Rezultatele căutării pagină 44
Număr de rezultate: 2207
If I Could Sing a Song of Dawn
We all live in loneliness
The sadness is unbearable
And yet we want to laugh sometimes
So, leaning on our disappointment,
We start to sing
Into the night sky
If possible, I pray,
The happiness would fall
On those who are lost
They would find warmness
United by tenderness
That brings them together someday
You are watching the moon
To hold back the tears
You wish that love will come to stay
In their hands, right?
I watch the moon too
The same moon as yours
Loneliness is the bond between us
The dawn never fails to break
They laugh at me
Calling me a naive dreamer
But I will never give up
To share hope with others
I don’t want to hurt anyone
Please don’t blame yourself
Because your hands tremble
Everyone lives his life
Hiding the desire to be loved
I’m watching the moon
And I’m watching a dream
I keep in my heart
A hope that no one can take away, right?
Everyone watches the moon
Thinking of someone else
If someday
Sitting by your side
I could sing a song of dawn
I could sing a song of dawn
A Cry for Tomorrow - Cyber Heart -
Tell me about love.
Tell me about tomorrow.
I want only you.
Is this an impossible love?
Please answer me, only you.
I will go as far as running up an emergency staircase barefoot.
The violently pouring rain is spreading darkness.
The city is a maze.
Is being young a crime that we must be punished for?
Cyber heart.
Tell me about your dream.
Tell me about tomorrow.
I will stat running towards tomorrow.
That heart of yours is burning.
I want to hug only you.
The silver locket leaves a mark on me.
I hold on to it tightly.
I have faith and will make the sign of the cross.
I will protect our oath.
Even if someone hurts us we will not be separated.
Cyber angel.
Tell me about about your heart.
Tell me about your cries.
I want only you.
This is probably not an illusion.
Please answer me only you.
Tell me, tell me, love.
Tell me with your love.
I will chase after tomorrow.
Tell me, tell me, love
Tell me, can't you, love?
I want to hug only you.
Merg pe străzile Japoniei până mă pierd
pentru că nu-mi amintește de nimic
Cu un aspect palid purtand o cruce
pentru că nu-mi amintește de nimic
Îmi place să studiez fețele într-o parcare
pentru că nu-mi amintește de nimic
Îmi place să conduc înapoi în ceață
pentru că nu-mi amintește de nimic
Lucrurile pe care le-am iubit, lucrurile pe care le-am pierdut
Lucrurile pe care le-am păstrat sacre, pe care le-am dat apoi deoparte
Nu mai mint, poți paria asta
Nu vreau să învăț ce trebuie să uit
Îmi plac fluturii de noapte și discuțiile de la radio
pentru că nu-mi amintesc nimic
Îmi place muzica gospel și aplauzele înregistrate
pentru că nu-mi amintesc de nimic
Îmi place să mă îmbrac în culori atunci când este soare
pentru că nu-mi amintește de nimic
Îmi place să bat cuie cu ciocanul și să vorbesc în limbi
pentru că nu-mi amintesc de nimic
Lucrurile pe care le-am iubit, lucrurile pe care le-am pierdut
Lucrurile pe care le-am păstrat sacre, pe care le-am dat apoi deoparte
Nu mai mint, poți paria asta
Nu vreau să învăț ce trebuie să uit
Îndoaie-mă și modelează-mă
ador asa cum esti
încet și dulce
ca niciodată
dormind și calm
nu vom agita trecutul
atât de discret
nu vom privi înapoi
Lucrurile pe care le-am iubit, lucrurile pe care le-am pierdut
Lucrurile pe care le-am păstrat sacre, pe care le-am dat apoi deoparte
Nu mai mint, poți paria asta
Nu vreau să învăț ce trebuie să uit
Îmi place să-mi arunc vocea și să rup chitarele
pentru că nu-mi amintește de nimic
Îmi place să ma joc în nisip, ceea ce este al meu este si al tău
dacă asta nu-mi amintește de nimic
At the Dawn
At the dawn,the mountains and the stones become exuberant,remembering Allah and pray
Occupies a flurry every object,ask for help,pray
At the dawn,while the rose chear,the nightingale sees its and cries,groans
Every heart's people become happy remembranced of Allah,ask for help from Allah
At the dawn,the hearts cry,beloved offers own beautiful face
Every living show its essence,remembering Allah,wail and pray
At the dawn,trees and plants always freshen up and come to life
At that time whole the ones who had been creatured,remember Allah,wail and pray
At the dawn,the fast flowing rivers put their faces on the ground and moan
At that time,every particle in the world,remember Allah,wail and pray
At the dawn,the people,the angels and the sky make harmonious movement with one another
Fishes in the water,remember Allah,by saying Hu!Hu!
