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Water Reflection
Sinking further and further
I can’t see anything, i don't want to see anything anyway
What a convenient world isn’t
How painful, even more than underwater
The more you believe, the more you will be betrayed.
I’m done living that way
Isn’t this world weird?
Why are you laughing? Won’t crying be enough
In a world where people who want to cry cant.
What is it there to live for?
Painful, painful, struggling, desperately
So easily rejected, I can’t get through
Even if there is no tomorrow, it is fine by me
Nothing will change anyway
My heart is about to tear up
Why is it so painful?
What am I lacking?
Is it wrong to fake a laugh?
I have no choice but to laugh
Who made such a world?
I want to laugh, I want to cry
In this vast world where i do not belong
What should i live for?
Why are you laughing? Won’t crying be enough
In a world where people who want to cry cant.
What is it there to live for?
I want to laugh, I want to cry
In this vast world where I do not belong
What should i live for?
Distrusting, full of lies, I am sinking deeper
Drowning in this water reflection
From Cookie with Love!
I Wish
I wish for light in darkened nights
I wish that we would not stay lost
I wish for joy in chores and work
When it gets better
And these worries fade away, I wish
For your warming hand in my hand
I wish
(I wish)
For a smile up to my eyes
I wish for a touching look
I wish that one could actually
Love, as if for the first time
Dreams can finally pass, I wish
For the bubbling bliss of life
I wish comfort for the lonely
I wish for bridges between us, I wish
Warmth for those in need, it alone will keep the heart safe
And guard it the best, I wish
That those fears of ours might die
That one could actually
Love, as if for the first time
Dreams can finally pass, I wish
For the bubbling bliss of life
I wish for the serenity of a child
I wish for belief in the power of love
I wish for a path towards the new
And for inner peace, as I go
Trusting in tomorrow again
I wish
(I wish)
For our faded hope to come true
That one could actually
Love, as if for the first time
Dreams can finally pass, I wish
For the bubbling bliss of life
Vino la mine
Am știut că ești tu din prima clipă în care te-am văzut
Ca și când inima mi-a înghețat, respirația mi s-a oprit
Obișnuiam să fiu copleșit până și de unul singur
Dar acum, în fiecare zi, îmi lipsești
Mulțumesc că ai venit la mine
Doar tu singură îmi e destul
Nu mai vreau nimic altceva
Mereu voi zâmbi lângă tine
Te rog să îmi cunoști inima
Voi fi aici
Am crezut că nu se poate din prima clipă în care te-am văzut
Cum de ai venit la mine?
Nenumărate zile m-am chinuit să îndur
Deci nu am știut că vei veni la mine
Mulțumesc că ai venit la mine
Doar tu singură îmi e destul
Nu mai vreau nimic altceva
Mereu voi zâmbi lângă tine
Te rog să îmi cunoști inima
Voi fi aici
Dacă te întorci, voi fi mereu acolo
Așa că te poți întoarce mereu la mine
Exact ca atunci când ne-am găsit printre atâția alți oameni
Putem fi fericiți, putem fi împreună
Promit că nu vei plânge
Nu te voi răni
Totul e ca un miracol pentru mine
Întotdeauna o să te protejez
Te rog să îmi cunoști inima
Acum ține-mă de mână
Nu mai vreau nimic altceva
Mereu voi zâmbi lângă tine
Te rog să îmi cunoști inima
Voi fi aici
A Song About Tanja
She was pretty, Tanjuša*, there was no one prettier than her in the village
By the hem there were red patches, her body covered in sarafan**
Over the fence, into the hollow, Tanja goes when the night falls
The moon dances with its clouds in a sooty fog
A boy comes and bows to Tanja with his curly head
Farewell, my happiness, I have to take another as my wife
She went as pale as death, as cold as morning dew
Her braid fell apart, hung from her shoulder like a snake
Oh, my blue-eyed boy, I don't mean to offend you
You know, I came to tell you, that I'm marrying another
This isn't the ringing of church bells in the morning, it's the shouting of the wedding guests
A wild wedding on a wagon passed by in a blink of an eye
This isn't a call of a cuckoo, it's the terror of the kinsfolk
There's a ghastly wound caused by a mace on Tanja's temples
She was pretty, Tanjuša, there was no one prettier than her in the village
By the hem there were red patches, her body covered in sarafan
Don't stand up, sit down
Don't be shy with me
Try to get comfortable
So you see me well
Don't take your eyes off of me
Come here, get comfortable
Don't be shy with me
