Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 48

Număr de rezultate: 1956



Versions: #2
Like jumping into the void
Or stealing a petal from a flower
Like walking back into paradise
Or adding a verse to this song
Like making a scratch on a vinyl
Or painting a stroke on a Van Gogh
My heart has become irreversible
From the moment fate put a mark on it
Watching it rain
We fell asleep
Watching it rain
A Sunday blue sky
That night I dreamt
What I later heard
And ever since I know
I want to be with you
Like talking while breaking a secret
Or writing my signature on a paper
Like watching it become winter again
And kids starting calling me 'misses'
Like opening my money box
Or deciding to be three instead of two
My heart has become irreversible
From the moment fate put a mark on it
Watching it rain
We fell asleep
Watching it rain
A Sunday blue sky
That night I dreamt
What I later heard
And ever since I know
I want to be with you
Watching it rain
We fell asleep
Watching it rain
A Sunday blue sky
That night I dreamt
What I later heard
And ever since I know
I want to be with you
Watching it rain
Watching it rain
I know I want to be with you

Cand voi fi mare

cand voi fi mare
vreau sa ma fac padurar
sa alerg prin muschi cu tocuri inalte.
asta voi face
voi arunca un bumerang
si voi astepta sa se intoarca la mine.
cand voi fi mare
vreau sa traiesc langa mare,
clesti de raci si sticle de rom.
asta voi avea,
uitandu-ma la o scoica,
asteptand sa ma cuprinda.
pun suflet in ceea ce fac,
azi noapte am desenat un omulet
cu ochi de caine si o limba ce atarna.
e de demult..
niciodata nu mi-a placut privirea trista
din ochii unui om care vrea sa il iubesti.
ma comport bine cu plantele,
cand prietenii mei sunt departe,
ma lasa sa tin solul umed.
in a saptea zi ma odihnesc
pentru vreo 2 minute
apoi ma pun iar pe picioare si te caut.
iti pui felii de castravete pe ochi,
prea mult timp petrecut pentru nimic,
asteptand o clipa de glorie.
cu fata in tavan
si mainile prea lungi,
il astept sa ma prinda.

Forever yours

When I’ve fallen deeper
The night becomes unusually short
One thought fills me up
I float around like a balloon
Nowadays I feel like I’ll burst
Because I keep thinking about you
(Because I think about you suddenly)
My day is spent floating on air
I don’t hate this kind of feeling
The night that wants to lose its way until it’s at a far away place
Because a world called ‘you’ just keeps continuing
Oh I fall for you
My heart, forever yours
Forever yours
Forever yours
My heart, forever yours
Forever yours
Forever yours
My entire day and night
Take them completely
When you grab on tight, don’t let go
Forever yours (Oh, forever)
Forever yours (Oh, forever)
Forever yours
My heart, forever yours
A slightly dazed look with your chin propped in your hands’ palms
You look like you’re indifferent to everything
The good and bad thing about it for sure
Is that I like your color
(Dye it more)
Our engine are different from others
When places unvisited
wait for us, we pick up the speed
Everyday I meet a new you
I think I’d be happy even if I collapsed while wandering around
Since a universe like you pours over
Oh I can’t believe it
My heart, forever yours
Forever yours
Forever yours
My heart, forever yours
Forever yours
Forever yours
I can’t stop
Inside of you
A light similar to you
Fills me up
Seems like I should have gone even farther
I fall for you
Right now, the curtain of your room,
Leave it open without saying anything
Yeah yeah yeah
Leave it open to me
Yeah yeah yeah
My heart, forever yours
Forever yours
Forever yours
My heart, forever yours
Forever yours
Forever yours
My entire day and night
Take them all
When you grab on tight, don’t let go
Forever yours (Oh, forever)
Forever yours (Oh, forever)
Forever yours
My heart, forever yours

It's Like A Silly Song

When I dance,
My feet can't keep rhythm
Because I've washed them
I can't live without them
This is our song
There is no sense in these words
It's like a silly song
Who is gonna sing that?
I've climbed a tree behind a one-legged cat
And when I've just approached her
She's suddenly attacked me
This is our song
Tthere is no sense in these words
It's like a silly song
Who is gonna sing that?

Late Autumn

Not sooner than now has autumn bothered to paint
Her frescoes in dazzling bright yellow and red
Late autumn postponed her dreary gloom
And gave all us gifts of a sunny day’s blue
Autumn has coped with the summer’s demise
The wind like a blizzard keeps smashing the panes
With overcast skies as a shroud for the sun
With drum-roll of rain on the roofs up above
Late autumn indeed is a reason to pine
What’s molten and welded in ages behind?
How easy it is for the warmth to leave love
How can I describe these feelings leaf fall in the rhymes?