At the dawn,Allah invites in lovers
Those who know this secret also remembering Him,wail,pray and worship
O Hulusi! İf you are in love never go to bed at dawn
At that time,wait and see,whole universe remembering Allah,ask for help
Fata din Malaga
Dragostea mă conduce spre tine,
cu un impuls acaparator.
Aș prefera mai degrabă să mor
decât să trăiesc fără iubirea ta.
Nestatornicia iubirii tale
mi-a ucis bucuria din mine.
Ah, ah, și din teama
de a nu-ți pierde iubirea,
azi cântecul îmi va fi durere.
Fată din Malaga cu ochi negri,
fată din Malaga a viselor mele,
sunt pe moarte de durere
din iubire pentru tine.
Fată din Malaga cu ochi negri,
fată din Malaga a viselor mele,
dacă nu mă iubești, eu am să mor!
Vreau să te sărut!
Memories of You
The voice of the wind and droplets of light flow over you as you doze
I will never forget the gentle smile and the eyes you hid in sorrow
You gave me the courage to wish (even when it hurts) and to fight, so I can go on
In my dreams (even when I wake up) I will see you again
I sing, with a distant memory in my heart
You defended this fragile and fleeting world with your hands
So please, fold your wings and rest
Sheltered by an eternal peace, love through all eternity
Rest now in my arms, as I watch over you
As I recall your joy, your sorrow, and your rage
I will remember you always, until my life is exhausted
At an intersection, I heard a voice similar to yours
I turned to look up at the sky, to force back my sudden tears
I continue to walk alone, aimlessly, believing that I will see you again tomorrow (someday)
Through rainy nights (and sunny days) I wait for you
I'll never forget that dark night, we made it through
That blindingly brilliant moment when we were all together
Those precious times I didn't realize I should cherish
Now all I can do is remember, I will embrace the feeling
I know for a fact, you were there by my side
You were always always always there, smiling
If ever I lose you, I will find you, I will never leave you
You defended this fragile and fleeting world with your hands
So please, fold your wings and rest
Sheltered by an eternal peace, love through all eternity
Rest now in my arms, as I watch over you
As I recall your joy, your sorrow, and your rage
I will remember you always, until my life is exhausted
That blindingly brilliant moment when we were all together
Those precious times I didn't realize I should cherish
Now all I can do is remember, I will embrace the feeling
I know for a fact, you were there by my side
You were always always always there, smiling
If ever I lose you, I will find you, I will never leave you
In a small neighborhood on a small blue bed
you say that everything will be all right
if we will only give it some time
Look at me, smile at me
you know how much good it does me
when you lie next to me
I have only one thing to say to you, and from all the heart
you are the best in the world
i love you so much
that it sometimes hurts
gets rid of all the anger, the sadness, the lies
when you are with me holding my hand
and you say that you love me
Even if I will not be able to do all
i promise that i can
promise to be yours always
my honey,
will stop time and we will escape from here deep into the Garden of Eden
me and you alone
I have only one thing to say to you, and from all the heart
you are the best in the world
i love you so much
that it sometimes hurts
gets rid of all the anger, the sadness, the lies
when you are with me holding my hand
and you say that you love me
One minute from love
She has loved me so much,
if I had reciprocated,
I would never know.
How many times, when looking at her,
I've tried to love her
and I don't know if I loved her.
She is the most beautiful woman,
and there is no other like her,
her breath is like a breeze,.
and her skin is the perfume of a flower.
Why can't I love her
she doesn't want me to want her,
and I always stop
one minute from the love between us two.
One minute from love
my heart had frozen,
and she will never know.
I know that even though I'm distant
she loves me enough
and will not leave me.
I must not fool myself
nor believe myself important,
because she says sometimes
'in the world there is no man like you'.
If I haven't known how to love her,
I will have to respect it,
not to hurt her feelings,
Because, I don't want to spoil her youth.
She is the most beautiful woman,
and I'm always with her,
I would like to banish this fear
one minute from love.
She is the most beautiful woman,
and I'm always with her,
I would like to banish this fear
one minute from love.
