Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 23

Număr de rezultate: 769



Holidays, oh, holidays
It's the plane descending from the sky
And, in the shadow of its wing,
A city passes by
The ground is so close
Holidays, oh, holidays
Churches and social housing
What does he do, this God they love?
He lives in space
The ground is so close
Holidays, oh, holidays
From the plane, the shadow takes to the sea
The sea, as a prelude
To the desert
The sea is so low
Holidays, oh, holidays
So much sky and so many clouds
At your age, you don't know
That life can wear you out,
That death is so vile
Holidays, oh, holidays
It's the plane living in the sky
But don't forget, beautiful girl,
That planes do break
And that the ground is so close

Zi ploioasă

Terciul a fost bun
marmelada de asemenea
Mai iau o felie de pâine.
Şunca-i fierbinte, dar nu îmi pasă
Cam mult am fiert oul.
Sunt încă puţin obosit, oasele-s slabe
Am să mai fac o zi de pauză.
Cred că soarele avea aceeaşi idee
şi acum facem pauză.
E o zi ploioasă, zi ploioasă
dar îmi place.
E o zi ploioasă
apa vine-n jos
dar te iubesc.
Lăptarul Moraru îmi sună la uşă
Iei un litru sau doi
Dar nu vreau să mai beau din laptele său azi
Mă simt bine şi fără.
Păşeşte-ntr-o baltă când dă să plece
Îl aud înjurând
la meteoul ce-a promis presiune mare azi
şi acum s-a udat.
E o zi ploioasă, zi ploioasă
dar îmi place.
E o zi ploioasă
apa vine-n jos
dar te iubesc.
Rosalie MacLovely aşteaptă un taxi
în mijlocul ploii ce cade.
Bătrânul chelios MacArthur aşteaptă
ca părul să-i crească iar.
Acum nişte ani, avea un păr creţ
dar zilele alea s-au dus.
Acum arată ca o bilă de foc
când stă la soare.
E o zi ploioasă, zi ploioasă
dar îmi place.
E o zi ploioasă
apa vine-n jos
dar te iubesc.
E o zi ploioasă, zi ploioasă
dar îmi place.
E o zi ploioasă
apa vine-n jos
apa vine-n jos
apa vine-n jos
dar te iubesc.

Un Nou Dia Ha....Arribat

He esperat fa molt
Per que el miracle arribés
Tots em deien es fort
Resisteix i no vessaments una llagrima
A Través de la foscor i els bons temps
Sàvia que ho aconseguiria
I el món pensava que ho tenia tot
Però jo esperava per tu
Observo llums en el cel
Oh, gairebé em enlluernen
No puc creure-ho
He estat tocada per un àngel amb amor
Deixaré que la pluja caigui i es porti les meves llàgrimes
Deixi omplir la meva ànima i ofegar les meves pors
Deixa enderrocar les parets per a un nou, nou sol
Un nou dia ha... arribat
On va ser obscur ara hi ha llum
On Va haver-hi dolor ara hi ha alegria
On hi havia debilitat, vaig trobar la meva força
Tot en els ulls d'un noi
Observo llums en el cel
Oh, gairebé em enlluernen
No puc creure-ho
He estat tocada per un àngel amb amor
Deixaré que la pluja caigui i es porti les meves llàgrimes
Deixi omplir la meva ànima i ofegar les meves pors
Deixa enderrocar les parets per a un nou, nou sol
Un nou dia ha... arribat

my heart is awake

We'll laugh, we'll laugh 'till the last second,
as long as we have makeup.
the eyes are luminate, the face are shine
and the heart, the heart is unclear
and it's move inside of me for years already,
the desire go deeper, to know.
to browse the pretty cover on the top
to remove the peel,
to get in between (among?) the lines for a moment,
to catch all what passing near by me all the time.
how suddenly,it occupy me in a moment.
holds me, misleads and leaves.
so again i'm sleeping and my heart is awake.
again i'm sleeping and my heart is awake.

Ziua cea mai lungă

Mulți bărbați au venit aici ca soldați
Mulți bărbați vor străbate în acest fel
Mulți bărbați vor număra orele
Pe măsură ce trăiesc cea mai lungă zi.
Mulți bărbați sunt obosiți și epuizati
Mulți bărbați sunt aici pentru a rămâne
Mulți bărbați nu vor vedea apusul soarelui
Când se va termina cea mai lungă zi.
Cea mai lungă zi, este cea mai lungă zi
Aceasta va fi cea mai lungă zi
Este plină de speranțe și de temeri
Plină de sânge, transpirație și lacrimi.
Bărbați sute de mii
Multi bărbați victorioși
Mărșăluiesc în luptă
În cea mai lungă zi din istorie.
Dana Kósa

Just One Day

My heart’s color has lost its shine
Because your two eyes aren’t here to paint over it
I think love is such a cruel thing
My wounds haven’t even healed yet
But love keeps reopening them
You left without a single word, what can I do about that
I’m too lacking of a person
That I couldn’t say anything to you, and now I’m like this
I can talk to empty air all I want but you can’t hear me
Just a little bit
Give me a little bit of time, just one day
So that I can remember you
Oh baby please don’t go
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll bear it
Because you will return
I’m sorry I lived a life that knew only you
So forgetting you is the one thing I can’t do
I can’t do it, why did you do this
Leaving me longing, why did you leave
Regret always washes over too late
Why is that
It’s not like regretting will change anything
Just a little bit
Give me a little bit of time, just one day
So that I can remember you
Oh baby please don’t go
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll try to bear it
Because you will return
No matter how I try to erase you every day to forget you
No matter how many words I use to try to hate you
I find myself, again and again
Longing for you
Be by my side, just for one day
My beautiful my beautiful
Stay by my side, just for today
I feel like I’m going to go crazy, but I’ll try to bear it
Because you will return
Because you will return
I’m going to look for you