The Slavic Stroll

Summer in wintertime,
it's a poet's dream.
How many songs
have been sung about such a thing?
Forget everything that's illegal
taboo, and nixed.
Let's drink some drinks
and smoke cigarettes.
No need to dress up
This is my Girlfriend Svetlana.
Get on the plane!
Grab your ticket!
For any friends
everything's 'all inclusive'
hotel suites
with flowers on your bed.
Come on! Everyone's who's Slavic, let's stroll.
Dance to the Gypsy music.
Say 'Hi' to the Balkans.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Forget your troubles.
We're going to the beach.
Swim the breast-stroke,
or doggy paddle.
Everyone in business-class,
sit down and drink up.
We're at the resort
at the airport.
You can see the crescent
of the Turkish flag.
There's Monte Negro
and boring Prague. 1
For any friends
everything's 'all inclusive'
hotel suites
with flowers on your bed.
Come on! Everyone's who's Slavic, let's stroll.
Dance to the Gypsy music.
Say 'Hi' to the Balkans.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Come on! Everyone's who's Slavic, let's stroll.
Dance to the Gypsy music.
Say 'Hi' to the Balkans.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
Smoke a hookah,
and you'll be full and drunk.
  • 1. According to the Spanish translation, this is literally 'The South Coast of Bulgaria' but a little poetic license for the English ear.

Ar fi trebuit sa stiu mai bine

Ar fi trebuit sa stiu mai bine
Sa vad ceea ce puteam vedea
Giulgiul meu negru
Tragandu-mi sentimentele in jos
Un stalp pentru inimaicii mei
Ar fi trebuit sa scriu o scrisoare
Si sa plang ceea ce obisnuiesc sa plang
Giulgiul meu negru
Nu ma incred in sentimentele mele niciodata
Am asteptat remediul
Cand aveam trei ani, trei ani, poate patru
Ne-a lasat la magazinul cu jocuri video
Fi-mi odihna, fi-mi fantezia
Fi-mi odihna, fi-mi fantezia
Sunt usor ca o pana
Sunt stralucitor ca briza din oregon
Giulgiul meu negru
Ingrozit de sentimentele mele
Vreau doar sa fiu o usurare
Nu, nu sunt cel ce alearga dupa ce isi doreste
Demonul m-a vrajot
Giulgiul meu negru
Capitanul sentimentelor mele
Singurul lucru pe care vreau sa-l cred
Cand aveam trei ani, si eram liber sa explorez
I-am vazut fata in spatele usii
Fi-mi odohna, fi-mi fantezia
Fi-mi odihna, fi-mi fantezia
Ar fi trebuit sa stiu mai bine
Nimic nu poate fi schimbat
Trecutul este tot trecut
Podul catre nicaieri
Ar fi trebuit sa scriu o scrisoare
Explicand ceea ce simt, acel sentiment gol
Nu te lasa, concentreza-te pe a vedea
Intrerupatoarele intr-un bar, vecinii salutand
Fratele meu a avut o fetita
Frumusetea care o aduce, iluminarea
Nu te lasa, nu a mai ramas nimic
Intrerupatoarele intr-un bar, nici un motiv ca sa traiesti
Sunt un prost in pacat
Trandafirul din barba lui Aaron, unde poti ajunge la mine
Nu te lasa, nimic nu poate fi schimbat
Podul canalului, marinarul beat
Fratele meu a avut o fetita
Frumusetea ce o aduce, iluminare

Viziunile lui Gideon

Te-am iubit pentru ultima oara
Este un video? Este un video?
Te-am atins pentru ultima oara
Este un video? Este un video?
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Este un video? Este un video?
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Este un video? Este un video?
Este un video?
Te-am iubit pentru ultima oara
Este un video? Este un video?
Te-am sarutat pentru ultima oara
Este un video? Este un video?
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Este un video? (Este un video?) Este un video? (Este un video?)
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Este un video? (Este un video?) Este un video? (Este un video?)
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Viziunile lui Gideon, (viziunile lui Gideon), viziunile lui Gideon, (viziunile lui Gideon)
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Viziunile lui Gideon, (viziunile lui Gideon), viziunile lui Gideon, (viziunile lui Gideon)
Viziunile lui Gideon

