Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 43

Număr de rezultate: 2207


A Year Full of Love

Versions: #1
It can all finish now
But do you really wish
To throw away like this
A year full of love?
If you don't see it yet
Tomorrow you'll know
How slow and empty days are without me
And, at nighttime
And, at nighttime
To not feel all alone
You'll certainly recall...
The days full of joy
You'll certainly recall...
The kisses that I gave you
And then you'll understand
In just one fleeting moment
What year of love means
What year of love means
I know, there's no need
And you'll just let me go
But tell me, don't you know
What we are losing now?
If you made up your mind
You'll never find again
What you once had with me
And, at nighttime
And, at nighttime
To not feel all alone
You'll certainly recall...
The days full of joy
You'll certainly recall...
The taste of my kisses**
And you'll understand
In just one fleeting moment
What year of love means
What year of love means
And you'll understand
In just one fleeting moment
What year of love means
What year of love means
**This is from Luz Cassal's Spanish version 'Un An'o De Amor'

My Life Will Begin

At seven o'clock, there's the beginning of a new day,
So much work and the floor has to shine,
I'm going to wash it with wax and happiness,
And I'll be sweeping at quarter past seven.
And then I'll get a book to read, or even two or three.
I'll paint a picture, joining what you already see.
And I'll play the guitar, I'll cook and wait
Because my life's beginning.
After lunch there are puzzles and sweets
Papier-mache, ballet and also chess
I'll do pottery, candles and with expertise
I'll train, draw or climb with eagerness
I'll reread the books if I have time
I'll paint once more and everything will fit
I'll comb, comb, comb myself
Always stuck here in this place
Always thinking, thinking, thinking
Because my life's beginning
And tomorrow the sky will shine
Because on my birthday, there are lanterns in the air
How will it be? Where will they go?
Will you let mom see them in this occasion?


Tu mereu gandurile-mi strabati precum ecourile iar si iar
Ma striga, orbeste alergam noi
Eu unde sa ma-ntorc stiinta nu am
Inauntru ardoare eu am
Ardoare eu am
Trup si suflet , suflete pereche-n stransori in afara spatiului
Suntem ascuns , adanc ascunsi
Cate-as dori tu sa poti vedea, sa te fortez a crede eu nu pot
E tarziu
E tarziu
Cand asa pustiit(a) a devenit,
Cand asa 'rece' a devenit?!
Eu M-agat pana ce-i franta
Fiecare lucru ce-am stiut candva
Fiecare suflu din inima-mi striga :
'Nu-i da voce,
Doar indeparteaza-te
Nu lasa sa-nvinga
Alearga .. pentru viata ta
Innebunita ..
Innebunita sunt eu ..
Tot dau crezare iar si iar
Innebunita sunt eu ..
Innebunita sunt eu
Tot dau crezare iar si iar
Tu mereu gandurile-mi strabati precum ecourile iar si iar
Precum umbre asternute peste lumina
Lumina se-asterne peste
Inima mea Si-mi aduce noroc in
In timp
mereu gandurile-mi strabate
mereu gandurile-mi strabate
Cand asa pustiit(a) a devenit,
Cand asa 'rece' a devenit?!
Eu M-agat pana ce-i franta
Fiecare lucru ce-am stiut candva
Fiecare suflu din inima-mi striga :
'Nu-i da voce,
Doar indeparteaza-te
Nu lasa sa-nvinga
Alearga .. pentru viata ta
Innebunita ..
Innebunita sunt eu ..
Tot dau crezare iar si iar
Innebunita sunt eu ..
Innebunita sunt eu
Tot dau crezare iar si iar

For a Moment when I had You

Please kiss me too long
Do it, so that you can get me to believe in this
All of my dreams, like this come true
When I can be with you, so close
Now this is real
When I have you even for a moment
I won't resist
I will just let go
And even though, this would soon be over
Then this will remain a sweet memory
For a moment when I had you
Knock legs from under me, I go around
You got me thinking everything in a new light
I stayed in the power of your spell
And got freed and turned
Did I stay the right way?
All the seconds
For a moment when I had you
My body feels
It wishes to always be home
Even though, it wouldn't last long...
So now I don't have care!
Happiness with you, for a moment I got
Bur your light shines for me, my beloved
Moonlight whispers:
'If they just were past'
From you I don't wish to leave!
For a moment when I had you
For the first time I feel that I am...

