Rezultatele căutării pagină 41
Număr de rezultate: 2207
Acum începe viața
Acum începe viața
Doar acum când te-am cunoscut
Fiecare zi va fi pentru amândoi
Ceva nou de trăit împreună
Sigur merita
De așteptat o așa dragoste
Ieri doar, nu știam cine ai fi fost tu
Și acum însă, te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc
Acum începe viața
Doar acum și o trăiesc cu tine
Fiecare zi va fi pentru amândoi
Ceva nou de trăit împreună
Sigur merita
De așteptat o așa dragoste
Ieri doar, nu știam cine erai tu
ȘI acum însă te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc
Acum începe viața
Doar acum și o trăiesc cu tine, cu tine, cu tine
Autumn: A year an hour a minute / Someone like me / Once I'll leave
A year full of days,
A day full of hours,
An hour full of minutes,
And a minute
Has already passed.
A world full of people,
People full of stories,
Stories full of time,
And time
Has already passed.
And just one moment is mine
And I'm just one moment
And in that moment, I can see the sky
And then, when that moment is gone,
I'm already someone else.
~ ~ ~
Someone like me
Has no illusions:
He reads words
Inside walls.
Someone like me
Sane in his temples
Has a pain closed up
In his shoulders.
Someone like me,
The Sun's comrade,
Dreams inside the darkness
Of the night.
Someone like me,
Doesn't have a banner,
And doesn't want any masters
To obey.
Someone like you,
Warms my heart,
And she becomes
My master.
~ ~ ~
My love,
I'm not leaving even though I'm telling you goodbye.
Once I'll leave,
I'll take you with me,
Like a golden amulet
You always wear.
Once I'll leave,
You tell me 'til we meet again',
Wave goodbye with a smile
That lightens up your face.
I'll be back each time
You'll feel alone
I'll be back each time
Your heart aches.
Once I'll leave,
Give my name to a cat
And pet him always
With your lazy hands.
Summer: The adventure / Don't say you love me / And I fall in love still / Wait for me / My wrongful love / I love you more
It will be forever, as long as it lasts,
This beautiful adventure.
In your eyes and hands,
The tenderness of tomorrow.
It will be forever, the fear
That each time an adventure
Holds its own ending,
Holds another beginning.
It will be forever, just a day
A day you can remember
Like the birth of a flower
That comes with the Spring.
~ ~ ~
Don't say you love me
Don't ever say it.
The things you don't say
Grow hidden like that,
In your heart.
Love is a strange flower
That blooms in silence
And has a light scent
That can only be noticed by
Those who know how to love.
No one knows
Why you love me so
And I have to tell you,
I don't know it either.
~ ~ ~
When I wake up,
And it's raining outside,
But it's warm inside,
And you're here.
I look at you, you're always
The same as before,
Time has forgotten about you.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
Time passes by
Even at night
Time is all I have
When I look at you, while you're sleeping
It seems
That time never passes.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
When I look at you, I feel like laughing,
When I look at you, I feel like crying,
When I look at you, I feel like living,
Living as I wish.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
And I fall in love with you still,
And I fall in love with you still.
~ ~ ~
Wait for me.
If I don't see you, then wait for me
I'm never far, look for me
I'm lost if you lose me.
Wait for me,
The evening is coming, wait for me.
I can't be alone, hold me
By the hand, like this,
So I won't get lost.
Embrace me,
Or else the music will stop.
Let's go in your dreams,
Kill me:
I can't live if I don't have you, anyway.
~ ~ ~
My wrongful love
Doesn't resemble me,
How wonderful.
My wrongful love
Never agrees
With what I say.
My stubborn love
Always tells me yes.
If only it would change its mind, for once!
And I walk on a wire,
So unlikely,
In her hands.
And selfishness, how wonderful
If the world is in ruins
After all, to me,
You're the world.
~ ~ ~
I love you
Than you love me.
But you,
I know,
Don't want to think about it.
To you,
Life is simple and endless.
To you, love
Doesn't need the lies I tell.
But the lies I make up
Are the truth,
The only truth
That gives me peace.
Me or the world
Open the curtains and wake up to the shame
Apocalypse couldn't have happend today
I regret that I told [you]
About my tendencies to this particular problem
In the mornings like these, when the head doesn't want stay together
I'm scared which one is going to go insane first
Me or the world
And on the days like these I wouldn't want to be awake
Cradled on your lap with a permission to cry
Me or the world
Me or the world
Me or the world
In my opinion, other people are the biggest reason for when
I start to act inappropriately
It could be that I don't see any fault in myself
When the circle of drama starts to fascinate
In the mornings like these, when the head doesn't want stay together
I'm scared which one is going to go insane first
Me or the world
And on the days like these I wouldn't want to be awake
Cradled on your lap with a permission to cry
Me or the world
Me or the world
Me or the world
What if I'm not the only one after all
Is this what you're thinking about again
Who was it that said that
In the mornings like these, when the head doesn't want stay together
I'm scared which one is going to go insane first
Me or the world
And on the days like these I wouldn't want to be awake
Cradled on your lap with a permission to cry
Me or the world
Me or the world
Me or the world
For Tomorrow...
