Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 11

Număr de rezultate: 384



Who am I fooling
I isolate myself from love
You're with me in dreams
You're with her in car
I would drink, I would drink
100 promiles, I would drink nights
I wouldn't hide who would I drink with
Because I need tutorial for love
I would drink, I would drink
100 promiles, I would drink nights
I wouldn't hide who would I drink with
Because I need tutorial for love
Jealousy obsesses
like crazy young arrogant
In the end like rose
I closed
Petals he broke
Find me, find me
Where night is young
It's sweeter, it's sweeter
The taste of win than that
Bastard's lips
I have no clue, have no clue
What is love, have no clue
Have no clue, have no clue
What is love, have no
It wakes me up on dark mornings
It pleases me like smoke to every sip
Your touches hot like fireplace
My lipstick marks would on that mouth
Find me, find me
Where night is young
It's sweeter, it's sweeter
The taste of win than that
Bastard's lips
I have no clue, have no clue
What is love, have no clue
Have no clue, have no clue
What is love, have no

Ochii tăi sunt de ajuns

Cu tine totul este foarte frumos
Fără tine foarte greu
Nu înțeleg am găsit exemple
Ochii tăi sunt de ajuns
Cu tine trec zilele mele
Ce sunt eu fără tine
E plin cu dragoste oriunde mă duc
Ochii tăi sunt de ajuns
În față visul in mine dragostea
Cea mai frumoasă forma gustul dragostei
Nu am gustat pe nimeni altcineva
Tine-mi inima strâns în mână
Uite în fiecare zi o amintire dulce
Acest copil cu tine și-a găsit antidotul
Timpul înseamnă foarte mult
Nu se termina această furtună
Dragostea o mare furtună
Îmbrățișează-mă strâns
Nu te-am putut ține pentru viață
Ochii tăi sunt de ajuns
Mereu dorm când mă scufund
Tu ești în subconștientul meu
Pentru tine a fi fericit este un vis
Ochii tăi sunt de ajuns
În față visul in mine dragostea
Cea mai frumoasă forma gustul dragostei
Nu am gustat pe nimeni altcineva
Tine-mi inima strâns în mână x2
Uite în fiecare zi o amintire dulce
Acest copil cu tine și-a găsit antidotul
Timpul înseamnă foarte mult
Nu se termina această furtună
Ege Kökenli

The Ten Commandments

To the one whose cry was their cry
And every success was their pride
His first words -
Was calling their name.
To the one whose struggles they could solve
To the one who they'd suffer poverty for
To the one who was born through terrible pain
To the one who carried their heart
For when he traveled far.
Honor thy parents!
To the one who'd picked her heart
To the one whose home is her shelter
She is his helper
And his name is hers.
To the one who she'd always followed after
To the one who's the only one for her
With whom she shared, for good or bad,
A moment of disappointment, moments of joy
To the one who lives with the mother of his children
You shall not commit adultery!
To the one whose honor is in his integrity
And all of his possessions are from the sweat of his face
He who taught his sons the way of light
Modesty is his way.
To the one who settles for what there is
And sleeps peacefully, unafraid
To the one who loved all of his neighbors
Poor, rich, young or old
And he does not wish for more and more
You shall not covet!
To the one who was born in the shade of a cloud
To the one who gave birth and raised children
And at times of distress
He prayed.
To the one who feels a light flutter
Upon hearing songs, the chirping of a baby bird
To the one that the welfare of others
Means more to him than race, sex or religion
To the one who shall never forget these
You shall not murder!


My name’s Duncan Campbell from the shire of Argyll
I’ve travelled this country for many a mile
I’ve travelled through Ireland, Scotland and all
And the name I go under is bold Erin-go-Bragh
One night in Edinburgh I walked down the street
When I chanced to meet a saucy big policeman
He glowered in my face and he gave me some jaw
Saying when came you over, bold Erin-go-Bragh?
Well, I am not a Pat though in Ireland I’ve been
Nor am I a Paddy though Ireland I’ve seen
But were I a Paddy that’s nothing at all
For there’s many bold heroes in Erin-go-Bragh
Well I know you’re a Pat by the cut of your hair
But you all turn to Scotsman as soon as you’re here
You left your own country for breaking the law
And we’re seizing all stragglers from Erin-go-Bragh
And were I a Pat and you know it was true
Or was I the Devil, then what’s that to you?
Were it not for the stick that you hold in your paw
I’d show you a game played in Erin-go-Bragh
And a lump of blackthorn that I held in my fist
Around his big body I made it to twist
And the blood from his napper I quickly did draw
And paid him stock-and-interest for Erin-go-Bragh
But the people came around like a flock of wild geese
Saying: catch that damn rascal he has killed the policeman
And for every friend I had I’m sure he had two
It was terrible hard times for Erin-go-Bragh
But I came to a little boat that sailed in the Forth
And I packed up my gear and I headed northwards
Farewell to Edinburgh, your policeman and all
And walk with the Devil, says Erin-go-Bragh
So come all you young people, wherever you’re from
I don’t give a damn to what place you belong
I come from Argyll in the Highlands so beautiful
But I never took it ill being called Erin-go-Bragh

Mi-aş dori să pot ...

