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My Truth
I wish you were always near me
Always be by your side From start to finish
Fly in your imagination’s wings
Walking through the rain with our feet on the ground
Being with you anywhere I’ll go
Nothing else matters but your love
Play, roll on the sand in that sea
I’ll go as I please, just call me
Where the hell are you?
I need to see you
I feel you beside me
How can I forget you?
You’re the sun I’ve always dreamed of
My truth that I sought (2x)
I miss your hand, your affection, your protection
I’m a girl without you
I am a boat to wander carried in the waves of this sea
I need to find you
Where the hell are you?
I need to see you
I feel you beside me
How can I forget you?
You’re the sun I’ve always dreamed of
My truth that I’ve so sought
Tiny ode 23. The Raven
On top of the poplar,
this long inverted broom,
A black-eyed, black-bodied
Wizard is watching me,
that mutters to me
that croaks curses
when I pass..
Tiny ode 22. The millipede
The millipede and the centipede,
in november, december,
like tiny pieces of tinsel,
roll themselves up in the soil,
As if Christmas time
had set itself into the ground
To warm up the hearts
of gardens in winter
to enable little insects
to take part to the party.
Du-te cu el
Uneori un cuvânt e de-ajuns
pentru a limpezi atâtea lucruri,
dar trebuie să-l spui.
Nu contează dacă el rănește,
voi încerca să suport
această durere.
Îl iubești pe el, știu,
atât mi-ajunge,
nicio virgulă în plus.
Ascultă un pic o noutate:
Du-te cu el,
aici e ea cea care mă așteaptă, știi asta.
Plângi, mă faci să râd!
Tu ai fost cea care nu m-ai înțeles.
Uneori o promisiune e de-ajuns
ca să liniștești pe cineva,
dar trebuie s-o faci,
nu contează dacă apoi ea pălește.
Ajunge doar o atenție
ca să fim împreună.
Îl iubești pe el, știu,
atât mi-ajunge,
nicio virgulă în plus.
Ascultă un pic o noutate:
Du-te cu el,
aici e ea cea care mă așteaptă, știi asta.
Plângi, mă faci să râd!
Tu ai fost cea care nu m-ai înțeles.
Plângi, mă faci să râd!
Tu ai fost cea care nu m-ai înțeles.
We Love Each Other Since Ever
I will no longer have dreams
You will then raise your hopes
The moments passed forever happy and sad to tell anyone
Unfortunately, life is always like that
Like a light cloud passed in the heart
I suddenly feel my heart is also flutter
If tomorrow, the overwhelming love won't return to the past
Maybe love don't see anymore
Looks like this heart wanna say, hình như tôi đã yêu rồi
Wonderful moment, who am I who are you who we are
Don't dissolve into smoke, don't far from the horizon
Wonderful moment, like a dream
Like a dream must be a dream, we love each other since ever
In the sky of the bars
We’ll see each other at the bottom of a glass
An illusion I can’t forget
I must find you again every night
In my sky full of bars
We’ll see each other at the bottom of a glass
Sweet lips that I can no longer kiss
I wasn’t to lose myself and dream
How long the horizon of each bar can sadly last
At the beginning I don’t see you,
Too much whiskey separates me from you
But then I drink and little by little
You appear and you’re all for me
We’ll see each other at the bottom of a glass
Until the dawn comes back to the sky
And in the desperate dawn
It will be sad going back home
To wait for they night
And be able to find you again
At the bottom of a glass
In the sky of the bars
Won't Love Anymore, I'm Tired
[Verse 1]
Have you ever heard of
The few things /(rules) when in love
First is not to lie
Second is not to lie a lot
So why do I always see tears
and cuts?
Could it be that now
We've fallen out of love
Just go and it will come
Just stay silent and it will pass
A person like that
Will love until the end of life
I'm not the world to you
I'm just a little girl
Why do I keep stuttering, forever unable to say it out?
[Chorus 1]
Maybe it's because I love you too much
So I'm afraid of letting go
Maybe you think that I'm strong
So you don't feel the need to comfort
Loving you with all my heart
(I'm) in so much pain, don't you know?
