Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 2206


A Rare Love

O my rare love! Thinking of you stole the sleep from my eyes again
O my rare love! Your existence created this pure feeling
You and I are an ever-winning team
you make me laugh out loud
I let go of everyone but you
your eyes are a city night, full of starts
The finest love poem
A nocturnal seclusion
You made my heart crazy
Made it fell in love with you at first sight
My heart stands by your eyes
Asks for you all the time
You are my [whole] world, my breath
Your scent fills the air
You are still my love, the one
Stay with me, I’m so alone
I can live [just] with your eyes for a lifetime
You love made you eternal for me
Open your [heart’s] world to my heart, I'm [so] alone
Having you, I wish for nothing more in the world
You made my heart crazy
Made it fell in love with you at first sight
My heart stands by your eyes
Asks for you all the time
You are my [whole] world, my breath
Your scent fills the air
You are still my love, the one
Stay with me, I’m so alone
You made my heart crazy
Made it fell in love with you at first sight
My heart stands by your eyes
Asks for you all the time
You are my [whole] world, my breath

Hand on trigger

My hand is on the trigger.
Lone wolfs in the city.
What is in my coffee?
The fogs had fallen on me
I am on my way, who will catch, will throw, will shoot me?
I am spinning just like how tumble pigeons spin back to the same.
I am spinning
All the city under me
Crumbling in my hand
I am spinning, my heart is in the middle
Blue night wanders and sleeps on my wings
My hand is on trigger
While you are sleeping inside.
Knowing this truth was good
I am having delusions, it is making itself a home here.
Want to leave myself to the slopes
I wish i hadn't died for the sake of love
I wish sun would rise up to my hair
It would be great if I make it to the morning
My hand is on the trigger

Memories of the heart

Hopes that I hope
Smiles and tears of mine
Promises of happiness
And dreams in which I flew
And the first merciless love of mine
You are for me
Lost and never lost
I was passionate about you
On you I swore
And tormented myself with it
It seems nothing, but the heart was mine
Then if it was you
Wind will blow
Rain will rain
Fog will veil
The sun will beat down
But memories never passing
They stay with us
Here they are
But how good those kisses between us
Maybe you never want to stop
To see you are enough
Your bright eyes
If you like and if you still want
In the memory even without us
Everything is possible again
You are here too, oh
Here in my heart
But the memories never go away
They stay with us
They are much stronger than us
More alive

Sister Adele

A Spanish guitar
was born from love, faith and light.
It was made in Barcelona,
one sunny morning.
Its heart - a label
that denotes all that it is
and its sweet and gentle voice,
warm and beautiful - makes one cry.
In a shop in Brussels,
it was put up for sale one day
and for a few cents
a young woman bought her.
Goodbye flamenco, goodbye Spain,
Andalusia I will remember you,
a beautiful guitar accompanies me,
I shall call you Adele.
She answered to the divine voice
that invited her to her home,
what a fool I am (I am), I will go with you
to a convent to see the Lord.
Adele went amongst the trunks
and compensated by serving the Lord,
happy and full of enthusiasm
and sung to the Lord a loud.
Adele happily sang with all of her heart
to the Lord,
her sweet voice always saying:
'I am happy to serve the Lord'.
In the background of harps and lyres
played by a heavenly orchestra,
a very humble guitar
will one day be heard with the Lord.

I'd Like To Be

I'd like to be like the wind and sing everywhere,
I'd like to be like the wind and dance everywhere,
like the wind I adore you, Lord, like the wind.
I'd like to be a white cloud, travel through the sky,
I'd like to be a white cloud, travel through the sun,
like the cloud that searches, Lord, for your visage.
I'd like to be a flame that ignites the forest,
I'd like to be a flame that gives warmth,
like the flame that grows, Lord, when it finds you.
I'd like to be like a guitar singing to you,
I'd like to be like a guitar vibrating in you,
like the guitar that you can fill with a song.

