Rezultatele căutării pagină 33
Număr de rezultate: 1374
Life's Here !
Gaze into the eyes of mine
I don't have a thing to hide
Never shall i have everything, the way you wish
This cold storm , within the soul is callin me
You offer me another day , y won't stop
This Journey
That we started , has
it's meaning, and it's for us
Life's here, waitin for us
Also a love that's refound
For starting as one
Not only there's a road' for
The two of us , the two of us
I sense a warm sun if you add
You, that energy , i'm not turnin away
This journey That we started , has
the feels' of yours and it's ours
Life's here, waitin for us
Also a love that's refound
For starting as one
Not only a road' now
Doesn't matter
If we dream, or is real
We bet
On two flames that unite
I promise to you , that toghether
there's a posible livin
Life's here, waitin for us
Also a love that's refound
For starting as one
Not only a road' for
The two of us , the two of us
Life's here
Life's here
Life's here!!
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau
S-a aprins focul deodată
După o singură privire, am crezut în tine
Greșeală sau nu, oriunde aș ajunge
O să te urmez, vreau să trăiesc asta
Spune-mi cum faci asta
Mor și trăiesc în mâinile tale
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau
Cum să-mi imaginez un asemene scenariu
Am căzut în luptă și alta nu mai există
Cu un sărut de al tău mi s-a schimbat viața
Mi s-a schimbat traiectoria și tu ai devenit unica
Spune-mi cum faci asta
Mor și trăiesc în mâinile tale
M-am îndrăgostit de ochii tăi
Sărutările tale m-au vrăjit
Nu mai știu încotro mă îndrept
Am luat-o razna din cauza ta
M-am regăsit și m-am pierdut
Nu-mi pasă care va fi finalul
Te vreau
The First One Is Always Free
Versions: #4
Was born with trouble in my blood
Do the sort of things I shouldn’t
Can’t ever just stand by
I lack the patience
Oh I never get any further
When I thought what I did
Oh I never get any further
When I thought what I did
It costs nothing in the beginning
It’ll always be expensive in the end
In the end
The first one is always free
And it’ll always be expensive in the end
In the end
Always stand first in all the ranks
I dare to when nobody believes it
I throw it away and start again
I run from my anxiety
And I don’t judge anyone anymore
What they thought and what they did
It costs nothing in the beginning
It’ll always be expensive in the end
In the end
And the first one is always free
But it’ll always be expensive in the end
In the end
The first time, the first kiss
The first dream is so easy to catch
The first lie, the first blow
The first disappointment that may always be regretted
Was born with trouble in my blood
First one, first one is always free
First one, first one is always free
First one, first one is always free
First one, first one is always free
Vreau să mă întorc
Tot ceea ce începe se termină.
Eu cu tine, ce am să fac?
Eu cu tine, ce am să fac?
Când am vitamina ta
Și o doză, se simte bine,
Cutreierându-mi întreaga piele.
Și chiar dacă eu nu aș vrea să mă îndepărtez,
Doar tu știi să mă aprinzi.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc,
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc.
(Yatra, Yatra)
Chiar dacă trece timpul, eu te aștept,
Știi că iubirea asta nu e pasageră.
Dacă nu ești cu mine, eu mor,
Pentru că-ți jur că te iubesc, uh.
Baby, nu pleca, Tini nu pleca,
Rămâi cu mine, să dansăm aici pe plaje.
Și când îți voi săruta întreg corpul,
Voi picta o oază în deșertul tău.
Vara asta să dureze etern,
Să nu ies niciodată din mintea ta!
Din Buenos Aires, până în Cartagena,
Te voi iubi complet.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc,
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc.
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Și chiar dacă eu nu aș vrea să mă îndepărtez,
Doar tu știi să mă aprinzi.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Eu vreau doar să mă întorc, să mă întorc,
Vreau să-ți dau săruturi până la răsărit.
Eu vreau să dispar cu tine (nu, nu, nu).
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc,
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Vreau doar să mă întorc, vreau doar să mă întorc.
Încă nu am plecat și daja vreau să mă întorc.
Viață mai este
Viata mai este
Priveste-ma in ochi, nu e nimic de ascuns,
nu voi fi niciodata pregatit asa cum vrei tu.