I just want to take over you
I just want to take you with me
And not take my eyes off of you
No, no, no
Don't be, don't be shy with me
No, no, no
Don't be, don't be shy with me
You can come clo-clo-closer
Don't be, don't be shy
You can come clo-clo-closer
Don't be, don't be shy
Don't be shy na-na-na
Help me get up and down
Let me undress you
I'll say yes to everything when you ask for it
Just because you're you
Just because you're you
No one else but just you
No one else but just you
I do what I want when I move
I can't sleep unless I dream of you
I'll do whatever you want even if you move
No, no, no
Don't be, don't be shy with me
Oh no, no, no
Don't be, don't be shy with me
You can come clo-clo-closer
Don't be, don't be shy
You can come clo-clo-closer
Don't be, don't be shy
Don't be shy na-na-na
Allow me to pull you closer to me
And show you everything that's hidden inside me
Allow me to pull you closer to me
And show you everything that's hidden inside me
No, no, no
Don't be, don't be shy with me
Oh no, no, no
Don't be, don't be shy with me
You can come clo-clo-closer
Don't be, don't be shy
You can come clo-clo-closer
Don't be, don't be shy
Don't be shy na-na-na
Midnight for Christians
Midnight for Christians—
it is the solemn hour
when the Son of God came down to us
in order to erase original sin,
and in his heart bring down wrath.
The entire world thrills with hope
because this night gives it a Savior.
Worshipers, on their knees,
await your deliverance.
Christmas, Christmas—
here is the Redeemer.
Christmas, Christmas—
here is the Redeemer.
The Redeemer
has broken every chain.
Im gonna miku miku you
Beyond the limits of science
I'm here.
I don't have leeks.
I wish I could.
You know, early
Put it in your computer.
What's wrong?
Package I've been staring.
About you.
I'll give you a try!
I'm still singing.
I'll give you a try!
So be prepared for a moment.
I'll do it for you.
Mikku Mikuni
Until the end.
Mikku Mikuni
So give me a little alert.
I'll give you a try!
than anyone else in the world
I'll give you a try! So let me sing more
Come morning
Come evening, come night, come tomorrow
as I've been so sad today
Come next moment, hurry up,
as this moment weighs like it would be my last
And I don't want it at all,
that beautiful world that's waiting for me
Evening will come, night will come, tomorrow will come,
but still I'm just so sad
Sleep doesn't come, as the pain knocks me awake
to tell me why I'm not happy
The Paths of the Dusk
If I were a pale moon in August,
The white lady of the night...
Loneliness... Loneliness...
And I carried the echo of an ancient cloister
And a young breeze from the sea...
Freedom... Freedom!
We'd go around completely naked
Stepping on soft grass,
We'd worship the sun,
We'd invoke the rain
Finding the origin of being
And the essence of everything
Down the paths of the dusk...
If I were a pale moon in August,
The white lady of the night...
Loneliness... Freedom...
We'd go around completely naked
Stepping on soft grass,
We'd worship the sun,
We'd invoke the rain
Finding the origin of being
And the essence of everything
Down the paths of the dusk...
Love me
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you have no reason to do it
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul and without a reason
Love me just in spite and without rules
Love me unconditionally and without questions
Love me, love even if love doesn't exist
Everything that is nice to the eye, knows how to hurt you deep
Your beauty, my shame
I'm persistently giving my best to bring back your feelings
Baby, it's ok, the heart wins
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you have no reason to do it
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul and without a reason
Love me just in spite and without rules
Love me unconditionally and without questions
Love me, love even if love doesn't exist
Everything that is nice to the eye, knows how to hurt you deep
Your beauty, my shame
Don't worry, better days are coming, the sky is on our side
God counts on us, counts on us
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you have no reason to do it
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul and without a reason
Love me just in spite and without rules
Love me unconditionally and without questions
Love me, love even if love doesn't exist
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
Crimea Crisis
Oh my friends if only we had
Ukraine's peninsula and a Tsar!
