Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 100


On the final chords

Six minutes for the final chord.
These notes are slipping away.
It is unlikely that a world has as many sad notes as I have in my songs
And if this town gets sick with us, it'll be five minutes.
And from the balcony will fly a body and lend on the wires of the streets.
I conduct the heat, but the heat is not the same,
When the temperature is below 42! You fool!
After 240 seconds-no one will remember,
What am I up to, even though I've made so much noise?
Ambulance rushes at full speed through the streets.
I beg: do not shout that you’re sad because I’m reality you’re so happy that I’m dead.
Three minutes. This moment is exciting for you!
The accident was not accidental.
Surround me, as the crowd - go along with everybody.
Tears don't color you. Don't try!
Not even worth it.
Sixty seconds. Seventh floor.
To tears of delight - one step, just smile.
There's so many sad notes playing in these songs.
Before eyes life ends.
On the closing chords
My space falls to Earth, becomes someone else's game.
Let's assume for a moment that sooner or later
The fullness of feelings will become emptiness.
On the closing chords
My space falls to Earth, becomes someone else's game.
Let's assume for a moment that sooner or later
The fullness of feelings will become emptiness.
The shards will not give up again
How much heat has been wasted in me.
Eyes hid in the void!
His feet, accustomed to the station store.
I swore I'd quit, but again, here I am.
Jump, deprived of sanity. Shock in the head.
Throw the parachute in your sleep.
Burned feelings. Intricate. Gone nowhere.
I won't forget! Never forgive. Never!
Reason to take off. Blindness. Full of betrayal.
Act like everything is normal. Time flies, and I become its new prisoner.
Seventh floor, height. One moment.
Everything that was created for hearts is gone
Sixty seconds.
It is unlikely that the people will notice how the madman flew out of the window.
City will play sad notes for us.
On the closing chords.
On the closing chords
My space falls to Earth, becomes someone else's game.
Let's assume for a moment that sooner or later
The fullness of feelings will become emptiness.
On the closing chords
My space falls to Earth, becomes someone else's game.
Let's assume for a moment that sooner or later
The fullness of feelings will become emptiness.


It seems to me that every fall,
Your voice is opiate for me.
That it sounds an express despatch,
Which delights us at the same time,
It seems to me marvel, I dont kneel,
Going and having a good cry to you,
And coming down to our yard,
Standing there as Aznavour himself.
Standing and singing to me, who likes whom,
I love you for sure, you love me conceivably.
Singing to me, to I could sleep.
It seems to me marvel, I dont kneel,
Going and having a good cry to you,
And coming down to our yard,
Standing there as Aznavour himself.
Standing and singing to me, who likes whom,
I love you for sure, you love me conceivably.
Singing to me, to I could sleep.
Standing and singing, standing and singing to me...


Sayonara Boy...
Baby, click on the stop,
We are spinning like a wheel.
I have a thousand words
About how lucky we are.
You can't hide deeply
What you gonna to say.
If you want to leave
I will not look for you again
I will call old numbers
Today without you, even worse than yesterday.
Subscriber not a subscriber, abnormal rainfall covered the continent,
I need antidepressants
I'm drowning....
Abnormal rainfall
I'm drowning...
I need antidepressants
I'm drowning....
Anomalous rainfall
I'm drowning...
I need antidepressants.
At night in the kitchen
My phone will fall out from a sweatshirt.
And it will broke into fragments
I will put all my clothes into the old Louis Vuitton
And I will hold down the rewind button
Let's erase everything for not remember
Let's erase everything for not remember
Low battery inside
We have nothing to talk about.
The trains of wrong love are leaving,
We will never catch up them again
I'm drowning...
abnormal rainfall
I'm drowning...
I need antidepressants
I'm drowning...
abnormal rainfall
I'm drowning...
I need antidepressants.
Sayonara Boy...


I'm drowning in your silence again
And you don't say a world
You pushed me far away
To be a stranger in my Moldova
The nights are also not the same
Even the wine has no taste
And it seems, that everyone is angry with me
How could I get rid of reality
I don't sleep anymore without you
Sleeping has no sense anymore
And a new day and night pass
My love, you don't know how I feel, when you're not here
My love, you don't know, how does it hurt, what you are doing
My love, you didn't understand, but anyway, it's too late
My love, you don't know what depression is
I'll take you with myself, I'll bring you to the airport
I will let you fly up into the shadows with us in mind
I'm trying to break away,
Because I want to go to the farthest from everything
I'm leaving, I won't return
I will pass through water and fire
I'm taking a breath, I'm choking
She wants the heart, but not the whole body

