come back
As he used to be
Or kill me, so that
I will not suffer anymore. -
Poor her! She cannot bear
All this coldness!
- I don't want him to sigh any longer
But if he's far from me.
No! He will not make me suffer
Anymore, I swear!
He's proud
Because I languish for him.
Perhaps if I fly away from him
He will come to pray to me again.
If her eyes are more serene
Than mine,
O Love, she does not hold in her heart
A fidelity so pure as mine.
And you will not receive from those lips
Kisses as sweet as mine,
Nor softer. Oh, don't speak!
Don't speak! you know better than that! -
So amidst disdainful tears,
She spread her crying to the sky

Eu, o prietenă și lumea

Viața mea este o autostradă
Da, pentru că în cel mai rău caz
nu dau niciodată înapoi
Prefer să merg mai departe
Fără pedepse și nici regrete
Fără să spun 'Nu o mai fac'
Viața mea mi-o joc
Fiecare clipă puțin câte puțin
Mereu sub braț libertatea mea.
E suficient doar un cântec
O simplă iluzie
Pentru a avea ceea ce nu am
Viața mea este fără istorie
Eu însă nu caut glorie
Nu mă interesează să fiu cine știe cine
Mie îmi ajunge o chitară
Pentru a călători in toată lumea
Pentru a vorbi cu cei ca mine
Această lume este o mare verde
Dacă se încurcă se pierde
Eu trăiesc fără probleme un pic aici și un pic acolo
Casa mea e pielea mea
Acoperișul meu sunt stelele
Păturile sunt visele mele.
Am o prietenă care noaptea mă iubește
Și care sterge cu iubirea chinurile mele
Și când sunt lângă ea sunt mulțumit
Pot să mor într-o clipă
Pot sa zbor în vânt
Pot să dorm printre violete
Pot sa mă trezesc împreună cu soarele
Pentru a căuta acea țară
Unde fiecare se gândește la ce are de făcut
Ea nu arată rău
Dar are o viață prea la fel
Nu aș schimba-o cu libertatea mea
Casa mea e pielea mea
Acoperisul meu sunt stelele
Păturile sunt visele mele
Păturile sunt visele mele
Păturile sunt visele mele

Seară de iarnă

Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Fereastra mea e o grădină de gheață.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Ce e spasmul vieții
Față de durerea ce-o simt, ce-o simt!
Toate iazurile zac înghețate,
Sufletul mi-e negru! Unde trăiesc? Unde mă duc?
Toate speranțele sale zac înghețate:
Sunt noua Norvegie,
De unde au plecat cerurile blonde.
Plângeți, păsări de februarie,
La sinistrul frison al lucrurilor.
Plângeți, păsări de februarie.
Plângeți-mi plânsul, plângeți-mi trandafirii
Pe crengile de ienupăr.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Fereastra mea e o grădină de gheață.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Ce e spasmul vieții
Față de plictiseala ce-o simt, ce-o simt!

Evening song

Behold, the moon has risen
the golden stars that glisten
adorn the heavens bright.
The woods stand still in shadows,
and from the meads and meadows
the white mists rise into the night.
The world in stillness clouded
and soft in twilight shrouded,
so peaceful and so fair.
Just like a chamber waiting,
where you can rest abating
the daytime's mis'ry and despair.
Behold the moon - and wonder
why half of her stands yonder,
yet she is round and fair.
We follow empty visions
and artisans' ambitions
because our minds are unaware.
We vain and wretched sinners
presume to be the winners,
but we know nothing yet.
So many neat solutions
are nought but great delusions
that farther off the path us get.
God, grant us Thy salvation!
No worldly aspiration,
no vanity allow!
Like children simple-hearted,
and joyful, like we started,
let us become and teach us how!
And lastly, grant us leaving
the world without much grieving,
let peaceful be our death.
When from the earth You take us,
let heaven's joy await us:
stand by us, Lord, at our last breath.
So, brothers, in His keeping
prepare yourself for sleeping

Chitara hoinară

O chitară sună în noapte,
cântând, ea spune ”iubire, iubire”.
Ușa de la balcon nu se deschide,
o inimă stă să moară pentru o femeie.
Și aud ecoul cuvintelor mele
care ajung la urechea marii mele iubiri
și ei îi susură ”trezește-te, oh, Fecioară,
o inimă stă să moară pentru o femeie.”
Strânge-o tare la piept cu un pretext,
Merg cu chitara și-mi cer scuze.
Dacă se uită el afară, nu-i spune nimic,
Spune-i că sunt doar un hoinar.
Inima nu mi se supune, oh, chitara mea,
nimeni nu mă iubește pe lume, în afară de tine.
Și aud ecoul cuvintelor mele
ajung la urechea marii mele iubiri
și ei îi susură ”trezește-te, oh, Fecioară,
o inimă stă să moară pentru o femeie.”
Strânge-o tare la piept cu un pretext,
Merg cu chitara și-mi cer scuze.
Și aud ecoul cuvintelor mele
ajung la urechea marii mele iubiri
și ei îi susură ”trezește-te, oh, Fecioară,
o inimă stă să moară pentru o femeie.”
Strânge-o tare la piept cu un pretext,
Merg cu chitara și-mi cer scuze.


