Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 18

Număr de rezultate: 1021


Love Is Magic

I didn't start it
But it happened
Like the first time
Baby this is me (is me)
It was just a look
It beat perfect
Lies like the sea
How awkward
I tried to change you a little
But now I know
That I shouldn't have
I tried to show you the crazy
That I'm for you
Since that day
Ooh ooh
Don't leave me anymore
In this situation
I want to be with you
To understand
And love is fast (yeah)
Sometimes it's tragic (yeah)
It's magic
It could be said
That I was groundless
And what you gave me
Was a lesson
I believe to have
That which you want
But after you have it
Then don't despair
I tried to change you a little
But know I know
That I shouldn't have
I tried to show you the crazy
That I'm for you
Since that day
Ooh ooh
Don't leave me in this situation anymore
I want to be with you
To understand
And love is fast (yeah)
Sadist (ooh)
Sometimes it's tragic (yeah)
It's magic
I feel crazy for you
I miss you
I wish so much that you were here
And you gave me the proper value
Because I believe that life is nothing without love
No, I know that I'm not perfect
Or anything like that but I respect
What goes on in your head
I thank you, I adore you, I love you
I love you, I worship you, I feel you, I wish for you
Don't leave me in this position anymore
Nothing is in vain everything has its explanation
And I know mine
When I see you, I speak, I touch
Shivers in the spine,
And now everything will be good
I want to see your face when you hear this sound
Ah and I'm going to try to be more soft-hearted
I'm going to call you so we go see the sunset
And love is fast
Sometimes it's tragic
It's magic
It's fast
It's magic

Good anniversary

This afternoon I saw you, nervous for waiting,
That's why I dressed, barely speaking,
Today, a year ago, that cheerful and without a doubt,
1In white I took you, before the judge of the place.
I've looked at the clock, soon it will be eight2,
Your suit didn't arrived, you're waiting for it since yesterday,
And the bow that today woman you're expecting to wear,
With so much going and coming, ended falling.
You run, come and go, through the hall
You turn on more and more, just like a cyclone,
And you don't know what to do, if to laugh or to cry,
I do my duty, I must to shut up.
You won't want to expect, the show to await,
And we won't be able to watch not even one act of Manon,
Taking without delay, on the fly a plane,
We could arrive, when the courtain descends.
Good anniversary, good anniversary

Voiam să-ți scriu de mult

Voiam să-ți scriu de mult,
dar apoi aceste lucruri nu le faci,.
și să ți le spun de foarte mult timp
așa că nu am mai facut-o.
Puțină inimă dacă-ți cere
dacă sunt nebună sau nu.
Vrei să mă asculți printre rănile
unui cer și mai albastru?
Voiam să-ți spun că eu,
încă mai cânt despre tine,
și totuși dacă în felul meu
sunt rea cu mine însăși.
Voiam să-ți spun că nici eu
nu mai știu în cine să cred
și m-am certat cu Dumnezeu
care nu-mi mai vorbește de ceva timp.
Voiam să-ți spun că
voi avea nevoie de tine
acum că în felul meu
m-am împăcat cu mine pentru totdeauna.
Sunt nopți în care noaptea
e foarte lungă chiar și pentru mine
și topesc intr-o ceașcă de cafea cu lapte
fiecare întrebare prostească de-a mea.
O emoție durează puțin,
Frumusețea e chiar acolo,
că atunci când jocul devine dur,
O altă emoție e deja aici.
Voiam să-ți spun că
voi avea nevoie de tine
acum când în felul meu
m-am împăcat cu mine.
Voiam să-ți scriu și apoi,
apoi tot restul îl știi deja.
Voiam să-ți scriu dar
o fac acum dacă vrei.
Voiam să-ți spun că eu,
încă mai cânt despre tine
și chiar dacă în felul meu
m-am împăcat cu mine pentru totdeauna.
Voiam să-ți spun că nici eu
nu mai știu în cine să cred
și m-am certat cu Dumnezeu
care nu-mi mai vorbește de ceva timp.
Voiam să-ți scriu de mult.
Scuză-mă dacă n-am făcut-o niciodată.

Winter-haiku 12. The eyelids

The golden edging on the horizon of winter lets us see that summer still yearns to open its eyelids.

Winter Haîku 13. Mithra

All black, heavy winter sky, mooing wind.
Clouds drawing horns.
Slashes of bloody red.
Like a monstrous Mithraean rite.

Seară de iarnă

Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Fereastra mea e o grădină de gheață.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Ce e spasmul vieții
Față de durerea ce-o simt, ce-o simt!
Toate iazurile zac înghețate,
Sufletul mi-e negru! Unde trăiesc? Unde mă duc?
Toate speranțele sale zac înghețate:
Sunt noua Norvegie,
De unde au plecat cerurile blonde.
Plângeți, păsări de februarie,
La sinistrul frison al lucrurilor.
Plângeți, păsări de februarie.
Plângeți-mi plânsul, plângeți-mi trandafirii
Pe crengile de ienupăr.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Fereastra mea e o grădină de gheață.
Ah, cum a nins ninsoarea!
Ce e spasmul vieții
Față de plictiseala ce-o simt, ce-o simt!

Winter Haîku 8. The Squirrel mother

December, the squirrel mother pushes her children into the trunk-hole.
We rise by lifting others.

