Rezultatele căutării pagină 12
Număr de rezultate: 588
In Circles
I see the memories in the void now
And I want it to pass
You're laughing, I'm running away
Erasing your empty promises
Bringing back old kisses
Again and again I'm spinning in circles
The mute silence
Cooled off the embrace in time
The glance in the darkness
Even a touch has turned to ice
But I know, but I know, but I know that I'm going now anyway
I'm swimming in tears, staying with you
Everything, everything just turns into a game
I still believe, hope, I can do everything
I see the memories in the void now
And I want it to pass
You're laughing, I'm running away
Erasing your empty promises
Bringing back old kisses
Again and again I'm spinning in circles
I'm constantly swimming
I find your echo in the waves
I'm raising up clouds
To find your reflection inside myself
But I know, but I know, but I know that I'm going now anyway
I'm swimming in tears, staying with you
Everything, everything just turns into a game
I still believe, hope, I can do everything
I see the memories in the void now
And I want it to pass
You're laughing, I'm running away
Erasing your empty promises
Bringing back old kisses
Again and again I'm spinning in circles
Te-am văzut aseară
Te-am văzut aseară, te plimbai pe drum
Mi-ai aruncat o privire, mi-ai pus în suflet fericirea
M-au lăsat necazurile, m-a pătruns iubirea
A-nceput inima să facă iar tica-tica
Ah, tu, fată, ca luna ești
Învelită-n ceruri cu albe stele
Luminezi viața și inima-mi
În piept, de fericire, sare
Mă doare numai când mă gândesc
Ca momentul real să nu fie doar un vis
Acum am liniște că am vorbit
Și ne vedem la apus de soare
De când m-ai prins cu dragostea ta
Ai dat naștere visului meu de a te-ntâlni toată viața mea
Mi-ai vrăjit dorul ca să nu piară
Lumina ta, e cheia inimii mele
100 years later
100 years later,
When we're no longer here,
100 years later.
Here will be built
Enormous buildings, full of all wonders they'll be.
People will discover unknown before knowledge
And wonders will be then here.
100 years later,
When we're no longer here,
100 years later.
There will no longer
Exist any borders, open will be every house
Life will shine on with the brightest of lights
That's what our life is about.
100 years later,
When we're no longer here,
100 years later.
There will no longer exist any borders,
Life will shine on with the brightest of lights,
Life will shine on with the brightest of lights.
100 years later,
When we're no longer here,
100 years later.
Ileana Ileana
I've let it known to be for my people in the favella, My
dear Ileana, Ileana
That the chosen one to wed i've found, My dear Ileana, Ileana
So i'll make such a marvellous wedding, My dear Ileana, Ileana
With my beautiful Ileana, My dear Ileana
Ahh, ah .. for i to marry my dearly Ilenutza
I'm so gonna give, gonna give (all the wealth things of i),
My dear Ileana, Ileana
Till the moment ye'll gonna be mine , my dearly Ilenutza
And i'll give it all, My dear Ileana, Ileana
For i to have ye as my wife, my dearly Ilenutza
My mother, Here's my Ileana, Ileana , Ileana
She's of such a beauty like none ever seen
She's beautiful and of such finesse
That this soul of i, she conquered
Ahh, ah . ..Thre's none word left to say , none else to do
She's my dearly Ilenutza
You can use the magic
[Principal Cinch:]
You never fit in the crowd, did you?
It's not everyone who wants to trouble their head
When I see a student like you
Which is not very often
The best ones always disappear too quickly
I understand that it may not be easy
To own a brain as large as yours
If we lose the games now
Well, you probably already know
What happens if we get the bad points
You can use the magic, you can use the magic
Otherwise we'll blame you
Even the others have done the same
So no reason to be ashamed
[Principal Cinch:]
May it be power or magic
Losing would get bad things done
Think about how much knowledge will be lost
A one-of-a-kind chance
You'd regret wasting it
The knowledge of magic will compensate it all
You can use the magic, you can use the magic
Friendship is just a word
That's why our goal is to find the gimmick
That makes Canterlot High fall
[Principal Cinch:]
So I've got a small request
And everyone wins in it
You want to map out the secrets
Of your great powers
And for myself and the others I wish
Just a moderate piece
That the school will snatch the win
And I can continue in my position
You can use the magic, you can use the magic
Losing would be horrible
But we can win if you want to try
You can't chicken out now
You can use the magic, release it now
You can use the magic, release it now
[Twilight Sparkle:]
Oh, what I'd learn if I released it
You can use the magic, release it now
You can use the magic, release it now
[Twilight Sparkle:]
And now I'm the one deciding the winner of the games
You can use the magic, release it now
You can use the magic, release it now
[Twilight Sparkle:]
How many doors would it open
You can use the magic, release it now
[Twilight Sparkle:]
But magic interests me the most
You can use the magic, release it
You can use the magic, release it
Please Wait for Me
Because I still can't understand you
I am looking for a way to reach your heart
So that I can make your sad heart shine brightly
I am looking for a way to become your unchanging love
Where can I find it?