Misterul iubirii

Oh, sa vad fara ochii mei
Prima oara cand m-ai sarutat
Fara legatura cu acea data cand am plans
Ti-am construit zidurile in jurul meu
Sunet de fond, ce sunet ingrozitor
Dibuind la raul Rogue
Simte-mi picioarele deasupra pamantului
Livreaza-mi mana lui Dumnezeu
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah sunt eu
Prima oara cand m-ai atins
Oh, vor inceta oare minunile?
Binecuvantat fie misterul iubirii
Doamne, eu nu mai cred
Inecat in ape vii
Blestemat de dragostea primita
De la fiica fratelui meu
Ca Hephaestion, care a murit
Iubirea lui Alexander
Acum albia raului meu a secat
Nu voi mai gasi altul?
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah sunt eu
Alerg ca un fluierar de zavoaie
Acum ma indrept spre suferinta
Semnul tau din nastere de pe umar imi aminteste
Cata suferinta pot indura?
O mierla pe umarul meu
Si ce diferenta va face
Cand aceasta iubire se va fi terminat?
Ar trebui sa dorm in patul tau
Rau al nefericirii
Tine-ti mainile deasupra capului meu
Pana imi voi respira ultima respiratie
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah sunt eu
Prima oara cand m-ai atins
Oh, vor inceta oare minunile?
Binecuvantat fie misterul iubirii

Masinarie stricata

Sunt doar o masinarie stricata
Nu pot sa fac nimic
Rotiile mele au inceput sa se blocheze
Rotiile mele se blocheaza
A le mele...
Sunt doar o masinarie stricata
Cu toate straturile de praf
Unele lucruri au inceput sa esueze
Unele lucruri au
Sunt doar o masinarie stricata
Chiar daca inregistrarea se invarte
Toate luminitele mele au palit
Au palit
Sunt doar o masinarie stricata
Nu sunt cine obisnuiam sa fiu
Pierd controlul
E timpul sa plec
Ia putina scanteie
De la o baterie
Si repara-ma inapoi
Ia o inima umana
Si putina vanitate
Si pune-le pe toate impreuna
Fa orice
Masinariei tale stricate
Hey, sunt o masinarie stricata
Nu pot sa fac nimic
Nu am nimic de ascuns
Acum incep sa visez
Sunt un lucru mecanic
Cu un strat de rahat
Si nimic nu ma deranjeaza
Grijile mele nu stau in drum
Ia putina scanteie
De la o baterie
Si repara-ma inapoi
Ia o inima umana
Si putina vanitate
Si pune-le pe toate impreuna
Fa orice
Masinariei tale stricate
Capul imi merge inainte, dar inima imi merge inapoi
Capul imi merge inainte, dar inima imi merge inapoi
Capul imi merge ianinte, dar inima imi merge inapoi
Capul imi merge...
Inimia imi merge...
Capul imi merge inainte, dar inima imi merge inapoi
Capul imi merge inainte, dar inima imi merge inapoi
Capul imi merge ianinte, dar inima imi merge inapoi
Capul imi merge...
Inimia imi merge...
Hey, sunt o masinarie stricata
Nu pot sa fac nimic
Nu am nimic de ascuns
Acum incep sa visez
Sunt un lucru mecanic
(Ia putina scanteie)
Pot sa fac orice
Si nimic nu ma deranjeaza
Acum incep sa visez
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la, la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la, la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la....


Oamenii nu stiu prea multe
Au nevoie de un sprijin in whiskey
Ca sa se gandeasca la ceva nou
Hey tu cel care ma urmaresti
Uitandu-te la un ecran
Sunt aici in fata ta
Cateodata zilele par atat de lungi
Toti traim sub acelasi soare
Deci imi dau cu capul de perete
Din nou si din nou si din nou si din nou
Caci nu vreau sa fiu ca si ei
Imi dau cu capul de perete
Din nou si din nou si din nou si din nou
si din nou si din nou
Oamenii te enerveaza
Unii pe care zici ca ii iubesti
Acelora carora le zici prieteni
Mergand intr-o multime
Apoi te uiti in jur
Iti dai seama ca nu mai e nimeni
Traim si apoi murim ca unul
Toti traim su acelasi soare
Deci imi dau cu capul de perete
Din nou si din nou si din nou si din nou
Caci nu vreau sa fiu ca si ei
Imi dau cu capul de perete
Din nou si din nou si din nou si din nou
si din nou si din nou
Mi-am lasat inima in Amsterdam
Unde puteam visa si noptile erau lungi
Mi-am lasat inima in Amsterdam
Mi-am dat cu capul de perete
Din nou, nou, nou
Din nou si din nou si din nou
Deci imi dau cu capul de perete
Din nou si din nou si din nou si din nou
Caci nu vreau sa fiu ca si ei
Imi dau cu capul de perete
Din nou si din nou si din nou si din nou
si din nou si din nou
Mi-am lasat inima in Amsterdam
Mi-am lasat inima in Amsterdam
Mi-am lasat inima in Amsterdam
Chiar am nevoie de acel sentiment din nou


