Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 42

Număr de rezultate: 2207


1990s Utopia

- Do you remember the color of the sky at the French Riviera?
- And the Venetian pink of that apartment near the canal?
- The white of your dress was beautiful (beautiful, beautiful, beautiful)
[Verse 1: Taco Hemingway & Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
Act 1.:
I'll have a flat stomach
I'll have a dashing walk
Bald like some God
Clothes made in Italy
To be fair i don't have my own words but I'll have my own SUV
When you don't have such goods they'd say 'Must improve', and you?
I'll have a nice wedding, like from Hollywood
White dress, white smile, shine of smooth legs
I'll make him bread with margarine so he loses weight
When he comes back from the forest with son I'll clean any dirt
[Chorus: Taco Hemingway]
You wanted life like from a commercial
The lector always knew how to live and where to go
The candidate says it will be normal here again
But what is this normal supposed to be, who is it for?
[Verse 2: Taco Hemingway & Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
Act 2.:
I'll have thick hair
I'll have a manly chest
Enough energy for more hours, maybe boss will appreciate it
I'll have the prettiest font on my business card
I drink in a pub with my friend, she texts me 'Where did you go?'
Sometimes he comes back at 3am, I ask him where he was this time
Sometimes he hits, but he's smart, tries to avoid the face
Back when I married him it was supposed to be passionate
But instead he gives me a second baby and new dish gel
[Chorus: Taco Hemingway]
You wanted life like from a commercial
The lector always knew how to live and where to go
The candidate says it will be normal here again
But what is this normal supposed to be, who is it for?
[Verse 3: Taco Hemingway & Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
Act 3.:
I wake up to fresh coffee
I dream about getting a promotion
Wife asks me 'Where's this aggression form?'
I tell her 'It's a manly thing'
She was supposed to leave me but she still looks over
(She) salivates when I tie a loop around my neck - a tie
I give the babies cereal, for him eggs from a cage
I see him for the last time when he leaves for work
I kiss my kids on the forehead, sit in a boiling hot bathtub
Gillette razor slits a vein, their mother's blood flows out
[Bridge: Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
In a life beautiful like in a commercial
There's no place for my own plans
In a life beautiful like in a commercial
There's no place for my own plans
In a life beautiful like in a commercial
There's no place for my own plans
[Chorus: Katarzyna Kowalczyk]
You wanted life like from a commercial
The lector always knew how to live and where to go
The candidate says it will be normal here again
But what is this normal supposed to be, who is it for?

Two Złoty Dancing

A cursed soul, first communion
Dead people stare at me, grim reaper glances from the stained glass
The phantom has stab wounds and nails in both hands
Wound spills on a shoe, my dress is red
Or a 'Carol', a pastoral visit
Dad would leave the house and ride his Opel Vectra
The priest sips on coffee loudly and scolds me
He tells me about Satan and other important monsters from hell
Says I'll burn in hell forever if I'm not faithful
And I'll be heavily depressed until my death
Jesus died for me, and that's no small thing
Although I'm not sure why there's so many contradictions in faith
God can be anything except for second to none
He created the universe, look at all these wonderful planets
He created the man and so many various species
But he still needs a 20 from you
Interesting how greed is one of the deadly sins, right?
Where's loving your neighbor when they tell me to 'shut up', huh?
You are white, you are straight, you are straight
Don't you have anything else to be proud of, huh?
Children starve, there's not enough food on the table again
Their last supper was at the communion
Sparkling 2 złoty dance on a tray
Renovating the vicarage because not everyone is equally equal
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
My pastor was cruising on an axis with a merol car
He was so fat, I guess he didn't get the memo about fasting
He went 'vroom, vroom' in the car, playing only one radio station
Preaching about fruit somehow isn't fruitful
My pastor was cruising on an axis with a merol car
He was so fat, I guess he didn't get the memo about fasting
He went 'vroom, vroom' in the car, playing only one radio station
Preaching about fruit somehow isn't fruitful
In this building where I fight for my own soul
Expensive robes, expensive stone, expensive ore
Dear Lord if you exist you'd understand
You'd understand why I had to run away
Pastor was constantly riding the new car
I thought 'Someone up there must really like him'
Sometimes I talked to my guardian angel:
'Why do people keep stealing roses from grandpa's grave?'
Priest is talking about paranormal things
Fire in his eyes, some other boy is playing organs
I confess my sins terrified that he will tell my mom
I'm forgiven but I'm still anxious, no, no
It's not easy, it's not easy, i know that, my pulse is low
They're going to cut off my head, I'm no 'bad boy'
Just an evil boy that will end up in hell
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
Two złoty on me dancing
My pastor was cruising on an axis with a merol car
He was so fat, I guess he didn't get the memo about fasting
He went 'vroom, vroom' in the car, playing only one radio station
Preaching about fruit somehow isn't fruitful
My pastor was cruising on an axis with a merol car
He was so fat, I guess he didn't get the memo about fasting
He went 'vroom, vroom' in the car, playing only one radio station
Preaching about fruit somehow isn't fruitful