Departe, unde se vede cel mai frumos cer albastru,
departe, văd mereu o stea strălucind pentru mine!
Ești tu care tremuri pe balcon, ca să vezi cum trec
în zbor porumbeii albi de peste mări.
Dacă mâine va veni un porumbel alb
strânge-l cu tărie la inimă cu mâinile.
Într-un dulce gând de nostalgie,
sărută-l pentru că săruți viata mea!
Ah, fetișcană de ce nu zbori la mine? ah
În inima mea există un cuib de dragoste care te așteaptă doar pe tine.
Ah, fetișcană de ce nu zbori la mine? ah
În inima mea există un cuib de dragoste care te așteaptă doar pe tine.
Departe, dacă închizi ochii printre crinii în floare,
va veni porumbelul pur al dragostei mele!
Și atunci, când la sfârșitul zilei va pleca de la tine,
cu inima vei urmări acel zbor și vei fi lângă mine!
Dacă mâine va veni un porumbel alb
strânge-l cu tărie la inimă cu mâinile.
Într-un dulce gând de nostalgie,
sărută-l,pentru că săruți viața mea!
Ah, fetișcană de ce nu zbori la mine? ah
În inima mea există un cuib de dragoste care te așteaptă doar pe tine...
Ah, fetișcană de ce nu zbori la mine? ah
În inima mea există un cuib de dragoste care te așteaptă doar pe tine...

All or nothing

I lie, I lie to you that it will pass
I lie to myself that I'll feel like leaving
But time tries me
You spin me without stopping me
You tell me that it'll be fine
We'll just stick to here and now
You're soul, I'm your soul
Stuck in a ring of smoke
The deception drips down my lips
Your gaze, bitter blood
The smell of wild flowers
Makes me addicted to the gram
But stay a little longer
I promise that nobody will know
How our hearts beat to the same rhythm
Like two strangers,
I promise that nobody will know
How from nothing, everything was made
And how of everything, nothing remained
I feel, I feel you in each night
When my dreams seem longer
The reality is hollow
We hide from ourselves in the pieces of the illusion
I breathe you so sincerely
I hold you tight, deep in my chest
You're the breeze which floods my lungs
I miss you when I can't sleep and I wait for you
The deception drips down my lips
Your gaze, bitter blood
The smell of wild flowers
Makes me addicted to the gram
But stay a little longer
I promise that nobody will know
How our hearts beat to the same rhythm
Like two strangers,
I promise that nobody will know
How from nothing, everything was made
And how of everything, nothing remained

The telephone weeps

(Child) Hello!
(Dad) Listen, is your mum nearby?
Please tell her: 'Mum, there's someone for you.'
(C) Ah, it's the gentleman from last time?
Ok, I'll go find her
I think she's taking a bath
and I don't know if she can come.
(D) Tell her, please, tell her it's important
I am going to wait.
(C) Tell me, have you done something to my mum?
She is gesturing to me
she is whispering to me 'Make him believe I'm not here.'
(D) Tell me, how is your house?
Do you learn your lessons every evening?
(C) Oh yes! But since my mum works
a neighbor takes me to school.
There's only one signature on my booklet,
others have those of their dads, I don't.
(D) Oh, tell her I suffer
I have been suffering for six years,
it's your age, my child.
(C) Ah, no. I am five years old.
Eh, tell me, have you already met my mum?
For she has never told me about you.
Stay on the line, eh!
(D) The telephone weeps when she doesn't come
When he cries 'I love you'
the words die inside the handset.
The telephone weeps, don't hang up
I am so close to you with my voice.
Will you be at the hotel Beau-Rivage for the upcoming holidays?
Do you like the beach?
(C) Oh yes, I love bathing
and I can also swim.
But tell me, how do you know the hotel Beau-Rivage?
Have you been to Sainte Maxime too?
(P) Oh, tell her my suffering
how much I love both of you!
(C) I love you? But I have never seen you
What's up?
Your voice is different, why?
But... you are crying, why?
(D) The telephone weeps when she doesn't come
When he cries 'I love you'
the words die inside the handset.
The telephone weeps, don't hang up
I am so close to you with my voice.
Tell me, listen, yes
The telephone weepsfor the last time
because tomorrow I will be at the bottom of a train.
Tell me, stall her.
(C) But she's going away
(D) Insist!
(C) She's gone
(D) If she's gone, so be it.
(C) Goodbye, sir.
(D) Goodbye, little one.