Aş dori să-mi pot muşca limba
Să mă scufund în vise, fără nici un prejudiciu
Păstrează pacea în întuneric
Mi-aş dori să pot, dar ştiu că nu pot.
Lângă tine lumina rămâne aprinsă
Alături de tine, dar la kilometri distanță
Oh, pentru a rupe farmecul inimii singuratice
Mi-aş dori să pot, dar ştiu că nu pot.
Oh, mi-aş dori încă să fim îndrăgostiți
Aș fi vrut încă să fim prieteni
Știu, am greșit în cele din urmă, trebuie să mă întorc la început
Ei bine, mi-aș dori să pot, dar știu că nu pot.
Deci, renunţă dacă trebuie
Mă întorc, TU priveşti praful
Ar trebui să lupt pentru noi, păstrează-ţi comentariul
Mi-aş dori să pot, dar ştiu că nu pot.
Oh, mi-aş dori încă să fim îndrăgostiți
Aș vrea să mai fim prieteni
Știu, am greșit în cele din urmă, trebuie să mă întorc la început
Ei bine, mi-aș dori să pot, dar știu că nu pot.
Hooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Hooh-ooh, ooh
Fiecare dintre noi trebuie să dea socoteală inimii
Mi-aş dori să pot, dar ştiu că nu pot.
Ei bine, mi-aş dori încă să fim îndrăgostiți
Aș vrea să mai fim prieteni
Știu, am greșit în cele din urmă, trebuie să mă întorc la început
Ei bine, mi-aș dori să pot, oh, dar știu că nu pot
Ei bine, mi-aș dori să pot, oh, dar știu că nu pot
Mi-aş dori să pot, dar ştiu că nu pot
Ei bine, mi-aș dori să pot, dar știu că nu pot.
Dana Kósa

Nu ai nici o veste

Varsta din ochi mei
Unde esti, unde esti
Poate pentru că am plâns
ai cazut si ai plecat
tu esti criminalul meu in serie
cati dintre voi m-ati distrus
nu exista condamnare la dragoste
ochi tai vinovati, ochi tai vinovati
la fel la fel povesteste-le si lor
singuratatea ce belea pe cap
dar este greu sa fiu cu tine
sunt foarte demolat*
dragostea nu are curaj
tu esti criminalul meu in serie
cati dintre voi m-ati distrus
nu exista condamnare la dragoste
ochi tai vinovati, ochi tai vinovati
la fel la fel povesteste-le si lor
singuratatea ce belea pe cap
dar este greu sa fiu cu tine
sunt foarte demolat*
nu ai nici o veste de la dragoste
la fel la fel povesteste-le si lor
singuratatea ce belea pe cap
dar este greu sa fiu cu tine
sunt foarte demolat*
nu ai nici o veste de la dragoste
o sa fie si timpul dragostei noastre
Pentru ca mereu..Eu voi fi intodeauna la jumatate
la fel la fel povesteste-le si lor
singuratatea ce belea pe cap
dar este greu sa fiu cu tine
sunt foarte demolat*
la fel la fel povesteste-le si lor
singuratatea ce belea pe cap
dar este greu sa fiu cu tine
sunt foarte demolat*
dragostea nu are curaj
dragostea nu are curaj
nu ai nici o veste de la dragoste
Ege Kökenli

Over Before It Started

We weren't out of the same story
Nor the same age, and we didn't have the same reasons
But when love brings together the impossible
You let her in without a warrant
You're in my sweat like you used to be
My blood still won't give you to anyone else
While you're with someone else, I watch you
I have hands to drink with them
I have a room to hide myself inside it
To hang out with no one there
I have lips to put them on ice
To let you know that after you
I have no one to love
And I wanted to have you for a hundred years
But it was over before it started
We weren't out of the same movie
Nor the same roles, nor from the same worlds
But when I close my eyes, I see us
And then the old glow returns
To our lost heaven
You're in my sweat like you used to be
My blood still won't give you to anyone else
While you're with someone else, I watch you
I have hands to drink with them
I have a room to hide myself inside it
To hang out with no one there
I have lips to put them on ice
To let you know that after you
I have no one to love
And I wanted to have you for a hundred years
But it was over before it started


Severina1, a girl made of snow,
Every winter she is a sign from the north.
I have it in a song from the south,
Severina - someone else's happiness. (x2)
And like a snow silently snows
A call from my love.
And it thaws and recalls sorrow
My song about you. (x2)
Severina, a girl made of snow,
To magical fairy is a sign from the north.
She kisses me fast and on the snow
The winter goes - a white sorrow.
And like a snow silently snows
A call from my love.
And it thaws and recalls sorrow
My song about you. (x2)
  • 1. This is a girl's name meaning 'A girl from the north'

Do smile, queen, do smile

Do smile, queen, do smile
Talk with guests, dance, sing a song
Do try, queen, do try
Never bare to anyone your soul
If you sad, if in pain, if you bitter
Do order someone to bring a glass of wine.
Well, if it filled with a blood to the brim,
While smiling, drain it to the dregs.
Do smile, queen, do smile
Do smile, laugh and none will notice,
Won't see the little diamonds of tears in your eyes
Everyone will think, , oh how bright it shines
Your crown on unruly hair
Do smile, queen, do smile
Do smile, queen, do smile
Let the servants extinguish the ball lights
Do smile, queen, do smile
Smile through unhappy days
Do smile, queen...