M-ai putea omori cu dorinta
Sa ma strangi mai tare decat o sarma
E ceva ceea ce imi faci mie
Fug departe ca mercurul
Si stiu ca tu crezi ca e greu
Cand incerci sa ne carpesti
Si eu zic, 'Draga, ce e iubirea?'
Tu doar spui ca beau prea mult
Poate ca sunt defect
Sau poate ca sunt prost
Imi pare rau, atat de rau
Pentru ceea ce am facut
Poate ca sunt rau
Sau poate ca sunt tanar
Imi pare rau, atat de rau
Pentru ceea ce am facut
Si sunt tricoul pe care-l port
Si culege-mi spinii din par
Ti-am frant inima atat de nepasator
Dar am facut acele parti o parte din mine
Si acum ma doare ceea ce am devenit
Caci tu m-ai invatat cum sa iubesc
Eu sunt cel care te-a invatat cum sa incetezi din a o face
Si tu doar zici ca beau prea mult
Poate ca sunt defect
Sau poate ca sunt prost
Imi pare rau, atat de rau
Pentru ceea ce am facut
Poate ca sunt rau
Sau poate ca sunt tanar
Imi pare rau, atat de rau
Pentru ceea ce am facut
Am asteptat pentru asta
Sunt pregatit pentru asta
Am asteptat pentru asta
Sunt pregatit pentru asta
Am asteptat de atat de mult timp
Am asteptat pentru asta
Sunt pregatit pentru asta
Am asteptat pentru asta
Sunt pregatit pentru asta
Am asteptat de atat de mult timp
Poate ca sunt defect
Sau poate ca sunt prost
Imi pare rau, atat de rau
Pentru ceea ce am facut
Poate ca sunt rau
Sau poate ca sunt tanar
Imi pare rau, atat de rau
Pentru ceea ce am facut


A trecut cam un an de cand am fost acasa
Flirtez cu o adictie de care nu pot sa scap
Gura imi e uscata, ma auto medicamentez
Acest coboris nu se va vindeca singur
Te indeparteaza de mine
Te indeparteaza de mine
Bucata cu bucata
Zi de zi
Iubito, spune-mi daca sunt ciudat
Si daca trebuie sa imi rearanjez
Am sa fac asta pentru tine
Am sa o fac pentru tine
Si sunt umbra unei fantome
Se simte de parca a luat pe cineva in gaza
Iubito, nu vreau sa fac o scena
Dar devin auto destructiv
Te indeparteaza de mine
Te indeparteaza de mine
Bucata cu bucata
Zi de zi
Iubito, spune-mi daca sunt ciudat
Si daca trebuie sa imi rearanjez
Am sa fac asta pentru tine
Oh, docotre te rog
Sa nu se simta gresit
Ohm nu poti sa imi dai ceva
Care sa ma ajute sa trec noaptea?
Oh, daca se darama totul
Daca acest lucru merge gresit
Oh, repara-ma te rog
Cum vrei tu
Mintea imi joaca feste
Si nu mai dorm
Si doctore te rog
Nu pot sa ma deconectez
Iubito, spune-mi daca sunt ciudat
Si daca trebuie sa imi rearanjez
Am sa fac asta pentru tine
Am sa o fac pentru tine


Shining pale blue, brightly
We don't know about looking back
You said that
Let's go far away, laze off for a day
Let's keep it a secret just between the two of us
I don't realize that I'm being a fool
While I'm struggling
The promised time will come
Hey, always, I've always
I can't say it yet
I can't say the words
Even though they come up my throat
I'm such a coward
Help me, god
We'll become adults
I wonder if I'll forget this feeling too
I don't want that to happen
So I don't want to regret it now
If we meet one day, let's laugh while talking
I say
When a sudden downpour hits
Two people raise one umbrella
I was fascinated by that profile again
It comes suddenly all at once
I can't make it natural
Hey, always, I've always
I can't say it yet
I can't say the words
Even though they come up my throat
I'm such a coward
Help me, god
We'll become adults
I wonder if I'll forget this feeling too
I don't want that to happen
So I don't want to regret it now
I can't say the words
Even though they come up my throat
I'm such a coward
Help me, god
We'll become adults
I wonder if I'll forget this feeling too
I don't want that to happen
So I don't want to regret it now
If we meet one day, let's laugh while talking
I say

