Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 100
Ieșirea din boală
Nu am de gând să cad în genunchiimplorându-te să mă iubești
Nu vezi ce suferință
și ce tortură este pentru mine
când nu mă înțelegi
Încearcă cât de mult poți
Am încercat și eu cât de mult am putut
să te facă să vezi
cât de important este pentru mine
Acesta este un apel
din inima mea către tine
Nimeni nu mă cunoaste
la fel de bine ca tine
Știi cât de greu îmi este
să mă scap de boală
ceea ce mă face să-mi înghit limba
în astfel de situații
Înțelege-mă !
Unii oameni trebuie să fie permanent împreună
Iubiți loiali
unul pentru celălalt pentru totdeauna
Acum am câteva lucruri de făcut
Și am mai spus-o
știu că și tu ai
Când nu sunt acolo
spiritul meu va fi acolo
Acesta este un apel
din inima mea către tine
Nimeni nu mă cunoaste
la fel de bine ca tine
Știi cât de greu îmi este
să mă scap de boală
ceea ce mă face să-mi înghit limba
în astfel de situații
Înțelege-mă !
Before The Foundation
(God)Nothing was created
And everything is already planned
A life in perfection
Everything under my hands, you will thrive
As I create everything that exists
I call the creation: “Come here!”
Take a good look at my son
You all will serve him, listen to what I say
Amen, glory to the Lord!
The time has come, son
I put you in the world, I am with you
(Man - Woman)
What shall I do, Father?
Just listen to my love
I believe in you with all my strength
With you I am, forever I am...
In The Image And Likeness
I.Hello, world!(Man - Woman)
Hello, I’ve burst onto the scene
I am in the world
I was given birth
Born to show
The love of the Father
In the twinkle of the eye
Hello, world!
I was born to make you happy
Hello, world!
I was born to make you smile
Get ready, I won’t retreat
From announcing
The infinite love
I can’t speak or walk
But I can laugh
That was what I was sent for
Hello, world!
I was born to make you happy
Hello, world!
I was born to make you smile
I’ve burst onto the scene
To grow in understanding
But keep everything
Of the innocence I’ve received
II.Exact imprint
(Man - Woman)
Grew up just a little
Already can run and jump
Play of showing God
I don’t even need to speak
Just by smiling you already can realize…
Obeying is doing, holding on to and not letting
go what He said to be
What He is, yes, come and see… what I did and
what I will do
And what I have from obeying, now I want to
see: what about you?
What do you have?
Created in the exact imprint of His nature
Molded perfectly
In each smile you can see, in each stare, a birth
Of the art of believing
A beautiful future awaits for my growth
Hello, world!
I was born to be happy
Hello, world!
I was born and will grow up happy…
The Imperceptible Bridge
(Man - Woman)I go on existing and coexisting
My surroundings see the innocence in me
My surroundings treat me very well
“I want to show you something… come here”
How nice is this way, how did I never
I see up in front many friends, staring at
To receive me…
I can see the end there, far up ahead
Looks so beautiful and comfort is sure
A landscape on the horizon
I’ll take some steps to get closer
Why do I have to be innocent?
Actually, it is good to be conscious
To know what is right or wrong
Each moment more enjoyed…
I feel good, as if I were born yesterday
And who said I wasn’t?
Better I never was…
My son, where are you?
What are you doing there?
Turn around, you are in the wrong way!
Through that way you will fall!
Why didn’t you listen to my voice?
Don’t you remember the “What shall I do,
And the “Just listen to my love”?
I bet on you with all my forces, why
did you go?