Just kept giving, I realised that my heart has broken into two, adding pain
Maybe (I) shouldn't love you so much
Because love will tell me to listen
To (my) heart's concern of being shattered
So I should get used to being lonely
Maybe it's because you don't deserve the three letter word 'y-ê-u' /(love) from me anymore
That's it, I'm stopping, (I) won't love you anymore,
I'm tired
[Verse 2]
Just go and it will come
Just stay silent and it will pass
A person like that
Will love until the end of life
I'm not the world to you
I'm just a little girl
Why do I keep stuttering, forever unable to say it out?
[Chorus 2]
Maybe it's because I love you too much
So I'm afraid of letting go
Maybe you think that I'm strong
So you don't feel the need to comfort
Loving you with all my heart
(I'm) in so much pain, don't you know?
Just kept giving, I realised that my heart has broken into two, adding pain
Maybe (I) shouldn't love you so much
Because love will tell me to listen
To (my) heart's concern of being shattered
So I should get used to being lonely
Maybe it's because you don't deserve the three letter word 'y-ê-u' /(love) from me anymore
That's it, I'm stopping, (I) won't love you anymore,
I'm tired
Sometimes I think (that)
Honestly, I want to thank you for being by my side in those days
Let's just stop here, I just wish to find back a little peace
[Chorus 3]
Maybe (I) shouldn't love you so much
Because love will tell me to listen
To (my) heart's concern of being shattered
So I should get used to being lonely
Maybe it's because you don't deserve the three letter word 'y-ê-u' /(love) from me anymore
That's it, I'm stopping, (I) won't love you anymore,
I'm tired
My Long Lost Friend
We'll meet again
Meet again
[Verse 1]
I know very well, we're not friends anymore
The distance grew too big and here we are
The sun shines down on my land
We cross the boulevard and spot each other
Your eyes meet mine and I stop for a split second
I think about words that hurt
Words that set the limit, we drop the rematch
Two friends far away, out of balance
But I believe
Simply in time and to let it pass
I believe our wings will carry us so the days can teach us
Where to go
Yes, I believe
Simply in time and to let it pass
I think we'll find our way home, my lost friend
We'll meet again
[Verse 2]
We were always on the same team
But the rumour mill makes the hearts grow cold
I remember exactly what it was that she said
The very last piece of advice she gave:
'If you've got a secret, keep it to yourself
Cause no one around here can keep it anyway'
But if you don't confide, then what is a friend?
If I have to carry everything, I'll overturn again
But I believe
Simply in time and to let it pass
I believe our wings will carry us so the days can teach us
Where to go
Yes, I believe
Simply in time and to let it pass
I think we'll find our way home, my lost friend
We'll meet again
Everyone swirls in and out of me
The film runs so fast, I stop and ask for directions
Something around here has changed, and you and I
We're not the same at all, we're not the same at all, no
But I believe
Simply in time and to let it pass
I believe our wings will carry us so the days can teach us
Where to go
Yes, I believe
Simply in time and to let it pass
I think we'll find our way home, my lost friend
We'll meet again
I think we'll find our way home, m-hm
I think, we'll find our way home, m-hm
I think we'll find our way home
(I think, we'll find our way home, our way home, our way home...)
Fucking Pudicity
What's your beef with this word anyway?
How many lives will it claim this pest called pudicity
The blood you've shed will fall short of you
Y'all, y'all are pricks, sons of bitches
Pudicity pest, yeah right
Fuck your pudicity!
Your sister that you've killed when she was fifteen
What crime did she commit, beyond taking her lover by the hand
The blood you've shed are now watering the firmament
The lives you've claimed, the mothers who cry
Won't fuck you on the very spot when you say pudicity pest
Sentenced one too...
The lives you've forbidden the use of, ah those lives that smell like rose
Maybe they won't bring you to book
That fucking missing law is taking the side of the people like you
May y'all choke death on every water you've drunk, on every bit you've swallowed
When that prick was beating your sister that you've given in marriage when she was fifteen
I'll ream that mindset of yours' ass that says, he's your husband, he can beat and clapperclaw you
The lives that you've mucked up will surely wreak vengeance on you
Enough, enough, enough...