With no international observers
We'd have a democratic election!
Then, comrade, we'd have no worries
Only one percent object to the conquest
Oh my friends if only we had
Ukraine's peninsula and a Tsar!
All peoples unite and rejoice
Everything's allowed except anal!
Do not touch your brothers
For a good slav doesn't do the gay!
Lead by Putin we march
Towards the Soviet sunrise
Let its rays always shine
Brighter than the rainbow!
Al meu
Ohh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Ohh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Tu erai la facultate
Lucrând part time ca și chelner
Părăsisei un orășel mic, n-ai privit niciodată înapoi
Eu eram la risc cu frica de cădere
Întrebându-mă de ce ne mai deranjăm cu dragostea
Dacă nu durează niciodată
Spun, ”Îți vine să crezi?”
Când zacem pe canapea
Momentul când pot să-mi dau seama
Da, da îmi dau seama acum
Îți amintești când stăteam acolo lângă apă?
Ți-ai pus brațele în jurul meu pentru prima dată
Ai transformat în rebelă
Fiica precaută a unui bărbat nepăsător
Tu ești cel mai bun lucru care a fost vreodată al meu
Salt în viitor și noi
Înfruntăm lumea împreună
Și există un sertar plin cu lucrurile mele la tine acasă
Mi-ai învățat secretele și îți dai seama
De ce sunt deranjată
Tu spui că nu vom face niciodată greșelile părinților mei
Dar noi avem facturi de plătit
Nu avem nimic rezolvat
Când era greu de suportat da, da
Uite la asta mă gândeam
Îți amintești când stăteam acolo lângă apă?
Ți-ai pus brațele în jurul meu pentru prima dată
Ai transformat în rebelă
Fiica precaută a unui bărbat nepăsător
Tu ești cel mai bun lucru care a fost vreodată al meu
Îți amintești de luminile orașului reflectate în apă?
M-ai văzut începând să mă încred pentru prima dată
Ai transformat în rebelă
Fiica precaută a unui bărbat nepăsător
Tu ești cel mai bun lucru care a fost vreodată al meu
Woah oh ohh
Și-mi amintesc de cearta de la 2:30 noaptea
Căci totul ne scăpa printre degete
Am fugit afară plângând
Iar tu m-ai urmărit în stradă
M-am pregătit pentru despărțire
Căci asta e tot ce-am știut vreodată
Iar tu m-ai luat prin surprindere
Ai spus, ”Nu te voi lăsa niciodată singură.”
Ai spus
”Îmi amintesc cum ne-am simțit
Stând lângă apă
Și de fiecare dată când te privesc zici că e prima oară
M-am îndrăgostit de
Fiica precaută a unui bărbat nepăsător
Ea este cel mai bun lucru care-a fost vreodată al meu.”
Oh oh
Fă să dureze
Nu te întoarce niciodată înapoi
Ai transformat în rebelă
Fiica precaută a unui bărbat nepăsător
Tu ești cel mai bun lucru care a fost vreodată al meu
Woah oh
Da, da... Mă crezi?
Woah oh
O să reușim acum
Woah oh
Și pot să cred asta da, da
Pot să cred asta acum, Cred asta acum, Cred asta acum
The ravine of the lost children
Mist hovers over the
The wind blows toward
Autumn will be there soon
but war doesn't care about seasons.
Tomorrow the fight will rage on
Fire will rain from the skies
and wipe a village off the map
there on the hill.
Birds have long gone silent
in the ravine of the lost children (x2)
Snow followed rain, falling
on the burnt-out tree stumps.
For the enjoyment of strategists
that's when the war dug in.
In Vauquois, under heaps of rubble
they dig saps and tunnels.
For four years, mine warfare
will relentlessly spew death.
