Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 101
I spotted an extraterrestrial after the rainRumors fueled my imagination
Your planet is perfect for landing
I lock the coordinate and accelerate
Flying to Sahah, I'm your Han Solo
With guitar and flute, I send you the melody of love
Flying to Sahah, I follow your footsteps
Pink stars shooting across the universe
Flying through the thick atmosphere
My eyes are popping with excitement
Earth is too crowded
Spinning around, I need more oxygen
Flying to Sahah, I'm your Han Solo
With guitar and flute, I send you the melody of love
Flying to Sahah, I follow your footsteps
You're my one and only, my love
I'm coming to your planet and be your Han Solo
My number 17N9, we'll be together for so long
On Sahah, I become your Han Solo
Sending my pulse across the universe
Woo wa wa wa
Get on the space shuttle now
It's fueled with freedom
The planet
Is covered with rainbows
Good and evilWill always intersect
Keep the hope and go
Surpass yourself
Wich side do you want to be on?
I'm going to find my place
In this path
I feel lost
Not every decision is always so easy to make
With each choice, a price to pay
Wounded dreams
But I believe
That the whole world will still change
Running in search of being someone
I smile and say it's okay
I go further now
Being hero
Is more than enduring
Hard moments
It's having in the heart
All the courage
Good and evil
Will always intersect
Keep the hope and go
Surpass yourself
Wich side do you want to be on?
And when no one listens to you
In your lament
Go against the wind
There're strenghts to guide you inside you
One smile can save you
Get up again
Take back your dreams
So one day you can also help someone else
And if fate is so cruel
Find the exits in you
The impossible can occur
Being hero
Is more than enduring
Hard moments
It's having in the heart
All the courage
Good and evil
Will always intersect
Keep the hope and go
Surpass yourself
Wich side do you want to be on?
Life isn't always
One for all and all for one
Reality will tell you
Life isn't always
One for all and all for one
You'll see the beginning and the end
Being hero
Is more than enduring
Hard moments
It's having in the heart
All the courage
Good and evil
Will always intersect
Keep the hope and go
Surpass yourself
Wich side do you want to be on?
Try to rescue your values
How far do you want to go?
I'm with her, but thinking about youLike you when you are with him, I know you think about me
Your perfume remained here
From that night I had you
In the boat oceanfront
But touching the clouds
Oh, baby
I want you to come back to me
Because nothing tastes the same
Since I ate you in Miami
Oh, baby
I want you to come back to me
Because nothing tastes the same
Since I ate you in Miami
That night dancing reggaeton, I took your denim off
God gave me luck
Honey, you became my religion
And it would be so cool to eat you again
That coconut flavored body
My hands enjoy when I touch you, mmm
Let not our relationship ends
Because you really has me crazy, crazy, crazy
That coconut flavored body
My hands enjoy when I touch you, mmm
Let not our relationship ends
Because you really has me crazy
Oh, baby
I want you to come back to me
Because nothing tastes the same
Since I ate you in Miami
Oh, baby
I want you to come back to me
Because nothing tastes the same
Since I ate you in Miami
Baby, I want to do it like before
Quiet without being noticed
I forget everything, except that ass
We had the most cool memories in the boat
You stayed by the side and mine and you didn't return to the lot
Hey, baby, I know you miss me, but you belong to him
He has you prisioned like in a barracks
He prefers to be fighting away from him
I'll wait for you in Miami in case you want to come back (yeah-yeah)
Saturday to beach, you, my little mermaid
With that body you have
Do the tricks to me with that little mouth
I don't want anyone, just you
Your perfume remained here
From that night I had you
In the boat oceanfront
But touching the clouds
Oh, baby
I want you to come back to me
Because nothing tastes the same
Since I ate you in Miami
Oh, baby
I want you to come back to me
Because nothing tastes the same
Since I ate you in Miami
N-I-C-K (Yeah-yeah)
Nicky-Nicky-Nicky Jam
(La Industria Inc)
Tell me Flow
Mambo Kingz
(Nicky Jam)
DJ Luian, it says
Mambo Kingz
Don't bloom
Whenever someone laughs,someone else elsewhere in the world cries.
