Rezultatele căutării pagină 47
Număr de rezultate: 1956
Priveste-ma, care este situatia?
Treci peste fata ta spulberata
Privesc peretii sfaramandu-se
Si treptat, rasaritul soseste
Se conecteaza la nesfarsit
Nu o pot taia cu aceasta spada tocita
Deci problema continua sa se repete
Precum o tema ce nu poate fi rezolvata
Cazuta in fata unui perete inalt
Sunetul micut si slab al vantului
Devine obscur si se transforma intr-o furtuna
Trebuie sa il distrugem si sa luptam contra lui
Astfel incat sa ne putem vedea pe noi insine
Trebuie sa strigam cu voce tare
Incat sa se raspandeasca larg si departe
Si sa alunge intunericul
Trebuie sa ne trezim din nou
Catre o noua dimineata
Ei ma privesc cu aroganta
Deja asezandu-se la o linie de start diferita
Distanta este indepartata, da
Ca si cum strigatele noastre nu vor fi auzite
Visuri nenumarate si zeloase
Care au crescut ca si cum ar fi fost calcate in picioare
Au inflorit peste perete, increzatoare
Priveste la acest tablou
Trebuie sa il distrugem si sa luptam contra lui
Astfel incat sa ne putem vedea pe noi insine
Trebuie sa strigam cu voce tare
Incat sa se raspandeasca larg si departe
Si sa alunge intunericul
Trebuie sa ne trezim din nou
Catre o noua dimineata
Adevaruri distorsionate, minciunile care au fost predate
O voce a schimbarii, un val se inalta
Acela care va crea un ocean ce va absoarbe toate acestea
Esti tu
Trebuie sa il distrugem si sa luptam contra lui
Astfel incat sa ne putem vedea pe noi insine
Trebuie sa strigam cu voce tare
Incat sa se raspandeasca larg si departe
Si sa alunge intunericul
Trebuie sa ne trezim din nou
Catre o noua dimineata
You're right
I could, I could wait for you by nights
Until my consciousness doesn't turn in front of eyes
I knew espace from you in the mouse hole
When I hear you howling from the door screw you
When you were giving yourself to touch sometime
As if I was touching hedgehog then
Now I see that for myself and for you
I always wanted good, and I was doing bad
You're right, maybe the problem is in me
That tonight again you are going to another women
That you lie to me, you cheat, and you're crazy loved
You're right darling, the problem is in me
That you put me on your demons
You slammed my life and hormones
I'm guilty, why lie to myself
The problem is in me, but now it's late
To show you teeth
A hundred times I've been fighting for my life
I was never respond you to the blows
I praised you to anyone who knew you
And you humiliated me in publicly
When you were giving yourself to touch sometime
As if I was touching hedgehog then
Now I see that for myself and for you
I always wanted good, and I was doing bad
Chorus 2x
You're right, maybe the problem is in me
That tonight again you are going to another women
That you lie to me, you cheat, and you're crazy loved
You're right darling, the problem is in me
That you put me on your demons
You slammed my life and hormones
I'm guilty, why lie to myself
The problem is in me, but now it's late
To show you teeth
Everything Will End Happily
Everything will end happily
Why are you so sad
Beautiful lady)
She left a she here
That suits)
The fairytale is ending, they are happy forever
May I?)
We trust in our depth, that it can happen like this
It fits you perfectly)
Secretly it's in us
It's the most beautiful part of the whole fairytale
Let's confess, everyone is happy
When it ends happily
Everything ends
Everything ends beautifully
Everything ends beautifully
(Everything ends)
Everything en..
I'm sorry, hehehe
Wow, the signal is great here)
Everything ends happily
(Everything ends)
Everything ends beautifully
(Everything ends)
Open your heart, you'll be closer to happiness
Come, dad)
You can do more, when you will believe in that goal more
Why would you hide it, why to be scared
Go and fight for the happiness, you can
You will catch the wind when you will be more yourself
Everything ends beautifully...
And there it is, birds)
Thanks, Pip)
Come on
Don't push
I have enough books for everyone)
Let your story be diverse and long
And with sweet ending
It doesn't have to be happy only in fairytales
Let yourself be carried away by magical romance
And everything will end happily
(And they lived together happily till death)
I dream about the true love's kiss..