Depressed Police Officer

Depressed police officer, throw away your badge
Killed cop, if I had known
Like a chihuahua, following the scent
It seems like after a while
We get used to it
She is no longer alive
Reported missing
Where were you, lights and sirens?
I hear screaming
Depressed police officer, throw away your badge
Anonymous letter at the crime scene
Up in smoke
Take, take me to the hostage
Lock, Lock me up before I kill him
She isn’t alive anymore
Reported missing
Where were you, lights and sirens?
I see you dancing
Reported missing
Where were you, lights and sirens?
I see you dancing
Reported missing
Where were you, lights and sirens?
I hear screaming
Depressed police officer, throw away your badge
Anonymous letter at the scene of the crime
Up in smoke
Sleeps right next to the sun
I pray for the day when she wakes up

I would go now as far as possible

x 2
I would now go as far as possible,
To forget about worries, to forget everything ...
I would go anytime, but I'm afraid,
Without you I can not stand for a moment.
Half of the heart goes away,
Half (of it) does not want,
What can I do now?
I have just one way ...
Near you, only near you.
x 2
Even though we have always argued,
Love and life are not the same thing,
When it comes to love,
I know nobody will be like you.
(chorus x 3)
Half of the heart goes away,
Half (of it) does not want,
What can I do now?
I have just one way ...
Near you, only near you.
Share music and kindness! :)

Toţi Copiii Sunt Deprimaţi

[Strofa 1]
De cât timp nu ai mai zâmbit?
Pare că a trecut prea mult
În unele zile, nu simt că aş mai încerca
Deci ce dracu' ai fumat?
Mă gândesc prea mult, noi bem prea mult
Îndrăgostindu-ne, ca şi cum nu ar fi nimic
Vreau să ştiu încotro ne îndreptăm
Când nimic nu e greşit
Pentru că toți copiii sunt deprimați
Nimic nu are vreun sens
Nu mă simt bine
Să stau treaz până la răsărit
Şi să sperăm că totul e în regulă
Pretindem că ştim unele lucruri
Nu ştiu ce s-a întâmplat
Simpla mea explicaţie e că suntem speriaţi
Deci cred că suntem speriaţi..
[Strofa 2]
Nu, chiar nu pot să continui să mint
Pentru că eram speriat tot timpul
M-am săturat să dorm
În timp ce toți prietenii mei iau pastile
Şi sincer nu cred că ei greşesc..
Mă gândesc prea mult, noi bem prea mult
Îndrăgostindu-ne, ca şi cum nu ar fi nimic
Vreau să ştiu încotro ne îndreptăm
Când nimic nu e greşit
Pentru că toți copiii sunt deprimați
Nimic nu are vreun sens
Nu mă simt bine
Să stau treaz până la răsărit
Şi să sperăm că totul e în regulă
Pretindem că ştim unele lucruri
Nu ştiu ce s-a întâmplat
Simpla mea explicaţie e că suntem speriaţi
Deci cred că suntem speriaţi..
Nu voi nega pentru că tu ai văzut ce a fost
Nu pot nega chiar dacă nu îţi pasă
Deci voi repara totul cosind
Ştii că sunt atât de îndrăgostit..

Weird Dependence

Why can't I forget you
That I want you at any expense?
Why can't I accept
That you don't want me anymore?
Actually, this madness
Has no reversal, has no cure
No, I can't forget you
It's a memory in my bed
It's something my body misses
I want you, like an addiction
As I need to live
And this weird dependence
Gets stronger when you're not around
I can't go on, you must now
To hell with my pride
What I need is affection
This life is too short to suffer
I prefer being happy, having a ball every day
I only have these things with you
Go, my heart, speak for me, say it's love
That I accept this gypsy love
Go, my heart, speak for me, say it's love
I beg you, bring me back the one I love!
It's a memory in my bed
It's something my body misses
I want you, like an addiction
As I need to live
And this weird dependence
Gets stronger when you're not around
I can't go on, you must now
To hell with my pride
What I need is affection
This life is too short to suffer
I prefer being happy, having a ball every day
I only have these things with you
Go, my heart, speak for me, say it's love
That I accept this gypsy love
Go, my heart, speak for me, say it's love
I beg you, bring me back the one I love!
Go, my heart, speak for me, say it's love
That I accept this gypsy love
Go, my heart, speak for me, say it's love
I beg you, bring me back the one I love!
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Far away