Thank you, I don't care
I'm used to shogging
The kind smile
Above all, it hits my chest
A little more
I want to stay like this
The announcement of the last train
Separate us
To the busyness of every day
I was about to lose
Gently feel
For example, it becomes a piece of white snow
Let's watch over you from the distant sky
Never melt
I'm sure it will come down as many as the number of love
Someday by chance
I wish I could meet you
Until then, maybe a cold
Don't get caught, be fine
The new season
I'm coming around
My feelings are always
For example, it becomes a light red flower
Wrap you with a light scent
Never wither
I'm sure it will bloom in the sunlight of love
Feel by your side no matter where you are in the world
I will never forget that gentle voice
For example, it becomes a piece of white snow
Let's watch over you from the distant sky
Never melt
I'm sure it will come down as many as the number of love
For example, it becomes a light red flower
Wrap you with a light scent
Never wither
I'm sure it will bloom in the sunlight of love
Dear mother is asking her son
Dear mother is asking her son: why are you saddling the horse?
Why are you saddling the horse and putting the golden rings on it?
Will you be riding to the maiden to propose to her?
To propose to her on the forthcoming autumn?
- Dear mother, I will not be riding to propose.
I will go to another faraway place, far in the foreign land
I will be riding to the land of Turks, to fight with them
POL Smoke
I tell them arrivederci
I think about the times when I wasn't afraid of death (block block)
I drank, I smoked these hundreds - year after year
You don't pretend to be Greek here (you were there with me)*
In Wola they sprinkled me a feta
Foam on the face, I spit that foam on the sweater
The goods were selling by themselves, cousin, marketing was irrelevant to them
I was just a kid, money from my grandfather for drugs
(I'm ashamed)
Basically everyone has a secret
Not everyone puts it in the verse
Every new bang is 'ykhh, ekhh'
Karma returns like GetBack
Karma returns like a comet
Karma in the face like an airbag
Grim Reaper will ask about me (what?)
He shoot me down, bang bang
My dealer was Grzesiek
He writes, that there is a drought in the city
-I can't give you much
He says triple-perfect
Act: Wiatraczna roundabout
White day, five pm
Language school, speak up!
Everything irie, wagwan
I smoke drugs on the roof of Blue City
We smoke half spliffs here
Drug click-clak
Loading the cartridge into the fifa
I liked weed, when I didn't have it, I used to be hyperactive
Thank God - I threw these blunts before I got the hay of music, I would lose everything
I tell them arrivederci
I think about the times when I wasn't afraid of death (block block)
I drank, I smoked these hundreds - year after year
You don't pretend to be Greek here (you were there with me)
In Wola they sprinkled me a feta
Foam on the face, I spit that foam on the sweater
The goods were selling by themselves, cousin, marketing was irrelevant to them
I was just a kid, money from my grandfather for drugs
(I'm ashamed)
New year, new mill
I make pop, I make smoke
Rest In Peace Pop Smoke
I make the sauce, I lead the way
No, I don't care about gossip
Who and what does with whom
My nights are getting weirder and weirder
I wake her up, make a drink
I still remember how the police searched me in 09
Yesterday they would have found at least three
Today it's just a foil
It's a weird option that any face that has a wardrobe is hiding it
She burned the commodity, and her ambition burned out with the commodity
Today, the levels are divided into clicks according to this specificity
Who likes to smell, who likes to smoke, who likes to drink more
The sober are sitting in the square, they are incompatible
I know ex junkies who play body building out of boredom
I was in the first, second, third group
But not the fourth (never the fourth)
You don't want a white lump
You are blacklisted (blacklisted)
Would you like to join the club, you are not on the list of any
And if you don't want to drink vodka
See, you're gone even more
I say arrivederci
I say arrivederci
Fiecare minut
Shawn: Care-i treaba cu gagica?
Mr. Busta: Nu știu
Shawn: Ce este
Mr. Busta: Tu ce ai?
Shawn: Păi eu deja serios spun că câteodată îmi arunc de ea creierii
Mr. Busta: Nu acolo mergi?
Shawn: Acolo merg, dar nu știu încă cum va fi sfârșitul.
Mr. Busta: Păi frate, eu deja nu mai pot cu ăștia, cu toții pentru aceea se jură. Sau nu?
Shawn: Este frustrant, serios... ar putea fi frumos...
Ms. Busta: Ar putea fi altfel...
Max: Ar putea fi frumos și ar putea fi altfel
Refren ( Max)
Ar putea fi frumos și ar putea fi altfel
Poate că lângă ea te regăsești
Pentru ceea ce este la fel de bun pentru tine
La fel de bun... uwoho
Shawn flow, aici nu-mi mai trebuie acum altceva, hai cu mine Iubito, să-ți arăt dansul
Știu că doar o noapte a fost, dar luna chiar a strălucit deasupra noastră
'Cine este această gagică?!' Porturile vizionează numai atunci când:
Intri în mașină, invidia lumii ...
Eu doar ascult rapul,
dar jur ca nu am vazut nimic mai frumos decat tine!
Nici jumătate din ce ai auzit despre mine nu este adevărat, dar nu spune că nu ți-am spus, eu nu sunt asul
Dar trec prin zid pentru că:
Oricum, al meu va fi cea pe care o doresc cu adevărat!
Pentru tine cântă muzica, pentru tine mă cheamă inima
Pentru tine îmi sună vocea, pentru tine plânge chitara
Fiecare minut va fi fericit, sfârșitul te îmbrățișează din nou
Refren ( Max)
Ar putea fi frumos și ar putea fi altfel
Poate că lângă ea te regăsești
Pentru ceea ce este la fel de bun pentru tine
La fel de bun... uwoho
Refren ( Max)
Ar putea fi frumos și ar putea fi altfel
Poate că lângă ea te regăsești
Pentru ceea ce este la fel de bun pentru tine
La fel de bun... oho
Mr. Busta
Nu înțeleg eu într-adevăr, de ce este aia:
Că doar gura ți-a fost mare, dar ți-a zburat
Că dacă a apărut o problemă, am rezolvat-o, iar dacă te-aș fi vrut, mereu acolo ai fost!
