Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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As usual

I get up
And I jostle you
You don't wake up
As usual
On you,
I pull the sheet up
I'm afraid you're cold
As usual
My hand
Barely touches your hair
Almost despite myself
As usual
But you
You're turning your back on me
As usual
And then
I quickly dress up
I leave the bedroom
As usual
All alone
I drink my coffe
I'm late
As usual
I leave the house
Everything's grey outside
As usual
I'm cold
I pull my collar up
As usual
As usual
All day long
I'll play
I'll pretend
As usual
I'll smile
Yes, as usual
I'll even laugh
As usual
And at last, I'll live
Yes, as usual
And then
Day will pass
And I'll come back
As usual
You'll be out
Not here yet
As usual
All alone
I'll put myself to bed
Into this big cold bed
As usual
My tears
I'll hide them
As usual
As usual
Even at night
I'll play
I'll pretend
As usual
You'll come in
As usual
I'll wait for you
As usual
You'll smile at me
Yes, as usual
As usual
You'll undress
As usual
You'll put yourself to bed
As usual
We'll kiss
As usual
As usual
We'll pretend
Yes, as usual
We'll make love
Yes, as usual
We'll pretend
Yes, as usual...

3D at night

The way you are
A few people already have wondered
If you came alone
The way I am
I'm sure that you have an answer
And that you're very sure
The way she is
They'll all probably be heated up
In a second
I won't be able to stop
And nobody will interrupt us
Well, maybe you
3D games at night
If you want to see what we do
Come closer
3D games at night
Lace and ring from Donatella
Me, fresh, with snapback, no haircut
This crib is fire, I'm from the north
I need water on the beach to put everything out
We touch the clouds
The world sees that they put dashes on the story
The glass is passed like in the schoolyard
In the club, it's poured, but not soda
And there's still a girl with a dynamite chest
Even though none of them have silicone
Mine asks me if I want us to take her
And then I laugh, I look at her, and I start to pour
Aha, the glass is cold, but the situation burns
I feel that she'd like to leave, it resulted in Rose and lipstick stains
From six, we'll be three in her shower
3D games at night
If you want to see what we do
Come closer
3D games at night
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


On the pictureless screen of my sleepless nights1
I shoot my own fantasies2
with no money nor camera.
Bardot3 can take a break,
you are my only star.
No matter how hard I try, no way I can tell you I love you.
I've got plenty of heart but little guts,
that's why I take revenge
on the pictureless screen of my sleepless nights,
where I shoot my own fantasies.
First, a close-up on your hips,
then a travelling panorama
on your king size breasts,
that's how my movie starts.
A smile on my face, I step toward you.
Six feet tall,
my sleeves bulging with muscles,
I'm the peerless star4 of my sleepless nights
when I shoot my own fantasies.
You soon end up in my arms.
The bed comes like an avalanche
on the pictureless screen of my sleepless nights
where I shoot my own fantasises.
Once, twice, ten, twenty times
I shoot the same sequence
where you fall into my arms.
I shoot every night,
even on sundays.
Sometimes the doorbell rings. I open the door, it's you!
Will I grab you by the hips,
like on the screen of my sleepless nights?
I won't. I just say 'how are you doing?'
and take you to the flicks.
  • 1. a sleepless night is called a 'white night' in French, making for a nice pun on 'black screen'. I could only try to match it by repeating 'less'. Not nearly as good as the original I'm afraid.
  • 2. 'se faire du cinéma' ('make oneself some cinema') means 'delude oneself', especially about a romantic relationship
  • 3. Brigitte Bardot, as famous a sex symbol in France as Marilyn Monroe in the US
  • 4. 'punching through the screen' means having a great presence

True Love

When there's love
Forever it remains
When there's true love
Our hearts alight
As dancing flames in the wind
And even if we separate
I know I['ll] find you
If I lose you
My heart will freeze
If I lose you
And only the fire of your yearning
? under the skin
Has warmed1 my cold spirit
Ever since I've felt in my heart
You feel the same way I do
I know what true
I know what true
I know what true love is
  • 1. Lit. 'thawed'

You are dead, my life

Versions: #2
You are dead, my life, and I still breathe?
You are gone from me
Never to return, and I should remain?
No, for if verses can do anything,
I will go in safety to the deepest abysses,
And having softened the heart of the King of shades,
I will bring you back with me to see the stars again:
Oh, if wicked destiny refuses me this,
I will stay with you, in the company of death.
Farewell earth, farewell Heaven and Sun, farewell.