Polish Tango

Versions: #1
Back in the 90s you had no identity
West kept going forward, west had no mercy
We had to help each other to not be overrun in the race
The world of ex-enemies predicted that we'd be hungry
They winked at us to stop fasting
And we were shocked - so many new things in shops
Plastic toys, cool new porn
Paint in colors of raspberries, bananas, blueberries, and peaches!
They call them 'gray flats'? What fucking gray flats
Everything here is vibrant - Girls, guys, and yorks
Purple bruises, probably because she was being naughty
He's got kefir for men, toffee flavored well-balanced protein
My country left it's cage and now it's in shambles
My country can be run by any loser
In my country the education is uneducated
On one side a fair and on the other Europe
I'm dancing polish tango
My legs are in mud because Wisła is a swamp
Our national colors are like Santa Claus which makes sense
Because I stopped believing in Poland long ago
I'm dancing polish tango
My legs are in mud because Wisła is a swamp
Our national colors are like Santa Claus which makes sense, sense
sense, sense...
Who are you? A little Pole
What's your sign? Bag full of white
Where do you live? Under supervision
In what country? This fucked up one
What is this land? It's my sandcastle
How was it conquered? With fearmongering
Do you love it? A lot, I'm serious
And what do you believe in? I don't believe in anything
Who are you? A little Pole
My beautiful scenery is all ruined with fucking billboards
Sometimes i happen to see a familiar face on one of them
I ask them to stop but they just laugh and say
'Okay dude fucking calm down...'
The entire flat is partying in Warsaw
I'm listening to my previews, call the cops if I'm pissing you off
I can hear those sirens ringing somewhere in Muranów
Those sirens keep wailing, those sirens went crazy
I'm dancing polish tango
My legs are in mud because Wisła is a swamp
Our national colors are like Santa Claus which makes sense
Because I stopped believing in Poland long ago
I'm dancing polish tango
My legs are in mud because Wisła is a swamp
Our national colors are like Santa Claus which makes sense, sense
sense, sense...
Their main mission is to tell you that you're doing great
Only you are right, the rest of the world is living a lie
The horizon is pretty but try to look more narrow
(Look more narrow, look more narrow)
Vaccines and 5G are the enemy
Adults are educated by random Facebook pages
Your nephew is a faggot because gender is in fashion
And the most anti-polish thing is hating coal
A little coal never killed nobody
I burn the black gold with my homies
Either way - God is with us, fuck you
Say your prayers, hallelujah, and go forward bitches

When I Fall in Love

They say I cannot find a flower
and that I never have anything to give.
They say there is a nail inside my heart
and that for this reason it cannot beat.
But my guy knows that it's not true.
My guy knows that when—
when I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from him.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
It is from love that life is born
and I give my life to love.
To whomever tells me, live another day,
I tell him that—that when—
when I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from him.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from her.
When I fall in love
I give all the good
to whomever is in love with me
and there is no one
that can change me,
that can separate me from him...

How do I show my love?

How do I show my love?
How to be so close
I have thought, actually thought
Something has happened, I have never felt more clearly what I want
But there's something that bothers me about the way he touches me
He's a man, just a man
I have had so many men before, in so many ways, there is just another one
Think if I take charge, rushing, saying, 'Listen to me, I need you'
I have never felt this way before
What does it mean?
Isn't it quite silly
That I should be in this place
I am the one who has been so calm, so weak, not answering to love
She is always in full control - Ha! What a joke
I have never felt this way before
What does it mean?
But if he ever talked about love between us, it would probably scare me
I would fight
For my loneliness
I would flee and not listen
He scares me
I cannot wait
I love him so much

Nu se poate

Nu se poate! Această femeie e bună.
Nu poate fi o femeie malefică!
În privirea ei, ca o lumină unică,
am văzut că această femeie e nefericită.
Nu poate fi o sirenă vulgară,
ce mi-a înveninat orele vieții mele!
Nu se poate! Căci am văzut-o rugându-se,
căci am văzut-o dorind,
căci am văzut-o plângând.
Ochii ce plâng nu știu să mintă,
femeile rele nu arată astfel.
Tremurând în ai săi ochi, am văzut două lacrimi,
și-mi fac speranțe că ele tremură pentru mine,
că ele tremură pentru mine.
Trăiască lumina amăgirii mele!
Fii milostivă cu iubirea mea,
căci nu știu să mă prefac,
căci nu știu să tac,
căci nu știu cum să trăiesc!