Îmi iubesc nebunia

Mereu mi-au spus că sunt un ciudat,
ceva diferit de
Eram un visător disperat,
că am vrut dorințele mele să le realizez.
De câte ori m-au numit nebun
și poate puțin, dar nu contează,
dacă așa au spus
Am bucurie.
Tu ești cel care te duce unde vrei,
ceea ce decizi este ceea ce ai,
Nu-mi pasă ce-mi spun,
îmi trăiesc viața.
Nu ești un ciudat cum credeai,
există deja atât de mulți printre noi în fiecare zi
pictăm visele pe
Și asta ești tu.
Cu nebunie, îmi iubesc nebunia.
Pierdeți-vă sănătatea și mișcați-vă talia.
Dacă toți acei oameni ar ști,
Zâmbesc azi dacă mă uit înapoi.
Tot ce vedeam imposibil,
inima mea ar putea face.
De câte ori m-au numit nebun
și poate puțin, dar nu contează,
dacă așa au spus
Am bucurie.
Tu ești cel care te duce unde vrei,
ceea ce decizi este ceea ce ai,
Nu-mi pasă ce-mi spun,
îmi trăiesc viața.
Nu ești un ciudat cum credeai,
există deja atât de mulți printre noi în fiecare zi
pictăm visele pe
Și asta ești tu.
Cu nebunie, îmi iubesc nebunia.
Pierdeți-vă sănătatea și mișcați-vă talia..
Tu ești cel care te duce unde vrei,
ceea ce decizi este ceea ce ai,
Nu-mi pasă ce-mi spun,
îmi trăiesc viața.
Nu ești un ciudat cum credeai,
există deja atât de mulți printre noi în fiecare zi
pictăm visele pe
Și asta ești tu.


That's right, love is too easy for you
That's right, that’s how it is for you
It can’t be our last kiss
No, not today
I’m asking again and again
Because the cold wind is blowing
Because the cold rain is falling
It just can’t be today
Please don’t go, don’t go, don’t go
Just don’t leave my side
This is my last request
Tell me, tell me, tell me
How can you throw away this love so easily?
This is my last request to ask of you
That’s right, breaking up is too easy for you
That's right, that’s how it is for you
That's right, love is too easy for you
That's right, that’s how it is for you
Yeah that’s right, breaking up is easier
‘Cause there’s a clear reason for me to be sad
Love seemed to be such an easy thing for you
You always knew how to make it so
Please don’t go, don’t go, don’t go
The words that once left my lips
Now, I am hearing them from you
Tell me, tell me, tell me
That you at least loved me
This is my last request to you
That’s right, breaking up was easier to me
That's right, that’s how it was for me
That's right, it was just too easy to you
That's right, that’s how it was for you
All of the sudden, you’re so far away
In a place that I can’t reach
Without any regrets, oh
Right here means nothing without you
Please don’t leave
Thanks to you
The next time will be easier for me
I doubt that I’ll be missing you
I won’t be sitting around waiting for you
So do whatever you want to do
Let’s not regret the past
We just didn’t know better
It wasn’t anyone’s fault
Oh baby
It’s too easy, baby
Love is just too easy


Wake up in day one
The morning of the first day
Lights are shining
The eyes of the sun
That light burned me
That light covered my eyes
But I go now I follow my dreams
Dive into red sun, no lie
Countless stars Countless moons
I was wandering in the woods of questions
I followed that light in the dark
You call me over the line
I'm calling for you
(To you)
In the rain of fate's arrows
I face the border inside of me
Given or taken oh
My red eyes
(To you)
I'm turning the world upside down
I step into the sky
Given or taken oh
My white fangs
Oh, I'm walking to you
I connect the two worlds
My red eyes
Oh, I'm walking to you
Until I reach the new world
My white fangs
Thousands of doubts behind me
Ten thousands of mistrust behind me
But I go now I follow my dreams
Drive through the question for life
Between giving and receive
I have to prove myself
We've been waiting for the sky
You call me over the line
I'm calling for you
(To you)
In the rain of fate's arrows
I face the border inside of me
Given or taken oh
My red eyes
(To you)
I'm turning the world upside down
I step into the sky
Given or taken oh
My white fangs
Red blood
On that crown
That blood
Flowing blood
Red blood
My fingertips for you are reddish.
But I'm gonna go
(To you)
In the rain of fate's arrows
I face the border inside of me
Given or taken oh
My red eyes
(To you)
I'm turning the world upside down
I step into the sky
Given or taken oh
My white fangs
Oh, I'm walking to you
I connect the two worlds
My red eyes
Oh, I'm walking to you
Until I reach the new world
My white fangs