Sonnet 15: Noticing That All That Arises
Noticing that all that arises in this world
fully flowers for only a little while,
and that all around me is an immense stage
on which are revealed the hidden powers of fate,
and also that all, men just like a flowers,
grow and decline under the same sky,
in youth full of vigor, then bowed by the weight of years
and departing into bottomless oblivion,
while musing how everything vanishes,
your youth’s beauty appears to me in my imagination,
but even now Time conspires with Decay
to turn youth and daylight into senility and darkness.
But I wage war with Time, out of love for you,
And what he would rob, I will preserve for you.
Hiçbir Şey Sonsuza Kadar Sürmez
Oyuncak gibi yüzün var
Sonsuza dek sürecek mi, hayır
Sadece güzel olmanı istiyorum
(Bunun hakkında düşünmene gerek yok)
Bana söylemek istediklerimi söyle
Doğruluğu al, ben cesareti alacağım
Beni yalanlarla besle ve korkumu ye
Kovalamayı kes ve doğru yap
Bir daha karşılaşmamayabiliriz
(Bu son kez olabilir)
Beni dünya sona erecek gibi öp
(Dudaklarını omurgama doğru bastır)
Tişörtümü çek ben gölgeyi çekeceğim
(Kirli sırlar, kirli yalanlar)
Sen benim son pişmanlığım olabilirsin
Son pişmanlığım
Sen güzelsin
İsmini bilmiyorum
Hepsi aynı
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Hepsini çıkar
Ben hepsini attım
Sana ilk defa verdim
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
(Nakit, arabalar, kızlar, oğlanlar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Sıcak geceler, parlak ışıklar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Gerçek aşk, ilk dokunuş)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
[Billy Kraven]
Tadın sanki sevdiğim birşeye benziyor
Asit karışımlı alkole
Düşmek için ilk adımımı atıyorum
Bunun için yapacağım bir şey yok
Hey kişisel algılama
Acı değer, ben çok yönlüyüm
Hızlı ol hepsi değmeden önce*
Hiç kimse bu konu hakkında umursamıyor
Bir daha karşılaşmamayabiliriz
(Bu son kez olabilir)
Beni dünya sona erecek gibi öp
(Dudaklarını omurgama doğru bastır)
Tişörtümü çek ben gölgeyi çekeceğim
(Kirli sırlar, kirli yalanlar)
Sen benim son pişmanlığım olabilirsin
Son pişmanlığım
Sen güzelsin
İsmini bilmiyorum
Hepsi aynı
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Hepsini çıkar
Ben hepsini attım
Sana ilk defa verdim
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
(Nakit, arabalar, kızlar, oğlanlar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Sıcak geceler, parlak ışıklar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Gerçek aşk, ilk dokunuş)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Sen güzelsin
İsmini bilmiyorum
Hepsi aynı
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Hepsini çıkar
Ben hepsini attım
Ama hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
(Nakit, arabalar, kızlar, oğlanlar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Sıcak geceler, parlak ışıklar)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
(Gerçek aşk, ilk dokunuş)
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez
Hiçbir şey sonsuza dek sürmez bebeğim
Pfeif ein Lied bei der Arbeit
Pfeif einfach ein Lied bei der Arbeit
Dann können wir gemeinsam fröhlich
Dieses Haus in Ordnung bringen
Also summ eine fröhliche Melodie, hmm...
Mit einem Lied, das den Rhythmus angibt
Wird es nicht lange dauern
Und wenn du das Zimmer fegst
Dann stell dir vor, dass der Besen
Ein geliebter Mensch ist
Und bald wirst du merken, wie du zu der Melodie tanzt
Wenn man fröhlich ist im Herzen, fliegt die Zeit nur so dahin
Darum pfeif ein Lied bei der Arbeit
Strange Dreams
Versions: #2
[REFRAIN: Orelsan]
Tonight I'm getting drunk, why do I hurt myself so much?
I've had some strange dreams where I didn't recognize your face
My stories don't have nice endings, I can't look myself in the mirror
I've had some strange dreams, full of stuff I can't explain
[COUPLET: Orelsan]
Hey, hey
Since I sang it, it must be true
I'm stepping on respect
All summer, I was shooting (video), all summer, your bitch was turning
Your baby's just a slut, you may love me but I love myself more
What are we doing? Letting down!