Нов слънчев ден

Мисля си за онзи ден,
когато го оставих на спирка Грейхаунд
на запад от Санта Фе.
Бяхме на 17, но той беше сладък и всичко беше истинско,
все пак направих това, което трябваше,
просто защото знаех.
Летни неделни нощи
ще се потопим в местата си
точно когато изгасят светлините
техноцветният свят, направен от музика и машини
ме повика да бъде на този екран
и да живея в блясъка му.
Без да имам пунката пара
спрях бус, и, ето ме, идвам.
Може би е смело или просто лудо,
предстои да видим.
Защото, може би, в спящия град
той ще остане един ден, светлините са загаснали.
Ще види лицето ми и ще си спомни по какъв начин ме познаваше.
Отвъд тези хълмове докосвам висините
и преследвам всички сияещи светлини.
Когато си разочарован
ще станеш от земята,
с изтъркулването на сутринта
идва нов слънчев ден.
Чувам ги всеки ден,
Ритмите в каньоните, които никога няма да заглъхнат.
Баладите в балните зали, оставени от тези, които дойдоха преди нас
казват, че трябва да го искаш повече.
Затова чукам на всяка врата.
И дори, когато отговорът е 'не',
или когато парите ми свършват
диска, микрофона и неоновия блясък са всичко, от което се нуждая.
И някой ден, докато си пея песен,
детето от градчето ще дойде
и това ще е нещото, което да го побутне напред.
Отвъд тези хълмове докосвам висините
и преследвам всички сияещи светлини.
Когато си разочарован
ще станеш от земята
с изтъркулването на сутринта
идва нов слънчев ден.
Когато си разочарован.
С изтъркулването на сутринта.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Просто нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Денят току- що започна.
Идва нов слънчев ден.
Идва нов слънчев ден.

Zilele sălbatice

Cerul e-albastru
apa-i la fel
Iubita mea s-a dus...
Deodată, departe, într-o zi nenorocită
Ea se simte bine
şi-i pare rău pentru mine
Îmi spune 'Iubite, nu te teme'
dar mă simt confuz
iubita mea se duce, se duce...
Nu-nseamnă mai nimic pentru mine
Nu-nsemni nimic pentru mine? Stai!
Şi aminteşte-ţi despre
zilele sălbatice
Nu simţi cum simt eu?
zile sălbatice
sau e un vis? e pe bune?
Zile sălbatice
Stând în mijlocul unui câmp de luptă
iubita mea s-a dus...
Toate rănile
ce puteau fi îngrijite...
Dar iubita mea s-a dus...
Ţi-am cumpărat flori,
Ţi-am uns pâinea
Ţi-am spălat maşina
Nu-ţi aminteşti că ai spus
că m-ai iubi până la sfârşit
şi acum te duci şi te duci...
Nu-nseamnă mai nimic pentru mine
Nu-nsemni nimic pentru mine? Stai!
Şi aminteşte-ţi despre
zilele sălbatice
Nu simţi cum simt eu?
zile sălbatice
sau e un vis? e pe bune?
Zile sălbatice
E prea târziu!
E timpul să te trezeşti
N-are nevoie de flori
doar diamante şi farduri
Aşa că scuze, dar e-n mintea mea
Vorbesc despre
zilele sălbatice
Nu simţi cum simt eu?
zile sălbatice
sau e un vis? e pe bune?
Zile sălbatice


He focuses only on this sunset
Because he must've realized I'm in the mood to change
He doesn't want to cope
He shuts himself off, perhaps afraid of me
I said something about going far away
Suddenly he stood up, walked and broke into laughter all alone
'You really think you can clear your head there?
The wars within you are endless'
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
To collect, to collect
I honestly didn't plan to visit
Not you, not your place, you always say
That it's harder for simple people to get into trouble
Because they aren't looking for things to get out of
All is calm, all is flowing
So how come it never works out with me
Never works out
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
And if the cold wind would pass by me, maybe it's good, maybe not
Then at least promise me now that you'll come after me to collect
To collect, to collect, to collect
He focuses only on this sunset because he must've realized I'm in a good mood

Day By Day (Similar)

I look at the TV vacantly
my days and nights have reversed
what time is it now? what date is today?
time leaves me behind and flows
like you left me
after the break up my life is The end
You left, it's sad but it's a true story
now I am a loner in front of a dark break up
we were a perfect couple
inside though there was a bubble that would burst if slightly touched
Pop, disappearing without a sound
you are not next to me, I have loved only you but
If our love was ever wrong,
I don’t wanna be right
What are you doing these days?
do you think of me sometimes?
do you think of me sometimes?
Day by day
Are you in pain just like I am?
Lately everyday I
walk the road we walked together
I listen to the songs we listened together
Day by day
my days are similar Girl
Ooh ooh ooh Girl
Ooh ooh ooh Girl
Girl, I just wanna touch feel love again
Ooh ooh ooh Girl..
Ooh ooh ooh Girl..
Girl, I just wanna touch feel love again
Today is a meaningless day too
at the sound of the clock which is flowing without any feeling
my eyes are busy following the moving people
if I step on that shadow will it be you?
right now this moment will become a scribble, our memories are growing bigger
the more I try to erase the more spreads the longing
I dial again naturally
your number that I had erased
my steps stop in front of your house
I lost my way
What are you doing these days?
do you think of me sometimes?
do you think of me sometimes?
Day by day
Are you in pain just like I am?
Lately everyday I
walk the road we walked together
I listen to the songs we listened together
Day by day
my days are similar Girl
(my days are similar)
In a day I write and erase thousands of messages
all day long I worry whether I should call you or not?
In a day I write and erase thousands of messages
all day long I wander , I lose the light called 'you'
again I lose my way, I lose my way
Are you in pain just like I am?
Lately everyday I
walk the road we walked together
I listen to the songs we listened together
Day by day
my days are similar Girl
(my days are similar)
Ooh ooh ooh Girl..
Ooh ooh ooh Girl..
Girl, I just wanna touch feel love again
Ooh ooh ooh Girl..
Ooh ooh ooh Girl..
Girl, I just wanna touch feel love again
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