To me you mean something superior
I know how it feels like to cry due to prestige
I know that at the end it's useless
But I will go far away from you to a place much worse
I hope you remember me now and then
Basically I know how you are going to remember me
As a bad memory that used to come to you at nights and hold your hand so you're not afraid
Three years ago I fell in love with you
I can tell you that I was confused
But I looked in your eyes for 3 minutes, a task so we weren't laugh was the reason that I got enchanted
But I didn't get enchanted by your eyes
I have to say it
I saw your soul inside of them
Fuck, you have the most wonderful soul I have ever seen
Don't you ever listen to their vulgar opinion
And just remember that I never reviled you
Even when I was angry, you should know that
Instead I was reviling myself that I did nothing when I was seeing you suffering
That still haunts me
If I was doing bullshit I'm sorry, I'm sorry
I still love you
You are still and you will be forever a part of me
How many nights I was a rim?
How many, nights I was at the park so I wouldn't think about you?
How many? Look at the asshole
There is no way to go back there
Fuck that day at the stairs
I was telling you what I feel, you didn't look at my eyes
You didn't look at me at all and I couldn't take a breath
Fuck the whore1, I was crying for 2 months
Or later at the party do you remember?
Do you remember? When I told you a truth
You didn't believe me you thought that if you're crying
I would come and lie straight to your face
Then I started the worst habit
Finaly you know the truth
I destroyed myself for that fucking night, finaly I said it, I said it
I never lied to you
And whatever I do, I don't do that just for show
I still love you and whatever I have written
You should know that everything is about you Katherine (x2)
You don't feel me2 and if you do
Talk to me now that you have time
Tomorrow I will disappear from your life once and for all
Maybe then you appreciate what you mean to me (x2)
Do you understand what I'm saying?
How can I not be angry when for months
I was a fucking wallflower down there
I was crying at the bottom alone
Believing that I did something wrong
I never put myself first, never
I still remember my every lyric
Every lyric is one of the tears
That I dropped but you never learned, never
And when you say that you like my songs
I never felt a feeling like that before
It's like you accept a part of what I feel
And not have the intention to decrease it
And yeah, I have psychological issues
I broke up with three girls after you
Because I was looking for something yours in them
But some things are just impossible
I heard many times from everyone 'she doesn't worth it'
'She is a whore' they say 'and a bitch'
I don't care about what they say
And you know very well my love
That I rejected them all
If I have to say a last word to you
I really don't know what to say first
You symbolized three years of my life and
You made me what I am, so thank you for that
I never lied to you
And whatever I do, I don't do that just for show
I still love you and whatever I have written
You should know that everything is about you Katherine (x2)
You don't feel me2 and if you do
Talk to me now that you have time
Tomorrow I will disappear from your life once and for all
Maybe then you appreciate what you mean to me (x2)
And you might think that I am hyperbolic about that
But every song that I have written is about you
You should know that

I said no more epic
But epics never end
You were the epic, you were the waves
You were the 'forever' to my 'here'
You were my only fellow at nights
You my repressed emotion, you existed in my thoughts
You were the blue of my sky
And you were the motif of the haze that was eating3 me for months
You were the 'we fell' in the 'fast'4
You were the 'million' in the 'eyes'5
Behind the diamond tear the feelings that I felt
Are hiding inside other million songs
I can't write good enough
To honor your shape, it's macabre
They all say to me that you treated me shitty
I say to them with confidence that you will change in a tomorrow
If you ever felt something for me
I stumbled and I lost it at the corner
Even if it was friendly or even a fraud
Will come to free me for this eternal prison
I know it's bullshit and I'm sorry
But the night I fell you didn't give me your hand
Just get over it forever
My shouting star will be also your shouting star
I never lied to you
And whatever I do, I don't do that just for show
I still love you and whatever I have written
You should know that everything is about you Katherine (x2)
You don't feel me2 and if you do
Talk to me now that you have time
Tomorrow I will disappear from your life once and for all
Maybe then you appreciate what you mean to me (x2)
  • 1. 'Fuck the whore' is a greek insult.
  • You don't understand me.
  • 3. When somethings eats you it means that you think about it all the time and you can't just forget it.
  • 4. Reference to his song 'Πέσαμε Γρήγορα'(=We Fell Fast).
  • 5. Reference to his song 'Χίλια Μάτια'(=Thousand Eyes).