Sometimes it's my turn
I'm sure you're smiling as much as you can
I'm sure you've been through a lot, and you've come around
I don't know when it started, but even that smile scares me.
I turned my eyes away from your kindness.
I'm sure I've been exposed
Don't bloom, don't bloom.
The cherry trees are swaying.
The breeze outside the window is too warm.
Don't say it, don't say it
Because it's not goodbye
I wonder if we'll still be here when the cherry blossoms change color
I realize now that I don't care about anything.
Even someone telling me what to do
I'll miss you. I'll want to go back.
I'm sure we'll meet again, I promise
All I do is talk about the future
Today's me is quickly becoming the past.
The evening bells are ringing. The orange sky.
Someone muttered to himself.
'It's almost dark.
Don't bloom, don't bloom.
The cherry trees are swaying.
The breeze outside the window is too warm.
Don't say it, don't say it
Because it's not goodbye
I wonder if we'll still be here when the cherry blossoms change color
In the group photo
Making silly faces and high cheese.
We didn't want to do the 'same old thing.
We've been joking around forever.
I hated this classroom.
'An excuse to see you tomorrow
I'll act like I always do.
You said, 'See you tomorrow.'
A dream from that day
A joke about the future
The drawer where I keep my true feelings
The doodles on the blackboard that someone erased
The 'someday' that should come
Time that can't be measured by a clock
A book I failed to return to you
Plans not written on the calendar
Let me call it all a promise
Don't bloom, don't bloom.
The cherry trees are swaying.
The breeze outside the window is too warm.
Don't say it, don't say it
Because it's not goodbye
I wonder if we'll still be here when the cherry blossoms change color
Merg în subteran
Unii oameni ar putea spune că viața mea este într-o rutinăDar sunt destul de fericit cu ceea ce am
Oamenii ar putea spune că ar trebui să mă străduiesc pentru mai mult
Dar sunt atât de fericit că nu văd rostul
Ceva se întâmplă astăzi aici
O demonstrație de forță cu brigada ta de băieți
Și sunt atât de fericit și ești atât de amabilă
Vrei mai mulți bani, bineînțeles că nu mă deranjează,
Pentru a cumpăra manuale nucleare pentru crime atomice
Şi publicul primeşte ce vrea publicul
dar nu vreau nimic din ce are societatea asta
Mergând în subteran (merg în subteran)
Ei bine, fanfarele cântă și picioarele încep să bată
Mergând în subteran (merg în subteran)
Ei bine, lăsați toți băieții să cânte și toți băieții să strige pentru mâine
Unii oameni pot găsi ceva plăcere din ură
Eu am destul pe farfuria mea
Oamenii pot avea nevoie de ceva tensiune ca să se relaxeze
Eu sunt prea ocupat boxând între criticii duri
Ceea ce vezi este ceea ce primești
Ți-ai făcut patul, mai bine te culci în el
Îţi alegeți liderii și-ţi pui încrederea
Pe măsură ce minciunile lor te spală și promisiunile lor se ruginesc
Vi vedea mașini pentru rinichi înlocuite de rachete și arme
Şi publicul vrea ce primeşte publicul
dar nu nu înţeleg ce vreaw societatea asta
Mergând în subteran (merg în subteran)
Ei bine, fanfarele cântă și picioarele încep să bată
Mergând în subteran (merg în subteran)
Ei bine, lăsați toți băieții să cânte și toți băieții să strige pentru mâine
Vorbim şi vorbim până-mi explodează capul
dau pe ştiri şi mi-a-ngheţat trupul
Oile care strigau pe ecranul televizorului meu
Fac pe acest băiat să strige, fac pe tipul ăsta să țipe!
Merg în subteran
Merg în subteran
Merg în subteran
Merg în subteran
Oile care strigau pe ecranul televizorului meu
Fă-l pe acest băiat să strige, fă-l pe tipul ăsta să țipe!