How many more Fatma's, Emine's should depart this life
How many times should the people suffer agony
How many more women should be raped
That fucking missing law...
One or other day
Underdogs will curse for their cruelty for sure
I swear black and blue, on that day
You'll run at full gallop
De-as fi asa de norocoasa
In imaginatia mea,
Nu exista nicio complicatie,
Te visez tot timpul
In mintea mea, o sarbatoare
Cea mai dulce senzatie
Gandindu-ma ca ai putea fi al meu.
In imaginea mea,
Nu exista ezitare
Ne plimbam mana in mana
Ca te-ai indragostit de mine
Cum m-am indragostit de tine
Dar nu fac decat sa visez
Doar de-ar deveni realitate
De-as fi asa de norocoasa
Norocoasa, norocoasa, norocoasa
De-as fi asa de norocoasa in dragoste
De-as fi asa de norocoasa
Norocoasa, norocoasa, norocoasa
De-as fi asa de norocoasa in dragoste
Ce situatie nebuneasca
Mereu ma faci sa astept
Pentru ca totul e in capul meu
Si as veni fugind
Sa-ti ofer toata iubirea mea
Daca intr-o zi m-ai observa
Inima aproape mi se frange
Si nu mai pot sa ma prefac
Fantezia ca esti al meu
Ca te-ai indragostit de mine
Cum m-am indragostit de tine
Dar nu fac decat sa visez
Doar de-ar deveni realitate
De-as fi asa de norocoasa (de norocoasa, de norocoasa)
De-as fi asa de norocoasa
Eu, eu, (eu, eu)
De-as fi asa de norocoasa (de norocoasa, de norocoasa)
De-as fi asa de norocoasa
Eu, eu, eu, eu, eu, eu, eu
Noi împreună
Eu, omenește eu
poți să-nțeleg chiar și eu
dacă te-ai săturat de mine.
Noi nu ne-ntâlnim niciodată,
și chiar alăturați, știi,
e prea mult gol între noi.
Nesiguranța ta, gelozia mea,
blândețea mea zgârcită în gesturi...
Nu că e vina doar a mea,
dar dacă vrei tu...
Noi împreună, uniți și apoi mai liberi,
mai departe acum de-o lume care nu mai e.
Noi împreună, uniți și apoi mai liberi,
mai departe de o lume care nu mai e.
Și eu, dacă vrei, voi renaște cu tine.
Și tu, care nu mai zâmbești,
te lași doborâtă
și te înșeli, tu știi.
Cum se poate naște monotonia
unde se moare din sentimentalism?
Chiar și mânioasă ești mereu a mea,
dar dacă vrei tu...
Noi împreună, uniți și apoi mai liberi,
mai departe acum de-o lume care nu mai e.
Și eu, dacă vrei, voi renaște cu tine.
Noi împreună, uniți și apoi mai liberi,
mai departe acum de-o lume care nu mai e.
Noi împreună, uniți și apoi mai liberi,
mai departe acum de-o lume care nu mai e.
Noi împreună, uniți și apoi mai liberi,
mai departe acum de-o lume care nu mai e.