All I Ever Wanted

Royal majesty of the temple
that for centuries went unchanged
Glory that breathed the spirit
The smell of fimiam
And the coolness of the ancient walls
All that I have dreamed of
and called home
Oh my native Egypt
The most mighty of the states!
My father's house
I am in my palaces
I grew up with all of this
And to those who have doubts, I will proudly reply:
After all, I'm a prince, a descendant
from this there is no cure
And it will be forever!
In the paintings - all that I have dreamed of
Everything I had wanted
Everything to what I have gotten used to

Fallen Soldier II

You are a name on the gravestone
You are the most beautiful twenty years in your beloved one's life
Yet how many people know that you have once visited the world?
Whose side did you take? For whom did you fall?
Your life sacrificed.
What if you returned and learned you are no longer the one?
Would you forgive?
Would you forgive the unfaithful girl? And country?
That did not keep promises.
A dear John letter from her? Nothing from your country.
Veterans, homeless, dwell in the streets
Unwanted heroes in delirium like reality
Shoulder the burden of horrors.
How easy to send you into the fight,
How easy to lose your life.
How easy is to lay you a wreath,
Even easier to promptly forget.
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.



When Guinevere walks in the forest
All of the flowers, all of them open
When Guinevere walks in the forest
All of her powers, all of them open

Oriental Nights

And with kisses and smiles, with love on their faces,
blessed be this harmony.
It's a gilded ending, but gotta go sell at the market tomorrow,
so maybe it's time for me to leave.
I'm not gonna be that indiscreet, but don't you need a carpet
at a really reasonable price?
It's time to go, but I want to meet you again
in a sweet new Oriental night!

Finally, At Last And At Length

Anna: I can see an open door!
I didn't know that that would happen now!
Surely we don't really have a thousand plates?
I used to roam the empty hall here,
living in this way without guests/housemates.
Finally they're publicly opening the gates!
There'll be people who aren't imaginary!
The entire world will be changed.
How this seems to me like luxury!
Because - finally, at last, and at length -
there'll be music, there'll be speech.
Finally, at last and at length -
the whole night will know movements.
Perhaps I ate too quickly
but I can feel it in my stomach
because - finally, at last, and at length -
I'll talk to an ally.
Everyone will be here, and every man!
What if my husband / the man for me is here?

Tonight imagine me adorned
myself being elegant against the wall,
the role-model wearing a gown/curtain so publicly.
I suddenly see him standing
beautiful though I don't know him.
I'll want to eat him up like an apple!
But we'll laugh together the whole night.
That'll be such a novelty!
I'll know that I never knew tomorrow.
Finally, at last and at length -
there'll be change, there'll be fate.
Finally, at last and at length -
someone will perhaps see me.
And I'm certainly totally crazy
in being passionate for passion,
but - finally, at last and at length -
the opportunity has been given to me.
Elsa: May you not let them in!
May you not show it to them!
May you always be the good girl as is custom!
Let hidden things be!
Cover your power!
If you err once, they all will know.
But it's only for today.
Anna: But it's only for today.
Elsa: We wait miserably.
Anna: We wait miserably.
Elsa: Guards, open up the gates!
Anna: Look, hope!
Finally, at last and at length -
Elsa: May you not let them in!
May you not show it to them!
Anna: I'm actually getting what I'm hoping for:
Elsa: May you always be the good girl as is custom!
Anna: perhaps I'm not alone anymore,
Elsa: Let hid-
Anna: perhaps I'll complete my heart / I'll let my heart go.
Elsa: Let hidden things be!
May they not know!
Anna: Tomorrow the holidays will come to an end
so let it happen today
because - finally, at last and at length -
finally, at last and at length -
nothing will be in my way!

Welcome to the Gang

Our compliments, you're one of us,
you're part of the gang, by now.
You'll see the goliardic spirit we have
and the honest company that we are.
Welcome to the gang!
We are a lot of criminals, but we are loyal -
we're actually heroes, after all.
Time slips away
if you tell a lie.
Welcome to the gang!
From now on, you can lie,
never have to wash your teeth!
Here you can do whatever you want.
It's a nice program,
you're not gonna think of your mom.
Oh, I love you, guys!
Making a raid, that's so chic -
taking whatever you want...
and if you make it,
you'll feel so pleased!
Welcome to the gang!
Welcome to the gang!
Our gang is okay!
Being a fair-play thief
is the life I would like.
Swimming in gold,
with a big treasure!
You're the honorary member of the gang,
if you run away, you'll be in trouble,
and if you oppose us,
you'll be killed.
There's a contract that
you're gonna honour forever.
You make your own decision,
but don't complain after.
to the gang!