X 2
When you're alone, I'm sad,
When I go away I try to resist,
When you dream, I try to be in your dream,
I'll come back as I promised you!
And I'll fight, whatever happens,
To bring sunshines into your life!
Wait for me, do not lose your trust/ faith
And everything will be alright, you”ll see!
I wanna see your hands in the air... hands in the air... 3x
I wanna see your hands... Everybody, come on!
Share music and kindness! :)

Where Is Your Nest Little Bird

Versions: #2
Where is your nest little bird
Your hideaway and hinterland
After all you know little of any snares
It seems to me just a bit
Hey, white birch tree, lean down,
Give this bird your boughs and blinds
Then I can come and soothe my soul
For after that I will have it
Where is your nest, little bird,
Where will you go to sleep today?
When snow and frost cloak the meadow
Then I will begin to worry so.
Hey, white birch tree, lean down,
Give this bird your boughs and blinds
Then I can come and soothe my soul
For after that I will have it


I looked up at the broken moon
Resembling an unburied heart
Little by little, drawing near
I felt anxious and went away
I was supposed to keep running
But my legs just stood still
In my memories you’re smiling
I pursue your faint scent left behind
“If I’ll be forgiven”, the compensation I wished
In my lone world where I can’t see anything
This sad dream stopped the clock
Even if I close my eyes, it’s dazzling
That far away, shining scene
But they won’t come ever again
Those too warm days
The only thing I’ve chosen
I can say it’s not a mistake
I was frightened by the shadows spreading
Yet how many times there was nothing lying ahead?
Though I call you, my voice won’t reach you
Just like an illusion one can’t grasp
If that’s so, just cut off this string
Even if I redo it again and again
If you’ll only take one breath
It wouldn’t have sense
So let’s end this
Now, let’s break this place
A stopped clock
Won’t move alone
I get it, but
I no longer need anything
The moment I was about to say it
They flowed into cold water
My words will never reach you
In my memories you’re smiling
Even your faint scent is fading
I won’t be forgiven, I’m keep falling
At the sole of this dark water where I can’t see anything
Where this sad dream and my breath stop

Caspian Depression

No, not now, not here, in this hefty enormous collapse
No, not now, not here, in this hefty enormous collapse
No, not now, not here, no, not now,not here,
No, not now, not here, no, not now,not here.
If obidience is dignity, fortitude,
(Then) Freedom is a form of constraint,
Innocence resembles wisdom,
But not now, not here, no, not now, not here.
I'll be waiting, barefoot, with my head covered,
I'll sing Vespers, in the evening,
I'll be waiting, barefoot, with my head covered,
I'll sing Vespers, in the evening.
There it moves and crumbles, overflows,
There it moves and crumbles, overflows,
One declares their independence and leaves,
(Another) One concentrates in their own intimacy,
The last one proclaims total estrangement
You, with your gaze upright onto the future,
Focused on sunrise and angry at dusk,
You've never sung in the evening, you've never sung
You've never sung in the evening, you've never sung
No, not now, not here, in this hefty enormous collapse
No, not now, not here, no, not now,not here.
If obidience is dignity, fortitude,
(Then) Freedom is a form of constraint,
Innocence resembles wisdom,
But not now, not here, no, not now, not here
But not now, not here, no, not now, not here.
You've never sung in the evening, you've never sung,
You've never sung in the evening, you've never sung.
Translation by Noctua.


M-am născut cu zodia greșită
în casa greșită,
sub ascendentul greșit.
Am urmat drumul greșit
care m-a condus spre pornirile greșite
M-am aflat în locul nepotrivit la momentul nepotrivit
dintr-un motiv greșit și pentru rima greșită,
în ziua greșită din săptămâna greșită
Am folosit metoda greșită cu tehnica greșită.
E ceva greșit la mine din punct de vedere chimic,
ceva greșit la mine din fire.
Amestecul greșit în genele nepotrivite.
Țintesc spre scopul greșit care scuză mijloacele greșite,
Era planul greșit,
în mâinile greșite,
ipoteza greșită pentru bărbatul nepotrivit
privirea greșită pe câștigul greșit,
întrebarea greșită cu răspunsurile greșite.
Mărșăluiam pe ritmul greșit,
cu scursurile greșite,
supărând energia greșită,
folosind replicile greșite
și semnele greșite
cu intensitatea greșită.
Mă aflam pe pagina greșită din cartea greșită,
cu extrădarea greșită a capcanei greșite,
cu luna greșită, în fiecare noapte greșită,
cu melodia greșită ascultată până când suna corect, da.
Greșit. (De prea mult timp.)
Greșit. (De prea mult timp.)
Greșit. (De prea mult timp.)
Greșit. (De prea mult timp.)
Greșit. (De prea mult timp.)
M-am născut cu zodia greșită
în casa greșită,
sub ascendentul greșit.
Am urmat drumul greșit
care m-a condus spre pornirile greșite
M-am aflat în locul nepotrivit la momentul nepotrivit
dintr-un motiv greșit și pentru rima greșită,
în ziua greșită din săptămâna greșită
Am folosit metoda greșită cu tehnica greșită.

