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Rezultatele căutării pagină 37

Număr de rezultate: 2206


Crăciun fericit

Așadar e Crăciunul,
e sărbătoare, se știe.
Totuși mai sunt cei care suferă,
și tu ce faci?
Așadar e Crăciunul.
Să sperăm că va fi unul
fericit pentru bătrâni
și pentru cei ce se vor naște.
Crăciun fericit
și La mulți ani și pentru tine,
și să nu fie
nici război, nici nebunie.
Așadar e Crăciunul
pentru cei slabi și nu numai,
pentru săraci și bogați.
Iubind, dacă se poate!
Și astfel Crăciun fericit
pentru indieni și nu numai,
pentru albi și negri.
În pace, dacă se poate!
Crăciun fericit
și La mulți ani și pentru tine,
și să nu fie
nici război, nici nebunie.
Așadar e Crăciunul,
e sărbătoare, se știe.
Totuși mai sunt cei care suferă,
și noi, ce facem?
Așadar e Crăciunul.
Să sperăm că va fi unul
fericit pentru bătrâni
și pentru cei ce se vor naște.
Crăciun fericit
și La mulți ani și pentru tine,
și să nu fie
nici război, nici nebunie.
Războiul se sfârșește, dacă vreți asta!
Războiul se sfârșește acum.
Războiul se sfârșește, dacă vreți asta!
Războiul se sfârșește acum.


I sit at Plan B on my own for two hours
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Three hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
[Verse 1]
Life is a bunch of nonsense but I'd like mine to be rare
You don't pick up the phone so I'm sending letters
It stopped raining already and worms are slithering into the city
They're probably all going on a date with you, those cunts
My once healthy lungs are now whistling
Rattling, buzzing, whistling, I drank gin before visiting the internist
I keep telling him about the lung but he doesn't want to listen to me
Tells me: 'Son of a bitch, go away'
Healthy brain keeps producing bad dreams
And memories chase me like that verse from 'Crybaby'
I gave you unique things like those Peweksy
But now you call me an 'ex-guy'
I don't have you, I don't have anything, only those lyrics
That keep biting eachother in my notebook like rabid dogs
Tiny bit away from madness, cold and dirt in the brain
And my heart is shaking like an epileptic
So many hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Life is:
Race through space. Some tears, sometimes bliss
And then: a sticky cobweb in an empty wallet
Life is:
Race with flags between barricades
While death is chasing and yelling 'Stop, citizen!'
Open your briefcase please (okay)
Tell us your PESEL please (hmm, okay)
Please don't worry about the world or your own existence
Please remember that there's no soul, you're just a piece of meat
Tell us your PESEL please
[Verse 2]
To all the happy people: please stop fucking pissing me off
Because I'm planning to tear something off of every single happy person
And all those pretty teeth will roll down the pavement
If you keep shining them at me, fucking hell!
It's not a comedy, Antigone is meant to be your example
Here it's supposed to be a tragedy, an antique choir has to stand nearby
Please, go kill yourselves, seriously I can even give you a rope myself
Or some kind of a rifle, just all of you go sleep in coffins
I don't sleep, I swallow energy drinks
You see, how am I supposed to sleep when I hear those damn yells everywhere?
I hear conversations and sticky vomit from the parties
And there's even a violinist playing under my window, though he's doing quite well...
Besides that I wait, I wait for a call from her
Tobacco spinning in my lungs and concrete running in my veins
My life is running away again, I'm chasing the peloton again
But life is getting faster and it runs away with my woman
Ditch sleeping, leave sleep to the skeletons
I'm waiting for you at Plan B, I'll be waiting here forever
I write, and you say nothing, understand that you hurt and dishonor me
I've just seen you, are you having fun in the city? Kill yourself
I keep waiting, Saviour Square, come and save me
I won't bite or shoot, come and drink with me
After all I can see you're reading what I write
So tomorrow I'll write it all down and send it to the public
So many hours at Plan B on my own
You were supposed to be my wife but there's still nothing new
Life is:
Race through space. Some tears, sometimes bliss
And then: a sticky cobweb in an empty wallet
Life is:
Race with flags between barricades
While death is chasing and yelling 'Stop, citizen!'
Open your briefcase please (okay)
Tell us your PESEL please (hmm, okay)
Please don't worry about the world or your own existence
Please remember that there's no soul, you're just a piece of meat
Tell us your PESEL please