Și aia ai uitat,că trăiesc altfel pentru că știi tu, este o altă viață!
Dar am adus cuțitul și toate în pat, așa frumoasă femeie, știi că niciodată n-am văzut
Eu dacă e vreo problemă, mereu poți să-mi spui
Pentru că eu vreau să văd ziua de mâine
Pentru că viața e o luptă... nu un joc!
Și opusul nu poate sta între noi.
Pentru că toată lumea privește lumea altfel
iar gura ta îmi face sărutul să se simtă altfel
Pentru că noi doi putem fi cei mai buni
apoi aruncă un sms dacă te-ai prins! Oh bine
Pentru tine cântă muzica, pentru tine mă cheamă inima
Pentru tine îmi sună vocea, pentru tine plânge chitara
Fiecare minut va fi fericit, sfârșitul te îmbrățișează din nou
Refren ( Max)
Ar putea fi frumos și ar putea fi altfel
Poate că lângă ea te regăsești
Pentru ceea ce este la fel de bun pentru tine
La fel de bun... uwoho
Refren ( Max)
Ar putea fi frumos și ar putea fi altfel
Poate că lângă ea te regăsești
Pentru ceea ce este la fel de bun pentru tine
La fel de bun... uwoho
Lumea nu este desene animate, dar eu așa mi-o trăiesc,pentru că tu mi-ai salvat viața
Dacă mai căuta din nou, mă voi pierde pe plajă și dacă mă vei întreba: Mulțumesc,eu voi fi bine
În memoria mea trăiește acel zâmbet din acel minut inima mea a devenit prizonieră
Dacă mi-e dor de tine mai târziu, anunță-mă
pentru că ai un loc lângă mine (Sigur)
Tu nu te gândi, eu fac banii, chiar și eu mă scarpinez în cap și tu împarți mintea
Aveam probleme și acum strălucește soarele, dar poți conta oricând pe mine, cred că această este ziua
Pentru tine cântă muzica, pentru tine mă cheamă inima
Pentru tine îmi sună vocea, pentru tine plânge chitara
Fiecare minut va fi fericit, sfârșitul te îmbrățișează din nou
Refren ( Max)
Ar putea fi frumos și ar putea fi altfel
Poate că lângă ea te regăsești
Pentru ceea ce este la fel de bun pentru tine
La fel de bun... oho
Refren ( Max)
Ar putea fi frumos și ar putea fi altfel
Poate că lângă ea te regăsești
Pentru ceea ce este la fel de bun pentru tine
La fel de bun... oho
Să reîncepem
În acei ochi ai tăi făcuți din gheață
am redescoperit a mea față,
un pic fetiță, un pic tirană,
marionetă fără mamă.
M-am îndreptat către-o visare,
rătăcind fără implicare,
cârmind adesea după vânt,
fără motiv și simțământ.
Și câteodată, din exagerare,
mi-am asumat riscul de-a greși,
e o ruletă viața asta a mea.
Așteaptă un pic, n-am terminat,
vreau numai să-ți reamintesc
și dacă-i cazul, să te implici
ca să reîncepem.
Am călcat în picioare speranța
și câteodată, conștiința,
luând cu împrumut iubirea ta,
ca un clovn căruia-i lipsește inima.
Orbită de mândrie la preț redus,
plină de neant specia mea,
îți vând mereu cu pudoare
acest trup al meu ce știe să ofere.
Agăț iluziile de un cui,
a venit ora de schimbare,
un străin fără de nume
și-atâtea lucruri spre învățare.
Pune-ți costumul, pe cel just,
de vrei să-ncerci cu mai mult gust
să reîncepem.
Tandră și eternă e acestă poveste
a unui general fără glorie,
ce scuipă sentințe, masochist,
cu defectul unui artist.
Inimă îmbrăcată-n soldatul
acestui război făcut în tranșe,
întinzând mâna spre cucerire
pe un drum fără de oprire.
Aș vrea să știu ce sex
au toate aceste idei ale mele,
ca să aibă cadența pasului tău,
cu tine poate-aș reuși.
Dacă te rănesc, ai răbdare,
hai să-ncercăm, din consecvență,
să reîncepem.
Pentru sufletul meu am un suspect,
între dezamăgiri și oase rupte,
vino să vezi că sfârșesc
drept hrană pentru vreun sfânt dement.
Pentru mine, care mă joc cu viața,
prezența ta îmi e răsplata,
fereastra deschisă peste un vis
pe care nu l-am uitat nicicând.
Aș putea chiar să plâng, dacă asta ajută,
nu sunt telecomandată.
Nu pleca, pentru că te simt,
în fond tu ești piratul meu,
dar de astă dată pun pariu,
noi doi firește că mergem
să reîncepem.
Să reîncepem, să reîncepem,
să reîncepem, să reîncepem...
At night time
Versions: #1
If it’s the day time I forget about you
I only curse at you at night
And when the dawn is finally here
There’s not a thing around me in sight
At night you seem to me just so immense
In vain I’m trying to get a grasp on you
But you enjoy tormenting me again
At night again you drive me mad
At night time
It drives me mad, it drives me mad
And then your voice cuts right through the darkness
Where to look for you I don't know
I see you and hope’s coming back to me
I am still very much in love with you
Then for a moment you reappear
You’re calling me and stretching out your arms
But then my blood turns into ice water
As you’re walking away and laughing
At night time
It drives me mad, it drives me mad
The day light’s bright and peaceful all around
And that vision of you goes away
I ‘m glad that you’ve found another
That other one who drives me so mad
At night time
It drives me mad, it drives me mad
În această junglă de beton fără culoare
Eu sunt singura care strălucește
Pe strada asta, atrag toate privirile
Într-o clipă
Mai puternic decât soarele
Toată lumea este uimită de strălucirea mea
O lebădă inocentă și pură?