The bravery called love
Dry your tears, it's nobody's fault
You will live again while battling
Only a passionate feeling will support your heart
Because I'll tell it unaltered to your unpainted face
Don't give up your dreams, it's my greatest concern
When you walk towards tomorrow crossing the sleepless nights
No matter how many times the wind knocks you and feel defeated
You won't get rid only of the bravery called love
More than searching where to heal the dream wounds
Become stronger with your strength
My fingers that touched your lips want to rob your sadness
If you raise tenderness, there'll be a meeting for loving
Why people often
Hurt each other?
I still want to believe in a destiny with you
When you walk towards tomorrow crossing the sleepless nights
No matter how many times the wind knocks you and feel defeated
You won't get rid only of the bravery called love
Da, ohh da ..!!
Ne relaxam noi
Vreu eu cu tine a dansa
dansam noi, dansam
Si sper eu ca-ti e pe plac si tie a dansa
Libertini , far' de compromis
Putem noi orisicum s-o facem
Noi vom trece peste
ca-n fiece zi aducem noi tribut
Suntem noi carnea de tun
(Dar) dansam pana ce melodia-i ea sfarsita
Dansam noi
Gandindu-ne la vremurile de dinainte
Dansam noi
Si sper eu cantu a dura
Nici glontele nu ne sta-n cale acu
Nici n-avem mila a cersi nici genunchele a apleca
Nici cumparati ori inselati nu putem a fi
Cu totii luptam pentru dreptate
Cei adepti ai Jah trebuiesc gasiti in unitate
Caci viata-i mai presus decat cea bogatie
Noi Ne bucuram, bucuram, bucuram, bucuram
Si-o facem in numele Maretului
Noi Ne bucuram, bucuram, bucuram, bucuram
Ne bucuram chiar din livada-i
Fredonand laude Maretului Zion, Maretului Zion
CAMIN AL maretului Jah , cel creator/carmuitor a fiesce
Noi Ne bucuram
Ne relaxam noi
Vreu eu cu tine a dansa
dansam noi, dansam, dansam, dansam
Si sper eu ca-ti e pe plac si tie a dansa
Maretul Jah imi e martor la staruinta-mi
Cel sentiment ascuns nu poate-a fi
A te implini
Cea sincera iubire-a ta
Careia eu nu pot sa-i rezist
Asa ca hai impreuna sa ne bucuram
Ne bucuram noi
Vreu eu alaturi tie a ma bucura
Ne bucuram noi, Ne bucuram noi , Ne bucuram noi , Ne bucuram noi
Ne bucuram noi, Ne bucuram noi , Ne bucuram noi , Ne bucuram noi
Sper ca-ti place si tie cel dans
Chaos is my lady
Oh, ringa dinga ding ding
Wake up, wake up (?)
Oh one, two!
Oh one, two, three, four!
[Verse 1]
Yeah, chaos is my lady
You were someone I could talk to
But everyone said that-
'Watch out for her
She will leave you
Dying behind her'
With your detained serenade
As frail as a tornado
With your voice that's trying to convince
My answerer to come out to the bars
And deep down I know it-
Chaos is my lady
[Verse 2]
Your street elegance
When you smoke your unlucky strikes
Your wounded gaze
Which Da Vinci would have loved
There's nothing you can't fake
With your X-large hopes
And your broken watch
With your voice that tries to convince
My answerer to come out to the bars
And deep down I know it-
Chaos is my lady
Yeah, chaos is my lady
Yeah, deep down I know it.
Chaos is my lady
Yeah, chaos is my lady
Chaos is my lady
Ești a mea?
Ești a mea pentru toată viața?
Mă vei săruta când sunt trist?
Vei șopti ”Te iubesc!”
Și-mi vei îndeplini toate visele?
Mă vei cinsti și mi te vei supune,
Și promiți să nu calci strâmb?
Spune-mi, scumpo, ești a mea și doar a mea?
Ești a mea? Da, sunt.
Tot timpul? Da, sunt.
Păi, doar a mea? Da, să trăiți!
Păi, toată a mea? Da, să trăiți!
Niciun altul n-o să mă aibă,
Voi fi a ta și-ți voi fi credincioasă.
N-avea grijă, dragă, nu te teme, căci sunt a ta.
Ești a mea? Spune-mi, dragă,
Te voi avea mereu aproape?
Va străluci mereu lumina dragostei
În acei ochi negri ai tăi?
Mă vei cinsti și mi te vei supune,
Și promiți să nu calci strâmb?
Spune-mi, scumpo, ești a mea și doar a mea?