Tu ai murit

Tu ai murit, viața mea, și eu respir?
Ai plecat de la mine
să nu te mai întorci, și eu rămân?
Nu, că dacă versurile pot ceva,
voi merge sigur în cele mai adânci abisuri,
și înmuind inima regelui umbrelor,
te voi aduce cu mine să revedem stelele.
Sau dacă soarta rea îmi refuză asta,
voi rămâne cu tine în compania morții,
adio masă, adio cer și soare, adio.

As Always

Verse 1
I get up, caress you a little, I won't wake you up, yes, as always.
On you, I'll roll up the blue blanket, yes, as always
And then I'll caress your hair, yes, as always
But you, you won't look at me, yes, as always.
Verse 2
And then, I'll be quiet, you know, I'll go to the other room, yes, as always.
There I'll drink my coffee, and it'll be already late, yes, as always.
I won't look back anymore, I have to run, yes, as always
But you, you won't understand, yes, as always
And, as always, my day, I'll gamble with it, I'll lose it
And, as always, we'll laugh, yes, as always, about you and me
And, as always, I won't care, yes, as always.
Verse 3
And then everything will end, I'll come back, yes, as always.
And you, you be there, you'll still be away, yes, as always.
And I, I'll feel so useless, yes, as always
My tears, I'll hide them, yes, as always.
But, as always, my night, I'll gamble with it, I'll win it.
Yes, as always, you'll come back, yes, as always, I'll wait for you
And, as always, you'll smile at me, yes, as always
And, as always, we'll hug, yes, as always, we'll kiss
And, as always, love will win, yes, as always.
And, as always, we'll hug, yes, as always, we'll kiss
And, as always, love will win, yes, as always.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Music Box

A dusty box set
and inside a picture
with your first boyfriend
cavalry lieutenant ...
On the hand-embroidered tablecloth
the pretzels with a tea
in your Venetian living room
the 5 - 4 - 23 …
Boat trips
your babysitter, a Chopin nocturne
a kiss on your hand
a camellia
a lapin muff
and deep in your tired eyes you have left
that strokes your white hair
and takes you away…
Jesus, Jesus, you may say,
how funny I was!
You’ll smile, but you’ll feel a lump in your throat:
how beautiful you were
and what are you now?
An old music box
that no longer works…
In the reading room, after lunch,
lying on the sofa
you were reading eagerly a novel
with some phrases a bit risqué …
And on Thursday morning at a concert
with your parents at the “Odeon”
you were very bored
and were already thinking of the Charleston.
Baths at the beach
your horse
and a bamboo parasol
your braids, your dance card
and the cuckoo clock …
Now they have left you alone
now they have ran away
and maybe your picture
comforts you a little …
Jesus, Jesus, you may say,
how foolish I am!
And from your sweater you’ll pull out a handkerchief
and you will wonder
if staying down here on earth is good for something
to an old music box
that no longer works…

Life is now

Life is now
In the old hostel of the earth
And each one is in a room
And in a history
Made of mornings so light
And skies frayed with hope
And with silences to listen to
And you’ll be surprised that you’re singing
But you don’t know why
Life is now
In the afternoons just a little fresh
That make you feel sleepy
And the bells make the clouds spin
And it rains on the hairs
And on the tables of the sidewalk cafés
And you’re wondering, unsure, who you are
You are…
Are you…
It’s you…
It’s you who’s pushing on your heart
And the hard work
To be a man and not to know
What the future will be
It’s you, in the time that makes us bigger
And alone amid the world
With the angst to search together
For a deeper good
And for another one who gives you breath
And takes care of you
With an expectation of wanting to be more
Not realizing what it is
And you’re returning my looks
In this immense moment
Over the noise of the crowd
Tell me if this makes any sense
Life is now
In the sweet air of an after-dinner
And children’s faces against the panes
And meadows smoothing themselves like kittens
And millions of stars sticking to the street lamps
While you’ll be wondering where you are
You are…
Are you…
It’s you…
It’s you who’ll be carrying your love
On a hundred, a thousand roads
Because there’s no end to the journey
Even if a dream falls
It’s you who has a new wind in his arms
While coming to me
And you will learn that
A sunset is enough to die
In a joy that hurts
More than melancholy
And in any evening you’ll find yourself
Don’t throw yourself away
And don’t let a day go by
To find yourself again
Son of a sky so beautiful
Because life is now
It’s now
It’s now