I'm doing the tour of the city
While singing la la la
I celebrated the million
And I have my account in Panama
She plays the docile woman
But she's a really satan
You bring her to the hotel
She says she has her period
I'm doing the tour of the city
While singing la la la
I celebrated the million
And I have my account in Panama
She plays the docile woman
But she's a really satan
You bring her to the hotel
She says she has her period
Go ahead cousin get up from there
Tonight I take the large
My friend is drunk
I have to drag him along with me
Nothing that breaks my balls
He changes his character fast
He speaks of his woman
Then he speaks of doing a robbery
We prowl all night long
She loves penis and testicules
She plays the good girl
And I drag her along by her bandana
There are the condes arah
My friend hides the drugs
Put on your belt bastard
This is going to end in prison
I'm doing the tour of the city
While singing la la la
I celebrated the million
And I have my account in Panama
She plays the docile woman
But she's a really satan
You bring her to the hotel
She says she has her period
I'm doing the tour of the city
While singing la la la
I celebrated the million
And I have my account in Panama
She plays the docile woman
But she's a really satan
You bring her to the hotel
She says she has her period
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

Handcuffs (Tching Tchang Tchong)

Tching tchang tchong, hello
She speaks Thai, hello
You got yourself into trouble, hello
Ah she put you in handcuffs (yah yah)
You don't respond to your friends anymore (yah yah)
She has fun playing single (yah yah)
At home all night, you're waiting for her call
Ah she put you in handcuffs (yah yah)
You don't respond to your friends anymore (yah yah)
She has fun playing single (yah yah)
At home all night, you're waiting for her call
No she didn't throw you aside, it's you whose weak
Small waist, Louboutin, it's true she's really fresh
You want to impress her at home, you empty the garage
You plan to take her to a hotel but she leaves
She leaves with someone else (yah yah)
She put you at the table to take 2, 3 refils
She hurts you when she has wine
She will suck your blood and tell you bye
Ah she put you in handcuffs (yah yah)
You don't respond to your friends anymore (yah yah)
She has fun playing single (yah yah)
At home all night, you're waiting for her call
Ah she put you in handcuffs (yah yah)
You don't respond to your friends anymore (yah yah)
She has fun playing single (yah yah)
At home all night, you're waiting for her call
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
Ah ah ah you got yourself into trouble (yah yah)
Let me finish my fart and I'll tell you the truth
A strike was to the head and I put back on my Christian Dior
She made you melt, you don't see you're falling sleeping
She wants her Céline bag she gets her way
She does cocain and her nostrils are like Medellin
You, you take yourself for Mesrine, you take yourself for Pablo
She doesn't want your ring she wants an Audi with four tires
Ah she put you in handcuffs (yah yah)
You don't respond to your friends anymore (yah yah)
She plays crazy, she plays innocent (yah yah)
At home all night, you're waiting for her call
Ah she put you in handcuffs (yah yah)
You don't respond to your friends anymore (yah yah)
She plays crazy, she plays innocent (yah yah)
At home all night, you're waiting for her call
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
(chika chika chika she put you in handcuffs)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
(chika chika chika she put you in handcuffs)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
(chika chika chika she put you in handcuffs)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
(chika chika chika she put you in handcuffs)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
(chika chika chika she put you in handcuffs)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
(chika chika chika she put you in handcuffs)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
(chika chika chika she put you in handcuffs)
She'll tching tchang tchong to you (hello)
(chika chika chika she put you in handcuffs)
Ah she put you in handcuffs (yah yah)
You don't respond to your friends anymore (yah yah)
She has fun playing single (yah yah)
At home all night, you're waiting for her call
Ah she put you in handcuffs (yah yah)
You don't respond to your friends anymore (yah yah)
She has fun playing single (yah yah)
At home all night, you're waiting for her call
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

You Better Don't

And I can as well
Do this exactly like you
Never seeing any care from me
Or a word said tenderly
And I can also deal with you in the same attitude
The same I can compliment you & cover your faults
You better don't make me go for this
Because I'm sure
Life will be hard like this
And that's why I'm hesitating
And actually I also
Have been tired of you for long
And keeping words inside me
Which-- if I said them, it would be hard for you to sleep
And I can also annoy you more than you can imagine
But I'm keeping quiet by my own will, hoping you would change

La răscruce de vânturi

Afară pe viclenele, vântoasele ţărmuri
ne-am rostogoli şi cădea în verde
Tu aveai un temperament ca gelozia mea
prea cald, prea lacom
Cum ai putut să mă părăseşti
când eu aveam nevoie să te posedez?
Te-am urât
Te-am şi iubit
Vise rele în noapte
mi-ai spus că voi pierde lupta
Că las în urmă înalţimile mele,
înalţimile de 'La răscruce de vânturi'
Heathcliff, sunt eu , Cathy a ta
Am venit acasă, mi-e atât de frig
Lasă-mă la fereastra ta
Oh, se întunecă, devine solitar
Pe cealaltă parte de la tine
Tânjesc mult, găsesc că locul
se prăbuşeşte fără tine
Mă întorc iubire,
crud Heathcliff
singurul meu vis, singurul meu stăpân
Prea mult timp am rătăcit în noapte
Mă întorc lângă el să fac dreptate
Vin acasă la înalţimile,
înalţimile de 'La răscruce de vânturi'
(Cor x4)
Oh, lasă-mă să îl am
Lasă-mă să-ți iau sufletul departe
Oh, lasă-mă să îl am
Lasă-mă să-ți iau sufletul departe
Tu ştii că sunt eu , Cathy a ta
Heathcliff, sunt eu Cathy a ta,
Am venit acasă, mi-e atât de frig, da
Sunt eu, Cathy a ta
Am venit acasă, mi-e atât de frig, da


