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Rezultatele căutării pagină 19

Număr de rezultate: 1021


Taci şi condu

Am căutat un şofer calificat,
Deci dacă crezi că eşti acela, vino în cursa mea,
Sunt o maşină bine tunată, cu viteză supersonică
Cu o trapă pe capotă şi adaptată pentru conducere gangsta* .
Deci dacă mă simţi spune-mi,spune-mi, spune-mi,
Vino acum, ce aştepţi, ce, ce, ce,
Motorul meu este gata să explodeze, explodeze, explodeze,
Deci porneşte-mă şi priveşte-mă cum plec, plec, plec, plec.
Te-am dus unde vrei să mergi, dacă ştii la ce mă refer,
Am avut o călătorie mai lină decât cu o limuzină.
Poţi să iei curbele ? Poţi să porneşti toate luminile?
Dacă poţi , dragă băiete, atunci poţi merge toată noaptea,
Merge de la 0 la 60 în 3,5
Dragă, ai cheile,
Acum taci şi condu (condu, condu, condu)
Taci şi condu (condu, condu, condu).
Am aceeaşi clasă ca un Cadillac din '57
Şi m-am epuizat cu un întreg lot de bubuituri în spate,
Se pare că poţi să te descurci cu ce este sub capota mea,
Tot spui că o vei face, băiete, aş vrea să o faci .
[pod, refren]
Pentru că joci jocul, ai ceea ce am ( ia-o, ia-o)
Nu te opri,este o lovitură sigură,
Nu sunt Ferrari, hî, băiete, îmi pare rău
Nici măcar nu-mi fac griji,
Deci intră şi călăreşte
(călăreşte, călăreşte, călăreşte, călăreşte, călăreşte…)
[pod, refren]
Taci şi condu( condu, condu, condu)…

Păstrează Dragostea Vie

Dulce-amară, ai irosit ani
Vis singuratic despre suveniruri
Iubito, atinge o mână și fă-ți un prieten, în seara asta
Dragostea dulce-amară nu are mândrie
Încearcă din nou timpul este de partea ta
Oh, ciudate sunt căile iubirii
Haide și cucerește-mi inima
Se frânge doar în aparte
Păstrează dragostea vie
Prea greu să-l păstrezi
Păstrează dragostea vie
Prea greu să-l oprești
Păstrează focul aprins în inima ta
Pentru totdeauna
Păstrează focul aprins de la început
Întotdeauna împreună
Dulce-amară atât de sus atât de jos
Visător singuratic
Viața este un spectacol
Oh, atinge o mână
Fă-ți un prieten, în seara asta
Dulce-amară mai mult decât pot spune cuvintele
Femeile rele vor să se joace
O, ciudate sunt căile iubirii
Haide și cucerește-mi inima
Se frânge doar în aparte
Păstrează dragostea vie
Prea greu să-l păstrezi
Păstrează dragostea vie
Prea greu să-l oprești
Păstrează focul aprins în inima ta
Pentru totdeauna
Păstrează focul aprins de la început
Întotdeauna împreună
Păstrează dragostea vie
Prea greu să-l păstrezi
Păstrează dragostea vie
Prea greu să-l oprești
Păstrează focul aprins în inima ta
Pentru totdeauna
Păstrează focul aprins de la început
Mereu împreună

I know where Sid Barrett lives

I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know he's not happy about the guests
I know how he makes coffee
When other people are sleeping
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
He sees how on the roofs are sitting
Peacocks and elephants
He sees how mice are pulling
A piece of silence
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves
I know that in Big Theatre
Gilmore plays on the trumpet
Calculating all costs
Not forgetting about himself
He won't even make little mistakes
He doesn't let go of what's his
Tonight they will show
Him on the TV
I know where Sid Barrett lives
I know where his nest is
I know how he makes coffee
Not understanding anything
And the world doesn't need him at all
The world doesn't want him
Private apartment
He deserves

The wheel of the universe.