Nu te aștepta la asta de la mine
Bună prietene, da, un moment
Vreau o inimă mai cinstită
În cele din urmă, și tu te îndrăgostești
Și începi să devii și mai curios
O nebună îndrăgostită, băiete
Ca un flamingo, zboară lala
Ești special și diferit
Ca un flamingo, și eu sunt specială
Ca un flamingo, ceva în mine este diferit
Ca un flamingo zboară lala
Ești atât de special, special dragostea mea
Mă faci să-mi pierd mințile, ești la un alt nivel
În mod clar e o atracție
Cu propria ta culoare mă pictezi
Nu pot să înțeleg, o iau razna
Toate astea mi se întâmplă din cauza ta
Mi-ai furat complet inima
Sunt domnişoara ta trimisă de Dumnezeu
Zboară în inima mea, oh, doamne
Nu spune cuvinte banale, arată-mi inima ta
Vreau o dragoste grozavă
Mă ţin strâns de această tensiune
Dar aș putea să te părăsesc și să plec departe
Deci nu încerca să mă prinzi și să mă pui
Într-o cușcă sufocantă pentru păsări
Priveşte-mă, eu doar sunt eu însumi, băiete
Ca un flamingo, zboară lala
Ești special și diferit
Ca un flamingo, și eu sunt specială
Ca un flamingo, ceva în mine este diferit
Ca un flamingo, zboară lala
Ești special și diferit
Ca un flamingo, și eu sunt specială
Ca un flamingo, ceva în mine este diferit
Ca un flamingo, zboară lala
În brațele tale
Într-un loc înalt
În brațele tale
Într-un loc înalt
În brațele tale
Ca un flamingo, zboară lala
Spune-mi că nu este doar un sentiment de moment
Eu vreau o iubire adevărată
Chiar și după un timp, voi fi aici
Așa că nu te grăbi
Nu încerca să mă prinzi și să mă pui
Într-o cușcă sufocantă pentru păsări
Priveşte-mă, eu doar sunt eu însumi, băiete
Ca un flamingo, zboară lala
Ești special și diferit
Ca un flamingo, și eu sunt specială
Ca un flamingo, ceva în mine este diferit
Ca un flamingo, zboară lala
Ești special și diferit
Ca un flamingo, și eu sunt specială
Ca un flamingo, ceva în mine este diferit
Ca un flamingo, zboară lala
Like You Want Me to Be
Forgive me, I can't understand the meaning of your anger
Nor reading or getting your heart
Forgive me who had come to your lives
Trying to get inside your heart
I know I will never be able to
Be someone you want me to be
But, as long as I am breathing, I will keep trying
To be someone you want me to be
Forgive me who had come to your lives
Trying to get inside your heart
I know I will never be able to
Be someone that you want me to be
But, as long as I am breathing, I will keep trying
I know he can
Be someone you want him to be
But, as long as I am breathing, I will keep trying
To be someone you want me to be
I know I will never be able to
Be someone that you want me to be
But, as long as I am breathing, I will keep trying
I know he can
Be someone you want him to be
But, as long as I am breathing, I will keep trying
To be someone you want me to be
Like you want me to be
I will try to be someone you want me to be
As if that train was built for you
To prevent you from going out of the way
Wrap it all in this love
And I will watch you forever
Hey, I wonder if it's strange?
Say, I wonder if it's alright?
That is not all
I don't understand cutting it all
Lovely doll, only for me
Follow the order
I don't need your will
Follow the order
Otherwise I will go crazy
The one and only way
Is to repeat the same words like that
Though it may not become mirror-like
With this, this is fine
Even so, will you still want to say it?
'I want to see a different view.'
But you can't - because you are inside of me
All engraved in a small body
You shed tears in response
It was all a signal
The heartbeat that starts moving, the idea that cannot be stopped
Lose desire and fulfil only purpose
Only focus on the rails that were placed
Just breathing, that's enough
I'm ready to carry your baggage
Unable to compare the weight of life
First of all, it's not worth comparing
This life is for protecting you
It could be thrown away anytime, even in a ditch
Near this palm, patience will never end
After it cannot close it will be stained red
The lights passed by that I don't want to lose anymore
Spread around the purity, I want to live on my own
Follow the order
I don't need your will
Follow the order
Is this really true? I don't know
To escape from the darkness
With gentle and burning hands
From the place where beliefs disappear
In search of a new destination
Even if I must be hated
If it's for you to live - aah
That is enough
Minimum Wage
We met ten days ago, I asked her out
She said she'd call, she just can't go out now
Last night I received a message: 'A day off, finally'
I look at my wallet and lie that I'm sick
25000 and life becomes cliche
Enough not to be hungry, too little for anything else
Sometimes I sigh deeply just to let others know I'm still breathing
And I live only formally, but that seems to be normal
Every day for breakfast I have a student sandwich and tea
Even though I graduated a long time ago
My phone survives day by day
If it survives 'till fall, it will start the first grade
25000 and life becomes cliche
Enough not to be hungry, too little for anything else
Sometimes I sigh deeply just to let others know I'm still breathing
And I live only formally, but that seems to be normal
I turned away from my favorite brand
My new stylist works in a second-hand shop
I don't go on vacation, I watch EXIT from the quay
I know personally what life is without ideas
25000 and life becomes cliche
Enough not to be hungry, too little for anything else
Sometimes I sigh deeply just to let others know I'm still breathing
And I live only formally, but that seems to be normal
25000 and life becomes cliche
Enough not to be hungry, too little for anything else
My generation has been doomed for a long time
Life with no memories, first, second, third shift
You're telling me not to be sad
To be patient
Soon everything will change
And he'll come to find me
You know it, you say that he loves me
And we'll be together
You're telling me that he's not going to make it away (from me)
For any longer
Amen, Amen, Amen
Fingers crossed
Amen, Amen, Amen
Fingers crossed
You said you say him at night the day before
At the cinema
He looked a little bit tired
He was talking nervously
He didn't last and asked 'How is Anna doing?'
