Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 76


Te răzgândești

Cât de frumoasă este libertatea,
nimic pe lume nu valorează mai mult.
Totuși nu e corect să-ți urmărești
propriile interese, cum faci tu.
Te răzgândești în fiecare minut,
în fiecare zi schimbi tabăra,
totuși de când ne-am dat seama,
nimeni nu mai are încredere în tine.
Politicile pe care le faci
nu, nu, nu ne mai farmecă.
Fără prieteni tu vei rămâne,
și ține minte că tu ai să plângi.
Te răzgândești în fiecare minut,
în fiecare zi schimbi tabăra,
totuși de când ne-am dat seama,
nimeni nu mai are încredere în tine.
Cât de frumoasă este libertatea,
nimic pe lume nu valorează mai mult.
Totuși nu e corect să-ți urmărești
propriile interese, cum faci tu.
Te răzgândești în fiecare minut,
în fiecare zi schimbi tabăra,
totuși de când ne-am dat seama,
nimeni nu mai are încredere în tine.
Lalalala lalalala
Lalalala lalalala
Lalalala lalalala
Lalalala lalalala
Te răzgândești în fiecare minut,
în fiecare zi schimbi tabăra,
totuși de când ne-am dat seama,
nimeni nu mai are încredere în tine.
Te răzgândești în fiecare minut,
în fiecare zi schimbi tabăra,
totuși de când ne-am dat seama,
nimeni nu mai are încredere în tine.

Speakers Are Blasting

You don't need to lie
When you upload pics of your trips
Different location of where you are
So you won't give me clues
It's useless to trick me
I'm not running after you
Look at how worried I am
Update my Stories and you will see
My speakers are blasting
I'm drinking beer
And you thought
That you deceived the stupid guy
I'm worried
By kissing another mouth
I'm worried
By kissing another mouth

Loose Ends

I don't know if you'll come back
So you can hear this love song
That I've kept in your place
I sing in my prayers suffocating the pain
I wish I was somewhere else
To think that distance doesn't exist between us
In the silence of a glance
Talking to you in secret without you hearing my voice
I don't know if you'll come back
If you want to come back
We have loose ends
This story is unfinished
Think of us wherever you are
Go back in time that time wasted
We were everything without you knowing
That everything is so little for one who loved so much
I don't know if you'll come back
If you want to come back
We have loose ends
This story is unfinished
I don't know if you'll come back
If you want to come back
We've got loose ends
This story is unfinished
We've got loose ends
This story is unfinished

The Bright Sun Is Rising

The bright sun is rising
The bright sun is rising
Over the woods
A soldier shot
A soldier shot
Into the linden tree
- Oh, dear maiden, you lilly,
- Oh, dear maiden, you lilly,
Give me your word!
- Oh, dear lad, you clover,
- Oh, dear lad, you clover,
I won't give my word to a soldier.
- It's hard to grow for a little tree
- It's hard to grow for a little tree
In a green wood
That's how hard it is for me, a young lad,
That's how hard it is for me, a young lad,
Without a girl...

Buff stud

I'm yours if I get to touch you
Im yours I'll guarantee your pleasure
You're mine you can touch my ass
You're mine we'll flee together
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
Splish splash
Let's have a little fun
Lick lick
I'll put my tongue in you
Huff puff
I'll push in a centimeter deeper
Gulp gulp
Mine's bigger than Pentti's
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
I'm a buff stud
Your buff stud
I'll get to touch your body
I'm a buff stud
a buff stud
(I am) a buff stud!
(I'll get to touch your body) a suff btud
(I am) a buff stud!