Get on top because it's in circulation
underground counting 5 list bastard
What is rap? rap dildo bi steel
Listen to my album missing content
I'm not funny to say you are my harlot
take the ball and go home corridord
so this music for you bi hobby kolpa
but for us it is not homie tones
my mind rhyme constantly turns around
maybe bigun me also get an award from banner
the foundation is bad to come to you and die
hopefully win this match and the prospect opens
grogi anıl new generation rapin new demand
Let us translate the period mad pen
I leave this job and my ballerina
izmir underground hiphopta new kaledir
chorus x2
grogi anıl new generation rapin new demand
Let us translate the period mad pen
I leave this job and my ballerina
this is new underground hiphopta kaledir
- Groge verse -
all words stupid mask
Today we hijacked you at random
(it was all dream)
when we write the word you take your wit
(d-d-d-more) This is a priceless amount
behind the scenes laugh more
I have just started performance peak
Sold out seats to hear Biggie Smalls speak
you fool yourself at shit
slap in the face
nike air force one
big pun
Blood under the bell
sell it to yourself
taste some that finds pain
this rap is so crazy
Do not trick yourself, the end will be painful
live it enjoy driving soon come to the beginning
Chorus x4 (2 + 2)
grogi anıl new generation rapin new demand
Let us translate the period mad pen
I will leave this work and do you ballerina
this is new underground hiphopta kaledir

Iubirea mamei

Din pragul copilăriei până în lumi îndepărtate
Anii trec în zbor precum păsări.
Oriunde m-ar fi dus drumurile vieții
Peste tot iubirea ta adevărată mă încălzea.
Dragostea ta mă învăța să iubesc ceea ce mi-e cel mai drag pe lume
Mă învăța s-o iubesc pe țărâna, mama noastră.
Iubirea ta mă inspiră,
Iubirea ta îmi dăruiește o lume neștiută.
Să fii binecuvântată în veci, mamă,
Iubirea ta mă învață cum să trăiesc în lumea aceasta.
Oriunde m-ar duce drumurile vieții,
La casa părintească mă tot cheamă
Mâinile tale obosite, așa de blânde, așa de mângâietoare,
Iubirea ta adevărată, cea fără de capăt.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Hitler's Canines

One day in the night all of the lights extinguished
Scary flames... Kids were burning
Hitler's canines fired everywhere
Murderer of innocents...
That isn't a beginning... That isn't a final
Now it's our turn
Sometimes in a silent home
Or in a hotel
Humanity is dying... In the each burning flame
Fascism should die!
Fascism should die!
We should destroy them!
Europe, America
There is no justice
When the humanity dies...
Where is the civilization?
Hitler's canines!

Last touch

Many weeks are rotten,
And some month and year too
But I waited, to see your face again,
When It's Friday deep in my heart
So you come to me,
You come and take everything
Maybe you belived in another miracle,
'Cause the old is not enough for you
Wait, a last touch waiting for you,
Me to have power to let you go, if you want
But, you need to feel, what you do now!
Last touch, a last confusion,
What we keep from us, is a beautiful
Last touch, a last confusion
What we keep from us, is beautiful
You're been loud,
To be brave enough,
To keep up, what I say without sound,
To love you still, honey
Just you didn't say,
My beautiful sweetheart,
That instead of hugging me, you come to kill me
Thank me, what's good with me
Last touch, a last confusion,
What we keep from us, is a beautiful
Last touch, a last confusion
What we keep from us, is beautiful
Last touch, a last confusion,
What we keep from us, is a beautiful
Last touch, a last confusion
What we keep from us, is beautiful
Last touch....

From the Ashes

Before this misty waiting comes to an end
If my time isn't enough
Magic mirror on the wall, tell him
I could burn the boats and the ports
Do you know how it feels to live in mourning all the time?
Not to be afraid of anything
Magic mirror on the wall, tell me
I could burn the boats and the ports
Tell me about passion, loving so much
And then your giving up
Your making promises
And then your being regret
Both the boats and the ports
I could burn them all, memories, too
Tell me about love, my only truth
Maybe that day my heart gets born of its ashes
Before this silent film ends and the curtain falls
If the sliding text is not visible for you
Magic mirror on the wall, tell him
I could burn the boats and the ports
Do you know how it feels to live in mourning all the time?
At each moment you laugh, a little weeping
Magic mirror on the wall, tell me
I could burn the boats and the ports
Tell me about passion, loving so much
And then your giving up
Your making promises
And then your being regret
Not only the boats but also the ports
I could burn them all, memories included
Tell me about love, my only truth
Maybe that day my heart gets born of its ashes