And probably in two days you predict him
Calling me
Amen, Amen, Amen
Fingers crossed
Amen, Amen, Amen
Fingers crossed
You say it's a shame he has become a shadow
And even though he had quit smoking
Now he's lighting one (cigarette) after the other
And now he's thinking all the time of coming back again
Amen, Amen, Amen
Fingers crossed
Amen, Amen, Amen
Fingers crossed
Amen, Amen, Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
Amen, Amen, Amen
Fingers crossed
Amen, Amen, Amen
Fingers crossed
See the wind die on the mountain.
A large black eagle, up above, rises and goes away.
See the snow is dirty there where people pass,
We will wait for the sun to wash it.
In the valley will rise the fog,
just bellow, the sun for us lights up.
This looks like a dance, a coming and going,
We split up, we start again, here comes the day.
But from the moment we are alike, we always stay
Together, together.
I took in my palm a little bit of clay.
I will sow it in the wind, it's so easy.
These little grains of dust, that's what earth is.
And you can't do anything about it, can't change it.
In the valley will rise the fog,
just bellow, the sun for us lights up.
This looks like a dance, a coming and going,
We split up, we start again, here comes the day.
But from the moment we are alike, we always stay
Together, together.
We will spend Sunday, our bodies pressed together
And if we don't have a good time, it will be our fault.
The black cat which watch us from through the window
Thinks to itself, watching it's owners, that they are happy.
In the valley will rise the fog,
just bellow, the sun for us lights up.
This looks like a dance, a coming and going,
We split up, we start again, here comes the day.
But from the moment we are alike, we always stay
Together, together.
My Beloved Child
Where are the peers of the horses that filled the tether, kongurai?
Where are the people of my six clan, kongurai?
Where are the peers of the horses that filled the steppe, kongurai?
Where are the people of my five clans, kongurai?
Here are the peers of the eighty thousand horses, kongurai
Here are the people of my eight clans, kongurai
Drama, drama
Fără dramă
Privește-mă intens
Trezindu-mă cu aplauze
Vom transforma tot ce atingem în diamante
Trebuie să dăm o perlă acelor ochi care privesc
(Drama, drama)
Când a început? A pus stăpânire pe mine
Și acum mă înec în întuneric, dar nu mi-e teamă
De când umbrele care vin din toate părţile încep să mă preia
Dețin acest status
Faimos, sunt atât de fabulos
Faimos, sunt foarte periculos
Transa încântătoare a vocii care mă cheamă
Faimos, sunt atât de fabulos
Faimos, sunt foarte periculos
Faimos (Atât de faimos)
Până dispare
Atât de faimos
(Drama, drama)
Nu am nevoie de un scenariu special ca să fii a mea
Dacă acesta este introducerea iubirii noastre, atunci fă-mă bine
Intensificând povestea rea de dragoste distruge emoţia
Această bătaie a inimii este o poțiune care erodează corpul
Această imaginație, acest truc
Există ca să te iubesc
Pe cearşaful alb
Să facem cel mai frumos trandafir să înflorească în această seară
Faimos, faimos (sunt așa)
Faimos, faimos (Faimos)
Simte pata în catharsis
Faimos, faimos (sunt așa)
Faimos, faimos (Ooh)
Un sărut în minciună, drama pe care trebuie să o plătesc ca preț
Drama, drama, drama
Fără dramă, dramă, dramă
Aşa-i bine
Faimos, sunt atât de fabulos
Faimos, sunt foarte periculos
Faimos (Atât de faimos)
Drama singurătății
(Atât de faimos)
Privește-mă intens
Trezindu-mă cu aplauze
Încă nu ştiu
Cine sunt cu adevărat
Faimos, faimos (sunt așa)
Faimos, faimos (Faimos)
Disonanța de neoprit începe să-mi dea dureri de cap
Faimos, faimos (sunt așa)
Faimos, faimos
Faimos (Atât de faimos)
Până dispare (Faimos)
(Drama, drama)
Atât de faimos
La la la la la la la la
Știu bine că ești rea pentru mine
Acea privire, acel gest
Încerc să scap de tine
Dar dau din cap ca și cum aș fi hipnotizat
Cuvintele tale îmi împleticesc picioarele și mă fac să dansez, dar nu mă deranjează
Pentru că nu vreau să neg adevărul că am fost menit să fiu al tău de la început
Ești un criminal care mă rănește cu grație
Este în regulă, mă consolezi doar ca să mă torturezi din nou
Ooh, sunt legat de tine
Este atât de dureros încât nu pot respira, dar este și magnific
Ești un criminal care mă distruge elegant
Nu este în regulă, încerc să scutur din cap
Ooh, dar sunt atras de tine din ce în ce mai mult
În momentul în care m-am îndrăgostit de tine, inocența mea a dispărut
Sindromul numit tu
Mă atrage și mă cutremură
În spatele chipului tău copilăresc și inocent
O latură înfricoșătoare din tine, mă zguduie complet
Inima mea zdrobită cu o rană deschisă este deja plină de urmele tale
Mâinile mele care le țin pe ale tale au fost cele care m-au înjunghiat, deci nici ele nu sunt curate
Ești un criminal care mă rănește cu grație
Este în regulă, mă consolezi doar ca să mă torturezi din nou
Ooh, sunt legat de tine
Este atât de dureros încât nu pot respira, dar este și magnific
Ești un criminal care mă distruge elegant
Nu este în regulă, încerc să scutur din cap
Ooh, dar sunt atras de tine din ce în ce mai mult
În momentul în care m-am îndrăgostit de tine, inocența mea a dispărut
La la la la la la la la
Distruge-mă mai mult
Ești un criminal care mă rănește cu grație
Este în regulă, mă consolezi doar ca să mă torturezi din nou
Ooh, sunt legat de tine
Este atât de dureros încât nu pot respira, dar este și magnific
Ești un criminal care mă distruge elegant
Nu este în regulă, încerc să scutur din cap
Ooh, dar sunt atras de tine din ce în ce mai mult
Nu vreau să scap de tine, așa că distruge-mă complet
Waiting for
Breathing hard now that I'm relaxed.