To Live

I want to live at the limit, yeah
Bring together my people in a meet(ing), yeah
For those who come calm there is an invitation, yeah
There's nothing better than smiling with life
If you don't toast our bazars
Here who does girls won't stay
To the bad energies I say goodbye
I'm going to live at the limit and toast to mine
I don't connect with those who hate me
I'm going to toast to those who adore me
Why leave it for later
If I can do it now
I don't like it, I don't force it
Not even the slope jumps out
But if the vibe is positive
Bring your family and let's go
Celebrate that life is just one
I bring back my group
Aragão on the stage makes a mess
And the reason in the writing for the G to consume
If I say my G
I say all of my people
If I fall I'm boring
I get up again
I don't run away from problems
I confront and resolve
And I'm going to transmit it to those that feel and hear me
Listen, don't stop or give up
Well life is this way
The mouths don't affect you
Man you believe in yourself
I already fell a lot
And in the end it's that I saw
That we learn in the defeat
So that we win in the end
I want to live at the limit, yeah
Bring together my people in a meet(ing), yeah
For those who come calm there is an invitation, yeah
There's nothing better than smiling with life
If you don't toast our bazars
Here who does girls won't stay
To the bad energies I say goodbye
I'm going to live at the limit and toast to mine
Run more and talk less
Don't regret without fighting
It's not enough to say you do
If you lack believing
Life is two days
Therefore I will take advantage
Together with the family and some bottles
Today I pause to toast
For this I don't want to know
Man I live at the limit
If you want to enter the group
You don't need an invitation
Bring a good vibe
And your people are welcome
What I want is to see smiles
And the coexistence is beautiful
I want to live at the limit, yeah
Without my family I don't live, yeah
Without my people I don't stay, yeah
They want, they stay with my guide, yeah
Problems I put aside
Life I put in my art
Close to me stays Mars
I dream with more this it is a fact
Think positive and don't forget to love yourself, yeah
I want to live at the limit, yeah
Bring together my people in a meet(ing), yeah
For those who come calm there is an invitation, yeah
There's nothing better than smiling with life
If you don't toast our bazars
Here who does girls won't stay
To the bad energies I say goodbye
I'm going to live at the limit and toast to mine

Indrazneste sa traiesti

Versions: #1
Priveste inspre “maine”, nu inspre “ieri”
Nespuse-atatea au ramas
Atingeri calde si mangaieri,
Cuvinte tandre fara glas
Fete-ascunse sub naframa
Un “adevar” ce se destrama
Doar viata mea-i ce pot sa dau
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
Traieste azi, te daruie acum
Traieste azi, da din tine tot ce ai mai bun in jur
Chiar de simti ca nu mai e nimic de dat
Daca vezi un intristat
La usa ta ca-ti bate
Flamand si gol, infrigurat
De-asculti al lumii glas spre dimineata
Prin stropii reci de ploaie
Tu, Cel ce poti crea cu vocea Ta
Tu, Cel ce cunosti inima mea
Esti Dumnezeu, singurul Dumnezeu
Traieste azi, te-ndreapta spre necunoscut
Traieste azi, nu se poate trai fara trecut
Traieste azi, viata-i frumoasa, e un dar
E o cantare viata Ta, o melodie, e un Har
Traieste azi, Indrazneste a iubi
(De ce, de ce, de ce nu traiesti in seara asta?)
Traieste azi, cu toti sa ne iubim
(De ce, de ce, de ce sa nu traiesti acum?)
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
(De ce, de ce, de ce viata-ti n-are grai?)
Viata ta-i ce poti sa dai (De ce?)
Traieste azi, e tot ce ai!
Traieste azi!
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
(De ce, de ce, de ce viata-ti n-are grai?)
Viata ta-i ce poti sa dai (De ce?)
Traieste azi, e tot ce ai!
Voi spune nu (Voi spune da)
Deci, traieste azi,
Traieste azi!

Indrazneste sa Traiesti

Priveste inspre “maine”, nu inspre “ieri”
Nespuse-atatea au ramas
Atingeri calde si mangaieri,
Cuvinte tandre fara glas
Fete-ascunse sub naframa
Un “adevar” ce se destrama
Doar viata mea-i ce pot sa dau
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
Traieste azi, te daruie acum
Traieste azi, da din tine tot ce ai mai bun in jur
Chiar de simti ca nu mai e nimic de dat
Daca vezi un intristat
La usa ta ca-ti bate
Flamand si gol, infrigurat
De-asculti al lumii glas spre dimineata
Prin stropii reci de ploaie
Tu, Cel ce poti crea cu vocea Ta
Tu, Cel ce cunosti inima mea
Esti Dumnezeu, singurul Dumnezeu
Traieste azi, te-ndreapta spre necunoscut
Traieste azi, nu se poate trai fara trecut
Traieste azi, viata-i frumoasa, e un dar
E o cantare viata Ta, o melodie, e un Har
Traieste azi, Indrazneste a iubi
(De ce, de ce, de ce nu traiesti in seara asta?)
Traieste azi, cu toti sa ne iubim
(De ce, de ce, de ce sa nu traiesti acum?)
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
(De ce, de ce, de ce viata-ti n-are grai?)
Viata ta-i ce poti sa dai (De ce?)
Traieste azi, e tot ce ai!
Traieste azi!
Traieste azi cu tot ce ai mai bun
(De ce, de ce, de ce viata-ti n-are grai?)
Viata ta-i ce poti sa dai (De ce?)
Traieste azi, e tot ce ai!
Voi spune nu (Voi spune da)
Deci, traieste azi,
Traieste azi!