Andaluzia, dulce pământ în floare,
tu faci lumea să viseze,
cine coboară într-o zi aici nu te va mai putea părăsi.
Cântece pline de dragoste
în nopțile albastre
fac să tremure inima de pasiune,
totul este o încântare divină
care niciodată
nu poate fi uitată.
A a a ...
A a a...
(se repetă totul de la început )
(și se repetă : )
nu poate fi uitată


oraș al soarelui și florilor,
cântecul meu este ultimul adio
al unei inimi nostalgice!
Voi cânta
cântecul meu țigănesc!
Voi cânta
și cu lacrimi
voi săruta pământul din nou!
Adio, Granada,
Țara miilor toreadori!
Un fulger de sabie
te luminează la sunetul bolerourilor!
Adio șaluri,
zâmbete de guri roșu aprins,
adio chitare visătoare,
suspine de îndrăgostiți,
coride și cântece de pasiune!
Adio, Granada,
adio, oraș al țiganilor!
Oriunde aș merge
îmi rămâi pentru totdeauna în inimă!
Fecioară Morena,
calmează durerea
acestei inimi de țigan a mea!
Adio, Granada romantică,
țară de lumină, de sânge și de iubire!
Fecioară Morena,
calmează durerea acestei inimi de țigan!
Adio, Granada romantică,
țară de lumină, de sânge și de iubire!

I Don't Care

I don't care whether life stops or drips of pineapple juice
I don't care if it makes a noise and the road goes backwards
I don't care if light deceives and there's nothing strange
I don't care if the cost increases and the price double, as it should've
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
I don't care if it's a lost cause
If my end goal was never to win
I make immense plans that I shouldn't
When I erase myself faster than I can write
I erase myself faster than I can write
I don't care if I changed ideas, lyrics, epics I didn't go back to
I don't care if I win prizes, if I only have dust on my sofa
I don't care if the crises gets larger and if the vest can't handle it
I don't care whether I care, but I'll agree if you stay there
I don't care, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
I don't care if it's a lost cause
If my end goal was never to win
I make immense plans that I shouldn't
When I erase myself faster than I can write
I erase myself faster than I can write
I erase myself faster than I can write
I erase myself faster than I can write

To get lost

I'll look for you
In every street, I will do it, In every bar,
In every city winter
I'll learn from an old goodbye
To make the world I would like
I don't want no suffering, whatever it is for us, it is
To get lost
Without the time to say yes
Without wondering who will be your love
Inside the heart and then melt
Inside the storm of my love
Inside the morning sun to come
To get lost
I'll make it
Even if then I'll be wrong
I'll learn from an old goodbye
To be an acrobat too
To get lost
Without the breath to say yes
Without wondering what love yours will be
And squeeze
Inside the heart and then melt
Inside the storm of my love
Inside the morning sun to come
To get lost

Ochi negri și cer albastru

Sub lumina cerului,
în timp ce te plimbi cu mine,
cât sunt de frumoși ochii tăi,
când mă privești așa!
Ochi negri și cer albastru,
mii de stele și o mandolină
se duce cântând, se duce cântând.
Această noapte, dacă vrei tu,
poate dura la infinit,
dacă-mi vei zice un dulce ”da”.
După o clipă ca asta,
nu poți cere mai mult.
Mandolino, te rog,
să nu taci în astă noapte.
Ochi negri și cer albastru.
Pentru cineva pe care-l iubești,
mergi cântând, fericire!
Această noapte, dacă vrei tu,
poate dura la infinit,
dacă-mi vei zice un dulce ”da”.
După o clipă ca asta,
Nu poți cere mai mult.
Mandolino, te rog,
să nu taci în astă noapte.
Ochi negri și cer albastru.
Pentru cineva pe care-l iubești,
mergi cântând, fericire,
mergi cântând, fericire.

Long to forget you

We would lose sleep together
And the hours would accumulate
Me, just with my head in the clouds
You, with your feet down on the ground
Mmm yeah
Every time, you want to make excuses
You'd like to take me in your arms again and laugh
My faith in the love of a night is long gone
And yeah, I need to recognize that maybe I long to forget you
But my heart weighs down on me and lets me
Do just what it wants
I miss more
But your heart suddenly runs differently from mine
I long to...
I long to...
And even if there isn't much longer
I can forget the good, the bad
And time passes slowly
Like love drunk on longing
Mmm yeah
Every time, you want to make excuses
You'd like to take me in your arms again and laugh
My faith in the love of a night is long gone
And yeah, I need to recognize that maybe I long to forget you
But my heart weighs down on me and lets me
Do just what it wants
I miss more
But your heart suddenly runs differently from mine
I long to...
I long to...
Maybe I long to forget you
But my heart weighs down on me and lets me
Do just what it wants
I miss more
But your heart suddenly runs differently from mine
I long to...