The bus was half-full
Close to me an empty place
She approaches, sits down
And as if apologizing for living
'Pardon me'
'Excuse me'
'Sorry, sorry'
'Excuse me'
The gentleman held out his arm
to get a can of beans
Looked a little sweaty,
and I vaguely thought of a leg
He says to me 'Sorry'
'Excuse me'
'Sorry, sorry'
'Excuse me'
But there is no forgiveness
Because there is no fault
No forgiveness
Because there is nothing to forgive
No Forgiveness
There's no fault
And there's nothing to forgive
I was there, all tense
Crying like a gourd
I did not want
So I was going to do battle
I say 'Sorry'
'Excuse me'
'Sorry, sorry'
'Excuse me'
But there is no forgiveness
Because there is no fault
No forgiveness
Because there is nothing to forgive
No forgiveness
There's no fault
And there's nothing to forgive

A soldier's letter

I am a soldier to walk a difficult way
I don't like going closer to death one step close every day
I want you to know that missing you every day isn't easy
Motherland requests to leave the most loving one
Am I really there were fire burns
What is the meaning of my life if bullets firing next to me
My love didn't work, I wish I never loved
Because I promised my motherland that you won't cry
Once somewhere in the mountains battle I was hit
My left side was covered with lead
Can you stand if you hear once that I'm gone
Will you see me in a coffin covered with flag
Even If I love you still, don't love me
Trust me, I would not keep my hands of, I'd ask you to come
Thinking all the time I tormented my mind
This is a soldier's letter, that was written for missed
Come, I love you so much like you're heaven
Honey, tell me if this heart can stand all the pain
I asked you to love and you missed me
We started this way with a smile why then cry now
It is hard to stay alone living a loneliness pain
My love please come because it is hard to carry this pain inside
I can't do without you
Light me once like the Sun
I am cold from rainfall, please come
I can't smile like Istanbul
I keep all the sorrow inside

The wandering Song

Versions: #2
Naked ground and sand, left and right
The desert grows yellow without a trail
A convoy passes, moving silently
like a wonderful dream imagery
An echo rises and falls rhythmically
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Lin-Lan Lin-Lan, 'tis the wandering song
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Naked ground and sand, left and right
The desert grows yellow without a trail
A convoy passes, moving silently
like a wonderful dream imagery
An echo rises and falls rhythmically
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Lin-Lan Lin-Lan, 'tis the wandering song
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Left and right, left and right...
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

Scrisoarea soldatului

Eu sunt un soldat drumul meu nu este ușor de observat,
Nu-mi plăcea că mereu eram cu un pas cât mai aproape de moarte,
Nu este ușor să-ți fie dor în fiecare zi,
Iubirea pentru patrie mă face să nu renunț.
Acolo focul a ars,
Când gloanțele de sus cad, ce este dragostea vieții,
Eu nu reușesc să iubesc pe nimeni,
Pentru că i-am promis patriei că nu o să plâng.
Într-o zi am fost împușcat în mijlocul unui munte,
Cu un glonț orb băgat în partea stângă,
Poate că o să reziști în ziua când,
Vei vedea un sicriu cu un steag.
Eu nici măcar nu mă iubesc,
Crede-mă că nu mai rezist,
M-am oprit și m-am gândit,
Această scrisoare este de la un soldat căruia îi e dor de iubita lui.
Vino te iubesc atât de mult tu ești ca un paradis,
Crezi că vei îndura aceasta durere spune-mi că mă iubești,
Eu ți-am spus că te iubesc ție ți-a fost mereu dor de mine,
Mereu când râd trebuie să ies pe drumul ăsta și să plâng.
Nu pot să rămân singur mă doare că ne despărțim,
Nu pot să intru în mine vino lângă mine orice ar fi iubirea mea,
Eu nu pot să fiu fără tine,
Soare este din nou iar eu m-am renăscut,
Picăturile de ploaie se reaprind haide vino,
Ai zâmbetul pe față din nou ca în Istanbul,
Eu port în mine toate necazurile pe care le am.

His Nerves Are as Cool as a Fridge

It wouldn't be difficult for me to harm him
If he checks out someone else, I don't want him
And I would leave him in the blink of an eye
I wouldn't hold onto anything between us
He has been acting strange
It's almost two days
and we can't even agree upon anything
I get upset
But God bless him,
his nerves are as cool as a fridge...
Whenever I go this way he goes that way
He's at peace while I am miserable
I'm letting him be although I'm sure
there is something fishy about the situation
He's always absent-minded, and somewhere else
What is up? Seems like there's a problem
It's been a couple of days and I've been enduring this
Till I can finally understand what's going on
Half of what he now says is algorithms
He even sometimes forgets that I exist
I'm scared of him and I see things
that frankly worry me
Oh no, I would tear down the whole world upon him
My heart does not belong in the hands of his highness
If I go through with this, he would see what I can do to him
I would show him an ugly side of me
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.