Toata aceasta ploaie imi arde sufletul meu
Da-mi inca o zi, eu nu ma voi opri.
Aceasta calatorie o vom face impreuna,
un singur sens ne apartine.
Viata mai este, stii, inca
Iubirea care se reinnoieste
Vom pleca impreuna ,
nu e doar o singura directie pentru noi.
Simt un soare blajin
si daca tu vei fi energia mea,
eu nu ma voi opri.
Aceasta calatorie o vom face impreuna,
un singur sens ne apartine.
Viata mai este, stii, inca
Iubirea care se reinnoieste
O vom construi impreuna, nu este o singura directie.
Daca este un vis si nu se termina, acesta este adevarul,
al nostru este un pariu intre doua focuri care se unesc.
Eu astazi as jura ca o alta viata in doi este posibila.
Viata mai este, stii, inca
Iubirea care se reinnoieste
Vom pleca impreuna ,
nu e doar o singura directie pentru noi.
Viata mai este, Viata mai este, Viata mai este, Viata mai este....
(Love) Confession
I am suffering by every move you make
I thought I knew you, but I don't
In every sight of yours, in every glance of yours
There is a truth and a lie, what can I say.
Love with you is a mystery.
The passion and the lust in your body
Every doubt of me relieve
And I have the feeling we are the only lovers.
I am burning sweet in your flame
I feel like a God in your body
I'm transforming into smoke that circles you with a kiss
And touches you every moment
Your shape is a sign on my mind.
It fills my gap* every night.
My undying love**
I have learn to pay for your mistakes, what can I say....
I'm burning sweet in your flame
I feel like a God in your body
I'm transforming into smoke that circles you with a kiss
And touches you every moment.
'It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality...'
The priest
Listen, darling ,I've been told
that right in the middle of the day
a priest is coming to visit you
and he eats all my food
No, my husband, no
don't be imprudent
'cause this priest is coming , my husband,
to pray the rosary
Listen, darling ,I've been told
that right in the middle of the night
a priest is coming to visit you
who likes (long) car rides
No, my husband, no
don't be imprudent
'cause this priest is coming , my husband,
to pray the rosary
Listen, darling ,I've been told
that right in the middle of the night
a priest is coming to visit you
who likes (long) car rides
Who would be the owner of the house
who follows you to the priest
and when coming to his doorstep
the door would just open?
Listen, darling ,I've been told
that right in the middle of the day
a priest is coming to visit you
and he eats all my food
And the priest told her
what was again, I can't remember
turn off the light, my god
that the day is coming
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
Să uit cine eram
Ma gandeam la mine
sunt un om aici jos ca multi
care isi cumpara omoto cu banii in mana
si traiesc in rate viata la ceilalti
care daca ies nu ma intorc niciodata devreme
pentru ca fac repede sa fac tarziu
care am lasat pe jos bastoanele
pentru ca am zis gata la nenorociti!
Si ma gandeam la tine
o femeie aici jos ca multe
care vrea sa fie la pas cu celelalte
si imi umpli dulapul de papuci
care imi golesti capul intr-o ora
dar daca gresec devii un ucigas
care stii sa fii dulce intr-un sarut
chiar si cand ai in gura amarul
Si ma gandeam la noi
un cuplu aici jos ca ceilalti
care reusesc in micul lor
chiar daca gandesc in mare
care au luat vita in joc
care au traversat platformele la un tren
care se insulta pentru putin
si se vor pentru si mai putin
Ma gandeam la mine cu lumea in mana dar fara tine unde sa ma duc?
cu tot cheful asta de a straluci pe un cer si sa uit de cine eram fara
Ma gandeam la tine cu lumea in mana dar fara noi unde sa mergem?
Cu tot cheful asta de a straluci stiu ca daca este de chefuit vreau sa o fac doar cu tine!