Miss/Maiden Lady

She has spent almost a century
With a name on her lips,
And she never utters it
In front of people.
It's a man's name,
Which she embroidered like crazy
On linen sheets,
Most passionately.
When the night falls,
Her grief pours out
In a wordless song,
Bile-coloured and most pained...
And, amidst the sea of her wait,
She retouches her smile
Just in case that man
Would suddenly return!
Miss, address her
Both the judge and the notary,
Who know well her age
And her infinite sorrow.
Miss, the young man,
The child and the old man,
When she returns from church
Or goes out to visit someone.
And, when they see without a ring
The cold snow of her hand,
The sovereign people
Call her maiden lady...
Maiden lady!
Maiden lady!
Maiden lady...!
Just in case that man
Would suddenly return!
Young Miss, call her
All malicious people,
When they notice her complexion,
All faded and withered.
Miss, the postman
As he watches how she, blushing,
Asks him for that letter
That she needs so very much.
And when she sees herself
So alone and with bags under her eyes,
With painful rage,
She calls herself maiden lady...
Maiden lady!
Maiden lady!
Maiden lady!!!

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Blessed be
the name of the Lord.
from this time forth
and for evermore.

I’m burning my bridge

Rapunzel: Stop it now
Whatever you’re struggling with
We’re going to fix it, you’ll see
Just like always before
Cassandra: No! You got to stop it
You think like usual that you’re my friend
While talking to me like some sovereign
Just like always before
Rapunzel: Cassandra, listen
Cassandra: I am
Rapunzel: It can’t be real
Cassandra: You sure?
Rapunzel: Look at me in the eye
Cassandra: Well?
Rapunzel: You feel the same
Cassandra: It feels familiar
Rapunzel: Cassandra, listen
Cassandra: I am
Rapunzel: Don’t let this be our case
Cassandra: Don’t pass the line in the sand
And please, stand up and remember your calling
Cassandra: My calling? I can hear my calling
Rapunzel: Cass!
Cassandra: I can see the line between the king and the soldier
I can see the line between the chosen and the outcast
And despite everything I’ve been bearing and suffering
We’re still just the way we were born
I’m always empty-handed, you a lass of luck
That line between lady-in-waiting and comrade
Was a line you kept changing to your heart content
The way to get to stand by your side was steep
But the choices you had, I never did
How ashamed I’ve been, my life’s felt so awkward
Now, it’s time for me to let it go
I’m burning my bridge
No, I won’t be falling back anymore
Pave the way, watch out, I can see hope
Now I’ve got my creed
With a burning glow
I can change myself relentlessly
Because I’m burning my bridge
A farewell, I can bid it with ease
Rapunzel: Cassandra, no!
Cassandra: I’m burning our bridge

The Ballad of Flemmingrad

Each December without accommodating
We praise a troll who has a great expression
And a memory of this friendship
The grace of this soul is Flemmingrad
Without ever forgetting, or without the past erasing,
The nostrils were used to feed.
It's one of us....