The wheel of the universe spun and spun
Just for kings, priests and barons

Iubirea nu mai locuiește aici

(Ia-mă-n brațe, scumpo, știi că te iubesc cu-adevărat)
Oh iubito, oh iubito, îmi plânge inima,
Nu mă pot abține, tot încerc.
Tu ai ieșit pe acea ușă,
Iubirea nu mai locuiește aici.
Oh lasă-mă, oh lasă-mă să-ți explic:
Iubirea nu mai locuiește aici.
Oh lasă-mă, lasă-mă să-ți explic:
Iubirea nu mai locuiește aici.
Grijile mi-au furat paradisul,
Iubirea noastră chiar a fost oarbă?
Uite ce mi-ai făcut, iubirea mea!
Poți să-mi recâștigi inima,
Iubirea poate găsi o cale,
Iubirea mea e culcată în mâinile tale.
Oh, încă nu-mi pot explica
De ce ai plecat,
Deci, te-ntreb iar, vei rămâne?
Eu simt exact la fel,
Iubirea ar putea reveni.
Emoție, emoție...
Oh iubito, oh iubito, unica mea,
Ai plecat,
Mă simt atât de singur!
Tu ai ieșit pe acea ușă,
Iubirea nu mai locuiește aici.
Oh lasă-mă, oh lasă-mă să-ți explic:
Iubirea nu mia locuiește aici.
(Ia-mă-n brațe, scumpo, știi că te iubesc cu adevărat)
Aș putea vreoadată să te iubesc mai mult, scumpo,
Decât înainte?
Privește prin ochii dragostei, iubirea mea.
Ți-am oferit totul, cum ai putut să faci asta?
Erai prea oarbă ca să vezi,
Dar iubirea mea e încă pentru tine, scumpo.
Încă nu-mi pot explica
De ce ai fugit,
Deci te-ntreb iar:
Vei rămâne?
Eu simt exact la fel,
Iubirea ar putea reveni.
Emoție, emoție...

I arrive where I am foreign

Nothing is as precarious as living
Nothing is as brief as being.
It is a bit like melting for the frost
And being Light for the wind.
I arrive where I am foreign
One day, you cross the frontier
Where are you coming from? But where are you going to ?
Tomorrow doesn't Matter, neither did Yesterday
The Heart changes when the thistle does.
Everything is rhymeless or reasonless
Run your finger on your temple
Touch the childhood of your eyes
Better keep the lamps low
A longer night suits us better
It is the broad daylight that grows older
Trees are beautiful in autumn
But the child, what's become of him?
I look at myself and get bewildered
At this unknown traveller
At his face and his naked feet.
Little by little you turn to silence
Although not fast enough
Not to sense your dissimilarity
And on your yesteryear's self
Not to feel the dust of Time fall down.
Ageing is long after all

My Face

The darkness will soon fall, and everyone will close their eyes
It's not easy to find out baby
Exciting drama
The unexpected moment
Ideal timing to approach
Don't rush
Can't run away
Can't already run away
My head was getting dizzy
Every single footstep spreads
Open the eyes in your mind
I got you, I got you
We're in trouble
I got you, I got you
Take a look, night is crumble
Find your, find your real face
Two, one, four steps
Let go of you, good in you, whatever it is
I'm in trouble
I'm in your mind
Fly deeper darkness
Hidden your face close up
I got your real face
Take it, you can get more distracted
Search, slowly digging, black
Elegant and intense taste
It's an addictive night, flow
Leave everything, yes
You want to aim like crazy
Beyond the distant consciousness, trance it
You're already looking for me
The more you get caught, the more undercover
Can't run away
Can't already run away
Lure you again so that you can't resist
Every trace that I left overlaps
I'm gonna wander your dreams
I got you, I got you
We're in trouble
I got you, I got you
Take a look, night is crumble
Find your, find your real face
Two, one, four steps
Let go of you, good in you, whatever it is
I'm in trouble
I'm in your mind
Fly deeper darkness
Hidden your face close up
I got your real face
I'll capture you
Your hidden face
Connect your hidden face
Oh, yeah, that's it
Your hidden face
Connect your hidden face
I'll capture you
Your hidden face
Connect your hidden face
Oh, yeah, that's it
Your hidden face
Connect your hidden face
We turn away, find my eternal way
In your lonely heart
Filled with ecstasies
This is our own paradise
Hey listen
Very instinctively and sensually
Find you
I got your signal in your sorrow
The moment we meet our eyes, everything is already done
Words are choked and frozen
Feels good, fall a little more
Now you
Yeah, you know I got you
Get your crime scene
I move stealthily
I'm gonna ruin you now
Hidden your face close up
I got your real face
Your hidden face
Connect close up
Your hidden face
I wanna do, I, I wanna do
I'll capture you
Your hidden face
Connect, close up
Your hidden face
Oh, yeah, that's it
Your hidden face
Connect, close up
Your hidden face
I'll capture you
Your hidden face
Connect, close up
Your hidden face
Oh, yeah, that's it
Your hidden face
Connect, close up
Your hidden face

Cântece care trăiesc veșnic

Cântece care trăiesc veșnic,
Melodii care nu încetează să te bântuie.
Vino și pășește cu mine pe aleea amintirilor,
Vom lua vechiul și-l vom face nou.
Dă volumul mai tare,
Doar puțin mai mult.
Muzica sună familiar,
Am mai auzit-o.
Muzica de ieri
Încă îmi face inima să se legene,
Și nu mă pot stăpâni,
Încep să cânt, încep să cânt.
Cântece care trăiesc veșnic,
Melodii care nu încetează să te bântuie.
Vino și pășește cu mine pe aleea amintirilor,
Vom lua vechiul și-l vom face nou.
Muzica are puterea să aducă
Lacrimi în ochii tăi
Și, ca prin magie,
Îți pune la loc un zâmbet pe chip.
Lasă acest cântec să înconjoare globul,
Să unească rasa umană.
Muzica face din acestă lume
Un loc mai bun.
Cântece care trăiesc veșnic,
Melodii care nu încetează să te bântuie.
Doar vino și pășește cu mine pe aleea amintirilor,
Vom lua vechiul,
Mmm...vom lua cele vechi și le vom face noi.