A perfect day

Elsa: We haven't celebrated you before
Because when we were kids, you just sat there and looked at my door
Now we'll have a party, eating cake next
I'll be your guest, if I may?
Anna: Elsa, I think you have a cold
Elsa: I never have colds, because...
A little snow has never bothered me
(Anna: Fancy!)
Elsa: Follow this string!
(Anna: Wait, what?)
Elsa: I've planned everything, something will happen today
Nothing will interfere, everything will be alright
I've worked hard, planned every detail
And your friends should get a medal
No, nothing can stop me now
There are gifts on the menu
It's my sister's birthday today
And I want to raise you high up, up in the sky
(Olaf: My brothers!)
Elsa: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
It'll be a day full of fun, we haven't begun yet
You're my sister and my friend, your moment is now
Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Anna: It's usually three
Elsa: It's fine
There, this one I want to give you
Anna: Oops, apprently I should go fishing, but I'm more concerned for you
It's probably time for you to go home, we won't have a party
Elsa: Don't want to stop, what comes now is the be...
Anna: Elsa, you're not thinking clearly
Elsa: But the party will start soon
Anna: Let the doctor take a quick look
Oaken: Are you sick? I have a cough medicine, the recipe is secret!
Elsa: No, thanks!
Anna: We take it...
Choir: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Elsa: Absolutely perfect, you deserve it
Choir: We sing a song for you and hope you're having fun
Elsa: You'll have fun!
Choir: We love you, Anna
Elsa: And we're singing it now
Choir: Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
Yeah, everything has to be perfect on the best day
(Olaf: I can fix that!
Kristoffer: No, no!
Olaf: Now it's done!
Elsa: Now come! Now we're going to climb!
Anna: Elsa, take it easy! You have to rest!
Elsa: Yeah, we have to start with the party-chill, I meant the party-snuggle!
It's a party, like a dream!
Come, come, come, come!
Follow the string again, you, my dearest friend!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: Yeah, what? It's fine!
It's as it should be! Follow me!
Follow the string here, to a thing!
Happy, happy, happy, on your, on your, on your, warm, cold, warm birthday
Anna: Elsa, look at you, you have a fever, you're burning up
No, it's enough for today
Our entrance will have to wait
Hey, you have to agree
Elsa: Okay, I'm pretty weak...
I'm sorry, Anna!
I just wanted that you would have a perfect birthday
But I ruined everything... again
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, get to bed now
(Kristoff: No, no, please, please, stop!)
Choir: Happy birthday!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow
Choir: Everything has to be perfect, because you deserve it
Laugh much more and come closer and enjoy
Kristoff: This has turned into pure chaos
Olaf: The cake will break soon
Choir: Everything has to be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Choir: Everything is perfect, because you deserve it
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Choir: Have a good time and lots of fun and we begin now
Kristoff: Beloved Anna
Choir: You are our sister and friend, your moment is now
Kristoff: To you
Choir: Everything has to be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Everything will be perfect on the best day
Elsa: The best day
Anna: Okay, to bed with you now
Elsa: No, wait, wait!
The only missing thing now is that the queen blows the birthday horn
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no!
Anna: The best birthday present in the world
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That you let me take care of you

When you love someone

It was a really hard day today
My heart aches for you
The only thing I can do for you
Is to be next to you, I’m sorry
You’re so pretty when you smile
So every time you lose that smile
Even if I have to give my all
I want to give it back to you
I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again
When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It’s so amazing
Because this is how it is
I hope I can be a little helpful at least
I hope I can be your resting place
I’ll try to make you feel at peace
Whenever you think of me during your busy days
You’re such a soft-hearted person
Every time you are silently in pain
Even if I have to give my all
I want to make you smile again
I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again
When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It’s so amazing
Because this is how it is
This is a song for you
I’m singing for you
This is a song for you
I’m singing for you
I’ll give you my everything
I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again
When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It’s so amazing
Because this is how it is

Already tomorrow

I'm fed up of their laughs
But soon I won't listen to them anymore
No more juggling, no more bouncing me
I promise it
Algebra's chance samples are left to autumn
The night's I've spend for tests are left
Watches and other things are left
The jungle gym is left
Work is left! Work is left!
Work is left!
Now let's go to relax
I'll live at the pool
I can be alone with Roxanne in peace
So already tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I'll get her already tomorrow
Already tomorrow you'll find us from bar
If I just wouldn't faint
Just a little less than hour, and then it's all brighter water
Throw the books away already
And take the comics out
I don't have the courage to ask her out
Did I wait for too much
Sun is rising again already tomorrow
I can hide this horrible secret
I'll make a new me
I have to use the courage or look like a goof
Tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I got enough from biology
Tomorrow I'm searching for a table in a bar
I'm just gonna be sitting
There's only just a little less than hour time left
I can make my reputation
Or punishment will be heard!
I hang out at the mall at days
At evenings I'm in the bar
I'm on my own, throw my mom a bye bye
I party from evening to morning, when I finally can
But the sun is rising again, already tomorrow
I wish today would already be tomorrow
>> hi! thank you for reading this and if the translation doesn't have a source, i've made it all by myself and you can use it for whatever you want to. also, if you notice any errors, tell me and i'll fix it! <<

