Rezultatele căutării pagină 17
Număr de rezultate: 1021
Cea gâscă sălbatecă
Nu trebuie-a fi tu demn
Nu trebuie-n genunchi a cădea
sute de mile prin cel deșert în căința-ți
Trebuie doar a da frâu liber celei laturi nebune din ființa ta
să se bucure de ceea ce iubește
Spune-mi despre cea apăsare, de-i a ta, și-am să-ți
destăinui eu pe-a mea
Vreme ce lumea-și continuă pe drumu-i
Vreme ce soarele si pietricelele de ploaie curățate-s
ele-a a se zbate-n zare
peste cele prerii și rădăcinoși arbori
Peste cei munți și cele râuri .
Vreme ce gâste sălbatece-n înaltul cerului albastru
către-acasă din nou se-ntorc
Cine-ai fi , și-ndiferent de cât de singuratec te-ai simți
Lumea-ți e la picioarele-ți a sta tu doar a o explora
și-are-a te ncânta precum cea sălbatecă gâscă,
prompt și incitant
mereu și mereu ...anunțând al tău loc
între fieșice
A Walk
When I’m taking a walk through the quiet night
I think of your face without fail
You’re someone I drew out by gathering the twinkling stars
Like a streetlight that fills up this narrow street with a scent
I wish I could smell this scent of azalea flowers with you
I miss you, your face that I long for
But it disappears like a drawing of water
I miss you, again today
I’m taking a walk and thinking of you again today
The air is cold around me
Making me think of you so clearly
As I try to put behind the sadly shining times
I miss you, your face that I long for
But it disappears like a drawing of water
I miss you, again today
I’m taking a walk and thinking of you again today
Your warm hands and that touch
Your eyes where I fit into perfectly
You didn’t expect anything back from me
And gave me love, I miss you
I miss that face
But it disappears like a drawing of water
I miss you, again today
I’m taking a walk and thinking of you again today
I’m taking a walk again today
I’m taking a walk again today
Fortune cookie
3 PM on the weekend
We drive to the port town
It's a short drive
Your small blue car
Goes on the usual course
We gaze at the usual landscape
Without saying anything
The weather report for the weekend
Announces rain at the evening
Rain until tomorrow's morning
You, without seeing me
Silently start to talk
Maybe it's the same old talk
Goodbye, goodbye
Now the rain started to fall
As usual, I forgot my umbrella
And from your blue car
You drop me off
Where do you go?
7 PM on the weekend
Near the port town
On a Chinatown restaurant
I had a meal with you
With the same menu
As if we were lovers
With this, we say goodbye
When I ate the desert
The man of the store gave me
A fortune cookie
Good things will happen to you'
Cântec Frumos
Am atâtea cântece într-un caiet
Are numele tău și am dreptate
Pentru a te căuta și a vorbi din nou
cu tine
(Să vorbim din nou)
Scrie în acel caiet fără alte motive
Ora și data și cele două inimi
Și scrie strada San Sebastián
Și dacă trebuie
să aleg
Rămân, rămân
cu tine
Și dacă mă întorc la San Juan
Eu dansez, eu dansez cu tine
Și dacă trebuie să
te uit
Tu știi că nu se va întâmpla
Și dacă te revăd
Rămân, rămân, rămân, rămân, rămân cu tine
Cu tine din Alaska la Buenos Aires
Cu tine de la Londra la New York
„Al naibii de pedeapsă” strig în aer (Oh!)
