Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 339



To understand all the sorrows
and the dreams of men
but find no God
other than your rotting
I will neither bend nor beg
Because the dreams of my days
are ghosts of the night
The dusk-dark devil
rides a bloody, sick whale
Eternity spent in hell
is an ill death
We all to a one die,
Our scars like stitches
they hold us together
But the start of wretchedness is only wretchedness
And in death there is no glory
Not least of the soul

Black Mountain

Never saw death coming in your eyes
Never saw anything but death, reflected on me
It holds tight to me and don't let me go
It keeps on
I never saw it born in you
Never saw it prowling to me
It crawled to me like a scentless gas
It crawled...
Oh, since I'm terrified
Oh, since I'm rash
Oh, since I'm tormented
Awe takes charge
Oh, since I became a man
Oh, since courage grew in me
I've pierced through the fear
I've silenced death's call
Never found sickness in you
Never found a lack of spirit in you
I'm crazy, driving on the gravel out into the emptiness
Never saw death coming in your eyes
Never saw anything but death, reflected on me
It's beautiful to me, it mocks me
Oh, so crafty
I dreamed so often of rising from the rust
In the fjord I beheld anew
By the root of the mountains, and by the cure of the glacier
And woke a second time
Never saw death coming in your eyes
Never saw anything but death, reflected on me
It holds tight to me and don't let me go
It keeps on

White Blanket

Between the sea and the mountain there's a town
A white blanket covers Súðavík
A monster rode from the inverted heaven
The northern bonfire howled
Cold fists beat blindly
Between stone and sledgehammer, home and hel
It crackled and cracked, a century shaken
Souls woke from their second sleep
Ice-cold hell, northern pit
Ice-cold hell, northern pit
The snow binds
The snow binds
Oh, mother, why?
Oh, mother, why?
Death wounds the town,
ashes, tears
A white blanket hides Súðavík
A white blanket hides Súðavík
Ruins, frozen tears
Ruins, frozen tears
A white blanket covers Flateyri
A white blanket covers Flateyri
Death, ashes, the town wounded
I woke, woke, woke in hell
He called, called, is anyone here living?
I called, I called, I called for my brother
I called I called, I called for my mother -


She wakes up
She looks at me, and she expects of me
To say something important.
Nothing is relevant
As long as...
They told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
So I was educated by the book
To say something important.
Hey... don't you get annoyed
When everything seems to be repeating itself
And you don't have nothing left to learn?
I will destroy everything they build
From the second...
They told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
So I was educated by the book
To say something important.
And they told me I was dead
...from the moment I was born...
All I tried to do was to breathe.
But they told me that...
...(there) wasn't meaningful enough...
Sins to get written down in God's ledger.
I was educated by the book
To at least say something important.

Pentru prima dată

Pentru prima dată
Tu ai venit la mine ca o coincidență
Apoi dragostea a rămas ca un destin
Acea persoană este atât de frumoasă
Fără să știu, continui să mă uit
Pentru prima dată
Pentru prima dată
Mă uit doar la o singură persoană
Acea persoană ești tu
Persoana pe care o iubesc ești tu
Pentru prima dată
Pentru prima dată
Tu ai venit la mine ca un vis
Acea persoană este atât de frumoasă
Fără să știu, continui să mă uit
Pentru prima dată
Pentru prima dată
Mă uit doar la o singură persoană
Acea persoană ești tu
Persoana pe care o iubesc ești tu
Persoana pe care o iubesc ești tu
După ce te-am cunoscut
Fiecare zi este atât de diferită
Încep să râd chiar şi când mă plimb singur
Singura dragoste care mă face să trăiesc ești tu
Pentru prima dată
Pentru prima dată
Mă uit doar la o singură persoană
Ești tu acea persoană?
Persoana pe care o iubesc ești tu
Persoana pe care o iubesc ești tu


Versions: #2
We are in the trenches, digging pits
We miss seeing explosions.
Yankees are roaming at the border,
and they do not know that we are nearby.
And stars smiled at us from the skies.
You always play at night –
So we’ll sew wings on each other
and I will fly and you will fly…
The dream is the length of paranoia –
I see a dream thr length of paranoia.
We shifted letters in a word,
We studied the Kama Sutra,
Consumed love in excess –
Near the border, in the morning.
Then clouds smiled at us in the sky.
We were spotted, we were shot down.
Maybe, if we’d used a silk thread…
Maybe, they would not reach us here.
The dream is the length of paranoia –
I see a dream the length of paranoia.
Sidewalks smell of soap.
Wow, we got into Heaven.
Your face is frozen
with sadness…
But don’t give it a second thought – we are OK,
We are up here, high up as we wanted to be.
We will mend the wounded wings.
Congratulations, we have made it.
The dream is the length of paranoia –
I see a dream the length of paranoia.