I Need Somebody

Hello there
Is anyone there?
Where is
Is there anyone
To answer me?
Is anyone there?
You’re disappearing, more and more, without a sound
From me, without any reason
Was everything a misunderstanding?
Were we looking at each other in a dream?
Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I’m all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now
Hello, is anyone there?
Anyone who can accept me?
Is anyone here?
Come to me, without a sound
Hold me, without a reason
Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I’m all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now
As I am keeping my silence
I’ve let everyone go
A siren rings in my head
I really don’t think this is right
As I am keeping my silence
I’ve let everyone go
Oh now I got to do something
Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I’m all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now
I need someone right now

Unde este dragostea ta azi?

Îmi amintesc de multe ori de timpul petrecut în parc,
Cum ne plimbam în soare, TU și EU
Eram tineri și viața era frumoasă ...
Acum toată lumea se-ntrebă, unde este dragostea ta azi?
Îmi amintesc de multe ori de timpul petrecut pe lângă lac,
Cum cântam mână în mână, TU și EU,
EU am fost al tău și TU a mea ...
Acum toată lumea se-ntrebă, unde este dragostea ta azi?
Acum toată lumea se-ntrebă, unde este dragostea ta azi?
Ar trebui să fim împreună.
Îmi amintesc de multe zile însorite,
Stăteam în umbră,TU și EU,
Eram liberi, am avut timp,
Acum toată lumea se-ntrebă, unde este dragostea ta astăzi?
Îmi amintesc când cântai lîn inima mea,
Pe măsură ce m-am așezat lângă tine în parc,
A fost un timp, eram prieteni
Acum toată lumea se-ntrebă, unde este dragostea ta azi?
Acum toată lumea se-ntrebă, unde este dragostea ta azi?
Ar trebui să fim împreună,
Acum toată lumea se-ntrebă, unde este dragostea ta azi?
Ar trebui să fim împreună.
Dana Kósa

Let This Day Be Perfect To You

Elsa: Psst...Anna!
Anna: Huh?
Elsa: Happy birthday
Anna: To you...
Elsa: It's your birthday
Anna: Mine...
It's my birthday
Elsa: Come!
Anna: It's my birthday?
Elsa: Uhm!
And it's going to be perfect, because...
On every your birthday so far
You were knocking on my cold doorstep in vain
Because of that now everything will be just for us two
And all those missed years
Anna: Elsa, you've got a cold
Elsa: I can't catch cold
I never get bored of snow
Anna: Wow
Elsa: Just follow the string
Anna: Wait, what?
Elsa: Because along the way there will be many surprises
And nothing will cut our ties
I've been working for days to get everything set
And even Kristoff and Sven took a bath!
And I don't mean to stop
Because this is my plan
Olaf: Sumer!
Elsa: To give you celebration as a gift
And the whole world will become yours today!
Olaf: Little brothers!
Elsa: Let this day be perfect to you
Anna: Oh, sandwich!
Elsa: I'll do everything to put the world in your hand
Everything you've gone through with me
Now it's an old dream
Let this day be perfect to you!
Anna: The third is coming!
Elsa: I'm fine!
Kristoff: Hey!
Elsa: Look now, this is special!
Anna: Pretty interesting, but I'm still worried
It's time for you to go home and get some rest
Elsa: There's no stopping!
The next one is even be...
Anna: Elsa, that's enough now!
Elsa: Not now because party is starting!
Anna: But you need care!
Oaken: You're sick?
Take a bit of honey...
From my flower meadows
Elsa: No, thanks
Anna: We'll take it!
Choir: And let this day be perfect to you!
Elsa: Let this day be special to you!
Choir: We're singing our birthday song aloud to you
Elsa: Aloud to you!
Choir: We love Anna
Elsa: And I love you too!
Choir: And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
Let it be perfect to you!
Olaf: I'll fix this!
Kristoff: No, no!
Olaf: Fixed!
Kristoff: Tenant, mess, lonely?
Elsa: Come on!
Now we're going to climb!
Anna: Elsa that's too much!
You need rest!
Elsa: We need to get to the birthday colds...
I mean fireworks!
I've got a dream, I've got a plan
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Sister follow that string, you'll have a perfect day!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: Oh, come on...
It's not the end yet...
Follow that string...
I can't hide, it will be...
Dear, dear, dear
Happy, happy, happy
Cool 'n' hot birthday!
Anna: Elsa!
Look at you, you've got a fever, you're burning up!
It can't go on like this...
There will be a lot of chances...
And now it's the time for you to admit...
Elsa: I caught a cold...
Sorry Anna
I wanted to give you one perfect birthday
But I've ruined it, again...
Anna: You didn't ruin anything
But you need to bed immediately
Kristoff: Oh no, wait, wait, wait, stop!
Choir: Surprise!!!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow!
Choir: Let this day be perfect to you!
Let it be perfect to you like the most beautiful dream!
Kristoff: It's getting really chaotic here!
Olaf: But it's fun!
Choir: Let this be a perfect one...
Let this be a perfect one...
Anna! Anna!
Choir: And let this day be perfect to you
Kristoff: Happy birthday!
Choir: Be perfectly happy today with us!
Kristoff: I love you Anna!
Choir: We're happy because you're ours
And we're yours!
Kristoff: And I'm yours too!
Choir: And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
And let this be a perfect one...
Elsa: Perfect!
Anna: Okay, now straight into the bed!
Elsa: No, wait, wait!
Only what's left to do is that queen must play a birthday horn!
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no!
The best birthday present ever!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: You letting me take care of you