(Letting down... Letting down... Letting down)
Everyone told me to let it go, but yet I'm still here
Insults are free, it's insane that we pay to hear them
Stars in my eyes, shinobi, I'm trying to replace Johnny
Why'd you let your head get so big? Did you catch a trisomy (Down syndrome)
Miso soup, playing an idiot, under hypnosis, forgetting water
I moved every year, I was just trying to be the new kid
People betray you, then come back like it's no big deal
Ray-Ban, shorts, and tap dancing at your funeral
Society is shaky, normal people sucked into deviance
I'm doing the opposite of what you do, you're serving as an example to me
Of course I'm suspicious, it's just rage, I'm just kidding
Just after confessing what they really think
Remember who you snubbed on the way up
You'll meet them again on the way down
Don't get worked up with too many words
The people who stream them are just robots
My only enemy is the timer
Who will still love me, who will still love me, who will still love me when I'm in the hospital?
I'm dead, turn off the GoPro
Noir, San, Dems, hey, hey, hey...
[REFRAIN: Orelsan]
Tonight I'm getting drunk, why do I hurt myself so much?
I've had some strange dreams where I didn't recognize your face
My stories don't have nice endings, I can't look myself in the mirror
I've had some strange dreams, full of stuff I can't explain
[COUPLET : Damso]
It's just an abyss
From my dead sins but without death, I'm always coming out gilded in gold in a mess of a body
Exhausted from the feminine drug, famous rapper, unknown human being
I go out to get out of it, kiss to be able to love, I'm missing endorphins, my heart wants to stop
Dirty stuff is from the sea cause the sea is fucked, without dogmas and doctrines or divine beliefs
Minimum, zero euros for a lot of effort, a lot of words for so little strength
So much of 'yeah, yeah, your family is here to support you!'
Fuck your mother and spit on your dead, so many cowards and fake blacks
Deceived by my friends, by my parents, my idols
Now I know life is just a way of looking at things
So few choices for so many causes and consequences that I only live in a sequence shot
Surprised even when it's dense
Insomnia like an ambulance driver, cash but no financial plan
Off the books or on an indeterminant contract, but without a determinant
We'll stick it in you like a New Year's joint, my dick, my spear will make love without anything in the way
Through thoughts, trust, and sensible confidence
It's written black on white that white is better than black cause black is just darker
Since Jesus racism whitens, yet woolly hair with bronzed feet
Like when the writing no longer has meaning, or cause we've deconstructed its meaning
Dirty, dirty, dirty, I meet a mannequin from the Croisette
In her pussy I chat, like a Juliet
In the air, purple bills (500-euro bills)
I dream of a slut a bit like Paris Hilton, I prefer when she's got more moolah than me
We're beating you and your baby mama up, just to make sure you don't think you're Montana
We'll never sign again unless we're talking millions
The diamonds shining at us, the barrel interrogating us
We live in dirt, Dems, San…
San, Noir
[REFRAIN: Orelsan]
Tonight I'm getting drunk, why do I hurt myself so much?
I've had some strange dreams where I didn't recognize your face
My stories don't have nice endings, I can't look myself in the mirror
I've had some strange dreams, full of stuff I can't explain
Inima A Tot
Pentru durerea și necăjirea pricinuite de greșelile mele
Nu mă voi pocăi la un muritor care este cu tot de vinovat
Acum știu că nu voi reuși
O să fie un timp în care ne reprimim libertatea
Ei nu pot frânge ceea ce e înlăuntru
O voi înfrunta căci e inima a tot
Deschide-ți ochii
Salvează-te de-a te estompa acum, nu-i da drumul
Deschide-ți ochii
Uită-te ce te-ai făcut, nu sacrifica
Aievea este inima a tot
Rămâi cu mine, acum îmi înfrunt ultima oră
Prea timpuriu o să te-mbrățișez dincolo
Să auzi mulțimea în îndepărtare, strigându-mi încrederea
Acum glasurile lor se spălăcesc, nu mai pot simți nicio durere
O voi înfrunta căci e inima a tot
Deschide-ți ochii
Salvează-te de estomparea acum, nu-i da drumul
Deschide-ți ochii
Uită-te ce te-ai făcut, nu sacrifica
Aievea este inima a tot
Deschide-ți ochii
Deschide-ți ochii
Deschide-ți ochii
Salvează-te de-a te estompa acum, nu-i da drumul
Deschide-ți ochii
Uită-te ce te-ai făcut, nu sacrifica
Aievea este inima a tot
I Never Let Go
Even if I've tried for days
To forget you, to erase you
Calmly, like a fool
An awkward greeting was all I could do
These awkward words are for you
My heart for you is my reason
(It's for you)
I'll miss you, even for just one day for one second
You've become so far way
I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (don't leave)
Forever in my arms I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (dont' leave)
Forever by my side
Why are you leaving? Tell me
I can't understand what am I to do?