Your Light

When you slightly blink I get surprised for a moment
I'm still getting used to it, it's on air, It's the beginning
The yesterday that I was afraid of feels like a warning signal (I know it now)
In the depths of your sparkling eyes,
I feel like everything will work out
A fancy light up
Heart is beating beating sometimes
So shiny shiny it's dangerous
Even when you're lost
Along the line that your heart drew drew
Let's turn on your light
Fly higher, the colorful light
Embrace it as much as you want
Let's color your mind
I'm more curious, it's more mysterious
Paint the world with you
Just as you set your heart to, alright
Really really do
Really really do
Just as you set your heart to, you
The gaze of the beast that chose its target, uh
The signal of refusal, it might be
As everyone said, you
Will you stay inside the box like that like that?
See it as you want
Every day is new
Reveal all the senses
Let's go far away together
Everything will be different
Even though someone might be tired of the secret secret
And become anxious anxious
More like eighteen
Yes, enjoy enjoy jump in now
Let's turn on your light
Fly higher, the colorful light
Embrace it as much as you want
Let's color your mind
I'm more curious, it's more mysterious
Paint the world with you
Just as you set your heart to, alright
Really really do
Really really do
Just as you set your heart to, you
Hear it hear it deeply
Listen listen more talk to yourself
There's nothing more important than that
A story left unfinished, a fearful day day
Following you, I create this color
Keep your dream
Let's turn on your light
You still don't know, awaken your whole body
Leave it to where it wants to gravitate towards
Let's color your mind
Dive in deep, everyone is surprised
You shine enough, believe it
As you wish your light
Really really do
Really really do
As you wish your light

Zahăr pentru pilulă

E un stol de pescăruşi
Batând aripi prin vânt
Singurii îndrăgostiţi in viaţă
Alergând în intuneric
Şi am plecat, ziceam că nu vrem multe
Doar un carusel, iubirea noastră nu a ştiut niciodata drumul
Zahăr pentru pilulă, după cum ştii, aşa sunt lucrurile
Nu poţi cumpăra soarele, această gelozie o să ne distrugă
Vino prin cer
Şi muta-te un pic mai aproape acum
Stănd pe un pat de lăcomie
Ştii că am avut cel mai ciudat vis
Şi am plecat, ziceam că nu vrem multe
Un carusel, iubirea noastră nu a ştiut niciodata drumul
Zahăr pentru pilulă, după cum ştii, aşa sunt lucrurile
Nu poţi cumpăra soarele, această gelozie o să ne distrugă
Şi am plecat, ziceam că nu vrem multe
Un carusel, iubirea noastră nu a ştiut niciodata drumul
Zahăr pentru pilulă, după cum ştii, aşa sunt lucrurile
Nu poţi cumpăra soarele, această gelozie o să ne distrugă

I'll miss you day and night

A sudden dream
About the bubble you left
When you parted
Kicking stones
Walking slowly
Bumping into each other on the bus
A sudden thought
Of you and me as shooting starts
The bright night
And the pitch-black universe
They both are born from the night sky
I'll miss you day and night
But I'll keep going forward fearlessly
The fireworks in the distance are getting dim
Make me stare at the distance ahead and behind me
A natural excuse
Involved us as woods
A negative smile, a delightful cry
Life is really hard to explain
A really natural answer
Do you want to drink coffee or to make tea?
Where is your happiness after work?
I really don't want to answer that
I'll miss you day and night
But I'll keep going forward fearlessly
The fireworks in the distance are getting dim
Make me stare at the distance ahead and behind me

Am spus-o

Te așteaptă,
ne ajunge
lumina zilei,
că totul e rău
îl șterge
bucuria noastră.
O spun și o spun ...
Te așteaptă,
uite, că vin toate lucrurile bune
pentru a ne reaminti că ceea ce am trăit
a meritat...
Lasă-mă să-ți aprind speranța în
și într-o îmbrățișare găsești libertatea.
Știi că acolo lumea merge atât de
oamenii au uitat să viseze.
Vino cu mine,
doar cu mine,
să ne bucurăm după cum vrei,
am Soarele pentru primăvara ta.
Cu mine, eu îți spun,
ce contează mai mult, că vin vremuri de fericire.
O spun și o spun...
Te așteaptă,
ne prinde din urmă
Lumina zilei
că totul e rău
îl șterge
bucuria noastră.
O spun și o spun...
Te așteaptă,
uite, că vin toate lucrurile bune
pentru a ne reaminti că ceea ce am trăit
a meritat...
A meritat...
A meritat...
Vino să dansezi cu Oamenii Zonei,
dar de data asta cu Carlos Rivera...
A meritat...
A meritat...
Pentru că viața trebuie savurată,
Trebuie să o trăiești așa cum vrei tu.
Lasă-mă să te duc dincolo de granița ta,
sunt atât de multe încât trebuie să mergem.
Lasă-mă să-ți arăt că viața ne așteaptă
și că vin vremuri de fericire.
Vino cu mine,
doar cu mine,
să ne bucurăm după cum vrei,
am Soarele pentru primăvara ta.
Cu mine, eu îți spun,
ce contează mai mult, că vin vremuri de fericire.
O spun și o spun...
Te așteaptă,
ne prinde din urmă
Lumina zilei
că totul e rău
îl șterge
bucuria noastră.
O spun și o spun...
Te așteaptă,
uite, că vin toate lucrurile bune
pentru a ne reaminti că ceea ce am trăit
a meritat...
A meritat...
A meritat...
Vino să dansezi cu Oamenii Zonei,
dar de data asta cu Carlos Rivera...
A meritat...
A meritat...
Pentru că viața trebuie savurată,
Trebuie să o trăiești așa cum vrei tu.