Știu că la tine sunt întotdeauna mai bine
Am acel cântec în caiet
Cel pe care l-am scris gândindu-mă la gura ta mică
Vreau să dansez strâns
Fată mică cu față mică, lucru puțin bogat
Am acea melodie frumoasă în caiet
Cel care a fost întotdeauna preferatul tău
Cel care mereu îți mișcă gura
Și dacă trebuie
să aleg
Rămân, rămân
cu tine
Și dacă mă întorc la San Juan
Eu dansez, eu dansez cu tine
Și dacă trebuie să
te uit
Tu știi că nu se va întâmpla
Și dacă te revăd
Rămân, rămân, rămân, rămân, rămân cu tine
O țin într-o
Numele tău scris și câteva cântece
Și îmi vine să te caut, oh-oh
Scrie în acel caiet fără alte motive
Ora și data și cele două inimi
Și scrie strada San Sebastián
Și dacă trebuie
să aleg
Rămân, rămân cu tine
Și dacă mă întorc la San Juan
Eu dansez, eu dansez cu tine
Și dacă trebuie să
te uit
Tu știi că nu se va întâmpla
Și dacă te revăd
Rămân, rămân, rămân, rămân, rămân cu tine
Rămân, rămân,
rămân cu tine
Am în caiet acel cântec
Cea pe care am scris-o gândindu-mă la gura ta
Vreau să dansez strâns
Rămân, rămân,
rămân cu tine
Am în caiet acel cântec
Cel care a fost întotdeauna preferatul tău
Cel pe care l-am scris gândindu-mă la gura ta mică
Rămân, rămân,
rămân cu tine
Aniversarea inimii frânte
Baloanele sunt dezumflat
Cred că arată că mine, fără viață
Ne este dor de tine pe cealaltă parte a patului, mmm
Lucruri tale sunt încă aici
Și se holbează la mine ca niște suveniruri
Nu vreau să-mi ieși din cap
La fel ca în ziua în care te-am cunoscut, ziua în care am crezut că va fi pentru totdeauna
Ai spus că mă iubești, dar nu a durat niciodată
E frig afară ca atunci când ai ieșit din viața mea
De ce ai ieșit din viața mea?
Mi se întâmplă de fiecare dată
În zilele ăstea care îmi aduc aminte de tine și mine
Aniversarea inimii frânte
Pentru că îmi aduc aminte de fiecare dată
În zilele ăstea care îmi aduc aminte de tine și mine
Aniversarea inimii frânte, te gândești vreodată la mine?
(Oh-ooh) No
(Ooh) No, no, no
(Ooh, ooh) Ooh, nah (Ooh)
Îmi reconstruiesc speranțele
Ca niște cadouri nedeschise până în ziua de astăzi
Încă văd mesajele pe care le-ai citi, mmm
Sunt un prost răbdător (prost răbdător)
Nu pot să uit gustul buzelor tale (gustul buzelor tale)
Nu vreau să-mi ieși din cap
La fel ca în ziua în care te-am cunoscut, ziua în care am crezut că va fi pentru totdeauna
Ai spus că mă iubești, dar nu a durat niciodată
E frig afară ca atunci când ai ieșit din viața mea
De ce ai ieșit din viața mea?
Mi se întâmplă de fiecare dată
În zilele ăstea care îmi aduc aminte de tine și mine
Aniversarea inimii frânte
Pentru că îmi aduc aminte de fiecare dată
În zilele ăstea care îmi aduc aminte de tine și mine
Aniversarea inimii frânte, te gândești vreodată la mine?
(Oh-ooh) No
(Ooh) No, no, no
(Ooh, ooh) Ooh, nah (Ooh)
When My Loneliness Calls You
My feelings for you
Are slowly cooling down
But I haven’t forgotten
Those countless winters
How your hand embraced me
Right when the cool breeze starts to blow
It comes back to life
Your shadowed face
Although I know
You can’t ever come back to me
Sometimes, on days like today
When my loneliness calls out to you
Quietly come to my heart
But I haven’t forgotten
All the hard yesterdays
How your heart protected me
Whenever my heart gets sad
It comes back to life
Your shadowed face
Although I know
You can’t ever come back to me
Sometimes, on days like today
When my loneliness calls out to you
Quietly come to my heart
Fără tine
Eram la un pas să ajung la fund,
iar tu mâna mi-ai întins-o.
Singur stăteam în ploaie,
și tu ușa mi-ai deschis-o.
Păreai întrucâtva
ireală pentru mine!
Erai o femeie ce știe dragoste să dea!
Fără tine, soarele va dispărea,
pentru puțină iubire, pe altele voi implora.
Fără tine, singura mea iubire,
pentru cine voi trăi, pentru cine voi muri?
Au fost nopți de nesomn,
când tu m-ai face să adorm.
Fiecare păcat tu mi-l știi,
și totuși încă m-ai iubi!
Uneori eram grosolan,
tu totul mi-ai iertat!
Erai o femeie ce știe să simtă!
Fără tine, soarele va dispărea,
pentru puțină iubire, pe altele voi implora.
Fără tine, singura mea iubire,
pentru cine voi trăi, pentru cine voi muri? (x2)
Fără tine...
Angel's Clover
Yahoo! Preparation’s ok!
Today, how far shall we walk?
If I quickly push myself to the limit,
I wonder if I can get closer to it?