Ești a mea? Da, sunt.
Tot timpul? Da, sunt.
Păi, doar a mea? Da, să trăiți!
Păi, toată a mea? Da, să trăiți!
Niciun altul n-o să mă aibă,
Voi fi a ta și-ți voi fi credincioasă.
N-avea grijă, dragă, nu te teme, căci sunt a ta.
Ești a mea, fie că sunt bogat sau sărac?
Spune-mi, scumpo, ești sigură?
Vei șopti ”Te iubesc!”
Și-mi vei îndeplini toate visele?
Vei dărui atât cât vei primi?
Îți vei ține jurămintele făcute?
Spune-mi, scumpo, ești a mea și doar a mea?
Ești a mea? Da, sunt
Tot timpul? Da, sunt.
Păi, doar a mea? Da, să trăiți!
Păi, toată a mea? Da, să trăiți!
Niciun altul n-o să mă aibă,
Voi fi a ta și-ți voi fi credincioasă.
N-avea grijă, dragă, nu te teme, căci sunt a ta.
Goodbye rings twice
That sea that we saw
Just the two of us in a nap
You are searching
Alone tonight
If you lost the words
I want you to hang
The phone by the window
As if I'm by your side
Though I spend a lonely night
Only with tears
Go away, because I don't want
To hear only a goodbye
You can be whimsical as always... be tender
The TV ends
And the city sleeps
In my wide bed
A half will be cold
This way we won't meet
Not even in eternity
No matter how beautiful
I can become
If you remember me some night
Maybe I could answer with an unembarrassed voice
Because I won't forget that you loved me
Because I won't forget
Ho Chi Mihn
Who he was is featured in many songs. But no song would be true enough if it meant only him and his great life. For there are so many he carried with him: Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh. Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh.
Look at those who walk in cotton fields every day for the lords. Look, there grows anger and they call out quiet names: Comandante Che, Lenin and also him: Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh. Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh.
And in Cologne, the metalworkers strike for part of the great power. Because some are only now realizing that it's not all about the pennies. And the sentry hums as he watches over there: Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh. Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh.
Everywhere, next to the comrades, he too is standing, and he was there when Gagarin flew, when Allende's Popular Front won, lives in every word of our party: Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh. Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh.
Who he was is featured in many songs. But no song would be true enough if it meant only him and his great life. For there are so many he carried with him: Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh. Ho-Ho- Ho Chi Minh.
Yeah baby girl come on
I have something to promise you,don't laugh but listen
I hid this trembling feeling ,this secret
But today, I'm gonna tell her everything
Please help me gain courage
If the sky falls,is this what it would feel like?
You don't know this feeling of wanting to explode
My friends,who I thought were on my side
They keep walking toward you and smiling
Stop teasing me,ma heart
I feel like she's gonna find out
Is this it?Because of me,because of you
When time passes, some day
Will I be able to tell you how I feel?
Be be baby,when I think about you
I keep smiling
To me,you are a dream-like loveholic
When the morning alarm wakes me up
I started thinking about the things I wanna tell you
On my way back home,If I run into you
I'm prepared to say anything
Is this what it feels like to have time stop?
She is standing in front of me
The whole world is turning white
What I can hear are the laughters of my friends
Stop teasing me,ma heart
I feel like she is gonna find out
Is this it?Because of you,because of me
When time passes ,some day
Will I be able to tell you how I feel
I can't hold you
Babe I can't see you
It's like a dream
Stop teasing me
I feel like she is gonna find out
Is this it?Because of you,because of me
When time passes, some day
Will I be able to tell you how I feel?
Dream-like loveholic
Be be baby,when I think about you
I keep smiling
To me,you are a dream-like loveholic
Să reîncepem
Și lasă-mă să urlu,
lasă-mă să mă descarc!
Eu fără dragoste nu pot sta.
Eu nu pot rămâne
să stau pe margine,
fără niciun rol.
Nu sunt în stare
să stau să privesc
acești ochi de tăciune,
și apoi să nu simt
un fior lăuntric
și să n-alerg să te-ntâlnesc, strigând:
Te iubesc,
să reîncepem!
Știu unde-ți petreci nopțile, (aș ști)
e dreptul tău, (aș putea)
mă uit și tac mâlc, (să te iubesc)
dar mă gândesc la tot, (aș ști)
mă trezesc distrus.
Însă eu încerc, (aș putea)
te urmez, te vindec. (să te iubesc)
Nu renunț, ți-o jur,
pentru că am dreptate,
pentru că eu...