Is it the end of your smile
That protected me shyly, too?
The long time is for you too
Everything for you, is my reason
(It's for you)
It'll be hard, even for just one day for one second
You've become so far way
I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (don't leave)
Forever in my arms I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (dont' leave)
Forever by my side
Even if another time comes, only you are my everything
Always you are my only, only you make me live
I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (don't leave)
Forever in my arms I never let go (Never I)
I'm gonna make a way (I'm gonna)
Oh I find ever-way (dont' leave)
Forever by my side
For you, eternity
The little drunk girl
Who will love me? And who will love me?
And who will love me? Who will love me?
If I'm a little drunk girl who vomits pure rage.
If I'm a little drunk girl who vomits pure rage.
Who will love me? Who will love me that way?
Who will love me? Who will love me that way?
On my neck I always wear a cloth with a knot
In my village I always wear a cloth with a knot
Against this violent world, lacking feelings
Everyone is criticized, all the saints are perfect.
But I'm not interested in anyone's opinions.
But I'm not interested in anyone's opinions.
And who wants to love that way? And who wants to love that way?
And who wants to love that way? And who wants to love that way?
If for a love I kill and afterwards I die of sorrow
If for a love I kill and afterwards I die of sorrow
and one was left crying and the other one kept living
and one was left crying and the other one kept living
How many loves do you carry, little dark one from Peru?
How many loves do you carry, little dark one from Peru?
I don't know yet, but soon I will know.
I don't know yet, but soon I will know.
I still have to see death's back
I still have to see death's lap.
Love Is Never Gone
Yeah- Love is never gone no no no no
I don’t have enough courage
To open my eyes and let you go
We won’t meet again when that door opens
If I send you away
But for a while I’ve been happy
So I should endure anything since I allowed it
Since I allow it
Time will leave me (it will leave)
And take you away
There are words I can’t keep inside like this
Just stay with me
I’ll try to endure it, so you can leave
Just let it go (let it go) Just let it go
I’ll get through it
So don’t look back at me anymore
But my foolish hands and lips
Might still try and stop you
It’s okay, don’t let foolishness bring you tears
It makes you hesitate
Since I allow it
Time will leave me (it will leave)
And take you away
There are words I can’t keep inside like this
Just stay with me
I’ll try to endure it, so you can leave
Will I be able you erase you?
I will have to forget
The way I loved you
The memories we made when we spent time together
Leave them with me (leave them)
Then you can turn away
I’ll eventually let go of all the feelings
I have for you
So you don’t have to be sorry
Since I allow it
Time will leave me (it will leave)
Time will take you away
There are words I can’t keep inside like this
Just stay with me
I’ll try to endure it, so you can leave
The memories we made when we spent time together
Leave them with me (leave them)
I’ll eventually let go of all the feelings
I have for you
Since I allow it
Time will leave me (it will leave)
There are words I can’t keep inside like this
Just stay with me
Ploaie Pentru Totdeauna
Imi doresc sa ploua in fiecare zi
Pentru ca mi-ar placea ca cineva sa planga pentru mine,
Imi doresc sa ploua in fiecare zi
Pentru ca atunci, oamenii nu s-ar mai holba la mine
Pentru ca umbrela imi va acoperi fata trista
Pentru ca in ploaie oamenii sunt ocupati sa fie atenti la ei
Voi respira putin mai lent
Pentru ca viata si rap-ul meu, sunt de obicei prea rapide
Acum totul se intoarce la locul sau
Umbra mea se reflecta pe cer
Stau in intuneric
Cu capul in joc, spre pantofii mei
Rap lent
Cantec lent
Ploaie lenta
Totul lent
Rap lent
Cantec lent
Ploaie lenta
Totul lent
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna) Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna) Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna) Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna) Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Cand ploua eu
Primesc micutul sentiment ca am un prieten
Continua sa-mi bata la ferestre
Ma intreaba daca imi merge bine
Iar eu raspund, sunt inca un prizioner al vietii
Nu traiesc pentru ca nu pot muri
Dar sunt incatusat de ceva
Exact ca tine
Daca as putea
Doar sa bat pe undeva
Daca as putea sa sarut
Intreaga lumea atat de tare
Ar fi cineva sa ma primeasca?