Mergând în subteran (merg în subteran)
Ei bine, fanfarele cântă și picioarele încep să bată
Mergând în subteran (merg în subteran)
Ei bine, lăsați toți băieții să cânte și toți băieții să strige pentru mâine
Mergând în subteran (merg în subteran)
Ei bine, fanfarele cântă și picioarele să facă trop-trop-trop
Mergând în subteran (merg în subteran)
Ei bine, lăsați toți băieții să cânte și toți băieții să strige pentru mâine
Lunch Hours
We are humansA noble creature
We need money
To dig our hole(*)
About my fantasies
During lunch hours
When all
The people struggles
At a barren plains
Keep feels lacking
A ringing thirst
Who wins?
Social media
Trading heaven
No prospect
No profit
A sky-high land(**)
Earth is sick
You are the one
Who knows the way
'You may create(***)
But just a hobby'
Dreams and love
Broken by family
When the norms of tradition
Chosen as a reason
Everyone says
'Dream appropriately'
About my fantasies
During lunch hours
When all
The people struggles
At a barren plains
Keep feels lacking
A ringing thirst
Who wins?
I am between thunders of doubt that shakes the soul
A human being dreaming his dream
Above the grumbling clouds, daydreaming
He doesn't feel like waking up yet
Sailing on his highest
This is where I berth
Road I have been through since forever
The only thing I know
I can only be me
Life is not as easy as turning over your palm
No short cut to reap what you sow
Realize that everything you search for needs to be planned
Unless your diet only consist of instant food
About my fantasies
During lunch hours
When all
The people struggles
At a barren plains
Keep feels lacking
A ringing thirst
Who wins?
We are humans
A noble creature
We need money
To dig our hole
We are humans
A noble creature
We need money
To dig our hole
Oh my soul, don't worry, I knowI'll stay with you my all lifetime
Don't swear to my life to stay
You're the individual star in my sky at nights
They call your name with my name1
My heart doesn't know leaving2
Don't swear (to my life), I'll stay
Oh my love, you're my everyone
Oh my love, you're my everything
Oh my love, you're my love
Your eyes are my world
Wherever I go, your memories are with me
I look your pictures tonight3
Oh my love, you're my everyone
Oh my love, you're my everything
Oh my love, you're my love
Your eyes are my world
Wherever I go, your memories are with me
I look your pictures tonight3
You know, you became my whole world
You read my words in my eyes4
Tell everyone that you only love me
Tell you won't leave me, you have me
You can stay by my side again
Wherever I go I have a memory with you in that place5
You became my individual star in my sky
Who do I have but you?
Oh my love, you're my everyone
Oh my love, you're my everything
Oh my love, you're my love
Your eyes are my world
Wherever I go, your memories are with me
I look your pictures tonight3
Oh my love, you're my everyone
Oh my love, you're my everything
Oh my love, you're my love
Your eyes are my world
Wherever I go, your memories are with me
I look your pictures tonight3
You know, you became my whole world
R 644, II, Now raging against the enemy.
Now the prayers of our chaste Judith, raging against the enemy,
Are pleasing to Heaven.
She will triumphant quickly for us return
And, removed leader, the cursed people will perish.
How Cruel You Are
Not merely to entertain youHere I am, honey
Nor merely to help you release
Your yearning oh honey
My heart is aching
You make me this way
You come and go
As you please
Oh... how cruel you are
How could you do this to me
You come and go
As you please
Oh... how hurt this heart
How much I loathe you
This heart is really aching
But I do still miss you
This heart is filled with hatred
Yet I do still miss you
I don’t need anything special, I just want to fall in love with you todayI wonder if you’ll give me an excuse if I asked you out next month
For example, one day if we say farewell to each other
Let’s promise to meet each other only on this day
Valentine’s day once a year
A tightly tied red thread ribbon
I’m sure as always like today “How ya doing girl?”