Te iubesc,
să reîncepem!
(Cât de dulce ești în astă seară,
îmi vine dorința)
Să reîncepem!
(Știu că mă iubești cu-adevărat,
îmi pari a fi sincer)
Să reîncepem!
Ce vrei să fac?
Am să fiu o stâncă,
vai de cel care te-atinge!
Știu că iubești stelele,
te arunci în ochiul
primului ciclon.
Nu pierzi prilejul
care ți se oferă
ca să arăți ce poți.
Dar fă-mi plăcerea,
vreau să te ajut.
Hai, lasă-mă să încerc.
Încă te iubesc (aș ști, aș putea)
Să reîncepem! (să te iubesc)
(Aș ști, aș putea)
Să reîncepem! (să te iubesc)
(Știu că mă iubești cu-adevărat,
îmi pari a fi sincer)
Să reîncepem!
(Aș ști, aș putea)
Să reîncepem! (să te iubesc)...
Let the dogs bark
You didn't know the drill, my angel
You cut me right through the roots, my angel
White like a bag of heroin, my angel
you didn't know any remorse, my sweet
nor what it's like to be dead in heaven
the moon is blue like a reliable smuggler
you weren't familiar with gullies, my angel
nor with the sobs I hold back, my angel
You play with the rifle, my angel
You didn't know the drill, my sweet
Did you have to guess it, my sweet
To finally make love last for ever
Living life as we want
We won't pray to the heavens any worse
We'll get a full belly
Living life as it comes
We'll go to heaven if we please
We don't walk any more, but we carry on
Let the dogs bark
You didn't know the drill, my angel
My luv, my Caribbean whore, my angel
Can you see the factory chimneys, my angel
You weren't used to silence, my love
the back seat of an ambulance, my love
it's too late once you've jumped off, my love
Like an angel flying by
like a crack in the ice
like the first time you had sex
like you find out in first class
it may seem to you
it may seem a long time to you
Like an angel flying by
A stranger in the mirror
leaving a trace
it may seem disgusting to you
it may seem to you
it may seem good to you
Living life as we want
We won't pray to the heavens any worse
We'll get a full belly
We'll live life as it comes
We'll live life if we please
We don't walk any more, but we carry on
We'll take life as it comes
We'll never be a dog again
We'll reap the rewards
We'll live life as we please
We'll pray to the heavens every other day
We don't get any nearer, but we carry on.
Let the dogs bark
The caravan is far away
Let the dogs bark
The caravan is far away
You didn't follow the rules, my angel
You're lying dead in the orange kitchen
Wearing your t-shirt and your frilly jeans.
The nameless one
The nameless one will redeem you from slavery.
The nameless one will redeem you from slavery.
The nameless one will return you the arts of magic.
The nameless one will return you the arts of magic.
The nameless one will return you the arts of magic.
The nameless one will return you the arts of magic.
Move to Vengard, the world's only place of freedom
Greet me, temple keeper.
The nameless one will redeem you from slavery.
The nameless one will redeem you from slavery.
Move to Vengard, the world's only place of freedom
Greet me, temple keeper.
My thoughts are somewhere near you, where no one will find them.
My thoughts are somewhere, you're near, you're on my mind.
Everytime I think about you
I want to stay where your thoughts bring me.
I want to touch you, touch your lips,
But I can only guess about what could happen.
My thoughts are somewhere near you, where no one will find them.
My thoughts are somewhere, you're near, you're on my mind.
I want to belong to only you forever
Just asking would be enough and I would stay next to you forever.
I'd like to touch you like no one else can
And force myself to hold you like you're my first one.
My thoughts are somewhere near you, where no one will find them.
My thoughts are somewhere, you're near, you're on my mind.
My thoughts are somewhere (x3)
You're on my mind
My thoughts are somewhere (x3)
You're on my mind
On my mind, my mind, oh, my mind, my mind
On my mind, my mind, oh, you're on my mind (x2)
My thoughts are somewhere near you, where no one will find them.
My thoughts are somewhere, you're near, you're on my mind.
My thoughts are somewhere (x3)
[My tho, my tho, my thoughts, my tho, on my mind, my tho, my tho, my thoughts]
You're on my mind
My thoughts are somewhere (x3)
[My tho, my tho, my thoughts, my tho, on my mind, my tho, my tho, my thoughts]
You're on my mind
Aceeași plajă, aceeași mare
Pentru acest an nu schimba,
aceeași plajă, aceeași mare,
să te pot revedea,
să ma întorc, să stau împreună cu tine.