All I see is what I see through the screen
People I’ve never met, but we’re still so close
Pick up the phone, point it into the distance
Then check how many hearts I just got
Don’t do much but take a photo, check in on my empire
because I need to hear everything I do is the shit
Get the right angle, not too early in the morning
Prevent the content-thirsty from dehydrating
Are you in control or are you being controlled
when the profile picture is new and yet somehow so phony?
Is this you or just the image?
(Then there’s a little something that sounds like this:)
Do we even need to go over this
the decline of the spirit, man, rowers who can’t swim
I don’t need this, rip out my spinal cord
I stare into the light until I lose consciousness
Homie rolling onto the scene like a character from Wall-E
My b-b-bionic body
Now all my secrets are just food for a program
I’ve got warts and viruses
(?) in dirty machines
wrapped in cables and wires
with everything in my hands
Are you in control or are you being controlled
when the profile picture is new and yet somehow so phony?
Is this you or just the image?
Are you in control or are you being controlled
when the profile picture is new and yet somehow so phony?
Is this you or just the image?


Grass, tall grass,
I would go home
But I cannot because I have swore
I would go home
But I cannot because I have swore.
Tall grass, green grass
I cannot go home
Grass, tall grass
I would go home
But I cannot because I have swore.
You've left the shack empty
You've left the shack empty
(A) Wrinkly, (and) covered (shack)
But it's full of poverty
But it's full of poverty
My God, what should I do?
The flowers, (are) yellow in the house
The flowers, (are) yellow in the house
Black roosters have sung, oh
The bells have trembled, oh.
The bells have trembled, oh.

A Frame of Mind

As the man I am, I dislike
More purities and feelings send
Into the ecstasy I hate
Nobody controls me
Maybe it's because nobody wants to
They watch the terror
In a maze full of gray we shall rest
Incomplete, fictive mirror
Enchanting the way, I do at my best
When a man disconnects, he will lie
A tale telling mayhem inquiries leading
The poor suckers brain
I'm one of those men
But hey then again: Who's to say
Grey is coming, a broken frame
On the cross, my mirror
Unattended my body decays
A future loss, aching nearer
Soon I'll meet the boss
It was one thing or another, I thought it was one thing or another with...
I played completely wrong, I only thought of that doll there
I think... didn't you notice how many riffs I played wrong?
Yeah, OK

Bright Future

A talk about the bright future.
Even though its a cold night you and me are here.
Let's dance a silly dance.
Please stay with me forever.
When you sleep, the night is quiet.
Im sorry, I cant tell you.
I hugged you.
A talk about the bright future.
Even though its a cold night you and me are here.
Let's dance a silly dance.
Please stay with me forever.
I spent my days and it flows.
Even if the changing city suprises you.
Let's walk side by side.
Even that would be a song.
The seasons are changing.
It's like a movie I've watched.
He laughs.
When you sleep, the night is quiet.
Im sorry, I cant tell you.
I hugged you.
A talk about the bright future.
Even though its a cold night you and me are here.
Let's dance a silly dance.
Please stay with me forever.

Sleep, Sleep, My Lullaby

We are the nomads of the distances
We are tormented, our wounds are deep
Thirsty and hungry in this wilderness
Elderlies we are, women and young.
Sleep, sleep, my little baby!
You, the patience and peace of my life
You're wilting in front of my eyes
I have no cure for you.
Like savage monsters
They attacked with Napalm
They turned spring into dark and black
They split the sweet life appart.
My daughter's life, sweet and valuable
Today, it is wasted so cheaply
Such a death is
so bitter, hard and dry.