Nu mai e viață

Simt că depinde de tine,
care ești parte din mine,
să-ți amintești sau nu
fiecare nouă zi care trece.
Nimic de-acum nu e mai important
decât să te știu cu mine.
Poate vei râde, poate te vei îndoi,
dar pentru mine...
Nu mai e viață,
dacă nu ești cu mine.
Nu mai e viață,
e doar prefăcătorie.
Nu, nu trebuie să pleci niciodată,
sau voi muri din cauza ta.
Tu îmi aparții,
trebuie să fie așa, fie că e drept sau nu.
Oameni nu vreau cu mine,
mi-ajunge să te văd pe tine.
Poate voi greși și mă predau așa,
dar pentru mine...
Nu mai e viață,
dacă nu ești cu mine.
Nu mai e viață,
e doar prefăcătorie.
Nu mai e viață...
Nu mai e viață,
dacă nu ești cu mine,
nu, nu e viață,
dacă tu nu ești!


Who's gonna pull the trigger
A shot aiming for destiny
No more barriers
Who's gonna pull the trigger
I'm gonna break it all down
You can't beat 'em up
Yeah, you can't beat 'em up
Are you ready now, whispering shadow
Get used to it, even when you first see it
More deeply touched by your heart
Throw out the light and breathe
We are trapped players
Prayer in search for the missing time
So we keep on running for
So we keep on running for
You tonight, tonight, tonight
I had a dream that I was choking
Shouting to the world
Those who look like you and me
Free this rhythm
So we keep on running for
So we keep on running for
Go beyond the barrier
Go beyond the barrier
Who's gonna pull the trigger
A shot aiming for destiny
No more barriers
Who's gonna pull the trigger
I'm gonna break it all down
You can't beat 'em up
Yeah, you can't beat 'em up
Go beyond the barrier
Go beyond the barrier
Go beyond the barrier
Burn up tonight
Light your sight, time to go
Like we fight aimer's gun
A gunfire signals the beginning
Yeah, I threw the embers far away
There is no line here
Everything was hypocrisy
Everything you took away
After you've swallowed it all again
I will protect you
I'm different, fly with me
Up to the brand new square
I felt so desperate
I want you to hear everything
We want to be together
More brighter lights
So we keep on running for
So we keep on running for, yeah
Go beyond the barrier
Who's gonna pull the trigger
A shot aiming for the gaps
No more barriers
Who's gonna pull the trigger
I'm gonna break it all down
You can't beat 'em up, yeah
I walked it all
The thunder that rings in your heart
The language to be shouted
Even if I try to cover my ears
I will hear you, fly away
Time has stopped
At that moment, you and I face each other
Let it ring all around the world
Go beyond the barrier
Who's gonna pull the trigger
A shot that digs deeper
No more barriers
Who's gonna pull the trigger
I'm gonna break it all down
You can't beat 'em up
Yeah, you can't beat 'em up
Go beyond the barrier
Go beyond the barrier
Go beyond the barrier
Shoot out tonight
Who's gonna pull the trigger
Even hotter
We can shoot it out
Yeah, we can shoot it out

A lot of love

The first time you swallowed me with your eyes
The second day you aroused me by playing your games
And yes - it was lewd
The third week I confided all my secrets to you
The fourth month I was filled with your milk
And yes - like liquorice
And above all, there was a lot of love.
Not even in all my dreams
Not even in all my life
Yes because I love you
Yes because I forget
Tell me how I fuck you
Don't say what I should do
The first year we lived together like a married couple
The second year we pretended we were close
And yes - and yet I loved you.
The third year we settled our things at the telephone
The fourth year we hired a real maid maid maid
And yes - she was blonde
And yet, there was a lot of love
Not even in all my dreams
Not even in all my life
Yes because I love you
Yes because I forget
Tell me how I fuck you
Tell me about what you want to do
Don't say what I should do
Don't tell me your whole life