Depind De Asta

Obisnuiam sa ne iubim, atingem, sarutam
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta
Cum am ajuns sa mintim, plangem, sa ne certam mereu
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta
Cu toate ca pleci, punand cuvinte in gura mea
E timpul sa plec acum
Nu sunt gata inca, incheietura pana la ridicarea firului de ata
Daca as fi putut doar sa rezist,
In a nu ma incurca acasa
Da-i inca o sansa, pleaca, nu stiu de ce pur si simplu
am nevoie de noi sa prosperam
Fa-o, oh, nu ne urmarim reciproc cand ei se intorc?
Acel lucru pe care obisnuiam sa il avem
Oh, am nevoie de tine sa stii
Obisnuiam sa ne iubim, atingem, sarutam
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta
Cum am ajuns sa mintim, plangem, sa ne certam mereu
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta
De ce ma privesti cu ochi suparatori
Cum de reusim vreodata sa scapam cu viata
Daca nu ne intoarcem la iubit, atins, satutat
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta
Cum as putea sa stiu, ce ai ascuns in pat
Dupa ochii aceia inflacarati, dar o voi face cel mai rau
Pentru mine, de ce e cel mai rau
Si ooh, nu stiam
Obisnuiam sa ne iubim, atingem, sarutam
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta
Cum am ajuns sa mintim, plangem, sa ne certam mereu
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta
De ce ma privesti cu ochi suparatori
Cum de reusim vreodata sa scapam cu viata
Daca nu ne intoarcem la iubit, atins, satutat, fu-
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta
De ce ma privesti cu ochi suparatori
Cum de reusim vreodata sa scapam cu viata
Daca nu ne intoarcem la iubit, atinge, inghesuit si fu-
De parca iubesc sa depind de asta

Femei Independente

Întrebare: Zi-mi ce părere ai despre mine
Îmi cumpăr propriile mele diamante și inele
Te sun doar când mă simt singură
Când se termină te rog ridică-te și pleacă
Întrebare: Zi-mi ce părere ai de asta
Dacă încerci să mă controlezi, băiete, ești respins
Îmi plătesc propria distracție și prorpiile facturi
Mereu jumi-juma în relații
Pantofii din picioare
Eu i-am cumpărat
Hainele pe care le port
Eu le-am cumpărat
Diamantul pe care-l afișez
Căci depind de mine
Dacă aș fi vrut ceasul pe care îl prți
L-aș cumpăra
Casa în care stau
Eu am cumpărat-o
Mașina pe care o conduc
Eu am cumpărat-o
Depind de mine
(Depind de mine)
Toate femeile independente
Hai, mâinile sus
Toate mândrele ce fac bani
Hai, mânile sus
Toate gagicile ce scot profit
Hai, mâinile sus
Toate doamnele care știu ce zic
Hai, mâinile sus
Fato, nu știam că poți dansa așa
Charlie, cum dansează îngerii tăi
Fato, nu știam că poți dansa așa
Charlie, cum dansează îngerii tăi
Zi-mi ce crezi despre asta
Pe cine aș vrea dacă aș vrea să trăiesc
Am muncit din greu și am sacrificat ca să am ce am acum
Doamnelor, nu e ușor să fii independentă
Întrebare: Ce crezi despre cunoștiințele pe care le am
Să te da mare că ți-a dat el bani înseamnă să trădezi
Dacă tot vrei să te dai mare, măcar fă-o cu bani
Nu depinde de nimeni să-ți facă toate poftele
Pantofii din picioare
Eu i-am cumpărat
Hainele pe care le port
Eu le-am cumpărat
Diamantul pe care-l afișez
Căci depind de mine
Dacă aș fi vrut ceasul pe care îl prți
L-aș cumpăra
Casa în care stau
Eu am cumpărat-o
Mașina pe care o conduc
Eu am cumpărat-o
Depind de mine
(Depind de mine)
Toate femeile independente
Hai, mâinile sus
Toate mândrele ce fac bani
Hai, mânile sus
Toate gagicile ce scot profit
Hai, mâinile sus
Toate doamnele care știu ce zic
Hai, mâinile sus
Fato, nu știam că poți dansa așa
Charlie, cum dansează îngerii tăi
Fato, nu știam că poți dansa așa
Charlie, cum dansează îngerii tăi
Destiny's Child
Care-i treaba?
Ești pe zonă?
Destul de clar
O să-i facem lată pe ăștia, în stilul îngerilor lui Charlie
Copil al sorții
Frumusețe independentă
Nimeni nu mă poate intimida
Îngerii lui Charlie
Toate femeile independente
Hai, mâinile sus
Toate mândrele ce fac bani
Hai, mânile sus
Toate gagicile ce scot profit
Hai, mâinile sus
Toate doamnele care știu ce zic
Hai, mâinile sus
Fato, nu știam că poți dansa așa
Charlie, cum dansează îngerii tăi