O duminică de toamnă

Ne vom ține gura un pic,
Vom fi sentimentali,
Ne vom strădui,
Vom fi prinși în joc
Pentru a spune totul,
Ne vom săruta apăsat.
Ne vom întoarce capul
Pentru a privi oamenii,
Vremea de afară,
Ca după o zi de petrecere.
Ne vom spune totul,
Apoi vom fugi de greșelile noastre.
O duminică de toamnă ca aceasta,
Când frunzele de sânge și de aur
Zboară și se sfărâmă,
Când mirosul de scoarță ne fac să ne amintim
De Alcala.
O duminică precum aceasta...
Ne vom lua timp
Pentru a ne cunoaște mai bine,
Vei vorbi cu mine despre trecutul tău,
Despre Spania ta, despre copilăria ta.
Despre cum erau oamenii
În țara ta, a cărei limbă o cunosc...
Despre cum s-a născut mama,
Despre Franco, Dali, mâinile tale tremurătoare...

Kläre es mit einem Schwertkampf

Drück auf's Gas, hau rein, los geht's
Hab die Crew hinten mit der Stereoanlage
Aber du weißt es schon
Das Bargeld holen, schnell sein, Explosion
Brich nie den galaktischen Piratenkodex
Oder du kannst dich verpissen
Wenn du mit uns fährst und mit jemandem nicht einer Meinung bist
Ein Problem in der Crew, bei dem du weißt, dass Worte es einfach nicht lösen werden
Wenn man nichts mehr zu sagen hat
Muss man seine Klinge antworten lassen
Jemand wird sterben
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wenn wir einfach nicht sagen können, wer recht hat
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wir töten uns gegenseitig die ganze Nacht
Ein Duell, um deine Ehre zu verteidigen
Eine Herausforderung, die du nicht ablehnen kannst
Klettere an Board
Hebe dein Schwert auf
Denn einer muss verlieren
Löscht die Lichter aus und der Kampf beginnt
Kalter Stahl kann deine Sünden rechtfertigen
Ich frage mich, wer siegen wird
Also gib einen Drink aus und ich glaube, es wird Zeit
Zwei Seelen kämpfen, bis einer stirbt
Das reimt sich nicht wirklich
Wenn du mit uns fährst und mit jemandem nicht einer Meinung bist
Ein Problem in der Crew, bei dem du weißt, dass Worte es einfach nicht lösen werden
Wenn man nichts mehr zu sagen hat
Muss man seine Klinge antworten lassen
Du wirst diesen verdammten Typen töten
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wenn wir einfach nicht sagen können, wer recht hat
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wir töten uns gegenseitig die ganze Nacht
Ein Duell, um deine Ehre zu Verteidigen
Eine Herausforderung, die du nicht ablehnen kannst
Klettere an Board
Hebe dein Schwert auf
Denn einer muss verlieren, uuh
Komm schon!
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wenn wir einfach nicht sagen können, wer recht hat
Wir klären es mit einem Schwertkampf
Wir töten uns gegenseitig die ganze Nacht
Ein Duell, um deine Ehre zu Verteidigen
Eine Herausforderung, die du nicht ablehnen kannst
Klettere an Board
Hebe dein Schwert auf
Denn einer muss verlieren
Und ich habe nicht vor zu verlieren, ja
Kläre es mit einem Schwertkampf