I summoned my courage
I wanted to try stepping out
from the days when I hit against the next wall
Even if it’s unreliable
Or if it’s an awkward love
I want to deliver this song to someone!*
Even if these wings are broken apart,
If you’re there again,
I will try my hardest once more!
Even if a hundred years pass, these feelings won’t disappear
I flew down with flames of my passion engulfing me now
to the stage one of these days!
Yahoo! My smile’s cute
Today too I’m full of energy!
If you hold onto your dreams tightly
Surely, you will reach to a place where you shine
“If I could go that would be great”
Kick away
those kinds of feelings
far beyond the sky (space)!
Even if no one said “absolutely!”
We definitely will hold on
To the tip of our dreams
Even if I lost the way forward
When I’m here with you, the song still continues on!
We’re enveloped by
a sparkling colorful,
our own “trump card”,
on the stage that we dreamed of
More! Wave your arms!
More! Answer me!
It's all genuine! With all of our power, we deliver this song
More! Show me your love!
Tightly, I grabbed onto
the angel’s clover
Even if these wings are broken apart,
If you’re there again,
I will try my hardest once more!
Even if a hundred years pass, these feelings won’t disappear
I flew down with flames of my passion engulfing me now
to the stage one of these days!
More! Wave your arms!
More! Answer me!
Everyone gather! With all of our power, we deliver this song
More! Show me your love!
Tightly, I grabbed onto
the angel’s clover
(Giving it our best shot! MORE MORE JUMP!!)
Because we’ll push on forward!
Do you hear darling?
Do you hear, how this is possible, my dear
Talk about politics every minute?
Such an empty bed just standing there,
So, let's go straight there and get on with it.
And when we tie in a knot my darling
Both of our sweaty bodies for a while,
Try to remember, that negroes are starving
On both sides of the blue river Nile.
And your beautiful body, your white skin
Will spark a thought of the Eskimos woes,
And your leg is so sweaty and so thin
Reminds me that they have a very cold nose.
You hear, how this is possible my dear
Talk about politics every minute?
Such an empty bed just standing there,
So, let's go straight there and get on with it.
Lights are out
No one wants to go home
Music so loud
Feel the bass in your belly
The DJ spins
As if it were his last night
You float to the beat
I love this song
You float to the beat
I love this song
Today let's forget tomorrow for once, babe
You dance as if you were possessed by the devil
Today let's forget tomorrow for once, babe
You dance as if you were possessed by the devil
You dance as if you were possessed by the devil
You float to the beat
And I love this song
I can see your face
So bright in the black light
That look that promises me freedom
The room is full
But we're alone
You float to the beat
I love this song
The room is full
But we're alone
You float to the beat
I love this song
Today let's forget tomorrow for once, babe
You dance as if you were possessed by the devil
Today let's forget tomorrow for once, babe
You dance as if you were possessed by the devil
You dance as if you were possessed by the devil
You float to the beat
And I love this song
And at some point, when the music is over
And you're alone with your drunkenness
Hopefully you won't have forgotten me yet, yeah
And at some point, when the music is over
And you're alone with your drunkenness
Hopefully you won't have forgotten me yet, yeah
You dance as if you were possessed by the devil
You float to the beat
And I love this song
Ba-Dum Ba-Dum
Close to the docks where Soledad lives
A man wakes up early to work
Has a light coffee so that he's on time
Kisses his old lady, he crosses himself at the altar
He's leaving and leaving, leaving to fish
With his paddle he's dressed of immensity
And on Sunday morning the city awakens
He's a fortunate man who goes to the church to pray
He gives thanks for what has happened, and for what's to come too
And he prays for his team that will play on that afternoon
And he's leaving and leaving, he's leaving to sing
And once again he paints his dream in blue and red
And he's leaving and leaving, he's leaving to scream
Pescaíto plays, Soledad's son
Sing at the stadium if your team is winning
And if they're losing, keep singing
The sirens sound, the banana cyclone blows
My Unión Magdalena, you know how much I love you
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - The drummers play
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - Now that the game's starting
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - Those leathers roll
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - My town is so happy
The fans from Guajira, way up there by general shadows
With the marshmen playing the ba-dum - ba-dum
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - The drummers play
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - Accompanying the game
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - The pipers are singing
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - My town is so happy
Hat-wearer, hat-wearer
Remove your hat
If you don't remove it
I'll throw it on the floor
I'm bringing you guys bonito and shrimp from the bar
Bringing the fresh sierra, with the lisa and the mojarra
I have red grouper that was caught this morning
If you don't buy it, let your sister buy it then
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - Oh, I had a dream last night
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - That we were little
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - And our grandpas were around
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - My town was so happy
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - The drummers play
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - Accompanying the game
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - Those leathers roll
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum - My town is so happy
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum
from the stage, dedicated to you
I was trapped
A nameless mess
Put it on the sound and throw it at you now
The lights that illuminate me and you
They shine even in the future
Dedicated to you from the stage, dedicated to you
Everything about me
Dedicated to you from the stage, dedicated to you
Stabbed by you
If you swallow
It will accumulate
Put it on the rhythm and throw it at you now
If I can see you again
I'll be fine, then
Tell me about the days you spent
Hey, what happened?