Sunggari River God

I love you so deeply that I can't forget.
For you I will never give up.
A red moon is reflected in the Sunggari River,
Like you are singing a Tunguska ballad.
Drink off a bowl of river water,
I miss you more in my heart,
When the silver snowflakes are flying all over the sky,
We will finally meet.
I love you so deeply that I can't forget.
For you I will never give up.
A red moon is reflected in the Sunggari River,
Like you are singing a Tunguska ballad.
Do you know that I love you so much? Do you clearly understand that I miss so much?
How lonely to sing to you in the silent night.
Do you know that I love you so much? Do you clearly understand that I miss so much?
Even though I have sung through ten thousand reincarnations, I can hardly forget you.
Do you know that I love you so much? Do you clearly understand that I miss so much?
How lonely to sing to you in the silent night.
Do you know that I love you so much? Do you clearly understand that I miss so much?
Even though I have sung through ten thousand reincarnations, I can hardly forget you.
Do you know that I love you so much? Do you clearly understand that I miss so much?
How lonely to sing to you in the silent night.
Do you know that I love you so much? Do you clearly understand that I miss so much?
Even though I have sung through ten thousand reincarnations, I can hardly forget you.
Even though I have sung through ten thousand reincarnations, I can hardly forget you.

He Lives

gave shelter to life,
Look up at the top!
And hear your heart.
Remember –
He lives
In you and me.
With love and faith
He's in your day.
Into the wise river,
In countless sparks,
In your reflection –
He lives.
He lives,
He lives
In you and me.
With love and faith
He's in your day.
Into the wise river,
In countless sparks,
In your reflection –
He lives,
He lives.

DRIVE (Japanese Ver.)

Let’s go anywhere, just the two of us
Hitting the gas, accelerating heartbeat
Cutting off the noise, meaningless navigation,
The words that we exchange are what lead us to our destination
Tell me your recent favorite song
Because my answer will be “You”
Silence is smiling
Time is holding its breath
My heart is going out of control
Driving to your highway
Let’s leave it up to our mood
We’ll run wherever we like
No need to care about the destination
If you agree
I won’t brake
Hearts getting close, leaning on shoulders
Just like that, stay by my side, stay by my side
Keep being honest yeah with free mind
Just like this, stay by my side, stay by my side
In this wide world, you are the only one
Your smiling face looks brighter than anything else
It’s reflected in my eyes
Lately where and with whom have you been…
I only care about you
Hands on top of each other, should I squeeze yours tightly
Pretending that everything’s fine while my heart is going crazy
Driving to your highway
Let’s leave it up to our mood
We’ll run wherever we like
No need to care about the destination
If you agree
I won’t brake
Hearts getting close, leaning on shoulders
Just like that, stay by my side, stay by my side
Keep being honest yeah with free mind
Just like this, stay by my side, stay by my side
We’ll run wrapped in headwind
Let’s play our favorite song
I’ll hum together with you
Let’s wave our hands to the scenery fading away into the distance
This is a world that belongs just to two of us
Driving to your highway
Let’s leave it up to our mood
We’ll run wherever we like
No need to care about the destination
If you agree
I won’t brake
Hearts getting close, leaning on shoulders
Just like that, stay by my side, stay by my side
Keep being honest yeah with free mind
Just like this, stay by my side, stay by my side

Our Creator

Our Creator, we are content in you.
Please watch over us in your righteous way.
Be with us now.
Please keep our language and traditions strong.
Thank you so much.


The pain that squeezes
My heart
Makes me cry
Sad memories
Of my innocence
That I can’t even remember
I cried a lot
A secret in me I kept
I thought I could forget
But when the night comes
Squeezes me
The heart
Come into my room: Soledad
The marks on my arms
Tell my story
They reveal my traumas
I know you love me
You love me, you love me
Jesus, they nailed you to the cross on nails piercing you
And in your body wounds in my place
And took all my pain upon himself
Jesus, help me change and find me
Today I came here to this place
My soul needs to vent (Jesus, Jesus)
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus heals my wounds
Jesus, Jesus
Save my soul
Jesus, they nailed you to the cross on nails piercing you
And in your body wounds in my place
And took all my pain upon himself
Jesus, help me change and find me
Today I came here to this place
My soul needs to vent
Jesus heals my wounds
Save my soul
Jesus, Jesus
Heals my wounds
Jesus, Jesus
Save my soul