Versions: #1
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a photo of you
My memories of you
Are burning
At the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a shattered soul
And all the promises you've made
Mean nothing
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a photo of you
My memories of you
Are burning
At the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a shattered soul
And all the promises you've made
Mean nothing
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
Your beckon gave me pain
I'm tired of living, all the hurts have been concealed
Get out, close the door on your way out
No matter how much I asked for it
Well, you knew
That you were losing me
Barefoot on the glass I
Ran so obstinately
If it weren't for that cute little voice of yours
I'd fall down, while taking my last breath
Every time I wished for
Not to lose you
And the stars have been falling peacefully
As if they were falling for me
But I can't wish for it no more
I'm just tormenting myself
Now you're no longer mine
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a photo of you
My memories of you
Are burning
At the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a shattered soul
And all the promises you've made
Mean nothing
In the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a photo of you
My memories of you
Are burning
At the mantlepiece at 6:AM
There's a shattered soul
And all the promises you've made
Mean nothing
Little by little I fell in love with you
We began by touching our hands
Looking for feelings in the grass
Golden reflections of your gold chain
On your breast, barely covered
We end up stealing a sunset from us
Because in my eyes I had only yours
I can’t remember if it was the wind or me
Who raised your chin to say my name
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
That night, when I stroked your face
On a book that we never read
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that chose for me
In the silence, already full of magic
Only your fantasy spoke
Spring fell into your hair,
And summer, winter, autumn, and evening came
You told me many things, all that I learned
Was to tell to your lips “don’t ever leave me”
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
Little by little the night stood still
And left a star in your eyes
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that chose for me
Little by little the wind stood still
And left a flower in your hair
Little by little I fell in love with you
It was the love that spoke for me
With my hands, I held your fingers
And we never picked that flower
Love song
To the most graceful one
without doubt
I sing a cheerful
love song,
since the pure woman
I love
waves and bids me a charming 'Have thanks.'
Alas, my heart is sick
with love!
She inspires my love
with her words of thanks!
She greets me with her smiles,
attracts me with kisses,
so that I am thrilled with joy from the bottom of my heart.
As bright as the violets
on a sunlit meadow
is the blue sparkling
of my delight's eyes.
Her little mouth
blooms fresh and round
like an unfolding rosebud wet with dew.
Her cheeks are of
a rosy hue
not even an angel has,
Heaven knows!
If only I
could keep sitting
next to the praised one until I die.
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
All will return to Him,
all who lived in this world 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
And the soul is His sign,
which many do not know 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
Everyone will be satisfied,
those who did sujood to Him 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
Every burden is light,
When Allah is mentioned 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
When darkness falls on the world
the salvation will be only Hu2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu2 ×
In ecstasy burns ašk,
while the dervishes sob 2 ×
Entel Hadi Entel Hak
Leysel hadi Illahu 2 ×
Our Fateless Love
Versions: #1
Let's break up from here on
The pain I feel in me is has gotten too much now
Our love is not at fault
The fault lies in us
Love brought us together is fate
When fate ends, (we) go our separate ways
Thinking this way will be gentler on the heart
Please don't blame anymore, please stop the whining
Because we still have a long journey ahead of us
The love (we had) will forever just be a memory, my love
There will no longer be love nor resentment
Tomorrow the sunshine will be warm, (it) will be a beautiful new day
Tomorrow (we) will continue the path we have chosen
So when we turn back and look to the past
There will no longer be love, just a more peaceful heart
My love, if we have decided to be this way
Then I do not know what to do anymore
Leaving behind a painful regret
Who do I blame now
Let's break up from here on
The pain I feel in me is has gotten too much now
Our love is not at fault
The fault lies in us
Love brought us together is fate
When fate ends, (we) go our separate ways
Thinking this way will be gentler on the heart
Please don't blame anymore, please stop the whining
Because we still have a long journey ahead of us
The love (we had) will forever just be a memory, my love
There will no longer be love nor resentment
Tomorrow the sunshine will be warm, (it) will be a beautiful new day
Tomorrow (we) will continue the path we have chosen
So when we turn back and look to the past
There will no longer be love, just a more peaceful heart
Tomorrow when everything is over
That love will fade
Our fateless love, (the) feeling is fading
(If) we meet, please don't hold on
Let's just break up, it will be okay my love
The love came when we were close to each other
So when we turn back and look to the past
There will no longer be love, just a more peaceful heart
There will no longer be love
He was a little bohemian, poet and magician
and I know that he didn't accept to have a boss
Daddy would take us wandering from a place to another
we were three circus boys looking for luck.
My mother didn't ressemble him
wanted a house, no matter how small...
Your road is quite long, usually said
and however you run, poverty will follow you
For us, wherever would be the same as hard
I want to have my corner some day...
The waggon would take us wandering from a village to another
and I remember how much I needed a little rest
I see my dad in my thought how he was applauded
looked so young and smiled trurly.