Domino Effect

And if i'd try to explain, you will misunderstand
You'll laugh at me, put me in a asylum
Lost love
Expectations, disappointment
The bomb had to explode at someone
This is the revenge of my disaffection
and someone innocent didn't get better
Lost love
Expectations, disappointment
Domino Effect
To don't hurt you, i'd prefer to be alone
I'd know me well, i can't be
I'll spare you, i can't be
And to don't spoil what you think about me
Is better to me to shut up, vanish, let it like that
I'll spare you, i can't be
If i'd try to explain, you will misunderstand
You'll laugh at me, put me in a asylum
Lost love, expectations, disappointment
It was sure that someone was going to receive
This is the revenge of my disaffection
and someone innocent didn't get better
Lost love, expectations, disappointment
Domino Effect
To don't hurt you, i'd prefer to be alone
I'd know me well, i can't be anymore
I'll spare you, i'm leaving
And to don't spoil what you think about me
Is better to me to shut up, vanish, let it like that
I'll spare you, i can't be

Can you stop the rain

What they're calling love,
How similar it is with rain.
What they're calling rain,
How similar it is with love.
Can you stop the rain?
Can you stop loving?
Don't you be upset for nothing
Let's say goodbye to all the sadnesses
Give your hand to mine, let's sing a song together
For all the loving ones
Can you stop the rain?
Can you stop loving?

The Dark Room

From behind the wall of my fears
Laugh with me, cry with me
From behind my innocence
Dance with me, cry with me
The loneliness dances in my nightmare
The darkness laughs in my nights
From behind my silent nights
Talk to me, cry with me

One More Minute

One more minute,
If you can and if you want.
It's time to say, to say
I will miss you.
And I speak to myself,
Speaking to you,
Who remain in silence
And cry like that.
One more time,
With your eyes you give me
The courage to ask you a favor:
Don't ever hate me,
Because in a minute
Or in an hour I will be
Just a regret,
Which I will leave in you.
My love,
Still mine,
Someone knows all about us.
See your eyes into my eyes.
My love,
Still mine,
I can't, I don't want to, I know,
But I have to go, and I will,
I will.
One more minute
To believe you are mine,
You, the most beautiful thing,
You, poem.
One more minute,
One more farewell.
You feel like you are dying,
But the one who dies is me.


Maybe it's all my fault
maybe it's ours.
Maybe I overthink it
maybe I don't think enough.
Ultimately, the atmosphere is typical
in the wrong side of my memory.
I don't forget like I did back then
maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe it's different now.
Whatever, it is what it is.
Whatever, it happens somehow.
I get it, you hide from yourself
but nobody believes this.
One day you find me too interesting,
the other day, not enough.
Ultimately, it's just secondary shame
I feel the same after I leave the hair salon.
I don't love you like I did back then
maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe it's different now.
Whatever, it is what it is.
Whatever, it happens somehow.
(Whatever, it is what it is.)
(Whatever, it happens somehow.)
Whatever, it is what it is.
Whatever, it happens somehow.

Come to me

Believe in miracles
Strange things call near me all the time
There are coincidences
I tried to ignore
but it keeps coming back to me
When I opened the door
God only knows
what I found there
Come to me
If the wind caressed me like that
it's a sign that you're here now
above me
It's been years that I'm imagining you
talking to me
If I had known why I came
I wouldn't have come
I never understood
I only knew that I was attracted
and I knew
that there is something intentional there
Believe in words
Things that they say
and suddenly they call
Doesn't seem strange to me
Look between men
It's hard to explain
it's feels sometimes
that we were already here
So I opened the door
God only knows
what I found there
Come to me
If the wind caressed me like that
it's a sign that you're here now
above me
It's been years that I'm imagining you
talking to me
Come to me
If the wind caressed me like that
it's a sign that you're here now
above me
It's been years that I'm imagining you
talking to me
If I had known why I came
I wouldn't have come
I never understood
I only knew that I was attracted
and I knew
that there is something intentional there
If I had known why I came
I wouldn't have come
I never understood
I only knew that I was attracted
and I knew that there is something intentional there


I want to seduce you without saying
There’s nothing else I can do
This is not something like an cosual encounter
Catching a taxi
Let’s go somewhere right now in secret (secret)
I want to get out of this party with you
What do you want to do after that?
You can’t pass me by
Can’t hold back now, no need to hesitate
Poisonous love
Get faster than ever
I want to take you exclusively
Just answer no matter
I want to seduce you without saying
Way too exclusive
Way too exclusive
Way too exclusive
Way too exclusive
Softly whisper
Say you can’t do it without me anymore
In the taxi we caught
want to go check the whereabouts of love
Not saying anything while staring at each other
Words aren’t necessary
You can’t pass me by
There is nothing to fear if I’m with you
Dizzy love
Get faster than ever
I want to take you exclusively
Just answer no matter
I want to seduce you without saying
Way too exclusive
Way too exclusive
Way too exclusive
Way too exclusive
I can see it in your eyes
Can’t deny it
We’re having good vibes
There’s nothing else
We can make it right
Guiding each other like destiny
Get faster than ever
I want to steal you exclusively
Just answer no matter (Oh, no. No matter)
I want to steal you exclusively
Get faster than ever (Way too exclusive)
I want to seduce you without saying
Just answer no matter, I want to seduce you without saying