Growing Old Interdependently

Female: A bright moon, round like a bronze mirror,
Is it infatuation or just an illusion?
A willow branch, not reconciled to its fate
Watches a pair of carp awaking for each other
Male: Want to grow old interdependently
Exchange two hearts that beat as one
But the red dust billows away
Female: I would wander the wilderness in exile with you
Male: Even as a epiphyllum flower
Both: Love until the end
Just love, never separating
Female: A bright moon, round like a bronze mirror,
Is it infatuation or just an illusion?
A willow branch, not reconciled to its fate
Watches a pair of carp awaking for each other
Male: Want to grow old interdependently
Exchange two hearts that beat as one
But the red dust billows away
Female: I would wander the wilderness in exile with you
Male: Even as a epiphyllum flower
Both: Love until the end
Just love, never separating
Female: I would wander the wilderness in exile with you
Male: Even as a epiphyllum flower
Both: Love until the end
Just love, never separating
Female: I would wander a world of ice and snow with you
Male: I am here to guard your dawn
Both: A dream, an enlightenment to meet you in this life,
to love you, until we grow old, never separating

The Depressive Song

When I was young, the worries were small
My shoes had to be from Nike
Homework? what the fuck
it's better to play all day! *¹
Then came the time for testimonies and grades
followed by house-arrest and television prohibition
As freshmen, I met the ONE, that was awesome! *²
Then came the next and the next and the next and...,
oh i should just stop there *³
Love comes and love goes
Emotions Gone with the Wind
Then the big hike begins
Today she fucks you and tomorrow someone else.
Life is an asshole, at first everything is fine
At some point you'll discover in total rage
That life shits on you
Do not bury your head in sand
cause I realized one thing:
It always gets - worse
My first appartment, a dope commune
On the fourth floor
With five shopping bags and two boxes of beer
Climbing stairs really makes you happy *⁴
Then the rent increases, the car broken
The money more than run out
You think, Hey, it can not get any worse
then the computer breaks down
Life is an asshole, at first everything is fine
At some point you'll discover in total rage
That life shits on you
Do not bury your head in sand
cause I realized one thing:
It always gets - worse
i stand in front of the mirror
nothing special to it
But as you know, the devil is in the detail
Yesterday you were'nt there yet
You disgusting nose hair
I did not even discover you
You big pimple on the face
So much in life is changing
Some things you like
Most not
Life is an asshole, at first everything is fine
At some point you'll discover in total rage
That life shits on you
Do not bury your head in sand
cause I realized one thing:
It always gets - worse

Department of Relationships

Department of Lost Relationships
In his absence, he works on the soul
How about, alo, alo, yes
Hello, alo, baby, do not bother
I have deviated the calls, it's my night
I'm with the guys, the boys, lying down, do not expect me
You know I invited you so many times, what to do if you do not like my gang
It sounds busy, what a greater sign of love
When you called me, I was calling to you
Department of Lost Relationships
Please help me find him
In his absence, he works on the soul
To help me love him
Department of Lost Relationships
Please help me find him
In his absence, he works on the soul
To help me love him
Baby, I'm closing, my battery is over
You want me home now, when madness begins
We, upstairs at the tables, get in the taxi, come here
I know at 12 I promised you wine, but I can not go if the glass is full
It sounds busy, what a greater sign of love
When you called me, I was calling to you
Department of Lost Relationships
Please help me find him
In his absence, he works on the soul
To help me love him
Department of Lost Relationships
Please help me find him
In his absence, he works on the soul
To help me love him
Hello, alo, alo
Come on, please, please, at least a appointment on the spot
I have love, but I just want to donate it
Or return it to the sender
Department of Lost Relationships
Please help me find him
In his absence, he works on the soul
To help me love him
Department of Lost Relationships
Please help me find him
In his absence, he works on the soul
To help me love him

Let Me Travel

I'm waiting all alone tonight as well
I'm waiting for a light inside the darkness
I keep insisting on seeing your silhouette
If you delay any longer I will be dying
Let me travel with your will on the sail
Let me be the only one to see the film of your heart
I want to be moved during the premiere of your love
Keep me in your arms so I can dream a little
I love you...
Where can I go all alone tonight as well
Where can I go to feel your caress
I'm waiting to live in your dreams
If you delay any longer I will be dying
Let me travel with your will on the sail
Let me be the only one to see the film of your heart
I want to be moved during the premiere of your love
Keep me in your arms so I can dream a little
I love you...