100 Ani

Privește-mă în ochi, că te simt diferit
Mi-e frică de noi
Că această dragoste s-a terminat brusc
Amintește-mi din nou când totul era nou
Ziua în care te-ai îndrăgostit
Am spus că a noastră va fi eternă
Nu-mi spune că pleci azi, te rog
Că îmi vei distruge inima
Dacă îmi ceri să mă schimb, voi face ceea ce îmi ceri
Este uman să faci mai multe greșeli
Ce te costă ca să mă ierți ?
Jur că nu îmi voi lua rămas bun
Deși spun că nu există nici un rău care a durat mai mult de o sută de ani
Nu vreau să fiu primul idiot care verifică
O dragoste ca a noastră știi că nu o vezi în fiecare zi
O dragoste ca a noastră merită salvată, oh-oh-oh
Oh, chichi
Aruncă-l afară, frate
Hei Carlitos
Noroc, partener
Mexic și Columbia
O inimă, frate
Trăiască femeile
Nu-mi spune că pleci azi, te rog
Că îmi vei distruge inima
Dacă îmi ceri să mă schimb, voi face ceea ce îmi ceri
Este uman să faci mai multe greșeli
Ce te costă ca să mă ierți ?
Jur că nu îmi voi lua rămas bun
Deși spun că nu există nici un rău care a durat mai mult de o sută de ani
Nu vreau să fiu primul idiot care verifică
O dragoste ca a noastră știi că nu o vezi în fiecare zi
O dragoste ca a noastră merită salvată, oh-oh-oh

Welcome stranger

Versions: #1
I pour a little darkness and a little rain
to fix you up a strange beginning,
and to draw you a bit from your own thoughts
that battle your cheerfulness anyway.
I take you to a small path, to an old alley
to a tavern, eternally steeped in wine.
A disreputable place, even for my own thinking,
where not ever fear would bring me in a dream.
Well here, I will share a story with you
that could have happened yesterday, and swear to me,
should it bother you so that you feel ashamed,
you will never speak of it again.
Welcome stranger, to my land
relax here beside me, let me pour you some wine,
please forgive me for my manners,
but you find me in the arms of shame.
I'm left alone, sit wherever you want,
you seem tired, you must have traveled far,
yet despite my haze and behind the shadows,
you seem so familiar.
Hello to you too, I've been gone for years,
I've been somewhere far away,
loud voices brought me back
and some remorse which told me that near here
I have been born and died two tousand times.
Oh, there it is, I knew it when I saw you
that you must definetely speak in a strange way.
You bear the markings of another world,
those thorns on your head, as well as your clothes.
Once, some crowned me with it
and they were mocking me as a great king.
Since then, fresh blood is still pouring
on those who climbed the steps of time.
Thats why you see me dwell in the shadows
as if I am afraid and want to escape
a prayer in an olive grove,
they've never let me finish.
And yet you smell of heaven and soil
and that wonderful chillness of silence.
It's that I was brought here by bizarre quarrels
Well, here's what you'll tell them
Since they're all shouting
and killing in my name
Say, the celebration is postponed
I´m going to lie down on my spikes.
Tell them that time has gone mad,
it no longer stops at Calvary,
tell them the stranger has gone,
that he went away for good.
You talk in riddles, but I'm into it
You must be an intellectual.
Or you are like me, when I drink here
and then lose my grip someplace else.
That's why I came here, to find you drunk
so that you can tell them the truth.
Under the light I see the sweat on your forehead*
but you keep it clean*, you won't be ashamed.
The others toyed with me for centuries
thay called me emperor, made me a general,
they proclaimed my simple words to be rules
and I knew none of it.
How did you find me down here, what do you want from me
I wasn't born very clever
it feels as though I was born yesterday
where there are plenty of smart people around.
I saw them, I listened to them, I know them well,
I prefer the nails that hold me on the cross.
They upsold my birth,
they are guarding the darkness as a treasure.
Tell my enemies that they had good reasoning
and that I will respect them because they showed more honesty
as they were killing me, they were looking at the sky
so they managed to received forgiveness from there.
Nice, my strange friend, tonight
you have found a purpose for my helplesness.
Take a cup, cut us some bread
let me finish my wine
and I will go and tell them
Since they're all shouting
and killing in your name
I'll say, the celebration is postponed
you're going to lie down on your spikes.
I'll say that time has gone mad,
it no longer stops at Calvary,
I'll say the stranger has gone,
that he went away for good.

100 years

Look me in the eyes, that I feel you different
I am afraid of us
That this love was suddenly spent
Remind me again when everything was new
The day you fell in love
We said that our relationship would be eternal
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh
Oh, boy
Throw it out, my brother
Hey, Carlitos
Cheers, friend
Mexico and Colombia
One heart, brother
Long live the babies
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh

Both of you

These things need to be cleared up
These things need to be cleared up
Try just once
To talk about what had happened
I know you prefer to avoid one another
But does it make sense?
You have to believe
You have to believe
That you've got something in common
For all the time
You love me and I
Adore you
- You've got reasons not to like me -
- That's not the way it is -
- But I knew what you'd felt for Rose, even though I stayed -
- I have no pretence about it -
- No? So what's the matter? -
- She fell in love with you -
- Oh, that's the way Rose is! -
- She always did what she wanted to -
Bot of you need
Both of you need
A someone close
Take you by the hand
You have to believe
You have to believe
That you've got something in common
For all the time
You love me and I
Adore you
You love me and I
Adore you