I'm on the Storm

The game doesn't end, the game doesn't end if it gets angry.
My blood is on the floor, what's good of winning?
I'm on the storm, I'm on a storm.
The thing that I saw with my eyes is not the same thing my heart know.
You're not alone, you're not wrong, don't be ashamed.
It's your dream, go figure.
I'm on the storm, I'm on a storm.
The thing that I saw with my eyes is not the same thing my heart know.
Do not hit them, the very young boys.
These is that gaffer's, world's lies.
Look at me see yourself, it is what it is a main thing
Such a love them that all the fears should be wear away.
This fight need to come to an end, seperation need to come to an end.
This war need to come to an end, need to turn to the start.
Nothin', but blue skies from now on.

I have waited for far too long

Anna: Look the shutters and gates opens now
I had almost forgotten they could that
And imagine, we have plates enough for an army
It's over with the flag on half
It's not a ballroom before there's a ball
Now here's no longer dark and silent anymore
It'll be weird to have guests, but I'm sure I'll learn
I'm the world's most prepared host
'Cause I have been waiting for far too long
To dance all night long
New music from new strings
Talking and laughter, light and song
I have a rather lot of air in my stomach, so something is definitely happening
Yes, I was lonely for far too long
Now it's over
I'm so excited to greet every single one!
The only one, who knows!?
When I'm getting the pretty dress on
And finds the right spot to stand
At the same time graceful and nonchalant
Suddenly I'll see him right there
A tall and charming cavalier
And gets a completely mad craving for sugar
But we'll talk and laugh for hours
It's strange that I dare to
After all I have never tried it before
I have waited for far too long
For a bit of fun and a bit of magic
I have waited for far too long
For him I'll fall in love with
And I know it's totally crazy, to think it'll happen today
But I have been dreaming of it for so long
It's a chance I'll have to take
Elsa: Let no one in, let no one see
Fight alone, as you're obliged to
Shut off every day, and lie yourself cold
One wrong move and I'll lose all control
It's a day that requires bravery
Anna: I'm ready, I'll go accept them
Elsa: Soon it'll be over
Anna: Do not make the agony last longer
Elsa: Guard open up the gate and say: Here you go!
Anna: Here you go!
I have waited for far too long
Elsa: Let no one in, let no one see
Anna: Set the dream free from this place
Elsa: It's a life you're obliged to
Anna: And the chance is only there today
Elsa: Shut off
Anna: To find love
Elsa: Shut off every day and lie yourself cold
Anna: I can't sit still at all
Party and colors, here I am
'Cause I have been waiting for far too long
Shall finally live the life
And nothing's in the way

Focul si ploaia

Doar ieri dimineață, ei mi-au spus că ai plecat.
Suzanne, planurile pe care le-au făcut te-au pus capăt.
Am ieșit azi dimineață și am scris această melodie,
Nu-mi amintesc la cine să-i trimit.
Am văzut foc și am văzut ploaie.
Am vazut zile insorite pe care credeam ca nu le va incheia niciodata.
Am văzut vremuri singuratice când nu am putut găsi un prieten,
Dar m-am gândit mereu că te voi vedea din nou.
Nu te vei uita jos la mine, Isuse,
Trebuie să mă ajuți să-mi fac o poziție.
Trebuie să mă vezi o dată într-o altă zi.
Corpul meu este dureros și timpul meu este la îndemână
Și nu voi face altfel.
Am văzut foc și am văzut ploaie.
Am vazut zile insorite pe care credeam ca nu le va incheia niciodata.
Am văzut vremuri singuratice când nu am putut găsi un prieten,
Dar m-am gândit mereu că te voi vedea din nou.
Mi-am plimbat mintea într-un timp ușor, spatele sa întors spre soare.
Domnul știe când suflă vântul rece și îți va întoarce capul.
Ei bine, sunt ore întregi pe linia telefonică pentru a vorbi despre lucrurile care vor veni.
Vise dulci și mașini de zbor în bucăți pe pământ.
Am văzut foc și am văzut ploaie.
Am vazut zile insorite pe care credeam ca nu le va incheia niciodata.
Am văzut vremuri singuratice când nu am putut găsi un prieten,
Dar m-am gândit întotdeauna că te-aș vedea copil, încă o dată, acum.
Am crezut că te-aș mai vedea încă o dată.
Sunt doar câteva lucruri care vin de data asta, acum.
Credeam că te văd, credeam că te voi vedea, foc și ploaie, acum.