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И сразу ты заводишься от одной спички.
Все мои вещи в сумке через плечо,
Я еЗнаешь, мне нечем тушить, так что не заводись
Это фирменный стиль - от**бать мне мозги
Мы опять на те же грабли папапапапа
Да, мы опять на те же грабли папапапапа
Знаешь, мне нечем тушить, так что не заводись
Это фирменный стиль - от**бать мне мозги
Да, я грёбанный (непонятно), грёбанный псих
Но ты просишь - вернись
Нах** этот цирк?
На лице ноль эмоций
Всё что было - было и фиг с ним
У тебя безлимитный доступ
Ко всем моим перепискам
Детка, каждый день всё по кругу
Каждый шаг под контролем
Исчезают мои подруги
Под чужими именами в телефоне
Даже те, кто случайно год назад
Мне писал о том, как я круто жил.
Словно это повод лишний раз
Подловить мой взгляд
И сказать о том, что я - сволочь
Надоело постоянно убеждать тебя в обратном
Детка, успокой свой обезбашеный характер
Знаешь, мне нечем тушить, так что не заводись
Это фирменный стиль - от**бать мне мозги
Мы опять на те же грабли папапапапа
Да, мы опять на те же грабли папапапапа
Знаешь, мне нечем тушить, так что не заводись
Это фирменный стиль - от**бать мне мозги
Да, я грёбанный (непонятно), грёбанный псих
Но ты просишь - вернись
Нах** этот цирк?
Многим не подходит моё резюме
Разумеется, нам так много нужно суметь
Стаями летим на юг
В траликах ночных ищем уют
Ты сумасшедшая, я не гоню
Стой, стой, стой, нам так не везло
Весь мир ненавидит без слов
С теми всё не то, и с этими не то
Всё переплетено, ты - нет, а я смог
Смог улыбаться с лицо
Падать в грязь, вставать ещё
Смог как-то так всё равно
Снова попасть на этот крючок
Знаешь, мне нечем тушить, так что не заводись
Это фирменный стиль - от**бать мне мозги
Мы опять на те же грабли папапапапа
Да, мы опять на те же грабли папапапапа
Знаешь, мне нечем тушить, так что не заводись
Это фирменный стиль - от**бать мне мозги
Да, я грёбанный (непонятно), грёбанный псих
Но ты просишь - вернись
Нах** этот цирк?
Please translate Не заводись
Не заводись

The Ballad of Independence

On the 16th of September
of 1810
our independence was born,
o glorious 1810!
In the town of Dolores
Hidalgo proclaimed it,
and with the aid of the people
they overthrew Guerrero1
At the sound of the bell
the people came together
to fight for our country
that lived in slavery.
That night he went
with *******************
to the town of Atotonilco
to fight against the viceroy.
The Embrace of Acatempan2
made our people contemplate:
they ceased their contention
and freedom was born.
With this I saw my farewell
to the people who have listened to me,
and here ends the ballad
that this rooster has sang to all.
  • 1. Vicente Ramón Guerrero Saldaña
  • 2. Failing to defeat the insurgency, adopted the cause of independence and allied with Guerrero (an event known as the 'Embrace of Acatempan').
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Depresie si obsesie

Depresia și obsesia nu fac casă bună una cu alta
Sunt otrăvit iar corpul meu nu se simte prea bine
O urăsc , e greu să iubesc când îmi simt stomacul răsucit
Disting dealul ,unde ne-am cunoscut
Ne-am lăsat buzele să facă toată discuția iar acum sunt un nimic
Depresia și obsesia nu fac casă bună una cu alta
Motelurile Hollywood-ului
Și tot ce știu e că sunt obsedat de tine
Depresia și obsesia nu fac casă bună una cu alta
Motelurile Hollywood-ului
Și tot ce știu e că sunt obsedat de tine