A lady came to Texas for two weeks,
after three days her heart was already broken,
and it was the fault of only one man.
How can this happen so often and fast in Texas?
He was cowboy although, with body and soul,
tobacco and whisky on the throat,
He told her: ' I advise you
run the shop of my parents and stay here'
(Yes, yes, yes)
And she became a great Texas
'Ladies and gentlemen, the song continues.'
All the cowboys came to buy the lady,
and it was already crowded in the morning
with everyone there, it was clear
they fell immediately deep in her, and her blonde hair.
(Yes, yes, yes)
And she became a great Texas
'Ladies and gentlemen, now the happy ending
of this story from Texas:'
And she became a great Texas
(Ja, ja, ja)
But he, who understood immediately,
went to the registry office with her and a tie.
Because he was wise, he said 'Look,
now is the end of all time.'
And she became a great Texas

Les Menottes

Tchin Tchang Tchong (sabai dee)
Elle parle en thaïlandais (sabai dee)
Tu t'es mis dans la merde (t'as pas idée)
Ah elle t'a mis les menottes (ouais ouais ouais)
Tu réponds plus aux potes (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle fait la folle, elle fait la mac (ouais ouais ouais)
En boite toute la night, t'attends son appel
Ah elle t'a mis les menottes (ouais ouais ouais)
Tu réponds plus aux potes (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle fait la folle, elle fait la mac (ouais ouais ouais)
En boite toute la night, t'attends son appel
Nan elle t'a pas jeté de sort, c'est toi qui est faible
Petit tailleur, Louboutin, c'est vrai qu'elle est trop fraîche
Tu veux l’impressionner en boite tu vides le garage
Tu comptes l'amener à l’hôtel mais elle s'arrache
Elle s'arrache avec un autre (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle s'est mise à ta table pour gratter 2, 3 re-vers
Elle te fait mal mal mal quand elle wine wine wine
Elle va te sucer ton sang et te dire bye bye bye
Ah, elle t'a mis les menottes (ouais ouais ouais)
Tu réponds plus aux potes (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle fait la folle, elle fait la mac (ouais ouais ouais)
En boite toute la night t'attends son appel
Ah elle t'a mis les menottes (ouais ouais ouais)
Tu réponds plus aux potes (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle fait la folle, elle fait la mac (ouais ouais ouais)
En boite toute la night, t'attends son appel
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (sabai dee)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (sabai dee)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (sabai dee)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (sabai dee)
Ah ah ah, tu t'es mis dans la merde (ouais ouais)
Laisse moi finir mon pet et je vais te dire la vérité
La frappe à dans la tête et je remets les Christian Dior
Au cousin tia coulé tu vois pas tu t'endors
Elle veut son sac Céline elle té néné la maline
Rien qu'elle fait des lignes ses narines c'est Medellín
Tu, tu t'es pris pour Mesrine tu t'es pris pour Pablo
Elle veut pas de ta bague elle veut l'Audi quatre anneaux
Ah elle t'a mis les menottes (ouais ouais ouais)
Tu réponds plus aux potos (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle fait la folle, elle fait la mac (ouais ouais ouais)
En boite toute la night, t'attends son appel
Ah elle t'a mis les menottes (ouais ouais ouais)
Tu réponds plus aux potos (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle fait la folle, elle fait la mac (ouais ouais ouais)
En boite toute la night t'attends son appel
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (chika chika chika elle t'a mis les menottes)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (chika chika chika elle t'a mis les menottes)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (chika chika chika elle t'a mis les menottes)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (chika chika chika elle t'a mis les menottes)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (chika chika chika elle t'a mis les menottes)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (chika chika chika elle t'a mis les menottes)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (chika chika chika elle t'a mis les menottes)
Elle va te tching tchang tchong (mira mira mira elle t'a mis les menottes)
Ah elle t'a mis les menottes (ouais ouais ouais)
Tu réponds plus aux potos (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle fait la folle, elle fait la mac (ouais ouais ouais)
En boite toute la night, t'attends son appel
Ah elle t'a mis les menottes (ouais ouais ouais)
Tu réponds plus aux potos (ouais ouais ouais)
Elle fait la folle, elle fait la mac (ouais ouais ouais)
En boite toute la night, t'attends son appel

Take me

Hey, can you hear me?
I know you're listening
You won't take your guitar tonight
You'll take me
I, who take it so well,
take it, take it, so well - the light -
In the tender hours, on the grain of my skin
You won't take your car
That's for sure, you'll take me
I who reciprocate your touch so well
In the tender hours
The beast with two backs
Likes to hear the hottest words
Even if I take you too
You, who lie so well
You have me, have me under your spell with a smile
In the hours when my Cadiot trembles
That we're together, even if it's not real
Hey, tonight, you won't take your guitar
Because you're taking me, me...
I'm gonna cry if you leave
Tonight, we're gonna love each other again
Like so many times, when we adore each other
So come on, take me in your arms.