The way to your heart
You are always so far away from me
Please wait for me, please wait for me
Until I can understand you
Please wait for me, please wait for me
Until I can understand you
Because I still can't understand you
I am looking for a way to reach your heart
So that I can make your sad heart shine brightly
I am looking for a way to become your unchanging love
Where can I find it?
The way to your heart
You are always so far away from me
Please wait for me, please wait for me
Until I can understand you
Please wait for me, please wait for me
Until I can understand you
Please wait for me, please wait for me
Until I can understand you
Iubirea strălucea în ochii tăi
Iubirea strălucea în ochii tăi,
Iubirea strălucea în zâmbetul tău.
Nu mai era nimic de spus,
Înainte de-a ne vorbi, eram fericiți.
Iubirea strălucea în ochii tăi,
Am văzut în ei toată dragostea din lume.
M-ai strâns în brațe în lumină,
Eram în paradis, fără să știu.
Căci într-o zi cerul s-a unit cu pământul,
Când fericirea, brusc
Ne-a luat în brațele ei.
Eram atât de singură, de tristă,
Fără de suflet, abandonată.
O întâlnire a fost șansa mea
Și în viața mea totul s-a schimbat.
Iubirea strălucea în ochii tăi,
Iubirea strălucea în zâmbetul tău.
Nu mai era nimic de spus,
Înainte de-a ne vorbi, eram fericiți.
Iubirea strălucea în zâmbetul tău.
Da, toată dragostea din lume
Strălucea în ochii tăi.
Dintr-un fâlfâit de aripi
Fetele ce n-au astâmpăr
Visează la călătorii.
Ele spun că fericirea
E o mare călătoare.
Fetele ce n-au astâmpăr
Pleacă din coliviile lor.
Pentru ele dragostea e-n înalturi,
Gonind ca o pasăre.
Dintr-un fâlfâit de aripi,
Ca o rândunică,
Am vrut să zbor departe de tine.
Ca și ele,
Ca și ele,
Am văzut acolo fericirea.
Pe aripile mele de rândunică
Am vrut să gonesc prin lumea toată.
De unde vine
Acea scânteie
Care mă-mpinge să călătoresc mereu?
Fetele liniștite
Rămân în orașe.
Ele nu cred în fericire,
Care-i departe de privirea și inima lor.
Rece le e inima
Fetelor liniștite.
Mereu deschisă către marele vânt
Ce vine dinspre ocean.
Dintr-un fâlfâit de aripi,
Ca o rândunică,
Eu revin, să rămân aici pe veci.
Eu te chem, eu te chem,
Căci iubirea călătorește alături de iubire.
Am aripi,
Precum rândunica,
Dar în seara asta îmi pun inima în fața ta.
Sub aripile mele,
Iubirii mă aduce înapoi la tine.
African secret/ Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
You must not tell anyone
That’s the African secret
Fred has to travel
He calls his friend Zouzoi
Zouzoi I’ll be leaving for France
This has to stay between us
Sorry, but you don’t have to tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi gets home
And calls his wife
Sweetheart lend me your ear
Fred is leaving for France tomorrow
This stays between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi’s wife goes to the market
On the way she meets her colleague
Haven’t you heard the news
I’ve got something for you
Fred is leaving for France
This has to stay between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi’s friend’s wife gets home
She leaves in a compound house
She spills the beans to everyone
Haven’t you heard the news
Fred is leaving for France tomorrow
This has to stay between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on zouzoi passed it on
The news spreads
On the day of departure
Fred tells himself
Zouzoi will be waiting for him
He arrives at the airport
To his surprise, the whole neighborhood is present
And he owes a lot of people
He wants to hide and flee
Surprised by Zouzoi’s betrayal
Now Fred is in trouble
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Among his creditors
Was the area mallam
Alhadji Toutouya
He says to Fredy
Son, you deceived me
Even if you see the entire neighborhood
Sheep flock together
But are not sold at the same price
I am Alhadji Toutouya
Today you’ve got to give me back my money
Otherwise you’re not going to France
It’s France that would have to come find you
Freddy turns to look at Zouzoi
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
You deceived the everyone
You deceived your bald father
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Under a Northern Sky
Versions: #1
Father earned a paltry craftsman's wage...