Ma gandeam la mine si la copilaria pe care viata mi-a dato
nu m-am jucat niciodata cu soldateii eram furios ca un copil soldat
e care fac mai multi bani decat vise
dar raspund:'E totul ok.' Si imi tin aproape sentimentele la altii
pentru ca traiesc la un metru de ale mele
Si ma gandeam la tine
o copila cu ochii vioi
ca inteleg de cum ma imbratisezi
ca ai avum mai multe jocuri decat saruturi
Tu care cand da ninsoare apoi te pierzi o ora sa te uiti la fulgi
tu care te uiti la oroscop in tele dar nu crezi nici macar in ochii tai
Si ma gandeam la noi
un cuplu ciudat si derapat care impingem iubirea in panta
cand ura ne lasa pe drum
ca nu este nevoie sa mergem in vacanta
in timp ce lumea se uita la noi confuz
noi traim in alta galaxie,
suntem in centrul universului nostru!
Acuma ca stiu cine sunt cu adevarat
as vrea sa ma trezesc si sa uit de cine eram
de frica mea si de a ta
nu este nimic cat suntem in doi (cat suntem in doi)
The love bonds
You get confused when you look at us
'cause God created the three of us who look like one
Despite the same appearance
deep down inside we are different
(We are different)
Our journys began together
who knows where they will end
each of us will have their own path
The bonds of love are bonding our emotions
of three sisters who were born almost at the same time
Our hope for the things that lightens up our dreams
(We hope) nobody could detach the love bonds
that the three of us are having in our blood
You get confused when you look at us
'cause God created the three of us who look like one
Despite the same appearance
deep down inside we are different
(We are different)
Our journys began together
who knows where they will end up
each of us will have their own path
The bonds of love are bonding our emotions
of three sisters who were born almost at the same time
Our hope for the things that lightens up our dreams
(We hope) nobody could detach the love bonds
that the three of us are having in our blood
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
Uite femeie ce mi-au zis
că la ora douășpe fix
te vizitează un preot
care-mi mănâncă mâncarea.
Nu, bărbate nu,
nu fi îndrăzneț
că acel preot vine
numai să facă mătănii.
Uite femeie ce mi-au spus
că în crucea nopții
te vizitează un preot
ce se plimbă cu mașina.
Nu, bărbate nu,
nu fi îndrăzneț
că acel preot vine
numai să facă mătănii. (x3)
Uite femeie ce mi-au spus
că în crucea nopții
te vizitează un preot
și se plimbă cu mașina.
A cui o fi casa
unde preotul te urmează
și când ajunge acolo
i se deschid ușile?
Uite femeie ce mi-au zis
că la ora douășpe fix
te vizitează un preot
care-mi mănâncă mâncarea.
Și preotul îi spunea,
cum îi spunea?
Stinge lumina, doamne sfinte,
că vine ziua deja.
If you love me, come make love to me
If you love me, come make love to me
If you love me, come make love to me
Come now that I want you, I want you so much
There's nothing else for me on earth
Only you
Your body
My boy, don't speak
Just undress if you love me
If you love me, come make love to me
If you love me, come make love to me
To room 457
With the lights on, and open eyes
Ectoplasms --humans
Zombies, zombies
My dead roommates
That have built me inside
An inhumane, dark city
Zombies, zombies
That rule our life
That circle us and almost tough us
In the land of the zombies
Do something to stay alive
If you love me, come make love to me
If you love me, come make love to me
Come now that I want you, I want you so much
There's nothing else for me on earth
Only you
Your body
My boy, don't speak
Just undress if you love me
Ma iubesti cu adevarat
Ma iubesti cu adevarat dar nu ca in reclamele care zic numai minciuni
Esti frumoasa cu adevarat nu ca modelele care retuseaza fotografiile
Esti curata cu adevarat nu ca benzina verde care insa e venin
Esti sexy cu adevarat nu ca nu este nimic apoi cand ii dai jos sutienul
Crezi cu adevarat nu ca afisele cand sunt campaniile electorale
Esti sincera cu adevarat nu ca gecile si cravatele de la multinationale
Ma iubesti cu adevarat nu ca preturile de la medicina bio alternativa
Esti buna cu adevarat nu ca fructele cu coaja stralucitoare si radioactiva
Am nevoie de iubire si de un pic de adevar
Si de o zi mai bua de griul ce este aici