What kind of days did you spend?
Tears, fear, anger, loneliness
Can't be called equal
Even in such situation, there was surely a smile
I have many things
Just like you
That I cried and laughed at
So I'm sure we'll manage
Till we meet again
Dedicated to you from the stage, dedicated to you
The sounds I create over and over again
Dedicated to you from the stage, dedicated to you
Stabbed by you
If I can see you again
I'll be fine, then
Listen to my everyday story
Get Away
Invitation just for me
Strange feeling wanna feel it
Hesitation racing through my mind
Shake it off wanna fall in
Tell me what you wanna do
Play secretly
Fall in deeply already dived in
Your scattered heart is like a wave
Crossing the line dangerously
Callin' me callin' me right now
Round and round it's endless
Risky motion filling the space
Turn around it' crazy party
Never enough, a thirsty night
Filling me killing me burnin’ it up
Gotta get away before it's too late
Gravity that bound my feet
Even if stuck in a dream feeling so sweet oh
Out of control I'm getting weak
I'm gonna get get away play that's rousing me
Ya breaking down getting exhausted panic from attraction
I get away pain for you
Running from me running from you
I’m just a getaway
Light from a stranger after it's gone
Don't ask lie lie lie lie
It's already hell here
Make your choice next next next
Red light that spreads on my fingertips
Follow your guts it's dangerous
Tell me what you wanna do
Play secretly
Intoxicated by the scent getting stronger
Round and round can't find the answer
Tricky motion filling the space
Turn around crazy party
Never enough getting tainted
Filling me killing me burnin’ it up
Gotta get away before it's too late
Gravity that bound my feet
Even if stuck in a dream feeling so sweet oh
Out of control I'm getting weak
I’m gonna get get away play that's rousing me
Ya breaking down getting exhausted panic from attraction
I get away pain for you
Running from me running from you
I’m just a getaway
Hold up you're provoking me obliviously
Get up venom everywhere when conscious
I'm in you before you know it
Confused again this is a tragedy
Silhouette disappearing with dimming lights
I don't wanna to lose you go further take me where you at
Can't get away anymore
Can't escape this get away
Fantasy that already covered my eyes
Captivated by your eyes feeling so sweet oh
Out of control you're killing me
You never can get away stay within me
Ya breaking down getting crazy panic from attraction
Can't get away a stage for you
Running from me running from you
Now you can’t get away
Compasiune incompletă
Știu că mi-am imaginat dragostea înainte
Și cum ar putea fi cu tine
Chiar ma rănit iubito, chiar mi-a făcut rău iubito
Cum poți avea o zi fără noapte?
Tu ești cartea pe care am deschis-o
Și acum trebuie să știu mult mai multe
Curiozitatea potențialului tău sărut
Mă îmbolnăvește fizic și psihic
Mă doare cu adevărat, iubito, chiar mă rănește, iubito
Cum poți avea o zi fără noapte?
Tu ești cartea pe care am deschis-o
Și acum trebuie să știu mult mai multe
Ca un suflet fără minte
Într-un corp fără inimă
Mi-e dor de fiecare parte din tine
Ca un suflet fără minte
Într-un corp fără inimă
Mi-e dor de fiecare parte din tine
Ca un suflet fără minte
Într-un corp fără inimă
Mi-e dor de fiecare parte din tine
Ca un suflet fără minte
Într-un corp fără inimă
Mi-e dor de fiecare parte din tine
Hop Step Yay!
Let's decide what to do next
I want to play with you, to smile with you
I feel like when we're together, we can do anything!