Toate seamănă cu tine iubitule
Nu mi-a venit în cap niciodată
A fost cum am crezut, ceea ce am crezut
Ceea ce am povestit are și ceea ce am spus
Am sunat, când am sunat am găsit ceea ce căutam
Dar tu, nu erai deloc
Pentru a vedea acel chip frumos
M-am trezit la miezul nopții
Au rămas tăcute buzele
Sună-le imediat
Și zâmbește mi
Sau spune-mi ceva
Dacă ar trăi, dacă ar trăi
Pentru a trăi așa totul are un preț
Tu cu cine altcineva ești, ce e?
Nu știu
Cineva a călcat
Nu există, eu nu aud
Furtuna a ieșit din piept
Te ascult iubitule
Marea dragoste mereu se termina
Bine, nu mă tem
A venit cu cai eu nu plec
Am lovit întrebările
Nu te împart iubitule
Iubitul meu, iubitul meu
Ege Kökenli

Forest fire

Când erai copil visai numai incendii
Începeai să țipi în mijlocul nopții
Mă găseai cu picioarele goale lângă patul tău
Îți șopteam că o să fie bine
Și mă băgam în pat lângă tine
Îți luam mâinile micuțe în ale mele
Și cum
era eu să știu
Nu sunt destul de puternic
Ar fi trebuit să te salvez și
Sper că știi
Că tu ești căminul meu
Dar acum sunt pierdut, atât de pierdut
Îmi tot imaginez flăcările arzând mocnit
Și înnegrind cerul
Lumina care te arăta cu picioarele goale în zăpadă
Apoi focul a început să ardă în interior
Explodând în lumini strălucitoare
Acum eu sunt cel care țipă în noapte
Și cum
era eu să știu
Nu sunt destul de puternic
Ar fi trebuit să te salvez și
Sper că știi
Că tu ești căminul meu
Dar acum sunt pierdut, atât de pierdut
O să-ți car osemintele
O să le car pe toate
O să te duc acasă
Și oh
O să îngrop osemintele astea
O să cioplesc în piatră
Că tu erai căminul meu
căminul meu
Uită de tot
Uită de tot
Uită de tot
Uită de tot
Și cum era eu să știu
Că tu ești căminul meu
dar acum sunt pierdut, atât de pierdut

Tine și arunca

Ține și arunca inima mea a fost zdrobită și aruncată
Timpul trece a spus timpul timpul
Dragostea în grabă ma pus la sfârșitul anului
Eze a trecut și sa dus
Să întors ma îmbrățișat mereu în aceeași scenă am jucat
Sa oprit cheful, în spate un suflet, un suflet,
Dar nu am fost că nimeni am obosit mult
La dreapta la stânga am fost m-am oprit
Când am văzut-o m-am predat
O dată, de două ori, de trei ori, de patru ori, de cinci ori
Tine și arunca inima mea a fost zdrobită și aruncată
Timpul trece a spus timpul timpul
Tine și arunca inima mea a fost zdrobită și aruncată
Timpul trece a spus timpul timpul
Tine și arunca inima mea, Tine și arunca inima mea,
Tine și arunca inima mea, Tine și arunca inima mea,
Ege Kökenli


Versions: #2
Everyone I love looks like you
That've never happed, not even once
Some I thought, some believed in
Some I told to others, some I understood
I sure searched, while doing that I did found some
But you were not in among
To see that beautiful face you wake up at midnight
Lips thirtsty for that opens up immediately
Either smiles at me or tells me something
If we live
If we live
To live like this is worth everything
I don't know anyone anything except you
Some may have rang
I do not hear
There is a storm inside me, what I hear is you, my love
Greater love always ends, they tell me
ok I am not afraid
They tell me come with your horses, I don't
I mutiplied questions with the problems
I do not divide you and me
My love, my love, my love
To see that beautiful face you wake up at midnight
Lips thirtsty for that opens up immediately
Either smiles at me or tells me something
If we live
If we live
To live like this is worth everything
I don't know anyone anything except you
Some may have rang
I do not hear
There is a storm inside me, what I hear is you, my love
Greater love always ends, they tell me
ok I am not afraid
They tell me come with your horses, I don't
I mutiplied questions with the problems
I do not divide you and me
My love, my love, my love

Furtuna fara motiv

inapoi mare
o furtuna fara motiv
fratele este speranța dragostei
restul este în mâinile tale
salveaza-ma din furtuni
nu scufunda navele
Speranța este barca iubirii
speranta mea este epuizata
nu sunt fara tine nu te pot inlocui
nu pot atinge mainile nimanui ca ale tale
ia o decizie merg pe drumuri
nu ne-am citit numele scrise pe sticla
inapoi mare
o furtuna fara motiv
fratele este speranța dragostei
restul este în mâinile tale
salveaza-ma din furtuni
nu scufunda navele
Speranța este barca iubirii
speranțele mele sunt înnorate
numele innodat
nu sunt fara tine nu te pot inlocui
nu pot atinge mainile nimanui ca ale tale
ia o decizie merg pe drumuri
nu ne-am citit numele scrise pe sticla
Ege Kökenli