I grew walking the string as elegant as I could
and usually I was a juggler and acrobat
Daddy would take us wandering from a place to another
we were three circus boys looking for luck.
Black and white picture
I already know how the road will be turning,
Though things occur with no warning.
And I know by heart where it will go
I already know now the road’s every paver
And that sweet descent that I will savor
From which I’ll come back alone
But half-gone already I don’t know why it
Is so hard that I’d deny it
Or decry it, or defy it
We look at old photos, but
It is an obsession to keep hope
Alive - an attempt to cope
and save I do not know what...
More and more, again I waste my time and fret, it
is all just to forget it -
What is undoubtedly true
New sad days and clear nights when stars glitter
And the words that are sweet, bitter -
In my one letter sent to you
That says: 'my love, I am sorry
But my heart just got memento mori
Signs from our past, all blurry'
Who knows that better than you?
I mistreat you for real, even injure
With that little black and white picture
In a little poem of mine for you
Next station
It's Jarzyna's birthday, I drove to Młociny
In the morning the hangover only came after I drove past Wawrzyszew
Constantly drunk, I go past Stare Bielany
Constantly buzzed, in old clothes, constantly sleepy
If I was religious I would go to confession
But I have issues with God, I think (that) as I see Słodowiec
The air escaping somewhere near Marymont metro
I didn't have enough to exhale again, I have to go ashore
Some boy eats a sandwich loudly
And it's only Plac Wilsona, I might pass out
An artist with a briefcase thinks he's some Matejka or Banksy
But he lacks imagination, Dworzec Gdański soon
(Next station) - Ratusz Arsenał
'Ł' said with front of the tongue, and I'm suffering right now
I close my eyes and pray to be at Świętokrzyska already
People came in with kebab, grinding meat in their mouths
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
I hear someone playing on a chair, this must be the downtown
He's quite good, someone should buy him a drum already
I struggle with pain when I go past Politechnika
I think some guy wants my seat, he's standing and staring
(Next station): Pole Mokotowskie
A nun is reading God's Word sadly
Dead silence in the wagon, Racławicka metro is soon
Everyone's a little unkempt, everyone's tightening the belt
Gentlemen without wives, their penises are itching
They talk about women as we pas Wierzbno
My tongue meets my teeth and feels the aftertaste of wine
But that's the last remaining drop, Wilanowska soon
I have to get out, I cant do it anymore
Rain, storming from my temples to my hindbrain, and it's only Służew
I know! I forgot to drink any liquids
I move the water bottle, It's already Ursynów
At least I think so, I can't see well, I have to cut my hair
I'm really fed up with this, I go past Stokłosy
I think I drank with the demons yesterday
They begged me to share with them, Imielin soon
And now please be quite like monks from Shaolin
My head is hurting a lot, you hear me? Natolin soon.
And suddenly I know that I'm in trouble
The last station: Kabaty
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
My family is probably praying and missing (me)
They probably went to a pilgrimage at Matka Boska Liecheńska
Because this party lasted around as much as the Congress of Vienna
But I come back, go into metro, Dworzec Wileński station
IPhone calling but I don't feel like talking
A minx from Praga is standing in a disco-baroque outfit
Now the train goes past the Stadion Narodowy station quickly
I used to buy GTA and Eminem's new albums here
Centrum Nauki Kopernik
A boy with dreads is holding a bag, and inside it is a greenhouse
The smell of marijuana eases my temple while I'm still drunk
I smile at it, but the guy dares to walk out
An accordionist got inside on the Uniwersytet station
He loves to play gypsy rhythms and scream
I give him two złoty because I like music too
Though I think metro's wagon is ruining his acoustic
Metro Świętokrzyska
People came in with kebab, grinding meat in their mouths
One of them so hairy he'd need a hundred tweezers
The hot sauce stains his hoodie somewhere around Rondo ONZ
I could stare at him all day
A simple travel in metro, and so many excitements come from it
But enough of this drive, I have to get out and look at the sky again
Last station Rondo Daszyńskiego
(Next station): one liter of wine and half liter of vodka
And six cigarettes, so you can smoke and ponder your sadness
(Next station): one liter of vodka and half liter of wine
The end of June, winter is soon
Like a partisan in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
(Next station): in this sad as fuck city
Gigantic hangover and pizza with greasy dough
What a wonderful land, Paradise is
What a wonderful land, Paradise is
How shall I reach there, how much I would like
The voice of the Holy One is heard, Jesus promised me
'I love you, I love you, I will take you up there!'