1,2 a kiss that dissolves 3,4 this bitter reality
I wonder if you’ll get tired of it if it’s too sweet
Even if the day comes when we call this day “that day”
“Baby don’t cry, You gotta keep ya head up”
Laid back, the center of the world is right here
I don’t need anything special, I just want to fall in love with you today
I wonder if you’ll give me an excuse if I asked you out next month
I want to monopolize everything including the sweet and the bitter moments but
My wishes today will melt away tomorrow
I stuff all the words that are hard to say in a bag
My secret thoughts are always packed
Check the horoscope for the air that passes by casually
I’m loving you, will be delivered to you
I hated making promises and plans, because it would be painful when none are kept
I was prepared not to see you again, but you’re mean indeed
I don’t need anything special, I just want to fall in love with you today
I wonder if you’ll give me an excuse if I asked you out next month
I want to monopolize everything in life including the sweet and the bitter moments but
My wishes today will melt away tomorrow
Suddenly you ask “are you happy?” I don’t know what you want to hear
For some reason, I burst into tears
I’ll ask you the same thing next week
Now let’s shorten our calendar
I don’t need anything special, I just want to fall in love with you today
I wonder if you’ll give me an excuse if I asked you out next month
Your smile, the town we walked together a long time ago
Your eyes, the scenery is reflected in your eyes just as it was back then
I was watching that view with you yesterday, if I extended my hand it would’ve reached you
But that ring on your finger says everything
Învârtește-mă! Treci peste mine!Al dracului de circ!
Înjunghiați-l! Provocare dintr-o singură direcție!
Tras atât de încet!
Golește și varsă! Înmoaie paginile (cu cerneală)!
Umple-le buzunarele!
Este sângele meu!
Este sângele meu!
Pictează un Ed mare, transformă-l pe Ed în
unul dintre dușmanii săi
Este sângele meu!
Este sângele meu!
Este sângele meu!
Înjunghiați-l! Completați paginile!
Suge-mi viața!
Creatorul dușmanilor mei!
Ale mele!
La dracu '! La dracu '! La dracu '! La dracu '!
La dracu '!
Summer Jam '95
“Today is another hot day“Look! I’m saying, ugh, intense flapping in the wind
When Summer quickly, with such moron
Being inside, making fun of me, please
I‘m already absorbed in steam
Here too, I ask myself if I should surrender
Realizing under the blazing hot sun
Meaningless it is, running away
Because the moment I go out, sweat comes
The sun dances on my head
In the height of summer, ocean? Mountains?
Pool? No, first I go to a bookshop
and when coming back, zaru soba1 or seiro soba2 it is
This is a fair argument without hah
I’m always eating but
This, when it’s summer, is again special!
As I watch outside, suddenly kids are very browned
Going back to the pool, eating ice cream,
I didn’t eat yet, I didn‘t get ice cream yet, I did go to the pool
going to the pool
With everyone, sleepless nights with a rental car
Miserable, these shorts, with no refinement
Those are laughing, I want to go, again
While pumping a song like this
Everyone, I entice you
Unintentionally, pumping my sound
After all, the heat is coming!
Who to blame? This is that!
Because of summer
Everyone, I entice you
Unintentionally, pumping my sound
After all, the heat is coming!
Who to blame? This is that!
Because of summer
This weeks forecast is clear weather only
What? Seriously? Brother? How do you want to do?
Ahh, we should definetly being on our way geting on a train
Definitely..? Definitely..! What is definitely? Definitely we should go!!
Ai, without hesitation, I want the party to get started
I love summer – I don’t say, it
is an impossible attitude for me.
Calmly hopping on a train, and gather once at a place that also exists
What? While I talk, Natsuyo‘s3
tape is fully produced!
“Summer jam ‘95“ it sounds sweet
Certainly, he will give it blunt title
with neat, in his own style for sweet gyarus4
Picking it up and doing it like wangan bay style is a no-no5
Let me sketch a picture
The feeling I’m about to say “I like this song“
… and “something .. this has a good swing“
While I think it shouldn’t play in summer
the street opens for a brand new car
That one thing of a dream I’m talking about
Becoming like that, I already am.