Eu voiam să devin

O să dau de tine în mijlocul cerului,
o să dau de tine sub iarbă
sau într-o ramură.
O să dau de tine oricum
pe drumul meu.
Ești tu cel care acum știe să-mi dea,
ești tu cel care acum știe să-mi dea,
cu un surâs,
toată lumina,
ceea ce se numește
de mii de ani paradis.
Și eu te țin strâns lângă mine,
și eu te țin strâns lângă mine,
în această îmbrățișare,
și găsesc acea putere care
încă mă ajută ca să pot
merge mai departe.
Mai departe, să mă salvez pe mine,
mai departe, desculță
și cu vidul în cap.
Mai departe, ca să-ți pot da,
în fiecare clipă măcar,
un răspuns.
Ca să te am cu mine,
am renunțat la toate visele mele.
Eu voiam să devin,
eu voiam să devin nu știu ce.
Eu voiam să devin,
eu voiam să devin nu știu ce.
Eu voiam să devin,
eu voiam să devin...
Și în schimb acum sunt aici,
și tu vezi asta, sunt aici,
alături de tine,
care ești bărbatul meu, ești tatăl meu,
și chiar copilul meu.
Dacă tu rămâi, sunt femeie,
dacă tu rămăi, sunt puternică,
tu ești iubirea.
Dacă suntem împreună, o pajiște rămâne
mereu în floare.
Eu voiam să devin,
eu voiam să devin,
eu voiam să devin nu știu ce.
Eu voiam să devin,
eu voiam să devin nu știu ce.
Eu voiam să devin,
eu voiam să devin nu știu ce.
Eu voiam să devin,
eu voiam să devin nu știu ce...

Fury of Living

Fury of living
My sins
Of another day
That tastes of nothing
In this anxiety of redoing
And winning the illusions that I know
Only deny me the reality
And as punishment
Are always true
I want to live
And I no longer even know
If as punishment
For good or evil
The love that was always denied
Has the rare taste that nobody
Will take from me
Fury of living, feeling vain
Of this desire that never minds
False words swig of gall
Ingratitude my black rosary
Which is the reason for this feeling
Raggedy man, pain and solitude
Fury of living
My sins
Of another day
That tastes of nothing
In this anxiety of redoing
And winning the illusions that I know
Only deny me the reality
And as punishment
Are always true
I want to live
And I no longer even know
If as punishment
For good or evil
The love that was always denied
Has the rare taste that nobody
Will take from me
Fury of living, feeling vain
Of this desire that never minds
False words swig of gall
Ingratitude my black rosary
Which is the reason for this feeling
Raggedy man, pain and solitude

Goodbye Perhaps Forever

Goodbye perhaps forever,
shed me a tear
and then I will leave.
Our summer, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.
Blue umbrella up there, up there
flying in the wind,
you call me and I do not hear you.
Happiness that goes, that goes,
burns out in a moment.
October is already here inside,
inside of us.
Goodbye perhaps forever
and to make it less painful
I will not even give you a kiss.
(Our love, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.)
Blue umbrella up there, up there
flying in the wind,
you call me and I do not hear you.
Happiness that goes, that goes,
burns out in a moment.
October is already here inside,
inside of us.
Goodbye perhaps forever,
shed me a tear
and then I will leave.
Our summer, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.
(Goodbye you cannot.)


Versions: #1
Leave me your voice for dancing, I am alone and I'm fucking bored
I am dying of you, I can try to save and to vanquish you in the same night
Guilty pleasures, indissociable, the night, we torture each other kindly
And like the others, I'm looking for drama, push my limits, it's not that bad
Show me our problems, don't tell me you love me
Why on earth did you call me? You know I have trouble talking
I had too much things to say, so I hung up
In the form of these stars, I am looking for your glowing body
In the sky like a shipwreck, you see me and you forget me
I'm lost and I don't know, but I'm scared you just leave and don't come back
But tell me why I'm cold, tell me why I'm cold
I wanna win in this story, and our head, we fuck it up every night
But tell me why I believe in it, tell why I believe in it
Oops, it's already too late, I have given of myself to you
But it's not enough, drama is here already, the tears are here already, fuck
Movie, movie theater, it exhausts me, our dangerous games, that's breaking me
Why give time to the both of us, I am not even certain of being in love
Fucking trap, hellish merry-go-round, coming out of the embers
Fucking trap, hellish merry-go-round, coming out of the embers
In the form of these stars, I am looking for your glowing body
In the sky like a shipwreck, you see me and you forget me
I'm lost and I don't know, but I'm scared you just leave and don't come back
But tell me why I'm cold, tell me why I'm cold
I wanna win in this story, and our head, we fuck it up every night
But tell me why I believe in it, tell why I believe in it
We don't wanna be, we can't be, lost together
You can fake it, or disappear, deep inside you're trembling
But, but, I have a feeling we're gonna ditch the plans
Look for the exit, run like before
In the form of these stars, I am looking for your glowing body
In the sky like a shipwreck, you see me and you forget me
I'm lost and I don't know, but I'm scared you just leave and don't come back
But tell me why I'm cold, tell me why I'm cold
I wanna win in this story, and our head, we fuck it up every night
But tell me why I believe in it, tell why I believe in it