After all, just being here proves that
Now let's go beyond this dream we've realized
And find a new dream
I can see it in your eyes
Aah, you're waiting for excitement
Of course, we are too!
So come along, so come along
You'll be left behind if you don't hurry
It's a journey to a fun world, Yay!
Everyone come along, do come along!
It'll be lively if we're all together
With our power and your heart, let's face tomorrow
We got here through hard work and be listening to your voice
Responding 'Don't succumb, you can't lose!'
We want to give shape to all kinds of dreams
Let's search for them
You're here
Ahh, the future is warm
Since you'll be with us always!
Forever, Forever
These bonds are unbreakable
We run with the same thoughts, Yay!
Everyone forever, Forever
Look at this eternal dream
With our power and your heart, it's a parade!
We're happy, we want to say it after all
Yay yay, thank you always
Shall we start something again?
Let's do it, we want to begin, everyone together!
Forever, forever
With these unbreakable bonds
Seems everyone's shouting
Yeah Hop, Step, Yay!
So come along, so come along
You'll be left behind if you don't hurry
Everyone come along, do come along!
It'll be lively if we're all together
With our power and your heart, let's face tomorrow
Hooray! Yay!
Jump up HIGH!!
Jump up!
Into the sky towards the dancing birds
Let's fly with only hope in our hearts
These words may not be beautiful but they come from within
I'll show you more fragments of my true feelings
Take a chance!! We can still make it
Take a chance!! Be true to yourself!
Take a chance!! So let's chase
After our future
The feelings born that day have started moving
'It's now, it's now!' I hear a voice say, the moment is ripe
Jump up HIGH!
The wind gives us courageous, fresh courage
What you can do now is just let it begin!
Ah it's not stupid if you're having fun!
Big or small, I don't care! Jump up higher!!
I'm not embarrassed to be earnest
I'm proud of myself, if I can do just one thing
It'd be feeling proud of myself, so how about it?
Keep going!! Because happiness
Keep going!! Has many varieties
Keep going!! I'll make one you like and give it to you
One day we'll be there, close to our dreams
One more step, one more step, let's dance together
You have fully blossomed!
Jump up HIGH!!
Into the sky towards the dancing birds
Let's fly with only hope in our hearts
Being happy is the best, no use always being down!
Let's laugh from our hearts, Jumpin' up higher!
Tell me what kind of dreams you have sleeping within you
Jump up HIGH!!
The wind gives us courageous, fresh courage
What you can do now is just let it begin!
Ah it's not stupid if you're having fun!
Big or small, I don't care! Jump up higher!!
Being happy is the best, no use always being down!
Let's laugh from our hearts, Jumpin' up higher!
I Become Love To You
I hope I’m not just a passer by
Only to you, only to you
Where my eyes go, where my hands touch
I hope you’ll be there
So it won’t be too late
I hope you stay with me
I hope I can be your love
I hope you can be my tomorrow
So I can say that more than anyone else
More than anything else
We are each other’s everything
I’m still covering up my heart
I can’t show you yet
So it won’t be too late
Please look through this heart
I hope I can be your love
I hope you can be my tomorrow
So I can say that more than anyone else
More than anything else
We are each other’s everything
The end and the start of my day
Is always you, it’s only you
So it feels like I’m dreaming 24 hours
After I met you, I became me
After that, you became my everything
For always
Wherever we are
I hope we can call each other love
It's you
Like a promise, it's you, it's you
like a summer morning
like a smile, it's you, it's you
just like this, just like this, it's you
All my hope, it's you, it's you
as fresh rain in my hands
like a strong breeze, it's you, it's you
just like this, just like this, it's you
It's you, like the water from my fountain
it's you, the fire of my home
it's you, like the fire of my bonfire
it's you, the wheat of my bread
Like my poem, it's you, it's you
like a guitar in the night
all my hope, it's you, it's you
just like this, just like this, it's you
It's you, like the water from my fountain
it's you, the fire of my home
it's you, like the fire of my bonfire
it's you, the wheat of my bread
It's you, it's you
it's you
just like this, just like this, it's you
Hello, Count the Stars
Hello, music is calling for us!
The town brimming with light looks like a carnival
Hello, if we give it an answer
I’m sure our world will expand with every step we take, hello!
When we dance at the interception, no one looks surprised
Everybody’s feeling so free?
I’m about to be drawn
Into a press of crowds
Unknown notes of melody
Strangely it will give me strength
Hello, count the stars
If we divine what we’ll ever come across
Hello, something unpredictable!?