Și ca anul trecut,
pe mare cu skateboard-ul
vom vedea umbrelele departe, departe,
Nimeni nu ne va vedea, vedea, vedea.
Pentru acest an
nu schimba,
aceeași plajă,
aceeași mare,
Întoarce-te iar
în această vară,
întoarce-te iar
în această vară împreună cu mine.
Pentru acest an
nu schimba,
aceeași plajă,
aceeași mare,
să te pot revedea
să mă întorc, să stau împreună cu tine.
Și ca anul trecut,
pe mare cu skateboard-ul
vom vedea
departe, departe,
nimeni nu ne va vedea, vedea, vedea.
Pentru acest an
nu schimba,
aceeași plajă,
aceeași mare,
întoarce-te iar,
în această vară,
întoarce-te iar
în această vară împreună cu mine.
Și ca anul trecut,
pe mare cu skateboard-ul
vom vedea umbrelele departe, departe,
nimeni nu ne va vedea.
Pentru acest an
nu schimba,
aceeași plajă,
aceeași mare,
întoarce-te iar
în această vară împreună cu mine.
Aceeași plajă,
aceeași mare
împreună cu tine!
Don´t move
A bunch of money, a lot of them would give a bunch of money
and I want only you, so don´t regret even a penny
because with money both silver and gold can be bought
even love, who would regret it!
A bunch of money, a lot of them would give a bunch of money
and I want only you, so don´t regret even a penny
diamonds, brilliants and white pearls
nothing is expensive if that´s what the heart wants
Chorus 2x
Don´t move, don´t move
don´t move from me even for a metre
don´t move, don´t move
God is sending you to me tonight
Hey, I´ll give millions, I don´t regret any money
I´ll take you, my love, right to Zanzibar
you´ll wear only gold and Gucci from head to toe
just to make sure my lips land on yours
A bunch of money, a lot of them would give a bunch of money
and I want only you, so don´t regret even a penny
a girl like this won´t come to you even from a movie
and there´s a million, a million of women
Chorus 4x
Hug Me
finally , the time has come and I knew what being happy means
you're me and I'll protect you .my heart has awaken and love wiped the tears away. girl, listen to me. I breath you
let us grow older. my life has begun by your side. let's live forever and walk with no directions
Wind, blow and carry her to my heart which has loved her and tell her I'd sacrifice it all for her .
I swear with her green eyes and with the happiness I knew after suffering, life's smiled to me.
being by her side in this life is like a painting when she smiles at me
I got lost and smiles. forgot my pain and my name
Hug me and let the world spin . say you love me and make me forget what I lived before.
The city gets dark. love me and let the time stop and the world spin
life has no meaning without you. let me stay in your heart. I promise you to death that I'll love and adore you.
Till the death do us apart, you're the only one I see. see,! my heart was fasting and loved you eventually.
I love you and only you. till the death do us apart .and I'll still love you , adore you forever.
we won't break up . You're the only one I see. see,! my heart was fasting and loved you eventually.
I love you , I breath you .
When the Flame Turns to Ashes
I used to see you as a wounded eagle
That has been left in the field in agony to die...
Your eyes are watching the damned enemy,
Who wanted to trample you with his feet.
You are breathing with anger, you're burning, still alive...
To dig you claw the ground,
With one wing you're beating off the rooks
And laying on the second broken wing...
I used to see you as a stately knight,
Who layed in steppe to rest on the stone...
You are hardly sleeping and raving about the lucky battle,
While your enemy is hissing like a snake...
My nation! And you - an eagle, that got shot down at night,
And you are knight, who has been captured!
Oh my eagle, my winged giant,
Oh my knight, who has been punished for his sleep!..
Why, my eagle, don't you fly with eagles,
Why are you dragging wings, as oars, on the ground?!
Why, my knight, don't you go in battle,
Why you are lamentably crying with a wind on the tillage?!
So what is an eagle, if his flock
Doesn't dart off the earth into the blue of serene day,
And what kind of knight are you with a smile of servant,
Without proud thoughts, without honour and a name?!
She Was Following Her Path in the Woods
She was following her path in the woods,
I take it after her footsteps.
When I get alongside her,
It takes my breath away.
I breathe one more time,
I say a word, she startles
And she looks in another part,
And she has no answer at all.
But I approach her more and more,
And I talk, and I give her advice.