Girl with Green Eyes

Full of longing,
My ship was floating on the high seas,
But without seeing
Another mast on the way.
Today, at last,
I anchored in your harbor,
To your shore with green waters
I bound a bridge.
My love is a girl with green eyes,
But I know that in her eyes you can ceaseless believe.
A girl with green eyes will always be for me
Like a celebration of my soul.
When I look at her
I live a true dream.
To love, to be loved
It's so wonderful!
Today I found out
That longing can sometimes
To turn the nights into the mornings
And tears into flowers.
Chorus (x3):
My love is a girl with green eyes,
But I know that in her eyes you can ceaseless believe.
A girl with green eyes will always be for me
Like a celebration of my soul.


honey-tongued, honey-tongued
Albağını honey-tongued.
whatever strangers say,
my own language is sweet
honey-tongued, honey-tongued
mother tongue is the sweet language.
either doctor and remedy,
is sweetly speaking honey-tongued.
shirin, it is coming to,
your hair is coming to your face
when Farhad is digging cliffs
he remembers Shirin.
like as Shirin, like as Shirin,
love beautifully like as Shirin,
I prefer young lovers,
to be like Farhad and Shirin
it is my mother tongue, it is my mother tongue,
the apple is sliced
what brings me happiness
is my own lovely my mother.

Moomin Opening (Icelandic)

Who wants again
to be by you and promise
to not forget the fun
and to walk on the head and the nose
That are elves1
Yes moomin-elves
All the kids get happy
to see that funny group
that isn't like somebody here
no, nobody but yourselves
They are elves
Yes moominelves
They are elves
Yes moominelves
  • 1. in icelandic the moomin(trolls) are called moommin-elves. It's maybe because there are a lot of ancient tales of elves.

Black Christmas Eve (Fisherman of my land)

In the white beach
with hot sand,
In the white beach
with hot sand.
There's a murmur of cumbia
and a smell of moonshine.
There's a murmur of cumbia
and a smell of moonshine.
The night on her black suit
has thousands of stars,
and with little moonbeams
she lights up their altars.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land.
The bagpipes whine,
the drums sound,
The bagpipes whine,
the drums sound,
on the fishermen's
Christmas Eve.
on the fishermen's
Christmas Eve.
Throughout the rancheria1
lovely altars can be seen,
among millets2and drums
they play their songs.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
The canoes dance
forming a row,
The canoes dance
forming a row,
while the rower sings
his plain song
while the rower sings
his plain song
Throughout the rancheria1
lovely altars can be seen,
among millets2and drums
they play their songs.
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman of my land
Of the fisherman of my land
of the fisherman
  • a gropu of ranchs
  • flutes made of that plant

Ce face durerea ta?

Am lăsat deoparte telefonul,
În acea dimineață frumoasă de toamnă,
Deloc friguroasă.
Parcă era vară,
Cu excepția absenței tele.
Apoi m-am uitat la cer,
De jos,
Indecis, dacă să urc acolo
Sau nu.
Dar știam că nu aveam,
Că nu aveam altă soluție.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea e așa.
Nu trebuie să ne antrenăm
Să atingem străfundul.
Trebuie să învățăm
Să trăim cu el.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea vine și pleacă.
Am lăsat jos telefonul,
Pot să jur că am auzit
Clopote de înmormântare.
Ar trebui să te eliberez,
Înainte să mă eliberezi tu pe mine.
Mi-am făcut bilanțul de carbon expirat
De trei ori.
Apoi am vorbit despre mama ta
Pe un ton care nu ți-ar plăcea.
Nu vei știi niciodată asta,
Pentru că nu mă asculți.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea e așa.
Nu trebuie să ne antrenăm
Să atingem străfundul.
Trebuie să învățăm
Să trăim cu el.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea vine și pleacă.
Zi-mi cum sunt nopțile tale
Și pe câți dintre prietenii noștri i-ai păstrat.
Ce face durerea ta?
Îți șoptește cumva să zbori prin noapte?
Cum îți merge viața?
A mea așa și-așa.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea e așa.
Nu trebuie să ne antrenăm
Să atingem străfundul.
Trebuie să învățăm
Să trăim cu el.
Ce face durerea ta?
A mea vine și pleacă.