Meaningless Past
(Man - Woman)Son of disgrace
Born to suffer
As the days pass by
I get further from believing
Son of disgrace
Born to live
Strong as a machine
Already got used to it
As present crawls
Greater the willing to be
That which doesn’t spends
My precious time without delight
Lying in the middle of the sea
Here, I can relax
Son of disaster
Everything I touch ends
A work of art
Are my surroundings with nothing more
My past doesn’t exist
Already erased it from my mind
Always comes back and insists
But I discharge in whatever comes to my front
Lying in the middle of the sea
Here, I can float
Comfortable, without anyone
Here, I can rest
Flawless I am
No one, ever, could hit me
And if they could, it didn’t hurt
Almost time to wake up
But no problem: when I
Start to sink
I will go back on dreaming
Son of perfection
Born to reign
Everything he touched
Was meant to shine
Amidst the darkness
There Are No Arguments
(God)Today woke up
A different day
Someone has gone far away from the warm
He is gone to a cold comfort…
What did you do, my little…
Today woke up
A different day
But my will searches for you eternally
He is gone to a false comfort…
(Man - Woman)
Today I woke up in a new day
Ready to hit you back
Come on, God, what do you think you are?
I will never fight you
I don’t want nor need to
I just want you well
(Man - Woman)
Coward! Are you afraid to lose?
You silence yourself and I know why…
You look at me and see a god
Don’t be afraid to admit that you are nothing
Look at me and you will see a god
I look at you and see one of my little
(Man - Woman)
See how, alone, I go high
Autumn covers the ground with a yellow shroud,The air is riddled with misty dust.
The stars laugh at those who fear the night,
A random passer will pass and immediately disappear away.
The lantern in blue is dimly lit outside the window,
Autumn walks barefoot on the ground.
The trees were stripped, they were hot, they gave their clothes to the asphalt,
And only a birch leaf twists somersault in the air.
The sun lights up the day with red dawn,
And beyond the red dawn we continue to live .
The sky became lower, the city became different,
The last rain falls on the rooftops, we leave with him.
song for my depressed love
I love you, that's how it isI cry for the first time
Of the year or of the whole life
For the first time I die
Without you my heart aches
All those emotions, it makes me scared
And you, you still sleep
Keep sleeping until the day when everything will be fine
And me, I believe that it's tomorrow
That comes the day when everything will be fine
When our two bodies will finally dance
When you tell me sad things
Suddenly there is dark
In my house and in the city
There is like a fresh wind
I never know what to tell you
Life often hurts you
Until we breathe,
You can really sleep
Keep sleeping until the day when everything will be fine
And me, I believe that it's tomorrow
That comes the day when everything will be fine
When our two bodies will finally dance
I love you, that's how it is
I cry for the first time
Of the year or of the whole life
Trebuie să ajung eu mai întâi la tineÎnainte ca ei să o facă
Este doar o chestiune de timp
Înainte să pună mâna pe tine
Și să te facă la fel ca restul
Trebuie să ajung eu mai întâi la tine
Este doar o chestiune de timp
Ei bine, acum ai doar cincisprezece ani
Și arăți bine
Te voi lua sub aripa mea
Cineva ar trebui
Au modalități convingătoare
Și o să crezi ce spun ei
Este doar o chestiune de timp
Și se termină pentru tine
Nu va dura mult
Până când să faci
Exact ceea ce vor ei
Îi văd acum,
Stând împrejur
Pentru a te înșela
Să te dezbraci
Si să se distreze
Cu micuța mea
Uneori nu îi învinovățesc
Pentru că te vor
Arati bine
Și au nevoie să o facă
Până când mă uit la tine
Și apoi îi condamn
Îi cunosc pe cei de teapa mea,
Ce se întâmplă în mintea noastră
E doar o chestiune de timp
Ar trebui să fie mai bine (cu tine)
Exact, exact ca viațaExistă un joc nou
Pe care ne place să-l jucăm, vedeți
Un joc cu o doză suplimentară de realitate
Mă tratezi ca pe un câine
Pune-mă în genunchi
Noi îl numim stăpân și slujitor
Noi îl numim stăpân și slujitor
Seamănă mult cu viața
Acest joc între așternuturi
Cu tine deasupra și cu mine dedesubt
Uitând totul despre egalitate
Să jucăm stăpân și servitor
Să jucăm stăpân și servitor
Seamănă mult cu viața
Și asta este ceea ce atrage
Dacă disprețuiți acel sentiment de aruncare
După o distracție de unică folosință
Aceasta este treaba
Dominația este numele jocului
În pat sau în viață
Ambele sunt la fel
Cu excepția faptului că într-unul ești sătul
La sfarsitul zilei
Să jucăm stăpân și servitor
Să jucăm stăpân și servitor
Haide stăpân și servitor
You can't see it in that photographNeither the absurd reasons nor the buried truths
So you revere violence spilled by obsession
as God, instead of calling it sin?