More than friends, Less than lovers

We've known each other for a long time
We know each other's habits
We're not each other's lovers
Though we're still more than friends
We always know what we're both thinking
Don't even need to say it or do anything
Let's just leave our story like this
Don't need to overthink it
We're together like lovers
We look just like lovers
It's not love
But it's definitely not friendship either
It might not last for long
We'll be deep into it
This feeling doesn't need to mean anything
We're more than friends
Less than lovers
How nice it is, knowing that
There is someone that pampers you
We're more than friends
Less than lovers
How nice it is, knowing that
There is someone who understands you
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Much more, much more, much more
Don't know what tomorrow's will be like
How our story will play out
But even if it goes too far,
I'll just go along anyway
Not thinking about the future (future, future)
While life flips through it's pages
If one day we leave this unfinished,
We won't have to be certain (that's right)
We're together like lovers
We look just like lovers
It's not love
But it's definitely not friendship either
It might not last for long
We'll be deep into it
This feeling doesn't need to mean anything
We're more than friends
Less than lovers
How nice it is, knowing that
There is someone that pampers you
We're more than friends
Less than lovers
How nice it is, knowing that
There is someone who understands you
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Much more, much more, much more
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Much more, much more, much more (ok, ok)
Perhaps it would be very sad if one of us,
Met someone who they could love so much that we grow apart
But we'll never forget the moments when we had each other
And I'll whisper a thank you to you for being in my life
We're more than friends
Less than lovers
How nice it is, knowing that
There is someone that pampers you
We're more than friends
Less than lovers
How nice it is, knowing that
There is someone who understands you
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Much more, much more, much more
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Not lovers, but still much more happier (yah)
Much more, much more, much more

Everything but power

Centuries drown, idols fall
an old order of oppression is collapsing
and on the mountain a lightning bolt of fire
splits the night with its grand dagger
and on the mountain a lightning bolt of fire
splits the night with its grand dagger
The seas are storming, the tempest is growing stronger
and in the great disorder the Sun rises
everything but power is illusion
assault the skies with the force of rifle
everything but power is illusion
assault the skies with the force of rifle
Peasant workers break their chains
they raise the flag of the People's War
everything but power is illusion
assault the skies with the force of rifle
everything but power is illusion
assault the skies with the force of rifle
The Communist Party leads to a new life
doubt and fear fade like smoke
we have the strength, this is our future
Communism is goal that will become a reality
we have the strength, this is our future
Communism is goal that will become a reality
Everything but power is illusion
assault the skies with the force of rifle
everything but power is illusion
assault the skies with the force of rifle

Be Your Enemy

Versions: #1
Close your eyes
If it gets hard, you can lean on me for a while
The monologue inside your exhausted head
even without the noise, you can hear my heart
You can say anything
Be a little angry sometimes
You'll be comfortable if you're able to push it all aside
Relieve all the annoyance on me that got mixed in with your tears
I'll be your enemy, enemy
The words that haunted your nights, the words
Even if you return those to me,
cosily, cosily, I'll comfort you. It's okay, it's all okay
I'll be your enemy, enemy
Your heart that's easily wounded, your heart
If you can be weak,
I'm fine with painful words no matter how much they hurt

Courage wins

What you want to achieve
whether it be friendship or wealth
with every decision
you decide the one most certain
you do not need money for happiness
oftentimes that is the only cause for anxiousness
be true to your heart
do the right thing and rejoice
What you want to achieve
whether it be friendship or wealth
with every decision
you decide the one most certain
you do not need money for happiness
oftentimes that is the only cause for anxiousness
be true to your heart
do the right thing and rejoice

Courage wins (album version)

