Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 19


Vreau să fiu sclavul tău

Vreau să fiu sclavul tău
Vreau să fiu stapânul tău
Vreau să âți fac inima
Să fugă ca un rollercoaster
Vreau să fiu un băiat bun
Vreau să fiu un gangster
Findcă tu poti să fi frumoasa
Și eu aș putea sa fiu monstrul
Te iubesc de astăzi dimineață
Nu decât pentru estetic
Vreau sâ âți ating corpul
Așa futând electric
Știu că țe frică de mine
Tu ai zis ca eu sunt prea excentric
Eu âmi plâng toate lacrimele mele
Și asta este futând jalnic
Vreau să âți fac foamete
Și peurmă vreau să âți dau de mâncare
Vreau să âți vopsesc fața
Ca și cum tu ai fi Mona Lisa mea
Vreau să fiu campion
Vreau să fiu pierzător
Aș fi chiar și un clovn
Findca eu vreau decât să te amuzez
Vreau să fiu jucaria ta de sex
Vreau să fiu profesorul tău
Vreau să fiu păcatul tău
Vreau să fiu un preot
Vreau să te fac să mă iubești
Și peurmă vreau să te las
Findcă iubito eu sunt David al tău
Și tu ești Goliath al meu

Be nice and quiet

They don't know what I'm talking about
Bruh, you're so dirty with mud
Yellow on your fingers from cigs
Walking about with a cig
I'm sorry, but I'm so sure
I can afford to take the leap
Even though it's an uphill climb
That's why I'm training
And good evening, ladies and gentlemen
Actors on the scene
You better touch wood
You better be nice and quiet
People here are odd, like pushers
I spent too many nights locked out
Now I'm going around kicking on the doors
Looking up like climbers
So, I'm sorry mom if I'm always out, but
I'm out of my mind, just not like them
And you're out of your mind, just not like them
We're out of our mind, just not like them
We're out of our mind, just not like them
Have written pages over pages
I've seen salt and then tears
These men on their cars
Unable to climb against the rapids
Carved on gravestones
There's no god in my home
But if you understand the meaning of time
You'll rise back up from your oblivion
And no wind can stop
Natural power
From the right point of view
You can feel the euphoria the wind brings
With wings of wax on my back
I'll seek out that height
If you're trying to stop me, try again
Try and cut my head off
I'm out of my mind, just not like them
And you're out of your mind, just not like them
We're out of our mind, just not like them
We're out of our mind, just not like them
People talk, unfortunately
They talk, and they don't know what they're talking about
Just take me where I can stay afloat
'Cause here I can't breathe
People talk, unfortunately
They talk, and they don't know what they're talking about
Just take me where I can stay afloat
'Cause here I can't breathe
People talk, unfortunately
They talk, and they don't know what the fuck they're talking about
Just take me where I can stay afloat
'Cause here I can't breathe
But I'm out of my mind, just not like them
And you're out of your mind, just not like them
We're out of our mind, just not like them
We're out of our mind, just not like them
We're not like them

Miss Moonshine

Just because I by chance came by
One night when I drove by
With fate as my driver
I met you
And when I saw you I felt as thou
I'd seen you before
I wonder if it was just an old yearning
Which finally broke free from its prison, a déjà vu
From a sinking ship
Perhaps I was the guy
Who you knew and loved once
In another life
The stars flew
Like a careless crowd through my clothes
And I got dizzy, 'cause you made me high
Little Miss Moonshine
You and your mouth and your eyes
Smiled so endearingly at my lies
My hocus pocus and my web of thoughts
Borte has taken1
The far too short and fleeting days
But they'll come back
'Cause you're mine now
And we will always meet again
Little Miss Moonshine
  • 1. 'Borte (literally 'Away') has taken [something]' is often used to tell a child that there's no more of something, often in a teasing manner.
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Distant words