My dry lips missed the long night, my love
Memories are always afterimages.
You're not getting caught.
I need to know you now. This dream that will never end.
(You) I know it's you. Hold it tight with that touch.
(Fake) Pretending not to. Just get deep. Low, low.
(Whoa) If you come and leave me, you'll come back.
(Wait) Na-na-na, na-na-na-na, tonight.
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Go ahead and analyze it. Rule you're coming to see me.
And it's also time to draw you. You get lonely all the time.
Why in the end I want a deeper dream no
Maybe it's not you, but I'm calling you. It's true.
(You) I know it's you. Hold it tight with that touch.
(Fake) Pretending not to. Just get deep. Low, low.
(Whoa) Even if you make a mess of it, you'll go crazy again.
(Wait) Na-na-na, na-na-na-na, tonight.
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
I'm a slave in this dream (Why, why)
So long (Why, why)
Gradually. Down, down, down. Swallow me deep.
It's you, it's you, it's you, yeah
(You) I know it's a dream, but I still hold you.
(Fake) Pretend you don't know, get deeper, low, low.
(Whoa) I wanted to have you by my side again.
(Stay) In this dream, Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la
I know well that you're bad for me
Your eyes and the way you move
I try to get away from you
But being brainwashed, all I can do is nod
I don't hate how your words make my feet entangled and dance
Cause I don't want to deny the truth that is was destined to be you from the beginning
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
The moment I fall for you, is the end of my innocence
The syndrome called you
You lure me in and shake me
Behind your childlike innocent face
A frightening side of you, gives me goose bumps
My heart with an open wound is already full of your fingerprints
My hands holding yours that stabbed me are not clean either
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
The moment I fall for you, is the end of my innocence
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la-la-la
Destroy me more
So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It's okay you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh, I'm on a leash called you
It's painful as much as I can't breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay I try and shake my head
Ooh but I'm only getting dragged in more deeply
I don't want to get away, destroy me completely
Not My Son
Someone’s always screaming at my house
I run back to my room
Set fire to my mattress
I promise nothing that comes from your mouth is dead
It feels as if we had always gone to the same class
That’s not my child
Where did he come from
How shall I know where?
That’s not my son
You turned off my electricity
And my warmth too
But you never got rid of me by that
My place that was temporary just
Became permanent instead
I thought just this one more time
Then never again
That’s not my child
Where did he come from
How shall I know where?
That’s not my son
Fabian Perea's song
The best people in the world
Who knows the reason why
They begin the trip earlier
To where you are now
We miss your smile
Cheering up the rest
The candles that shine more
Always burn out earlier
You'll bloom
In the boys and girls of your age
And with the open arms you'll cast away
The clouds of sadness of this place
You'll stay
Living in your fellows and your mom
From where you are you'll deliver the cross
To score the victory goal to loneliness
If in a friend's reunion
Someone talking about you
Remembers you with sadness
Is because he didn't know you.
I hope the young ones
Who come after look like you
And bring away from home
The shadow of evilness.
My Little Ones
I remember when you were still little, my little ones
I was a giant who helped you stand up if you fell down
And life was a single, funny ride, my little ones
We always laughed as the world went around
I was a hero who let you go
I was a hero who made you understand
And now you're no longer so little, my little ones
You know so much more than I can imagine
And I'm a dad, though, not a hero, my little ones
To be, to be a dad, it's good enough for me
Open mind
Something about your silhouette is different too, baby
I want to copy it down, lady
your shadow, stolen without anyone knowing
your color goes in a different direction
Electrifying your whole body
I’ll give you a whole new world
don't you want something different?
You don't have to love me
'cause we want the same thing
don't imagine it since the real thing will be totally different
for tonight
keep an open mind, girl
Wake up every sense you’re feeling for the first time
from now you will be born again
you’ll handle the world that is me, I’ll be behind yeah
you’ll become addicted, I can guarantee it
Electrifying your whole body
I’ll give you a whole new world
don't you want something different?
You don't have to love me
'cause we want the same thing
don't imagine it since the real thing will be totally different
for tonight
keep an open mind, girl
Oh you and I
it’s okay even if you lose your mind, there’s no reason to hesitate
(keep an open mind, girl)
oh you and I
no regrets, things like worries are unnecessary
(keep an open mind, girl)
You don't have to love me
we both want the same thing
don’t imagine it since the real thing will be totally different
for tonight
keep an open mind, girl
Oh you and I
it’s okay even if you lose your mind, there’s no reason to hesitate
(keep an open mind, girl)
oh you and I
no regrets, things like worries are unnecessary
(keep an open mind, girl)
Keep an open mind, girl
I like cabriolets, an expensive car but I pour in cheap diesel
I go 'vroom, vroom' my lady screams 'oh my!'