The adventure took one to a moment most exciting
Nobody was hurt.
Despite the star
facing the ground suddenly.
Its tail burst of fire
and nearly ate the waves.
There is a lot more room to be brave
one can reveal their own feelings.
May that path lead you faraway,
even into a gorge, into the cave of a mountain.
There is a lot more room to be brave,
one can briefly visit Moominland.
As the wave with its foamy teeth
once again gnaws the sand.
Now the storm is akin to a dream,
colours gleam with their usual shine,
and the forest of the valley whooshes
and the morning tune plays.
And brought all the sound.
The sky dresses up in blue already
and looks akin to the silky ocean.
Soon raises one's head above the grass tips,
and the crab crawls.
And the cry of seagulls
plays joyfully.
There is a lot more room to be brave,
one can briefly visit Moominland.
As the wave with its foamy teeth
once again gnaws the sand.
There is a lot more room to be brave,
one can briefly visit Moominland.
As the wave with its foamy teeth
once again gnaws the sand.

Mulțumesc, Doamne!

Îți mulțumesc, Doamne!
Te iubesc, Doamne!
Ești Atotcuprinzător, ești Milostiv, ești Bun, Doamne!
Iubești, ești iubit, ești Unic, Doamne!
Am luat în mână un trandafir,
Mi-ai dat ochi să-l privesc,
Nas să-l miros,
Mână să-l pot ține.
Îți mulțumesc, Doamne!
Te iubesc, Doamne!
Vocea mamei mele
Mi-ai dat urechi s-o pot auzi,
Am învâțat rugăciunea de la ea,
Mi-ai dat limbă s-o pot rosti.
Îți mulțumesc, Doamne!
Te iubesc, Doamne!
Ești Atotcuprinzător, ești Milostiv, ești Bun, Doamne!
Iubești, ești iubit, ești Unic, Doamne!
Îți mulțimim, Doamne,
Te iubim enorm, Doamne!
Către Binecuvântatul care mângâie un cap de fetiță orfană,
Către Binecuvântatul care mângâie un cap de fetiță orfană,
Și eu sunt o orfană, vino și la mine, te rog!
Și eu sunt o orfană, vino și la mine, te rog!
Profetul Mahomed care privește o orfană ca pe propriul copil,
Și eu sunt o fetiță orfană, primește-mă ca pe un copil al tău.
Trandafirul iubirii tale mi-e de ajuns, dragul meu Profet,
Am nevoie de Tine, orice mi-ai oferi primesc.
Profetule, ești protectorul celor ce n-au pe nimeni,
Bunicul mi-a spus așa.
Cât timp copiii jucau șotron pe stradă azi,
Nu m-au lăsat să mă alătur grupului lor, m-au împins,
M-am simțit atât de trist, am plâns.
Bunicii m-au alinat.
Profetule, îmi îmbrățișez jucăria până adorm
Uneori mă alină, dar cel mai adesea plâng,
dacă aș fi avut o mamă, mi-ar fi murmurat, mi-ar fi cântat un cântec de adormit, m-ar fi adormit
Fii părintele meu, Profetule!
Mângâie-mi creștetul, iubește-mă la fel,
Știu când vii, îmi mângâi mâna, mă acoperi,
Căci cineva mă acoperă când mă trezesc noaptea,
Ești tatăl și mama mea, Profetule,
Ești Profetul!
Ești Profetul!

Cânt pentru tine

Ori de câte ori mă gândesc la tine, cânt pentru tine.
De parcă asta ar avea vreun sens, cânt pentru tine,
și mă sperie mai puțin
această neagră imensitate.
Cânt pentru tine,
pentru tine, care visezi
pierdut în vreun colț de lume.
Cânt pentru tine,
pentru tine, care te asemeni cu mine,
fiindcă ești mai singur decât mine.
Nu voi trăi, nu voi trăi, eu nu, nu,
fără o dragoste care încălzește
și care acum îmi lipsește.
Cânt pentru tine.
Cine știe cum trec zilele, cânt pentru tine.
Pleci, poate te-ntorci, cânt pentru tine.
Și s-ar putea să te fi atins
în această neagră imensitate.
Cânt pentru tine,
pentru tine, care dormi
sub vreun colț de cer.
Cânt pentru tine,
pentru tine, care te asemeni cu mine,
fiindcă ești mai singur decât mine.
Nu voi trăi, nu voi trăi, eu nu, nu,
fără o dragoste care încălzește
și care acum îmi lipsește.
Cânt pentru tine, cânt pentru tine.
Nu voi trăi, nu voi trăi, eu nu, nu,
fără o dragoste care încălzește
și care acum îmi lipsește.
Mă poți auzi? Cânt pentru tine,
cânt pentru tine ori de câte ori mă gândesc la tine.