Hot tea it is. A suggestive shower it is.6
But because I turn the radio with my hand like a nipple7
This song wanders around.
Everyone, I entice you
Unintentionally, pumping my sound
After all, the heat is coming!
Who to blame? This is that!
Because of summer
Everyone, I entice you
Unintentionally, pumping my sound
After all, the heat is coming!
Who to blame? This is that!
Because of summer
“Tonight will become a sleepless hot night again“
I say again
No matter what anyone says it is summer holiday and because of that
it’s a kid’s version! Daytime,
This daytime.., even my chap making a living by
establishing something with Dean8 would be a great version
But even watching the rerun of drama
I become aware a siesta is coming soon
From that evening, going with Zaba9 to the bath (going with Zaba)
Each one full of Suki10 (each one)
That is the style of our neighborhood, without hula11 (without hula)
I will make an end of12 that beefsteak with rice (make an end of)
Well, how should I return home now? (How do I want to?)
My friend with the spare time decides (I let him decide)
If I think “let’s do it“ (if this feeling comes)
The consequences of that feeling don’t exists
The club! Even with a proper queue...
Summer!! Club!! Hitting on women!! Memories!!
I start to like the journey, so let’s go and
Getting dressed!! Streching a little and being seaside/kaiho13-like!!
Tequilla!! Going away to have sex
Do a beafsteak with caught seaweed and
Turn on the air conditioner and get our eyes smeared with sleep
This song has started…
※Everyone, I entice you
Unintentionally, pumping my sound
After all, the heat is coming!
Who to blame? This is that!
Because of summer※
- 1. Cold Soba noodles
- 2. Also cold Soba noodles, but served differently
- 3. I'm guessing Natsuyo is a person here
- 4. gyarus are (young) woman adhering to a fashion trend usually marked by brown or blond-dyed hair, gaudy clothes and accessories
- 5. Wangan bay is a motorway around Tokyo bay. With Wangan-style is probably a reference to dressed-up, serious, illegal street racers.
- 6. This line is a literate translation.
- 7. I love that verse!
- 8. I guessed here, that Dean would be a person's name.
- 9. I guessed that Zaba is a person's name.
- 10. I assumed Suki is an alcoholic beverage.
- 11. I don't know what that could mean.
- 12. Like, eating all of it
- 13. I couldn't find a translation for kaiho.
Fall in Love
I am besides you at all times, okay?I love you the most in the world.
I cannot wait anymore for the live performance
I have decided that today too I will dance
The light sparkles and shines
I am feeling great so let's go yeah yeah
The rhythm of the song is great, right?
I have heard the call
It would definitely be great if this love continues at this time.
My heart is beating at the thought of meeting you
And I just cannot stop my heartbeat
I want to happily go along
I love you (one, two, three, four)
The fact that I met the smiling you in this world is a miracle and I am very thankful for that
I want to fall in love with everyday, more than today or yesterday
I will do my best during my intense training
Taking a step ahead is difficult
Everyone please come along with me
I will definitely do it so that I can smile
My heart swells when I look into your eyes and it feels great
This stage is full let's do this live performance together
Let the time when we cannot meet each other pass by quickly
It cannot be stopped
Love you, love you, I have been overflowing with love
I miss you (one, two, three, four)
My heart is beating at the thought of meeting you
And I just cannot stop my heartbeat
Love you, love you, I have been overflowing with love
I miss you (one, two, three, four)
The fact that the time I meet you felt like a pleasant dream is a miracle and I am very thankful for that
Do not change no matter what the future is like
We will be together as I love you
Reo, Sorane, Yuuka, Maki,
Yumeri, Aya, Maina
Cham jam, everyone let's go together.
Because I want to go to that place with everyone while smiling...
Make a dream and go.
The fact that I met the smiling you in this world is a miracle and I am very thankful for that
I want to fall in love with everyday, more than today or yesterday (go)
If we went to a martial arts stadium
Hey! Do you hear itFilled with countless thoughts
This nameless singing voice
You quickly guided it with your hand
If we were to run though the storm
What would we see on the other side?