Trebuie sa fiu sigura

Ma tot intrebi
De ce nu putem fii impreuna?
Eu tot spun 'De ce nu astepti putin timp?'
Ce este cu toata graba
Am crezut ca avem timp
Am nevoie de timp pentru a ma decide
Eu nu cer o iubire sa dureze o vesnicie
Nu ma astept sa primesc o garantie
E doar ca eu cred
Iubitii ar trebui sa fiu impreuna
Eu doar spun sa ma astepti
Refren: Trebuie sa fiu
Trebuie sa fiu sigura
Trebuie sa fiu asa de sigura
Am avut partea mea
De inimi frante
Si nu vreau sa mai trec prin asta
Am niste prieteni care spun
Toti baietii sunt la fel
Ei doar cauta
O singura chestie
Eu doar sper ca
Tu sa nu ajungi asa
Am nevoie de timp pana cand ma decid
Am fost ranita in iubire inainte
Dar inca ma intorc pentru mai mult
Am fost asa de fraiera, nu puteam sa ma opresc
Daca crezi in mine,
Daca vrei sa existe un noi
Stiu ca ma vei astepta, oh oh oh oh
Refren: Trebuie sa fiu
Trebuie sa fiu sigura
Trebuie sa fiu asa de sigura
Am avut partea mea
De inimi frante
Si nu vreau sa mai trec prin asta
Eu nu cer o iubire sa dureze o vesnicie
Nu ma astept sa primesc o garantie
E doar ca eu cred
Iubitii ar trebui sa fiu impreuna
Eu doar spun sa ma astepti
Refren: Trebuie sa fiu
Trebuie sa fiu sigura
Trebuie sa fiu asa de sigura
Am avut partea mea
De inimi frante
Si nu vreau sa mai trec prin asta

In my own world

All the cats, would live in roofed and windowed houses
And wear clothing with beautiful little patterns
In my own world
All the flowers, would be even more showy in the garden
They would talk to me every day
If I asked them, in my own world
Birdsong, greeting happily from where they are sitting in the branches
But it sounds more like giggling
There, in the world that belongs to me
Sweet music is rippled by streams
Which, sometimes, I can even understand
And I hope my world will look just like that
And it is a Wonderland

Start over again

Too many lights
Few stars
In a sky of questions
To have a big heart
We're sailors
Unarmed heroes
We're satellites.
Of a forgotten planet
We're incredible stories
Children on the street
They shout that it's spring
You who despite everything
Feel like
To start over again
And we will be the miracle
That no one expected
Drop by drop ocean
A tear that cures
You will remember
This moment
We've never been so alive
And we will be the miracle
That no one expected
That no one expected
Do you remember those buildings
When we were kids?
We thought they were monsters
That's what fear does.
In your eyes wonder
Like a first love
You who despite everything
Feel like
To start over again
And we will be the miracle
That no one expected
Drop by drop ocean
A tear that cures
You will remember
This moment
We've never been so alive
And we will be the miracle
That no one expected
We never get tired
Of one life
To fall better and then
Start again
And we will be the miracle
That no one expected
Drop by drop ocean
A tear that cures
You will remember
This moment
We've never been so alive
And we will be the miracle
That no one expected

Ballad of A Poor Beggar

This is a story of a poor beggar
Who almost left the world
On the side of the street
Her stomach aching of hunger
Then she heard a miserable cry
A little child whom she carried around
Who never knew his own father
But only one mother’s love
Day and night, she spent begging
For the sake of love to her only child
As she is facing her end
She prayed to the only One God
Asking willingly to bestow His mercy
To the child she left behind
As she could not bear the suffering
The beggar passed away in this world
Along with the loud crying of her poor child
No kind person wanted to help them
Oh, pity those who shall help them!
Loving people, lend them a hand!