[You should die]
The other side of truth is always like that
In tears of blood
[Somebody has drowned]
Our connected hearts
Our linked desires
What do we lose in the untimely finale?
When I learned of the past, I realized how depraved this place is
My head was filled to the brim
With despair
You can't see it in that photograph
Neither the absurd reasons nor the buried truths
So you revere violence spilled by obsession
as God, instead of calling it sin?
[You should die]
The other side of truth is always like that
In tears of blood
[Somebody has drowned]
The bottomless darkness won't let me go
I crumble with powerlessness
My nights were sleepless
I killed my weakness
And even my tears withered
Our connected hearts
Our linked desires
What do we lose in the untimely finale?
Strângerea de mână încheie contractulDin contract nu există nici o cale de întoarcere
Punctul de cotitură al unei cariere
În Coreea fiind nesinceri
vacanța a fost mai mult decât distractivă
Contractul, încă intact
Mâinile lacome apucă tot ce pot
pentru ele însele - la urma urmei
mâinile lacome apucă tot ce pot
pentru ele însele - la urma urmei
este o lume a concurenței
Totul contează în cantități mari
Graffitiul pe perete
spune toată povestea
Imaginați-vă acum, vedeți cum
minciunile și înșelăciunile au crescut în putere
Încredere - câștigată
cu un bronz și un zâmbet
Mâinile lacome apucă tot ce pot
pentru ele însele - la urma urmei
mâinile lacome apucă tot ce pot
pentru ele însele - la urma urmei
este o lume a concurenței
Totul contează în cantități mari
Mâinile lacome apucă tot ce pot
Totul contează, în cantități mari
Îți duci vinovățiaca niște lanțuri la glezne
ca o aură răsturnată
Pot simți
disconfortul locului tău
și în capul tău, e și mai rău
Există o durere
o foamete în inima ta
o dorință de a fi liberă
Nu vezi ?
Toate luxurile iubirii
sunt aici pentru mine și pentru tine
Și când lumile noastre se destramă
când pereții se sfărâmă,
deși ar putea fi justificat,
va merita
Adu-ți lanțurile
buzele tale tragice,
și cazi în brațele mele
Și când lumile noastre se destramă
când pereții se sfărâmă,
deși s-ar putea să fie justificat,
va merita...
Când sunt cu tine iubito, îmi ies din mințiȘi pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura, pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura
Toate lucrurile pe care mi le faci și le spui
Și pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura, pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura
Ne împiedicăm și alunecăm în timp ce ne iubim
Și pur și simplu nu pot să mă satura
Mergem împreună, mergem pe stradă
Și pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura, pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura
De fiecare dată când mă gândesc la tine știu că trebuie să ne întâlnim
Și pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura, pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura
Este tot mai fierbinte, este o iubire arzătoare
Și pur și simplu nu mă pot satura
Pur și simplu nu mă pot satura
Și când plouă, strălucești pentru mine
Și pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura, pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura
La fel ca un curcubeu știi că m-ai eliberat
Și pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura, pur și simplu nu mă pot sătura
Ești ca un înger și îmi dai dragostea ta
Și pur și simplu nu pot să mă satur
And who're we to each other?
There's no one anywhere like youAnd my mind flies again only to you
And who're we to each other?
You and me have long forgotten
Who're we to each other now?
Who will understand now how we loved?