Musafir neinvitat

Este coincidenta ai reaparut cu dragostea in maini,
Lacrima se opreste ploaie inevitabilă de vară
Sunt foarte ud sunt rece, ochii tai.
Aceasta este o dragoste grea
Secret neajutorat
Nu intrebati din nou istoria
Pe mine iubeste-ma astazi
Fiecare parte din mine haide dragoste ia-o de la inceput
Pe mine sa ma iubesti in intregime
Musafirul meu neinvitat, musafirul meu neinvitat
Trebuie sa ma opresc inainte sa am dragoste in mine
Zambeste haide sa iesim din intuneric
Eu trebuia sa-ti fiu sortita
Ooo o iubire nebuna ca o ploaie de vara
Ege Kökenli

Musafir neinvitat

Este coincidenta ai reaparut cu dragostea in maini,
Lacrima se opreste ploaie inevitabilă de vară
Sunt foarte ud sunt rece, ochii tai.
Aceasta este o dragoste grea
Secret neajutorat
Nu intrebati din nou istoria
Pe mine iubeste-ma astazi
Fiecare parte din mine haide dragoste ia-o de la inceput
Pe mine sa ma iubesti in intregime
Musafirul meu neinvitat, musafirul meu neinvitat
Trebuie sa ma opresc inainte sa am dragoste in mine
Zambeste haide sa iesim din intuneric
Eu trebuia sa-ti fiu sortita
Ooo o iubire nebuna ca o ploaie de vara
Ege Kökenli

Weather forecaster

Do you want and I’ll kill you?
I’ll just leave your pictures.
After buying glasses for francs.
No one will see eyes.
It won’t hurt, I promise.
But say hi to me,
Call more often from the sky about the weather…
Will be looking for me in uniform,
Even friends forget name of,
The doors will close.
That me skew these views.
I'm an outlaw, I'm a weather forecaster, I'm a weather forecaster!
It won’t hurt, I promise.
But say hi to me,
Call more often from the sky about the weather…
See how it turns out:
April, and there are rinks on asphalt.
If you can't be God,
I will. Kill me, but promise
It won't hurt, try.
I'll come in a dream with rains,
I'll call from the sky about the weather.
It won't hurt, I promise.
But say hi to me,
I'll come in a dream with rains...

The main thing

No gas burners anymore, zeros take away their own,
You’ll learn about me from the Newspapers, mind you, they're stretching the truth.
The main thing is that I still can smell.
The main thing is that I still remember
Sorry that I don't draw, I would like to
Draw your hands, read your thoughts,
Don't think about sounds, don't remember about numbers,
Tell you hundreds of funny and not very,
Too long today, will be shorter tomorrow
Maybe in a couple thousand years
You'll see the trail of my comets.
The main thing is that I still can smell.
The main thing is that I still remember
Sorry that I don't draw, I would like to
Draw your hands, read your thoughts,
Don't think about sounds, don't remember about numbers,
Tell you hundreds of funny and not very,
Too long today, will be shorter tomorrow
Draw your hands, read your thoughts,
Don't think about sounds, don't remember about numbers,
Tell you hundreds of funny and not very,
Too long today, will be shorter tomorrow

First Storm

I can’t forget the tears I’ve shed
Remembered the beauty of the smile
What color rose do your eyes see?
Hardly exhausted
Time has started to fly forward in a flurry
Miracles flash
Let us witness this day
This thumping heartbeat
This pounding racket
I’ll open the song in my heart this second
No need to be afraid
I have my family with me
I’ll stay by your
sides forever
(Don’t hold me close, I’m handing it over now)
Your restlessness and stubbornness in all its entirety
(The shackles are free, don’t hesitate again)
There’s no turning back
Poke open all the clouds and fog
Set off a storm
Listen to the cries for help in your heart
And move forwards towards the radiant dream
Hello! It’s an honor to meet you for the first time!
I’m so glad that we’ve met again!
Thank you for singing
So let us make promises together
Walking forward, you and me
This path is long and hard
Remembered the blessings you gave
I can’t keep my puffy red eyes from crying on my own
A little tired?
Then sit down and rest, have a drink
Setting off again
isn’t a matter of unimportance
The sparkling, shining time
And the restless gaze around the corner
We’ve gotten used to not looking back
Nowadays, you and I
Have long learned not to question right or wrong
Live free and easy
No more lonely expressions
(Won’t hold me close again,the bitter within the heart)
With all your restlessness and stubbornness in its entirety
(The shackles are free, accelerating to liftoff)
No turning back
Poke open all the clouds and fog
Set off a storm
Listen to the cries for help in your heart
And move forwards towards the radiant dream
Hello! It’s an honor to meet you for the first time!
I’m so glad that we’ve met again!
Thank you for singing
Poke open all the clouds and fog
Set off a storm
Deliver this melody to the deepest parts of your heart
Send on your most sincere wishes
Hello! It’s an honor to hear you for the first time!
Your sweet, beautiful voice!
Thank you for letting me sing!
Hold close this unwavering faith
Promising together
Let our hearts beat as one
Walking forward, you and me