Moștenirea ta

Dacă iubești nopțile ploioase,
Copile, copile,
Străzile din Italia
Și pașii trecătorilor,
Eterna litanie
A florilor moarte duse de vânt
Care poartă un ultim strigăt,
Atunci strigă, copile.
Dacă iubești înseninarea,
Copile, copile,
Șăte scalzi la miezul nopții
În marele ocean,
Dacă iubești malefica viață,
Reflecția ta din iaz,
Dacă îți vrei prietenii
Aproape, tot timpul,
Dacă te rogi la căderea nopții,
Copile, copile,
Dacă nu vii cu flori la morminte,
Dar îi poți în suflet pe cei absenți,
Dacă ți-e frică de bombe
Sau de cerul prea mare,
Dacă vorbești cu umbra ta
Din când în când,
Dacă iubești refluxul,
Copile, copile,
Soarele pe terasă
Și luna, sub rafale de vânt,
Dacă deseori ți se pierde urma,
Odată cu venirea primăverii,
Dacă viața te depășește,
Depășește-o, copile.
Nu e vina ta,
E moștenirea ta
Și va fi chiar mai greu
Când vei avea vârsta mea.
Nu e vina ta,
E carnea, sângele tău.
Va trebui să reușeșți cu
Sau fără.
Dacă nu ții minte numele mici,
Adresele și vârstele,
Dar măcar nu uiți niciodată sunetul
Unei voci, un chip,
Dacă iubești ce e mai bun,
Dacă vezi miraje,
Dacă preferi Parisul
Pe timp de furtună,
Dacă îți plac aromele amare
Și iernile complet troienite,
Dacă iubești ultimele pahare
Și misterele neliniștitoare,
Dacă iubești să simți pământul
Și să faci vulcani să erupă,
Dacă ți-e frică de vid,
De vid, copile,
Nu e vina ta,
E moștenirea ta
Și va fi chiar mai greu
Când vei avea vârsta mea.
Nu e vina ta,
E carnea, sângele tău.
Va trebui să reușeșți cu
Sau fără.
Dacă îți place să o iei înainte,
Copile, copile,
Înainte ca celălalt să se ridic,
Înainte să te lase în urmă,
Dacă ți-e frică de somn
Și de trecerea timpului,
Dacă iubești toamna purpurie,
Minunat, sânge roșu,
Dacă ai frică de mulțime,
Dar suporți oamenii,
Dacă ideile ți se prăbușesc
În noaptea celor douăzeci de ani ai tăi,
Iar totul se derulează
Contrar planurilor tale,
Dacă nu ești decât o piatră care se rostogolește,
Rostogolește-te, copile.


Your boring expression, your boring toes
Please, look at me now
Put your phone down, don't even think about turning your head
Let me know your type
You can choose me and use it yeah
Oh, I close your eyes with my hands
Oh, go closer to the secret
I'll take you to a whole new world
Yeah, open your closed eyes now go
Mix the colors in the palette and pick your filter
What kind of me do you want?
I'm your filter that will change your world
Put it on your heart
How do you feel a little? Not enough yet?
(Yes) Girl, you have your chance
I can be your Genie
How'bout Aladdin?
I'll do anything
You can choose me and use it yeah
Oh, I'll embrace you like your dream
Oh, it's a secret spec
I will be new every day for you
Always the same thing is not fun
Mix the colors in the palette and pick your filter
What kind of me do you want?
I'm your filter that will change your world
Put it on your heart
Look at me suddenly turned into a child
The more I see it, the more cute it is, so crazy (crazy)
Exceeding both taste and standards
You only want me
Yeah, because you are the one who made me
I'm a brand new filter you've never seen before
Leave you to me
Pick your filter so you can see something more exciting
Put only me
Pick your filter, put only me
I'm your filter, leave you to me
We will be new
Ayy, put me on your heart


I don't know yet: Who are you?
Tell me, who were you created by?
Into my atmosphere, breathing life,
You entered as an unidentified object.
And I can't be saved, I guess,
This virus has entered my pulse.
And the world familiar to me, as if
Became some other.
I see the sun of your universe
And as soon as I touch it,
I will burn, but I will stay with you.
Run away, get away from the plot
With you for one thing, to the bottom, with a thin glare of love.
Light smell, amaretto,
Words have proved everything, your theorems.
I don't know the answer yet,
For a thousand different 'buts' between you and me.
But in coffee-colored eyes
I see fire and it looks so much like love.
You, my delirium, object,
Conscious by us.
And when, even for a moment, you are not there.
It's just a loss of consciousness.
Even if it doesn't get better, I'm not looking for salvation.
I myself voluntarily surrendered to this ghostly captivity.
Losing my soul with every step,
I also know what I want
And what I leave in return.
Run away, get away from the plot
With you for one thing, to the bottom, with a thin glare of love.
Light smell, amaretto,
Words have proved everything, your theorems.
I don't know the answer yet,
For a thousand different 'buts' between you and me.
But in coffee-colored eyes
I see fire and it looks so much like love.
Like two drops like love ...
Looks like love ...
For love ...
Run away, get away from the plot
With you for one thing, to the bottom, with a thin glare of love.
Light smell, amaretto,
Words have proved everything, your theorems.
I don't know the answer yet,
For a thousand different 'buts' between you and me.
But in coffee-colored eyes
I see fire and it looks so much like love.