Talk to me

I don't know anymore how to tell you and I can't find the words anymore
the words that made you laugh, and the words that you used to find beautiful
a lot of times I wanted to write it down for you, and a lot of times I hunched my back (I hesitated from writing)
and in order to relive our memories, I even brushed against your skin
oh tell me, look at me
I don't know anymore how to love you, nor how to keep you
talk to me, yes, talk to me
I don't know anymore why do I love you, nor why should we continue
you are here, but you're so far away from me
I don't know anymore how to chase this love which isn't there anymore
I don't know anything anymore except suffering, suffering as much as I believed
but I know that I have to survive and to take one more step
to finally end the drift of the moments that are lost forever
oh, tell me, look at me
I don't know anymore how to love you, nor how to keep you
oh, tell me, look at me
There is the life we ​​dreamed of, the one that began
oh, talk to me, talk to me
I don't know anymore why I love you, nor how to continue
oh tell me, oh, tell me
tell me if everything has ended, if I need to go away
oh, talk to me, talk to me, look at me
look at me, look at me, look at me
talk to me

Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc!

Așa cum vântul ce se ridică flutură steagurile,
Deschide ferestrele, dă jos pălăriile,
Așa cum o furtună întoarce bărcile din drum
Și face capetele să se rotească, și doboară eroii,
Vântul a suflat peste tot, a schimbat tot în locul meu
Și m-a răsturnat, m-a făcut să cad în mrejele iubirii!
Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc, n-am vrut asta,
Nici atâta durere, atâtea neînțelegeri!
Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc pe tine, care iubești deja!
Eu, eu te iubesc oricum, nu mi-am dorit-o.
Așa cum, în calea ei, tornada mătură totul,
Fără să-i pese de nimic, fără să-i pese de noi,
Iar iubirea n-are legătură cu castelele, care-s distruse,
Cupidon e un trădător care nu știe nicio lege.
Vântul a suflat atât de tare, încât a răscolit totul
Și m-a făcut să cad, a dat totul peste cap.
Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc! Nu, n-am ales eu
Nici legăturile, nici lanțurile ce mă leagă de viața ta.
Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc! E o grea povară
Această pasiune, care te lasă rece și surdă.
Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc!
Dar e ca un soare ce-mi arde ochii.
Nici ploile cerului nu astâmpără focul.
Sunt ca o pasăre: prind altitudine
Și zbor prea sus, zbor, dar mă clatin.
Vântul a suflat atât de tare, încât a răscolit totul,
Și m-a răsturnat, și m-a bulversat.
Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc! Dă-mi o șansă!
Nu vezi durerea mea, vulcanul unde dansez?
Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc! Privește-mă, înțelege
Că am umăr de stejar, dar inima îmi sângerează!
Iartă-mă dacă te iubesc,
Dacă te iubesc, dacă te iubesc, dacă te iubesc!

Increzatoare pierduta

Sunt singura, dar nu sunt singura
Răsfățându-mă confortabil, în încercarea de a mă cunoaște
Sunt doar o imagine a ceea ce am fost înainte
Evoluând constant
Reinoire constanta
Sunt o increzatoare pierduta
Nu am nevoie să mă găsești
Tu nu mă definesti
Sunt o increzatoare pierduta
Nu am nevoie să mă găsești
Pentru ca nu mă ascund
Orice ... orice
Formata din speranță și meditație
Iubire, imaginație
Apă e creația mea
Iubitule e uimitor, toate zilele cu care mă confrunt
Nimic nu pare să mă afecteze
Pentru ca sunt o increzatoare pierduta
Nu am nevoie să mă găsești
Pentru ca nu mă ascund
Orice ... orice
Nu ascund, nimic, nimic ... nimic
Gandindu-ma pe unde am fost și unde o sa ma indrept
Și nu as schimba-o pentru nimic in lume
Gandindu-ma de unde sunt si dacă aparțin acolo
Dar n-aș schimba-o
Pentru nimic
Nu aș schimba-o pentru
nimic ... nimic
Nu ascund, nimic, nimic ... nimic