Tequila, sex, marijuana, all cheap pleasures
But in summer my head can't think of anything specific
Too bad, that's just my fetish
Too bad, that's my appetite
When I was seventeen I would smoke grams and sachets
Not so much recently, but the vibe is the same as back then
Open your wallet check if you have enough for cigarettes
Two, three, eight, aw, sadly not enough
My people are like Martens boots
Your people are like velcro Nike
I see them when I go to parties in Warsaw
I used to be trapped at house by satanic verses
I have to wake up early because my schedule is full
But you won't find out about it from some cheap newspaper, no
I keep driving and change gears
I keep driving
I mix half vodka and half soda in a cup
A drink that I will cure with black coffee in the morning
Igi calls me, paparazzi caught us again - sucks
Us with the squad, thank God they blurred our faces
They chase us in a cavalcade
I wear a tracksuit, they want to catch me wearing some Balenciaga
They write, zoom in, and stare at my flaws
But they won't write about how me and my friend sold out a stadium
July's buses behind the window
159 cruises through the city here
I think about how I used to ride it to my highschool
I feel moved thinking about it when I'm hungover
I like when ice gets crushed a lot
I like people, I like loud, I hate silence
I like certain things, I don't like predicting
I want to progress through my road, I don't like hesitating
Everyone who has to know, knows it well, I don't have to say it
If you're not my friend I don't have to like you
I have to buy real estate, not vodka
I don't get into car crashes anymore like doctor Lubicz
This isn't 'Playing Manly' boy, it's not corporate music
Not minivans but oldschool Volvo cruisin'
If you're listening to this in a car then drive slowly, cousin
Rest in peace, young Leh, may your soul rest in peace
I keep driving and change gears
I keep driving
I think I'll make a third verse again, and then fourth, you know
I like nights that end in consternation, you know
When I get fined and when they steal my wallet, so
I'm sad that I haven't been punched in my face in a long time
I like when bottles break in a club
When alcoholics babble to each other sadly
I like, I like when various walls break in people
Fat-slim clouds above Warsaw are forecasting a fight
Tottenham didn't win, I'm pouring myself a lot of vodka
I smoke a blunt, I take a sip, pour another round
But this existence would be much emptier without sadness
I've seen a lot in my life but never a bitch in the mirror
I wake up half past five, Gucci Mane wakes me up
I feel like Bruce Wayne but I don't wake her up
Rock you, rock you like a hurricane
Studio day today
Wait, wait for me with rum, I'll be late babe
I keep driving and change gears
I keep driving (Shhh)
Fifi is making progress, beating records as if they owed me money
I'll find my way silently, I won't ask, and won't get lost
When I shave, the media cries after my damned mustache
Water after a drink, and only then a drink again
I am Bonaparte, and she's my Josephine
My rocket out of your league
With my rocket I play Rocket League
I drink wine at Saint-Gilles, call me Saint-Philippe
Mobb Deep is playing, I'm reading Moby Dick
A$AP Rocky with Moby is playing, I'm making another hit
They say 'street' and 'homies' but it's just sesame street
I keep driving and change gears
I keep driving
I want a cabriolet in my garage, not a maluch
I work for it on my own
I do cardio like Paluch
I don't despise anybody, I keep my guard up
I scream my head off for fans
I pick up a very expensive glass
I check my bank balance the next day
I have some expensive furniture, a few new paintings
But still the same faces around me, for years the same friends
At school friendships were more important to me
I can tell you that right away
Because I didn't care about the atomic number of potassium
In a country where people hate their own neighbors
'Helping disabled people, with my fucking tax money?
There's no way!
I keep feeling worried about young Poles
The only way out is to kill yourself or run away to the east
Or maybe not, because you're too afraid of Arabs
Of faggots, of enemies and your own neighbors
Hanging nooses on necks next to expensive ties
The only way left is to drink, cheers to my brothers
To liquor shops, to empty bottles
and full delivery rooms
Cheers (Dawid Podsiadło)
To government elections
To old promises, disguised as new
Cheers (Kizo)
To colorful magazines, to cheep beer
To scratch cards, and drawing games
To psychotropics and crisis brides
Cheap motels, condoms, and divorce papers
Cheers (Ras)
To cheap fruit vodkas
To gullible bosses and sick leaves
Cheers (schafter)
To the growing ozone holes
Free parking and cars
Cheers (Pezet)
To flowers from a gas station
For valentines, anniversaries, and women's day
Cheers (Rosalie.)
I finish and let the postcard go
Best wishes, yours Fifi, a common man
I don’t believe you
another word
You are a beautiful flower
with no scent
I don’t trust you
and that’s why I hate myself
From day one,
I doubted you
I’d say go
But I’m afraid
you’ll really leave
and you’ll turn your back on me
and never mention me
I’d say: 'go',
but I know that
the step is wrong
Because neither am I,
I know, sinless
I don’t trust you
as you flow through my veins
It scares me,
you look like me
I don’t trust you,
but I wouldn’t let you go
I forgive you everything
that I can’t to myself
I’d say: 'go',
But I’m afraid
you’ll really leave
and you’ll turn your back on me
and never mention me
I’d say: 'go',
but I know that
the step is wrong
Because neither am I,
I know, sinless
in whose bosom did you wake up?
While I cry to you
İn whose bosom did you wake up?
While I burn to you
On whose shoulder did you linger?
I couldn't resist,Lover
I couldn't get used to your absence
I couldn't fight against,Love
I hope,it is worth my absence
She executed my heart in the squares of the heart
Don't you worry about...