Blue, Blue

A love is in my heart for years
and this love burned and stayed in my heart
A love is in my heart for years
and this love burned and stayed in my heart
While my hope was gone
I saw her in front of me
Blue, blue, deep blue
Her eyes were turquoise blue
I saw her once and fell for her
Whose love is the one that comes?
Blue, blue, deep blue
Her eyes were turquoise blue
I saw her once and fell for her
Whose love is the one that comes?
In this road called life
While I was walking step by step
In this road called life
While I was walking step by step
Searching for happiness
I suddenly met her
Blue, blue, deep blue
Her eyes were turquoise blue
I saw her once and fell for her
Whose love is the one that comes?
Blue, blue, deep blue
Her eyes were turquoise blue
I saw her once and fell for her
Whose love is the one that comes?
Please, do not re-use any of my translations. All translations done by me are protected by exclusive translation right, and re-using without prior notice, and accreditation, is against the law. In case of unauthorized re-usage DLA Piper will enact my rights, which may lead to legal procedures.

I am a dove

I am a dove, dear dear *
A read pigeon, oh boy
On top of the roofs and under the roofs
I am eating grains, oh oh **
On top of the roofs and under the roofs
I am eating grains, oh boy ***
I have fallen in love, dear dear
with a married woman, oh oh
I have a crush, dear dear
on a married woman, oh oh
I am a dove
A black pigeon
On top of the roofs and under the roofs
I am wandering
On top of the roofs and under the roofs
I am wandering
I have fallen in love
with a pair of black eyes
I have a crush
on a pair of black eyes
I am a dove
A blue pigeon
On top of the roofs and under the roofs
I am chirping
On top of the roofs and under the roofs
I am chirping
I have fallen in love
with that crazy girl
I have a crush
on that crazy girl
I am a dove
A white pigeon
On top of the roofs and under the roofs
my heart burns wishfully ****
On top of the roofs and under the roofs
my heart burns wishfully ****, oh god
I have fallen in love
with the country girl
I have a crush
on that country girl

First Love

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(First love, secret love letters)
Ah yeah
One step left, one step right, I’ll walk after you
Swaying my left hand, swaying my right hand, at the same rhythm
I secretly catch up to you, I purposefully walk past you
You sweet scent makes my heart beat non-stop
You small, pretty finger tips
As if you reached out and tickled my heart once again
Unknowingly I’m attracted by your charm
I’m completely mesmerised by your angel-like beauty
My innocent heart (pure white)
My cheeks (flushed red)
Our eyes gazing at each other (black)
The beautiful sky (golden yellow)
It is all dyed with freedom floating amongst the clouds
My heartbeat is so clear never has it been so light
The you who is flying towards me
(Just like a roses blooming)
The you who is shining at me
(You are my light, shining shining on my heart)
The secret that belongs to us
(Hide it secretly protect this relationship between you and I)
Such a blinding picture
(Engraving our story, love)
Every day, every night languages that I practiced
Sweetly, deeply I wait for you to heat it
Looking at your smiling face I pretend to be calm
Thousands of words that were prepared I’ve forgotten them completely
Between you and me we can’t differentiate what is love
But I know, you and me will be great like this
You use your captivating gaze talking to me quietly
In your eyes I am always smiling gently at you
My innocent heart (pure white)
My cheeks (flushed red)
Our eyes gazing at each other (black)
The beautiful sky (golden yellow)
It is all dyed with freedom floating amongst the clouds
My heartbeat is so clear never has it been so light
The you who is flying towards me
(Just like a roses blooming)
The you who is shining at me
(You are my light, shining shining on my heart)
The secret that belongs to us
(Hide it secretly protect this relationship between you and I)
Such a blinding picture
(Engraving our story, love)
Open up your memory box, who doesn’t have experiences?
Just thinking about it will leave you absorbed imagining the simplicity of first love
I fall slowly into the river of love like a child who hasn’t seen the world before
Everything is so refreshing, mysterious, it fills my heart with curiosity
See? “What is love?”, quickly tell me I think only you can understand my heart
Write down the love on a white paper secretly pass it to me without being found out
Day by day, just like this, stay like this by my side
And we’ll meet in our dreams
Lo-love you, baby, baby
Unknowingly, you have all of me
I carefully extend your love
Your appearance, your descent has allowed the world to become beautiful
I want to stay in this dream forever never wanting to wake up
My innocent heart (pure white)
My cheeks (flushed red)
Our eyes gazing at each other (black)
The beautiful sky (golden yellow)
It is all dyed starting
All over again it feels like a rebirth
The you who is flying towards me
(Just like a roses blooming)
The you who is shining at me
(You are my light, shining shining on my heart)
The secret that belongs to us
(Hide it secretly protect this relationship between you and I)
Such a blinding picture
(Engraving our story, love)