It's a bluntness of the saw blade,
or a roughness of the smoothing plane?
Thoughts when waking boozed again
in a never-ending line.
Got beaten every Christmas.
Just averting death by sharpened knife.
A single kiss if not your wife,
you can join the host divine.
Under a northern sky we
barely got the basics seen to.
With alms from those perched highly,
made a couple humble dreams true.
Barefooted through an Africa of flames...
We finally surrendered
that drought-beleaguered place of birth.
fatigue-becloaked and rage-begirthed,
I led the tribe toward
a land of coruscating wonder,
where lakes abound, in winters freeze.
Time for someone else to please
the servants now in turn.
Under a northern sky we
barely got the basics seen to.
With alms from those perched highly,
made a couple humble dreams true.
Pith helmet will protect you from the glare...
A postcard with a picture
saying 'Greetings from the Andes peaks,
this man is wrecked and comfort seeks
off a young girl's loins.
If anyone could tell me
how thick it is, this ozone layer.
I'm losing both the fight and hair,
'Enjoy life!', Doc enjoins.'
Under a northern sky we
barely got the basics seen to.
With alms from those perched highly,
made a couple humble dreams true.
Frunze de Toamnă
Cad precum acele frunze veștejite
Căzând fără putere, dragostea mea
Inima ta se îndepărtează, nu te pot prinde
Nu te mai pot prinde, nu mai
Nu te mai pot ține aici, da
Acele frunze căzute care arată nesigure pare-se că ne privesc
Dacă îți ating mâna, chiar dacă doar o dată, pare-se că se va destrăma totul
Eu doar priveam, alături de vântul de toamnă
Cuvintele și expresiile tale care la un moment dat au devenit reci
Pot observa cum relația noastră dispare
O relație goală precum cerul de toamnă
O diferență ambiguă față de înainte
Astăzi dintre toate zilele, noaptea mult mai liniștită
O singură a rămas agățată de creangă
Se dizolvă, văd sfârșitul, frunze moarte care se veștejesc
Tăcerea din inima ta goală
Te rog, nu mă părăsi
Te rog, nu mă părăsi, frunze veștede în descompunere...
Te vreau așa cum erai înainte
Te vreau pe tine, cea care mă dorește din nou
Te rog, nu mă părăsi
Te rog, să nu cazi
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi
Nu te îndepărta
Iubito tu, nu-ți pot da drumul
Iubito tu, nu pot renunța la tine
La fel ca acele frunze veștede
Iubirea asta, ca frunzele veștede
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi
La fel cum frunzele veștede cad
Ca toate lucrurile ce le credeam eterne și acum pleacă
Tu ești al cincilea meu anotimp
Chiar dacă încerc să te văd, nu pot privi
Ești încă verde pentru mine
Chiar dacă inima nu se mișcă acum, se va mișca singură odată
Sentimente rămase atârnate ca o rufă întinsă pe sârmă
Doar amintirile roșii cad de deasupra mea
Cad în mod constant chiar dacă creanga mea nu se scutură
Așa e, dragostea mea trebuie să cadă pentru a se ridica
Chiar și când ești aproape, cei doi ochi ai mei sunt departe, se întâmplă
Sunt aruncat în felul ăsta
În amintirile mele, sunt tânăr din nou
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi, da
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi, da
Te vreau așa cum erai înainte
Te vreau pe tine, cea care mă dorește din nou
Te rog, nu mă părăsi
Te rog, să nu cazi
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi
Nu te îndepărta
De ce nu pot renunța încă la tine?
Țin strâns de amintirile astea șterse, e oare lăcomie?