Crystal Signal

(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
Wrapped in a shining light
I arrived in this distant star
To search for you
A sign that signals fate
Quickly attracts to our hearts
By the moment that we met, I felt the thrill
The blue diamonds that overflow
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah, ah)
A wonder
From this little girl’s tears
(Jewelry love, jewelry love)
Are these gems
(Jewelry, jewelry love)
I like the way when you shine
With a glittering heart
I will go on with my shining friends
Ah, ah, ah
(Ah, ah, ah)
Together, let’s show our smiling faces
And we will walk on
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
(Ooh, carats, ooh, carats)
I still feel you wherever you are
A glittering strength
That only understands our feelings
I felt a sigh of relief in this secret base
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ah, ah)
It’s you
Who’s always on my side
(Jewelry smile, jewelry smile)
It’s so good
(Jewelry, jewelry smile)
You’re always shining
When I’m watching over you
Like a shining, shooting star
Star, ah, ah
(Ah, ah, ah)
Let’s light up the darkness
I like the way when you shine
With a glittering heart
I will go on with my shining friends
Ah, ah, ah
(Ah, ah, ah)
Let’s join with our strength
And we will walk on
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
(Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle)
Ah, ah, ah
Together with my shining friends
I’ll walk on

Nearly a folksong

A black snake in the middle of the sea
Grinds down my golden bridge
And on each concrete wall
Scatters a handful of the devil's flour
On the side of the platform I was was splitting firewood
Between the rails I lit the fire
Two trains ran in the sky
Driving over my gate
A raven sits atop a pole
At the very top of the pole
What song is he playing on his kokle?
What, what, what song is he playing on his kokle?
What makes a maiden white,
If not tapwater?
What makes a maiden white,
If not tapwater?

Câte ore

Câte ore au trecut,
chiar și tu le-ai numărat,
ore de nimic înveșmântate,
de tine îndepărtate.
Câte ore, câte zile
așteptând să te întorci!
O zi întreagă, tare lungă,
de împărțit între noi.
A trecut o zi,
a trecut un an,
dar când va sosi
ziua când voi trăi cu tine?
Câte ore, câte zile
așteptând să te întorci!
O singură zi, tare lungă,
de împărțit între noi.
O singură zi, tare lungă,
de împărțit între noi.

The Eve on The Hill

Versions: #1
The horn is mourning on the hill, in the new evening,
The herds slowly climb it, the stars show the way, happy shining,
The waters weep into the wells, clearly springing,
Under an acacia tree, you, my darling, are waiting.
Holly and clear the moon pass through the skies,
You scout through the leaves with your very bright eyes,
The stars give birth, on the sky with clear nights,
Your heart is filled with longings, your mind filled with thoughts.
Rushing clouds fight with the sunrays at noon,
Old hidden houses dance under the full moon,
Broken and rusty well’s bucket squeak in the wind,
The valley is in a fog, the murmuring whistles left behind.
Weary peasants with their scythes on their back
Return from the fields

Let's Break Up

'Let's break up'
What are you saying?
I'm already dying
Just by listening to you
Alone, no, no
You know why I'm crying
You know why I'm dying
Because I'm afraid
Of being alone, alone
Come, stay here to talk
Let's remember our days
And our nights
The promises of love
That we never made, never
Don't you ever tell me
'Let's break up'
I'll die tonight
If you're not here
Because I need you
Love, I need you
We can save our love, don't go away
Come, stay here to talk
Let's remember our days
And our nights
The promises of love
That we never made, never
Don't you ever tell me
'Let's break up'

Wishing Pool

Still remember the autumn when we met for the first time
Still remember your eyes under the red fallen leaves
Still remember our shy faces smiling to each other
The magic of the love at first glance just at the moment
Only when the world pauses everything as if for us
Can I squeeze more time in to kiss your forehead
How to write the following story of our scenario
Let the cast coins in wishing pool witness our wish
Neither of us has ever thought of our actual result
So upset, you're still shirking
But who the hell did come to me and finally leave?
As I remember, who should've shrunk back by the Pool then?