A lady of thirty years ago

My indiscreet heart
still can't find peace,
more and more awake and restless
it doesn't give up despite its age.
Today it reminded me very secretly,
of a lady of thirty years ago.
In nineteen-nineteen,
dressed in voile and chiffon,
I met you, I don't remember where,
on the main street or maybe at a cotillon ball.
I remember the eyes, the eyes alone,
a bit marked with the blue pencil,
then I swore to you I loved you eternally.
Your name was... I can't remember.
My life is lost
if love goes away.
Today my unchanging heart,
which doesn't give up despite its age,
is still looking for its stranger lady
its lady of thirty years ago.
I remember the first kiss I gave you
shivering for emotion and passion,
a soft kiss, shy and sensible
through that short garçonne hair.
Then I led you... I can't remember where,
and you told me... I can't remember what.
In nineteen-nineteen
perhaps your name was... youth...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

It's Too Late For a Goodbye

It's too late for a 'Goodbye',
Too much has happened already
But when you want to say farewell
Just say, 'I'll be seeing you.'
Feelings don't freeze
When snow falls on roses.
One winter does not rob us of the strength
That keeps us together.
We both may need some time
In order to understand at last.
The sea remains as a memory
When we see each other again.
And so tell me before you leave
'I'll be seeing you somewhere'
Perhaps very soon it might become
For us a 'Hey, hello!'
It's too late for a goodbye
Too much has happened already
But when you want to say farewell
Just say, 'I'll be seeing you.'
And when you have to say farewell
Just say, 'I'll be seeing you.'
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!

The Secret World of Santa Claus Intro (French)

Santa Claus, how do you guess
The toys I dream of ?
How do you know
That my bike should be red and black
And how do you find the chimney
Under the white snowed roofs ?
How ? I don't know !
I don't know !
Yet, I know that, in the permanent snow,
Into your secret world, Santa Claus,
You're thinking about me, you're thinking about me
Santa Claus, I only write to you once a year
Yet you don't ever forget me
When I want for you into the dark
Even when I pretend not to believe in you.
You keep your life hidden,
(But) I know you'll love me forever.
I'm thinking about you, Santa Claus !


Summer-wind, brought colours under a blue sky
When in the evening, in between young love, you still were there
You who mumbled in a dark corner 'she loves you'
I believed in it and got disappointed, where are you now?
You leave me alone dying from love, tell me, what are you doing?
Autumn-wind you blew the leafs from the branch
Wind, you take away every season, but tonight I won't play anymore
Wind, you make kites fly, then make them fall down
Wind I hate you, I despise you, you put out the sun in my soul
Also break the wings of my time, then disappear, where are you going?
Winter-wind, you cover colours and my blue sky
When in the morning, in between torment and pain, you are always here
You who makes me hope that in spring she will love me
I won't fall for it and go back to life, stronger than ever
I try everything to make it stop, you will see
From a black crow I will turn into a seagull
Wind, no, I will not indulge you, this time you won't push me down
I will send the kite higher until it's not seen anymore
Wind, you will eat from my hand like a tired sparrow and then
We will fly together slowly, until finding her
Wind, Wind, Wind, Wind

I will cry

The wind has helped me with its bellowing gust,
With its furious waves the sea has helped me too.
I will cry.
All along the way I will call the stones,
The bushes, the ditches, the trees, even the forests.
I will cry.
When I hear a voice
And feel something in my chest,
I will cry.
So as to make the meat in my throat blow up!
So as to make my blood rush in a primal scream!
I will cry, I will cry!
I will cry, I will cry!
Like a man who's stopped to look at the horizon
A man who's finally free from the weight of his chains
That were forged by mad kings and bloody barons,
And monks, all red from the glow of the fire
Where my brothers from the past have burned alive
Who have sung about love and human friendship
And eaten white bread made of freedom!
I will cry, I will cry!
I will cry, I will cry!

Secrets words

Our old dog understood englsih
And never stop to be upset
So we spell all words that we don't want he understand
Yes we say S-U-G-A-R
Becase if he take more than two
We must going to make him a I-N-J-E-C-T-I-O-N
He does'nt support that we considere him like
And he doesn't want to that we
O-F-F-L-E-A-S-H him
If I put Susie on my knees
It make him really jealous
So we're waiting he's aslept
For K-I-S-S-I-N-G us
Quietly without he glances us
We have trouble in all the block
He's thinlikg only to love (as his master)
However he's all peeled
Old beau style
Beside his littles L-E-G-S
He did really well for having
with all the she-dogs around.
When I told to Susie, we need to bring him
Without offending him
To the V-E-T-E-R-I-N-A-R-Y, the vet
In order to C-A-S-T-R-A-T-E him
That's where he told us : Hey, you two
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
don't take me for a M-O-R-O-N
Oh yeah !