A Lovely Day

Elsa: You have been taken your birthday away from you before
You just sat completely alone infront of my door
So I know it's a bit late but I mean it in the best way
It's all gonna be so nice, just wait and see
Anna: Elsa, I think you're having a cold, my friend
Elsa: I never have a cold, remember...
The ice cold mountain was my one true home
Just follow the string!
I know exactly what you're gonna do this whole day
Just wait and see, I have a top secure plan
There's check on the table plan, on the music and cake platter
And I got Kristoff and Sven to take a bath
Whether you want it or not, you'll get love
I'll open up the door for you
And bring all the stars in the sky down here
See, now you're gonna have the best birthday ever
And it's gonna be a hugh blast, 'cause that you should have
I owe you it all, so I'm raising a flag
'Cause now you'll get the best birthday ever
Anna: The're one more!
Elsa: No, no... Achoo!
So the first surprise is.... Achoo!
Anna: Wow, and I'm so excited but also really worried about you now
So to be honest, it's probably for the best if you slow it down
Elsa: No, it can wait, look at the present number two.. Achoo!
Anna: Go to bed now, please
Elsa: No, we're gonna paint the city red
Ana: But you really need some care
Oaken: Are you sick? Here's something for the snout! It's your sickbed!
Elsa: No thanks
Anna: We'll take it
Choir: We want you to have the best birthday ever
Elsa: The best birthday ever
Choir: Our birthday song, we hope you think that it's cool
Elsa: That it's cool
Choir: We love you, Anna
Elsa: Oh, what's happening now?
Choir: That is why we're yelling a high hurray
Yes, everybody has to yell a high hurray
Yell a high hurray in your nice birthday
Elsa: Come on, now we'll climb
Anna: Elsa, it's too much, you need to rest
Elsa: We need the sweetest birthday sneeze... Eh, I mean thrill!
Dream a dream, make a plan, then go ahead
Follow the string on ?, see where it'll take you
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What?! Don't worry, I have an advice, follow your string
? and to something you have gotten
Yell hurray, hurray and a lot of happiness, thrill, sneeze, sneeze, birthday...
Anna: Elsa, listen, you have a fever, you're burning
That party is gonna have to wait a bit now
Till you feel better again
Don't lie to yourself
Elsa: Okay, I'm a bit sick
I'm sorry Anna
I just wanted to give you the perfect birthday
Bit I ruined everything, again
Anna: You haven't ruined anything at all
Just go to bed
Choir: Hurray!
Anna: Wow
Elsa: Wow..
Choir: We hope you'll get a lovely birthday
A day that's full of hapy smile, 'cause that's what you should have
Kristoff: There's not far from chaos
Olaf: And from party and hurray!
Choir: Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday
Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday
Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday today
Kristoff: Happy birthday
Choir: Congratulations, 'cause it's your birthday and we're gonna get some cake
Kristoff: I love you, Anna
Choir: So thanks you for all the ? and everything you gave
Kristoff: I do
Choir: So now we'll yell a big hurray
Now we'll yell a big hurray
Now we'll yell a big hurray
Elsa: A big hurray!
Anna: Okay, go to bed right now
Elsa: No, wait, wait! We just need the Queen to blow in the big birthday horn!
Anna: Oh no, no, no, no, no...
Elsa: Achoo!
Anna: The best birthday gift in the world
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That you let me take care of you
Elsa: Achoo

i'm in depression

i didn't go out today
didn't answer the phone
ate much, cried much
searched another cigarette
i combed my hair
i polished my lips
tried some clothes
i didn't like them, i didn't get pretty
i'm in depression
i'm forgotten
i've been betrayed, i broke up my lover
i'm so lonely, not mad at anyone
i couldn't be offended to anyone
at last i got offended to myself
at last to the life
i thought of robbing a bank
go nude in public
shoot everyone in my life
forgive me
i'm in depression
i'm forgotten
i've been betrayed, i broke up my lover
i'm so lonely

În numai șapte zile

Luni, începutul vacanței
libertate de-o săptămână
mă simt bine să plec departe...
Marțea, am văzut-o pe plajă
am stat și am privit-o
ea m-a privit și i-a zâmbit.
Miercurea nu am văzut-o
Speram că vine înapoi mâine.
Și-apoi joia
norocul s-a schimbat
ea stătea acolo singură
m-am dus s-o întreb cum o cheamă
nicicând n-am crezut
că asta se poate-ntâmpla
în numai șapte zile
Va fi nevoie de o sută sau mai multe
de amintiri să se șteargă
Îmi doresc ca vinerea să țină pentru totdeauna
Am ținut-o aproape de mine
Nu puteam concepe s-o las acolo...
Sâmbăta, doar 24 de ore
Dar nu trebuie să mă-ntorc acasă duminica
Ce trist singur...