Trust that one day we will reach
The faraway place where we made our promise
I'm sure that right now we're on an invisible stage in a dream
And that it continues further on
Așteaptă, urmărește ceasul,E ora patru, trebuie să se oprească
Spune-i, nu suporta mai mult -
Ea își practică discursul
Când deschide ușa, se întoarce,
Se preface că doarme în timp ce el se uită la ea
Ea minte și spune că este îndrăgostită de el,
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Visează colorat, visează în roșu,
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Vorbește cu ea însăși, nimeni altcineva nu trebuie să știe
Vorbește cu ea însăși
Amintiri ale vremii în care era curajoasă și puternică
Și unde aștepta lumea să o întâlnească
El jură că o ştia
Acum ea jură că el a dispărut
Ea minte și spune că este îndrăgostită de el,
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Visează colorat, visează în roșu,
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Ea îl iubea, da
Nu vrea să plece așa
Ea îl dădea să mănânce, da
De aceea, ea va reveni din nou
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Nu poate găsi un bărbat mai bun
Dar unde se ascunde draga mea?Domnul a luat-o de la mine
S-a urcat la cer, așa că trebuie să fiu bun
Să o văd din nou când părăsesc această lume.
Am ieşit la o întâlnire cu mașina tatălui meu
Nu am condus prea departe
Am parcurs doar o distanță scurtă
Chiar acolo pe drum, drept înainte
O mașină a fost blocată, motorul era mort
Nu m-am putut opri, așa că am virat spre dreapta
Nu voi uita niciodată zgomotul din seara aceea.
Anvelopele care scârțâie, sticla spulberată
Țipătul dureros pe care l-am auzit ultima dată.
Dar unde se ascunde draga mea?
Domnul a luat-o de la mine
S-a urcat la cer, așa că trebuie să fiu bun
Să o văd din nou când părăsesc această lume.
Când m-am trezit, ploaia se revărsa
O mulțime de oameni veneau de pretutindeni
Aveam ceva cald în ochii mei
Dar cumva mi-am găsit iubita în noaptea aceea
I-am ridicat capul, m-a privit și mi-a spus
„Ține-mă dragă doar puțin”.
Am ținut-o aproape, am sărutat-o, ultimul nostru sărut
Am găsit dragostea pe care cu siguranță mi-o doream.
Dar acum a plecat, chiar dacă o țin strâns în braţe
Mi-am pierdut iubirea, viața, în noaptea aceea.
Dar unde se ascunde draga mea?
Domnul a luat-o de la mine
S-a urcat la cer, așa că trebuie să fiu bun
Să o văd din nou când părăsesc această lume.
Oh, oh
Azi am făcut o plimbare cu mașinaTimpul emancipării
Presupun că bătăile mă făceau înțelept
Dar nu sunt pe cale să mulțumesc sau să-mi cer scuze
Nu puteam să respir, fiind ţinut jos
Mâna pe fața mea, împinsă la pământ
Duşmănie calculată, cumulată cu frică
Forțat să suport ceea ce nu puteam ierta
Părea să deghizez aspectul
Rănile din oglindă erau sinuoase,
Nu era chipul meu atât de distrus,
Capul pe picioarele tale, un prost închinat coroanei tale
Ofticat pe porţia mea, înghiţită repede
Duşmănie calculată, cumulată cu frică
Forțat să suport ceea ce nu puteam ierta
Am văzut lucrurile mai clare
Odată ce tu erai în oglinda mea retrovizoare
Am mărit viteza pentru a mă îndepărta de tine pentru că te-ai luat mine
Odată pentru totdeauna sunt plecat
E greu de crezut că umbrele au crescut în sfârșit, hei
Am văzut lucrurile mult mai clare
Odată ce ai, odată ce ai fost
În oglinda mea retrovizoare
Am văzut lucrurile mult mai clare
Odată ce ai, oh da
unu, doi, trei, patru, cinci împotriva unuiacinci, cinci, împotriva unuia
a spus unul, doi, trei, patru, cinci împotriva unuia
cinci, cinci ... cinci, cinci ... cinci împotriva unuia
tortura de la tine la mine
răpiți de pe stradă
mai bine as fi...
mai bine aș fi cu ...