Poate sa-mi imbratiseze corpul ostenit
Te rog nu pune intrebari
Dar continua sa te reversi pentru totdeauna
Te rog ramai de partea mea
Vreau sa traiesc in lumea de cenusa
Stiu ca nu exista pentru totdeauna
Rap lent
Cantec lent
Ploaie lenta
Totul lent
Cand ploua, se revarsa
Cand ploua, se revarsa
Se revarsa
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna) Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna) Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna) Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna) Ploaie pentru totdeauna
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna, ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna, ploaie pentru totdeauna)
Picura pe mine
(Ploaie pentru totdeauna, ploaie pentru totdeauna
Ploaie pentru totdeauna, ploaie pentru totdeauna)
Picura pe mine
My Filth Is So Unfathomable...
My filth is so unfathomable and so innocent
Tell me, what’s on the telly today
And if you watch the telly–you’ll turn into a goat
Suck it up to the best of your ability
Having got your horns worn out you’ll be given some cabbage
And now dig the ground with a hoof–it’s just so tempting to love
It’s evil–you may fall in love with a goat when waters are out
oozing as murky blood from the fingers cut by strings
The Sea Witch made legs out of the Little Mermaid’s fishtail
Willing to help, she proved to be a wicked witch
Isn’t this for the entire life–ask an occasional night quack
What’s this? The alarm clock rings on time
It’s midnight, but the hands are apart–they can’t get together any way
Rustling, rising up to the neck there’s a heap of paper scraps
Fair copies, not interlined, not slantwise
superscribed in red pencil
Get the whole in advance–isn’t it a good earnest?
The bird of paradise with fried potatoes
Wings are yours–in exchange for horns.
Versions: #2
Of Russia, to sing is like towards a temple flying
Across the woodland hills, across the flowers' carpets...
Of Russia, to sing is to see in a spring now
Await your bride or to console your mother...
Of Russia to sing is like forgetting sorrow
Like loving Love, like feeling you're immortal!
You can take my youth away, but you can never take my dream away(내 젊음은 가져가도 꿈은 줄 수 없어)
The reason I dance alone
Doubting what i see and what i hear
Lying in the shade of a palm tree
to watch the pouring sunset
An unheard-of thing
Things you couldn't have done
You don't have to miss it. You have to bury it.
Far away
In the past
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
I have a brigh future in front of me
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
The green spring day that faded away
We just can't face each other again.
without memorable moments goin' thru our minds
I'm sorry, but I'm fine.
An unheard-of thing
things you couldn't have done
You don't have to miss it. You have to bury it.
Far away in the past
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away (X2)
I still wander on indefinite ways
You can take my youth but you can never take my dream away
Tokyo Ghetto
Versions: #2
Anybody out there?
Anybody out there? Anybody. Don’t care
Feeling their dark glare, not a sound out there
But I know they’re following me everywhere
Never gonna see again Goodbye to a spell and to the night coming to an end
Go beyond past a fence, longing to know
What’s out there for me and then
“No, don’t care at all now” butterflies sigh and flutter by
“Right, knew all along” sounds like such a lie and you’d be right
Slowly sinking on down, coffee stains covered my life
My days, my nights, went on and on until you found me
You found me then I suddenly...
Don’t know, I don’t know how I can move again
Just like all the happy kids flooding the street
Don’t know, I don’t know the reason you said
“Treasure what you have now” they’re pretty words but didn’t mean a thing
We never saw thing until it came for you and me
And dragging us into the dark, with everything now broke apart
Afraid of letting go now
Afraid to move so here you’ll always stay
And here you’ll always stay
Everybody’s so kind
Everybody’s so kind, thank you all for your time
Couldn’t recall though, what they had said low
Looking like they wanna tell me what I know
And everything I see around
They’re imitating and debating me and never making any sound
Deny my heart? Or deny the mess I’ve made
I’m starting anyway
I stand here, ”don’t be too loud”, they tell me every single time
“Right, knew all along” sounds like such a lie and you’d be right
Words so tender, but how? That’s not what you were really like
That look, that face, still became so beautiful, your reflection
I still rewind that moment in my mind
Always looking at you far away, adoring everything you say
But every time I fell for you, inside it all, the less I knew
So overcome the “real one”
Or be afraid, and here you’ll always stay
Don’t know, I don’t know how I can move again
Just like all the city kids, in front of me
Don’t know, I don’t know the reason you said
“Treasure what you have now” they’re pretty words but didn’t mean a thing
We never saw a thing until it came for you and me
And dragging us into the dark, with everything now broke apart
Afraid of letting go now
Afraid to move so here, you’ll always stay
Always looking from afar at you, adoring everything you do
But every time I’d lose myself, inside it all, the more I fell
So overcome the “real one”
Or be afraid, and here you’ll always stay
And here you’ll always stay
And here you’ll always stay.