Doar Om

[Introducere: Nick Jonas]
Da, da
[Stih 1: Joe Jonas]
Nu vreau să se termine această noapte
Este ora închiderii, așa că pleacă din nou cu mine (Da)
Ai toată dragostea mea de cheltuit, oh
Să găsim un loc unde începe fericirea
[Pre-cor: Joe Jonas]
Dansăm în sufrageria mea, sclavul modului în care te miști
Doare când te părăsesc (Ayy)
Doar dansați în sufragerie, iubiți cu o atitudine
Beat în groove din anii '80 (Ayy)
Dansăm în sufrageria mea, sclavul modului în care te miști
Doare când te părăsesc (Ayy)
Dansează în sufragerie, iubește cu o atitudine
[Refren: Nick Jonas]
Este doar uman, știi că este real
Deci, de ce ai lupta sau ai încerca să negi felul în care te simți?
Oh, iubito, nu mă poți păcăli, corpul tău are alte planuri
Deci, nu te mai preface că ești timid, hai și
Dansează, dansează, dansează, dansează, oh
[Versetul 2: Nick Jonas]
Dimineața devreme la-la-light
Ridicându-mă doar pentru a închide jaluzelele, oh
Mă rog să nu te răzgândești
Pentru că plecarea acum nu te simți bine
Să o mai facem o dată, oh, iubito
[Pre-cor: Joe Jonas]
Dansăm în sufrageria mea, sclavul modului în care te miști
Doare când te părăsesc (Doare când te părăsesc)
Doar dansați în sufragerie, iubiți cu o atitudine
Beat în groove din anii '80 (Ayy)
Dansăm în sufrageria mea, sclavul modului în care te miști
Doare când te părăsesc (Ayy)
Dansează în sufragerie, iubește cu o atitudine
[Refren: Nick Jonas și Joe Jonas]
Este doar uman, știi că este real (Știi că este real)
Deci, de ce ai lupta sau ai încerca să negi felul în care te simți?
(Felul în care te simți)
Oh, iubito, nu mă poți păcăli, corpul tău are alte planuri
Deci, nu te mai preface că ești timid, hai și
Dansează, dansează, dansează, dansează, oh
[Outro: Joe Jonas și Nick Jonas]
Dansează, oh (Woo, ayy)
Doar om
Este doar (-man), este doar (-man)
Doar om
Da, da, da
Doar om
Este doar (-man), este doar (-man)
Doar om


Annanan, Annananana
Oh Annalena
Annanan, Annananana
She is so high by nature
She doesn't need heels
She looks cool also in sneakers and jeans
She is a mix of glamour and street
She's bombshell, like nitroglycerin
Oh, she redefined the game
Because every party escalates with her
She is just so perfect without a show
Annalena already had me at hello
I like the way you dance, Annalena.
The way you move babe, I like to watch you
I like the way you laugh, Annalena
I'm coming over to you
Because I know it's gonna be good
You look at me with that look that kills me again
Just one look and I know what I want
Show me who you are, Annalena
Just you, just you, just you
Yeah yeah
Annalena, Annalena, Annalena
She doesn't want a fancy dinner at a gourmet restaurant
She prefers pizza to filet mignon
She doesn't need vintage rosé, Moët et Chandon
She prefers to say 'Sorry' instead of 'Pardon'.
Oh, Annalena is my partner in crime
She pockets it, complains and says 'Ride or die'
She is just so perfect without show
Annalena already had me at hello
I like the way you dance, Annalena.
The way you move babe, I like to watch you
I like the way you laugh, Annalena
I'm coming over to you
Because I know it's gonna be good
You look at me with that look that kills me again
Just one look and I know what I want
Show me who you are, Annalena
Just you, just you, just you
Yeah yeah
Annalena, Annalena, Annalena
Annanan, Annananana
Oh Annalena
Annanan, Annananana
You look at me with that look that kills me again
Just one look and I know what I want
Show me who you are, Annalena
Just you, just you, just you
Yeah yeah
Annanan, Annananana
Oh Annalena
Annanan, Annananana (Annalena)

It's alright

Versions: #1
Tell me you are there and its not just for my pretty eyes
Tell me apart from this there are other reasons why I make you happy
Tell me that you really like our lazy days and mornings in love
Tell me that from the beginning that you always see a suite for two
Tell me that I am the only one that you always want
I have no date, or anything I want to accept
With you it's obvious I am ready to forget the past
I always love to charm but it doesn't matter when I only want to please you
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I like that assured air that you borrow from more beautiful people
Your sweet look is like it's a secret that your caresses have an indefinite limit
You understand all my silences and all my small absent moments
If I go to heaven I won't be sure of the difference to now
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I say to myself let's take risks and it's too late anyway
Worst of all we will have memories and nice moments in our drawers
I am scared of your niceness and how it promises so much happiness Oh you know I'm scared
I am saying that it's just you
And I know you believe it
Your the one that strums out my happiness
The one who humours my sadness
Just like that
And I'm saying it's you
And for the very first time
Sorry for my doubts and my tantrums
Time will make it better
You and me
It's alright
I'm saying it's just you
It's alright
I know you believe it
Oh it's alright
You and me just like this
I'm saying it's you
I know you believe it
And you and me just like that