As long as we’re together, we can enjoy it all, hello!
When you wake up tomorrow, what will happen? What will we do?
Heart-racing, it’s about to set in
Like everything seems so bright
I put out my hands high
What with that? This excitement
Leads to your own energetic rhythm
When tempo is set, it feels like you can fly through the night sky!
A whole new melody
Unknown notes of melody
Strangely it will give me strength
Hello, it’s a message from the stars
I’ll gather up the courage to touch my dreams
Hello, unlimited passion!?
As long as we’re together, we can enjoy it all, hello!
I love a new world!
This is a whole new world
The feelings of wanting to taste every fun thing
They will never disappear
I’ll always bring happiness with me (yeah, you do)
Stars are beautiful as can be (they’re twinkling!)
Come on, it will give us strength, won’t it?
Everybody, c’mon! Hello, it’s a message from the stars
I’ll gather up the courage to touch my dreams
Hello, unlimited passion!?
When we’re together, we’re gonna have a blast!
Hello, count the stars
If we divine what we’ll ever come across
Hello, something unpredictable!?
As long as we’re together, we can enjoy it all, hello!
When you wake up tomorrow, what will happen? What will we do?
Strigăt de război
Cuvintele duse pe jumătate, tăcerile obligatorii,
Minciunile pe care le-au spus, ca să fure câte puțin.
Cât pământ au răscolit ca să ne demonstreze grandoarea lor.
Ceea ce au reușit cu adevărat a fost să ne amăgească.
Și ce milă provoacă! Nu ne vor mai vedea plângând.
Cât valorează ceea ce ești, cât valorează ce oferi...
Ne-au luat deja totul, dar nu ne vor putea lua
Speranța că într-o zi totul are să se schimbe.
Strig din inimă.
Cine se cred acești lași,
Care îndrăznesc să dea ordine,
Fără să știe cât valorează
Să te trezești dimineața
Ca să mergi la muncă,
Un sărut de despărțire,
O lumănare de stins,
Să-ți pui câteva dorințe,
Pe care poate le vei vedea împlinite?
Ce știu ei despre fericire,
Dacă nu știu să zâmbească?
Ne-au luat deja totul,
Dar nu ne vor putea lua
Speranța că într-o zi
Totul are să se schimbe.
Să îndrăznească să ne privească în ochi,
Să îndrăznească să ne închidă cu lacăte!
Am așteptat destul
Și nu ne-am pierdut cumpătul,
Pentru că tot ceea ce urcă într-o zi va trebui să coboare.
Să îndrăznească să creadă că sunt eterni.
Nu și-au dat seama că sunt bolnavi.
Căci aici vom fi cu toții,
Pregătiți să contemplăm
Decăderea poveștii lor
Și drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit. (yeah)
Drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit... (yeah, eh)
Să îndrăznească să creadă că sunt eterni.
Nu și-au dat seama că sunt bolnavi.
Căci aici vom fi cu toții,
Pregătiți să contemplăm
Decăderea poveștii lor.
Va rămâne doar amintirea
Milei pe care o provoacă
Și drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit.
Drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit...
Drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit...
You too are a flower (Say it)
Delicate, sometimes hiding
I carry you in my heart, inside
Whether or not it has your name
And sometimes it's the reason (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
That in any moment I get bigger
I dedicate this song that I wrote with emotion (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
Whether or not it carries your name (Uh-uh-uh
The Distant Shore
It became so wonderful.
It became easy to take flight.
With unknown feelings
from before I met you.
I decided to stay a bit,
with a smile and without restrictions,
with colors in my soul,
they're strange to me.
I will find myself here on this beach.
Maybe I'm not alone.
The colors are fading
and the worlds are disappearing.
The shadows of fear are before me.
Have I felt this?
I know, that if I am to stop here,
my feelings will be unspoken again.
I didn't understand how you're so cold towards me.
I know I'll find myself there with a smile.
Maybe I'm not alone.
Help Me, Friends
Versions: #1
Tonight I talk to you about her,
my friends,
there isn't a prettier woman than her
In the world.
Oh, my dear, have you abandoned me?
I talk to you, as my heart
is being broken by sadness.
It's difficult for another one,
to enter my life.
Oh, my dear, have you abandoned me?
Help me, friends,
I want to kill myself 'cause of her,
of her, of her, of her.