Asa distant, asa rece, asa frumos !
Asa rece-mi e Marea mea negurata , uneori in vara
Incat doar copii au a ii infrunta ale sale reci ape
Asa tristi sunt cei precauti deja tremur ii cuprind
Asa frumoasa-i marea in nemaipomenit-ai licarire!
Asa distanta este atitudinea-ti
CE pacat,.. ca n-are a te face castigat
Doar ce cuvinte ramase-s ce pot a rosti
....Ce frumos .. tu m-ai transformat intr-un pacatos'!
Asa distant , intrucat suflu e precum gheata
Asa trist castelul de pe nisip inghetat se regaseste
Asa frumosi sunt fulgii de nea
Si ferestrele's aoperite de turturi de gheata!
Versions: #2
Snowflakes come hurling,
Land on your eyelashes.
Melt quickly.
Sparkle, but an instant.
Ballerinas twirl,
With incredible grace,
Fly through the air,
Lead hard lives, that few know.
Thoughts race,
Are totally consuming,
Then they're gone.
Lucky or not, they return.
Nu m-am putut obișnuii
Timpul curge timpul pleacă
O pacoste pentru corpul meu
Fiecare minut și fiecare secundă
Se îmbată inima mea de dorul tău
Sunt sigur printre acești oameni
Sunt singur fără tine
Chiar dacă ar fi de la depărtare vorbește
Vorbește cu mine uite va veni vocea ta
Nu m-am obișnuit eu cu acest oraș
Nu m-am obișnuit cu absența ta
Respir în acest oraș
De acum nu mai e a mea
Aducându-mi acea umbră a copacului
De acum nu mai e aici
Frumusețile pe care le știu eu
Sunt străine pentru mine
Strălucirile de pe cer
Nu sunt steaua mea
Sunt sigur printre acești oameni
Sunt singur fără tine
Chiar dacă ar fi de la depărtare vorbește
Vorbește cu mine uite va veni vocea ta
Nu m-am obișnuit eu cu acest oraș
Nu m-am obișnuit cu absența ta
Ege Kökenli
Uneori cade cade dar pe mine
Umbrele îmi îmbrățișează speranțele
Uneori se întoarce se întoarce dar invers
Poveștile tatălui Ali
Uneori zâmbește zâmbește dar norocul meu
Dragostea ta șoptește timid
Uneori ard mările
Timpul a apus soarele
Ți-ai luat respirația jumătate e la mine
Ai comis păcate
Spune femeia mea spune cine ești tu
Părăsind și plecând durerea e în tendință
Am cum drum ciudat
Așa am trăit așa am știu eu
Am căzut pe drumul tău foarte departe
O jumătate de dragul respirației
Tu un necunoscut ești timid față de mine
În spatele muntelui Kaf
Ege Kökenli
All I ever wanted
Moonlight was bright as snow white.
That ever used to be all of my love.
All I ever wanted.
Aroma spread over fingertips.
The royal place was built gorgeously with colorful stone.
All I ever wanted.
It wasn't a dream.
There were my father, my mother, my brother,
and my distinguished palace.
It wasn't a dream.
It was all of mine,
my family and grace.
Don't use your distorted lies
to change what all is belong to me.
I'm a distinguished Egyptian prince
who is inherited the proud history of glory.
All of glory is belong to me.
Here is that all I ever wanted.
All I ever wanted.
All I ever wanted.
Gling gling gling i spend my day
gling gling gling i whistle whistle
heigh ho heigh ho
heigh ho
heigh ho i return to my house
heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho to rest
heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho
heigh ho
heigh ho i return to my house
heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho to rest
heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho
Oh no these!