We Finished School

Five of us finished the school, one gang
My two classmates, two girl friends and I
The last bell was in a hand of the first grader
We tried to stay awake as long as possible
We drank beer like crazy for leaving school
We drank vodka for those who were friends
We smoked twenty cigarettes for every time we were punished for only being students
I wish you would have seen how our Kristė looked
She drove all the boys crazy
It was a little miracle to hold her breast in hand
It was a big miracle to take her home
A silent Agnė dreamed about an eternal love
They are both sitting under birches of their childhood
Talking about men they love
They are both laughing because they are not living with them
Our souls and brains were disappointed by many people
Guilt and fears will not leave us
We cry as much as we want
But were waiting with smiles on our faces for the things that will happen
My deskmate is a great boss now
He has thousands of ties, there is no such a word as 'stop' for him
When he is sober, he lies that everything is fine and he is happy
When he is drunk, he says 'Let's set everything on fire and go to hell'
Another one used to follow the wrong paths
He tried everything first, he didn't choose any ways.
I can't believe he was found in the river in London
I can't believe he had friends besides us
Our souls and brains were disappointed by many people
Guilt and fears will not leave us
We cry as much as we want
But were waiting with smiles on our faces for the things that will happen
Our souls and brains were disappointed by many people
Guiltiness and fears will not leave us
And I, without any meaning. As if I bloomed on the wrong time
With a muzzle of clown, fireworks in the background
When I'm full, they say: 'what a boring man'
When I'm empty, they call me a celebrity

Major Tom

The light is glowing green
in the control center,
it's time to say goodbye.
All is clear,
first a 'last check'
in the program.
Everything must be perfect
before this journey
into the space
Efficacy without limits,
scientific discoveries
without emotions
created a chance
to disappear
'up'n away to nowhere'
says Major Tom
and said farewell!
3,2,1 and
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have liberty
the stars are luring
Everything works normally,
just at this moment
the danger for a crash
has been overcome.
the computers continue
to check,
do what they want now,
but what do they know
about Major Tom?
The light blinks red
in the control center,
something has happened
that changed the course!
'Hello Major Tom
are you with us?
You made a mistake,
altered the program!'
but they get no answer ...
Hello? Hello Major Tom? Hello ... hello?
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
the stars are luring
space is glowing bright
so full of stars
all is marvelous,
now he is free
he has found home
to his realm,
flew from a world
controlled by technology
I will never ever
come back
if you won't understand
and rethink'
says Major Tom
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
stars are luring
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
stars are luring
space, vast and cold
that's where the journey goes
we have freedom
the stars are luring

Ochelari de soare

Hei băiete, tu cel scump la vorbă,
nu-ți scoți niciodată ochelarii de soare.
Nu privești pentru nimic în lume
în ochii oamenilor.
Și toată lumea ta
e-n întuneric profund.
Dacă scoți culoarea,
viața e o oroare.
De-asta mi-e mai bine față de tine,
că eu n-am ochelari de soare.
Dar ce vezi tu, prietena mea?
Vezi doar ceea ce vrei să vezi.
Cartea de istorie
studiată pe de rost.
După cum bate vântul,
vă schimbați imediat.
Și tu vezi negru
acolo unde-i alb.
Și apoi vezi alb
acolo unde-i negru.
De-asta mi-e mai bine față de tine,
când am pe nas ochelarii de soare.
Dar de ce să căutăm lumina zilei,
dacă adevărul nu se mai întoarce?
Hai să fim împreună
și să cântăm împreună.
Cu lumea ta roză
și lumea ta întunecată.
Pentru că viața suntem noi,
cu sau fără ochelari de soare.
Pentru că mai reali suntem noi,
cu sau fără ochelari de soare.