Încerc să mă uit înapoi la acele anotimpuri trecute
Încerc să mă întorc înapoi
Arde-le strălucitor, whoosh
A fost frumoasă, da, calea noastră
Dar acum s-au dus toate
Frunze moarte cad precum lacrimile
Vântul bate și totul se destramă
Ploaia cade și tu te frângi
Până la ultima frunză, tu tu tu
Te vreau așa cum erai înainte
Te vreau pe tine, cea care mă dorește din nou
Te rog, nu mă părăsi
Te rog, să nu cazi
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi
Nu te îndepărta
Iubito tu, nu-ți pot da drumul
Iubito tu, nu pot renunța la tine
La fel ca acele frunze veștede
Iubirea asta, ca frunzele veștede
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi
Niciodată, niciodată să nu cazi
Vezi dacă mormântul meu e îngrijit
O singură favoare am să-ți cer,
O singură favoare am să-ți cer.
Da, o singură favoare am să-ți cer:
Vezi dacă mormântul meu e îngrijit.
Sunt doi cai albi alăturați,
Sunt doi cai albi alăturați,
Sunt doi cai albi alăturați,
Care mă duc la cimitir.
Sunt trei negre trăsuri în ploaie,
Sunt trei negre trăsuri în ploaie,
Sunt trei negre trăsuri în ploaie,
Acum golite de-a lor grea încărcătură.
Ai auzit vreodată sunetul unui sicriu,
Ai auzit vreodată sunetul unui sicriu,
Ai auzit vreodată sunetul unui sicriu
Când e coborât în groapă?
O singură favoare am să-ți cer,
O singură favoare am să-ți cer,
O singură favoare am să-ți cer:
Vezi dacă mormântul meu e îngrijit.
Your beauties shone
1. Your beauties shone and the sun was eclipsed,
the brilliant star was ashamed.
2. My soul in the fiery flame, burns and sighs,
with a knife to cut it, all love will drip.
3. My God, so beautiful, whoever sees her faintly,
and in his heart, he feels that love is being nailed.
Song of Love (Together Heart to Heart)
Together heart to heart
will open and see the lights in the sky
together heart to heart
open in the hope of love
How that the heart opens
embracing the world
and in a large call
will sing to love
They say that all is possible
it is not too late
the dawn has already risen
the time for love (is now)
Together heart to heart...
And only if we will believe
without any showing off
on the climbing path
this is a song to love
Together heart to heart...
Uh ,
Aici Iggy Iggs
Ce vrei ?
Uite ,uite
Bate in usa , fluturand in patru buli
Ei deja stiu ca nu se pot pune cu Iggy
Adevarul costă mai mult decat chiria , stii asta
Îmbrăcată negru pe cand trec , e Kodak
Oglinda oglinjoara
Este Iggy ziggy-iggy cea mai rea dintre ei ?
De ce ai venit ? sa inchizi mall-ul ?
Acel fund merita niste aplauze
Schimba jocul (schimba-l ,schimba-l acum)
Comuteaza jocul (comuteaza-l,comuteaza-l acum)
Acolo ma duc din nou (acolo mergem ,acolo mergem)
Jucând rolul tău,jucând rolul tău
Fantezia (fantezia)
Devine realitate(devine realitate)
Chiar in fata mea (chiar in fata mea)
Pot sa o am cum o doresc
Lumina roșie,lumina galbena,lumina verde
Comutator !
E vremea când recunoști că sunt aceea curvă
Asta-i despre sosul de care mama ta ți-a zis
Lumină rosie,lumina galbena,lumina verde
Comutator !
Eu si iubi intr-o agitatie la nivel mondial
Stii ce e atunci cand imi flexez muschiul
Nici măcar nu stiu ce face unul real
Spune vorba aia , mă pot apăra și eu
Ai desertul ,spune-mi chelnerul
Flirtez , iti vei da seama mai tarziu
Tu ai putea s-o iei din înăuntru , afară
Fara maini , l-ai putea pune in gură
Schimba jocul (schimba-l ,schimba-l acum)
Comuteaza jocul (comuteaza-l,comuteaza-l acum)
Acolo ma duc din nou (acolo mergem ,acolo mergem)
Jucând rolul tău,jucând rolul tău
Fantezia (fantezia)
Devine realitate(devine realitate)
Chiar in fata mea (chiar in fata mea)
Pot sa o am cum o doresc
Lumina roșie,lumina galbena,lumina verde
Comutator !
E vremea când recunoști că sunt aceea curvă
Asta-i despre sosul de care mama ta ți-a zis
Lumină rosie,lumina galbena,lumina verde
Comutator !
Uh , este Iggy zdreantelor
Ce vrei ?
Ce vrei , vrei , vrei ?
