Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 37


Povestea cea mai frumoasă

Am venit de departe, aici este casa mea
Napoli, deja te cunoșteam, a doua mama mea
Îți mulțumesc pentru că mă chemi fiu, acum că-ți stau aproape
Mulțumesc pentru tot binele pe care mi-l dorești
Visam mereu Napoli, dar nu-ți eram aproape
Tu ai avut mereu un loc în inima mea
Când m-ai chemat să-ți vindec rănile
Ai găsit un războinic să lupte
Toți împreună vrem să vă mulțumim
Pentru credința care nu se stinge niciodată
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Îți dăruim tricolorul
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Vei rămâne mereu măreț
Eu, unul dintre frați, sunt emoționat ca și voi
Spunând mulțumesc tuturor, vă dăruiesc un loc la soare
Tu, băiat neliniștit visător, care știi să lupți mereu
Și marile tale sacrificii, sunt de exemplu pentru noi toți
Tu minunat public ești unic în Italia
Chiar dacă nu câștigi mereu, ești gata să ierți
În ochii tăi văd soarele, te voi purta în inimă
Ești povestea cea mai frumoasă pe care o voi istorisi
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Îți dăruim tricolorul
Napoli, Napoli, Napoli
Vei rămâne măreț


Versions: #1
With her brown leather handbag
And her high heels
And her Sunday dress.
Sits on a platform bench
And waits for the first train to arrive
Wagging the fan.
They say in the village
That a walker stopped his watch
On one spring afternoon
'Farewell my love do not weep for me
I'll be back, before the willow trees
Shed their leaves,
Think of me, I'll come back for you'.
Poor wretch, your childish clock stopped
One leaden April afternoon
When your lover went away.
In your orchard, withered
Lays every single flower
There is no willow in
Main Street for Penelope.
Sadness by dint of waiting
Your eyes seem to shine
If a train whistles in your eyes .
One after another she sees them pass by
She looks at their faces, she hears them talk
To her they are dolls.
They say in the village
That the wayfarer returned
He found her on his green pine bench
He called out to her: 'Penelope, my faithful lover, my peace
Stop weaving dreams in your mind,
Look at me, I am your love, I am back'.
She smiled at him, her eyes full of yesterday.
Her face and her skin didn't use to be like that
'You're not who I expect'
And she kept her brown leather handbag
And her high heels
Sitting at the station...
Sitting at the station.


First, put down your weapons
Your words already hurt me enough
I'm just wanting a civilized conversation
I know critcisim is coming
But I'm running from this fight
Today there's no villain, no victim
There's no audience, no drinks
You come attacking me in anger and I just come with a kiss to get even*
You know that we don't have the courage to live apart from each other
Like two knives hitting together* trying to get the cut
Are our two hearts fighting to see who is stronger
You come attacking me in anger and I just come with a kiss to get even
You know that we don't have the courage to live apart from each other
Like two knives hitting together** trying to get the cut
Are our two hearts fighting to see who is stronger
First, put down your weapons
Your words already hurt me enough
I'm just wanting a civilized conversation
I know critcisim is coming
But I'm running from this fight
Today there's no villain, no victim
There's no audience, no drinks
You come attacking me in anger and I just come with a kiss to get even
You know that we don't have the courage to live apart from each other
Like two knives hitting together* trying to get the cut
Are our two hearts fighting to see who is stronger
You come attacking me in anger and I just come with a kiss to get even
You know that we don't have the courage to live apart from each other
Like two knives hitting together* trying to get the cut
Are our two hearts fighting to see who is stronger

There's no forgiveness

I, a gentleman, sing for you/
An old story from long ago/
But now those who hear the name/
And those who look for wheatgrass in grain There's no forgiveness, there's no mercy
For those who cheat on society People full of life and of the highest rank/
They made a blood oath/
There's no bond of
faith and omerta/
Against arrogance and infamity There's no forgiveness, there's no mercy/
For those who cheat on society Mafia's laws save your honour/ It is a chain, a chain you can't melt/ Cowards and traitors are condemned/ They are ready to die for a friend There's no forgiveness, there's no mercy/ For those who cheat on society There are two powerful things in the world/
The love of a woman and the hearts of brigands/ Before you take a step
be carefu/ Friends, I'll give you this advice There's no forgiveness and there's no mercy/ For those who cheat on society


Versions: #1
Once any man has reached the land,
all his dreams will come true.
Every men desire to seek the land,
But, the land is far beyond the man's capacity.
The name of the place is called Gandhara.
It is an Utopia exists in somewhere.
I wish somebody could tell me
the way to get to the land.
In Gandhara, Gandhara
They say it was in India
Gandhara, Gandhara
Country of love Gandhara.
Once any man has reached the land,
all pains of living will be gone.
Some men has departed for their journey, however the land is preposterously far away.
Gandhara is free from everything.
Fantastic Utopia.
Is it a phantom country only exists in illusion.
In Gandhara, Gandhara
They say it was in India
Gandhara, Gandhara
Country of love Gandhara.
In Gandhara, Gandhara
They say it was in India
Gandhara, Gandhara
Country of love Gandhara.
In Gandhara, Gandhara
They say it was in India
Gandhara, Gandhara
Country of love Gandhara.