A trăi

Ce zi minunată astazi,
Ce zi de fericire.
Frumoasa mea femeie a plecat,
În cele din urmă mi-a redat libertatea.
Sunt încă stăpân pe viața mea
Și doresc să mă bucur și mai mult.
Ea mi-a jurat când a plecat
că nu se va intoarce niciodată.
A trăi, fără melancolie.
A trăi, fără gelozie .
Fără regrete,
fără să știi vreodată ce e iubirea.
Să culegi cea mai frumoasă floare,
să te bucuri de viață și să faci să tacă inima.
A râde mereu atât de jucăuș .
A râde de nebuniile lumii.
A trai, cât timp există tinerețea
pentru că viața e frumoasă și vreau s-o traiesc mereu mai mult.
Deseori comedia dragostei
Te face s-o reciți femeia ta.
Devii atunci actorul principal
și repeți ceea ce ea va dori.
La al treilea act coboară deja cortina
In cele din urma se revine la realitate
și comedia sa de dragoste
se va transforma intr-o farsă.
A trăi, fără melancolie.
A trăi fără gelozie.
Fără regrete, fără să știi vreodată ce e iubirea.
Sa culegi cea mai frumoasă floare, să te bucuri de viață și să faci să tacă inima.
A râde mereu atat de jucăuș.
A râde de nebuniile lumii.
A trăi, cât timp există tinerețea
pentru că viața e frumoasă și vreau s-o trăiesc mereu mai mult.
A trăi.
A trăi.
A trai, chiar dacă inimii i se întoarce o clipă de nostalgie.
Eu nu mai țin mânie,
și multumesc celui ce mi-a luat-o.
A râde.
A rade.
A trai, cât timp există tinerețea
pentru că viața e frumoasă și vreau s-o trăiesc mereu nai mult.

Three hazelnuts (for Cinderella)

Are you asking in vain your own destiny,
what is awaiting you today and tomorrow?
Imagine you have a hazelnut in your pocket
and it will gives you the power to outwit
those, who want to thwart your dream
with an evil intention
Save your hazelnuts for a difficult times
When you admit the right time has come
A life is an unfinished fairy tale
Everything can only happen three times
Maybe it just sounds to you
Like a madness today
Believe me, this is the best news in the world
For those who believe a miracle will happen
Maybe, maybe, maybe
Who will found out, found out, found out?
Believe me, this is the best news in the world
The magic of the three hazelnuts gives you the wings
Win, win, win
Once, twice, three times
La la la la
Maybe it just sounds to you
Like a madness today
Believe me, this is the best news in the world
For those who believe a miracle will happen
Maybe, maybe, maybe
Who will found out, found out, found out?
Believe me, this is the best news in the world
Three enchanted hazelnuts gives you the wings
Win, win, win
over everyone, once, twice, three times
Believe me, any kingdom will fall
if the love is missing in there
Protect your three hazelnuts, maybe a miracle
will happen, happen, happen
Maybe a hundred times too

I Wanna Be Friends!

I want to!
If you want to!
When we want to!
Don't you want to!?
Together now!
We are here!
Here is where we make our dreams come true
If you say 'friend', that's 'tomodachi', right?
(That's right!)
I tried saying, 'I like you'
(I love you!)
What we do naturally when school is out
C'mon, c'mon, let's all get together, don't sneak off home
Time for club activities, doing some activities
We're not just playing!
'I'm home,' she says
(Welcome home~)
If everyone's here, it's fine
Everybody say,
'Let's be friends!'
I want to!
If you want to!
When we want to!
Don't you want to!?
I love you!
We are having fun!
Dashing around 24 hours a day!
The bright red sun over the roof
I tried yelling at it,
'I'm doing gre~at!'
We are here!
Here is where we make our dreams come true
If you say 'friend', that's 'tomodachi', right?
(That's right!)
I tried saying, 'I like you'
(I love you!)
'Ding-dong dang-dong' comes from the school clock
No, We won't go home yet
(No way~)
Time for club activities, we're working hard
Taking applications for new members!
'Sorry' I say quietly
(C'mon already~)
The more you fight the more... somethingratherer...
(Something rather?)
Never give up!
I'll be the best~
I want to!
If you want to!
When we want to!
Don't you want to!?
We are gaining experiences!
Eating, sleeping, being gracious
A cool breeze blows over the campus
I give a big wave goodbye
(See you tomorrow~!)
We are here!
Here is where we make our dreams come true
If you say 'friend', that's 'tomodachi', right?
(That's right!)
I tried saying, 'I like you'
(I love you!)
When everyone gathers together here
School becomes something special
Even if today ends, we can meet again
With smiles tomorrow!
We are here!
Here is where we make our dreams come true
If you say 'friend', that's 'tomodachi', right?
'I love you' thank you!