Time for myself
You're used by society, don't forget, the world forgets
It throws you away and then they spit you
I don't pray, I don't beg, ain't got a begger's soul
Suck my dick in public, not living blogging
Ain't no drug that can control me, cause I'm tough
My pride is keeping me alive, in one piece, on my own two feet
Get some legal shit, I'll smoke my weed
And I'll be there chillin while you get on the gourney
Ain't telling lies or staying real
That's not something still, on native hills
Ain't got no past, got only present, they're all getting together
Since I was young have learned that it don't last forever
Didn't have a mansion or a C series at my folks
Fuck it, maybe we weren't nice at all
We ain't got no money making works, or money sadly
Like we don't got access to closed cases entirely
Didn't have a lot which is why nothing is lacking
Life is a trial, the street is a test standing
I want time for myself, with hatred forward
Time for myself, to put hatred in a word
It's easy as fuck, no way in hell I will shut up
I wanna do whatever I wanna do in life
We eat cheap food, filled with E-s
And we pay good money to swim in garbage
We are pacified with a perverted stupidity
And we crawl day by day, sleep walking loosely
We spend out cash we didn't work for yet
When we wanna give it back, enough ain't gonna be
Look how we lower life expectancy, get to work
With our shiny shoe and our ironed trousers
Drink your coffee and shut it, that's why you got a leash
Let loose on your char and shine your piece
All the fuckers say that I've lost it
I say what I believe and I believe in what I'm sayin'
Seeking for the beauty in all that is nasty
And living my disappointment with a knot in the neck
Got back to the real world without a 'Welcome back'
Have been sleeping deeply, now woken up
I want time for myself, with hatred forward
Time for myself, to put hatred in a word
It's easy as fuck, no way in hell I will shut up
I wanna do whatever I wanna do in life
Becoming the Wind
The withered flower petal that resembles you
Will it fly away with the wind?
If only I could see you in my dreams
I’ll become the wind
And embrace the flowing tears
From your cheeks
I’ll become the wind
And stay by your side
By your side
Past the cold fog in my eyes
The sight of your back flickers before me
If only I could see you in my dreams
I’ll become the wind
And embrace the flowing tears
From your cheeks
I’ll become the wind
And stay by your side
By your side
Can’t you feel it?
My heart that is welled up
At the tip of this wind?
I can’t reach you
So I’m lost and wandering
Can’t you see the foolish me?
I’m right next to you
I’ll become the wind
And embrace the flowing tears
From your cheeks
I’ll become the wind
And stay by your side
By your side
A Sad Story on a Sunday
On a Saturday night, I spent only for myself
No friends coming to me later
All around I see them
Nothing is as beautiful as before
Could this be the end?
I've been feeling heartbroken
Even though I've said no
It's not like that...
My regrets keep getting darker and sadder
I've given up all of my belongings and my life
I don't want to suffer more like this
Hopefully, this is only a dream
Only a dream...
A sad story on a Sunday
Which had always tortured me
I'm afraid I'll bring this
To my death...
[Verse 1: Taco Hemingway & CatchUp]
'03 classmate brought a CD, some files on it
Three people at a pool drinking, they're rather nice to each other
Both ladies had yellow thongs, he calls them both 'sweetie'
He touches the golden skin like Midas, and they scream like MIDI
A week ago a pussy and a bird in my speech was just Sylvester and Tweety (Tweety)
A week ago it was still Edd, Edd, Eddie, Johnny Bravo, and Dexter and DeeDee (DeeDee)
The guy at school had an illegal business converting sex to DVD (VD)
A week ago they'd stick out their tongue and now they mimic fellatio
It ruined many people's heads, just trust me
After school Fox Kids and at night porn
Then new stuff from eMule
(Hidden) in Baldur's Gate folder or in biology presentation
My friend described a gangbang to me while we were collecting money for WOŚP
My friend would swear up and down that this is how adults do it, because...
We were raised by pornography (we were raised by pornography)
We were raised by pornography (we were raised by pornography)
Most of us had both a father and mother at home (Most had father and mother)
But in those topics it was always the pornography that raised us (no, no, no, no)
[Verse 2]
Boys see what they want, and then boys want what they see
They want their own sex goddess, who's a virgin at the same time
They want Mary Magdalene in bed, who's a nun at the same time
To put it simply, they want a woman that's liked in both sheets and streets
That woman has to always want a threesome, even though she's not bisexual
You always say 'Homos are ew but lesbians are actually kind of cool'
Her only mission is to guess what cheap fantasies you have in your head
And she has to have big boobs and a 6-pack, but also drink beer and eat pizza with you because...
In a movie: they're in the best form, always want sex and ask the nicest
In a movie: you never come too early, no one will complain 'it's too painful'
In a movie: no one goes to the drugstore because he was supposed to pull out but stayed inside
In a movie: a man doesn't know objection because he knows no one will threaten him with prison
We were raised by pornography (we were raised by pornography)
We were raised by pornography (we were raised by pornography)
Most of us had both father and mother at home (Most had father and mother)
But in those topics it was always the pornography that raised us (no, no, no, no)
[Verse 3]
When a man watches Matrix he won't jump on buildings (no)
But show him porn about stepsisters and he will start dreaming about cousins (ey)
Although in the head its obvious, lust makes you forget that it's fiction
That's where my hard to grasp message comes from - that porn lies just like TV does
Love is a road toward pleasure but sometimes 'Werther' happens
Sometimes love is a beautiful trilogy and sometimes it's an awkward verse
You can *grunting* her hard, believe me, while still showing her respect
Don't think that it's unmanly, believe me, those thoughts make no sense