Like air you'll breathe me
On the day I'm hiding you
In phrases you won't hear
Because your mistake was loving me as if
Tomorrow the world would be the same as yesterday
Now let me believe that this is real
Because I feel the anxiety that rises, I drink the bitter tears
Please let me lose myself in the water of the sea
Because the distant words, I swear I want to shout them
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away
Time will burn all paper that mentions you
You'll cry with me under the sun, then it'll pour down
To carry away the probably useless sentences
We'll sing together, but remaining silent
Now, take me home because the winter scares me, and my legs are giving up.
You can't see how much I'm freezing.
Marlena, take me home because you smile is wonderful
But you know that if I lose you, I'll never walk a metre again.
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away, far away from me
Because I feel you far away
Like air you'll breathe me
On the day I'm hiding you
In phrases you won't hear

The other dimension

And now I swear I'll pack my bags
And escape to another dimension
I'm tired of your grey faces
I want a pink world full of colour
You buy love with credit cards
With faces that are drenched, yes, but with sweat
And now I swear I'll pack my bags
And escape from sweet Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing tonight, Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing tonight, Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing tonight, Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing
My friend, you must be happy since the new world is about to come
And there's no cut, no scar that this passion cannot cure
I, I from the ashes have arisen like a Phoenix, and I even learned to fly
Only because I packed my bags and kissed sweet Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing tonight, Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing tonight, Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing tonight, Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing
The dance of life
The dance of life
The dance of life
The dance of life
Marlena's dance
Marlena, yes, come talk to me
Please, Marlena
Marlena, I'll stay listening
Please, Marlena
Marlena, teach me to fight
Please, Marlena
Marlena, yes, take me dancing
The dance of life
The dance of life
The dance of life
The dance of life

Go back home

I'm walking through the city, the wind is blowing hard
I left everything behind, the sun's on the horizon
I see houses from afar, they closed the doors
But luckily I've got her hand and her red cheeks
She pulled me up from the ground covered with thorns
With a thousand snakes' bites, motionless through the coils
She didn't listen to those bastards and their cursing
With one look she convinced me to pick up and move
And this is a journey no one ever made before
Alice and her wonders, the mad hatter
We'll walk along this road and I'll never be tired
Until time brings white onto your hair
Just a paper sheet and half a cigarette are left in my hand
Let's stay a little longer, we're not in a hurry
Because I've got a sentence carved in my head, but I've never said it
Because life without you can't be perfect
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back home, I don't want to wait anymore
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back, because I'm afraid I'll disappear
And the sky is slowly becoming transparent here
The sun is lighting the people's weaknesses
A salty tear wets my cheek, while
She sweetly caresses my face with her hand
With blood on my hands I'll climb on every peak
I want to get where the human eye stops
To learn to forgive all of my sins
Because sometimes even angels are afraid of death
Just a paper sheet and half a cigarette are left in my hand
Let's run away from those who are too thirsty for revenge
From this dry land, because I'm feeling it stifling now
Yesterday I was quiet because today I'll be the storm
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back home, I don't want to wait anymore
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back, because I don't want anymore...
Before you I was just crazy, let me tell you now
I had a creased jacket and cuts on my wrists
Today I feel blessed and can't find anything else to add
This city will look out when it sees us arrive
I was in the balance between being the victim and being the judge
I was a shiver that brings light to darkness
And sets you free from these shiny clear chains
And not the doubt, whether they were dead or you are born again
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back home, I don't want to wait anymore
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back, because I don't want to disappear anymore, ah ah ah
Ah ah, nai nai nai nai
So, Marlena, go back home, the cold can be felt here
So, Marlena, go back, because I'm afraid I'll disappear
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

The Moonlight Maidens

The earth sleeps in its winter cloth
The young birch, frost-white and fair,
Stands like carved silver
Or as if built by starlight
Lovely maidens go in a circle1
Silently they sway and swing
It's like a dance in dreams
To the rhythm of silently struck silver clock chimes
It's like a dance in dreams
The earth sleeps it's winter nap
Thousands of diamonds
Glimmer around branches in the frosen grove
They are built from the dark air2
They wear dresses of moon veil
Seamed with starlight
Concealing their small bosoms lightly
It's like a dance in dreams
The earth sleeps it's winter nap
Thousands of diamonds
Glimmer around branches in the frosen grove
  • 1. in older poetic usage 'kvit' often means 'beautiful' when referring to women, also seen in Old Norse
  • 2. in older usage 'blaa' often means 'dark/black', also seen in Old Norse