Give me faith in myself I can't sleep again,
My eyes are tired again, and it's spring outside
I'm sorry but I forgot to tell you something
I quit, but you still don't want to come back
And what should I do now or fly to you,
You won't open the door you're used to being patient.
A whip of two hands and we're warmer.
Yes, apparently I'm sick with this
I'll simply forget and become easier
But your heart keeps asking for help.
You say it's a habit,
when drunk write in PM again
Tell me why, tell me why again?
I'm so tired of playing I want to sleep well,
Alone and without you in my head,
But it's another sleepless night and I'm calling you
There's no one anywhere like you
And my mind flies again only to you
And who're we to each other?
You and me have long forgotten
Who're we to each other now?
Who will understand now how we loved?
Give me faith in myself, give me an incentive.
Friends change time, but you didn't leave me
Forgive me for my infidelity and for my nerves
You taught me to write about love, vixen
I need inspiration as I need air
If the music doesn't warm up, then it's too late.
The salt water of the sea will wash away grievances in waves
Saves tears where bridges are made.
Where the stars don't go out
Where time be near like a desert of sand.
No one won't tell you to go out of his(er) heart
Where memory for two is rings on our fingers.
That truth, that spark of eye to eye.
Just love and with happiness fly to heaven
Just stay at the end station
To love each other and frozen in a dance
Just feel me
I haven't changed the lock,
And you know the key to my heart forever
Just warm heart to heart
I so want to look in your eyes
But we're not together after all
And we have nowhere to go
There's no one anywhere like you
And my mind flies again only to you
And who're we to each other?
You and me have long forgotten
Who're we to each other now?
Who will understand now how we loved?
Vals java*
Refren:Era un vals, un java,
Nu mai țin minte,
Nu îmi aduc aminte,
Dar știu că eram în brațele tale.
Îmi spuneai că mă iubești,
Îmi spuneai nimicuri,
Nu mai țin minte,
Dar știu că eram în brațele tale.
Era în seara aceea
Un nu-știu-ce în aer,
Și care îmi face uneori,
Care îmi face,
Care îmi face,
Care îmi face rău.
(Strofa 2):
Era femeia pe care-am părăsit-o,
Și toți neghiobii care râdeau,
Și se învârteau,
Care dansau,
Și apoi tu,
Și apoi tu,
Și apoi tu
(Strofa 3):
Ne-am jurat tot ce știam,
Că nu ne vom despărți vreodată.
Și desigur, am crezut asta.
Nu era,
Nu era,
Nu era adevărat.
(Strofa 4):
Ai spus ”da” la ce-am poftit,
Și-am făcut bine ce ți-a plăcut.
Totuși ea a uitat
Acea noapte,
Acea noapte,
Acea noapte acolo.
(Strofa 5):
Când îmi privesc copiii,
Care sunt făcuți cu alta,
Asta nu mă uimește chiar așa.
Nu era,
Nu era,
Nu era pentru tine.
(Strofa 6):
Tu, tu iubeai aventura,
Și cerul adesea schimbător,
Dar copiii nu prea mult.
Asta-i viața,
Asta-i viața,
Asta-i viața, ah oh oh oh.
Rise up!
What could you even do?Who would you give in to?
To the might, which puts you in line,
So you ponce for servileness,
To the imbecile, to the disdain,
For our reasoning.
Rise up my nation from the mire
I'll rip your chains with a song
We're expecting real peace,
But they hammer our dreams,
With the ocean of malice,
With the army of injustice,
Our hearts and minds are our weapon,
Go on about with their words
Rise up my nation from the mire
I'll rip your chains with a song
Rise up my nation from the mire
I'll rip apart your chains with a song
Rise up my nation from the mire
I'll rip your chains with a song
Rise up my nation from the mire
I'll rip apart your chains with a song
I'll rip apart
A-ți aminti
A-ți aminti, a-ți amintie ca și cum un pic ai muri,
tu știi acum asta,
pentru că totul se-ntoarce, chiar dacă nu vrei.
Și a uita, și a uita
e mai greu,
acum știi că e mai greu
dacă vrei s-o iei de la capăt.