I'm The Master Of Myself

I'm the master of myself
I can make love, fight if I want to
The profit and loss is mine, that's just my bag
I can hide it, divide it up
I'm not on the ground nor on high
I'm not a mirror nor a curtain
Everything happens all in one
Time's relative is beyond one's ken

Morile de vânt din mintea ta

Ca un cerc într-o spirală,
Ca o roată în altă roată
Fără sfârșit sau început,
Pe o rolă ce se-nvârtește veșnic.
Ca un bulgăre rostogolit de pe-un munte
Sau un balon de carnaval,
Ca un carusel ce se rotește,
Dând târcoale-n jurul lunii,
Ca limbile unui ceas, care mătură
Ultimele minute de pe cadranul lui,
Și lumea e ca un măr
Ce face piruete tăcut, prin spațiu.
Ca cercurile pe care le găsești
În morile de vânt din mintea ta.
Ca un tunel, pe care-l poți urma
Până la un tunel propriu,
În jos pe o scobitură până într-o peșteră
Unde soarele niciodată n-a strălucit,
Ca o ușă ce se tot învârte
Într-un vis pe jumătate uitat,
Sau ca undele de la pietricele
Pe care cineva le aruncă într-un pârâu.
Ca limbile unui ceas, care mătură
Ultimele minute de pe cadranul lui,
Și lumea e ca un măr
Ce face piruete tăcut, prin spațiu.
Ca cercurile pe care le găsești
În morile de vânt din mintea ta.
Chei ce-ți zornăie în buzunar,
Cuvinte care se ceartă în capul tău:
De ce s-a dus vara atât de repede?
Oare ai spus ceva nepotrivit?
Îndrăgostiții se plimbă de-a lungul țărmului
Și își lasă urmele tălpilor în nisip.
A fost sunetul unei tobe îndepărtate
Doar degetele mâinii tale?
Fotografii ce atârnă în vestibul
Și bucata dintr-un cântec.
Nume și chipuri de care-ți amintești parțial,
Dar ale cui sunt oare?
Când ai știut
Că s-a sfârșit,
Ai observat deodată
Că frunzele toamnei s-au preschimbat
În culoarea
Părului ei.
Ca un cerc într-o spirală,
Ca o roată în altă roată,
Fără sfârșit sau început,
Pe o rolă ce se-nvârtește veșnic.
În timp ce imaginile se desfac.
Ca cercurile pe care le găsești
În morile de vânt din mintea ta.

Vitamin Ğ

Thanks to our men and women of letters
They found a vitamin
When you work a little bit

Ești în mintea mea

Te privesc,
Mă topesc,
Înot în ochii tăi
Ca într-o mare
De dragoste.
Să te strâng în brațe,
Să mă orbească a ta frumusețe.
Părul să ți-l mângâi,
Părul tău ca iarba verde
Unde florile cresc.
Sufletul meu ca o oglindă
Se face bucăți în fiecare zori de zile
Când nu ești aici cu mine,
Nu ești aici...
Sufletul meu este ca o poiană
Prin care, ca nebună, durerea aleargă,
Și eu nu știu nimic de tine,
Nu știu nimic de tine.
Dar să nu te sperii
De jocul meu de cuvinte,
Le-am scris într-o seară
De vară.
Cuvintele nu sunt scrise bine,
Dar sunt ale mele
Și trebuie să ți le zic
Dacă mă întâlnesc cu tine.
De fiecare dată când cânt
Ca să fac, dragule, un vânt cald
Și din tine rămân
Numai doi ochi ca de cărbune.
Nu te văd, dar ești aproape,
Aud inima cum îți bate,
Părul să ți-l mângâi,
Părul tău ca iarba verde
Unde florile cresc.