The breath that now buried under the snow
It was grey
I avoid swinging to those boring feelings
and was wiping them out
The image of you is now hazy in my head
I fixed that
The voice that I’m spitting out
clogged my throat one day
'It's a promise' 'One of these days'
or something like that, I was dodging it
The sound of you that I've buried inside
stings me who is unable to sleep at dawn
I suffered an unexpected defeat from a childish love
One by one it will blur
I’ve grown to wish for the end of the world once again
surely, surely, surely,
Just kill me
Despite there's no table of contents nor an afterword
I removed the bookmark
The fist that I clenched
wriggled like that of a heart
The reason I was agitated at that time was all because of you
It’s just still the same, a completely ordinary sunset
As if it’s mocking me,
the setting sun that continues to shine won’t fall
It illuminated our worried face
More, properly, burn it into memory
I became an imperfect circle and unable to move forward
I want to talk more, I want to stay at loss
Even if I can’t forgive today that has no choice but to make me exhausted again
Please, please
Don’t look away from me
How much more
days that I have to use up
Pretending to be disappointed
I don’t need anything
Your words
annoyed me
Don’t call my name
Now, don’t leave me behind

Copilul meu

Chiar dacă tu vezi lumea
Diferit față de mine,
Uneori pot să abordez
Minunile pe care le vezi.
Și toate noile culori
Și imagini desenate de tine.
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
N-ai nevoie de îndrumări,
Și pe unde să apuci,
Și nu vreau să te țin în loc,
Vreau numai să te văd crescând.
Da, tu ești cel care m-a învățat
Că nu trebuie să privești în urmă.
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Nimeni nu-ți va ucide visele
Sau să-ți spună cum să-ți trăiești viața,
Dar mereu vor fi oameni
Ce ți-o vor face grea o vreme.
Dar le vei schimba gândirea,
Când îți vor vedea zâmbetul.
Timpurile în care te-ai născut
Poate că nu sunt cele mai bune
(Dar știu că sunt)
Poți face timpurile ce vor veni
Mai bune decât celelalte.
Știu că vei fi cinstit,
Dacă n-o să poți fi mereu amabil.
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.

2 Copii

Cu cât respir mai mult, cu atât doare mai tare
Lasă-mă singur, lasă-mă singur
Ca să-mi fie dor de tine chiar și în regret
Lasă-mă singur
Nu știam că va fi ultimul nostru adio
Și până la sfârșit, am vrut să fiu cel care câștigă
Privind în urmă, n-a fost nimic
Dar de ce nu am putut să-mi las mândria deoparte?
Eram doar 2 copii prea tineri și prostuţi
Cu inimi tinere, prostuţe și stângace
În această zi extrem de tristă, vreau să ne îmbrățișez
Pe noi, pe noi
Îmi doream să mă îmbrățișezi, dar doar te îndepărtam și mai mult
''Îmi pare rău'' a fost un cuvânt atât de greu de spus Uhm
2 copii prea tineri și prostuţi
Dacă am fi îndurat puțin mai mult, totul ar fi diferit?
Tu și eu
Nimic nu a mers așa cum mi-am dorit
Despărţirea a rămas gravată profund în mine
Eram într-un ciclu continuu de argumente și regrete ca doi nebuni
Uneori îmi amintesc de acele zile care au trecut
Despărţirea noastră nu ar fi putut fi mai rea
Dar cred că a fost frumos la început
Toate cicatricile și urmele pe care mi le-ai lăsat
Au fost dragoste și încă sunt
Eram doar 2 copii prea tineri și prostuţi
Cu inimi tinere, prostuţe și stângace
În această zi extrem de tristă, vreau să ne îmbrățișez
Pe noi, pe noi
Îmi doream să mă îmbrățișezi, dar doar te îndepărtam și mai mult
''Îmi pare rău'' a fost un cuvânt atât de greu de spus Uhm
2 copii prea tineri și prostuţi
Dacă am fi îndurat puțin mai mult, totul ar fi diferit?
Eram prea tineri și prostuţi
Sărut fiecare amintire pe care am avut-o, una câte una
Eram prea tineri și prostuţi
Prea tineri și prostuţi
Tu și eu eram doar 2 copii prea tineri și prostuţi
Cu inimi tinere, prostuţe și stângace
În această zi extrem de tristă, vreau să ne îmbrățișez
Pe noi, pe noi
Îmi doream să mă îmbrățișezi, dar doar te îndepărtam și mai mult
Să spun cuvintele ''Te iubesc'' a fost atât de greu Uhm
2 copii prea tineri și prostuţi
Va trebui să trăim momentul și să fim uitați
Tu și eu

RV 644 4. Recitative: My commander, my Lord.

My commander, my Lord…
What do you want?
I come as messenger of your happiness.
What good news do you bring?
Nothing but a great addition to your glory,
and, truly, a sweet portent to your eyes.