If you go to Chile

If you go to Chile
I beg you to pass
Where my beloved lives
It's a little house
Very cute and small
That is in the hillside
Of a nestled hill
The vines adorn it
And across a stream
At the front there is a willow
That cries, that cries
Because I love her
If you go to Chile
I beg you, traveller
Tell her
That I'm dying of love
The town is called Las Condes
And it is next to the hills and the sky
And if you look up into the valley
You'll see it being washed by an estuary
Peasants and townspeople
They will meet you, traveller
And you will see how they in Chile like
A friend when he is a stranger
If you go to Chile
Travelling friend

Jellyfish Shake

Jellyfish shake
Hendro Engkeng featuring Diego Takupaz
Special song for you
Okay legga
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Now the rocking trending is again booming
Among both young people and parents
Jellyfish style shake keeps everyone entertained
Even though the heart was broken
Keep shaking, lest you back off
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Takupaz Dance Crew
Takupaz Dance Crew
Hendro Engkeng remixed
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Jellyfish shake
Takupaz Dance Crew
Now the rocking trending is again booming
Among both young people and parents
Jellyfish style shake keeps everyone entertained
Even though my heart was crushed
Keep shaking, lest you back off
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Hendro Engkeng remixed
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish
Jellyfish shake
Jellyfish jogging
Jellyfish exercise
Jellyfish jellyfish

Floare de scorţişoară

Lasă-mă să-ţi spun cetăţean din Lima
Lasă-mă să-ţi spun gloria
Visul ce evocă amintirea
Vechiului pod
A râului şi aleii.
Lasă-mă să-ţi spun, cetăţean al Limei,
Acum că amintirea încă înmiresmează
Acum că într-un vis încă se leagănă
Vechiul pod, râul şi aleea
Cu iasomii în părul ei şi trandafiri pe faţa ei,
Floarea de scorţişoară a mers graţios
Ea a revărsat gingăşie şi trecerea ei a lăsat
Aromele buchetul de flori
Pe care-l purta în sân.
De la pod până la alee
Un mic zgomot de paşi avea
De-a lungul trotuarului care temura
În ritmul şoldului ei,
Ea a strâns râsul brizei râului
Şi l-a aruncat vântului
De la pod până la alee.
Lasă-mă să-ţi spun, cetăţean al Limei,
Oh, lasă-mă să-ţi spun,
Unul întunecat, gândul meu
Să vezi dacă în acest felt te trezeşti din vis
Din visul care ocupă,
Unul întunecat, conştiinţa ta.
Respiră cu calmul cu care
Floare de scorţişoară
Se împodobeşte cu iasomii
Amestecându-se cu frumuseţea ei
Acoperiţi podul din nou
Şi împodobiţi aleea
Pentru că râul va însemna ritmul
Trecerii ei de-a lungul trotuarului.
Şi amintiţi-vă că
Cu iasomii în părul ei şi trandafiri pe faţa ei
Floarea de scorţişoară a mers graţios
Ea a revărsat gingăşie şi trecerea ei a lăsat
Aromele buchetul de flori
Pe care-l purta în sân.
De la pod până la alee
Un mic zgomot de paşi avea
De-a lungul trotuarului care temura
În ritmul şoldului ei,
Ea a strâns râsul brizei râului
Şi l-a aruncat vântului
De la pod până la alee.

Pub on the road to Tennessee

The small pub on this road
that goes somewhere in Tenessee
Is always filled with whiskey and
old well known cowboys
Sittin in the pub are Bob and John
Harry Jack or Jim and Tom
Those old rough poker faces
from the crazy wild west
Bang bang bang bang
Do you remember harry*
back when we were still young
we left people shaking and afraid
everywhere we visited
How could I not tom my friend,
wonderful days those they were
When we rode fast horses**
and shot all guns all day long
Bang bang bang bang
Midnight has long since passed
But the stories aren't ending
Bad boys still playing cards
and reliving wonderful memories
When suddenly Div jumps up
and looks at his pocket watch
Says he's gotta get home quick
who knows what will happen now
Bang bang bang bang
Within a minute
the pub is completely emptied out
All the strong men that were there
Are now out on the road***
And thats how another day goes
On that road to somewhere in Tennessee
Now thats scary men
are all afraid of their wives
Bang Bang Bang Bang
Now everyone knows about the pub on the road to somewhere in Tennessee
Bang Bang Bang Bang

Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit

Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
o noapte amară mă-mpresoară
și aceste ore de tăcere
îmi întunecă drumul.
Am rămas fără buzele tale,
ochii tăi, zâmbetul tău,
și nu știu unde să te găsesc.
Ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici,
ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici.
Ce greu îmi e să te iubesc atât!
Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit.
În caz că nu te mai întorci
să mă vezi în privirea ta,
în caz că niciodată n-ai înțeles
motivul cuvintelor mele,
îți las în cântecul meu
acest gest într-un singur sens
al pielii mele care te-a iubit.
Ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici,
ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici.
Ce greu îmi e să te iubesc atât!
Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
timpul nostru s-a sfârșit...