Birds have long gone silent
in the ravine of the lost children (x2)
Lice, vermin, filth,
stench, rats, mud,
feet rotting in your shoes,
artillery barrages drive you mad.
Fear grasps the comrades,
of a flamethrower roasting you alive,
of mustard gas, of grenades.
The trench is their mass grave.
Birds have long gone silent
in the ravine of the lost children (x2)
In the horrible racket,
during the assaults, night and day
countless men fall
and lie dying helplessly.
Terror follows mass slaughter.
The screams of the wounded, the dying,
many of which will find their graves
in a field of mud drenched in blood.
Birds have long gone silent
in the ravine of the lost children (x2)
In the craters of this field of horror,
in the gaping shell holes,
insects, trees and flowers
are blasted away together with the grunts.
This nature, these beings of flesh,
how can we recall them from oblivion?
By refusing all wars,
wars of tomorrow, wars of today.
We don't want any more of this suffering
Life ends where war begins.
Birds have long gone silent
in the ravine of the lost children (x2)
With an open heart (Sognando)
Maybe I dance into emptiness
maybe I play with fire
maybe I shall have to live half-heartedly*
Not bursting out laughing too often
never feeling sadness
being nothing but a smile
being nothing but a puppet.
Maybe death exists
maybe he looks daggers at me
but he'll always come too soon
and so what, screw him!
I'll never read the book
in which we learn to be happy
so I may just as well add fuel to the fire
I may as well bite into every apple,
sow each and every one of the seeds of my madness,
grab the present by its horns,
I claim the right to waste my life!
So let the party begin,
don't mix water into my wine.
Not every night is luxurious,
tomorrow doesn't always come after each day.
I want the lilacs to grow again
where my love has gone,
want loneliness to lie at my feet.
I want to sleep in palaces,
I want to roll into the mud,
to belong to the one and only race,
the race of those who come from anywhere.
Maybe I am mad
and I am just talking nonsense,
maybe I get drunk on words
but I don't give a damn, I'm drinking tonight!
I want to love passionately
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
I am just as much a woman as I am an animal
and so what?
I too can say 'I love you'
I've said it thousands of times
but if I want to become a bitch
it's none of your business!
I'm not like everybody,
I've got nothing in common with you,
You who say that the Earth is round,
you who always know where you're going.
I don't know what I'm looking for,
I don't even know where due North is.
I only know that grass is green
and even that...**
I know that this night will be a sleepless one
and that I cry and I laugh
and that there's a strong chance
it may last for the rest of my life.
Maybe my life
is but a joke in the face of despair***
but I can't care, tonight I'll sing
and so what? to hell with mirrors!
At the shore of a memory
I'd like to be again the sailboat of dreams
floating on the silver seas
And the mast of the heart, with the breeches in the wind,
To beat the time of the labyrinth
Stay a little more (stay a little more)
we'll be again the light
of a secret sunrise
Stay a little more (stay a little more)
Your ray is still watching
my infinity moment
Stay with me a litle more...
Stay with me a litle more...
You were in my life the word of mouth
So warm and close
sourse of joy and wing of fire
The game of the world forgotten for so long.
Stay a little more (stay a little more)
we'll be again the light
of a secret sunrise
Stay a little more (stay a little more)
Your ray is still watching
my infinity moment
Stay with me a litle more...
Stay with me a litle more...
Stay with me a litle more...
Stay with me a litle more...
The Universe Awaits Us
She's coming from a dream
The past, the future I've longed for!
The universe, the earth and the sky
For her, I wouldn't be afraid to die
A sparkling gaze
His eyes are burning embers
And he just watches like an angel of hell
who brought light to Earth for humanity's sake
He just watches
Will you love me like I will?
Will you come with me where light awaits?
Will you always love me? Answer!
Until our death, until the last minute?
As long as we're alive and longer, whatever happens
Our hearts, after so much longing, finally have arrived
(Romeo and Juliet)
Until doomsday and longer!
For endless times!
The skies above guard our secret
The universe awaits us
Will you love me like I will?
Will you come with me where light awaits?
Will you always love me? Answer!
Until our death, until the last minute?