My dark luck

Actually I don't have much to write about.
I didn't mention anyone about the things that happened,
about the things that I kept to myself.
Let it be.
Finally that day shall come and longing will end.
And sure we will rejoin with lies again.
I don't understand people, each of them wear a different mask.
Indeed we all are drinking for the same problem bt nobody says it aloud.
I've had it up to here!
How should I talk about what happened?
Do you think this sorrow would go away without getting it off our chest? (ahhh)
This won't work like this.
When I'm about to burst, not talking about my sorrow..
Is sheer torture.
Although how nice that drama had ended.
We had forgotten what happened.
Why did you come out of nowhere now?
Give up.
Bro, forget everything that happened enough.
You've been drinking for the same sorrow everyday but
Is there anyone who is smiling among us?
Everyone is carrying a scar on their chest.
Everyone has a drink in front of them
Do you think the only person who fell in painful love was you?
O my dark luck!
Oooof let it be, let it bleed.
What kind of a scar are you?
Do you think the only person who fell in painful love was you?
O my dark luck!
Remember the times
When I couldnt wait till you come,
when you told me lies while you were looking me directly in the eye.
We had sailed for a love that would never end.
But you drowned in someone else's wave, remember that.
Now you come out of nowhere.
What do you expect?
You talk the same lie,
business as usual.
Are you checking up on me tell me?
Do you think I would buy this fuckery(hee)
And how do you like it now?
Go the same way you came.
I'm used to being without you here.
''I love you so much'',
if that's what you want to hear, let me say it.
I didn't tell anyone about what happened.
Now leave so that I won't lose my head.
Do you expect me to burn for you?
Every night in Karaköy in a bar,
Sometimes for nonsense,
I've been to police station and jail.
And sometimes my days pass
By a corner of my town.
What do you care
Fuck off!
Ooof let it bleed.
What kind of a scar you are ?
Don't act like you're the only one who fell in painful love.
O my dark luck!
O my dark luck!

Deep-water Rhythm

Dive into a silent night and you’ll hear it
Traveling swiftly through your body
A deep-water rhythm, attributed to life
The surface of the water looks like a starlit sky
Gently caressing it all
Colored with smiles and tears
I’ll be there for you when tomorrow comes
Fish glowing pale blue are like a shower of comets
Close your eyes and make your own wish
Hoping we can keep adding up small layers of happiness
A surge of bubbles upon the faraway waters
Will you please grant my wishes?
Sharing with you joy and sorrow
I’ll be there for you when tomorrow comes
Though the pounding of each other’s hearts may be transient
They echo on with vigor
The rhythm incessantly linking life together
I’ll play it aloud for the future
The surface of the water looks like a starlit sky
Gently caressing it all
Colored with smiles and tears
I’ll be there for you when tomorrow comes

The morning brought, the evening took away

I still remember you often when I'm alone
like a candle is this life of ours
only a small wind can sometimes extinguish the flame
occasionally it can withstand a storm
You were just a flower in my garden
the petals had just opened
such a beautiful flower I can never forget
that summer you were all mine
What the morning brought, the evening always took away
that's how I lived the best days of my youth
that's how I left my friends [behind]
but I also stayed [behind] myself
the autum had also come to my life
Now I look at the old hands and the work completed
they would be filled with tears, I can feel it
at this point in my life it's my turn to cry
and then the tab has to be paid
What the morning brought, the evening always took away
that's how I lived the best days of my youth
that's how I left my friends [behind]
but I also stayed [behind] myself
the autum had also come to my life
I still remember you often when I'm alone
like a candle is this life of ours
only a small wind can sometimes extinguish the flame
occasionally it can withstand a storm

Jasmine Flower

What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone else
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
What a beautiful jasmine flower
Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds
Fragrant and white, everyone praises
Let me pluck you down
Give to someone else
Jasmine flower, oh jasmine flower

I do not crash The crown of woders of The worlt

Versions: #1
I do not crash the crown of wonders of the world and I do not kill with my mind the mysteries I find along the way în flowers, eyes, on lips and graves. The Light of other chokes The spell of The impenetrable hidden în the darkest depths, but I, with my light expand The world's mysteries - just like The moon does not decrease with its White rays, but trembling, it increases The spell of night, so do I enrich The darkest skies with sainted mystery and all that is unkwown changes into even bigger unknown under my eyes- for I love flowers and eyes and lips and grave.