What am I supposed to do with
these two hands, when I've
given everything to her,
everything, everything,
everything, everything.
Life, I can't live without her.
I talk to you, I don't want to
hide the pain from you.
I'm insane because of her,
because of her, I cry
the whole night.
Oh my dear, have you abandoned me?
Help me, friends,
I want to kill myself 'cause of her,
of her, of her, of her.
What am I supposed to do with
these two hands, when I've
given everything to her,
everything, everything,
everything, everything.
Life, I can't live without her.
I Follow My Star
Ships go across the sea
Wind cradles clouds on the sky
Longing is stronger than love
Heart always needs the distances
Storms are coming, rains keep on
Old age is preparing a trap for youth
And all the time from the beginning
There is a wanderer drowsing in every head
And so I follow my star
I ran away after it
It is all I see now
I told you nicely
I follow my star
I ran away after it
I might come back
I told nicely
You have no idea, you grow, exist
And then the time comes
It's time to go, heart makes you to
And hand instantly unties the dock lines
Other fruits should be tastes
New lands discovered
Your long wandering begins
And so you spend beautiful dreams
And so I follow my star
I ran away after it
It is all I see now
I told you nicely
I follow my star
I ran away after it
I might come back
I told nicely
Other Friends
Right, I listen to the story a couple of times
Oh, happy to meet other friends
Right, I listen to it, end up I hate it
Oh, happy to meet other friends
What did they say about me?
What did you do without me?
Are you all play without me?
You think I'll never know about you
Oh, right I heard the story couple of times
Oh, happy to meet other friends
Who? Me? What do you mean?
You don't realize I lost in your game
I will definitely win, let's play once again
Seize all
Ready or not
I'll start
Oh, right I heard the story couple of times
Oh, happy to meet other friends
Oh, right I listen to it, end up I hate it
Oh, happy to beat
The other friends
Long Spring
I have never known,
How dear you are to me,
The bridges that tie together and
Connect us.
How did I not understand?
It feels like I just saw,
How small you are, the world,
A humble room, where
This painless spring was spent.
What a long spring it was.
So, wake up, people,
The time has come,
You have become heartless and cold.
Let new springs open
In ourselves,
And fill us with life.
So that the hope will talk again
In our longing soul.
And the light will come again
In our hearts.
The big run of the days,
Has thrown us in a tense river,
A careless flow, which was snatching and driving us endlessly and removing us from each other.
Let the new carefree days to come,
Let a new story begin,
Let us see the spring from another eye, which was left with us and has changes our songs.
So, wake up, people,
The time has come,
You have become heartless and cold.
Let new springs open
In ourselves,
And fill us with life.
So that the hope will talk again
In our longing soul.
And the light will come again
In our hearts.
Oh iubite, tot...
Oh iubite, tot ce-mi doresc e să mă strângi în brațe,
Sărută-mă și spune-mi că vei rămâne la noapte.
Oh iubite, tot...
Oh iubite, tot...
Singură, mă simt singură, mă simt tristă,
Și chiar dacă ești lângă mine,
Mi-e atât de dor de tine!
Încerc, încerc din greu să văd soarele,
Dar mai rău decât să fiu singură
E să fiu singură când ești și tu.
Pot vedea durerea și tristețea ta,
Te rog, ai încredere în viitorul nostru!
Tot ce-mi doresc e să mă strângi în brațe,
Sărută-mă și spune-mi că vei rămâne la noapte.
Oh iubite, tot ce-mi doresc e ca atunci când mi-ai spus-o
Să mă săruți iar, și voi fi bine.
Oh iubite, tot...
Întuneric, e atât de întuneric în jurul nostru acum,
Așteptând nerăbdătoare o promisiune și un jurământ.
Să aștept, nu mă supăr să aștept un timp
Dacă tu mă vei lua în brațe și-mi vei spune unde și cum.
Fetițo, fii tare, știu că te doare,
Atât de mult te iubesc, n-am să te părăsesc.
Tot ce-mi doresc e să mă strângi în brațe,
Sărută-mă și spune-mi că vei rămâne la noapte.
Oh, iubite, tot ce-mi doresc e ca atunci când mi-ai spus-o
Să mă săruți iar, și voi fi bine.
Oh iubite, tot...
Oh iubite, tot...
Oh iubite, tot...
Fetițo, fii tare, știu că te doare,
Atât de mult te iubesc, n-am să te părăsesc.