As long as we're alive and longer, whatever happens
Our hearts, after so much longing, finally have arrived
(Romeo and Juliet)
Until doomsday and longer!
For endless times!
The skies above guard our secret
The universe awaits us
My wings hold
It’s me!
If it’s a witch you’re looking for
Turn your eyes to the west
So will you all see
That the one who flies the highest
Flies the best!
Perhaps I am alone
But I am in any case free
To those who bound me
Listen here now what I’m going to say
Now look at how, look what distance I can go
Look at what I can do
And at what distance I can go
Let them all be aware
The song of a tradition
- This tradition starts with a song, an awesome song!
- (Olaf:) I love you. Start singing!
- Someone knocks the door again
Open the door to see who knocks the door
We have guests once more
We have a lot of happiness
- (Olaf:) Sing it better!
- Tick & Tick & Tick (clock's ticktock sound), the clock of the house
Says that it's time for guests(' comings)
- (Elsa:) Who says?!
- The guests of the new year
- (Anna:) Ah! That's a troll!
- The pleasure of your home
Then you'll lick it & make a wish!
Hello! Hope you enjoy the Persian lyrics♪
Love me
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you don’t have a reason to
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul, and without a reason
Love me purposely and without any rules
Love me unconditionally and without question
Love me, love me even if love doesn’t exist
Everything that is pretty to the eye can hurt you deeply
Your beauty, my shame
I'm continuously giving my all to bring back your feelings
Mala, it's ok, the heart is winning
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you don’t have a reason to
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul, and without a reason
Love me purposely and without any rules
Love me unconditionally and without question
Love me, love me even if love doesn’t exist
Everything that is pretty to the eye can hurt you deeply
Your beauty, my shame
Don’t worry better days are coming, the sky is on our side
God is counting on us, counting on us
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you don’t have a reason to
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul, and without a reason
Love me purposely and without any rules
Love me unconditionally and without question
Love me, love me even if love doesn’t exist
the mind returns
the mind goes where does it go
who knows...
i feel like a women like this , how ?
outside its a world that is already waiting for me, i know...
i want to live even for me
to discover what it is
i want
to open the door ,but...
when you arrive ,the mind returns
my heart closes
and around me the space is immense,
that even I no longer make sense.
when you arrive the world is lightened
what was mine you have already taken
there are no more hesitations
i will ask you only if you forgive me
you do not greet me ,you sit and than you open the newspaper ,you do not see me anymore
you leave me alone like this why?
i fly without you
i have already decided ,but ...
when you talk to me ,my mind returns
my heart is already closed
and around me the space is immense,
that even I no longer make sense
when you arrive the world is lightened
what was mine you have already taken
there are no more hesitations
i will ask you only if you forgive me
Honest diary
Ah, why? Do I do these things I wonder
Ah, why? Nothing but him/her, it's always him/her
Because I'm already at my limit. Ah, again.. With this.. Look.. I went and said it again
Things like getting hate from people are only words
Says the one who's becoming truly alone
Actually knowing what it is, and be it too (alone)
What's next?
Looks like a tough time ahead
Me with a clever mouth, I presently can't do anything
I have no money, no love, but
I'm fine with this
I am. Tomorrow and the day after. Just a bystander
Just that was fine. It was fine
I'll just humor (trick) you with this crap, you said
You are really such an idiot
'I love you', such words are... lies
Especially you young ladies who spout it all the time
...Yep...Bull's eye.
Be it a close friend, a partner, or just someone you don't care about
You do it willfully
It's really funny, look (sounds like it's not really funny)
They look like they are piles of dust
These words used to... violate
Just as I realized. A person... Understood the fever.
Understood the ice so cold it's freezing to touch they both did
One day I'll feel a pain. And one day, the scar will vanish as well
I don't get it (there is no way/I don't know how)
I'm fine with this
I'm fine with this
I'm fine with this
I'm fine with this
I'm fine with that
Even with my rotting future too
And at the end
There was no choice but to grow up
It's really bad...
From Cookie with Love!