Așezat la marginea drumului

Nu pot să mai stau așa
Aici, să aștept
Ca într-o zi, dintr-odată,
Tu să te-ntorci din nou la mine.
Dar poate că, o dată-n plus, se poate schimba
Această viață a mea,
Așezat cum sunt la marginea unui drum
Ce n-are sfârșit.
Privirea îmi rătăcește printre oamenii
De pe acest drum atât de trist.
Nostalgia de ieri care nu mai există,
Îmi provoacă plânsul.
Soarele îmi mângâie fața
Și am un vis,
Un vis de speranță,
În care te văd cum apari într-acolo,
În depărtare.
Iubire, vino repede, nu mai rezist.
Dacă nu te-ntorci, eu nu exist,
Nu exist, nu exist!
S-a schimbat vremea, acum plouă
Și nu-mi mai pasă de nimic.
Atunci lacrimile mi se amestecă cu ploaia,
Țipând că te iubesc enorm.
Caut înăuntrul destinului meu
Credința la care nu ajung.
sunt numai un rest de speranță
la marginea acestui drum.
Iubirea mi-am pierdut-o, nu mai rezist.
Dacă nu te-ntorci, eu nu exist,
Nu exist, nu exist!
Oameni, ținuturi, mașini, totul
Se confundă în mintea mea,
Și umbra mea a obosit să continue,
Și moare încet-încet.
Doar tu nu vezi că nu mai pot să îndur
Acest destin al meu,
Și mereu aștept, mereu văd iubirea ta
La marginea acestui drum.
Trebuie să uit că exist,
Mai exact să știu că eu exist,
Că eu eixst,
Eu exist...
La la la la...
Aici, așezat la marginea drumului.

Just around the riverbend

What makes rivers so wonderful
Is that you never step in the same river
The water is constantly changing, continuously flowing
People prefer safety
Paying the price to stay here
But what else could a human being come across
Just around the riverbend
Look just around the riverbend
What am I looking for
Just around the riverbend
Go again
I passed the bend
What's waiting over there
Always behind a new tree
Just around the riverbend
For me
What awaits me
Beyond the trees, along the forest
And after that turn, a new turn
So my thoughts swirl and wander
And a man who builds sturdy walls
Keeps me from my journey
But what kind of a world would be waiting for me
Just around the riverbend
Just around the riverbend
What am I looking for
Just around the riverbend
I dream and sail
Just beyond the sea
Going on and on, there
Don't hold back on me
Just around the riverbend
Just around the riverbend
I choose the smooth course
The quiet rhythm of the drum
I'm marrying Kocoum later
Is that the end of the dream
True, dream spirit, will you stop for me
Just around the riverbend

Mod de Percepție

De-nfrant ai tu a te vedea, așa și 'ești' (ai a fi)
De-n credință-ți e, că tărie tu nu ai, atunci n-ai s-o ai
De-ncântare-a câștiga ți-ar fi, însă-n credință-ți e
că s-o faci capabil tu nu ești
Atunci certitudine-i că n-ai s-o faci
De gandu-ți e c-ai înfrânt a fi, atunci tu ai pierdut
Fiindcă-n astă lume avem noi a vedea (CĂ) ,
Succesul începe el prin voința celei persoane
Totu-i despre modu de-a percepe fiece
De-ai tu surclasat a te vedea, așa și ești
Trebuie măreț tu a gândi ca să te-nalți
Necesar îți e încredere-n sine a avea înainte
De-a putea vreodat' a dobândi cea recompensă
Ale vieții lupte nu-ntotdeauna se-arată ele
Celui sprinten ori puternic
Însă-n certitudine, mai devreme ori mai târziu,
cel ce v-a să-nvingă
Este EL, cel ce-NCREDERE că poate a o face ARE


Când te-am întâlnit în restaurant
Ai putea spune că nu sunt debutantă
M-ai întrebat care e plăcerea mea
Un film sau un dans ?
Voi bea o ceașcă de ceai și vă voi povesti despre visul meu
Visul este gratuit
Nu vreau să trăiesc din caritate
Plăcerea este reală sau este fantezie?
Filmarea este realitatea vie
Oamenii se opresc și se uită la mine Pur și simplu mergem pe lângă - continuăm doar să visăm
Pe picioare, picioare, mergând pe o distanță de două mile
Ne întâlnim, întâlnim, întâlnim la barieră
Nu l-am întâlnit niciodată, nu-l voi uita niciodată
Visează, chiar și pentru puțin timp.
Visează, o oră întreagă.
Se estompează, radiază
Stau lângă el și privesc cum curge fluviul
Stau lângă el și privesc traficul.
Imaginează-ţi ceva doar al tău.
Ceva ce poți să ai și să păstrezi
Aș construi un drum în aur doar pentru a avea un vis
Visul este gratuit
Visul este gratuit
Visul este gratuit