Ref: And there I will sing, for Thy mercy is great
Together all the time
now is the moment of truth
what is each is willing to give
without fear
not here
the money is gone
so be it
that time with you will be extended
With you also the end of the world
doesn't scare me
i etch a picture on my heart
on the bed
how the light falls on you
as by invitation
Together all the time
finding ourselves
playing with life in hiding places
opening a white page
and drawing with the children
climbing the walls
With you also the end of the world
doesn't scare me
i etch a picture on my heart
on the bed
how the light falls on you
as by invitation
With you also the end of the world
doesn't scare me
i etch a picture on my heart
on the bed
how the light falls on you
as by invitation
Versions: #1
A comet shines far away
Prometheus' command is
Now listen:
Create the heaven and the Earth!
Poseidon shall commence the work
You all have the power to do that
There's no rest allowed
It's glowing pure hot lava
That Haades brought from Manala
And look:
Ash before death
Created life here already
The sword of Zeus is flashing
Now the gods are screaming for the lost justice
And the oceans are sheer murder, the mountais are burning, I secretly stayed there
And saw the creation
Kronos sees the agony of creation
Still no human
The one's who worships the gods
Demands for the mission
To fill the Earth as his own image
Now the gods are screaming for the lost justice
And the oceans are sheer murder, the mountais are burning, I secretly stayed there
And saw the creation
And look:
Ash before death
Created life here already
The sword of Zeus is flashing
Now the gods are screaming for the lost justice
And the oceans are sheer murder, the mountais are burning, I secretly stayed there
The gods are screaming
The mountains are burning, I secretly stayed there
And saw the creation
It's alright, we have 20 minutes on foot
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know
Who the real friends are
How the days are best short
When i need them, they are always here
Like brothers of good and evil
And how do i go now and stay with you?
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know, one doesn't change
We're naive, but clean
Always us, always the same
No need to show off
We know where we come from
And where we go
How do i go now
And not turn with you?
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know where i belong...
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Hey, hey, hello, i'm coming alone
I mean, it's alright
We have 20 minutes on foot
Famous (Korean Version)
(No drama, no drama)
No drama.
The curtain is up, so watch me.
Awakening in luxury,
Am I the one who shines in a blinding light?
Am I real me backstage?
(No drama, no drama)
At some point, I got used to the fact
That I couldn't find the correct answers to all my questions.
A black shadow covered me, but I couldn't free myself
(I don't know anymore what to do)
Famous (I'm so fabulous)
Famous (I'm so dangerous)
You scream my name with great delight.
Famous (I'm so fabulous)
Famous (I'm so dangerous)
Famous (So famous)
Everybody wants me (So famous)
(No drama, no drama)
If you want to be mine, you should know
That I don't need a special script or something like that.
You want me in your fantasies.
You should match me. Do me right.
Habitual bad romance,
Fake emotions.
This is all: a potion that is constantly destroying my body.
It's not even true love. It's just an illusion, a deception,
A fleeting passion.
Make sure there is no regret after its flame.
(Get rid of them all)
Famous, famous (I'm so)
Famous, famous (Famous)
I'm delighted with the spotlights, it is my catharsis.
Famous, famous (I'm so)
Famous, famous (Ooh!)
However, no one even knows how unbearable loneliness and inner drama are.
Drama, drama, drama.
No drama, drama, drama.
(That's right!)
Famous (I'm so fabulous)
Famous (I'm so dangerous)
Famous (So famous)
Fake drama (So famous)
The curtain is down, but watch me.
Awakening, I feel empty.
The curtain hides me again.
I'm gonna go even more crazy tonight.