I regret nor having fallen in love with you
Nor the weakness of my sorrow now
Too young
I was too young
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3
Again I return to the pool where we made our wish
You're no more by my side but still clear before my eyes
I will like to cast a coin to break the tranquility of water
Ticks and tocks, of tears or tolling time?
Neither of us has ever thought of our actual result
So upset, you're still shirking
But who the hell did come to me and finally leave?
As I remember, who should've shrunk back by the Pool then?

Too young x3
I regret nor having fallen in love with you
Nor the weakness of my sorrow now
Too young
I was too young
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3
After the experience with you have I learnt to grow
After the confrontation with night did I start to await sunshine
Too young
I was too young
Too young x3

Night's Escape

Don't ask me
It will just be a lie
Tonight is for you
The moment I felt that your eyes had changed,
And you don't care
Lean more towards me
The night is not long
Dim the light
You know I'll prove it
Tonight it don't matter what?
Just as your heart leads you
So tell me now
Let's hurry up and leave, Do it
We on a mission
We on a mission
And you know I always see it through
Let me be your Night's Escape
You know I’ll be all right
Just for tonight
I’ll love you long time
We don't have much time
I'll be with you in the deep night yeah
A vibe is what I want
You be doing it right
Don't hide it from me
You can make me feel better now yeah
You the only one to make it right yeah
Take me with you
I'll go as you lead
Don't worry now
Go to wherever you want to
I’d do anything for ya
For love like ya
Yeah you bring me right back
Back back back back
You turn me right back
(Let me take you on a ride)
Let's hurry up and leave, Do it
(You can tell me it’s all right)
We on a mission
We on a mission
(Just you and me)
And you know I always see you through it
(Oh my ya ya)
Let me be your Night's Escape
Let me be your Night's Escape
Let me be your Night's Escape

Energii cosmice

Cuvintele, pe care vreau să ți le zic
Le înăbușeam în mine de vara trecută
Probabil n-am să-ți spun
Că încă simt ceva după atâția ani
Deși nu voiam, fluturi au năvălit în mine
Dar au să zboare în tăcere
Am să mă ascund undeva adânc în liniște
Să nu distrug lumea calmă
Energii cosmice
Îți trimit visurile
Spre planeta ta departe
Un meteor deja zboară spre tine
Cădem inerți
Și numele tău e o planetă
Aș vrea să plec undeva cu tine
Să înotăm pe marele meu într-o noapte lungă
Probabil n-am să ți-o spun
E mai ușor s-o ascund undeva adânc
N-am înghețat împreună niciodată
În visurile zbor numai cu tine
În dor, singurătate și timiditate
Cei mai frumoși anii fug de noi
Energii cosmice
Îți trimit visurile
Spre planeta ta departe
Un meteor deja zboară spre tine
Cădem inerți
Aș vrea să fiu cu tine
Dar tu ai să fii cu altcineva noaptea
Îmi închid ochii
Energii cosmice
Îți trimit visurile
Spre planeta ta departe
Un meteor deja zboară spre tine
Cădem inerți
Și numele tău e o planetă

I'm Not Afraif

God is my shepherd
I won't need anything
He provides for me, he guides me
He refreshes my soul
He refreshes my soul
I'm not afraid
Even of the dark valleys
I'm not afraid
Even of the dark valleys
I'm not afraid
Even of the dark valleys
I'm not afraid
Because O my God, you are with me
You fill my cup
You clean my head by oil
Goodness and kindness will be in my life
And I will stay in your presence
Goodness and kindness will be in my life
And I will stay in your presence
I trust you
Even there are hardships in my life
You, I only trust you
You are my shepherd, my God
You fill my cup
You clean my head by oil
Goodness and kindness will be in my life
And I will stay in your presence
Goodness and kindness will be in my life
And I will stay in your presence forever

My son and I

I spent the day with my son
Play, destruct and rebuild
i wretched him and he wretched me
and we spoke for hours.
I swear it was a good time
my son appear to be a nice person
i know a little about him
and i discover surprises with him
How many dads does the boy got?
this is a question we must answer
Let's forget and don't get miscalculation
and don't let the good time flow from us
I spent the day with my son
Play, destruct and rebuild
i wretched him and he wretched me
and we spoke for hours.