A-ți aminti, a-ți aminti,
e ca un salt în adâncul mării.
A-ți aminti, a-ți aminti
ceea ce e de șters.
Și a uita, și a uita
înseamnă a pierde lucruri dragi.
Și a uita, și a uita,
bucurii rare se vor termina.
Și a uita, și a uita
înseamnă a pierde lucruri dragi...
A-ți aminti, a-ți aminti...
There is a sickness in my heartMy heart aches because of you
It's hard to erase you
How come it's so hard?
What do I do?
Why do you keep
Hurting me?
I feel so frustrated
I don't know love
I know but I wanna pretend I don't
Because of the tears that are deeply nailed into my heart
It's hard
Love pricks me
Only scars remain
I need to forget you
Several times a day
I get locked up in sad thoughts and cry
Now I don't miss you
Even a little bit
I repeat that to myself like a habit
Like a habit,I miss you again
Repeating these feelings , erasing you
I don't think someone else
Can fill up my empty heart
In the end,it's you again
What do I do?
Why do you keep hurting me
I feel so frustrated
I don't know love
I know but i wanna pretend I don't
Because of the tears that are deeply nailed into my heart
It's hard
Love pricks me
Only scars remain
I need to forget you
Only your thick scent
remains here
Whatever i do,I can feel you,even when I breath
I smile normally, but then tears come
What do I do with my heart?
Why don't you know a girl's heart
It hurts but I'll pretend it doesn't
The deeply engraved tear ducts in my heart
Has bust
Love pricks me
Only scars remain
How can I forget you?
How can I forget you?
To us, with exquisite cynicismThey sell an ersatz of a dream
Only a myth about a sweet life
Won't fill up the emptiness
We'll walk out of home
Out of hopeless
Oh how long ago
For us, it was
So fun
In happiness there are no strict proportions
The ideal is getting sleepy
In a black puddle, a dead calm of emotions
And in the chest, a Ninth Wave*
We'll walk out of home
Out of hopeless
Oh how long ago
For us, it was
So fun
I'm going further
Words I can'tchoose to tell all that I feel
But it ain't easy
to not be with you...
Now I'm going further
to search for the light again
to seek again what I lost
Now I'm going further
so I know where is the love
so I can start it over again...
I'm still the same
but it's all changed around me
With the last step,
you took it all when you left...
Deportation / History of the Elder
I remember once upon a spring I walked along an aul.I was cheerful and young, I lived life to the fullest.
Those who is not cheerful in the prime of life, is begging for another life from God, friends!
Suddently, I saw a feeble elder walking towards me,
He was trailing barely, hunched over at all.
And the elder's eyes were being fulfilled with such love,
While he was glancing at my mountains...
I invited him to my home and treated him with food I could share,
He was tired after the road and I suggested to him: 'Take a rest!'
'It turns out that mountain spirit has not yet died in Chechnya' - he said and told me the following story.
'Once upon a time I was also young and youthful,
But the trouble fell on us and Chechnya.
And a soldier, who wore star, pulled me,
yong and fulfilled with power,
into a wagon.
With shout 'Betrayers!' he shot my sick mother
lying exhausted right here.
And what we had to endure on the road,
entered into our memory evermore.
Famine and typhoid have taken so many of our lives,
So many children have passed away without knowing the pleasure of life.
Until nowdays I often hear their moans
But I can't clarify it is in reality or in a dream.
And in the cold steppes we survived all the same,
And I know, only immence love for those mountains
And the highlanders' dedication to the native lands helped us.
Only immence love for those mountains
And the highlanders' dedication to the native lands helped us'.
Having told all this to me, he set off journey again
And added: 'Don't forget everything I said'.
And now I'm leaving, cause I can't sit here,
I want to die at the foot of those mountains.
And now I'm leaving, cause I can't sit here,
I want to die at the foot of those mountains'.
Somewhere Always Some Dork Is Mowing
When summer comes, it's not an easy going,somewhere always some dork is mowing.