My Roots

It's only thanks to you
that I saw the world, and you know that.
Flying, with you,
through things I had never seen before,
and in your smile
I saw a big star
Such people can't be born out of thin air.
Oh, Jasmine...
My life
is not such a simple story.
You don't know what it means
to grow up without anyone with you.
You've got a dad,
who says: 'My daughter',
mine was not there.
My roots are thin air, sadly.
There are so many things I don't know...
But you'll find them out.
If I'll need to leave for this...
You'll find me here on your return.
Come on, my love,
I love you!
Our wedding will wait.
You are right.
It's my dream, too,
to know that your dad is with us.
I want to know
Just wait and it will come.
the truth.
And finally we,
we will say that
you father will come back.
Then everything will change.
You will finally say:
'I don't come out of thin air anymore'.

There's a Party Here in Agrabah - Reprise

There's a party here in Agrabah,
and the party is for me.
Look, you guys, it's reality.
Our dream has already come true!
There's a party here in Agrabah,
I'm afraid it could be not real.
After so much waiting, here we are,
we'll say our heartful 'I do!'.
I never had a hearth.
I haven't had a true friend with me,
someone who could undestrand me...
Stop it now, Aladdin, you're not gonna make me cry!
There's a party here in Agrabah
and it's already starting.
And now get dressed, you're the star!
Come on, come on, you gotta get married!
This is the most fantastic wedding ever,
the news of the century!
Aladdin is famous throughout the city!
They're gettin' married!
They're gettin' married!
They're gettin' married!
Look at those presents!
We're gettin' married!
*Monkey squeaks* (they're gettin' married!)
I'm gettin' married!
They're gettin' married
at the party here in Agrabah!
at the party here in Agrabah!

There's a Party Here in Agrabah (first part)

There's a party here in Agrabah,
I can feel so much excitement.
They are all coming to the town,
'cause Aladdin and Jasmine are getting married.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
and everybody will be there.
No matter what your social background is,
just shampoo your hair while rubbing your scalp.
Don't wear a gaudy dress,
don't wear a turban a la gigolo,
also, don't wear a tasteless earring.
You're gonna look gorgeous when I get through.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
I'm going to transform your town.
Wanna see the show?
Follow me, let's go!
The whole world's gonna be talking about
this wedding for centuries.
I'm gonna work wonders for the bride and groom!
Ah, so many crazy things I'm gonna make.
Have you ever heard
about what happens in Hawaii?
It's nothing compared to what you will see.
slap-up meals, you all are gonna pass out from excitement!
Harem Girls:
There's a party here in Agrabah,
it fills up your heart with cheerfulness.
If a tramp will actually ascend the throne,
I can hope for myself, too. Don't get discouraged!
There's a party here in Agrabah,
but I don't know if I'll go, after all:
yes, the princess is aristocratic,
but the groom is poor.
Let's go into the court staterooms,
where everyone has celebrated magnificently.
There's not Jafar, who smells like death by now!
Everybody's happy, nothing goes wrong.
There's a party here in Agrabah,
we're gonna rob'em a bit.
King of Thieves:
While they're eating voraciously,
create a diversion and I'll slip in.
There's a party here in Agrabah
and loot in bulk!
I'm having so much fun, you know?
If I'm nice, I'll get a good present!
We've already ordered a few flowers
and the valets are ready to park.
All guests are out there!
Come on, girls, let's get ready - we're going to start!
There's a party here in Agrabah,
an invitation is prestigious.
But there's something missing, yes, ah, yeah!
Where's the groom?

Everything is an Illusion

Everything is only illusion
And created by me,
But I am not able to escape from it.
I have been caught in my own delusion
And my poor eyes cannot perceive any aim.
The answer can never be outside,
It always lies inside,
Sleeping within me.
But what eye can see inside?
I need a new look
A new meaning
Everything is only illusion
And created by us,
But we are not able to escape from it.
We have been caught in our own dellusion
And our poor eyes cannot perceive any aim.
The answer can never be outside,
It always lies inside,
Sleeping within us.
But what eye can see inside?
We need a new look
A new meaning

© Pires Philippe

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

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Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


To life

I've got a bit in my chest that hurts me
I've got feet that want to travel shores
I've got a few dents if it doesn't bother you
I need light, don't leave me in the dark
I've got someone to wake up with
My spirit is thirsty and my flesh is hungry
Always moving, it's hard to be on my place
What to sow, I can mow it as long as I've got my life
I come to life, to life, to life, to life
To the sweet life
To life, to life, to life, to life and will thank you
I come to life, to life, to life, to life
I wake up to the sweet life
To life, to life, to life, to life and will thank you
I've got lots of company in my table, yeah
I want to leave my mark, that I was here
And even if I was alone, you can't make a hermit out of me
What to sow, I can mow it as long as I've got my life
I come to life, to life, to life, to life
To the sweet life
To life, to life, to life, to life and will thank you
I come to life, to life, to life, to life
I wake up to the sweet life
To life, to life, to life, to life and will thank you
To life, to life, to life, to life
To the sweet life
To life, to life, to life, to life and will thank you
I come to life, to life, to life, to life
I wake up to the sweet life
To life, to life, to life, to life and will thank you
To life, to life, to life, to life and will thank you
To life, to life, to life, to life and will thank you
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Saying no is too much hard work