Ajuta-ma sa iti inteleg iubirea
Ajuta-ma sa merg in felul in care vrei sa merg
Pentru ca nu pot ghici lucrurile pe care le gandesti
Asa ca ajuta-ma sa iti inteleg iubirea
Spune-mi tot ce vrei ca eu sa stiu
Pentru ca stiu ca il pot repara chiar daca e stricat
Spune-mi tu, spune-mi ca o faci
Spune-mi ca nu
Spune-mi ca vei
Apoi, spune-mi ca nu o vei face
Mmm iubitule
Spune-mi tu, spune-mi ca o faci
Spune-mi ca nu
Spune-mi ca vei
Apoi, spune-mi ca nu o vei face
Mmm iubitule
Spune-mi ce vrei
Ca sa iti pot intelege iubirea
Ajuta-ma sa iti inteleg iubirea
Pentru ca le faci pe toate intr-un mod gresit
Si nu imi pot da seama ce vrei sa spui
Ajuta-ma sa iti inteleg iubirea
In fiecare zi ai o scuza diferita
De ce nu poti pur si simplu doar sa imi spui adevarul?
Spune-mi tu, spune-mi ca o faci
Spune-mi ca o faci
Spune-mi ca o vei face
Apoi, spune-mi ca nu o vei face
Mmm iubitule
Spune-mi tu, spune-mi ca o faci
Spune-mi ca nu
Spune-mi ca o vei face
Apoi spune-mi ca nu
Nu mai pot suporta
Spune-mi ce vrei
Ca sa pot sa iti inteleg iubirea
Totul imi scapa printre degete
Nu inteleg, pentru ca sti ca nu vei sta cu mine de vorba
Nu, nu vei discuta cu mine
Si sunt chiar aici
Stand pe teritoriul meu, mai bine iesi afara
Daca niciodata nu vei vorbi cu mine
Niciodata nu vei discuta cu mine
Spune-mi tu, spune-mi ca o faci
Spune-mi ca o faci
Spune-mi ca o vei face
Apoi, spune-mi ca nu o vei face
Mmm iubitule
Spune-mi tu, spune-mi ca o faci
spune-mi ca o faci
Spune-mi ca nu
Spune-mi ca o vei face
Nu mai pot suporta
Spune-mi ce vrei
Ca sa pot sa iti inteleg iubirea
Ajuta-ma sa inteleg dragostea ta....

Nicicând n-aș putea să trăiesc fără tine

Ești acolo, foarte aproape de mine,
Și tu nu-mi mai vorbești.
Dar crede-mă, am înțeles bine
Ce se petrece în tine.
Tu nu mai ai încredere.
Fără motiv, tu crezi,
În lungile tale tăceri,
Că nu însemni nimic pentru mine.
Eu, care nu pot trăi mai mult de-o oră fără tine,
Cum să pot trăi într-o lume unde tu nu ești?
Te iubesc, te iubesc mai mult decât crezi,
Și nicicând n-o să trăiesc fără tine!
Vino mai aproape, ascultă-mă,
Tu știi: a fost fără voia mea
Dacă te-am rănit uneori.
Te implor, nu plânge!
Eu, care nu pot trăi mai mult de-o oră fără tine,
Cum să pot trăi într-o lume unde tu nu ești?
Te iubesc, te iubesc!
Eu, care nu pot trăi mai mult de-o oră fără tine,
Cum să pot trăi într-o lume unde tu nu ești?
Te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc!

Inimă analfabetă

Această inimă analfabetă
ai dus-o la școală
și a învățat să scrie
și a învățat să citească
doar un cuvânt
Iubire și nimic mai mult
iubirea mea ești tu, femeia mea iubită.
pasiunea care vieții noastre îi dă căldură.
Când sărut gura ta catifelată,
această catifea îmi mângâie inima,
această inimă,
de care tu ai grijă, ai dus-o la școală,
și a învățat să scrie
și a învățat să citească..
Iubire și nimic mai mult
Această inimă analfabetă
acum suferă și moare
gândind că ești femeie
și te-ar putea pierdere
și ar pierde iubirea
ce ai invățat-o tu.
iubirea mea ești tu,
femeia mea iubită.
pasiunea care vieții noastre îi dă căldură.
Când sărut gura ta catifelată
această catifea îmi mângâia inima,
această inimă,
de care tu ai grijă și ai dus-o la școală,
și a învățat să scrie,
și a învățat să citească...
Iubire și nimic mai mult.
Jură-mi din nou că tu ești a mea
înainte ca să mor de gelozie .
suspină inima mea...
femeia mea iubită,
tu ai invățat-o să scrie,
tu ai invățat-o să citească...
Iubire și nimic mai mult.