Aș prefera să fiu cu un animal
de ce ai vrea sa îmi faci rău ?
atât de înspăimântat de durerea ta ...
mai bine as fi...
mai bine aș fi cu ...
Aș prefera să fiu cu un animal
mai bine as fi...
mai bine as fi...
Aș prefera să fiu cu un animal
mai bine as fi...
mai bine aș fi cu ...
Aș prefera să fiu cu un animal
mai bine as fi...
mai bine aș fi cu ...
Aș prefera să fiu cu un animal
a spus unul, doi, trei, patru, cinci împotriva unuia
cinci, cinci ... cinci, cinci ... cinci împotriva unuia
unu, doi, trei, patru, cinci împotriva unuia
cinci, cinci ... cinci, cinci ... cinci împotriva unuia
Talk to Seagull
I left all about the dreamIn my mind
I recovered all about the dream
By half
By halves
Let me perform
Through all of this
Yet unable to decline
To talk to seagull
Unable to decline
Yet unable to refuse
To penetrate the azure
Yet unable to decline
To talk to seagull
Unable to decline...
Sleepless Night
By the time the dark outside the window disappears,I don't know if my heart will run away.
Sometimes like the starlight in the sky
Stay by my side.
When you open your eyes in the middle of your sleep,
I wish it was an erasable dream.
with difficult hearts
I had a fine day.
I'm having a hard time today.
a night of sudden longing to see
Someday you'll remember today.
We were always there.
Full of my heart
a twinkling heart
It's still shining.
Long shadows follow me
Even if I'm shaken by the wind,
Sometimes like the starlight in the sky
Stay by my side.
So that you can fall asleep on a day you miss.
Stay where you are.
My long day was for a while.
So I can breathe.
Give me a hug
If you're desperate for it, even in your dreams.
I'm afraid I'll fly in.
I've been tossing and turning all night tonight.
It's more vivid when you close your eyes.
colored with memories
a deepening night
Why Are You Quiet?
Why are you quiet? If I don't be with you, then who would be?You could (be with me), but you didn't want and you don't remember
You went everywhere and you don't care about me
You don't care about me
There is nobody like you to come and steal my heart again
To steal my heart
Nobody can't be like you
Your place can't be filled by anyone else, there is no one like you anymore
There is no one like you anymore
Didn't you love me? why did you leave me suddenly?
You left me without any excuse
Nobody is like you that someone like me stays for her
Didn't you love me? if you stayed with me you wouldn't have any sorrow
Nobody take place in your heart
Nobody can take your place in my heart
Didn't you love me? why did you leave me suddenly?
You left me without any excuse
Nobody is like you that someone like me stays for her
Didn't you love me? if you stayed with me you wouldn't have any sorrow
Nobody take place in your heart
Nobody can take your place in my heart
Don't let me be more heartbroken, come visit me again
...or let me die here or come steal my heart
I draw you image with love on my heart's wall
whenever I see a couple I sigh from the bottom of my heart
Didn't you love me? why did you leave me suddenly?
You left me without any excuse
Nobody is like you that someone like me stays for her
Didn't you love me? if you stayed with me you wouldn't have any sorrow
Nobody take place in your heart
Nobody can take your place in my heart
I wish I were you and you were me
Tell me what to do do again
You know well that I'm dying but you laugh
Didn't you love me? why did you leave me suddenly?
You left me without any excuse
Nobody is like you that someone like me stays for her
Didn't you love me? if you stayed with me you wouldn't have any sorrow
Nobody take place in your heart
Nobody can take your place in my heart
Didn't you love me? why did you leave me suddenly?
You left me without any excuse
Nobody is like you that someone like me stays for her
Didn't you love me? if you stayed with me you wouldn't have any sorrow
Nobody take place in your heart
Nobody can take your place in my heart