Si scriu o scrisoare pentru tine asa in totdeauna o vei citi
Si scriu o scrisoare pentru tine asa din cand in cand vei rade
Pentru ca dragostea te face sa razi stii
Dar tu iubesti cu adevar nu ca banii in economia asta virtuala
Ma impresionezi cu adevarat nu ca titurile senzationale pe care le gasesti pe ziare
Esti puternica cu adevarat nu ca recordurile ale atletilor bombati si iperdopati
Imi dai cu adevart nu ca ofertele speciale in supermarketuri
Esti pura cu adevar nu ca aerul, aerul acesta pe care in fiecare zi il respiram
Esti importanta cu adevarat nu ca personajele pe care pana la urma le votam
Am nevoie de iubire si de un pic de adevar
Si de o zi mai bua de griul ce este aici
Si scrie o scrisoare pentru mine asa o voi citi in totdeauna
Si scrie o scrisoare pentru mine asa din cand in cand voi plange
Pentru ca dragostea te face sa plangi stiu
Dragostea te face sa plangi stiu
Da-mi drumul
Nu vreau sa fiu eroul tau
Vreau doar sa fiu om matur
Nu vreau decit sa ma cert cu toti ceilalti
Mascarada ta
Nu vreau sa fac parte din parada ta
Toti merit o sansa
Sa se duca cu toti ceilati
Retinindu-l pe
Un loc de munca ca s-o tin pe gagica mea
Si poate ca sa-mi cumpar unele lucruri noi
Iar ea si eu sintem plecati sfirsiturile de saptamini
Iar putem sa soptim
Secretele din visele noastre americane
Fata are nevoie de protectie
Dar sint un copil ca toti ceilati
Asa ca da-mi drumul
Nu vreau sa fiu eroul tau
Vreau doar sa fiu un om mare
Nu vreau decit sa ma cert cu toti ceilalti
Asa ca da-mi drumul
Nu vreau sa fiu eroul tau
Vreau doar sa fiu om matur
Nu vreau decit sa ma cert cu toti ceilalti
Mascarada ta
Nu vreau sa fac parte din parada ta
Toti merit o sansa
Sa se duca cu toti ceilati
Do you know my love?
I am in love with your eyes
I am in love with your body
I am in love with your promise, do you know my love?
I am in love with your promise, my beloved sweetheart
She left her house, my love went to the upland
The shephards let the sheep loose on the grazing land
I became a sunflower on the land, do you know my love?
I became a sunflower on the stem, do you know my love?
I am in love with your eyes
I am in love with your body
I am in love with your promise, do you know my love?
I am in love with your promise, my beloved sweetheart
My love you are a flower, I am a nightingale
I look for you in the meadows and the mountains,
I die for your smell, do you know my love?
I die for your smell, my beloved sweetheart
I am in love with your eyes
I am in love with your body
I am in love with your promise, do you know my love?
I am in love with your promise, my beloved sweetheart
La capătul lumii
Port in inima libertatea mea
orice ar fi o voi apara
de tot, de nimic, de tot timpul si de nici o data
eu viata o iau asa
Dragoste stii ca am sa vin
si ca o sa plec de aici
si daca o sa ma pierd o voi face pentru tine
La orizont niciun oras
doar nori si praf
si chiar daca voi vedea doar desert
eu pana la tine voi merge
Si daca ploaia va cadea
voi asculta ceea ce zice
un om viu oricum se duce
Fara a avea nici un obicei
fara a avea pic de mila
ca o piatra stii
ma rostogolesc
nimeni nu ma va opri
Fara a avea frica sa fi trait
fara umbre in suflet
de noapte, de lupi si de asasini
dragostea ta ma va salva
pana la capatul lumii ma va duce
lume pierduta de-acum, goodbye
Poate doar nebunie va fi
dar printre cutele a unui vis
asta este singurul pistol pe care il am
ca sa impusc in nori
Si chiar daca nu ar fi America
locul pe care maine il voi gasi
timpul de a merge, si plec
Fara a avea nici un obicei
fara a avea pic de mila
ca o piatra stii
ma rostogolesc
nimeni nu ma va opri
Fara a avea frica sa fi trait
fara umbre in suflet
de noapte, de lupi si de asasini
dragostea ta ma va salva
de zgmotul de pe fundal ma va salva
pana la capatul lumii ma va duce
Si Dumnezeu vrea
da, tu stii ca e asa
ca dragostea misca
cerul si stelele pe care le vad de aici
Si nu mai am nici un obicei
si nu mai am mila
ca piatra stii
ma rostogolesc
nimeni nu ma va opri
Si nu mai imi este frica ca am trait
am aparat si sufletul
de noapte, de lupi si de asasini
dragostea ta ma va salva
pana la capatul lumii ma va duce
lume indepartata de-acum, goodbye
Get out from your house calculate your steps
People that saw you should say 'Wow'!