When I kiss your lips,
Of, zale zalele*)
I'm sweting buckets**)
Of, zale zalele
When you kiss my lips,
Of, zale zalele
I'm sweting buckets
Of, zale zalele
When I kiss your lips,
Of, zale zalele
I'm sweting buckets
Of, zale zalele
Close to you, my love
My heart beats ratatatutupa
With you, love,
My heart beats ratatatutupa
When I kiss your lips,
Of, zale zalele
I'm sweting buckets
Of, zale zalele
When you kiss my lips,
Of, zale zalele
I'm sweting buckets
Of, zale zalele
zale zalele
zale zalele
zale zalele
zale zalele
Close to you, my love
My heart beats ratatatutupa
With you, love,
My heart beats ratatatutupa
When I kiss your lips,
Of, zale zalele
I'm sweting buckets
Of, zale zalele
When you kiss my lips,
Of, zale zalele
I'm sweting buckets
Of, zale zalele


oh father it's strange, he knocked the door on me
he wanted to drink water and I gave him, poor one
he didn't have anyone, he was walking slowly
his heart was tired from travelling
he was thirsty and I watered him, he was cold and I made him warm
what happened is that I loved him, I hid him in my heart
this is a heart not a stone
the neighbors saw me hiding him in my eyes
they knew that I'm in love and called me crazy
oh father, I won't let him go, I swear I won't
and I will continue my life on his way
I hid him in my eyelashes, I gave him my life and soul
oh people, I loved him, his house became in my heart
enough with the harshness, we are humans
his heart is on mine, his way is on my way
what happened so we hide? it's neither his fault nor mine
two hearts that met and longed for each other
oh how much I'm afraid that fate will separate us
you became a part of me, your absence will make me crazy
don't ever go away from me, your nearness makes me assured
and oh, what will life worth without you?

And the two of us there

We'll never know whether our encounter was effect or mere1 cause
ownership or just our own nakedness
our bodies side by side like parallel strokes marking a pause
in the silence that floats without gravity.
There has been no pact, no promise, no agreement,
everything is always just a matter of chance
and then every moment is like the first one and there is no afterwards that's not a memory
as in dreams, outside reality.
In the cold, still, white darkness of the wine that helps us know each other
one does not know about the other, who she is, who she will be
but we choose each other because of something that's in the heart, in the head and between our legs
to part ways as we are in a tie, always
Only the skies to cover us
and an obsession with infinity
Love without the troubles of love
its space is everywhere, its time is never
if you read it line by line you live a story you already know
yet you dream, if you open the book of lives on a random page.
Love that has no where or why
a voice that says nothins and stays between me and you
the two of us roaming along borders
roads with no beginning and no end
like the two of us, there
the two of us there
Outside a fresh day dawns and there's a new wind that can be seen but not heard
there's one last star to grab before leaving
now even a kiss is a trick to prevent you from speaking
because the night is a game of shadows and a world that spies on us
In the full emptiness of an interior
as in an everlating present
that love without the troubles of love
its space is everywhere, its time is never
if you read it line by line you live a story you already know
yet you dream, if you open the book of lives on a random page.
Love that has no where or why
a voice that says nothins and stays between me and you
the two of us roaming along borders
roads with no beginning and no end
like the two of us, there.
Who knows if we are real
the two of us there
or two rmote reflections
the two of us there
visions or perhaps thoughts
the two of us there
or poetry and songs
the two of us there
we are yesterday's future
the two of us there
that becomes past tomorrow.
Us, those of love without the troubles of love
its space is everywhere, its time is never
if you read it line by line you live a story you already know
yet you dream, if you open the book of lives on a random page.
Love that has no where or why
a voice that says nothins and stays between me and you
the two of us roaming along borders
roads with no beginning and no end
like the two of us, there.
  • 1. Lit: naked


Versions: #2
Where are you taking me, oh inertia?
So far has left behind the innocence
So bad, so good
That it tastes
Does anyone know what else fits in me?
There is no one
No one that can finish it
For me
Oh my bad, my dear
With no harm
Where are you leaving me, oh inertia?
So bad, so good
That it tastes
Does anyone know what else fits in me?
There is no one
That can sing this fado
For me
My bad, my dear
My bad, my dear
I just let myself go in my own harm
I have made you as my dear
With no harm
My bad, my dear
My bad, my dear
I just let myself go in my own harm
I have made you as my dear
With no harm

Being Human

Don't do that, you mustn't do that, you mustn't do that
It's your turn, baby, score your goal
If it doesn't happen now, it won't ever happen
You must be a good person and try hard for that is what they expect from you
I take life easy, I don't mind what mankind is doing
I'm no longer a part of this, I'm out of here
The rules are simple as long as you follow them
And shut your mouth, too, for else you'd surely fall deep
I can't guarantee anything, but you're not allowed
To talk back and if you do, you definitely shouldn't speak out loud
I take life easy, I don't mind what mankind is doing
I'm no longer a part of that, I'm out of here
I take life easy, I don't mind what mankind is doing
I'm no longer a part of that, I'm out of here (out, out, out)
If it doesn't happen now, you'll no longer be a part of this
(no longer a part, no longer a part)
If you fail today, you'll go down
(down, down, down)
But I'm telling you
I'm failing, I'm putting my hands up
Sod you, rest of the world!
I'm going to lie down on the beach
I take life easy, I don't mind what mankind is doing
I'm no longer a part of this, I'm out of here
I take life easy, I don't mind what mankind is doing
I'm no longer a part of this, I'm out of here
I'm no longer a part of this
I'm out of here, I'm no longer a part of this
I'm no longer a part of this
I'm no longer a part of this