Oh, Samara-town

The handkerchief is sinking and not sinking,
Slowly floats.
Sweetheart loves and loves not,
Only time goes by.
Oh, Samara-town,
I'm restless,
I'm restless,
Oh, calm me down, oh.
I grew up and bloomed
Till I was seventeen,
And from the age of seventeen
A girl's love spins.
Oh, Samara town...
Sweetheart asked for love,
I didn't know what to say,
I was young, I didn't know love,
And it's a shame to say no.
Oh, Samara-town...
The sky is clear in vain,
One star is burning,
For nothing, there are many sweethearts,
One heart aches.
Oh, Samara-town...
You, white birch tree,
There's no place for you by the river,
If I'm your bride,
You keep me safe.
Oh, Samara-town...
My sweetheart will say goodbye,
And my heart will burst into flames
And yearns and yearns and yearns
All about the same, all about him.
Oh, Samara-town.


The blue surreal night bursts forth
Surging forward from the cracks in your body, a cellular cue
A dance of madness, piercing your temples with cold fingers
king make midnight scale
don’t summon king of night
Intoxicated by an unfinished smile
An illuminated prism caresses your retinas
Manipulated by a dangerous glint in the eye, you kneel
king make midnight scale
midnight look out his action
A primitive carnival floats into view
A rose-colored sky of night born of illusions
Guided by the influence within the mask, disappearing
Held by undesired arms
You drown in a red illusion
When sins flow forth in the nighttime
You enter a dream you didn't wish for...

Love You Like the First Time

Why do we keep turning our backs on each other
Don't dare to say a word
Just make us both hurt
We got each other, but then...
Clouds just float in the sky
Like the love that was floating on your lips
Can fly away anytime
I know you want keep all the pain
Stubbornly make me happy
And try to keep us away from troubles
Don't worry, just let me take over them
No more separation
We just need each other
Love you like the first time
The sun will be lighter when you are sad
The old dream that...
We hold our hands tight
Love you like the first time
So our kisses will never be rush again
We will be happy ever after
I know you want keep all the pain
Stubbornly make me happy
And try to keep us away from troubles
Don't worry, just let me take over them
No more separation
We just need each other
Love you like the first time
The sun will be lighter when you are sad
The old dream that...
We hold our hands tight
Love you like the first time
So our kisses will never be rush again
We will be happy ever after
Love you like the first time
The sun will be lighter when you are sad
The old dream that...
We hold our hands tight
Love you like the first time
So our kisses will never be rush again
We will be happy ever after
We will be happy ever...
After ~


And if it's not forever we live now
You were my biggest gift making the same go away
With you, the time goes by and I don't even notice
Face to face I get shivers from end to end
And it's true that your love has made me your associate
And in my head, I organize moments in a portfolio
I don't even listen to the clock hands anymore
But in this case, the noise is the soul of the business
Tic tac, you can't hear the tic tac with your voice on top
And the walls don't talk anymore to not spoil the climate
Turn off the lights and keep the candle, like Vinci, Mona Lisa on a canvas
And this girl does everything that I wish
Because she knows what I wish without me having to speak
I'm not liking anymore or I'm liking too much
So good doesn't last forever
Please tell me you won't go
That you won't leave
My side
Because now I'm more than used to
Than used to
You're the girl that makes me
Chase my dreams without looking back
If it's to leave, then let's go
Live life without plans
And if it's to stay, then be by home
Lean against my chest and hug my trunk
Just don't cause any damage
Stay a couple more years
You stay a couple more years if it's not to be forever
I promise this time everything will be so different
Put your hand on your heart, just feel your heartbeat
It increases next to you and believe it, it doesn't lie
And I'll do everything
To see you
With a smile on your face
And believe it, I'll give you a world and the other
And it's not there that this stops
Cause I've been my whole life searching for you
And you came to take all the sorrow and bitterness
My broken heart finally found a cure
And now our love is the only thing that endures
This pure feeling
You're the only one with the ability to mess with me
And that makes me doubt if it's to just be friends
I don't know if it's a cause of the age
But so much complexity
Makes me think about the future and let it be with you
Because I just want more and more, and more
You're the girl that makes me
Chase my dreams without looking back
If it's to leave, then let's go
Live life without plans
And if it's to stay, then be by home
Lean against my chest and hug my trunk
Just don't cause any damage
Stay a couple more years
You're the girl that makes me
Chase my dreams without looking back
If it's to leave, then let's go
Live life without plans
And if it's to stay, then be by home
Lean against my chest and hug my trunk
Just don't cause any damage
Stay a couple more years