Comuteaz-o , Lamb-ul , tractorul Bentley
El nu te iubeste , inelul nu-i de ajuns
Daca ei vorbesc despre bani , ma arăt
Contul meu mărindu-se , crește sus
Si sunt încă un rockstar , la naiba
Popstar , dar ma joc cu mafioti
Club pe iaht , la malul marii , mancand homar
In timp ce stau in Geneva , cu vesta mea
Lumina roșie,lumina galbena,lumina verde
Comutator !
E vremea când recunoști că sunt aceea curvă
Asta-i despre sosul de care mama ta ți-a zis
Lumină rosie,lumina galbena,lumina verde
Comutator !
Lumina roșie,lumina galbena,lumina verde
Comutator !
E vremea când recunoști că sunt aceea curvă
Asta-i despre sosul de care mama ta ți-a zis
Lumină rosie,lumina galbena,lumina verde
Comutator !
Four tall birches...
Four tall birches
Stand in my garden:
Who plays hide and seek?
Life, death, the wind, a cat.
Who wins?
Each in turn.
There is a house in New Orleans
There is a house in New Orleans
A house, far from happiness
They have been waiting for it there for a long time
But it never comes back
He went out in the morning
The day was young and beautiful
Then he met a blonde woman
Who wanted to go with him
So hear their story
And what became of them:
There were two royal children
They loved each other so much
Her father was so white, so white
His father was so black
'You won't get the woman at any price
Get out or perish!'
He shouted, 'Oh, people, stop!'
They beat him to death, the sun was shining
It shined for everyone''
There is a house in New Orleans
A house, far from happiness
And he will never come back
And he will never come back
How can I not worry (Saying farewell to girl to serve the nation)
Huoy Meas: Oh nature, you are tranquil
Seems like there's a crisis like me
Part of it is because I worry about love
Scared that their heart will lose passion
[That their] Love will depart far, far from them
Can't meet them, who will I depend on?
Sinn Sisamouth: I won't forget you
I will only separate from the owner of the romantic thoughts
To serve the nation and religion
Please remove those thoughts, dear
Don't worry at all, I'll be back
Return fast, wait to meet me [again], dear
Huoy Meas: I... am a girl, missing,
dreaming of being in my husband embrace
I can't just help myself from you
This time, how can I not worry?
Sinn Sisamouth: Please smile, honey
to keep being the ray of peace
[Even though] I'll separate [from you], my heart is always with you
It's impossible to forget you
Huoy Meas: I don't have anyone to depend on
I only have my darling
Please be careful and take care
I will pray for you
[To] be able to, return fast, back home
To rejoin our love
Sinn Sisamouth: Please don't worry, my love
I will definitely not forget our promise
Please, let me swear [to you]
Let the gods be our witnesses
To be devoted to love
That I'll only love you until I die
Leave Me Alone
Please leave me alone
No more love
Good memories
I do not have any.
Shake me.
You'll leave again.
Even when we return
You do not have the time.
I do not want to hate you.
Without you I was barely
It's alive again.
Whenever I leave,
You said you worried 'bout me
I did not wait for you.
It's because of you.
It's easy.
I burned and trampled all my heart.
When I stood by your side
To you anytime
It was a house to come back to.
Again and again
The time is just a wound.
It's no more meaningful lies.
I do not want to hear it anymore.
Please leave me alone
No more love
Good memories
I do not have any.
Shake me.
You'll leave again.
Even when we return
You do not have the time.
I do not want to hate you.
Without you I was barely
It's alive again.
You create another me
You left him.
Love was poisoned
The memory will kill in seconds.
I will try to move on.
I'll forget all the stops.
The little farewell you threw
The weight of the whole world
Again and again
The time is just a wound.
It's no more meaningful lies.
I do not want to hear it anymore.
Please leave me alone
No more love
Good memories
I do not have any.
Shake me.
You'll leave again.
Even when we return
You do not have the time.
I do not want to hate you.
Without you I was barely
It's alive again.
Now leave me alone
I think I'll take care of you.
My heart will not be my will.
I'll catch you again soon.
Find another love
Do not take a step toward me
Our time is now stopping here
I'll be happy for you.
Sentimental Stories
Is it in order to offer?
Is it by love,
or just for a laugh?
Is it for you?
Is it in order to seduce?
Is it forever,
or is it only to say
just a sweet word?
I sell roses.
I sell roses—
sentimental stories.
People talk to us,
dreaming of something else,
dreaming of sentimental stories.
Is it in order to offer?