A little smile, if you have that in your mood
Don't stop. Only faultline won't break:
Energy, energy
And a little bit synergy
There is a life out there
Need some fun
All of your friends
Just a call away
Call,don't stop
Need some fun
Should lay in the sand
Should enjoy it
It would be good
If we just burn a little bit
No worry
The life is always the same
So you should change it
Look a little bit positive
Chacarera Of The Handsome
An old man gave me a word of advice:
to deserve
go around the square
before nightfall.
Rounds and rounds went by
several days and even a month,
eight pairs of espadrilles
but not one woman.
They already tell me gold crins
velay, what impudence
they get scared of seeing me alone
if that is already stubbornness.
To those who say are called 'ugly'
do not let youselves be convinced
Christian´s ideas
different ways of seeing
That's why I live alone
alone and without a love,
the glasses are my friends
and the night club is my wife.
Lies that I'm so ugly
envy they shall have of me,
it is enough that one stands out
for them to want to sweep you.
Lies that I'm so ugly
that I can´t get a woman,
the causes I know them
these are times of scarcity
There is no one like you
Capable of making me cross
The threshold of sense and rationality
Capable of giving me so much and take away everything from me
The most beautiful and unique flower ever seen
The most scarce and coveted
Who of us two could imagine
That it would be so ephemeral?
Tears won't make
Everything the way it was
Forgive me if I call you love
But if I should be sincere
I have tried everything and I can't
The most beautiful and unique flower ever seen
The most scarce and coveted
Who of us two could imagine
That it would be so ephemeral?
I shouted as loud as I could
But there was no one there listening
Tired and without any more strength
I'm falling exhausted towards the void
Who of us two could imagine
That it would be so ephemeral?
The most beautiful and unique flower ever seen
The most scarce and coveted
Who of us two could imagine
That it would be so ephemeral?
Excuse me
Versions: #2
Excuse me if you don´t understand what I sing,
maybe we speak different languages.
You always complain about these little corners of the world and I,
and I love and admire our people *(folks).
You always squander sunrises
talking about he skyies of other lands,
on the contrary I start my day *(journey)
happy that I am under these stars.
Excuse me if you don´t understand me,
Excuse me if I don´t understand you.
You speak through other people´s mouth
and I,
and I am the echo of my nation *(people)
Excuse me if I say in my way,
you sow rancour and I *(sow) hope,
you envy the others their flag
and I adore my light blue and white (flag, the Argentinian one).
I am like the ovenbird and I rebel,
my homeland is my and I defend it!
On the contrary you *(plural pronoun in this case) are like the thrushs
that want to brood in other´s nest.
The New Human
[Verse 1]
I launched horses
To ace the big days
I have gofled streams
And until then they run
I started fathoms
to daring rides
I got stars going
And until then they mark
I am water and I drift
Human is too much
I am water there on the shore
Human is galloping
I am water, the heights
The dreams,the ideals
I see from above and I get up
The new Man ( Human)
[ or maybe the Modern Human]
[Verse 2]
I played shakes
I blew bushfires ( wildfires)
I planted comets
And until then they grow
I gave the rivers
the way to the sea
I turned away the pass,
And until then i hope
Stone Houses
big and glittering,
are like a fresh fountain
is hot days.
Zosepewould like
to go back to youth,
he would offer his chest
to stormy winds.
The dancer is leaping
with her feet in the air
like a filly,
light in the wind.
Mr. Zosepe Ispanta
dances with Franzischedda,
she’s a young girl
and he’s in his eighties.