Refren (x2):
Oh iubite, tot ce-mi doresc e să mă strângi în brațe,
Sărută-mă și spune-mi că vei rămâne la noapte.
Oh iubite, tot ce-mi doresc e ca atunci când mi-ai spus-o
Să mă săruți iar, și voi fi bine.
Oh iubite, tot...
Oh iubite, tot...
Oh iubite, tot...
Oh iubite, tot...
Oh iubite, tot...
Brand New Sunrise
Bathing in the bright morning sun
The wishes in my heart are now burning alight
Don’t you forget your future
Back when your sky got clouded
Even if you’re feeling down, collect your shards of dreams
Holding on to all your hopes and dreams out there
I’ll see you get back on your feet, you know
Let it shine! Brand New Sunrise
With a whole new sun, you and the whole world will shine
Come ‘n’ get it! Brand New Sunshine
Nobody’s gonna get to me
Not a single soul (stand up)
We’re re-starting from here (don’t stop)
Down the road to tomorrow (let’s go)
Let’s walk
Spread Your Wings
Lost something in summer
Those days spent with you
A smile like freshly-washed shirt
How could I forget you?
At midnight I missed your voice
Dialing my phone unconsciously
I couldn’t find the courage to tell you
While holding on to this broken heart
When you spread your wings and fly away
Girl, I’ll be giving you a cheer
With nobody but you
I have been in love so far
We watched the sun go down by the sea
With half-drunk canned juice in hand
Talking about our dreams, side by side
We were gazing back at that day
That Friday night I hurried to your room
And there was no usual me to be found
Streets cramped with noisy shadows
The whole city is the blues, you know
When you spread your wings and fly away
Girl, I’ll be giving you a cheer
With nobody but you
I have been in love so far
When you spread your wings and fly away
Girl, I’ll be giving you a cheer
With nobody but you
I have been in love so far
Lautari, step forward
Today i wanna drink
I wanna spend my money on all of them,
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
Lautari with money on their forehead
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will waste my money on them all,
I only want to have fun!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
God gave me good luck
I can even walk on fire,
God, give me good health
Cuz it has more value than anything else!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
How much time has passed since you were here
You passed me on the stairs, then you turned around
We locked our eyes for a few short moments
You revealed more than words could say
What is your name, where are you from, where did you go?
All that remains is to guess whether fate wanted it that way
I don't know where you are, I just want you to hear it now
I am sending you a song carried by the wind
This song may seem neverending, the one I have in my heart
I continue to resist fake oaths and traps
This song may seem neverending, the one I have in my heart
I know by a false witness that I am accused of treason
How much time has passed since you were here
It does not matter if your image was not extinguished in my soul
When every day is ablaze with a new force
I am sending you a song carried by the wind
This song may seem neverending, the one I have in my heart
I continue to resist fake oaths and traps
This song may seem neverending, the one I have in my heart
By an order, I know that the court is to convict me now
May God protect me, he knows my sins
The faith of my love is infinite ...
Lies and violence revived my determination
My endless hope
Is this song that I have in my heart
It will sound to us everywhere forever
It will give us a blessing
It will sound to us everywhere forever
It will give us a blessing
[Producer's Tag]
Dincy, Dincy, Dincy
Where do I come from?
I wonder where do I come from? (Ey)
The nights leave marks
I look on the life behind a tiny window (Oh, oh, oh)
Where do I come from?
I wonder where do I come from? (Ey)
Nights leave marks
I look on the life behind a tiny window (Oh, oh, oh)
Nights leave marks
I faced myself in the mirror
He talks, just our bodies are same
We're two crazy men in different universes
We couldn't find out which one of us is right
My soul had no mate, oh
Where did the stranger in the mirror come out from?
I ask you: 'Where do you come from?'
I wonder where do I come from (Ey)
Even If I'd know the answer, I couldn't tell you, I can't
I look on the life behind a tiny window (Oh, oh, oh)
Our toughts, our looks, It's confusing
But I had no soul mate
How did he show up, appeared in the mirror (Oh, oh, oh)
Nights leave marks
I faced myself in the mirror
He talks, just our bodies are same
We're two crazy men in different universes
We couldn't find out which one of us is right
My soul had no mate, oh
Where did the stranger in the mirror come out from?
I ask you: 'Where do you come from?'
Even If I'd know the answer, I couldn't tell you, I can't
Nights leave marks
Nights leave marks
Nights leave marks
(Dincy, Dincy, Dincy)