I wanna go to the farthest place
I wonder what kind of people I can meet over there
I wanna go to the highest point
I wonder the place I can see beyond
One small water bottle, a dusty camera,
A stained map being put into my bag
Over the hill and through the forest path
While I touch the ground with my light steps
I walk along the endless path slowly
I sit down without any thoughts as well as I take a break
Even thought I am lost it is important that I don't rush
Someday I will figure it out
As this path teaches me eventually
The wet ground, the footprints in front of me
The sky I see for the first time, but the same old path
Over the hill and through the forest path
While I touch the ground with my light steps
I walk along the endless path slowly
My heart becomes excited from seeing a new scenery
I act extravagantly from something trivial
I walk while whistling
I walk along the path even though I trip over occasionally
One small water bottle, a dusty camera,
A stained map being put into my bag
Over the hill and through the forest path
While I touch the ground with my light steps
I walk along the endless path slowly
The road that I'm familiar since childhood
I sometimes do yearn for it
So I'm off for a journey, for the wider world

My Independent Destiny

I’ve never been there, so let me go out.
For I can reach you where you are.
I will go. All for you, all for you and me,
your and my future.
The scenery I can see outside the window
Is an unchanging morning on a dead end
I want to go somewhere else, but I can’t
I’m not alone, but I’m all alone
Inside my head, I tell God
“There’s no trial I can’t pass”
They were kind, but no one really helped
That was until the day we met
I have always longed for those warm hands
My heart is now unraveled
You’re always by my side
Let’s picture our future together
Believe we can laugh our way towards bliss
All the time, all the time
I’ve been thinking of you
There won’t be any dead ends on the path to tomorrow
Let’s go on, for there is today
What if that strength is the result
Of concealing the weakness of your heart?
Please, tell me the whole truth
For you have nothing to be afraid of
If sadness hurts so much, face that dark side
If your scars hurt, let me heal them
I want to protect just you
For you are not alone anymore
You’re important to me, that’s why I’ll become strong
I made my wish with you,
So I’m sure it’ll come true
I’ll wait for any barrier to the path to tomorrow
For I want to go through them
The so dear past, the reality we’re fighting for,
Or the yet unseen far future
They connect people, I finally realized
It can’t be replaced, it’s my independent destiny
I won’t surrender, even in the midst of despair
Right now my real strength is the promise we made
I won’t give up anymore
You’re always by my side
Let’s picture our future together
Believe we can laugh our way towards bliss
All the time, all the time
I’ve been thinking of you
There won’t be any dead ends on the path to tomorrow
Let’s go on, for there is today
Yes, towards the future with you
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Drunken and in tears
I lie in the corner
Alone with my thoughts
Alone amid people
Depression in my eyes
Depression follows me
Depression on my face
Depression follows me

Stop depressing me

Holding my love
Hard in my hand
Full of doubt on the inside
But never on the outside
We took the 73 towards Nynäshamn
Under the factories
We rush forward
She is carrying a secret
She just has to live with
Ever since she was a small child
She has accepted it
Stop and put out the lights
Hear the sirens' song
Rush past
Past us another time
A cold rain comes
and falls down
Washes away all of them
Let it rain down
Just let it fall
Just let it fall
Just let it fall
Fuck if I know
Fuck if I know
Why should you be happy?
When you can be normal
If you see my beloved
Tell me she knows where I am
Our old place there under the bridge
I hope she remembers
A cold rain comes
And falls down
Washes away all of them
Let it rain down
Just let it fall
Just let it fall
Just let it fall

After The Pain Goes Away

And after the pain goes away
Being able to open the eye and see everything still the same
And everything you thought had ended is actually safe
And things are not that bad
And finally
You can get home late and notice
That now the heart doesn't ache anymore
And that this peace of seeing that all things pass
Is good for us to hang in there
If there's a 'next time'
Because when the pain comes back
It won't be that easy to convince yourself
That it's not the good side that passes
Because to someone that has been hurt
It's easy for a scar to open
But it is still to come
So much beauty yet
You have an entire life
To live what hasn't even come yet
And if it hasn't worked yet, it will
Or patience
What we think will be the best
Doesn't always turn out to be it