Granted, back then I was swamped by work
and pestered by these bloody customers
and all these little games engineers play
were starting to get old.
Whether you like it or not, you get tired eventually.
Saying yes is easy, but saying no is hard work.
And so you end up saying yes. To free overtime,
to the self-criticism sessions in front of the little Hitler,
to the distribution of stars and blames,
yes to the pity mingled with contempt for the weak
yes to the money that gags your conscience
and the management by nastiness.
And you end up laughing with the wolves
even finding the lewd little jokes funny
while trying to convince yourself you're on the winning side
in the war of all against all.
It took me this girl sobbing in my office
to realize that saying yes to all had also a price.
I must say I felt a bit of a shock being demoted in a sec
from exemplary team leader to common heartless bastard.
It's been more than fifteen years now and yet
I still feel like crying when I think of it.
Or maybe like screaming in helpless rage
at our infinite capacity to mess things up.
And I say to myself that, in other times,
I surely would have picked a gun
and eagerly shot at the bad guys.
Saying no would have been too much hard work.

another level

don’t miss this, this is your chance
so watch me and wake up
you’ve never felt anything like this
it’s extraordinary so come on
watch, all of this is for you
you can trust me
protect us, we’re special
you can just hold me
i hate the same old love
everything’s melted
from your eyes, nose, lips
to your heart
we’ll fly to the top of the sky
if it’s shocking, don’t act surprised and stay calm
i’ll show you what guys like me are about
i’ll take you where no one else ever has
i’ll take you and love you
this is a brand new feeling
take my hand, i got you
now yes, do it
go to the hook
feeling good, baby
stay until the end
i’ll show you
i’m on another level
i'll show you my style
i’m on another level
watch closely
this feeling is my color
it’s exciting, my class
i’m on another level
tick, tock, tick, tock, i’ll stop time, baby
i don’t stop
i chase what i want until the end
don’t fix your broken walls
you can’t get away from me
i’ll keep your biggest secrets
just lean on me
protect us, we’re special
you can just feel it
listen to this song
until its end
i’ll teach you everything
what is this new love?
we’ll go to the ends of the universe
if you’re nervous, don’t act surprised and concentrate
i’ll show you what guys like me are about
i’ll take you where no one else ever has
i’ll take you and love you
this is a brand new feeling
take my hand, i got you
now yes, do it
go to the hook
feeling good, baby
stay until the end
i’ll show you
i’m on another level
i'll show you my style
i’m on another level
watch closely
this feeling is my color
it’s exciting, my class
i’m on another level
tick, tock, tick, tock, i’ll stop time, baby
it isn’t something you have to hide
don’t try to adapt, just look into my eyes
i’ll just give you my song and my dance
i’ll give you my kiss
go to the hook
feeling good, baby
stay until the end
i’ll show you
i’m on another level
i'll show you my style
i’m on another level
watch closely
this feeling is my color
it’s exciting, my class
i’m on another level
tick, tock, tick, tock, i’ll stop time, baby
i'll show you my style
i’m on another level
watch closely
this feeling is my color
it’s exciting, my class
i’m on another level
tick, tock, tick, tock, i’ll stop time, baby

My bride will truly sob for me

My bride will truly sob for me,
My friends will pay my debts for me,
Others will sing all the songs for me,
And, perhaps, my enemies will toast to me.
I am not given interesting books to read,
And my guitar is without strings,
And I'm not allowed beyond and I'm not allowed below,
And for me there is no sun and no moon.
I am not allowd freedom: I have no right,
One is only to go from the door - to the wall,
I'm not allowed to the left, I'm not allowed to the right,
One is only allowed a piece of the sky, one is allowed to dream.
I am dreaming, how I come out, how my padlock is opened,
How my guitar is returned,
Who will be waiting there for me, how I shall be embraced,
And which songs will be sung for me.