She defends herself with one hand
And she always looks elsewhere.
When I put my arm on her waist,
She is bending, wants to escape,
But I always pull her at me,
Closer to me, closer to me.
She doesn't want it and she wants too.
I put her head on my shoulder,
I put on her close eyes, on her mouth
Countless kisses.
I hug her tighter to my chest.
My breath is closer to its end.
I ask her why she is grieved,
I ask her if she loves me.
And she opens her eyes,
Big, and powerful, and floating:
'You are dear to me exceedingly,
But you are naughty sometimes.'
The Kid from Paris
A kid from Paris
is quite a poem.
In no other country
is there the equivalent
because he's a street urchin,
a little clever guy whom
we love.
A kid from Paris
is the sweet mix
of a sky freed
from the devil and of an angel,
and his adventurous eye
moved by
an orange.
No taller
than three apples,
he defies
the lovable fellow
who called him 'my little one.'
A kid from Paris
is a badge of honor,
a flowering bud
in a mustard jar.
He is the whole spirit,
the spirit of Paris,
who loiters.
A kid from Paris,
jovial, and enhtralled
with life, who dances
if needed—can also
like Gavroche
break into a dance.
E o necunoscută fiecare seară a mea,
O așteptare egală cu o agonie.
De multe ori aș vrea să-ți spun nu
dar apoi te văd și nu am atâta putere.
Inima mea se răzvrătește împotriva ta
dar corpul meu, nu.
Mâinile mele care se îndreaptă spre tine
și ale tale care știu totul,
fiecare colț al meu.
Și vii acasă la mine când vrei,
nopțile, mai mult ca oricând ,
dormi aici, pleci,
faci mereu ce vrei,
Știu și accept
și-n cel mai rău caz
te voi avea toată
și va fi pentru o noapte...
La, la, la, la, la, la...
A renega o pasiune, nu
dar nu pot să-ți spun mereu, da.
Uneori mă voi decide
și, fără să-ți spun un cuvânt,
Mă voi îndepărta.
Fericirea este scumpă.
E mai bună libertatea decât să te aștept serile pentru a-ți cerși dragostea...
Vii la mine acasă,
când vrei,
Nopțile mai mult ca oricând,
dormi aici, pleci,
faci mereu ce vrei,
știu și accept, și-n cel mai rău caz,
te voi avea toată
și va fi pentru o noapte...
La, la, la, la, la...
Și viața trece peste noi.
Orizonturile nu le mai văd.
Timpul profită și fură, cum ai facut tu,
Restul unei tinereți
pe care de acum nu le mai am.
Și continui pe același drum,
mereu beat de melancolie
Acum admit că vina e poate numai a mea.
Ar fi trebuit să te pierd
și în schimb te-am căutat...
La, la, la, la, la
Mintea mea nu se oprește deloc.
Nu știu ce zâmbet are dragostea adevărată.
Gândurile pleacă și vin
viața e așa
Menuetul cântă pentru noi
La, la, la, la, la...
Mintea mea nu se opreşte deloc.
La, la, la, la,la...
Nu ştiu ce zâmbet are dragostea adevărată.
La, la,la, la, la...
Gandurile pleacă şi vin
La, la, la, la, la...
Viața e asa,
e aşa.
Frustrated Feminist
I'm a big fat repressed lesbian
I'm fat girl with a wet pussy
I'm a big fat sinister feminist
I'm a big fat frustrated feminist
Women are beautiful, polite and refined
stuck in vacuum in the supermarkets of downtown
I'm not fragile, frigid or breakable
Woman is in search of man
to bring back daily bread
and appreciate her form
and shag me deep into the kidneys
I'm a big fat repressed lesbian
I'm fat girl with a wet pussy
I'm a big fat sinister feminist
I'm a big fat frustrated feminist
Fuck shit.
Bloody fool, don't look at me the same way, damn it.
Here, where I am, it's the end for a girl in a band
singing a few cute notes
Hey, I'm even going for a tambourine
A bloody tambourine
La la la...
Memory of Smoke
Memory of smoke, linden tangle,
White butterflies wandering in the bitter orchard,
If you ask where they are, all of them have an end,
All of them sleep deeper under the snow.
Only one of two will pay for the memory,
Only one of us will reach the shore.
Only one of two will pay for the memory
With wings ripped out from the body by the burden of love.
Ravaged afternoons are still snowing over the blood,
You chase away my remnants of flowers over time.
If you ask what is left, all of them have an end,
All of them sleep deeper under the snowfalls.