As Hell

Drinking while we commit sin
It feels like an elation but I don't worry
Because I broke up with him not too long ago
I'm drinking a little
I can't give you everything because it hurts
A little soda and sangria
If I go crazy, I can think about that
I've known this moment since then
I thought of a lot of words
I was going to say them, but then the door opened
I was going to tell you, but then the door opened
I say fuck me, now stop talking
Not me, it's your turn now, I know you love me
(Fall in too deep)
Come in too deep
Fuck me, scream my name
Fuck me as hell, like you're a woman who has her last time
(Come in too deep)
Come in too deep
I've hated you
There's so much I want to say to you
But it's not what I imagined in my head
Oh, don't call it sin
I got money, look at my body
I'm a lady, I'm so yummy, I can be dirty
I won't help you when you falling down
Baby, fall down to me
Hell will be spring soon
I say fuck me now, okay
You love it, it's your turn, I know you love me
(Fall in too deep)
Come in too deep
Fuck me, scream my name
Fuck me as hell, like you're a woman who has her last time
(Come in too deep)
Come in too deep

Without a Goodbye

You're leaving, I'll be left very sad,
I have a feeling that you won't come back.
Our love was a flower of a day,
like the flash of a shooting star.
Loneliness is again in my life
and my tears of sadness roll down
when I remember happy moments
that have left and that will never return.
Our love has ended now
and I don't know the reason why
you left like that without a goodbye, or anything.
What am I going to do if you're not here,
I don't know how to live without your love,
without a goodbye, love, you left.
Loneliness is again in my life
and my tears of sadness roll down
when I remember happy moments
that have left and that will never return.
Our love has ended now
and I don't know the reason why
you left like that without a goodbye, or anything.
What am I going to do if you're not here,
I don't know how to live without your love,
without a goodbye, love, you left.
Our love has ended now
and I don't know the reason why
you left like that without a goodbye, or anything.
What am I going to do if you're not here,
I don't know how to live without your love,
without a goodbye, love, you left.

Tell Me the Truth

I'd like for you to tell me
with sincerity what you feel for me.
I don't want to be tied down
to a love that isn't for me.
I'm asking you because for a while
I've felt you very distant to me,
when you know that I love you,
that I wouldn't be able to live without your kisses.
If it's because you've found another love,
one that you feel you love more than me,
tell me if that is the cruel truth,
take you leave now, I don't want to see you anymore.
Because it's better to accept reality
than to just keep pretending.
Look at me, don't hesitate in answering,
tell me, even if the pain of this goodbye will kill me.
I've felt you so distant and I think it's because of another love.
Please tell me if that's what's going on,
go one, tell me, it doesn't matter if it wounds my heart,
I want to know the truth.

I'm asking you because for a while
I've felt you very distant to me,
when you know that I love you,
that I wouldn't be able to live without your kisses.
If it's because you've found another love,
one that you feel you love more than me,
tell me if that is the cruel truth,
take you leave now, I don't want to see you anymore.
Because it's better to accept reality
than to just keep pretending.
Look at me, don't hesitate in answering,
tell me, even if the pain of this goodbye will kill me.

Tell Me How to Forget You

My eyes fill with tears
every time I remember you.
What I'd give not to remember you,
to be able to tear you from me.
The moments that we spent together
live within, deep within me.
Why did you teach me to adore you?
why? if you're not here anymore.
Tell me how I'll be able to forget you
if it was you who taught me to love,
tell me how to forget these kisses,
that still burn my skin.
Tell me how to forget your affection,
tell me how to tear your love from me,
tell me when you're coming back,
come back soon to sooth my pain.
My eyes fill with tears
every time I remember you.
What I'd give not to remember you,
to be able to tear you from me.
The sadness that you left me with
can only be eased with your love,
don't leave me to die of sadness,
keep being the keeper of my heart.
Tell me how I'll be able to forget you
if it was you who taught me to love,
tell me how to forget these kisses,
that still burn my skin.
Tell me how to forget your affection,
tell me how to tear your love from me,
tell me when you're coming back,
come back soon to sooth my pain.