The light or rage

I found that wonderful
When you surrounded me with clouds
Feet on the earth
But the heart running along
I found that wonderful
When you surrounded me with courage
Leaving behind
How many fires on the shore
Of wisdom or anger
Which will find me first
I hide and then I hope
Sometimes I feel so afraid to be trapped
By our burning loves
How many mirages
Did my eyes believe to have seen so clearly
For it’s by closing our cages again
That we free ourselves
When we open up to ourselves even to on the contrary
How many pages will I write before a spark
Comes to undo everything
Completely destroy what we could do
Let me be a child
Loved in the belly of the wind
I will love to relive this moment
I found that wonderful
When we were still young
My father and my mother
For one and only flash*
I found that wonderful
As you prevented me from shipwrecking
Taken headwinds
All our hells aboard
Of wisdom or anger
Which will find me first
I hide and then I hope
Sometimes I feel so afraid to be trapped
By our burning loves
How many mirages
Did my eyes believe to have seen so clearly
For it’s by closing our cages again
That we free ourselves
When we open up to ourselves even to on the contrary
How many pages will I write before a spark
Comes to undo everything
Completely destroy what we could do
Let me be a child
Loved in the belly of the wind
I will love to relive this moment
How many mirages
Did my eyes believe to have seen so clearly
For it’s by closing our cages again
That we free ourselves
How many mirages
Did my eyes believe to have seen so clearly
For it’s by closing our cages again
That we free ourselves
That we open up to ourselves on the contrary
Which from rage or the light
Enlightens me again, taken hostage
Between the light and rage
Let me be a child
Loved in the belly of the wind
I will love to relive this moment

In felul meu

In viata mea am facut un pic de toate
Nu stiu daca am facut putin sau mult
Nu am fost un sfant si asta o stie pana si Dumnezeu
O stie pana si Dumnezeu
Am mers cu ploaia si vantul
Deseori am ras si cateodata am plans
Si sute si mii de ori am ramas singur
Si m-am descurcat
Mereu in felul meu
In felul meu
In felul meu
Ca tu crezi sau nu
In felul meu
In felul meu
In felul meu
Voi fi gresit dar
In felul meu
Si tu care ai aparut dintr-odata
Si intr-o clipa ai colorat totul
Tu esti diferita esti importanta si mi-e teama
Mi-e teama
Si cine stie daca voi reusi
Sa-ti spun ca
Te iubesc in felul meu
In felul meu
In felul meu
Pentru inca odata
In felul meu
In felul meu
In felul meu
Apoi ai venit tu
Iubirea mea

Da Vinci Claude

Versions: #2
Behind the doors of the Louvre one finds the Saint Groove
At 40 steps from the Mona Lisa there is a red arrow
One must sneak in the night and if possible have a smooth step
Or the security guard could find, if not a red alert
We hide things from ourselves, since Adam and Eve
The hare and the tortoise, bet on the hare
The truth, the false, the truly false, the truth, it's true that it's false
Some had matches during the war of fire
The friend of a friend rubbed shoulders with Sophie Neveu
There was never a person who set foot on the moon
Someone said that it was Edith Piaf who wrote 'My thing with feathers.'
Someone said that on other planets, the little green men have television
And that they are fascinated by Justin Timberlake and Jean-Claude Bourret
Everything is mixed up in my head since dawn
It's like I am in a chapter of 'The Da Vinci Claude'
You you you you you you...
You you you you you you...
Oh oh
Everything is mixed up in my head since dawn
So many state secrets are there before you
One night in an alley, a strange man told me
That Marilyn Monroe was a fan of Pompidou
And that she declared her passion by singing 'Pom Pom Pi Dou'
The Dalai Lama, Serge Lama, Alain Delon
Left for Tibet to sing 'La Mandelon'
Someone says that there are people who go up in saucers
That there they drink coconut juice that was cut with a machete
Just because they spoke of the monster of Roswell
The American Army seperated them from Jacques Pradel
Everything is mixed up in my head since dawn
It's like I am in a chapter of 'The Da Vinci Claude'
You you you you you you...
You you you you you you...
Oh oh
Everything is mixed up in my head since dawn
The said that Shella and the Mona Lisa were men
That had a bug for the millenium
That certain bakers made babas of polonium
That they enrich uranium and they water it with rum
There is some info beyond that info, and some disinformation, all of that is not false
In 'The Simpsons', it's 'Who killed Kenny?'
But the question that one asks is 'Who killed Kenny?'
In the order of the Temple of Solaar advancing
I see coming firefighters with jerrycans of gas
Everything is mixed up in my head since dawn
It's like I am in a chapter of 'The Da Vinci Claude'
You you you you you you...
You you you you you you...
Oh oh
Everything is mixed up in my head since dawn