Mos Crăciun al meu

Babe, tocmai ce m-am trezit, și am privit zăpada căzând din cerul meu
Babe, m am trezit și am simțit o lacrima alunecându mi din ochi
Babe, m am trezit cu dorința unei alte nopți
Nu nu nu nu nu
Nu nu nu nu nu
[Versul 2]
Babe, abia pot sa respir când nu esti lângă mine
Babe, abia pot respira, cine mi va cara bradul de Crăciun?
Babe, abia pot respira, mi as dori sa nu te fii lăsat sa pleci
Nu nu nu nu nu
Nu nu nu nu nu
Oh, e atât de frig fără tine
Al meu mos Crăciun
Asa ca baby vino repede
Începi sa mi dai semne ca ma părăsești
Am nevoie de Moș Crăciun al meu
Dacă asta îmi aduce anotimpul, atunci
Trebuie sa scap
Trebuie sa scap
Dacă Crăciunul e atât de colorat, atunci
Eu de ce sunt asa trista?
De ce sunt asa trista?
Dacă asta îmi aduce anotimpul, atunci
Trebuie sa scap
Trebuie sa scap
Dacă Crăciunul e atât de colorat?
Cum de eu sunt asa trista?
De ce sunt asa trista?
[Versul 3]
Babe, m am trezit dintr o data singura, mi as fi dorit sa nu te fii lasat sa pleci
Babe, m am trezit singura, și ți am văzut pașii în zăpadă
Babe, m am trezit singura,
te am iubit în continuare, te am iubit la fel
Nu nu nu nu nu
Nu nu nu nu nu
Oh, e asa frig fără tine
Al meu mos Crăciun
Asa ca baby vino repede
Îmi dai semne ca vrei sa ma părăsești
Am nevoie de al meu Moș Crăciun
Daca asta îmi aduce anotimpul, atunci
Trebuie sa scap
Trebuie sa scap
Dacă Crăciunul e asa colorat, atunci
De ce sunt asa trista?
De ce sunt asa trista?
Dacă asta îmi aduce anotimpul, atunci
Trebuie sa scap
Trebuie sa scap
Dacă Crăciunul e atât de colorat
Eu de ce sunt asa trista?
De ce sunt asa trista?


În seara asta am inima jefuită
Sunt naufragiat
Mi-am pierdut drumul
Nici nu-mi mai dau seama
Mi-am pierdut drumul
Când rănim pe alții
Cum ne răscumpărăm?
Spune-mi, dulceața
Cât costă?
Ei nu mă înțeleg ca pe un străin
Eu nu mă mai pot mișca
Mi-am pierdut drumul
Spune-mi care-i țara pentru visele noastre?
Mai ales că fericirea este în grevă
Sub care cer ne putem iubi?
Vezi, vezi
Inimile noastre de arși sunt tăcute
Există un cuvânt care ne liniștește?
Și acest cuvânt dacă-l cunoști
Cum faci atunci când sufletul e jupuit?
Deja prostit
Mi-am pierdut șansa
Nu mai reușesc să mă descurc
Am suferit mult
Mi-am pierdut șansa
Îmi rămâne o speranță în ochii tăi
Speranța mea e mult prea veche
Timpul sfârșește prin a trăi totul
N-am găsit
Mi-am pierdut șansa
Spune-mi care-i țara pentru visele noastre?
Mai ales că fericirea este în grevă
Sub care cer ne putem iubi?
Vezi, vezi
Inimile noastre de arși sunt tăcute
Există un cuvânt care ne liniștește?
Și acest cuvânt dacă-l cunoști
Mi-ai spus că dimineața
Era făcută doar ca să cânte
Și apoi mi-ai luat mâna
Și m-ai făcut bine
Eu nu mai credeam în dragoste
Și apoi într-o zi
Te-am întâlnit pe drum
Spune-mi care-i țara pentru visele noastre?
Mai ales că fericirea este în grevă
Sub care cer ne putem iubi?
Vezi, vezi
Inimile noastre de arși sunt tăcute
Există un cuvânt care ne liniștește?
Și acest cuvânt dacă-l cunoști