Moominvalley's Winter

The sun is completely out of energy
And the frost creeps - Fading the earth
The red colours are on the swamps - Cranberries
Already from Moominvalley the summer fades
Soon the bare trunk are left of leafy trees
And the colours darken - Nature dims
Now Moomin crawls into his bed, remember:
Winters he adventures in the land of dreams
But once it happens - That Moomintroll awakes in the middle of hibernation
He sees - That the world is wrapped in a white blanket
And over the glacial sky rushes a icy lady over the frosty snows
Whoever meets the lady's eyes - Into an icy statue turns their gaze
So Moomintroll did the joy of winter
From The Hemulen he learned how to ski
(Little) My learned the many tricks of going downhill
Just masters it without a doubt on her own
The invisible shrew's have
A yearning behind the cabinet - To the shadows
It is a happy thing - That the winter ends - Because
Moomins are created to enjoy the spring
But once it happens - That Moomintroll awakes in the middle of hibernation
He sees - That the world is wrapped in a white blanket
And over the glacial sky rushes a icy lady over the frosty snows
Whoever meets the lady's eyes - Into an icy statue turns their gaze

Ultimul lucru din mintea mea

E o lecţie prea târzie ca să fie învăţată
făcută din nisip, dragă, făcută din nisip
în clipitul unui ochi, sufletul meu se-ntoarce
în mâna ta, dragă, în mâna ta...
Pleci cumva fără cuvânt de rămas bun?
Fără nicio urmă lăsată?
Aş fi putut să te iubesc mai bine
Nu am vrut să fiu nepoliticos
Ştii că asta a fost ultimul lucru din mintea mea.
Ai motive multe pentru a pleca
Asta ştiu, dragă, ştiu
întrucât ierburile au crescut
Te rog, nu pleca, te rog, nu pleca
Pleci cumva fără cuvânt de rămas bun?
Fără nicio urmă lăsată?
Aş fi putut să te iubesc mai bine
Nu am vrut să fiu nepoliticos
Ştii că asta a fost ultimul lucru din mintea mea.
În timp ce mă întind în pat în fiecare dimineaţă
fără tine, dragă, fără tine
fiecare cântec în pieptul meu moare
Fără tine, fără tine
Pleci cumva fără cuvânt de rămas bun?
Fără nicio urmă lăsată?
Aş fi putut să te iubesc mai bine
Nu am vrut să fiu nepoliticos
Ştii că asta a fost ultimul lucru din mintea mea.

Bonfire Days

One that looks like me
From so much dreams ago
Played as she waited, but
Reality is different
Slow sails that
Will not set sail again
Hide the Moon, but
There's also people up there
Those were bonfire days
That I never saw again
Having loved like I did
Was too much time lost
That life won't give me back
And one by one, slowly
In my thoughts
With my hopes turned into smoke
Gods go down
The Golden Age, Shangri-La
And the Utopia island
Those were bonfire days
Of a girl that looked like me
Loving, now I know
Is time lost


She has a glass of gin on her hands
Over the chair, a Balmain scarf
Her name is Fantastica Rudy
Alone over the bed, it's almost six
Over a pretty suntanned body
A subtle light arabesque
The record player starts sounding again
Tom Jobim's bossa nova songs
From deep within the garden
The murmur of the afternoon
She reads two pages of Apollinaire
Her most loved poem is 'Le Chat'
She lets her hair down and smiles
She keeps smoking with her nose turned upwards
Tearing a picture apart
Counting the lines on the walls
'It would be good if I got up
Because it's almost six
I need to hurry and do well
Before Daddy comes back home'
She gets off bed in silence and then goes
On her toes, over there
To her two children's room
The gas finds them embraced to her
So beautiful, as samba plays, in the darkness
With the same smile of Rudy

If You Want, You Can Do It

Thoughts I have while alone
To whom can my life matter?
To my party, it's a vote less
And to my mother, it's a pain less
And to my dog, yes, what can it matter to him?
But to you, that I accompanied to the station
And that got off of me the strength of going back home
What can it matter to you?
I should hurry
(I should hurry...)
The windows are closed
(The windows are closed...)
If you want, you can do it
(If you want, you can do it...)
I know that
(I know that...)
All is set, it doesn't take much
And not too long I'll sleep forever
It's so easy
I should hurry
(I should hurry...)
The windows are closed
(The windows are closed...)
If you want, you can do it
(If you want, you can do it...)
I know that
(I know that...)
All is set, it doesn't take much
And not too long I'll sleep forever
It's so easy