Mergand in pantofii mei

Ti-as povesti de lucrurile
La care ei m-au supus
Durerea la care am fost expus
Dar Domnul Insusi ar rosi
Numeroasele festinuri la ale mele picioare
Fructe mie interzise a le manca
Dar cred ca pulsul ar incepe sa-ti creasca
Acum nu caut eliberarea
Iertarea pentru lucrurile pe care le fac
Dar inainte de a trage orice concluzii
Incearca sa mergi in pantofii mei
Incearca sa mergi in pantofii mei
Te vei impiedica in urmele pasilor mei
Tii aceleasi intrevederi pe care si eu le-am tinut
Daca incerci sa mergi in pantofii mei
Daca incerci sa mergi in pantofii mei
Moralitatea s-ar incrunta
Decenta ar privi in jos
La al meu destin de tap ispasitor
Dar promit acum, judecatorului si juratilor mei
Intentiile mele nu puteau fii mai pure
Cazul meu este mai usor de vazut
Eu nu caut o constiinta mai curata
Linistea sufleteasca dupa ce am fost prin ce am fost
Si inainte de a vorbi de orice pocainta
Incercati sa mergeti in pantofii mei
Incercati sa mergeti in pantofii mei
Te vei impiedica in urmele pasilor mei
Tii aceleasi intrevederi pe care si eu le-am tinut
Daca incerci sa mergi in pantofii mei
Daca incerci sa mergi in pantofii mei
Incearca sa mergi in pantofii mei
Acum nu caut eliberarea
Iertarea pentru lucrurile pe care le fac
Dar inainte de a trage orice concluzii
Incearca sa mergi in pantofii mei
Incearca sa mergi in pantofii mei
Te vei impiedica in urmele pasilor mei
Tii aceleasi intrevederi pe care si eu le-am tinut
Daca incerci sa mergi in pantofii mei
Te vei impiedica in urmele pasilor mei
Tii aceleasi intrevederi pe care si eu le-am tinut
Daca incerci sa mergi in pantofii mei
Incearca sa mergi in pantofii mei
Daca incerci sa mergi in pantofii mei
Incearca sa mergi in pantofii mei

Waar is de revolutie

Versions: #2
Men heeft jullie onderdrukt
Er werd met jullie gesold
Men heeft jullie belogen
Men heeft jullie waarheden verkondigd
Wie neemt er jullie beslissingen?
Jullie of jullie religie?
Jullie regering, jullie landen?
Jullie vaderlandslievende freaks?
Waar is de revolutie
Kom op mensen
Jullie laten me in de steek
Waar is de revolutie
Kom op mensen
Jullie laten me in de steek
Men heeft jullie
Al veel te lang afgezeikt
Men heeft jullie rechten verkracht
Jullie meningen verworpen
Zij manipuleren en dreigen
Met terreur als wapen
Zij jagen jullie schrik aan totdat jullie afstompen
Beulen jullie af totdat jullie hun kant kiezen
Waar is de revolutie
Kom op mensen
Jullie laten me in de steek
Waar is de revolutie
Kom op mensen
Jullie laten me in de steek
Daar komt de trein
Daar komt de trein
Daar komt de trein
Daar komt de trein
Stap dus in
Stap in
Stap in
Stap in
De locomotief zoemt
De locomotief zoemt
De locomotief zoemt
De locomotief zoemt
Stap dus in
Stap in
Stap in
Stap in
Waar is de revolutie
Kom op mensen
Jullie laten me in de steek
Waar is de revolutie
Kom op mensen
Jullie laten me in de steek
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. When spotting them myself I tend to lapse into a *#@%* mood!

Dopo l'inizio

Ho danzato con un milione di demoni
sono morto dopo una vita di peccato
ho fatto l'amore con un milione di angeli
ho assassinato un milione di uomini
Ci sará sangue
ci sará sangue
ci sará sangue
ci sará sangue

It depends

Versions: #3
Let white be white
And black be black
Let one and one be two
Because numbers are exact
It depends
That we're here on borrowed time
That today the sky is cloudy
One is born and then dies
And this story has ended
It depends
It depends, on what it depends,
According to how it looks everything depends(x2)
How beautiful love is,
More than ever in spring,
That tomorrow the sun comes up
Because we're in August
It depends
That with the passing of time
Wine tastes good
That everything that rises falls
From down to up and up to down
It depends
It depends, on what it depends,
According to how it looks everything depends(x2)
That you have never met anybody
That kisses you like me
That there's no other man in your life
That benefits from you
It depends
That yes means yes
Everytime you open your mouth
That it makes you very happy
Let today be the day of your wedding
It depends
It depends, on what it depends,
According to how it looks everything depends(x2)

i'm in depression

i didn't go out today
didn't answer the phone
ate much, cried much
searched another cigarette
i combed my hair
i polished my lips
tried some clothes
i didn't like them, i didn't get pretty
i'm in depression
i'm forgotten
i've been betrayed, i broke up my lover
i'm so lonely, not mad at anyone
i couldn't be offended to anyone
at last i got offended to myself
at last to the life
i thought of robbing a bank
go nude in public
shoot everyone in my life
forgive me
i'm in depression
i'm forgotten
i've been betrayed, i broke up my lover
i'm so lonely