Bărbatul și femeia

Fiecare frunză are o floare,
fiecare inimă are o inimă,
în fiecare zi soarele se naște și moare.
Râul aleargă spre mare
și în el dispare,
pentru dragoste se poate face totul.
”Bărbatul nu poate fi singur”,
spuse Dumnezeu într-o zi.
Și femeia, s-o iubească,
i-o face astfel cadou.
Există un bărbat pentru fiecare femeie,
este legea iubirii.
Fiecare bărbat are femeia lui,
două jumătăți pentru a face o inimă.
Femeie, femeie, femeie, femeie,
esti făcută să iubesti.
Bărbatule, bărbatule, bărbatule, bărbatule,
te-ai născut ca să muncești.
El s-a născut primul,
apoi a venit ea.
El și ea, Dumnezeu a voit așa.
Fără primul bărbat
și prima femeie,
acum nu am mai fi aici.
Părintele Adam și-a găsit
Eva inimii sale,
iar în Edenul cu totul înflorit,
a început dragostea.
Femeie, femeie, femeie, femeie,
esti făcută sa iubesti.
Bărbatule, bărbatule, bărbatule, bărbatule,
te-ai născut ca să muncești.
Există un bărbat pentru fiecare femeie,
este legea iubirii.
Fiecare bărbat are femeia lui,
două jumătăți pentru a face o inimă.

Late (without damages to third parties)

Versions: #1
Exactly now
you barge into my life
with your perfect body and killer eyes.
late as always,
luck finally strikes.
You were with him,
and I was with her,
pretending to be happy out of desperation,
not holding onto our dreams
out of fear of being alone.
But we arrived late,
I saw you and you saw me,
we recognized each other right away,
but too late.
damn the hour
that I found what I dreamed of,
too late.
To dream and miss you so much without actually having you,
so much inventing you,
So much searching for you through the streets like a crazy man,
without finding you.
being foolish
out of despair,
confusing love with company.
and that idiotic fear of finding yourself old and without a partner,
makes you choose with your head matters of the heart.
and I don't have anything against them,
my rage is against time
for putting you next to me,
too late.
Wanting to run away

Here's a slow dance

Here's a slow dance, here it is
And it's good, believe me
Feel my tears here
Touch me like that
The violins that make you cry are already there
Here's a slow dance, here it is
Start up the movies
It's very nice here
It's better at my place
Let's wait for a slow dance to start
And there it is --
Tighter, tighter
Here's a slow dance, here it is
And it always starts that way
We hold each other so tightly
That we couldn't stop there
So it continues on for a while
Here's a slow dance, here it is
All your fingers between his/her fingers
Your old memories are here
Of sol, of fa
The caresses and kisses
Are still there
Here's a slow dance, here it is
Start up the movies
It's very nice here
It's better at my place
Let's wait for a slow dance to start
And there it is
Tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter

Esti asa cool

Corpul asa de in forma
Asa de plin de scantei
Cu afiramtii
Drept arta pe peretii tai
Erai pornita
Ochii pe castig
O rutina de yoga
Exercitii pentru acasa
Acum ca o stea ce paleste
Pe bulevardul Sunset
Eu fac pe majordomul devotat
Cafele de dimineata in pat
In timp ce toate stradanile incercate
Aduc inapoieri diminuate
Esti asa cool, este adevarat
Esti genul meu de fata
Te voi pastra pana la final
Gaseste consolare in privilegiul de a continua
Majoritatea oamenilor sunt striviti in servitute

I don't want you to leave

There's something not right okay


Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
But even until now
I'm still here
Here my heart goes again
Believing your excuses
Just following your wishes
And I just act blinded
I don't know why it's like that
You're always hurting me
But on the other side of this mess
Here I am still, holding onto you
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
But even until now
I'm still here
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
Your heart is a liar
And yet I believe you
My love for you is true
But my emotions are struggling
Will I just have to pretend?
Wondering if this is right
I don't know why it's like that
You're always hurting me
But on the other side of this mess
Here I am still, holding onto you
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
But even until now
I'm still here
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
Your heart is a liar
And yet I believe you
With each and every thing that your sweet lips say
Little by little, it pulls me back to you
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
But even until now
I'm still here
Of the ten things you said
Only one is true
Your heart is a liar
And yet I believe you
Here my heart goes again