Cream Cake

Paradise pears - Whipped cream
The cake plate carries a sugary treat
Decorated in chocolate letters
Moomintroll's cream cake is the best
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Even though the whole valley
Moominmamma still awaits her troll
Soon we'll carry the bath - Cream cake
To the cave safely the treat is carried with difficulty
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Let the comet come
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar
The comet comes closer - Everyone flees
But Moominmamma decorates the cake
Let the comet come
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar
The people of the valley now run away
'No worries,' smiles Moominmamma
Moomintroll's cream cake is almost ready
The large star glimmers in the sugar

Moomins Moomins

Moomins, Moomins!
Now listen, now listen, when everyone shouts:
Moomins, Moomins, Moomins!
Moomins, Moomins!
Already to Moominvalley the whole caboodle is directed...
Moomins, Moomins, Moomins!
I want to sail with Moominpappa
Braving the stormy weather
And in Snufkin's company I want to be in the woods
Walking in whispering steps
Moomins, Moomins!
Now listen, now listen, when everyone shouts:
Moomins, Moomins, Moomins!
Moomins, Moomins!
Already to Moominvalley the whole caboodle is directed...
Moomins, Moomins, Moomins!
We in Moominmamma's kitchen we shape from the dough a pie
And on the fire from The Hemulen we hear a thing
That is extremely great
Moomins, Moomins!
Now listen, now listen, when everyone shouts:
Moomins, Moomins, Moomins!
Moomins, Moomins!
Already to Moominvalley the whole caboodle is directed...
Moomins, Moomins, Moomins!
Now I slip into the magic hat and I transform completely into a Moomin shape
Maybe then I would run with Moomintroll to run on the seashore to play
Moomins, Moomins!
Now listen, now listen, when everyone shouts:
Moomins, Moomins, Moomins!
Moomins, Moomins!
Already to Moominvalley the whole caboodle is directed...
Moomins, Moomins, Moomins!

The Most Beautiful Mistake

In front of me is a mirage
My luck is always sleep
I have a wound in my heart
Without you, my life is a torment
In this black city
I know you are innocent
For me, you are the most beautiful mistake ever
Now I know well that it is impossible to reach you
How restless your heart is to pass me
You broke my pride
You fell in love with another
Now every night without you, My heart is depressed, full of sorrow
My heart threatens me, will die without you
The sound of your departure is in my ear
says go , Goodbye
I know that waiting is useless
My heart is always cold and restless
The sound of your departure in my ear seems to
says go ....

Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit

Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
o noapte amară mă-mpresoară
și aceste ore de tăcere
îmi întunecă drumul.
Am rămas fără buzele tale,
ochii tăi, zâmbetul tău,
și nu știu unde să te găsesc.
Ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici,
ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici.
Ce greu îmi e să te iubesc atât!
Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit.
În caz că nu te mai întorci
să mă vezi în privirea ta,
în caz că niciodată n-ai înțeles
motivul cuvintelor mele,
îți las în cântecul meu
acest gest într-un singur sens
al pielii mele care te-a iubit.
Ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici,
ai plecat deja, nu mai ești aici.
Ce greu îmi e să te iubesc atât!
Timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
timpul nostru s-a sfârșit,
timpul nostru s-a sfârșit...