I come back

I remember everything around here
Like I never left
Like it all happened yesterday
I remember everything around her
I take roots at the bottom of a well
A few steps away, in the heather
Whatever the pieces of sorrow
That come off my bohemian
I chose to be alive
Here, now, and everywhere
And I hope that I'll learn for long
And that I shall cross some scenes
I hope that it's just the start
The story has to keep going
But if I leave
Don't resent me
For this is my life, this is my path
It's my journey, my destiny
But If I was to leave
I would not look back
Cause I don't ever stray too far
And I come back everytime, I come back
I come back everytime
My life always gets better
When it's packed in a suitcase
And when the landscape flies by
I did not feed this fire
It's mostly it that feeds me
And I think its message says
Whatever the pieces of sorrow
That come off a bohemian
We have to choose to be alive
Here, now and everywhere
And I hope that I'll learn for long
And that I shall cross some scenes
I hope that it's just the start
The story has to keep going
But if I leave
Don't resent me
For this is my life, this is my path
It's my journey, my destiny
But If I was to leave
I would not look back
Cause I don't ever stray too far
And I come back everytime, I come back
I come back everytime
I am far, oh far from my folk
It's the only way for me to live
I am far, oh far from my folk
I'll never apologise for being free
But if I leave
Don't resent me
For this is my life, this is my path
It's my journey, my destiny
But If I was to leave
I would not look back
Cause I don't ever stray too far
And I come back everytime, I come back
But if I leave
Don't resent me
For this is my life, this is my path
It's my journey, my destiny
But If I was to leave
I would not look back
Cause I don't ever stray too far
And everytime I come back, I come back
Everytime I come back
Because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
Oh, because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime

The miserable singer

And I'm wondering if you're still existing,
And I'm wondering if your heart is north
If you make love at night when you're about to fall asleep
And all those kinds of things
But nothing has changed for me, I kept you
And I'm wondering who might touch your hair
And I'm wondering if you're near a fire
If you said to him those words you told me
And all those kinds of things
But while I'm thinking about this, you, you're forgetting me
Like a miserable singer
No one listens to
Like a miserable singer
People don't love anymore
Even though you're not here anymore
I'm still singing for you
And I'm wondering if you'll hear me
And I'm wondering if we'll see each other again
And I'm wondering if you'll still remeber
If we'll only become friends
And all those kinds of things
But you've probably forgotten we've loved each other
Like a miserable singer
No one listens to
Like a miserable singer
People don't love anymore
Even though you're not here anymore
I'm still singing for you
And I'm wondering if you'll hear me
Like a miserable singer
No one listens to
Like a miserable singer
People don't love anymore
Even though you're not here anymore
I'm still singing for you
And I'm wondering if you'll hear me

Alexandria, Alexandra

Versions: #2
Rah ! Ha ! Rah ! Ha !
Veil on the girls, boats on the Nile
I'm in your life, I'm in your arms
Alexandria, Alexandra
Alexandria, where love dances with the night
I've more appetite than a barracuda
I'll drink the whole Nile if you don't get back to me
I'll drink the whole Nile if you don't hold me back
Alexandria, Alexandra
Alexandria, where love dances into your arms
Tonight I've got fever and you're freezing to death
The port mermaids of Alexandria
Are still singing the same tune
The Alexandria lighthouse light
Is making the butterflies of my youth wreck
Rah ! Ha ! Rah ! Ha !
Veil on the girls, boats on the Nile
I'm in your life, I'm in your sheets
Alexandria, Alexandra
Alexandria, where everything begins and ends
I've more appetite than a barracuda
I'll eat you raw if you don't get back to me
I'll eat you raw if you don't hold me back
Alexandria, Alexandra
Alexandria, tonight I'm dancing on your sheets
I'll eat you raw if you don't hold me back
The port mermaids of Alexandria
Are still singing the same tune
The Alexandria lighthouse light
Is making the butterflies of my youth wreck
Rah ! Ha ! Rah ! Ha !
Veil on the girls, boats on the Nile
Alexandria, Alexandra
Tonight I've got fever and you're freezing to death
Tonight, I'm dancing, I'm dancing, I'm dancing into your arms
Go ahead, dance ! Yes, dance !
Dance, dance, dance, dance !
Alexandria, Alexandra
Tonight, I'm dancing, I'm dancing, I'm dancing into your arms