Veșnicu-ți înger

Te-am văzut căzând
Timp de-atâta timp
Si aș fi vrut să fac  mai multe decât am făcut
Sper c-ai găsit lumina
Pe noul drum început
Ochii de-i închizi
Aproape-ai să mă vezi
Ori sufletu-ți senin va sparge cerul înnorat
Ori tot ce crezi va fi de îndoieli îngenuncheat
E ok
Nu te-ndoi,
nu te clinti
Dacă știi să fii ceea ce ești
Nu te poți rătăci
Când bezna grea
Te- o-mpresura
Sapă ți în adânc  suflet și mă vei vedea
Veșnicu ți Înger
Nu doar părul alb
Face-un om înțelept
Vor fi clipe când toată lumea ta s-o nărui
Si doar predandui te Lui  Harul îl vei simți
E ok
Nu te-ndoi,
nu te clinti
Dacă știi să fii ceea ce ești
Nu te poți rătăci
Când bezna grea
Te- o-mpresura
Sapă ți  adânc în suflet și mă vei vedea
Veșnicu-ți Înger
În orice rugă eu
Voi fi cu tine
Nu te-ndoi,
nu te clinti
Dacă știi să fii ceea ce ești
Nu te poți rătăci
Când bezna grea
Te- o-mpresura
Sapă ți  adânc în suflet și mă vei vedea
Veșnicu-ți Înger (x 3)

The eternel feminin

In my filthy basement
Where my stoves burn
Where the damned souls
Grill from bottom up
Look who's here.
Who's fanning the flames?
Ruling over the Underworld,
The Devil is a woman!
No wonder, right?
From brunettes to blondes
Through them came
All the woes of the world!
The Devil is a woman
And you suspected as much:
A woman's place,
Shouldn't it be in at home?
On my charred bed
Lascivious and so cruel
How to invoke me
Do I need to be called?
My devils and my men
And God himself in person
Just keep calling me:
'Mistress. »
For so many prophets,
Righteous scholars
The equation makes sense,
That's proof in two!
It has been proclaimed so much
In a wonderful tone:
The devil is a woman,
Women are the devil!
And whether they are victims
Or whether they're accomplices
Of their males and sons
And their evil deeds,
Just go for the first punch,
Common Taliban
On those beloved demons
Cause they need to be silenced!
On my charred bed
Lascivious and so cruel
Gentlemen, come help me
To take off my laces
In your burning emotions
As I shall command
Come on, call me:
Whoever the brigand is,
There's corrupting
Awareness of power
Sleeping between her thighs.
Who's whispering orders
And the dire advices?
You, my sisters, the tarts,
The whores and the pests!
Behind every bloke
Without faith, law or soul
If you're looking for the devil,
You'll find the woman:
The wench, the betrayer,
The bitch, the witch
Borgia's daughter
And Hitler's mommie
On my charred bed
Lascivious and so cruel
I'm waiting for you, now come on:
My lovely damsels
May your last word
That life gives up
Be in a jolt:
In the meantime I'm counting
Your crimes and your baseness
All your pious lies
And your affairs of the buttocks
I encourage vice,
I cause wars
I rule the world
And God lettin' me!
Because God doesn't care
Of your little torments
With his white angels
In its white firmament
God is so beautiful,
She's a generous woman!
But don't trust her,
She's just a tease!
On my charred bed
Lascivious and so cruel
To celebrate your sins
I answer the call
And to get me to come
In a voice that shivers
Just have to say again:
'Mistress. »

2 Kids

Even if it hurts whenever you breathe in
Leave me alone, let me be alone.
Just to miss you even in regret,
Leave me alone.
Not knowing it was our last time
I tried to argue with you till the end
Now, when I take a  look back, it was nothing
Why couldn’t I put my ego aside.
We were just 2 kids too young and dumb
Young, dumb and clumsy hearts
Hold them tight on that particularly sad day
You and I you and I...
Wishing you would hold me but I pushed you
Saying the words “I’m sorry” was Uhm
2 kids too young and dumb.
If I endured everything, would it be different?
You and I...
For everything that haven’t worked out as I wished
I deeply carve them as the reasons for the breakup.
We were in a loop of arguing and regretting like crazy
Sometimes I recall those bygone days.
A breakup that couldn’t get any worse
But I think it was beautiful in the beginning
All the scars and traces you left on me
They were love, and still are now...
We were just 2 kids too young and dumb
Young, dumb and clumsy hearts
Hold them tight on that particularly sad day
You and I you and I
Wishing you would hold me but I pushed you
Saying the words “I’m sorry” was Uhm
2 kids too young and dumb
If I endured everything, would it be different?
We were Just too
We were just too young
We were just too young and dumb
We were just too young and dumb
I kiss every memory one by one
We were just too young and dumb
Just too young and dumb
We were just 2 kids too young and dumb
Young, dumb and clumsy hearts
Hold them tight On that particularly sad day
You and I you and I
Wishing you would hug me but I pushed you
Saying the words “I love you” was Uhm
2 kids too young and dumb
We will have to live through the time, and be forgotten
You and I