My endless love

How can I go back?
Shake off my bane?
I would run to him at once,
Derek could be with me here.
He is my endless love,
remains in my heart.
And I dream of being with him here,
in my lovely fantasies.
My endless love that remains in my soul.
When I close my eyes, I still see her.
As sure as the sun penetrating the dark every day.
Every night I look for our constellation.
My endless love!
My endless love!
My desire of the long past dreams!
My desire of the long past dreams!
Derek and Odette:
In my heart there's still the most splendid throne for you.
My endless love!
My faithful oath!
When the warmth of my palm desires to warm your hand.
My endless love!
The greatest love of all!
You still are my longed-for love.

Nu voi mai iubi din nou

Mi-as dori sa pot
Puteam să spun la revedere
Aș fi spus ceea ce am vrut
Poate chiar am plâns pentru tine
Dacă știam că va fi ultima oară
Mi-aș fi rupt inima în două
În încercarea de a salva o parte din tine
Nu vreau să simt altă atingere
Nu vreau să încep un alt foc
Nu vreau sa știu un alt sărut
Nici un alt nume sa-mi cada buzele
Nu vreau să-mi dau inima departe
Un alt străin
Sau să înceapă o altă zi
Nici măcar nu va lăsa soarele înăuntru
Nu o să mai iubesc niciodată
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Ououuu ooou oou
Când ne-am întâlnit prima dată
N-am crezut niciodată că voi cădea
N-am crezut niciodată că m-aș găsi în brațele tale
Mmmm mmmm
Și vreau să mă prefac că nu e adevărat, omule, că ai plecat
Pentru că lumea mea se întoarce și se întoarce și se întoarce și eu nu mă mișc
Nu vreau să simt altă atingere
Nu vreau să încep un alt foc
Nu vreau sa știu un alt sărut
Nici un alt nume sa-mi cada buzele
Nu vreau să-mi dau inima departe
Un alt străin
Sau să înceapă o altă zi
Nici măcar nu va lăsa soarele înăuntru
Nu o să mai iubesc niciodată
Nu vreau să știu acest sentiment dacă nu ești tu și cu mine
Nu vreau să pierd o clipă
Hoooo ouuu
Și nu vreau să dau altcuiva cea mai bună parte din mine
Aș prefera să te aștept
Hoooo ouuu
Nu vreau să simt altă atingere
Nu vreau să încep un alt foc
Nu vreau sa știu un alt sărut
Nici un alt nume sa-mi cada buzele
Nu vreau să-mi dau inima departe unui alt străin
Sau să înceapă o altă zi
Nici măcar nu va lăsa soarele înăuntru
Nu o să mai iubesc niciodată
Nu voi mai iubi
Iubi din nou
Nu o sa mai iubesc niciodată
Nu voi mai iubi niciodată
Din nou
Nu vreau să jur că nu pot
Aș vrea să pot, dar nu voi
Nu voi mai iubi din nou
Nu voi iubi niciodată
Din nou
Who oo oo oo oo

Forever and a day

Did you know how my heart was feeling that day?
I couldn't be happy, i was sad
If i wake up everything will disappear
Maybe this is a dream, maybe it isn't
I wish this moment could be for forever
I wait forever for that short encounter
I will remember you
How we are, right now
I'll engrave it in my heart
Oh I love you
And I will love you
For forever and a day
Remember me
This song right now
This song is only for you
Oh I love you
And I will love you
For forever and a day
I've been waiting for quite some time
My lonely, sad memories are OK now
Because i wanted to meet you then
Because i met you
I will remember you
How we are, right now
I'll engrave it in my heart
Oh I love you
And I will love you
For forever and a day
Remember me
This song right now
This song is only for you
Oh I love you
And I will love you
For forever and a day
Over the course of time
I wont grow distant, or throw you aside
I won't run away
I'll catch you for sure
Just like this
I won't let go
I will remember you
How we are, right now
How we are, right now
I'll engrave it in my heart
Oh I love you
I love you
And I will love you
I love you
For forever and a day
For exactly one day more
Remember me
This song right now
This song is only for you
Your song
Oh i love you
And I will love you
I love you
For forever and a day
Forever and a day


When I get my eyes opened and see you there so close to me
You're so warm leaning to my side
I stay there
You bring your hand to my hand so slowly
You say 'darling, let's just be here'
Searching for my lips you mess up my hair and melt to the kiss
I can only feel the silent joy in my veins
I'm just waiting
You take me silently, as if you were afraid of something
And I conform and just want to be there
This feeling can only be reached in the morning
This is exactly how I want to start my day
And lighten up with you to the morning slowly
This feeling can only be reached in the morning
This is exactly how I want to start my day
And lighten up with you to the morning slowly
When I get my eyes opened and see you there so close to me
You're so warm leaning to my side
I stay there
You bring your hand to my hand so slowly
You say 'darling, let's just be here'
You say 'darling, let's just be here'
You say 'darling, let's just be here'
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.