You and me
Let’s sit and look at each other
The weather that resembles you and
All the memories of the flower paths
Let’s write it on a piece of paper
And give it to each other
Our inner feelings
That couldn’t be seen
Now we’ll know more easily
Cause now we know
The looks in each other’s eyes
I was so shy in front of you
But now we’re meeting eyes
The moon seems closer today
Brightly shining in the night sky
Is the sound of our song
The sound of our laughter
The fire keeps sparking
And I see our memories
Shining brighter
Even after today
I hope you don’t forget
This song we made together
You were next to me
I was next to you
We made our campfire
You to me and me to you
So many thankful things
We can’t let go of our hands
We keep smiling in our eyes
So time keeps passing quickly
Hearts already wanting more
You’re quicker than me
But I didn’t know and time kept passing
It wasn’t easy, coming here
We only trusted in each other during the way
Precious time passes so quickly
I want to hold onto you tightly because we’re together
A guitar in my hands, in front of the burning fire
We’re leaving on the memory train
As it starts to leave with old stories
Brightly shining in the night sky
Is the sound of our song
The sound of our laughter
The fire keeps sparking
And I see our memories
Shining brighter
Let’s not be chased by time
And forget
How precious it is, how thankful it is
Even when the moonlight turns off tomorrow morning
Let’s not turn off our hearts
When things are hard and you’re tired
I’ll shine on you
Smile brightly
So we can be strength to each other
Let’s sing together
Even after this night is over
When things are hard and you’re tired
I’ll shine on you
Don’t let go of my hand
You were next to me
I was next to you
We’ll shine through our campfire

Minor Murders

Does the suture of fear stay on heart?
Does small lies devour giant loves?
This history is always written by the evil,
See, nameless graves are full of heroes.
Can real smiles be sold for a solitaire ring?
Can hairbands full of emeralds be clung with kindness?
The cruel does fall from their thrones with one word,
The sneakiest weapons are cooked in the kitchen.
In a bird nest or in the sigh of an innocent,
Are hidden the most sinful and the most shameless betrayals,
In the unused backyard of each injured soul,
Are committed minor murders like this every day.

I Should’ve First

I couldn’t tell you
If I tell you my feelings
What if we grow apart?
Maybe that’s why I was hesitating
I should’ve told you I love you first
I should’ve told you I’m in love with you
Then I wouldn’t have been regretting right now
I should’ve gone to you first and told you
I should’ve said that you’re a different me
You, more than anyone else
Again today
I’m standing alone, thinking
I always want to ask you
Is there such thing as an end without a start?
I should’ve told you I love you first
I should’ve told you I’m in love with you
Then I wouldn’t have been regretting right now
I should’ve gone to you first and told you
I should’ve said that you’re a different me
You more than myself, I love you
A common love that will be forgotten by a different love
Because that’s me, that’s why I’m crying alone
It’s late but I’ll tell you I love you
Words I couldn’t say because you weren’t here
Saying, I love you
Saying, I love you

Ar Fi Trebuit Mai Întâi

Nu ţi-am putut spune
Dacă îţi spun sentimentele mele
Şi dacă ne despărţim?
Poate că de aceea ezitam
Ar fi trebuit să-ți spun ''Te iubesc'' mai devreme
Ar trebui să-ți spun că sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Atunci nu aş mai regreta în acest moment
Atunci nu aş mai regreta în acest moment
Ar fi trebuit să merg mai întâi la tine și să-ți spun
Ar fi trebuit să-ți spun că tu eşti diferită pentru mine
Tu, mai mult decât oricine altcineva
Astăzi din nou
Stau singur, gândindu-mă
Întotdeauna am vrut să te întreb
Există un astfel de lucru ca un sfârșit fără un început?
Ar fi trebuit să-ți spun ''Te iubesc'' mai devreme
Ar trebui să-ți spun că sunt îndrăgostit de tine
Atunci nu aş mai regreta în acest moment
Atunci nu aş mai regreta în acest moment
Ar fi trebuit să merg mai întâi la tine și să-ți spun
Ar fi trebuit să-ți spun că tu eşti diferită pentru mine
Pe tine, mai mult decât pe mine însumi, Te iubesc
Pe tine, mai mult decât pe mine însumi, Te iubesc
O iubire comună care va fi uitată de o iubire diferită
Pentru că acesta sunt eu, de aceea plâng singur
Este târziu, dar îți voi spune că ''Te iubesc'''
Cuvinte ce nu ți le-am putut spune pentru că nu erai aici
Îți spun,Te iubesc, Îți spun,Te iubesc