The moon, with silver eyes,
is flooding the stone houses.
Atzara,an attraction
for all painters,
renewed among the villages
for its lovely flowers.
Atzara, beautiful sister
of the unlucky ones,
shining like a star
in cloudy skies.
Franzisca’s eyes,
big and glittering,
are like a fresh fountain
is hot days.
Zosepe would like
to go back to youth,
he would offer his chest
to stormy winds.
The moon, with silver eyes,
is flooding the stone houses.
Fire flares,
five cold corpses:
they painted the place in red
in cursed hours.
Heavy bullets have fallen
amidst thyme fronds.
Who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
Blindly, weapons
have burned the flowers:
the obsequies are denied
to the unlucky ones.
A last sparkle
goes out in the well:
who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
Honking the horn, they carry
you around till the highway:
men are treated like
skins of wild boars.
The mercy sucked
a bitter breast:
who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
Warm blood is gushing
from your heart:
not even a gold medal
you’ve got, Vincent.
They are crying in sobs
children and wife:
who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
How long will it take,
still, my brother,
before we’ll come out
of barbarity?
And the women of the village
won’t sing the dirge anymore?
Who will mourn for you,
dead of Osposidda?
My Deception
It amuses me thinking about
why I was having a hard time moving on from you before.
Am I not supposed to be really forgetful?
I don't know why it was so
but it really had been impossible to forget you.
But now it's finally changed,
If ballpens can easily be (misplaced and) lost,
how much more of feelings?
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
but that's *just (my) deception,* okay?
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (2x)
*My deception*...
Moving on as if there's a breakup to move on from
What is it with my presumptuous heart?
Why I was having a hard time letting go
when I wasn't being held on to at all.
Try stopping me too, please?
May I now finally learn
that there's absolutely nothing I can reap
from this love that is (constantly) being given then taken back.
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
I shall start moving away ever slowly,
just ever slowly,
just in case maybe,
you'll (be wanting to) catch up to me,
but that's *just (my) deception.*
This is as far as I can go,
This is as far as I can get,
I shall not continue pursuing
a person who is a nimble runner.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Don't deceive me anymore.
I shall not assume (anything ever) again,
I shall not get carried away (ever) again,
I shall not (allow myself to) be beguiled (ever) again
by you, who leads people on.
Because if it really isn't (meant to be), then it really isn't.
No more coercion (and pleadings) between us
Just forget it.
Don't deceive me anymore,
but that's *just (my) deception.* okay?
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (3x)
*My deception*...
*Just (my) deception,* okay? (3x)
And I still love you
Every time that I hold you in my arms.
that I look into your eyes, that I hear your voice
and that I think of my life in pieces,
the pay of all I do for you,
I ask myself: ¿why don't I end up
with so much affliction, with so much grief?
If next to you I don't have any future.
¿why don't I pull out this love from my heart?
if you lie once,
if you lie once again,
and again you lie...?
I embrace you again,
I kiss you again
even if you make me suffer?
I know
that your love is a wound,
that it is the cross of my life
and my perdition.
do I torture myself for you,
and my anguish for you
is worse every time?
And why,
with my soul in peaces,
I embrace to your arms
if you don't love me?
I can't live the way I live..
I know it, I understand it with all reason,
if next to you I only receive
the bitter caress of your compassion.
even though... why don't I shout
that it's all a lie, a lie your love,
and why do I need your love
lf I only find in it torture and grief?
A few lights on
impossible vows in the bar
a Blues song that quiets and those eyes
I just cried over
I'd like for you to come closer for a moment
I'd like for you to stop right away
nothing will happen to you I don't bite
only come right away
there are looks that deceive you
some are true
and killer black eyes
that in February are shinier than the sun
and today me without them I won't go
all the time thinking
I'd like to steal [back]
all the time thinking
no longer can I wait
Ever since I found you I've been looking at you
Don't stop looking at me, you too
I understand you a bit not just anyone would
stand up
He left his glass at the bar
Bit by bit he stopped looking at me
smiling, he slowly approached
but he went with him?!!!