Little Swing

The wave arrived, it gives you goosebumps
The body vibrated, go following the dance
The wave arrived, it gives you goosebumps
The body vibrated, go following the dance
On the platforms, it's all you hear (little swing)
And on the (little) radio, it's all you hear (little swing)
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
The swing levels are up
I see the people letting go
Getting into the dance
They can't resist, the swing takes over
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Go with the swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into this vibe, come here, hold me
Kiss me willingly, don't deny me
I want more, I want love
I want you
Get into this vibe, come here, hold me
Kiss me willingly, don't deny me
I want more, I want love
I want you
Everybody - relax your step
Everybody is doing it, it's beautiful.
Everybody - relax your step
Three, two, one!
Little swing (ah)
Little swing (yeah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into the little swing (ah)
Little swing (oh)
Little swing (ah, ah)
Head, waist, knee, hip
Get into the little swing
Little swing (ah)
Little swing
Head, waist, knee, hip


So beautiful you could write inkpots dry
So beautiful you couldn't find a single word to describe it,
the birds would be left speechless, and the most skilled barrister1 too
your reflection in the water would be angered of being a mere echo.
Beautiful as an ocean setting down, as a shard of crystal
that would splash white light on hatred and evil alike,
enough to turn blue mirrors and pictures in drawers.
Beautiful enough to make concrete cities feel emotional.
So beautiful you hardly dare talk to her
or even get near her,
as if it were a mortal sin
to come close to such a pretty beauty!
But she doesn't notice me...
And yet I already know
she's the one and I'm the one!
Beautiful, please tell me what to do for her to see me at last?
Should she go, I'll die.
Beautiful, so beautuful I would wear down all paintbrushes
trying to draw in watercolour
your infinite beauty,
I would wallow in despair for being unable to tell
what your beauty looks like without somewhat betraying it.
So beautiful you could mellow the heart of tyrans and torturers,
drive away our demons and fears, burn flags.
So beautiful you'd make bugles and drums go quiet
and give back hope to love outcasts.
So beautiful you hardly dare talk to her
or even get near her,
as if it were a mortal sin
to come close to such a pretty beauty!
But she doesn't notice me...
And yet I already know
she's the one and I'm the one!
Beautiful, please tell me what to do for her to see me at last?
Should she go, I'll die.
  • 1. lit. 'law court tenors', a common way of naming skilled barristers


I'm on my way
To somewhere
No matter where I'll end up
It will be a beautiful place
I can hear a stream rush
And the splashing of fish
I'm jumping up, sitting down
Hanging my feet into the cool water
And I'm running over breezy meadows into a dark forest
Enjoying the silence is what keeps me alive
Over breezy meadows, barefoot on the grass
Enjoying the silence
And I'll fly away
For nothing can hold me back
And I can feel the sun back, and the wind is blowing and I can feel...
And I'll fly away
For nothing can hold me back
And I can feel the sun back, and the wind is blowing and I can feel
That I can fly
Oh, I come to a city
Which has something special about it
Even in the evenings, it's still awake
People in love are looking at each other, happy
They are drinking coffee
And are talking about their days
What someone had said
About someone else
And I'm running over breezy meadows into a dark forest
Enjoying the silence is what keeps me alive
Over breezy meadows, barefoot on the grass
Enjoying the silence
And I'll fly away
For nothing can hold me back
And I can feel the sun back, and the wind is blowing and I can feel...
And I'll fly away
For nothing can hold me back
And I can feel the sun back, and the wind is blowing and I can feel
That I can fly
The night is coming closer
And no wind is blowing
From the distance, I can hear someone sing
And I'm approaching him quietly
And I'm sitting down next to him
He's smiling at me
And he's just as free as I
And I'll fly away
For nothing can hold me back
And I can feel the sun back, and the wind is blowing and I can feel...
And I'll fly away
For nothing can hold me back
And I can feel the sun back and the clouds are passing by
And we're
Oh, we're oh so free

Prisoner (Ep. 6: Cloister)

Well, for love I, phew,
Well, I even went down to hell
Now, since I came back up with two angels
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts)
Well I don't regret going down
But I did go down, hey!
I did go down
(It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts)
You get captured without realising
You realise when you get out
You think, how did I get here?