Famous, famous (I'm so)
Famous, famous (Famous)
My heart trembles violently.
Famous, famous (I'm so)
Famous, famous
Famous (So famous)
(Everybody wants me)
(No drama, no drama)
So famous.
You've got a memory
You've got a memory
Even when the time to say goodbye comes
You've got a memory
Time doesn't distort love
Even though I am far away
I keep you in my heart
And, secretely, every night
I sing my song to you
You've got a memory
Sing nicely, as before
You've got a memory
When you hear a sad guitar
You know I'm right next to you in your heart
And I'm protecting you
Right before I hug you in my arms
You've got a memory
Mirjami's Song
A flower connects to a flower,
a wretch connects to a wretch,
where do I connect to, Mirjami-wretched,
where is Mirjami's flower?
The day already set behind the mountains,
pearled by the moon the forest, the land,
as trinkets shimmer the hays, the straws,
where are Mirjami's brooches?
Where linger thy my groom,
where thy white stallion,
hasten to me, the flower,
or did you already find another?
I shine, every night in your world
Are you ready to see me being the brightest of all?
I am ultra-luminescent
You confide your joys and hopes to me,
I am the evening star
Make a wish from the bottom of your heart
I am the star of happiness
The stars are shining
In this mist
Born to gravity, they burn
They wish they could
Dethrone me
But they will never compete with me
I am the fairy of the light of your nights
You can enjoy it thanks to my beauty
I shall be the most glowing star of all
I am ultra-luminescent
Oh, oh, oh, oh, welcome to Lunaria
Oh, oh, oh, oh, so spectacularia
Oh, oh, oh, oh, super singulary and revolutionary
The golden reflections of the hidden sun
Make me glow at night
And the Milky Way is said
To never stop envying me
I am the brightest of all
The most impressive
It used to be a desert on the moon
Before that life
Jade collected my tears
As well as my grief
And made a potion
That turned the night
Into an endless light
I am finally shining
Like crazy!
I am the fairy of the light of your nights
You can enjoy it thanks to my beauty
I shall be the most glowing star of all
I am ultra-luminescent
Oh, oh, oh, oh, welcome to Lunaria
Oh, oh, oh, oh, so spectacularia
Oh, oh, oh, oh, super singulary and revolutionary
Pollute me
Tell me the tale of the date palm
of the deserts,
of your grandparent's mosques.
Give me the darbuka rythms
and the secrets
that are in the books I don't read.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...
Tell me the tale of the chains
that brought you,
of the treaties and the travelers.
Give me the rythms of the drums
and the spokesmen,
of the old and the new neighbourhoods.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...
Tell me the tale of those who never
revealed themselves,
of the green river and the boleros.
Give me the bouzouki rythms,
the black eyes,
the unquiet dance of the sorcerer.
Pollute me, but not with the smoke that chokes the air
come, but do so with your eyes and your dances
come, but not with the rage and the bad dreams
come, but do so with the kiss-announcing lips.
Pollute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter.
Polute me, mix up with me,
for under my branch you'll find shelter...
Christmas Morning
Christmas morning,
The white apple flowers,
Christmas morning.
Old Christmas is coming,
The white apple flowers,
Old Christmas is coming.
And he always comes,
The white apple flowers,
And he always comes.
For the horse is stubborn,
The white apple flowers,
For the horse is stubborn.
And it should be shod,
The white apple flowers,
And it should be shod.
With horseshoes,
The white apple flowers,
With horseshoes.
And with sausage nails
White apple flowers,
And with sausage nails
And it should be watered,
The white apple flowers,
And it should be watered.
With a bucket of burnt wine,
The white apple flowers,
With a bucket of burnt wine.
Let's put it under its nose,
White apple flowers
Let's put it under its nose.
Host, stay healthy,
The white apple flowers,
Host, stay healthy.
Pay our carol,
The white apple flowers,
Pay our carol.
True 'till death, did you listen, motherfucker?
True 'till death
The untouchables, did you hear, dick sucker?