A mower Rambo mows me into my doom,
he's mowing through the walls, I can hear him in my room.
The emission of thick clouds of blue exhaust
brings him joy and ecstasy, at any cost.
He slaughters everything, and he is merciless
towards everything, that looks remotely like a blade of grass.
With lawn tractors or other noisy tools,
they are always around, those crazy fools.
From Oberpfaffenhofen to the city of Leer,
some dork is always mowing out there.
My neighbour has four nasty snappy fighting dogs,
they shit and bark all day, they chew my wooden clogs.
There's another neighbour, playing drums obsessively,
one cleans his car, while basses rumble constantly.
When having sex one husband's often battered out,
all that is not disturbing and not really loud.
But on the plot across, a grass blade annihilator,
a daisy killer and a hedgehog executioner,
a motor mower tyrant, a two-stroke nut,
a monstrous grass-exploiter starts to mow and cut.
He starts his motor mower, thinks that it's really cute,
to ruin vegetation with his phallic substitute.
When summer comes, it's not an easy going,
somewhere always some dork is mowing.
A real lawn fetishist needs neither drink nor food,
he only interrupts to check if the height is good.
He rages till the night falls down, till the sun is low,
of course he has a blower, for the grass to blow.
Thereafter, armed with blowtorch and a knife,
he erases every dandelion's hated life.
When the first sprouts show and the first green's glowing,
somewhere some dork is always mowing.
When my work is done, I must pull my hair,
'cause some dork is always mowing out there.
I'm sitting in a deck chair near the guesthouse „Island Bay“,
and I enjoy this lovely, mild, and peaceful holiday.
The siskin happ'ly cheers, the chaffinch sings its song,
a sniper cheeps behind a bush, a cuckoo comes along.
A bumblebee is bumbling, a bee follows a fragrance,
I hear a quiet humming from a mower in the distance.
A soothing, pious charm surrounds my being out there,
to trust in this deceptive calmness, I don't really dare.
The noise attack surprises me, my Landlady is the source,
she just started her mower, she handles it with force.
If devil's grandma, down in hell, would mow around their pool,
She'd surely mow her lawn like that, exactly with this tool!
When summer comes it's not an easy going,
somewhere always some dork is mowing.
With earplugs, safety glasses, steel-capped shoes,
he fights against the quiet, and he gives me the blues.
He fires a machine gun salvo with his big brushcutter,
and liquidates the grass roots, leaving a tremendous clutter.
He crushes useful earthworms with a grimly oath,
he fights for law and order, and he brings them both.
No begging can help, no whimpering, ooh!,
the next lunatic mower is close to you,
to your left and to your right, and in front anyway,
dorks are mowing grass, at any time of the day.
I try to lure Miss Ingeborg into my garden bower,
I play the robin and the love dove, with all my power.
First I serve prosecco, then a liqueur, sweet and sheer,
she nibbles on confectionary, I nibble on her ear.
I hold her in my arms, we sink into the moss
when suddenly, behind the bower, starts a hellish noise.
At first there roars a scarifyer, then sequentially
a vacuum, trimmer, chopper, and eventually
a tiller, plowing purposefully through the land,
and a chainsaw massacre as a highlight in the end!
So sorry, dear Miss Ingeborg, I'm getting dressed again,
such insane noises do not boost the stamina of men.
When summer comes, it's only easy going
inside the house, where you can't hear them mowing.
But the worst of all tortures is the abrupt,
eerie silence, when the mowing has stopped.
Knowing it will soon start somewhere else for sure,
that's a nerve-wracking status, it's hard to endure.
You only know, when one of them has finished his show,
it's just a matter of time, and the next will start to mow.
Don't you know the song,
„The gardener is always the killer“? 1
I tell you, reality is much, much worse!
It is bad smelling, nasty, brutal, unfair!
Some dork is always mowing somewhere,
some dork is always mowing out there!
- 1. Another famous song by Reinhard Mey: „Der Mörder ist immer der Gärtner“