I want to be reborn
for someone to explain to me
how those lovely eyes
ended upon leaving the bar
with the handsomest at the place
the whole day thinking
how could it have happened?
the whole day searching
who will explain it to me?
he went with him
we lose and we win, girl
but? he went with him
they're different lovers, queen??
you'll be the sweetest candy, but that heart
chooses the front sidewalk
I wanted it for me
it's a sincere love, and with the same fears
and choosing is living
Hey You, Ice Cream Man
Hey you, ice cream man, what's your name?
Selling your ice cream, I really love it
In the heat of the days, you quench it
Those distressing feelings, they are forgotten
Hey you, ice cream man, let's all dance
You're bells you are jingling, ring them again
Little boy, you have been waiting
Spreading happiness in summer
Look at the clouds in the sky
There are ice cream cones in the clouds in the sky
In the visions of a maiden dreaming
With a secret on her mind
Hey you, ice cream man, let's all dance
You're bells you are jingling, ring them again
Little boy, you have been waiting
Spreading happiness in summer
With warm lips and burning eyes
A blazing love, just like when you're in love
Hey you, ice cream man, where are you now?
In the heat of the days, you wipe them away...
Hey you, ice cream man, let's all dance
You're bells you are jingling, ring them again
Little boy, you have been waiting
Spreading happiness in summer
Voi plânge
Tu care pierdut în mulțime
cauți o privire din plictiseală,
uite cum plâng în spatele vălului meu,
lumea mă crede fericită,
lumea se uită la mine zâmbind,
în timp ce învăț Mântuiește-mă Doamne.
Voi plânge, voi plânge, aici în fața crucii
mă voi gândi mereu la tine,
voi muri, dar voi spune da,
nu voi mai auzi în moarte
chitara ta îndrăgostită,
voi striga plângând Mântuiește-mă Doamne. (bis)
Și milă voi cere din inimă!
Erou negativ
Ai un motiv să fii rău și-n noaptea asta,
Sunt neascultătoare, sunt frumoasă, păcătuiesc?
Ai motive să fii eroul meu favorit,
Mă îmblânzești tu, eu cedez, dar numai ție!
Doar gândindu-mă la tine, doar când te simt
Pot izbucni, cum să mă opresc?
Beau, să pot uita, dar mă apropii de tine
Periculos, de fiecare dată și acum!
De la întâlnirea noastră a rămas ceva
Atât de fierbinte, ești al meu pentru totdeauna!
Și-n fiecare nopate, fiecare noapte de singurătate
Asta te împiedică - încă mă dorești!
I Love You Slowly
[Verse 1]
I want to spend it together with you every day
I want your caresses before going to sleep
I want you to tell me what makes you suffer
Slow was over when I started running
Slow went out of fashion before yesterday
Slow is what taught me to know how to live like this
And now I understand that
I love you slowly
To enjoy every moment better
To listen to what is hidden in the silence
I know why I love you slowly
When I see you in a bad mood in the morning
When a smile escapes your gaze
Like this, like this, I love you slowly
[Verse 2]
I dream of travelling until dawn
I dream beyond what I can see
I dream of being able to dream it together with you, with you
I prefer to share it
I love you slowly
To enjoy every moment better
To listen to what is hidden in the silence
I know why I love you slowly
When I see you in a bad mood in the morning
When a smile escapes your gaze
Like this, like this
And I don't want to run, I'd prefer a coffee
I'd prefer to wait and not spoil it
Same as a tasting menu
You are my red wine, bottle of red (wine)
I don't want to run, I don't want to lose
Everything I like about you
I love you slowly
To enjoy every moment better
To listen to what is hidden in the silence
I know why I love you slowly
When I see you in a bad mood in the morning
When a smile escapes your gaze
Like this, like this, I love you slowly
When it escapes your gaze
Oh-oh, yeah, phew!
I only want what is mine
In the streets of the city men continue to fight like dragons.
Spitting fire, channeling negative vibrations.
Similar strangers, disputing the power (disputing the power).
Willing (to be knocked down), accustomed to hiding.
Liars and cowards trying to absorb of others.
Strength and life forgotten inside.
Weak jelous, unable to appreciate qualities and reproduce love.
I only want what is mine, I dont want of anyone else.