Dressed in black, Free Mason
And the Glock stamped with Jason's mask
The bullet magazines in the belt
and taking care from trouble and the DEA
and we lay you down in the pavement
The 47s are fast like Barea
and we kill you wherever and serve a hundred years, motherfucker
Here no one snitches
All red the Ferrari
and everything is prepaid so that I can fuck for free
All red the Polaris
and I charge you $400 and $500 per party
We lit the cartel
and we marry you, motherfucker, with Death
and Lucifer will go and get you
But you got to the morgue, motherfucker, to get sewn (ha, ha)
Twenty kilos of drug
and we have the service with stewardess
and the extended gun butt
and we make you jump and dance bachata
The kilos, the 'cut' and the drinks
The bullets are Reed and hollow
I crowned with Pablo (Escobar) and Gonzalo (Rodríguez Garcha)
and I never talk about Gucci
and I'm a demon, and I am a devil
and in the Billboard I am a king
and I am millionaire and untouchable, son of a bitch, like Gucci Mane
(Repeat chorus)
{Then comes the shitty 'English part' trying to appeal to the English speaking fans}
(Repeat chorus)
Lil Pump
The untouchables, did you listen, motherfucker?
Hey, tell me,, Lil Pump
Hey, Tell me, Spiff
Hey, Tell me, EQ
True 'till death, did you listen, motherfucker?
I charge $400 and $500 per party
Hey, how much?
$500 per party haha
This is my time
This century is tense for us
And we can't know what will be further
Race, works
And harsh words in rush but
But how to control oneself
And to not waste oneself in arguments
But how not to lose oneself
And how to find time for dreams?
Now I'm capable to be even more gentle
To not run fast over time
But all that stress makes me tense up!
And then I don't like myself anymore
I want to find time for joy
To understand all the birds in head
When all that stress makes me tense up
I say:
This is my time
This is my time
Both harsh and gentle
This is my time
So silent summer, tears
But I hear myself twice as loud
Strength which accumulates
I want to let out, but
But how to control myself
And to not waste myself in arguments
But how not to lose myself
And how to find time for dreams?
Now I'm capable to be even more gentle
To not run fast over time
But all that stress makes me tense up!
And then I don't like myself anymore
I want to find time for joy
To understand all the birds in head
When all that stress makes me tense up
I say:
This is my time
This is my time
Both harsh and gentle
This is my time
This is my time
This century is tense for us (This is my time)
And we can't know what will be further (This is my time)
Race, works
And harsh words in rush but (Both harsh and gentle)
But how to control oneself
And to not waste oneself in arguments?
This is my time
A little projection of my mind
Grows by subscribing of the instinct.
The dream that has blossomed
In the depths of the night illusions
Is nothing but a shadow.
Inside of me
Under under under
Under under under
Beautiful silhouette
Sweet voices
Drive me crazy, mmm
You are my messiah
You are my
(killing me)
(Killing me softly)
I'm blind and I can't help myself
You re-create my meaning.
Everything inside me is heating up with renewed vigor
I beg you let me take another hot breath...
Under under under
Under under under
Beautiful silhouette
Sweet voices
Make me crazy, mmm
You are my messiah
You are my
(killing me)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A (You are)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-ah-ah-ah (Umm)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My
You are You are You are
My my IDEA My my IDEA
A dangerous dream that consumed me
Turned out to be you.
Trembling deep in my heart
You are my messiah (Killing me softly)
Beyond awareness
I finally found your shadow.
Everything that is not in your field of vision.
The moment that made me believe
Take me out of my mind.
Blue light flies through me
When I look at you and me -
All my emotions are tainted in it.
It becomes an endless range
In my world, the absolute value of you blinds me
My my IDEA
You are you are you are (killing me)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A (You are)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-ah-ah-ah (Umm)
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My-ah My-I-DE-A
My ah-ah My-ah-ah My
You are You are You are
My my IDEA My my IDEA
A dangerous dream that consumed me
Turned out to be you.
Trembling deep in my heart
You are my messiah (Killing me softly)
(Killing me softly Killing me softly)
The night that tore our hearts apart.
(Killing me softly Killing me softly)
I can finally see the whole truth...