The most festive birthday

Elsa: This is your first birthday
If you don't count the ones I was away
After all these years I congratulate you like this
If I can now celebrate you
Anna: You haven't caught a cold, have you?
Elsa: I don't catch a cold!
And hey! This cold wind can blow now!
Anna: Pretty!
Elsa: Follow the string
Anna: Hey... what?
It's my turn to happily surprise you
Nothing, nothing can stop that
I already did my job, I organized what I could
When even those Kristoff and Sven had a wash
If you're going to stop me now
You will see my power
Olaf: Summer!
Elsa: Like this the presents start to trundle
You'll get the whole world from me as a present
Olaf: Little brothers!
Elsa: This birthday is the most festive
And the greatest birthday fever just gets stronger
Because you are the dearest to me, it comes true
This birthday is the most festive
Anna: There are always three of them
Elsa: No worries
Hooray, hooray, this is your surprise
Anna: You've made an effort but I am concerned
You have to go home and rest
Elsa: Away such words, because the next one is the be...
Anna: Elsa, you have to give up
Elsa: Don't even say that
Anna: You have to see a doctor
Oaken: Sick? A good flu medicine from Oaken!
Elsa: No thanks
Anna: We'll take that
Choir: This birthday is the most festive
We wish you good luck with this song
You're the dearest, Anna
Elsa: You're my dearest as well
Choir: So this festive day is of course a wonderful day
We give the best to you
Olaf: I'll fix it
Kristoff: No! Nope!
Olaf: Fixed!
Kristoff: Nonna has a banana
Elsa: Come! Now we climb!
Anna: Elsa, it's too much! You have to rest!
Elsa: We have to go to ice soon... I mean the party!
Dream, dreaming
Soon, soon, soon, soon
We follow the string, because you are my best friend
Anna: Elsa!
Elsa: Hui hai!
We climb and sing
Our string's way takes us there
Good, good, good, nice, nice, nice
Hot and cold
Anna: Elsa listen to me! You have a fever
You are on fire
Oh, now this is enough
We'll celebrate later
Come on, now admit it to yourself
Elsa: Well, yeah...
I'm feverish
I'm sorry Anna... I just wanted to offer you
a perfect birthday, but I ruined it again
Anna: You didn't ruin anything
Now you go to rest
Kristoff: Stop, stop, stop, hey!
Choir: Surprise!
This birthday is the most festive
And the birthday fever of everyone just gets stronger
Kristoff: Chaos is really close
Olaf: And hullabaloo
Choir: This festive birthday
The most festive birthday
This birthday is the most festive
Kristoff: Congratulations
Choir: Birthday, now the sun gets brighter
Kristoff: You're my dearest!
Choir: You're our dearest, we thank you like this
Kristoff: Well yeah!
Choir: This festive birthday
The most festive birthday
Elsa: The most festive!
Anna: Alright! Now to bed
Elsa: No! The Queen has to blow the birthday toot!
Anna: No, no, no
Anna: The best present of all time
Elsa: What?
Anna: When you let me take care of you

1 Year 365 Days

The first time I saw you
I knew that it was you
the moment I opened my eyes
I knew it was love
Everything is you
so it seems that if it's not you, it can't be
again today like a fool I am still in this place
1 year 365 days I am waiting for you
from the beginning until now
I love only you
Perhaps do you know my feelings?
is it only me?
day by day I can't stand it
From the meeting until the break up
it was with you
the only person I can love again
is you
Although it hurts, it's only you
you are my love
1 year 365 days , for me it's you
Even if a thankful person
sometimes can make me have a hard time
a precious person
is a hurt person because they are cherished
Because everything was you
although the only thing left is scars
again today like a fool I am still in this place
1 year 365 days I am waiting for you
from the beginning until now
I love only you
Perhaps do you know my feelings?
is it only me?
day by day I can't stand it
From the meeting until the break up
it was with you
the only person I can love again
is you
Although it hurts, it's only you
you are my love
1 year 365 days , for me it's you
It's you,it's you,it's you
From the moment I was born until now
I was destined to meet you
I was alone
waiting for you
No matter how many times, it's you
a thousand times over, it's you
1 year 365 days I..
It's you,it's you,it's you
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Lenevind într-o după-amiază de duminică

Plec la muncă luni pe dimineaţă
marţi plec departe în luna de miere
mă-ntorc din nou înainte de apus,
Voi lenevi duminică după-amiază
Mergând cu bicicleta fiecare miercuri-seara
joi valsez în grădina zoologică
Vin din Londra,
sunt doar un tip oarecare.
Vineri merg să pictez la Louvre
Sunt pe cale să fiu cerut într-o sâmbătă-noaptea
(Uită-te la el...)
Voi lenevi duminică, voi lenevi duminică
voi lenevi duminică după-amiază...

Sunt pe un drum lung, îngust

Sunt pe un drum lung, îngust,
Merg zi și noapte,
Nu mai știu de mine,
Merg zi și noapte,
De când am venit pe lumea asta.
Merg chiar de la început,
Într-un caravanserai cu doar două uși,
Merg și și noapte,
Când contemplu / meditez,
Totul pare departe, când e privit,
Drumul pare lung cât un minut,
Merg zi și noapte.
Veysel e confundat în țara asta,
Uneori plângând, alteori râzând,
Pe drumul ce duce la destinația mea,
Merg zi și noapte...

Seara oamenilor rătăciți (La ivirea amurgului)

Suntem în amurgul unei seri fără întoarcere, e prea târziu,
E ultima parte a vieții, oh, viață, te scurgi!
Deși visăm să revenim la viață,
Nu ne-ar plăcea să ne consolăm cu o asemenea mângâiere,
Noaptea liniștită va începe.
După ce vom avea parte de marea trecere*,
Ale cărei negre robinete sunt deschise către nicăieri,
Fără răsărit dincolo de ea,
În acele ultime clipe de viață,
Fie vom fi devastați de iubire sau vom avea o inimă fericită,
Fie lalelele sau trandafirii vor înflori pe pieptul nostru.