Southern Cross Dreaming
Ah, the ocean blue shines wonderfully
My doubts fade away
We split a while ago
You bring back our dreams
Forgive me for that time
I cried without saying anything
'I won't meet that person ever again'
After a broken promise
You murmur casually
That you're someone who loves from the heart
I can't believe you with words
Loneliness started crying
The Southern Cross of the lovers dreams
I'm looking right now
I felt for a long time that we passed each other
Now you hold me like this
Even if you have a reason for talking
You are shy, you bite your lips
I'm amazed with an unexpected call
On a break you invite me
An invitation seems coercive for me
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart
At the sunset, from the beach
The sea breeze blowing
Brings me a smell a bit dangerous
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart
At the sunset, from the beach
The sea breeze blowing
Brings me a smell a bit dangerous
With a new lovely scene
I can't be compensated quickly
With only that you hurt my heart

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Great Man
All the strength to win.
And the knowledge to command.
All this will one day come.
On the journey that begins,
a thousand questions will arise.
You'll find your answers.
You'll know where to go.
Only you will find,
freedom to live,
and one day then you will be,
as a great man should be.
Even without anyone with you.
No one to guide you.
But with faith and patience,
I know a man you will become.
Only you will find,
freedom to live.
And one day then it will be,
as a great man should be!
The pursuit of knowledge,
will show the direction.
But always listening to the voice of the heart.
There is of all your dreams,
what you desired the most.
It will become reality,
You've already won
Only you will find,
freedom to live.
And one day then it will be,
as a great man ought to be.
You'll know, how a great man should be!
a great story
you are my love
you are my love master of all
bring in your beauty
you are my moon when it overlooks
what is this news
what did you do to me
you take my mind always
a great story
the love of my heart, people
she let me live in feelings
she melted me, let me live in love
get close and embrace me
in my heart and my soul I want you
what you hate, bury me*
how much I love you I adore you
Spirit of the air
Fly, spirit... fly...
You are the fairy spirit of the air
I hear your whisper of winds
I clothe myself with your scent...
Like a spirit of the air
It goes alone
Hiding in the night
Seeking its own place
Like a spirit of the air
That is only felt flying
Like a spirit of the air
That is just heard singing
Larai larai
Just seeking a place
Free its soul, free me
Like a spirit of the air
It goes alone
Like a dream of the night
That you will never see rest
Like a spirit of the air
Seeking to catch its dream
Like a spirit of the air
You can see it flying
Free its soul, free me
Free its soul, free me
Dreams, spirit... hover...
I often fell asleep in your arms...
Even when I couldn't see you...
Are you the spirit I'm calling?
Spirit, oh, you fairy spirit of the airs
Like a spirit (daba, daba, daba, dam, dam)
In the air (daba, daba, daba, dam)
Like a spirit (daba, daba, daba, dam, dam)
In the air (daba, daba, daba, dam)
Free its soul, free me
Free its soul, free me
Free its soul, free me
Like a spirit of the air
Seeking to catch its dream
Like a spirit of the air
You can see it flying
Spirit, oh, you fairy spirit of the airs
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.
So Transparent Is My Heart
Understand my heart
I long for true feelings
I’ve been heartbroken by love before
Why is it easy to awaken from sweet dreams?
You have a pair of gentle eyes
You have a kind, understanding heart and soul
If you’re willing
to let me be close to you
I think you will understand my heart
Starlight glitters, and the wind is light
The most lonely is a girl’s heart
Bidding farewell to the past love
Heal the scars,
Never again will I let my tears flow until dawn
I understand your heart
It longs for true feelings
I’ve been heartbroken by love before
Why is it easy to awaken from sweet dreams?
Understand my heart
It longs for true feelings
I’ve been heartbroken by love before
Why is it easy to awaken from sweet dreams?
You have a pair of gentle eyes
You have a kind, understanding heart and soul
If you’re willing
to let me be close to you
I’m willing to listen to what’s on your mind
Starlight glitters, and the wind is light
The most lonely is a girl’s heart
Bidding farewell to the past love
Heal the scars,
Never again will I let my tears flow until dawn
I understand your heart
It longs for true feelings
I’ve been heartbroken by love before
Why is it easy to awaken from sweet dreams?