Now all to the troughs without guilties
Your sleeves take up
with water your hands to get clean and Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum
Make soap and fill the tub
So your hands will get clean, it washes your hands and it is good for you
with water your hands to get clean and Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum
Your hair take off now to rub your hats, oh...your hats take off now to wash your hair
with water your hands to get clean and Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum
Even Now
Even now, even though I have someone to love
Whenever I have someone at home waiting for me
Even today I think of you always in all my tasks
And I push myself in order not to show it
Even now, even though I know for me it didn't go too well
And that I've found a new life for me
(Barry & Valeria)
Even now I awaken always weeping
And I don't understand why it hurts so much like that
Even now, with so much time passed
I ask where you are
For it still isn't easy to forget you
(Barry & Valeria)
Even now, with so much mine
I swear I think of you
And of being able to share, even now
Even now, without hearing you call [my name]
In a world that's changed
(Barry & Valeria)
Even now the feelings invade me upon remembering
And this sorrow continues within always like that
Even now
Even now, with so much time passed
I ask where you are
For it still isn't easy to forget you
(Barry & Valeria)
Even now, with so much mine
I swear I think of you
Being able to share
I am, even now
Răul niciodată
Chiar dacă ai intenții bune
Unul, două sau trei lucruri pe care le-ai menționat
Îmi lasă un gust cunoscut mie căci
Chiar și cu puțină ironie
O frântură într-un glas elastic
Aș putea sparge cel mai ușor cod al suferinței
Îmi pari cunoscut, te știu
Ne-am întâlnit înainte, nu-i așa?
Sunt zero, nu-ți irosi cuvintele pe mine
Nu e locul potrivit
Ce vrei să spui?
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată cum o fac eu
Ce vrei să spui?
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată cum o fac eu
Găsește-l în cel mai îndepărtat colț
Mirosind a trandafiri sau piersici
Cuibărindu-se în cea mai grea carapace a unui rât de porc
Găsește-l când te privesc în ochi
O sclipire mică ce-ar fi imensă
Oglinda nu oferă dreptate vrăjii tale
Îmi pari cunoscut, te știu
Ne-am întâlnit înainte, nu-i așa?
Sunt zero, nu-ți irosi cuvintele pe mine
Nu e locul potrivit
Ce vrei să spui?
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată
Răul nu te-a iubit niciodată cum o fac eu
Ce vrei să spui?
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată
Nimeni nu te-a iubit vreodată cum o fac eu
We Are Washing Ourselves [The Washing Song]
Let's go to the bowl
To wash our hands
Let's lift our sleeves
And let's put us in place
Next to the water, our bodies tilt
Let's wash our faces
By doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum
Let's use the whole soap
Without rest
Rubbing our cheeks
Everything must be shiny !
Into our hands full of water,
We grunt, we gasp
By doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum
Let's dive into the bath
Let's scrape, let's scour, let's splash around the bowl !
We'll be wet, maybe frozen,
Well, it's not for our own pleasure, we must admit,
That we splash around !
Our skin is disintegrating,
If you suffer, nevermind,
Because we do it for Snow White
Let's rub hard,
And you'll see
He will be as cute
As a sheep !
Because it cools down the soul
And warms up the body
Doing blud-dle-ud-dle-ud-dle
Ud-dle um-dum
Dwarves' Yodel [The Silly Song]
I love to dance, to pirouette,
But I've lost my balance
Since today I've
Washed my feet, how horrible !
Hey ho, the tune is stupid
The song is pathetic
One should be nuts
To dare singing it !
Hunting a smelly polecat
Which was climbing a tree,
It protected himself, startled,
And perfumed my beard !
Hey ho, the tune is stupid
The song is pathetic
One should be nuts
To dare singing it !
Cândva-ul nu vine niciodată
Primul lucru ce mi-l amintesc e că-l întrebam pe tata 'de ce?'
întrucât erau multe lucruri pe care nu le ştiam,
iar tata mereu zâmbea, mă lua de mână
spunând 'Cândva, ai să-nţelegi'
Ei bine, sunt aici să vă spun vouă, fiecare fiu al oricărei mame,
mai bine învăţaţi repede, învăţaţi de mici
că acel cândva poate nu vine niciodată...
[Strofa 2]
Timpul şi lacrimile au venit şi am ales praf
întrucât erau multe lucruri pe care nu le ştiam
Când tata era pe moarte, spunea 'Fi bărbat
şi cândva, ai să înţelegi'
Ei bine, sunt aici să vă spun vouă, fiecare fiu al oricărei mame,
mai bine învăţaţi repede, învăţaţi de mici
că acel cândva poate nu vine niciodată...