Mor să-ți fur
un sărut
Și pentru că îmi pierd mințile
Poate aș
Și îmi pierd teama
Mor pentru dragoste încet
Graba nu trebuie să ne grăbească
Ști deja că viața este o călătorie
Și vreau să mă bucur de ea
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Mor să traversez timpul
Dacă sufletul nu poate fi văzut
Dacă viața
Sau poate doar o amintire este
Deci, dacă memoria rămâne
Lasă memoria să rămână plină
Vreau să-l saturez contemplând ochii tăi
Și o lună plină
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Pentru tine
Mor să trăiesc
cu tine
Ce mi-a mai rămas de parcurs
Roagă-l pe Dumnezeu să schimbe timpul
și asta înapoi o eternitate
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Dacă mor, mor din dragoste pentru tine.


My old suitcase is like a cocker, scratching onto the door in vain.
Two stars are making their nest in your eyes...
You're getting drowsy...
And it's warm here... Under this roof
On a safe ground... In the fortress of dreams.
Well, happy new year to you.
The villains will croak but to touch you they must never
As the duplicates will be first to know who the unique one is.
When the world swoops... Turn your cheek.
God touches the flower that sprouts in a shadow.
Well happy new year to me too.
You always know the best way,
With you I easily defend our throne.
You are that thread, that rare spice
That gives it a special tone.
You are my little magician that brings salvation.
And all these clowns on conveyor belts can hurry on without us.
If anyone looks for me, you can easily tell them I am long gone.
And be a darling and set the alarm for Wednesday... Thursday?
And it's frosty outside, foggy and cold.
And it's dark outside... but everything fits well, since I have you.
You always know the best way,
With you I easily defend our throne.
You are that thread, that rare spice
That gives it a special tone.
You are my little magician that brings salvation.
And all these clowns on conveyor belts can hurry on without us.
You always know the best way,
With you I easily defend our throne.
You are that thread, that rare spice
That gives it a special tone.
You always know the most beautiful words,
You even are more quiet than anyone else.
You have a laugh that cures me,
You even turn swear words into a verse.

What is ours, remain ours (Q)

Versions: #1
Only you and I know the story,
because you and I wrote it.
And don't let anyone come tell you something else ,
Because there are still people who hate those who touch heaven. (haters)
Only you and I accepted the journey,
since we met..
(not a literal translation but the next two lines represent the following to me)
Let the world come judge someone for loving the one they needed,
and who has no choice but to be
what was unexpected .
Breath slowly,
turn back time,
because Me loving you...I don't regret it. or 'I don't regret loving you'
What we lived (also could be taken as 'What we experienced')
was so sincere..(pure)
How much I loved you,
how much I love you..
how much I love you...
And who keeps what we built?
and what we destroyed?
Let that brave (unknown) person come
to erase your past.. (he doesn't literally mean invisible)
Come take away the warmth from the kisses
that my lips used to give
To fade away the days and nights from your bed sheets.
and then go buy themselves a life...(basically... mind their own business/ and go get a life of their own)
And what is ours ,
remain ours..
I don't regret loving you
What we lived
was so sincere..
How much I loved you,
how much I love you..
how much I love you...
And what is ours ,
remains ours..
I don't regret loving you
What we lived
was so sincere..
How much I loved you,
how much I love you..
how much I love you..
how much I love you...

N.A.K.E.D (being born as human becoming animals)

I know how to obtain your attention, ah
I'm a show, and without television, ah
Sit down in the first row, I'm much better than a movie
Tonight I strip of every pain, strip tease
I really want you to see me
Getting rid of all my insecurities
Dressed of just my skin
And I can change it like a snake if I have to
Look at me
Listen while I talk with my mouth shut
Close your eyes and look at me
The body doesn't lie to you like Judas
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings
Your hands, my extension, ah
You're my natural vocation, ah
I want to follow the rhythm, listen to the instinct
Tonight I strip you of every pain, shut up
But I can really see you
Making sense of my insecurities
Find in yours a new skin
Crawl on the ground like a snake if I have to
Look at me
Listen while I talk with my mouth shut
Close your eyes and look at me
The body doesn't lie to you like Judas
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings
Ehi, crash test, naked you're sexy, ok
Baby you're, uff, you're a snake
Tempt him, he would like it
Naked, yes
I'm here naked, naked, raw soul
I’m a goldfish that becomes a barracuda
Naked, naked, a silent scene
Loosing route at the Bermuda Triangle
N-A-K-E-D, being born as human, becoming animals
N-A-K-E-D, we can even fly without wings