Understand my heart
It longs for true feelings
I’ve been heartbroken by love before
Why is it easy to awaken from sweet dreams?
You have a pair of gentle eyes
You have a kind, understanding heart and soul
If you’re willing
to let me be close to you
I’m willing to listen to what’s on your mind
Starlight glitters, and the wind is light
The most lonely is a girl’s heart
Bidding farewell to the past love
Heal the scars,
Never again will I let my tears flow until dawn
11 minute
Sunt la 11 minute distanta si mi-a fost dor de tine toata ziua
Sunt la 11 minute distanta, de ce nu esti aici?
Halsey si Yungblud
Cred ca am pierdut apelul tau, pe cealalta cartela
Ma gandesc la toate astea in mintea mea
Vorbind despre iubire, dar nici nu pot sa citesc semnele
Mi-as vinde sufletul pentru mai mult timp
Lasi urme pe trupul meu, precum vinul rosu
Tu esti acidul pentru alcalinul din mine
Iti misti degetul din mijloc in sus si jos pe coloana mea
Imi pare rau ca niciunul nu si-a cerut scuze
Imi pare atat de rau, imi pare atat de rau
Am jucat un rol si nu ajuta pe nimeni
Si rujul ei nu a ramas
Si acum sunt bolnav, lovind cu pumnii
Si da, te-am vazut in mintea mea in fiecare zi de cand am plecat
Tu pe podea cu mainile in jurul capului
Si eu sunt la pământ si in depresie
Tot ce vreau e capul tau pe pieptul meu
Atingandu-ne picioarele, sunt la 11
Halsey si Yunggblud
Sunt la 11 minute distanta si mi-a fost dor de tine toata ziua
Sunt la 11 minute distanta, de ce nu esti aici?
Sunt la 11 minute distanta si mi-a fost dor de tine toata ziua
Sunt la 11 minute distanta, de ce nu esti aici?
Spune-mi de ce ai nevoie
Pot sa te transform in mai mult decat esti
Vino si pune trandafirii pe podea
In fiecare duminica, nu ne plictiseam
Vreau sa îngheț
Pot sa iti ofer mai mult decat esti
Acum te vad stand singur
Nu am crezut vreodata ca lumea se va transforma in piatra
Halsey si Yungblud
Spune-mi ca sunt prost, spune-mi ca sunt trist
Tu esti cel mai bun pe care l-am avut vreodata
Tu ești cel mai mare rau pe care l-am avut vreodată
Si asta continua sa imi distruga mintea
Spune-mi ca sunt prost, spune-mi ca sunt trist
Tu esti cel mai bun pe care l-am avut vreodata
Tu ești cel mai mare rau pe care l-am avut vreodată
Si asta continua sa imi distruga mintea
Halsey si Yunggblud
Sunt la 11 minute distanta si mi-a fost dor de tine toata ziua
Sunt la 11 minute distanta, de ce nu esti aici?
Sunt la 11 minute distanta si mi-a fost dor de tine toata ziua
Sunt la 11 minute distanta, de ce nu esti aici?
(De ce nu esti aici?)
Halsey si Yungblud
Spune-mi ca sunt prost, spune-mi ca sunt trist
Tu esti cel mai bun pe care l-am avut vreodata
Tu ești cel mai mare rau pe care l-am avut vreodată
Si asta continua sa imi distruga mintea
Spune-mi ca sunt prost, spune-mi ca sunt trist
Tu esti cel mai bun pe care l-am avut vreodata
Tu ești cel mai mare rau pe care l-am avut vreodată
Si asta continua sa imi distruga mintea
Halsey si Yunggblud
Sunt la 11 minute distanta si mi-a fost dor de tine toata ziua
Sunt la 11 minute distanta, de ce nu esti aici?
Sunt la 11 minute distanta si mi-a fost dor de tine toata ziua
Asa ca de ce nu esti aici?
De ce nu esti aici?
De ce nu esti aici?
De ce nu esti aici?
De ce nu esti aici?