[Strofa 3]
Şi apoi, cândva, în aprilie, nici nu eram acasă
întrucât erau multe lucruri pe care nu le ştiam
Mi s-a născut un fiu, mama lui l-a ţinut de mână
spunându-i 'Cândva, ai să-nţelegi'
Ei bine, sunt aici să vă spun vouă, fiecare fiu al oricărei mame,
mai bine învăţaţi repede, învăţaţi de mici
că acel cândva poate nu vine niciodată...
cândva-ul poate nu vine niciodată...
[Strofa 4]
Cred că era septembrie, anul când am plecat
întrucât erau multe lucruri pe care nu le ştiam
Şi încă-l văd stând în picioare, încercând să fie bărbat
spuneam 'Cândva, ai să-nţelegi'
Ei bine, sunt aici să vă spun vouă, fiecare fiu al oricărei mame,
mai bine învăţaţi repede, învăţaţi de mici
că acel cândva poate nu vine niciodată...
cândva-ul poate nu vine niciodată...
Vena, Nevena
It's all because of you, Vena (x2)
Vena, Vena, you, Nevena,
You burnt their hearts, Vena, with fire,
It's because you were named Vena, Nevena.
You burnt, Vena, the whole world.
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena. (2)
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena. (2)
Those who were, Vena, engaged,
They have returned, Vena, their rings,
And became, Vena, bachelors
And obsessed, Vena, by you
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena. (2)
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena.
It's all because of you, Vena.
The world withers, longing for you,
It's all because of you, Vena, Nevena.
It's all because of you, Vena.
Everyone Knows Juanita
Well, everyone knows Juanita
Her eyes each a different color
Her teeth stick out and her chin goes in
And her... knuckles, they drag on the floor
-Those aren't the words
-There are children present!
Her hair is like a briar
She stands in a bow-legged stance
And if I weren't so ugly, she'd possibly give me a chance
Te găsesc pe drum
Dacă nu ar fi lângă mine
Dacă nu am fi împreună
Chiar dacă nu aș vrea deloc
Eu trăiesc pentru tine
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Nu crede că devin nefericit
Trăiesc din plin din plin
Eu trăiesc pentru tine
Nu crede că rămân singur
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Alga se ascunde în mare
În marea albastră
În ochii albaștri
Este posibil să te uit?
Ploaia ascunde norii
Norii sunt albi
Pielea ta albă
Este posibil să te uit?
În grâu, din grâu ascunde-te în spice
În spicul galben
Părul tău galben
Este posibil să te uit?
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Ege Kökenli
Dar după
'Spune care este problema ta' spune
Nu m-ai întrebat într-o zi
Nu te-ai uitat la chipul meu
Dacă ai ști cu am tras suferința de unul singur
Nu am vrut să vadă nimeni
İubind din inimă nu am așteptat nici unul
Tu nu ești în aceste zile negre
Altcineva avea inima ta
Am văzut adevărurile, am spus 'ajunge'
Astăzi are și un mâine
Poate că am fi fost fericiți până azi
Dar după?
Ce să fac după tine?
Trec anii fără milă
Timpurile încep cu singurătate
Regretele ies pe drum
Rămâi, ia-ți și iubirea
Eu plec, tu rămâi cu bine
Zilele tale au mâine
Eu plec, tu rămâi cu bine
Nu știu cum o să trăiesc
O astfel de dragoste nerecuperată
Nu ne putem despărții înainte de a trece de muncă
Obișnuințele au fost mai rele pentru tot
Mă tem de fiecare zi care se termină
Lăsați inima de pe acum
Astăzi are și un mâine
Poate că am fi fost fericiți până azi
Dar după?
Ce să fac după tine?
Trec anii fără milă
Timpurile încep cu singurătate
Regretele ies pe drum
Rămâi, ia-ți și iubirea
Eu plec, tu rămâi cu bine
Zilele tale au mâine
Eu plec, tu rămâi cu bine
Zilele tale au mâine
Eu plec, tu rămâi cu bine
Dar după?
După tine?
Dar după?
Ce să fac după tine?
'Spune care este problema ta' spune
Nu m-ai întrebat într-o zi
Nu te-ai uitat la chipul meu
Înțelege-mă iubire
Te-am lăsat, rămâi, rămâi cu bine
Zilele tale au mâine
Eu plec, tu rămâi cu bine
Ege Kökenli