Am vazut-o pe mama sărutându-l pe Moş Crăciun

Uau! Mami îl sărută pe Moş Crăciun!
Am văzut-o pe mami sărutându-l pe Moş Crăciun
Sub vâsc azi noapte
Ea nu m-a văzut pe mine strecurându-mă
În jos pe scări să fac pipi
Ea a crezut că eram învelită
În dormitorul meu, adormită tare
Apoi am văzut-o pe mami gâdilându-l pe Moş Crăciun
Pe sub barba lui atât de albă ca zăpada
Oh, ce râs ar fi fost
Dacă tati doar ar fi vazut
Pe mami sărutând pe Moş Crăciun azi noapte
El a văzut pe mami sărutând pe Moş Crăciun
Am făcut-o ! Chiar am văzut-o pe mami sărutându-l pe Moş Crăciun
Şi o să-i spun tatălui meu
Apoi am văzut-o pe mami gâdilându-l pe Moş Crăciun
Pe sub barba lui atât de albă ca zăpada
Oh, ce râs ar fi fost
Dacă tati doar ar fi vazut
Pe mami sărutând pe Moş Crăciun azi noapte
Oh, ce râs ar fi fost
Dacă tati doar ar fi vazut
Pe mami sărutând pe Moş Crăciun azi noapte
Am făcut-o! Am făcut-o! Chiar am văzut-o pe mami sărutându-l pe Moş Crăciun
Trebuie să mă crezi! Tu chiar trebuie să mă crezi!
Hai amice, crede-mă! Tu chiar trebuie să mă crezi!

Your hand

They are quite often tied and sometimes free.
They build kites, they write books.
Sometimes they are open, sometimes they hold batons1
Some people clench them, others reach out with them.
They put them on their hearts on in their pockets.
They build parks where kids go running.
Though they are sometimes used to chastize all around the world,
we could join them, that would form a ring.2
Those that hold weapons
Those that wipe tears away
Those that soothe children
Those that unite us
Those that punish us
As for mine, I hold it to you.
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll form a round dance and chains
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll go round and round, let's do it3
Give me your hand
Give me your hand, kid, and
we'll go round and round, let's do it
Sometimes they are happy, sometimes so lonely.
When they wander they end up in your face
They are quite often naked, some people glove them
Some are put at stake4, some people ask them5
Those that hold weapons
Those that wipe tears away
Those that soothe children
Those that unite us
Those that punish us
As for mine, I hold it to you.
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll form a round dance and chains
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll go round and round, let's do it
Give me your hand
Give me your hand, kid, and
we'll go round and round, let's do it
I was lost just like you in sorrow
I waited for someone to grab mine.
You can build chains out of outstretched hands, you know.
And today it's me who grabs yours.
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll form a round dance and chains
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll go round and round, let's do it
Give me your hand, kid, and
Give me your hand, kid, and
we'll go round and round, let's do it
  • 1. a 'main courante' is a statement you can make in a police station logbook, that can be produced later in law suit. Can't see how to tie that to 'hand' in English except by alluding to the police
  • 2. 'ronde' is a round dance, it's the usual term for this metaphor of joining hands all around the world (a round dance around the world)
  • 3. I don't know what he means by this 'come on, my sorrow/hard work/sentence'. Apparently he's not speaking any common French variant like Canadian French, so I'm all at sea
  • 4. 'mettre sa main à couper('stake one's hand to be cut off') is like 'betting your bottom dollar on smt.'. Sorry, I could not find any English equivalent there either.
  • 5. in marriage


“Let everything be as it is”
…and the wind was flying on your foulard.
You had already taken with you
your hands, your nights, your cheerfulness.
“Never cut your hair,
eat a little more, that you’re too skinny”
…and on the table, between a tea and the bill
I also swallowed this farewell…
“Let everything be as it is”
…and the sky was fading behind the cranes.
“No, never change and take care of yourself,
of your life, of the world you’ll find”
“Try to stay out of trouble,
button your coat well”
…and between the car horns and the bells
I was repeating “I’m not bitter at you”
“And don’t worry for me, please”
…while my breathe was turning into smoke
I felt I was fainting little by little,
and little by little you was leaving…
I wonder if sooner or later…
if you’ll have ever understood…
if you have looked back…
I wonder if sooner or later…
if you’ll ever think, sometimes,
that I’m alone…
And if now I play my songs,
the same ones you loved so much,
if she sits next to me smiling and thinking
that I’ve dedicated them to her…
And she doesn’t know about when I told you:
“Eat a little more, that you’re too skinny”,
she doesn’t know about our first day’s fantasies
and about the way you went away…
I wonder if sooner or later…
if you’ll have ever understood…
if you have looked back…
I wonder if sooner or later…
if you’ll ever think, sometimes,
that I’ll stay alone, here,
I’ll walk alone,
alone, I’ll carry on…