Voiam să-ți scriu de mult

Voiam să-ți scriu de mult,
dar apoi aceste lucruri nu le faci,.
și să ți le spun de foarte mult timp
așa că nu am mai facut-o.
Puțină inimă dacă-ți cere
dacă sunt nebună sau nu.
Vrei să mă asculți printre rănile
unui cer și mai albastru?
Voiam să-ți spun că eu,
încă mai cânt despre tine,
și totuși dacă în felul meu
sunt rea cu mine însăși.
Voiam să-ți spun că nici eu
nu mai știu în cine să cred
și m-am certat cu Dumnezeu
care nu-mi mai vorbește de ceva timp.
Voiam să-ți spun că
voi avea nevoie de tine
acum că în felul meu
m-am împăcat cu mine pentru totdeauna.
Sunt nopți în care noaptea
e foarte lungă chiar și pentru mine
și topesc intr-o ceașcă de cafea cu lapte
fiecare întrebare prostească de-a mea.
O emoție durează puțin,
Frumusețea e chiar acolo,
că atunci când jocul devine dur,
O altă emoție e deja aici.
Voiam să-ți spun că
voi avea nevoie de tine
acum când în felul meu
m-am împăcat cu mine.
Voiam să-ți scriu și apoi,
apoi tot restul îl știi deja.
Voiam să-ți scriu dar
o fac acum dacă vrei.
Voiam să-ți spun că eu,
încă mai cânt despre tine
și chiar dacă în felul meu
m-am împăcat cu mine pentru totdeauna.
Voiam să-ți spun că nici eu
nu mai știu în cine să cred
și m-am certat cu Dumnezeu
care nu-mi mai vorbește de ceva timp.
Voiam să-ți scriu de mult.
Scuză-mă dacă n-am făcut-o niciodată.


A sail looms at sea
On the blue back
It is surely Moominpappa
Top hat bends backwards
Pappa's pipe puffs
Yes - It is Moominpappa
So fir for sea
Own home-made barque
Pappa turns the helm
There can't be nothing better
The bow dives into the storm
Then Pappa gets peace
Pappa whistles into the wind
To the open sea takes the feeling of longing
The melody of the sea once again rings
In his mind he is a child
Be it calm - Be it stormy
Pappa senses a desire
Soon he will get consolation
He is the daredevil of the seas
Sometimes others come along
The Moomins friends
Moominpappa is the skipper
Suddenly a storm rises
The barque turns to the open sea
Moominpappa smiles
He despises dangers
That might be the biggest reason
When Moominpappa doesn't get afraid
The pipe slowly beeps
Pappa raves - Peering
The adventure continues
Pappa whistles into the wind
To the open sea takes the feeling of longing
The melody of the sea once again rings
In his mind he is a child
Be it calm - Be it stormy
Pappa senses a desire
Soon he will get consolation
He is the daredevil of the seas
There can't be nothing better
The bow dives into the storm
Then Pappa gets peace

The Groke Walks

The Groke howls - Shouts into the darkness
The Groke somewhere walks alone
Wherever The Groke stops to stand
Nothing can ever grow there
There stays only a spot of white
You see it sometimes standing
The Groke howls - Shouts into the darkness
The Groke somewhere walks alone
Cold eyes stare into the light...
A friend you will never get of it
Marks of ice The Groke leaves behind
The Groke shouts alone into the darkness

Broken Love

Once the winter weather passes through our minds
A little warmth inside us start to show It's kind
Even if I try to think of the better times
It just hurts me more but I feel so alive
Where’s my love
It used to be so alive
You were really all that I got
When the time
ended for you and I
It made a little void in my mind
I don’t want your love
All we did was fuck
Everytime I think of you
It’s just killing me
Why’d you have to leave
Why’d you have to be
I don’t want your
broken love
No more
Broken love
I’m so broken
Still breaking
all this love
I was stolen
Then woken
by all the memories
Like a fire
I burned down your phone
Now I'm gonna leave after burnt a lot of nights
Stay up all night


The night has come already and
Where I'm supposed to leave, I stop again
I'm looking at the sunset that you liked
If somewhere is just like me
You turn back coldly
I can't catch you, you're so far away
Now only more regrets have gathered
I can't climb over the wall, I'm right here
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
The same day every day
Repeats itself again
I'm getting more used to it, hold me down
Now you're saying all these things
It's like waiting
I deny that you're not here
I can't catch you now, you're so far away
I can't let go of you, I stop here
I'm used to wait
I just fill my longing every day
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
I can't go back, I'm right here
The green line drawn by the wandering footstep
I see you hovering around again yeah
I'm used to the memories, I erase you again
I'm still standing in the same place
I’m not going
The heart loses more places and leaves
Again going
I'm still standing in the same place
Again going

Do You Remember?