Dăruit-ai mie iubire , dulce iubire
Dăruit-ai mie iubire , dulce iubire
Cerul, dăruita-mi iubire
Însă îndeajuns nu a fost , nu .. a fost îndeajuns !
Căci eu fost-am o malefică', fost-am o sfântă
Ajutor, cineva..., eu nu pot a mă schimba !
Continui a (alerga către, alerga către 'Vâlvătaie')
Continui a (ma indrepta către, ma indrepta către 'Vâlvătaie')!
Eu lăsat-am iubitul a pleca, nevrut-am a fi o mincinoasă
Rămășițe în frig, acum mă îndrept către 'Vâlvătaie'!
Alergând înspre, alergând înspre Foc
Continui a (alerga către, alerga către) 'Vâlvătaie'!
Dăruit-ai mie iubire , mi-ai dat nebună-nebună iubire
Însă am fost eu, cea care înghițită am fost
Insuficient , moloz la moloz , rogu-te pentru noi
Căci fost-am o malefică', fost-am o sfântă
Cineva sa ma ajute..., eu nu pot a mă schimba !
Continui a (alerga către, alerga către 'Vâlvătaie')
Continui a (alerga către, alerga către 'Vâlvătaie')!
Eu lăsat-am iubitul a pleca, nevrut-am a fi o mincinoasă
Rămășițe în frig, acum mă îndrept către 'Vâlvătaie'!
Alergând înspre, alergând înspre Foc
Continui a (alerga către, alerga către) 'Vâlvătaie'!
Oh,..ars-am să fiu , voi fi arsă
Oh, oh, oh
Oh,..ars-am să fiu , voi fi arsă
Eu lăsat-am iubitul a pleca, nevrut-am a fi o mincinoasă
Rămășițe în frig, acum mă îndrept către 'Vâlvătaie'!
Alergând înspre, alergând înspre Foc
Continui a (alerga către, alerga către) 'Vâlvătaie'!


It was like magic the night it touched down in the city
Your letter became a dove and secretly arrived
Come, it says, come without being late, the years are passing
It began like that, this irreversible splendid escape
Considering that we made vows, that love is preordained
See, I came, don't let them know until tomorrow
Know that from now on there is no return for me, the last boats are gone
Hide me, don't let them find me until morning
Maybe this escape is on everyone's tongue now
Maybe my decision has been made, now they're on the road

The Ballad of the Four Daltons

Come in and listen to a new adventure
One about a cocky and brave guy
About Lucky Luke, the man of the law in the west
And how he put the Daltons under arrest
So therefor, crooks, be careful
When Luke and Jolly Jumper
Take care of it all in their way
Especially when it's about the Dalton brothers
You see, the Daltons are a horrible crowd
Peaceful people were more than tired
Of the criminal acts that they committed
Now, they're surveyed by the hard gaze of the law
But the Daltons don't wish to stay
In the mess they've ended up in
They take care of the issue in their way
And this is the ballad of the four Daltons
And hear about the devilish deal
The Daltons offered Lucky Luke for nine sharp shots
They thought money could get them everything
That murder would be possible as long as it was payed for
But be careful, crooks, take care
Luke and Jolly Jumper are always on guard
They take care of it all in their way
Especially when it's about the Dalton brothers
Now observe the juice grass of the prairie
The brook sways among the hay of the flowers1
Now, let's following the gurgling stream
But promise me that you'll all be bloody careful
'Cause the crooks must take care
For Lucky Luke is out hunting
He'll take care of it all in his own way
And this is the ballad of the four Daltons
He was a horseman, now he's a corpse
Inconsolable desert, no one heard his screaming
And the horse was his only friend
But none of them survived in the desert
But Luke and Jolly take care
For they're both always very on guard
They take care of it all in their way
Especially when it's about the Dalton brothers
You see, the gold fever can make people so crazy
That they forget the gold also may bring qualms
A dream of riches and clattering gold
May end up with a premature death in moist soil
But be careful, crooks, take care
Luke and Jolly Jumper are always on guard
They take care of it all in their way
Especially when it's about the Dalton brothers
But uncle Henry wasn't so bad
His money went to people who needed them
So this thing caused something good
And the children thank him every single day
The morale of my ballad must be
That the all of you must be honorable
Otherwise you'll get out of shape
Like when Henry Dalton was hanged
When Lucky Luke locked the brothers up
He was certain that he could keep them in2
'Cause Ratata was guarding the door of the jail
As he had done it so many times before
So therefor, crooks, be careful
For Ratata and Luke are always on guard
They take care of it all in their way
And this was the ballad of the four Daltons
This was the ballad of the four Daltons
  • 1. Not really sure if it's meant to be 'hæs,' but I can't hear what else it should be.
  • 2. Not sure if this sentence is transcribed correctly, though it may also just be an expression I'm not very familiar with.
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