Amintirile iubirii

Ai dreptate, cuvintele nu rezolvă multe lucruri,
Dar e cel mai bine, trebuie să comunicăm.
Până la urmă cazul nostru nu e diferit de altele,
Care s-au terminat prost, și trebuie să-ți mărturisesc
Că deși am suferit deja,
Nopțile în care nu vei fi voi suferi chiar mai tare, of, of.
Am nevoie să aflii urgent despre sentimentele mele.
Ajung acasă, nu te văd și vreau pur și simplu să plec în fugă de acolo.
Simt că singurătatea și liniștea mă îmbrățișează.
Mi-a trecut bucuria,
Numai amintirea iubirii nu trece.
Până la urmă cazul nostru nu e diferit de altele,
Care s-au terminat prost, și trebuie să-ți mărturisesc
Că deși am suferit deja,
Nopțile în care nu vei fi voi suferi chiar mai tare, of, of.
Am nevoie să aflii urgent despre sentimentele mele.
Ajung acasă, nu te văd și vreau pur și simplu să plec în fugă de acolo.
Simt că singurătatea și liniștea mă îmbrățișează.
Mi-a trecut bucuria,
Numai amintirea iubirii nu trece.
Of, of, of...
Am nevoie să aflii urgent despre sentimentele mele.
Ajung acasă, nu te văd și vreau pur și simplu să plec în fugă de acolo.
Simt că singurătatea și liniștea mă îmbrățișează.
Mi-a trecut bucuria,
Numai amintirea iubirii nu trece, of, of, of...
Simt că singurătatea și liniștea mă îmbrățișează.
Mi-a trecut bucuria,
Numai amintirea iubirii nu trece.

Taxi Driver

Sorry, taxi driver, but would you give me a ride
Sorry, taxi driver, until my torn-apart heart gives a smile?
'I was in a secret love that I couldn't tell anyone about
And you don't get how painful they are 'til you fall into one'
'All those lovey-dovey summer days
They bring me sorrow now'
Sorry, taxi driver, but could you make me cry a bit
Sorry, taxi driver, so my rain comes soon?
As the windshield soaks in the blue twilight,
'Although I had always walked with a sense of strength
I was still someone with nowhere to go
just wanting someone else to show me the way'
Sorry, taxi driver, I must be wasting your time
Sorry, taxi river, but look! All the signs have faded away
Goodbye, taxi driver, we mistakenly found each other
Thank you, driver, and now my rain's already stopped
Goodbye, taxi driver, the table on top of yesterday
Thank you, taxi driver, is just a little scratch now


Sandokan, Sandokan...
Cel mai crud e războiul,
și bărbatul știe ce-i războiul.
Caldă și tandră e iubirea,
și bărbatul știe ce-i iubirea.
Din cer deja coboară un tunet,
de jur împrejur o bubuitură.
Sămânța se naște din plantă,
marele arbore acum cântă.
Aleargă sângele prin vene,
marele vânt în noaptea fierbinte se va ridica.
Sandokan, Sandokan...
Galben, soarele îmi va da puterea.
Sandokan, Sandokan,
dă-mi puterea în fiece zi și noapte, curajul va veni.
Sandokan, Sandokan...
Galben, soarele îmi va da puterea.
Sandokan, Sandokan,
dă-mi puterea în fiece zi și noapte, curajul va veni.
Sandokan, Sandokan...
Galben, soarele îmi va da puterea.
Sandokan, Sandokan,
dă-mi puterea în fiece zi și noapte, curajul va ve...
Cochilia cântă încet,
acum marea e deja departe.
Urcă și coboară mareea,
ce acoperă totul și creează totul.
Aleargă sângele prin vene,
marele vânt în noaptea fierbinte se va ridica.
Sandokan, Sandokan...
Galben, soarele îmi va da puterea.
Sandokan, Sandokan,
dă-mi puterea în fiece zi și noapte, curajul va ve...
Sandokan, Sandokan...
Galben, soarele îmi va da puterea.
Sandokan, Sandokan,
dă-mi puterea în fiece zi și noapte, curajul va veni.
Sandokan, Sandokan...
Galben, soarele îmi va da puterea.
Sandokan, Sandokan,
dă-mi puterea în fiece zi și noapte, cura...
dă-mi puterea în fiece zi și noapte, cura...
dă-mi puterea în fiece zi și noapte, curajul va veni.

Banana Joe

Joe, oh Banana Joe!
tu ai, oh Banana nana Joe!
o inimă uriașă și un suflet visător,
oh Banana nana Joe!
Joe, oh Banana Joe!
tu ești, oh Banana nana Joe!
un brav marinar cu pumni de oțel.
Violent și mânios, auzi vorbindu-se
despre un tunet, un avion ce va veni!
Încep discuțiile,
și zboară loviturile.
În mii de situații,
Joe e cel învingător.
Cântând călătorește pe râu,
în barca lui, zi și noapte,
iar păsările îl însoțesc.
Toată jungla e casa lui!
Cinează târziu, cu luna,
un foc mocnit îi ține companie.
Doar își amână norocul
Banana Joe
Joe, oh Banana Joe!
tu trăiești, oh Banana nana Joe!
singur în lumea ta cu mii de culori,
oh, Banana nana Joe!
Joe, oh Banana Joe!
Îți aperi, oh Banana nana Joe!
mereu cu mult curaj idealurile tale.
El pare a fi un ciclon, se vorbește de el
ca despre un tunet, un camion ce va veni!
Pumnii lui sunt ca două tunuri,
care n-ascultă de rațiune.
Fără multe excepții,
Joe e cel învingător.
Refren (x2)