I Missed Your Green Eyes

Can't be, can't be without you, dear,
I'd be worse than being in hell,
All that bothers me is my sufferings,
What can I do with a world without you?
Can't be, can't be without you, dear,
I'd be worse than being in hell,
All that bothers me is my sufferings,
What can I do with a world without you?
I closed my eyes,
I drew you onto my heart
No, I won't open it!
Don't want that on my last breathe,
If I am not in your hands,
Don't you do exist!
Be only mine,
Return me to life,
Open your doors, don't push your luck
Your world won't turn without me
Baby, it's too hard to breathe for you!
We promised about this,
Giving up doesn't fit our love,
Don't you request, come take me for yourself,
Don't leave, hold my hands,
Let us count days again!
I was your light, I was your hard-to-be wish,
For all this heart,
I know you being alone is hard
My pen is in my hands, without you,
I wrote everything of mine, without you, again!
Can't be, can't be without you, dear,
I'd be worse than being in hell,
All that bothers me is my sufferings,
What can I do with a world without you?
Can't be, can't be without you, dear,
I'd be worse than being in hell,
All that bothers me is my sufferings,
What can I do with a world without you?
Your vision is everywhere,
It took me again,
Wind came and turned me to you again,
This body,
At those places we went,
I remember my dreams, again!
I dreamed about the impossible again,
I know, you won't return,
I'd die
This heart won't take your absence once again,
It won't take someone else,
Putting you out of my heart,
Hard as it is as living without one!
Not me,
Every new smells you, dear,
I missed your eyes a lot...
You became my years,
You were right everywhere,
I know...
I hit you,
I regret a lot,
Please return,
I missed your green eyes...
Can't be, can't be without you, dear,
I'd be worse than being in hell,
All that bothers me is my sufferings,
What can I do with a world without you?
Can't be, can't be without you, dear,
I'd be worse than being in hell,
All that bothers me is my sufferings,
What can I do with a world without you?

I Am Falling Off The Hands Of Life

I know, every new day, life renews itself.
I know, the broken branches will reach the sky one day.
I know, the stars are the hope of every night.
Once embraced by a heart, the darkness is scattered.
But there is a pain in me, a wound that never heals...
Before the windows are dead birds who never sing...
A song is on my tongue, never-ending
Such rain that doesn't stop falling for years.
Forget me, forget me, forget me, I am falling off the hands of life
Forget me, forget me, forget me, separation shoots right through my heart
I know, from every death hope gives birth to itself
I know, broken hands hold onto someone again
I know, it is the remedy of blackness and darkness
To believe in victory in spite of nothing.

Dă-mi mâna ta

Am fost ca o albină înainte să te cunosc
Și am devenit o molie după ce te-am întâlnit,
Chiar dacă am ars până la cenușă în fiecare clipă,
Nu te-am putut părăsi.
Ți-am dedicat viața mea, nu pot exista fără tine,
Chiar dacă am ars până la cenușă în fiecare clipă,
Nu te-am putut părăsi.
Dacă aș trăi sute de ani, nu m-aș sătura de tine.
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine, frumoasa mea delicată,
Dacă nu te-aș avea, aș muri de întristare / durere.
Dă-mi mâna ta, viața e frumoasă când te iubesc,
Ți-am dedicat viața mea, nu fugi de mine, frumoasa mea!
Dă-mi mâna ta, viața e frumoasă când te iubesc,
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine, frumoasa mea delicată!
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine, frumoasa mea delicată,
Dacă nu te-aș avea, aș muri de întristare.
Dă-mi mâna ta, viața e frumoasă când te iubesc,
Ți-am dedicat viața mea, nu fugi de mine, frumoasa mea!
Dă-mi mâna ta, viața e frumoasă când te iubesc,
Sunt îndrăgostit de tine, frumoasa mea delicată!

To whom should i go?

To whom should i go in my distress?..To whom should i go to in my frustration?
When a tear fall down my face.. When my laugh is loud
When my strength weakens.. And my world is closing down on me
To whom should i go?
To whom should i go when i want to talk about something that bothers me
When something small happens to my daughter or to my son
Or to my dad or if a day is suffocating my mom?
To whom should i extended my hand and pray to ease my concern
To Allah, the lord of the two worlds.

I Pretend I Don't See

Everything is wrong, you were a mistake
I was thinking you were the one but I made a mistake
I was thinking I found love but I made a mistake
It was nice while it lasted, I know you liked it too
But the glass overflowed* when someone else kissed you
Look where you want, I'll pretend I don't see
Hands covering my face, pretending that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't the one who looked at me in the eyes
Upside down, everything is upside down
Like it's 4 and a shop is full
I fell asleep on Monday and woke up on Saturday
I have all the the skills for anything, you don't care what I'll say
Because of that I won't see you either
Do whatever you want, I don't think I can take it anymore
Hands covering my face, pretending that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't who I saw with my eyes anymore
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't who I saw with my eyes anymore
Don't look at me
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see