Through all that I've been through
I keep cool 1
Disappointed by so many, that I can't trust people
Everything happens for a reason, so that's enough
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
Mmh, na-na-na
Hey, don't give up
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
[Verse 1]
All that I've been through should be enough to rise above
Even in a struggle, we can rise up
People change their face, too much fake love
I was down the whole way, now it's all up now
Ain't no sunshine (Na-na-na)
Only gray days with cold rain (yea-yea-yea)
They didn't exactly take a detour
Ey, I will never make the same mistake
Can't stop me even if they want to now (If they, if they want to now)
And I have a monster in me that wants to come out
Through all that I've been through
I keep cool 1
Disappointed by so many, that I can't trust people
Everything happens for a reason, so that's enough
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
Mmh, na-na-na
Hey, don't give up
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
[Vers 2]
There are people who want to push you around
And also people who want to see you win
So many hours in the studio
Just so I can see my daughter shine (yea-yea-yea)
Ain't no sunshine (Na-na-na)
Only gray days with cold rain (yea-yea-yea)
Now my happiness has found me (Mm-yeah)
Ey, I will never make the same mistake
Can't stop me even if they want to now (If they, if they want to now)
And I have a monster in me that wants to come out (Way-way-way-way-way-way)
Through all that I've been through
I keep cool 1
Disappointed by so many, that I can't trust people
Everything happens for a reason, so that's enough
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
Mmh, na-na-na
Hey, don't give up
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
Through all that I've been through
I keep cool 1
Disappointed by so many, that I can't trust people
Everything happens for a reason, so that's enough
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
Mmh, na-na-na
Hey, don't give up
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
Mmh, na-na-na
Hey, don't give up
No matter what happens, believe me, don't give up
  • stay clam

The memories

The memories torment me
The memories wear me down
I can't take it anymore
I think of you too often
The memories wear me down sometimes
For as long as you were with me, I thought that you loved me
But you didn't want love, you just said it, but you didn't feel it
Why did you love me just for money
Why did I lose so many years
You just dreamed of money, you lived for money
Your desire, everything for me, I loved you
The memories torment me
The memories wear me down
Without him, the nights are sad
Today, I only have the memories left
You didn't know how much I suffered
Alone I live off of memories
You didn't know how much I suffered
Alone I live off of memories
I don't want to find you among memories anymore
Starting tomorrow, I want to find other loves
I gave you everything I had, but you didn't value me
My other half will know that I'm better to love
Why did you love me just for money
Why did I lose so many years
You just dreamed of money, you lived for money
Your desire, everything for me, I loved you
The memories torment me
The memories wear me down
Without him, the nights are sad
Today, I only have the memories left
You didn't know how much I suffered
Alone I live off of memories
You didn't know how much I suffered
Alone I live off of memories
Alone I live off of memories...

When Love Ends

At home, everything's missing if you're not there,
in my bed there's plenty of extra place.
After saying goodbye,
I took a picture of you
and stored the stuff
that hurt me,
just when I'm trying
to forget, your smile
passes by my solitude.
My week wasn't easy
I must control my desires,
words are useless now,
I don't have to call you anymore.
Chorus: It's not possible
to live out of memories,
even though I know
I'll miss you,
when love ends,
it's difficult to go back.
It's not possible to live out of memories,
even though I know I'll miss you,
when love ends,
it's difficult to go back.
I don't want to be told anymore
where you are going,
it's way better not to know,
just like that.
I need a friend
to stay here with me,
and in silence, just
keep me company.
Chorus 1x

