Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 48

Număr de rezultate: 2207


Pain is Beauty

Just try me
Pain is beauty
I will tell you
Even now i'm still a lonely girl
The crossroads appeared too many times
Every time someone is chosen again
Between 'Yes and No', I prefer to be invisible
Nobody can understand why
I don't want to get hurt
I stay quiet because I can't say I understand
Everyone around me is judging me
But I don't have the power to say it
I'm not asking for a lot
I just want to be protected by someone
My long sleeves cover my wounds
So it helped me feel stronger
Don't come near me
All my words are full of lies
If I get out of here
I can do anything so i said
Go away, I'm not afraid of being alone
I want to look stronger
But I wonder if I really am that strong
So try me, I love the pain, I finally understand it now
Pain is such a beautiful feeling
That made it beautiful too
Pain is beauty
The world has always been cold towards me
But apparently I am the one without common sense
But because it doesn't make any sense
I just accepted the complexity and tried again
Let me show you how I fight, baby
Come here when you're tired
I would like to sing this song to the important people
But it's hard because it's the same old words
Stubbornly burst into my heart
I want to feel, I want to feel this pain
I was not realising all the songs I heard
were such a precious thing to me
Even though I was singing them so casually
I was told that I was loved
but i didn't notice it
I don't care if you have anything else you have to say
Go and hate me all you want
Go away, I'm not afraid of being alone
I want to look stronger
But I wonder if I really am that strong
So try me, I love the pain, I finally understand it now
Pain is such a beautiful feeling
that made it beautiful too
If you keep on going forward
I wonder if the sadness will ever go away
All the blood and tears I shed
I painted them into colours and they became beautiful
Go away, I'm not afraid of being alone
I want to look stronger
But I wonder if I really am that strong
So try me, I love the pain, I finally understand it now
Pain is such a beautiful feeling
That made it beautiful too
Pain is beauty

My fault

From a friend to a little more- high society
with the air of the 19th century, like an emperor.
How boring it is to stay here? How long will it last?
Old people, dazed people- if this keeps going, I'll fall asleep.
How I am, I don't know, how do you think I am
without my sweaters and my Indian tunics?
What nostalgia from jeans, nothing rock and roll,
you steal a kiss from me, then you say 'I've been tired for a little'
It's my fault I love you,
it's my fault,
It's my fault that I always follow you,
it's my fault.
But why, why don't we go
get out of here and change our clothes.
I want to be with you,
alone with you.
But why, why don't you understand
the anger I have that shocks you.
I want to have you to myself,
only for myself.
From a friend to something more - high society,
Butlers in black and shining for millions.
What a nuisance to stay here! How long will it last?
I have a better idea- let's go home, you'll get it later.
It's my fault I love you,
it's my fault,
It's my fault that I always follow you,
it's my fault.
But why, why don't we go
get out of here and change our clothes.
I want to be with you,
alone with you.
But why, why don't you understand
the anger I have that shocks you.
I want to have you to myself,
only for myself.

The Responsible

The fault of my foolishness
the blame lays on you
you treated me with sweetness,
patiently only you.
Restlessness (concern) I've got in life
only for you, woman,
I do have to pin the blame on you
of my dreadful sorrow.
Your eyes, you lips,
your sweet gaze
my soul has been spellbound (beguiled)
and I don't have anything to do other than crying.

The Miner

Shady days of mining galleries
nights of tragedy
hopelessness and disappointment
I feel deep in my soul.
My life is passing by like that
because I'm a miner,
miner that for my homeland I give
all my existence.
But in life I must bear
so much ingratitude
my great tragedy will end
far away from here.
I'm fated to live
in holy heaven
that's why I beseech God to let me die
as a good miner.
I'm a miner of my hometown
I live as a miner
I don't have anything whatsoever
I will leave you only my heart.
You will remember to be a miner,
I will live as a miner
he'll say to me perhaps if he is alive
crying I had departed...