The universe

You may test me in my entirety
Me and Tesla, we are from the future
It's true what you hear around here
We are properly underground
Nublu, what's my BPM?
Is this rap or EDM?
VVS around my neck, GPS on my car
You know us from your TV
I'm sick, I've got a fever
I'll go back where my roots are
Dreams were all I had, that's why, that's why they are big
I'm hooked on this, that's why it's a drug
I'm a bit bored, I will fog up the windows by shouting 'Mamma, I made it' when I'm famous
Love it or hate it, it's the same as in junnut1
I said I'm the best, you may think I'm crazy
The sun is yours, the moon is mine
Yours and mine, the whole universe
The sun is yours, the moon is mine
Yours and mine, the whole universe
Where's my phone?
Hello, hey
Listen, I've got two Finnish babes here
Who are pretty nice, but they don't speak Estonian
Miklu said: 'Moi, okay.
Just bring them over to my place.'
I said: 'Great, but where?'
Okay, it doesn't actually matter
Here or on the other side of the Gulf
If somebody asks, I was in a cafe
I have some questions
to which I will try
to find answers tonight just one more time
Because sometimes it feels like my childhood was a film trick
Megazone, Trip pear drink
A movie, the tempo of my life is so cinematic
Those who try to eyeball it
Will get their eyes blinded
But all my problems will fade away when I see you briefly
When you arch your back
Moon rocks will create a cozy atmosphere
And the Airbnb came with a magasized balcony
The sun is yours, the moon is mine
Yours and mine, the whole universe
The sun is yours, the moon is mine
Yours and mine, the whole universe
Here you have the two Finnish and Estonian vandals
The quality will stay the same, this is the standard
Fa-fantastic, I'll give it my best
They say they call the shots, it's sarcasm to me
Take a good look, think it through
Is this what you really want?
There's magic potion in both of us, Asterix and Obelix
This is a a renovation
But today nobody is sawing
We've got mirrors in the ceiling
Please look at yourself
I've got you line, hook and sinker
As your defences fall down like a listing ship
Passion like the smell of seaweed when you get into town from Mähe
First you feel nauseous but then it goes into your head
I have little to offer you after all that
See, that ball of fire and some more pointless stars
There you go
The sun is yours, the moon is mine
Yours and mine, the whole universe
The sun is yours, the moon is mine
Yours and mine, the whole universe
Look, look, yours and mine, look, look, the universe
Look, look, yours, yours, yours, yours, yours, yours
Look, look, yours and mine, look, look, the universe
Look, look, yours, yours, yours, lift up your eyes
  • 1. Little league


Sandokan, Sandokan
war is very cruel
and a man knows what war is
love is warm and tender
and a man knows what love is
the thunder comes down from the sky
the great sound is all around
the seed is born from the plant
the big mast is now singing
The blood runs through the veins
The great wind will rise in the hot night
Sandokan, Sandokan
The yellow sun gives me strength
Sandokan, Sandokan
Give me strength every day, every night, courage will come
Sandokan, Sandokan
The yellow sun gives me strength
Sandokan, Sandokan
Give me strength every day, every night, courage will come
Sandokan, Sandokan
The yellow sun gives me strength
Sandokan, Sandokan
Give me strength every day, every night, courage will come
A conch (/seashell) plays softly
the sea is already far away
the tide rises and falls
it covers everything and creates everything
the blood runs in the veins
the great wind will rise in the hot night
Sandokan, Sandokan
The yellow sun gives me strength
Sandokan, Sandokan
Give me strength every day, every night, courage will come
Sandokan, Sandokan
The yellow sun gives me strength
Sandokan, Sandokan
Give me strength every day, every night, courage will come
Sandokan, Sandokan
The yellow sun gives me strength
Sandokan, Sandokan
Give me strength every day, every night, courage ...
Give me strength every day, every night, courage ...
Give me strength every day, every night, courage will come
Note: Above is the simple (almost literal) .
The multi-lingual translation (Italian, English, Hungarian, Czech, German and Polish) can be seen in the this video:
The free singing translation, used in the English version of the song:
Warm and tender is the love
And people know the way to love
Cruel and bloody is the war
And people know how to make war
But the people can be unfair
And there's no one to help them there
I love my people
I love my land
And everybody seems to understand
All together
All together
Now together
Hand in hand let's go to the sun
Make me warm and I will be the one
Make me warm and I'll fight every day
Every night every way
Make me warm and I will be the one
Make me warm and I'll fight every day
Every night every way
Make me warm and I will be the one
Make me warm and I'll fight every day
Every night every -
Love the woman
Love the man
And be a brother to your old friend
I love my people
I love my land
And everybody seems to understand
All together
All together
Now together
Hand in hand let's go to the sun
Make me warm and I will be the one

At Least You in the Universe

You know, people are weird.
First they hate each other, then they love each other.
They change their mind all of a sudden.
First the truth and then he'll lie
with no seriousness, as if it was nothing.
You know, people are crazy.
Perhaps they're too unsatisfied.
They follow the world blindly.
When a trend changes, even they change
continuously, stupidly.
You, you who are different,
at least you in the universe.
You're a dot that never rolls around me.
A sun that shines only for me
like a diamond in the middle of the heart.
Oh, you who are different,
at least you in the universe.
You'll never change, tell me
that you'll always be honest
and that you'll love me for real more and more and more!
You know, people are lonely.
They console themselves the way they can
so as to avoid my mind
getting lost in conjectures, in fears
uselessly and then for nothing.
You, you who are different,
at least you in the universe.
You're a dot that never rolls around me.
A sun that shines only for me
like a diamond in the middle of the heart.
Oh, you who are different,
at least you in the universe.
You'll never change, tell me
that you'll always be honest
and that you'll love me for real more and more and more!
You'll never change, tell me
that you'll always be honest
and that you'll love me for real, truly for real!