I'm That Girl

I'm that girl who has been years
In my lonely room
Singing for hearts
With the string of my heart and guitar
My voice travels and I'm not seen 1
A stranger for my people and my city
A stranger for my people and my city
My feeling is full of poems
I love to spill them all
My heart is full of enemies
To whom shall I tell my heart complaints
My Voice alongside my guitar's
Brought me out of my room
The garden of my life became green
The tree of my wishes became fruitful
I'm that girl who never gives up
I wont let anyone to destroy my reputation
No one forces her to do anything
To live freely not to wish to fly
However she wants to live she lives
She is bored from life's bitterness
She tells you you'll no longer kill women
Can't you see how much tears I have shed
Let me live I also have rights
Like you I have rights to live on this world
I passed all the hard roads in life
While no one asked how do you feel
I'm that girl it has been years
In my lonely room
Singing for hearts
With the string of my heart and guitar
My voice travels and I'm not seen]
A stranger for my people and my city
A stranger for my people and my city
Art is hobby and feeling for me
It's living life and purpose
Till the last sunset of life
The heart and body won't get tired
My Voice alongside my guitar's
Brought me out of my room
The garden of my life became green
The tree of my wishes became fruitful
  • 1. She used to sing and publish songs while staying anonymous and unknown, she became famous and no one saw her face, then one time she appeared in a video(her decision) and people saw her for the first time

Crying For You

I'm like always, wishing for you
I'm tired of endlessly waiting for you
And I know that every day I need you more.
I feel the very cold rain that falls on me
And I'll live a sad and simple life
Longing for things that I've left behind.
Accidentally I get lost in a lot
Of dreams without a beginning, without an ending
Accidentally I desire your caresses, yes,
There are moments in which I dream of you being here
And I can no longer dream,
I'll live a life without your heat, and I'll suffer.
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day it hurts more,
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day that passes it hurts more
Accidentally I get lost in a lot
Of dreams without a beginning, without an ending
Accidentally I desire your caresses, yes,
There are moments in which I dream of you being here
And I can no longer dream,
I'll live a life without your heat, and I'll suffer.
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day it hurts more,
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day that passes it hurts more
I'm crying for you...
I feel the very cold rain that falls on me
And I'll live a sad and simple life
Longing for things that I've left behind.
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day it hurts more,
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day that passes it hurts more
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day it hurts more,
I'm crying for you
I'm crying because of things from the past
And each day, each day that passes it hurts more
I'm crying for you...

Give me peace

Look at
The world and respect yourself.
Remove everything
That is evil and lesser.
Eternal threats, wars
Where there are war-zones everywhere.
Tell me
Do you think it's necessary?
Give me peace,
and I'd follow it anywhere.
Give me peace,
And I'd embrace you.
Yes, show me
How to reconcile and reach a common ground.
Give me, give me peace.
As you look,
Your life is ending.
Stand up
Now kick your foot against it.
Wars of power, religion,
Stealing, and bullets
Do you hear it?
The call of death and beyond
Wars of power, religion,
Stealing, and bullets
Do we
Know anyone who has been victorious in war?

It Lit Up

Ana Mena
De Palma
I ask the wind
To bring you to me
I only hope for a moment
To see you go by
Even though it's only for a second
And make you know
That I want to invite you out
Don't think about it, come with me
Because you're going to live by my side
The mystery of dawn
Tell me that you're going to stay
Maybe it happened to you the same as me
I only know that I was walking around in the dark without you
The road to meet you
It lit up
Underneath the sound of a faraway melody
The two of us dancing until we see early hours of the morning
And us meeting each other wasn't only by luck
When you hold me I feel my body fly, fly
Hold me again, I'll wait for you any time, time
I don't want to spend tonight alone
Without you, my love, my world is a desert
The city without you*
Tell me that love has no sense
Tell me that love isn't just a pure coincidence
And that your arrow hit me
Breaking the shield of my heart
And who knows if it was written
And we'll end up at the altar
Spending the night in a wedding bed
Yay, eh
Tell me that you're going to stay
Maybe it happened to you the same as me
I only know, that I'm walking around in the dark without you
The road to meet you
It lit up
Underneath the sound of a far away melody
The two of us dancing until we see
And us meeting each other wasn't only luck
When you hold me I feel my body fly, fly
Hold me again, I'll wait for you any time, time
I don't want to spend tonight alone
Without you, my love, my world is a desert
The city without you*
What have you done to me?
Like witchcraft, I only think of you
Monday or Tuesday, it's all the same to me
It's always a holiday ever since I saw you
Let's go take shots at the beach
Later, we'll take a bath together
Put on the most trendy bikini and take off your jeans
It lit up
I don't know what your name is but it's good
I want to be with you in my bed
Fly, fly
Hold me again, I'll wait for you any time, time,
I don't want to spend tonight alone
Without you, my love, my world is a desert
The city without you*