What's Been Lost of My Lifetime
What's been lost of my lifetime for you, I must relive it after you
My soul was between your hands, and on your hands it returned to me in your remoteness
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
I haven't lost you, you're the one whose injustice got him to lose
You got yourself to lose a heart that loved you
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
Why would I regret your absence/remoteness, you, whatever God wishes for you, your injustice did not hesitate
It was a must that all of this would happen, no one in this world learns for free
Remoteness of the unjust is mercy, & truely love would be blind,if we didn't learn
Now nothing left that deserves to be cried upon, nothing ever
Even the one who betrayed my heart & wounded me, may Allah forgive him, thanks (anyway)
I haven't lost you, you're the one whose injustice got him to lose... a heart that loved you
What's been lost of my lifetime for you, I must relive it after you
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Defy no one, defy no one, speak
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, minao
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, mina
Damina, Damina, mina, Damina, Damina, minao
I sense hunger! Hungry for communication!
I sense hunger! Hungry for communication!
Don't remember
Remember me, at least in pieces
We're done with it but it's not over yet
Remember me, Lone Wolf
Remember the snow of our magic night
Remember me, at least in pieces
We're done with it but it's not over yet
Remember me, Lone Wolf
Remember the snow of our magic night
With a crazy rhythm you showed me the dark world
You stayed with me like airy poetry
Of Corneille* that you left forgotten
Playing and showing off from time to time
How much I want to hold you close and forget about everything
I'm thinking back and it seems that snow was you
The story's with no beginning or end, running on empty
You are a strategist, conquered my land
Remember me, at least in pieces
We're done with it but it's not over yet
Remember me, Lone Wolf
Remember the snow of our magic night
Remember me, at least in pieces
We're done with it but it's not over yet
Remember me, Lone Wolf
Remember me, remember..
It's really sad that things are so complicated
All that covered our roads was unreal
Taste of my skin on a knife blade
You're a perfumer in the fire
It's such a shame that we will never be together
Remember my sad kindness, at least from time to time
Keep in mind that I am there for you, my dear Wolf
If you ever want to be yourself, my address is the same
I still remember every kiss and every touch
I got lost in the desert of your sweet lies
You were the first of us who let the sadness go
Time will put all the things in order
Vice and crystal water are in your eyes
I thought you were a devil, but you're just a man
The only way out of my obsession is to run away
So I am running from my fate to the magic snow
Remember me, at least in pieces
We're done with it but it's not over yet
Remember me, Lone Wolf
Remember the snow of our magic night
Remember me, at least in pieces
We're done with it but it's not over yet
Remember me, Lone Wolf
Remember me, remember..
Who are you? Where are you now?
Do things go like you wanted?
How've you been?
Burnt all the bridges, turned them into smoke?
What should we do? Forget it all?
Turn all answers into dust?
Or just love
Who are you? Where are you now?
Do things go like you wanted?
How've you been?
Burnt all the bridges, turned them into smoke?
What should we do? Forget it all?
Turn all answers into dust?
Or just love
Minifée ending Canadian
Minifée! Minifée!
Since we know her
We never get bored
Admit it's handy
To have a magical friend
Minifée, Minifée!
It's chic to have a fairy friend
Minifée, Minifée?
See you soon!
Voi iubi din nou (Adagio în C minor)
Ce dulce este primăvara
După friguroasa iarnă.
Da, pământul aşteaptă sărutul soarelui
Pentru o viaţă nouă, eu ştiu.
Iubire, tu eşti soarele
Lumina care străluceşte pentru mine
Te sărut acum şi trăiesc
Iubire, ştiu că nu există viaţă fără tine.
Tu eşti soarele, luna, steaua , mai frumoasă
Lumea mea se învârte după tine
Tu eşti zorii
Lumina ce străluceşte dimineaţa
Minunata melodie ce cântă pentru mine.
Dragoste, ştii cât de mult te iubesc?
Dragoste, dă-mi mâna ta,
Te iubesc atât de mult .
Stai cu mine, pentru totdeauna lângă mine
Stai cu mine, cu mine...
Ştiu că te voi iubi întotdeauna
Te voi iubi mereu...