Farewell ballad

You fill the time is over
Flower spring that fall asleep
Anything that never comes back, that flew
And was a river, an air, in your life
And you take kept in yourself
The cry of a ballad
Memories of a past
The beat of the old goat
Black nostalgia cover
Upon departure
Secrets of this city
I take them with me forever
Black nostalgia cover
Upon departure time
Secrets of this city
I take them with me forever
You know that the goodbye design
It's fire that burns us slowly
And in the slow closing of your eyes
Hope for a day here return
And you take kept in yourself
The cry of a ballad
Memories of a past
The beat of the old goat 1.
Black cloak cover of longing 2.
At the time of departure
Secrets of this town
I take them for all life
Black cloak cover of longing
At the time of departure
Secrets of this city
I take 'em with me forever
  • 1. This ist not an animal (old goat), but the name that students give to the tower of the university of coimbra whose bell regulates university life by telling the time .
  • 2. “longing” is the English word that seems closer to the meaning of the portuguese word “saudade”..

Să mă iert

Te gândeşti la mine când eşti singură în California?
Este un loc singuratic de cele mai multe ori, Dumnezeu ştie.
Nu te voi minţi, ţi-aş fi putut da mai multe,
Dar viaţa a devenit rapidă, lucrurile bune nu mai durează.
Din când în când mă gândesc la tine,
Mă duce înapoi la un timp mai dulce,
Dar îl las să treacă,
Te las să pleci.
Până mă trezesc dimineaţa, tu eşti tot ce văd,
Îmi alergi prin cap, în şi afară din visele mele,
Respir pentru un minut, încerc să mă concentrez pe mine,
Dar nu mă pot gândi la nimeni altcineva.
Acum inima mea este ruptă şi plâng pe podea,
Şi fiecare parte a mea speră că treci prin uşă,
Dar nu eşti aici, iubito, şi eu nu pot iubi pe nimeni altcineva
Până ce nu mă iert pe mine.
M-ai minţit când ai spus că eram tot ce ai nevoie?
Cred că nu vom şti niciodată toate lucrurile frumoase care am fi putut fi.
Din când în când mă gândesc la tine,
Mă duce înapoi la un timp mai dulce,
Dar îl las să treacă,
Te las să pleci.
Până mă trezesc dimineaţa, tu eşti tot ce văd,
Îmi alergi prin cap, în şi afară din visele mele,
Respir pentru un minut, încerc să mă concentrez pe mine,
Dar nu mă pot gândi la nimeni altcineva.
Acum inima mea este ruptă şi plâng pe podea,
Şi fiecare parte a mea speră că treci prin uşă,
Dar nu eşti aici, iubito, şi eu nu pot iubi pe nimeni altcineva
Până ce nu mă iert pe mine.
Până ce nu mă iert.
Până mă trezesc dimineaţa, tu eşti tot ce văd,
Îmi alergi prin cap, în şi afară din visele mele,
Respir pentru un minut, încerc să mă concentrez pe mine,
Dar nu mă pot gândi la nimeni altcineva.
Acum inima mea este ruptă şi plâng pe podea,
Şi fiecare parte a mea speră că treci prin uşă,
Dar nu eşti aici, iubito, şi eu nu pot iubi pe nimeni altcineva
Până ce nu mă iert pe mine.

Găseşte-mă în râu

Găseşte-mă în râu,
Găseşte-mă în genunchi,
Am mers împotriva apei,
Acum te aştept dacă vrei.
Am tânjit să vedem trandafirii,
Dar nu am simţit niciodată ţepii,
Şi am cumpărat frumoasele noastre coroane,
Dar nu am plătit preţul niciodată.
Găseşte-mă în râu,
Găseşte-mă acolo,
Găseşte-mă în genunchi cu sufletul descoperit,
Chiar dacă ai plecat şi eu sunt crăpat şi uscat,
Găseşte-mă în râu, aştept aici.
Găseşte-mă în râu,
Găseşte-mă în genunchi,
Am mers împotriva apei,
Acum te aştept dacă vrei.
Nu am socotit suferinţa,
Nu am socotit durerea,
Dar dacă binecuvântarea este în vale,
Atunci eu în râu voi aştepta.

Letting you go

Nothing more to tell each other.
I prefer to keep my distance
Suffering alone, so you won’t know.
The lies won’t help us any more
That’s enough for real now.
From tonight and on I’m on my own.
If my soul is blown to pieces shattering,
I’ll cut-off with shards and splinters
Thread that connects myself to you.
I wanted you at any cost
Both as a friend and as a lover
Better understand the other part.
And I knew how hard it is to stay the course
Tell the truth to you uncovered, straight from the heart.
I’m letting go of you,
So I won’t crumble then,
And I will get to learn again
How to exist without you.
We foresaw with you already
Such an end to this relation.
Such constricted freedom wouldn’t fly.
I am not what you are thinking
Not so angry and explosive.
I would never bite if you don’t pry.
I’m not gonna miss unending tedium.
Better be alone forever, than to stay in here …
I’m letting go of you,
So I won’t crumble then,
And I will get to learn again
How to exist without you.