For the first time since eternity

Versions: #3
You don't have to protect me!
I'm not afraid!
Please, don't shut me out again!
Don't slam the door!
You don't have to keep your distance anymore, listen to me.
For the first time since eternity, now I can understand you.
Please believe me, we'll make it through together.
We'll head down this mountain together.
Here you're just in danger.
For the first time since eternity, I'm here for you.
Please, go home!
Leave me alone!
Now live your life, I can't be by you.
Yes, but...
I know, you mean well.
But leave it there!
I'm alone,
Alone, but I am free.
Just go away!
Bring yourself to safety!
We're not safe.
What does it mean, you're not?
I fear you don't know it yet.
What do I not know?
Arendelle lies deep, deep, deep in snow.
You caused everything to sink in snow.
Like an eternal winter.
Eternal winter?
It's alright, you'll just make it thaw again!
No, I can't.
I don't know how.
Oh, rabbish.
Of course!
I know you can!
For the first time since eternity...
Oh, it can't be.
I'm not free!
[Anna:] Please don't be afraid!
[Elsa:] I can't escape the storm in me anymore.
[Anna:] Let's hold each other tight.
[Elsa:] I can't control the curse.
[Anna:] We'll defeat this storm.
[Elsa:] Anna, don't you see, you'll freeze...
[Anna:] Trust me!
[Elsa:] and lose yourself.
[Anna:] We'll make it together.
[Elsa:] It's going to happen.
[Anna:] Please, let's try.
[Elsa:] No!
[Anna:] Let's forget this curse, and everything will be like before!
[Elsa:] Ah... Go away!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

For the first time

They're opening the windows and the door
That hasn't happened here for a long time
I've never seen so many plates
I've been often alone in these halls
Why have a ballroom with no balls?
Finally they're opening up the gates!
Actual entire real people will be our guests
Oh, wow, then we'll ask them to enter
For the first time since eternity music will play, light will shine
And for the first time in a long time I'll dance through the ballroom
Am I just nervous or anxious?
I feel both deep inside me
For the first time since eternity I won't be alone
I can't wait, so many people to see!
What if my Prince Charming is among them?
Tonight I'll look wonderful
Interesting, charming, you'll see
An image full of grace and loveliness
At once he stands in this room
A very beautiful stranger like in dreams
From fear, I fill my mouth entirely
We'll then amuse each other
Is that really imaginable?
Will it come true tonight?
'Cause for the first time in a long time, there'll be music in the halls
And for the first time in a long time, I could please somebody
Yes, I know, it sounds crazy
Is love just a dream?
For the first time since eternity, I almost believe it
It's time
Don't let them see the way you are
No, that mustn't happen today!
Freezing in me, but doesn't matter, just a mistake and everything is over
But it's only for today
It's only for today
It's now shortly time
It's now shortly time
Tell the guards to open up the gate!
The gate!
It's time.
Don't let them see the way you are
No, that mustn't happen today!
Freezing in me, don't let them see!
'Cause for the first time in a long time
The dreams will come true
Maybe luck will touch me
And let me feel love
It will be already over tomorrow.
Only this day is left to me
For the first time since eternity,
Yes, for the first time in a long time,
Nothing's in my way!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Ea-i nebunatică!

Să-ți spun o poveste ...
Despre o mică fătucă ce-o cunosc
Când ea apariția-și face în cameră
Tu știi că ea-i în centrul atenției
Ea-i nebunatică...
Și peste ceea ce eu pot concepe ea este
Eu's chiar înebunit după acea femeie
Iar ea-i inebunita doar după acest bărbat
Ea mă trezește în fiecare zori de zi
Cu acea atingere tandră și iubitoare
Iar unii fraieri, ei îndeajuns nu primesc
Însă ea doar mă iubește extrem de mult
Ea-i nebunatică...
Și peste ceea ce eu pot concepe ea este
Eu's înebunit doar după acea femeie
Iar ea-i inebunita doar după acest bărbat
Ea mereu mă dorește aproepe ..
Însă eu's fără de timp ..
Dar vezi tu, ...ea are micuțele ei feluri
De-a mă face, a vrea să mă răzgândesc
Ea-i nebunatică...
Și peste ceea ce eu pot concepe ea este
Eu's înebunit doar după acea femeie
Iar ea-i inebunita doar după acest bărbat