Give Me One Day

A downturn seldom comes alone
Hyenas disguised as acceptation
On the scene of mediocrity
The elite stands armed, prepared
It masters the contempt of the adult
The red brothel of the echo chamber
Where everything that never gets said
Is yelled to a lonely goodbye
And the keys to heaven are hidden
In a safe place that everyone has forgotten about
Give me one day
Give me one day
Before I die
And the keys to heaven are hidden
In a safe place that everyone has forgotten about
Give me one day
Give me one day
Before I die
A downturn seldom comes alone
Hyenas disguised as acceptation
On the scene of mediocrity
The elite stands armed, prepared
From the roof towards the edge of the abyss
We enjoy a beer and a cigarette
While the systems' faithful man
Lets my world disappear in smoke
But the keys to heaven are hidden
In a safe place that everyone has forgotten about
Give me one day
Give me one day
Before I die
Yes, the keys to heaven are hidden
In a safe place that everyone has forgotten about
Give me one day
Give me one day
Before I die

Now She Says

Chris Jeday
Ostin baby
J Balvin man
She doesn't want to know anything about me
Oh, tell me what did I do wrong?
They spoke to you ill about me
The one who did that I will not forgive him
Now she says that she doesn't know me, no.
And if she ever saw me it is supposed that it was in the past
I do remember how we made love,
How in bed we used to kill each other.
Now she says that she doesn't know me, no.
And if she ever saw me it is supposed that it was in the past
I do remember how we made love,
How in bed we used to kill each other.
I know that you spend your time denying
Everything that you and I used to do.
It is remains written on your mind all the times when you and I got undressed.
Now I spend my time thinking how you manage to live like this
Saying tha you don't know that under the sheets, you gave yourself to me
Only I have been able to make it.
Your body knows, to elevate itself
and when ...your legs trembled,
They said nothing, No more
Dialoguing with money
I want no interruptions
That is the priority
A long list of options
I am with a Colombian Girl
Let her know tomorrow and the cup doesn't arrive to Paris
Call the Russian guy and unload the Gold Kilos
wich come from Brazil
Only I have been able to make it.
Your body knows, to elevate itself
and when ...your legs trembled,
They said nothing, No more, no
Now she says that she doesn't know me, no.
And if she ever saw me it is supposed that it was in the past
I do remember how we made love,
How in bed we used to kill each other.
Now she says that she doesn't know me, no.
And if she ever saw me it is supposed that it was in the past
I do remember how we made love,
How in bed we used to kill each other.
J Balvin!
The more you deny me, you cannot escape
If it was you the light of my shadow and you followed me anywhere
They could separate us, You just didn't want to listen
It was more important waht people said, than where we could have get.
Everybody is talking about me
Saying thousand things
That they see me here, That they see me there
Because of my famous life
You know me years ago
You know exactly how it is,
I told you once!
And I know that our love is yesterday's Newspaper
And you just don't want to read it, that not even on the streen want to see me.
If you go out on party, you listen to me. they always ask you about me, baby
Tell me, how does it feel to be the ghost that torments you?
Tell me, what happened, babe, everything was going great.
They talked toy you about me, You let yourself go.
Your body just started to love me.
Because of people's blame, now is your turn to forget.
I know you are unhappy, but you spend your time lying.
Prententing you are happy, babe I just don't understand you
Now He makes you cry, He also makes you suffer
Whilst I made you fly, I gave you sweet suffering
Only I have been able to make it.
Your body knows, to elevate itself
and when ...your legs trembled,
They said nothing, No more, no
Now she says that she doesn't know me, no.
And if she ever saw me it is supposed that it was in the past
I do remember how we made love,
How in bed we used to kill each other.
Now she says that she doesn't know me, no.
And if she ever saw me it is supposed that it was in the past
I do remember how we made love,
How in bed we used to kill each other.
J Balvin man
Ozuna man
Arca man
Ostin baby
This is the way it is...
Chris Jeday
Now she says...
Now she says...


Versions: #2
Кто ты такой, и как сердце моё вот так,
Как серебро расплавил.
Кто ты такой, скажи, ты только не молчи,
Что ж ты меня оставил.
А сердечко бьётся, бьётся не спеша.
А сердечко любит, любит лишь тебя.
А сердечко бьётся, бьётся не спеша.
А сердечко хочет, хочет лишь тебя.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, ведь я - я рядом.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, - мне большего не надо.
Как я смогу так жить, как я смогу забыть,
Ты ведь теперь с другою.
Ты - часть моей души, я молю, расскажи,
Как мне бороться с болью.
А сердечко бьётся, бьётся не спеша.
А сердечко любит, любит лишь тебя.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, ведь я - я рядом.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, - мне большего не надо.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, ведь я - я рядом.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, - мне большего не надо.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, ведь я - я рядом.
А ты дыши-дыши, ты дыши-дыши, - мне большего не надо


Statistics say today is your birthday
Sadly just one time a year
But all the other days are our Unbirthdays
And we are celebrating all of these days!
It's also my Unbithday today!
Really? How little is the world!
In any case -
Happy Unbirthday!
To me!
To you!
Happy Unbirthday!
To me!
To you!
So blow out the candles, my child
And wish for something
Happy Unbirthday to you!
Little fine bat
Emerge from the dark.
Shoo, shoo, deep night
Now she's gone!