Im just going to look for whats god gave me, I dont want to steal what is yours, no no no no.
I still believe that good can be spread.
When men leave selfishness aside.
To regain humility and to learn to respect themselves.
We will break the barriers that we ourselves raised.
When we sincerely appreciate others and ourselves.
Oh, oh oh , our, our own history will find.
In the way of truth the sense of victory.
I only want what is mine, I dont want of anyone else.
Im just going to look for whats god gave me, I dont want to steal what is yours.
I've got my baby, baby, baby (oh no no)
He's cute and solid (oh no no)
I didn't have ideals, he's really special
Me, his lady, will assume regardless
Will run to warm me up
Large enough to support me (oh no no)
Mister does not get confused
He surprises me every time
Even though you try to charm him, he won't move
We all need a superhero
The one that'll know how to pull me up
We all need a superhero
All the qualities, yes, no flaws
If I'm really your man, push me up
I'll take you as you are with all of your flaws
Sometimes, we'll fight, sometimes we'll hurt one another
But we'll never let go, no matter the drama
I'm not your man you're not my woman
I don't give a shit for groupies and I, I only want to knit
Emotions are like taxes, you shouldn't unveil everything
I know that love make you blind, so I'm afraid to lose myself
I know you dream of a beautiful life, see my son grow up
But will you be there when I'll take in 10 hits?
We have grown, we've known misery together, we'll die together
We'll end together
We all need a superhero
The one that'll know how to pull me up
We all need a superhero
All the qualities, yes, no flaws
If I'm really your man, push me up
I'll take you as you are with all of your flaws
Sometimes, we'll fight, sometimes we'll hurt one another
But we'll never let go, no matter the drama
Is your man in his place?
Why would you veil your face? (ouh)
I don't think so, nah! It's sad, right?
It makes you sick, sick, sick, sick, sick
When he goes around, around, around, around, around
I contain you, you rage, right (oh no no no)
You'll have to turn the page (oh no no no)
Mister doesn't mix himself up (oh no)
He surprises me every time (oh no)
Even though you try to charm him, he won't move
We all need a superhero
The one that'll know how to pull me up
We all need a superhero
All the qualities, yes, no flaws
If I'm really your man, push me up
I'll take you as you are with all of your flaws
Sometimes, we'll fight, sometimes we'll hurt one another
But we'll never let go, no matter the drama
If I'm really your man, push me up
I'll take you as you are with all of your flaws
Sometimes, we'll fight, sometimes we'll hurt one another
But we'll never let go, no matter the drama
Native: French
Fluent: English
Studied/Singing: German, Finnish, Japanese, Spanish
Twitch Channel:
YouTube Channel:
Faking it all the time
What do you see?
With these eyes, come on now
Everything is being reflected in your eyes
Let's get it started, open the curtains
Every time you open your eyes are you able to understand it all?
The approach of a misunderstanding doesn't happen only to you
Properly arranged words like 'until then' are bound for the trash can
Allow me to do whatever I please, I don't accept objections
I would like to say something to everyone first
Are you people understanding anything?
How about you? What do you see?
Guess what there isn't an answer?
Fuck off, to being fake all the time
I can't bear to keep accepting this
Feel your heart speaking? Hey
Fuck off, to being fake all the time (Hey)
Fuck off, to being fake all the time
Yeah, stand up and break your pressure
Stand up and break your pressure
Stand up and break your pressure
Stand up and break your pressure
I've got a feeling that the time is coming right now
Let's throw away all the pretension and mocking
That's bullshit, often watched by everyone
That's bullshit. Stand up and break your pressure
Even if regret and despair
Don't disappear
Even so, even so
The future map has been drawn
I bet that no one knows that
It's all fine, don't hesitate
Although there is absolutely nothing in the future
Even so, let's promise now
I will keep looking a little more until then
'See you' To you
Fuck off, to being fake all the time
Fuck off, to being fake all the time
Fuck off, to being fake all the time
p.s. -I told you it was all a lie from the beginning-
Are you being forced by people around you, right?
'Who am I in the end?' 'Think about it you too, idiot!'
♫Enjoy the lyrics
Your support is welcome♫