With these new eyes

When in the sun
I bathe, where
There are no clouds in the sky
Run of the river
Scent of the meadow
All that takes my worries away
Laughing, enjoying
This is the best way
Deep feeling
Life is good like this
When you ponder a problem
Then just change your perception
You will have it in a new light
You can reach it
When you dare
Those valuable thoughts
Should set up
A destination far away
And when they are achieved
Then you will see everything with new eyes
Should set up
Destination far away
And when they are achieved
Then you will see everything with new eyes


1, we are still so wild baby and
2, your perfect kiss
You put me through the ringer, ringer
Yeah, you put me through the ringer, ringer
But you always have to force me
Drop me, embarrass me, let me apologize
If I think back who do you think you are?
What do you think it is from now?
Did you make me cry? No, don’t misunderstand me
Don’t get hurt, you were crying
I was a kid but that’s not what happened
I liked it but it was too much
Did you think that I was gonna give up to you?
If I hurt you, I’ll apologize
Oh I won’t cry n-n-no, n-n-no more tears
N-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no
And you don’t cry
Don’t cry, oh boy I N-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no
I’m sober, no high on your love
And I’m not your mom
You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care
I’m sober, so glad it’s over
Without you I’m good
You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care
It’s the same as before
It’s not that I never meant it
You know that
You know, I’m so good girl
I’m sure there must be something like a pool of patience
I just happened to think I was full of little things but I’m not
“You have changed” I’ve said that, but you haven’t
I’m sure is been a very, very long time
You were a liar with too much pride
Pointing fingers and laughing about my important work and friends
I hated it, I got drunk, said “stay by my side”
Oh I won’t cry n-n-no, n-n-no more tears
N-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no
And you don’t cry
Don’t cry, oh boy I N-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no
I’m sober, no high on your love
And I’m not your mom
You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care
I’m sober, so glad it’s over
Without you I’m good
You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care
Oh I won’t cry n-n-no, n-n-no more tears
N-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no
And you don’t cry
Don’t cry, oh boy I N-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no, n-n-no
I won’t come back
I’m sorry, but
You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care
I’m serious, get out of here
Without you I’m good
You think that I care, I don’t care
You think that I care, I don’t care

Where the sun begins

The old man spoke and the rain beat
on the bridges of Amsterdam.
I was stunned, maybe I dreamed it
but I know it's not like that.
There is a continent, a land elsewhere
it is not in the cards but it is and it is known
men from the moon saw it too
but only to those who are ready will they reveal themselves.
The first morning of the world is there ...
The revenge of the gods canceled the humans
That land woke up boundless
Forests, tides, glaciers to the north
And prey and predators, for valleys and prairies
Under the oceans and in the mountains
Life to life
An ageless message travels from that world
Call brave hearts lost or banned
Search for shipwrecked love and unknown heroes
Nobody ever came back
Because the future is there
There is no forbidden fruit
There is no pain
That's where I want to go
This is where I will take you
Where the sun begins
And freedom is born
He narrowed his eyes and pointed to the east
He was a beggar or maybe God
I want to give you that eternal spring
Where bread tastes of bread and nobody dies
All this is there if you believe it
It's time to fly, nothing ever changes here
There is no need for us anymore
Life is dream
That's where I want to go
This is where I will take you
Where the sun begins
And freedom is born
Great dreamers of lands and seas
They look at the horizon waiting for us

Lemminkäinen's Mother

Vicious is the wind and dark is the sky,
great on the open waters is the rage of waves.
The bay is calm and clear though.
But where does my eagle roam?
Make haste home and end your flight!
Even though you ride the roads of waves,
my boy small and fragile.
The bay is calm and peaceful.
End yet hawks' races of war for once!
From whence could you find a peer,
my boy great and handsome?
The bay is calm and peaceful.
Let yet your doves in peace soar!
From thence your mother the condolences bodes,
my boy grim, guilty.
The bay is calm and peaceful.
People of you as evil slander to me -
evil may you be for others, yet good be you to me,
my boy gentle, innocent.
The bay is calm and peaceful.
Outdoors on the open waters the storms rage,
here it is warm, here it is mild.
The bay is calm and clear though.
Set your boat yet on the jetty!