I'm not asking anything from you,
But just a sign, that's all,
A sign that you remember
And you'd like to show up on my way.
Maybe I'm asking too much
Or maybe too little.
I miss to hear you,
I miss your eyes.
Do you remember the first evening,
The hugging, the kiss?
Do you remember the dawn,
How could you forget?
Do you remember two eyes in tears,
And how they didn't want you to leave?
Do you remember? Always on the edges
I'll remain to wait for you.
I knew that my place
Is not in your life.
I knew I could not
Share my love with you.
But I want you to remember,
At least from time to time:
Anything you can buy,
But dreams are not for sale.
Do you remember the first evening,
The hugging, the kiss?
Do you remember the dawn,
How could you forget?
Do you remember two eyes in tears,
And how they didn't want to leave?
Do you remember? Always on the edges
I'll remain to wait for you.
Do you remember the first evening,
The hugging, the kiss?
Do you remember the dawn?
I'd like you to remember!

The Blue Without Name

The fantasies that built up within loneliness
However I tried, unable to put them to words all along
Because of immaturity, they overflowed from these two small hands
Finally, they've filled up the canvas
Like it's welling up from the horizon
Like it's going along completely chilled cheeks
That warm colour becomes my voice
Imagination surpasses reality, and the heavily drooping clouds dispersed
If I could leave that view behind [for someone]
[a vivid colour]* that could even let my voice pierce the eye of an unknown person a thousand years from now -
A vivid colour, that is a colour still without name
The fantasies that built up within loneliness
Unable to even share them with someone
Even now, they're still squirming in the depths of my heart
What shall I call this feeling that bears no name?
So I don't forget
So I don't lose [it/them]
Like the spring that worries about tomorrow
Like the pulse that runs through this body
With that soft colour, I became me
The future I struck the pure white canvas with
Has become [my] life unnoticed, will become proof that I lived
[a vivid colour]* that could even overturn the foundations of someone's life a thousand years from now -
A vivid colour, breathtakingly beautiful
Surely, that would still be the blue without name

Ballad of the Northeast People

Sanjiu's plum blossoms cover the snowy mountain in red
Shadows of bare branches
The crescent moon shines over people as they sleep
A tyke hurries a horse carriage with a whip in his hand
The river wind
blows over his flushed face
The sound of drums signify the arrival of the new year
The sound of firecrackers, a ground covered in red
Every family lights colorful lanterns
It's another year of good harvest
For how long has the river's cold water flowed in a torrent?
Like a person traveling far from home,
never looking back
A lonely young lady stands by the door with tears in her eyes
For how many autumns
has she gazed into the distance?
The Great Snow shuts the doors and sends off the god of wealth
People whose hearts are always aflame
The frost-covered window rests for now
The two of us decided on the rest of our lives
The setting sun of Saibei as her red dress
A mountain of pines and cypress as her bridesmaids
Waiting for her groom to return in glory
I would only marry you in this lifetime
The sound of drums signify the arrival of the new year
The sound of firecrackers, a ground covered in red
Every family lights colorful lanterns
It's another year of good harvest
Every family lights colorful lanterns
It's another year of good harvest

Future Past

Life is in you -
Death is for you
Outside -
In a new light
Present and future past.
The lights are on you -
Your face is frozen in a photo
Outside -
In another light.
Photo-phobia -
Like you
When they heard the click
And became obsessed with that fact

Rocket to Venus

As pale pink skies invite me into the night, I shall fly away
Sending my thoughts to the illusion, tearing the evening calm apart
Race through at the speed of one-thousandth second
Speed it up until Venus glittering in the night disappears out of sight
If there’s only one truth to see, you have to make it fly faster than anyone else
Monologue unfolds from the moment a land breeze blows
When it dies, you won’t be no longer here
One-thousandth second will last forever
The rocket vanishing o’er the stars above so fast that you can’t watch it
Amid the scenery that goes on accelerating, what do you reflect on at the end of life?
Speed it up until Venus glittering in the night disappears out of sight
If there’s only one truth to see, you have to make it fly faster than anyone else