Caii nărăvaşi

De-a lungul râpei, prin prăpastie, chiar şi pe-a ei muchie:
Eu, pe-ai mei cai, cu biciul, îi stârnesc - îi gonesc
Dar, deodat' aerul parcă nu-mi ajunge! Şi beau vânt, înghit chiar şi ceaţa!
Şi simt extazul morţii-aproape: mă prăpădesc! Mă prăpădesc!
Mai încet, măi cailor, nu mai goniţi aşa!
De-atâtea bice pe spinare, nu v-aprindeţi - este prea!
Însă caii mi se-arată a fi-aşa nărăvaşi!
Şi n-am timp să trăiesc - să cânt nu reuşesc!
Pe cai îi voi adăpa
Cântecul îl voi încheia
Înc-o clipă, vă rog, pe muchie
daţi-mi voie a cânta.
Îngheţa-voi! Uraganul mă ia ca pe-un fulg din palmă
Şi-a mea sanie, prin zăpadă, caii o vor trage în zori.
Mai încet, caii mei! Mai domol, mai la trap!
Măcar un pic mai lungiți şi voi calea, pân' la ultima haltă
Mai încet, măi cailor, nu mai goniţi aşa!
De-atâtea bice pe spinare, nu v-aprindeţi - este prea!
Însă caii mi se-arată a fi-aşa nărăvaşi!
Şi n-am timp să trăiesc - să cânt nu reuşesc!
Pe cai îi voi adăpa
Cântecul îl voi încheia
Înc-o clipă, vă rog, pe muchie
daţi-mi voie a cânta.
Am ajuns – la Domnul nu întârzie nimeni.
Dar de ce îngerii cântă cu glasuri atât de rele?
Sau oare e clopotul ce-ndurerat în hohote plânge,
Sau oare sunt eu, ce strig cailor sa încetinească...?
Mai încet, măi cailor, nu mai goniţi aşa!
De-atâtea bice pe spinare, nu v-aprindeţi - este prea!
Însă caii mi se-arată a fi-aşa nărăvaşi!
Şi n-am timp să trăiesc - să cânt nu reuşesc!
Pe cai îi voi adăpa
Cântecul îl voi încheia
Înc-o clipă, vă rog, pe muchie
daţi-mi voie a cânta.

Moosehorn Lake

There's a camp deep in the woods,
It's one of my favourite places.1
No phone, or running water, or electricity.
Not everyone would like that
But for me it's true beauty.
I would love to be with my buddies
At Moosehorn Lake.
We bring all our instruments
And many cases of beer.
We're always cooking
Something on the old wood-burning stove.
Maxwell House boiling on the fire,
It's the best coffee.
I would love to be with my buddies
At Moosehorn Lake.
At Moosehorn Lake.
I moved in the heat wave,
Sun burning all the time.
But I've got no fear of working
To make my money.
When I work outside for 10 hours straight
In 40 degree weather,
I think of being with my buddies
At Moosehorn Lake.
I've been told to move to the city,
It'd be exciting.
Nah, I've got nothing against city folk,
But they're different.
If they made the trip,
They'd be able to appreciate
Being deep in the woods
At Moosehorn Lake.
At Moosehorn Lake.
Fifteen years from now,
I don't know what I'll be doing.
And if the camp is still there
It'll be run down.
Many of my greatest memories,
It's there that they were formed.
I'd love to be with my buddies
At Moosehorn Lake.
And 50 years from now
The camp will be in ruins2
Anything that remains
The forest will have eaten.
I hope that we'll be able to see it,
We can get to know each other again.
I would love to be with my buddies
At Moosehorn Lake.
At Moosehorn Lake.
  • 1. I don't know what 'y'in' means. I believe the overall meaning of the line should be pretty close regardless.
  • 2. I don't know what 'fera déboulée' means here. From some googling, this is my best guess.

My Universe

Moving beyond the same dimension,
Behind the gap between day and night
Close the distance of one span,
Feel my warmth
This universe gets filled up by you,
My world, my universe,
I will fill them up with you
Count one, two, and now open your eyes
I will become the light in the midst of foggy mist whenever
When you lost your way and want to rest wherever
My universe
So close yet so far,
Your and my world
I will run the moment that's passing by,
In that short moment
Why on earth am I acting like this?
Is it because of you?
Please light up my universe,
My universe
I will always find you
Till the end always
Even if I fall behind, I will follow you
My universe
The night walk together, with the moonlight shining
Every moment is the best scene, so not a single scene
Is to be missed, all the stars unanimously
With twinkling eyes, watch the two of us
When you smile,
When the glowing aurora surrounds me
I feel like I have the whole world,
Till the end of the universe, I will, only you
My world, my universe,
I will fill them up with you
Count one, two, and now open your eyes
I will become the light in the midst of foggy mist whenever
When you lost your way and want to rest wherever
My universe
So close yet so far,
Your and my world
I will run the moment that's passing by,
In that short moment
Woah woah
In this wide universe, you're all I need
My mood lifts up as if there's no gravity
Woah woah
When I walk holding your hand,
I feel like I have everything
I will become the light in the midst of foggy mist whenever
When you lost your way and want to rest wherever
My universe
So close yet so far,
Your and my world
I will run the moment that's passing by,
In that short moment
Why on earth am I acting like this?
Is it because of you?
Please light up my universe,
My universe
I will always find you
Till the end always
Even if I fall behind, I will follow you
My universe