Amber colored memories

The spirits of a small wind
Blow through the door of time
Among the noise of the trees
A green sprout is born
Though you're not here
On the little road where we walked
The warmth won't change
The distant days invite my heart
If I close my eyes in the nostalgic voice of the wind
Lovely amber colored memories wave their hands
The small room where the setting sun shines
You having a nap by my side
Time playing with the shadows
Those were your favorite afternoons
If in that time we could
Depart together to the future
I wouldn't keep saving
This loneliness in my chest
Though we fade the color with time in the album
Lovely amber colored memories are forever
If I close my eyes in the nostalgic voice of the wind
Lovely amber colored memories wave their hands


There's not a single answer
Every day is fresh
A white zigzag road
Continues in the distance
If that day I hesitate and give up
And pick another way of living
How would I be now?
What kind of dreams I'd have?
I'm a sunflower puffed up with pride
Bathing in the down-pouring sunlight
For nodding to the blue sky
I smiled clearly
The wind crosses the summer prairie
Shadows of clouds flow
I'm erasing the yesterday
When I stumbled and mourned
But I can't move forward tying to my heart
Only inoffensive things
The horizon spreads endlessly
How small I am
I'm a sunflower standing tiptoe
If I stretch my hands I seem to reach
I keep looking to the high sky
Someday I'll reach it
But I can't move forward tying to my heart
Only inoffensive things
The horizon spreads endlessly
How small I am
I'm a sunflower standing tiptoe
If I stretch my hands I seem to reach
I keep looking to the high sky
Someday I'll reach it
I'm a sunflower puffed up with pride
Bathing in the down-pouring sunlight
For nodding to the blue sky
I smiled clearly

Prea mult stat cu mintea-n Rai

Gândesc mai clar acum
Și limpede-n gând
Pot vedea unde-om fi toți curând
Dacă desparți un om de mit judecând
Poți vedea unde-om fi toți curând
Ai început sa crezi
mitul din jurul tău
Ai început sa crezi
Că ai fi Dumnezeu
Contează mult mai mult
Dacă vorbești sau taci
Și nu-s prea mulți atenți
La binele ce-l faci!
Vezi Iisuse, eu nu vorbesc la munți
Tot ce-ți cer e un pic să m-asculți
Tine minte... Eu unul niciodată n-am mințit
A-nceput iar nebunia
Cu toții cred ca ești Mesia
Dar când și-or da seama c-au greșit...
Eu țin minte când la drum am pornit
Nu erai Domn, erai un om obișnuit
Crede-mă ca
Te-admir la fel de mult Ca-n prima zi
Dar tot ce-ai făcut și rostit
Se-ntoarce răs-răstălmăcit
Și până-și dau seama c-au greșit...
Nazaret, fiul tău clar
Mai bine era tâmplar
Ca tac-su, priceput și
Scaun, masă, cufărel,
Asta-i viața, Iisusel
Stai acasă la cioplit
Nu fi tâmpit!
Vezi Iisuse,dacă-ți pasă de noi
Tre'să stăm frumos pe locul doi
Că pe primul loc
e Roma si cu ăștia nu- i de joc
Te-nconjori de săraci cu duhu'
Printre ei ți se duce buhu'
Și mi-e ca ajunge mult prea sus
Mult prea sus
Vezi Iisuse câtă grijă
îți port, cred că nici tu nu te vezi mâine mort
Dar e trist să văd că timpul trece parcă fără rost
Ăștia parcă s-au stricat
Numa' Rai mai au în cap
A fost frumos cât a fost dar gata, a fost cât a fost
Vezi Iisuse câtă grijă îți port, cred că nici tu nu te vrei mâine mort
Deci haide, haide, fă bine și-ascultă-mă
Haide, haide, ascultă-mă, haide ascultă-mă, ascultă-mă, fă bine și-ascultă-mă!