Eram bine pana sa o intalnesc pe ea
Nimic nu ma durea sau putea controla
Stii ca am incercat dar nu o pot regreta
Ea este prima intreaba pe toti cei ce ma cunosc
Inspaimantat ca mi-ar descoperi sufletul si mi l-ar rani
Paralizat de acest gand: ea cu altcineva
Mi-as dori sa fi stiut
Nu trebuia sa ma indragostesc de ea
Au fost numai probleme pana acum
Nu trebuia sa ma indragostesc deloc
Dar nu m-am putut opri
Cine-ti da dreptul
Sa-mi distrugi viata?
Cum poate sa fie asa perfecta
Ce-am facut sa merit asta?
(nu o voi uita niciodata)
Cum poate sa fie asa perfecta
(prins in foc)
Nu am plans din ziua in care m-a parasit
Asta ar insemna sa accept ca s-a terminat
Imi spun ca ea incearca sa ma testeze
Nu ar pleca niciodata, inca are nevoie sa o strang in brate
Ingrozit ca mi-a gasit inima si a ranit-o
Chinuit cand mi-o imaginez cu altcineva
Mi-as dori sa fi stiut
Nu trebuia sa ma indragostesc de ea
Au fost numai probleme pana acum
Nu trebuia sa ma indragostesc deloc
Dar nu m-am putut opri
Cine-ti da dreptul
Sa-mi distrugi viata?
Cum poate sa fie asa perfecta
Ce-am facut sa merit asta?
Trebuie sa o uit
Cum poate sa fie asa perfecta
Spune-mi de ce
Ai starnit flacara
SI te-ai jucat asa cu mine x2
Nu trebuia sa ma indragostesc de ea
Au fost numai probleme pana acum
Nu trebuia sa ma indragostesc deloc
Dar nu m-am putut abtine
Trebuie sa o uit
Cine-ti da dreptul
Sa-mi distrugi viata?
Cum poate sa fie asa perfecta
Ce-am facut sa merit asta?
Trebuie sa o uit
Cum poate sa fie asa perfecta
Spune-mi de ce
Ai starnit flacara
SI te-ai jucat asa cu mine x2

Prețuiesc ziua

Conduci felul cum mă mișc
Și eu respir aerul tău
Doar mă poți salva
Asta-i rugăciunea mea
Dacă ai fi al meu
Dacă ai fi al meu
N-aș vrea să merg în Rai
Prețuiesc ziua
N-am s-o iau razna
N-o să-mi fie frică
N-o să mă vezi fugind
Conduci felul cum mă mișc
Ia-mi aerul
Arată-mi ce profundă poate fi iubirea
Conduci felul cum mă mișc
Și eu respir aerul tău
Doar mă poți salva
Asta-i rugăciunea mea
Prețuiesc ziua
N-am s-o iau razna
N-o să-mi fie frică
N-o să mă vezi fugind
Prețuiesc ziua
N-am s-o iau razna
N-o să-mi fie frică
N-am s-o iau razna
Arată-mi ce profundă poate fi iubirea
Arată-mi ce profundă poate fi iubirea
Asta-i rugăciunea mea
Prețuiesc ziua
N-am s-o iau razna
N-o să-mi fie frică
N-am s-o iau razna
N-o să-mi fie rușine
Prețuiesc ziua
N-am s-o iau razna
Prețuiesc ziua
Prețuiesc ziua
Prețuiesc ziua
Prețuiesc ziua
Prețuiesc ziua


Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
I’m feeling good, I’ve waited for this day
Like the moment we first met, we met again
I’m feeling cool, now it’s perfect
The moment I’m by your side, everything changed, yeah
Baby baby, show me your everything, will you come closer?
Let’s make moves, anywhere is okay, let’s go party
Let’s have fun under the burning lights
Let’s empty our heads and lay everything down
Hey, today is our holiday
A great day has come, we’ve waited so long
Hey, it’s our special holiday
It’s a day for only you and me
Let’s throw away our tired hearts
Here, we just need to have fun
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Turn up the volume, feel the beat
Feel this rhythm, feeling good
You know I’m hot hot hot hot
It’s getting hotter, our daylight
Hey, throw everything away and party with me
I believe this happiness will last forever, honey
Baby baby, I won’t stop, I wanna keep going
Get in the mood and follow the rhythm, shake your body
Let’s party together on this hot stage
Let’s erase all complications, trust everything to me
Hey, today is our holiday
A great day has come, we’ve waited so long
Hey, it’s our special holiday
It’s a day for only you and me
Let’s throw away our tired hearts
Here, we just need to have fun
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
(Hot Hot Hot) our dazzling stories of the past
(Hot Hot Hot) we’ve gotten even hotter
(Hot Hot Hot) our hands are held tight, can you feel it?
(Hot Hot Hot) Oh yeah hii hah
Hey, today is our holiday
Let’s escape our tired days and trust ourselves in the electricity
Hey, it’s a perfect holiday
Before the day is over, let’s have more fun
However our hearts go, let’s make a special day, you and I
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday It’s a Holiday Yeah

I'll Remember

In the passing time
You’re fading away now
I’m afraid that I’ll lose you
Even in my memories
The moments you gave to me
They were so precious
I’ll remember
Just the fact
That we were together
I’ll leave it in a deep part
Of a corner of my heart
(I’ll remember)
In this slowly fading picture
You’re fading away as well
It’s sad because
Time can’t be stopped
Memories you gave to me
I don’t want to forget
I’ll remember
Just the fact
That we were together
I’ll leave it in a deep part
Of a corner of my heart
(I’ll remember)
Just the fact
That we were in love
No matter how much time passes
I’ll remember
Oh Oh
Because I loved you without regrets
I’ll leave you inside of me
Just the fact
That we were together
I’ll leave it in a deep part
Of a corner of my heart
(I’ll remember)
Just the fact
That we were in love
No matter how much time passes
I’ll remember