The Dream of the Boy

They knocked on the door of the humble home
The voice of the mailman was heard clearly
And the boy running with all of his anxieties
He stepped on the little white dog by accident
Mommy, mommy -- he came closer yelling
The missed mother left the pool
And the boy said to her laughing and crying
Today the club has sent me the summons
Dear mommy
I will make money
I will be a Baldonedo
A Martino or a Boye
The boys say
Of Argentinian west
That I have more of a shot
Than the great Bernabe
You will see how beautiful
When there in the field
They applaud my goals
I will be a winner
I will play in the fifth
Then in the first
I know that it waits for me
The consecration

I'll Be Back

I can see the train depart, and the sad look on your face
That hides those tears, I'll be back
How could I live, a year without your love
The letter says wait for me, that time will pass
A year isn't a century and I'll be back
Although it's difficult, living without your love
Soon we'll be together, I love you so much, my love
Time will pass, I'll be back
Think of me always like this
That time will pass, the letter says wait for me
I love you so much, my love
A year isn't a century and I'll be back
Think of me always like this, that time will pass
Soon we'll be together, I love you so much, my love
Time will pass, I'll be back
Think of me always like this, that time will pass
My love, my love, my love, my love
A year isn't a century and I'll be back
Think of me always like this, I'll be back
A year isn't a century and I'll be back

Diego (Free in his mind)

Behind the bars
Because of few words
He believed in so hard.
Outside, outside it's hot
Thousands of birds
Fly effortlessly
What is this country
When at night
Strikes the Talion law ?
Diego, free in his mind
Behind his window
Is maybe sleeping...
And I, dancing my life,
Singing and laughing
I think about him
Diego, free in his mind,
Behind his window
Already dead, maybe.

Bella Ciao

Today I will be different, I will tell you baby
O bella ciao, bella ciao,
Bella ciao, ciao, ciao
Today I will be different
I can do it too
Not to be innocent anymore
I will wear the most beautiful dress
O bella ciao, bella ciao,
Bella ciao, ciao, ciao
Let all the men
turn around today
I will flummox one of them
When he believes that I belong to him already
O bella ciao, bella ciao,
Bella ciao, ciao, ciao
After making love I will quickly disappear
So he can know what I feel
I don´t want to feel emotions anymore
O bella ciao, bella ciao,
Bella ciao, ciao, ciao
What is it good for
To suffer love
It is useless during lovemaking
Maybe I will hurt somebody a little
O bella ciao, bella ciao,
Bella ciao, ciao, ciao
But this is how it goes
You pay for mistakes
And rinse the sadness in a wine
I can easily disappear in a dark night
O bella ciao, bella ciao
Bella ciao, ciao, ciao
Don´t be afraid, my dear
I will come back then
I will be just a little docile
When I come home with a shy smile
O bella ciao, bella ciao,
Bella ciao, ciao, ciao
Why are you angry?
Why are you like that?
I will tell you, I´m just enjoying life
I am telling you sweetly just your own words:
Love can be free

A Little Bit

Falling in love in not in fashion
Nobody wants to be sincere nowadays
But in you
I find all, all, all that I want
One February to the next
Medellin or Buenos Aires
I close my eyes, and to think of you
Has become inevitable for me
I don't want to be everything in your life
Or to hurt your pride, either
And I've accumulated one or two debts here and there
So that I may become ...
Yours... I ...a little bit yours,
Even though they may say that I'm not your type
I can give credit to this love in front of a judge
Yours... I ... a little bit yours,
Even though you may think I'm a bit crazy
I'm just in love, and you don't see it
And you don't see me
Looking for you at night
While you're thinking about something else
And you don't see me
And though they may say that what we have is a failure
I'd rather find out for myself in your arms
How easy it is for them to talk because they don't know
That nobody has the key to love
There are people who like to talk from the outside
And yet there is no school for loving you
If I have to learn, let it be with you
And if you want to talk, let it be with me
I don't want to be everything in your life
Or to hurt your pride, either
And I've accumulated one or two debts here and there
So that I may become ...
Yours... I ... a little bit yours,
Even though they may say that I'm not your type
I can give credit to this love in front of a judge
Yours... I ... a little bit yours
Don't think life over so much
We have no other exit left
And you don't see it
And you don't see me
Looking for you at night
While you're thinking about something else
And you don't see me
The story of the most beautiful
Love does not exist in writing
Little by little
I go and eat all of the love
I want to be the hero in your favorite tale,
Though a bear could come
I'd scare it out in a just a little while
I'd even cross
The Sahara Desert for you
You make me be the richest of men,
Though I may have nothing
I wore out all my stockings
Due to following your footsteps
To carry your luggage is my biggest pride
I run, sing, jump
I'm an actor, I ride on a balloon
I am capable of anything
So that I can become a little bit yours
Yours, I... a little bit yours
A little bit yours
You.. a little bit mine
So that you may know why this life
Is the loveliest there is
Yours, a little bit yours
I... a little bit yours
You ... a little bit mine
A little bit