Only one of two will pay for the memory,
Only one of us will reach for the shore.
Only one of two will pay for the memory
With wings ripped out from the body by the burden of love.
My rose, my lily
1. ||: My rose, my lily
I want to live all my days of life together with you :||
2. ||: When I have become grey and old
Then, I have given all my days to you! :||
My goats
1. ||: My goats are in the forrest, gnaws the bark from the trees :||
— ||: Tri di ralla sudli du dej
Tri di ralla sudli du
Our maids and farmhands put knee against knee :||
2. ||: My goats are in the forrest, and puts knee against knee :||
— ||: Tri di ralla sudli du dej
Tri di ralla sudli du
Our maids and farmhans gnaws the bark from the trees :||
De parca te voi pierde
M-am trezit visand la argint si aur
Ca o scena dintr-un film in care fiecare inima ranita stie
Ne plimbam sub lumina lunii si tu ma tineai aproape
O fractiune de secunda si tu ai disparut apoi am fost singura
M-am trezit in lacrimi cu tine langa mine
Am oftat de usurare si am realizat
Da, ziua de maine este incerta
Asa ca o sa te iubesc ca si cand te-as pierde
O sa te tin ca si cand ti-as spune la revedere
Oriunde ne-am afla,o sa te apreciez pentru ceea ce esti
Pentru ca niciodata nu se stie cand vom ramane fara timp
Asa ca o sa te iubesc ca si cand te-as pierde
O sa te iubesc ca si cand te-as pierde
Intr-o clipire de ochi
Doar o soapta de fum
Ai putea pierde tot
Adevarul e ca niciodata nu ai stiut
Asa ca o sa te sarut mai intens, iubito
Orice sansa as obtine
O sa o transform in cele mai frumoase clipe
Si iubesc fara niciun regret
Asa ca hai sa lasam timpul sa decida ce vrem
Aici e tot ce avem
Inainte ca totul sa dispara
Da, ziua e maine este incerta
Asa ca o sa te iubesc ca si cand te-as pierde
O sa te tin ca si cand ti-as spune la revedere
Oriunde ne-am afla, o sa te apreciez pentru ceea ce esti
Pentru ca niciodata nu se stie cand vom ramane fara timp
Asa ca o sa te iubesc ca si cand te-as pierde
O sa te iubesc ca si cand te-as pierde
Nu ești fiul meu
Ei bine, cheia supraviețuirii mele
Nu a fost niciodată pusă la îndoială
Întrebarea era cum aș putea să mă păstrez sănătos
Încercând să găsesc o cale de ieșire
Lucrurile nu au fost niciodată atât de ușoare pentru mine
Pacea sufletească era greu de găsit
Și aveam nevoie de un loc în care să mă ascund
Pe care l-aș putea numi pe al meu
Nu m-am gândit prea mult la asta
Până să înceapă să se întâmple tot timpul
Mai apoi am trăit cu frică în fiecare zi
De ce s-ar putea întâmpla în noaptea aceea
Nu suportam să aud plânsul
Mamei mele - și îmi amintesc când
M-am gândit că asta va fi ultima dată când mă vor vedea
Și nu m-am mai întors acasă
Ei spun că timpul este vindecător
Iar acum rănile mele nu sunt la fel
Încleștat cu inima în gură
Trebuie să aud ce spune
M-a așezat să vorbească cu mine
M-a privit drept în ochi
El a spus: „Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiul meu”
Dar unde ar trebui să merg și ce ar trebui să fac
'Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiu al meu'
Dar am venit aici pentru ajutor, oh, am venit aici pentru tine
Ei bine, anii au trecut atât de încet
Mă gândeam la el în fiecare zi
Ce aș face dacă ne-am intersecta pe stradă
Aș continua să fug
În și în afara ascunzătorilor
În curând, va trebui să mă confrunt cu faptele
Ar trebui să ne așezăm și să vorbim
Și asta ar însemna să ne întoarcem
Ei spun că timpul este vindecător
Iar acum rănile mele nu sunt la fel
Încleștat cu inima în gură
Trebuie să aud ce spune
M-a așezat să vorbească cu mine
M-a privit drept în ochi
El a spus: „Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiul meu”
Dar unde ar trebui să merg și ce ar trebui să fac
'Nu ești fiul, nu ești fiu al meu'
Dar am venit aici pentru ajutor, oh, am venit aici pentru tine
'Nu ești fiu, nu ești fiul meu ...'