Vor fi zile cu, zile fara
Prieteni ce-si schimba parerea 1 intr-o secunda
Zile dureroase ce ne leaga si ne chinuiesc
Iubiri mizere. 2
Timpul cand sa-ti renegi tatal, ma vei renega
Si eu, eu nu voi avea maniere, nici cinema
Tu-mi vei ura succes, aplauzele se vor pierde...asa este.
Voi face la fel.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai bun, baiatul meu
Dar oricum eu voi fi mandru
La ce bun sa fii bogat
Cand esti bogat in a fi tata.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai puternic, baiatul meu
Dar noi doi vom fi milionari
Ca voi fi sarac sau foarte bogat
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata.
Anii vor trece repede, ne vom juca din nou
Aniversari, Craciun, et caetera
Ca in fiecare seara mama ta va astepta
Ca tu sa revii
Cand voi avea nevoie de tine, unde vei fi?
In ce voiaj, pe plaja, oare-mi vei raspunde?
Voi visa chipul tau, nu voi mai sti
Ce varsta ai
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai bun, baiatul meu
Dar oricum eu voi fi mandru
La ce bun sa fii bogat
Cand esti bogat in a fi tata.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai puternic, baiatul meu
Dar noi doi vom fi milionari
Ca voi fi sarac sau foarte bogat
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata.
Micul meu imparat sa nu devii un mare om
Sa fii doar un om, mare.
Este de ajuns.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai bun, baiatul meu
Dar oricum eu voi fi mandru
La ce bun sa fii bogat
Cand esti bogat in a fi tata.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai puternic, baiatul meu
Dar noi doi vom fi milionari
Ca voi fi sarac sau foarte bogat
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata.
  • 1. retourner sa veste is an idiom and means change of opinion
  • 2. Les amours chiennes is an idiom and means miserable love

For everybody there's always somebody

For everybody there's always somebody
nobody ever lives without love
now that that somebody
[To] love is you
For everybody there's always somebody
Somebody to knows how to understand you
There's the mouth which
Can kiss you
And if it were in my power
the same I'd do with you
with your sweet smile
with your face that has made me fall in love.
For everybody there's always somebody
nobody ever lives without love
now that that somebody
Forever is you.
And if it were in my power
the same I'd do with you
with your sweet smile
with your face that has made me fall in love.
For everybody there's always somebody
nobody ever lives without love
now that that somebody
Forever is you.
chorus: for everybody there's always somebody


There'll be days with and days without
Friends who return their jacket in no time
Days of pain that bind us and the torments
Miserable love affairs 1
At the age when one disowns their dad, you'll disown me
And I won't make manners, nor cinema
You'll tell me shit 2, slaps will be lost, that's how it is
I'll do the same
Perhaps you won't be the best, my son
But, me however, I'll be proud
What's the point of being rich
When I'm already rich by being a dad
Perhaps you won't be the strongest, my son
But the two of us will be millionaires
Whether I'm rich or poor
You'll be rich having a father
You'll be rich having a father
The years will go by quickly, we'll play again
Birthdays, Christmases, et cetera
Like every night your mother will be there
Waiting for you to come home
When I need you, where will you be?
Someplace travelling, on a beach, will you answer?
I'll dream of your face, I won't know anymore
What age you are
Perhaps you won't be the best, my son
But, me however, I'll be proud
What's the point of being rich
When I'm already rich by being a dad
Perhaps you won't be the strongest, my son
But the two of us will be millionaires
Whether I'm rich or poor
You'll be rich having a father
You'll be rich having a father
My little emperor, don't become a great man
Just become a grown man
That's enough
Perhaps you won't be the best, my son
But, me however, I'll be proud
What's the point of being rich
When I'm already rich by being a dad
Perhaps you won't be the strongest, my son
But the two of us will be millionaires
Whether I'm rich or poor
You'll be rich having a father
You'll be rich having a father
  • 1. 'amours chiennes' literally means 'bitch loves'. We don't really ahve a translation for this in English. It's a love is dysfunctional and that makes you miserable.
  • 2. I'm unsure, but this expression could mean 'you'll wish me luck'. Sometimes in France, before an exam or an important performance peple will say 'Je te dis merde' which literally means 'I tell you shit' but it's like saying 'break a leg' in English. You say it because the belief is that actually wishing somenody 'good luck' will bring about bad luck.
    So this line could mean one of two things:
    (1) 'You tell me shit' as in you tell me nothing of importance, as kids tend to keep their personal lives from their parents.
    (2) 'You'll wish me good luck' as in saying goodbye and then losing contact.