Amintirile inimii

Speranțe ce l-am sperat
Zâmbete și plânsete ale mele
Promisiuni de veselie
Și vise în care am zburat
Și prima nemiloasă dragoste a mea
Pentru mine sunteți pierdute și niciodată pierdute
M-am entuziasmat de voi
Pe voi am jurat
Și m-am chinuit
Pare nimic, dar inima era a mea
Apoi dacă erai tu
Vântul va sufla
Ploaia va ploua
Ceața va voala
Soarele va arde
Dar amintirile nu vor trece niciodată
Iată-le aici
Dar ce bune erau sărutările noastre
Poate că tu nu vrei să renunți deloc
Ca să te văd ajung
Ochii tăi strălucitori
Dacă îți place și dacă încă mai vrei
In amintirea chiar și în lipsa noastră
Totul este posibil
Chiar și tu ești aici, oh
Aici în inima mea
Dar amintirile nu trec niciodată
Rămân cu noi
Sunt mai puternice ca noi
Mai vii.

The Spring Of My Heart

Do you know the heart that's jamming
Would you give me those days when I was with you
I wish that you could hand out your hands,I could hold once
Would you tell me everything that's happened in your life
İf I saw your face for once
Don't hide it bring me your beautiful words
The one who exist with you and disappears with you
I'm not earth's surface that but I become the total with you
The meaning of life,the morning of an evening that exist with you
Surely there are a meaning of these days who don't passed
Come and tell me the trouble of you,spring of my heart,the spring
I don't go from around here
I can't rupture from you,my love
I become a partner with whom you can share your trouble but don't ask me to go
I become exist with you
This heart I so tired it very much,I so tired it
The meaning of life,the morning of an evening that exist with you
Surely there are a meaning of these days who don't passed
Come and tell me the trouble of you,spring of my heart,the spring
Do you know the heart that's jamming
Would you give me those days when I was with you
I wish that you could hand out your hands,I could hold once
Would you tell me everything that's happened in your life
İf I saw your face for once
Don't hide it bring me your beautiful words
The one who exist with you and disappears with you
I'm not earth's surface that but I become the total with you
The meaning of life,the morning of an evening that exist with you
Surely there are a meaning of these days who don't passed
Come and tell me the trouble of you,spring of my heart
Spring,the spring
Do you know the heart that's jamming
Would you give me those days when I was with you
I wish that you could hand out your hands,I could hold once
Would you tell me everything that's happened in your life
İf I saw your face for once
Don't hide it bring me your beautiful words
The one who exist with you and disappears with you
I'm not earth's surface that but I become the total with you
I become the total with you
I become the total with you
Ah,spring of my heart,the spring

My Beautiful

The fire fell on my heart
Sleep doesn't come to my eyes
Why are you away from me?
Speak,light of my eyes
My beautiful,my white-face
For how many years i pursuit you
İn truth for how many years i'm in your way
How to moan,bemoan
The heart burns,brings snow
For the love of Allah
Don't think,i 'm crazy

Și mă voi îndrăgosti

Pentru a avea un zâmbet de la tine
nu știu ce-aș face
un zâmbet pentru a ține companie acestei melancolii
un zâmbet abia vizibil
ca al unui copil nou născut
un zâmbet care e mereu același
de când te-ai născut și până acum
și mă voi îndrăgosti și te vei îndrăgosti
tu cu veselia ta
eu cu a mea melancolie
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
sunt boli inevitabile
pentru a avea un zâmbet de la tine
nu știu ce-aș face
pentru a vedea o lume care să fie
îmbrăcată cu veselia ta
știu că în interiorul dragostei tale
eu intru precum un naufragiat
în vârful picioarelor
pentru a simți ceea ce simți tu
pentru a vedea ceea ce vezi tu
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
tu cu veselia ta
eu cu a mea melancolie
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
sunt boli inevitabile
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
sunt boli inevitabile
și mă voi îndrăgosti
și te vei îndrăgosti
sunt povești inevitabile
pentru a avea un zâmbet de la tine
nu știu ce-aș face