Is it in order to pack it?
Do I deliver it to you?
Do you turn the page?
Finally, in order to finish,
do you need to water?
Do you have to say it
in order to tell you something else?
I sell roses.
I sell roses—
sentimental stories.
People talk to us,
dreaming of something else,
dreaming of sentimental stories.
I sell roses.
I sell roses—
sentimental stories.
People talk to us,
dreaming of something else,
dreaming of sentimental stories.
Everything revolves around me
and I understand so little about us.
Actually, nothing at all anymore.
I'm so angry,
but I don't want to be an angry person anymore
and I don't want to hate you, either.
It's just that after all that's happened,
I find it hard to let the anger go.
I want you to stop.
I want you to stop.
What's inside me, me should stop, stop,
stop, stop.
I let everything out.
I let you out,
I just scream you out.
I scream you out,
scream you out,
one last round of applause for what we used to be.
Now I scream as loud as I can.
I scream you out,
scream you out.
Hard to imagine
that we used to be so good to each other.
Everything keeps turning,
just not together in unison.
I want you to stop.
I want you to stop.
What's inside me, me should stop, stop,
stop, stop.
I let everything out.
I let you out,
I just scream you out.
I scream you out,
scream you out,
one last round of applause for what we used to be.
Now I scream as loud as I can.
I scream you out,
scream you out.
I let everything out.
I let you out,
I just scream you out.
I scream you out,
scream you out,
one last round of applause for what we used to be.
Now I scream as loud as I can.
I scream you out,
scream you out.
When my friends ask me,
“Hey, Lea, you still coming?'
and I say, “I'm up to my ears with stuff,
can't make it again today,”
I'm really just lying here alone in my bed.
I wanna hide where no one can see me,
but maybe I'd actually like to be with them.
Maybe I should've gone,
but now it's too late.
And when you call, I don't answer
'cause I just can't right now.
I don't want you to see me like this,
the way I'm just lying here under the blanket.
Am I really okay?
Why do I feel alone here?
What's my problem?
Wanna get out, but I just stay here.
I'm just hurting myself.
Can't sleep, it's already half past three.
Am I really okay?
And is this ever gonna go away?
I hear myself saying things I don't mean.
I ask myself if I'm okay.
I say “Yes' and think “No.”
I'm angry with myself and I feel so lousy.
Whenever we fight till one of us cries,
then I slam the door, sometimes I'm way too mean
instead of telling you I love you.
And when you call, I don't answer
'cause I just can't right now.
I don't want you to see me like this,
the way I'm just lying here under the blanket.
Am I really okay?
Why do I feel alone here?
What's my problem?
Wanna get out, but I just stay here.
I'm just hurting myself.
Can't sleep, it's already half past three.
Am I really okay?
And is this ever gonna go away?
Am I really okay?
Am I really okay?
Te rog, fă-mi plăcerea
Azi-noapte am spus aceste cuvinte prietenei mele
Ştiu, dragă, că nici n-ai încercat
Te rog, fă-mi plăcerea, o, da
Aşa cum îţi fac şi ţie plăcerea
N-ai de mine ca să-ţi arăt calea, iubire
De ce trebuie să mă repet, iubire?
Te rog, fă-mi plăcerea, o, da
Aşa cum îţi fac şi ţie plăcerea
Nu vreau să pară că mă plâng
dar ştii că mereu îmi plouă în suflet
(în suflet)
Eu fac toate plăcerile cu tine
Este atât de greu rezonez cu tine
O, da, de ce mă întristezi?
Azi-noapte am spus aceste cuvinte prietenei mele
Ştiu, dragă, că nici n-ai încercat
Te rog, fă-mi plăcerea, o, da
Aşa cum îţi fac şi ţie plăcerea
(Fă-mi plăcerea)
O, da, aşa cum îţi fac şi ţie plăcerea
(Fă-mi plăcerea)
O, da, aşa cum îţi fac şi ţie plăcerea
Vă rog, domnule poştaş
Staţi, o, da, staţi un minut, domnule poştaş
Staţi, staţi, domnule poştaş
Domnule poştaş, verificaţi
e oare vreo scrisoare în geanta dumneavoastră pentru mine?
Am aşteptat o groază de timp
de când am auzit de la prietena mea
Trebuie să fie vreun cuvânt azi
de la prietena mea atât de îndepărtată
Vă rog, domnule poştaş, verificaţi
dacă e o scrisoare, o scrisoare pentru mine
Am tot stat pe aici aşteptând, domnule poştaş
Atât de calm
pentru o vedere sau vreo scrisoare
în care să spună că se va întoarce acasă...