Who knows if you think about me

Who knows if you think about me
Sitting on the bed
And if you hold tight
your old teddy bear
And speak to him about me ...
And soften the light
But you cannot find peace anymore
And you are asking why ...
Who knows if you're looking for me
There under the pillow
If you found me nice
If you want me near there
If you want me there with you ...
And between the sheets
You feel more alone
And you wonder why ...
But who knows if it's really true
What are you thinking about me
Or if you're looking for someone else with the thought ...
But who knows if in your heart
There is a place for me too
And if yes, do you keep it more hidden ...
Even ore hidden ...
Who knows...
If you do not fall asleep
And you nervously bite
Your lips between your teeth
If you think a bit about me ...
And slowly even slowly
Unfreeze your bed
And you wonder why ...
But who knows if it's really true
What are you thinking about me
Or if you're looking for someone else with the thought ...
But who knows if in your heart
There is a place for me too
And if yes, do you keep it more hidden ...
More hidden ...
But who knows if you think of me ...
If you do not fall asleep
And how many sheep you count
One two ... one hundred and twenty ...
And you take them with me ...
Turn the light back on
But you feel happy
And you wonder why ...


Passion for the ball
Happiness in the heart
(His) aspiration in life is to win and be the champion
The boy comes running to have a good time
To sing a serenade all day long
He scores a goal, a brave feeble boy
The fans unite, we are Brazilians
One more chocolate to celebrate
The boy plays with determination1
Smile on the face incites that crowd
You cannot imagine a love like that
Party without chocolate is no fun (2x)
  • 1. 'raça' = usually 'race' (white, black,...), but in Brazil, fig.: a fighting spirit, determination, courage

Her eyes

A simple memory
Forgotern somewhere in a corner
That gives immortality
Immortality to the 'ice' to the heart of mine
Yet she doesn't know
Doesn't know also how much time i'm wastin' already
Sleeplessness, agony
'Cause 'Sun' is all i'm sishing to see
And already know it
That you must defeat the 'storm' to see.....
And i lost myself into the story of hers eyes
How many moods and bitter emotions ,
I feel that i loose into the story of her eyes
I re-write it , but it doesn't reappear
The blood in my veins trembles, at the thought that the time
can still change ....
But time doesn't forgive , decisions for no one else
AND sun' and rain keep coming over us but you...
You already know it ..
That you must defeat the 'storm to see...
And i loose myself into the story of hers eyes
How many moods and bitter emotions ,
I feel that i loose into the story of her eyes
I re-write it , but it doesn't reappear
Far from you, we're not floatin' anymore
Far from you, but you next to me you were losing your colors'
Far from you, we're not floatin' anymore
Far from you, but you next to me you were losing your colors'
And i loose myself into the story of hers eyes
How many moods and bitter emotions ,
I feel that i loose into the story of her eyes
I re-write it , but it doesn't reappear


Born of a magnificent mother who posed for Picasso
And a photogenic father like Rudolph Valentino
Above his cradle we'd see passing the fairies
He had all, really all, to be a beautiful baby.
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
We'll tell you that at school, he was always the first
When we ask him a question, he answer everytime
It's true that he had two heads, one say 'yes', the other 'no'
as they shaking toghether, he was always right !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
He was a great pianist, more dexterious than Chopin
Alone he turn the page while playing with five hands
In the Army, same thing, he became a sniper
Cause he had just one eye, he was the faster to aim
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
He won in the Hendaye games the 4x110 yards dash
And won two medals, that a lot for a Frenchman !
As he had four legs, and nothing forbids that
He finished first and second, we'd never saw that !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?
Older than Methuselah, one day he quitted life
And it was without any problem that he go to Paradise
When Saint Peter open the door, the first thing he saw
It's that God and angels were all made like him !
Timoleon, despite some details was a beautiful boy
Two heads, six arms, one eye and four legs
But it isn't important, pardon ?