Domnule poştaş, verificaţi
e oare vreo scrisoare în geanta dumneavoastră pentru mine?
Am aşteptat o groază de timp
de când am auzit de la prietena mea
Atâtea zile, aţi trecut pe lângă mine
vedeţi lacrima ce stă în ochiul meu
Nu v-aţi oprit să mă faceţi să mă simt bine
lăsându-mi o vedere sau o scrisoare
Aşa că, domnule poştaş, verificaţi
e oare vreo scrisoare în geanta dumneavoastră pentru mine?
Am aşteptat o groază de timp
de când am auzit de la prietena mea
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
Trebuie să verificaţi şi să vedeţi, încă odată pentru mine
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
Trimite scrisoarea, cu cât mai curând, pe-atât mai bine
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
Trebuie să aşteptaţi un minut, aşteptaţi un minut
It´s not my birthday
It´s a very special birthday
and we´re going to celebrate
playing with my friends
But as soon as the cake arrives
I want to eat it
blow all the candles
And I wish I dont have to wait
one year to pass
I would like to celebrate every day
a birthday, my birthday
It´s a very special birthday
and we´re going to celebrate
playing with my friends
But as soon as the cake arrives
I want to eat it
blow all the candles
And I wish I don´t have to wait
one year to pass
I would like to celebrate every day
a birthday, my birthday
But as soon as the cake arrives
I want to eat it
blow all the candles
And I wish I don´t have to wait
one year to pass
I would like to celebrate every day
a birthday, my birthday
I´ll try not to bite the cake
neither break the piñata
it´s not my birthday, I know
Liderul găştii
'Chiar iese afară cu el?'
'Ei, uite-o, s-o-ntrebăm.'
'Betty, porţiu cumva inelul lui Jimmy'
[afirmativ:] 'Mm-hmm'
'Trebuie să fie grozav să mergi cu el!'
'Te ia cumva de la şcoală azi?'
[negativ:] 'Mm-hmm'
'Apropo, unde l-ai întâlnit?'
L-am întâlnit la bombonerie,
s-a întors şi mi-a zâmbit
Se-nţelege? (Da, se-nţelege)
Atunci m-am topit după ... (Liderul găştii)
Ai mei mereu îl făceau să se simtă jos (jos, jos)
Spuneau că vine din zona rău-famată a oraşului
(Ce tot zici, ce tot zici că venea din zona rău-famată a oraşului?)
Spuneau că este rău
Dar ştiu că era trist
De aceea m-am topit după ... (Liderul găştii)
Într-o zi, tata mi-a spus 'găseşte-ţi pe altcineva!'
A trebuit să-i spun lui Jimmy că s-a terminat
(Ce tot zici, ce tot zici că mai bine ai căuta pe altcineva?)
Stătea şi mă-ntreba de ce
Dar tot ce puteam face era să plâng
Îmi pare rău că te-am rănit, (lider al găştii)
Părea că zâmbeşte şi m-a sărutat de la revedere
Lacrimile începeau să se arate
Cât conducea în acea noapte ploioasă,
m-am rugat să meargă mai încet
dar orice-ar fi auzi, n-am să ştiu niciodată!
Atenţie! Atenţie! Atenţie! Atenţie!
M-am simţit aşa neajutorată, ce puteam face?
Amintindu-mi toate cele prin care-am trecut
La şcoală toţi stau şi privesc
Nu-mi pot ascunde lacrimile, dar nu-mi pasă
N-am să-l uit niciodată (pe liderul găştii)
Liderul găştii - acum s-a dus...
Liderul găştii - acum s-a dus...
Liderul găştii - acum s-a dus...
Liderul găştii - acum s-a dus...
Goodbye planet Earth
Every Sunday I descend into the cellar,
I grab a screwdriver and start to build a space ship,
I add a turbine to the engine,
to the radiator, a timing belt
I paint wings on the rudder
and protect the fuselage with the asbestos plates.
I pour fuel into the tank,
I load first aid supplies,
I secure along tea and bread,
I fasten safety belt and helmet strap fastener,
I turn fuel valve open
I feed spark to the ignition engine
I set my cell phone into the airplane mode,
and blast myself to the winds of sky.
Goodbye planet Earth,
I depart to greet my creator.
Goodbye, comrade Stalin.
goodbye, Noah ark,
goodbye, African savanas
goodbye, emperor Nero
goodbye, the third reich,
goodbye, radioactive rays
goodbye, the Pacific ocean
goodbye, Egyptian pyramids
goodbye, internet
goodbye, babushka
goodbye, Pontius Pilatus
goodbye, subway stations of Moscow
goodbye, Jules Verne
goodbye, illuminati
goodbye, cash machines
goodbye, father Sun
goodbye, Mao's red book
goodbye, seventh continent
goodbye, Ural rowan
goodbye, Alla Pugatšova
I simmer slowly
I simmer slowly
Like Chamin on Shabbat
In an instant world
I simmer slow
I’m simmering...I’m simmering
I simmer slow
Kheli Ya hali
So don't chew me like fast food
I haven’t finished the song yet
You wanted me in Hebrew already
But my heart sings in Yemenite
I’m not easy to digest
I come with the Yemenite trill
That's me
That's me
I simmer slowly
Like Chamin on Shabbat
In an instant world
I simmer slow
I’m simmering...I’m simmering
I simmer slow
Kheli Ya hali
Sacred words or cliche words
I mix them shamelessly
Until I'm hot
I simmer slow
Do not remain of ice
[Verse 1]
Fears in your head when you wake up
Still no answers to yesterday's questions
The same feeling that everything goes too fast
Like a whirlwind when we talk about the future
Being wrong, falling, shedding tears, you already did
You think you’re alone but believe me when I say we’ve been there*
Being wrong, falling, shedding tears, you already did
The pressure makes you paranoid
Do not remain of ice
Don’t wait for it to pass
Don't let doubts come your way
You know, life is short, take it in hand
Do not remain of ice
Don’t wait for it to pass***
Don't let doubts come your way
You know, life is short, take it in hand
[Verse 2]
No one can give you the key
We are often alone when we have to move forward**
One knee on the ground, the other (leg/foot) is ready
To face everything you wanted to hide, okay
Being wrong, falling, shedding tears, you already did
You think you’re alone but believe me when I say we’ve been there
Being wrong, falling, shedding tears, you already did
The pressure makes you paranoid
Do not remain of ice
Don’t wait for it to pass
Don't let doubts come your way
You know, life is short, take it in hand
Do not remain of ice
Don’t wait for it to pass
Don't let doubts come your way
You know, life is short, take it in hand
Do not remain of ice
Don’t wait for it to pass
Don't let doubts come your way
You know, life is short, take it in hand
The Army(Rodica)
The army is on the street
it's a big danger
They shoot out all the working ladies,
but Rodica is on her feet!
Whoever said that we don't have history?
Whoever said that we have no memory?
Rodica is the proof
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
That's how it always was
when the Rodica-named ladies were one...
One only thought, one only aim
One only dream, one only goal:
To rip her and turn her into a flag!
Rodica is the mother of all sons,
daughter of all mothers
Housewife of all the people
man of all the housewives
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Rodica is the salvation of all sick
the sick of all salvations
Joy of all babies,
baby of all joys
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Through her, we can have the same goal:
Let's rip her and turn her into a flag!
Leap and manea
On a leap's lap
it's a hole in the heaven
that's dark and deep...
From a corner of a stone,
a sheeper is watching
how the sheep herd
is falling
into that big void...
As a sheep was falling
she was making a sound
then she was dying
the shepherd was screeming to her
That's your wedding,
my dear sheep...
That's your wedding,
my dear sheep...
At the window,
our girl
is dancing in a blue dress
Never ever had a curtain
All the world was watching her.
You got money, you give
If you don't
you miss a turn...
Anybody that was there
had his eyes for the girl
watching her as on the big screen
but no one paying
You got money, you give
If you don't
you miss a turn...
When the gipsy lady thought,
and put a token for watching
it was a tragedy,
but the cash started to come!
You got money, you give
If you don't
you miss a turn...
Time is rushing by
She starts to pay the people,
all the people are dancing
at the window she's watching
You got money, you give
If you don't
you miss a turn...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
The straw man
with straw eyes
and straw mouth
and straw teeth
with plastic soul
and plastic thoughts
heart of plastic
and plastic, and plastic...
The warm and subtle sickness...
it's laying down
warming me
and melting my
plastic mind,
plastic thoughts
plastic speaking
and plastic life
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...
Warm and subtle sickness...