[Verse 1]
I am an egotist
I said I'd be there when you die
But I wasn't there
I was not there
What you are now
Is no longer here
And I also don't here
How it wasn't me
How it wasn't me
What I like, I grab onto
What I grab, suffers
Glue on my hand
I wish you were a stranger
But I'm taking you with me now
Whether you like it or not
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
I'm behaving sordidly
But I pretend that I don't realise
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
My hands are sticky
But I pretend that I don't realise
[Verse 2]
I am an egotist
I treasure you and told you how it is
And then I wasn't there
I was not there
What you want now
I don't have it
And I also don't know
If it was ever in me
If it was ever in me
What I like, what I
What I almost suffer from
Glue on my hand
I wish you were a stranger
But I'm taking you with me now
Whether you like it or not
With gloves on
I can do nothing more
Glue on my hand
I wish it was a stranger
And now please take me with you
Whether I like it or not
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
I'm behaving sordidly
But I pretend that I don't realise
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
My hands are sticky
But I pretend that I don't realise
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
I'm behaving sordidly
But I pretend that I don't realise
Everything's gotta go that doesn't pay rent
I never said that I like everything about myself
My hands are sticky
But I pretend that I don't realise

Mereu în mintea mea

Poate nu te-am tratat atât de bine cât trebuia,
Poate nu te-am iubit atât de des cât puteam
Pentru micile lucruri pe care trebuia să le spun şi să le fac... nicicând n-am avut timp.
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Poate nu te-am strâns în braţe în tot acest răstimp
şi cred că nu ţi-am zis niciodată că sunt fericit că eşti a mea
Dacă te-am făcut să te simţi pe planul doi, îmi pare rău că am fost orb.
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Spune-mi, spune-mi că iubirea ta dulce n-a murit
Dă-mi încă o şansă să te ţin mulţumită...
Pentru micile lucruri pe care trebuia să le spun şi să le fac... nicicând n-am avut timp.
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Spune-mi, spune-mi că iubirea ta dulce n-a murit
Dă-mi încă o şansă să te ţin mulţumită...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Ai fost mereu în mintea mea...
Poate nu te-am tratat atât de bine cât trebuia,
Poate nu te-am iubit atât de des cât puteam
Poate nu te-am strâns în braţe în tot acest răstimp...
şi cred că nu ţi-am zis niciodată că sunt fericit că eşti a mea
(Poate nu te-am iubit...)


Daca as veni la tine
Spune-mi ca vrei sa ma opresti
Daca ti-as da totul
Nu te gandi sa refuzi
Cred ca nu ar trebui sa ma privesti cand cu altcineva
Cred ca nu ar trebui sa te privesc cum o fac, dar tu nu ajuti
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Am incercat sa-i iau, dar ei stau
Stiu ca ar trebui sa ma uit mai departe
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Fato, imi faci mintea sa inebuneasca
Sa-ti aud numele mijlociu e o durere
Stiu ca ar trebui sa ma uit mai departe
Dar nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Daca vii aproape de mine
Nu exista nicio cale sa te opresc
Punctul fara intoarcere
Deci ar trebui sa ne oprim inainte sa facem o micare un pic apropiata
Cred ca nu ar trebui sa ma privesti cand cu altcineva
Cred ca nu ar trebui sa te privesc cum o fac, dar tu nu ajuti
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Am incercat sa-i iau, dar ei stau
Stiu ca ar trebui sa ma uit mai departe
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Fato, imi faci mintea sa inebuneasca
Sa-ti aud numele mijlociu e o durere
Stiu ca ar trebui sa ma uit mai departe
Dar nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Fato, esti o altfel de incecare
Si stiu ca nu estiu buna pentru mine
Nu ar trebui sa te las inauntru
Nu ar trebui sa te las sa castigi
Toate strategiile tale functioneaza bine pe mine
Nu ar trebui sa te las sa castigi
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Am incercat sa-i iau, dar ei stau
Stiu ca ar trebui sa ma uit mai departe
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Fato, imi faci mintea sa inebuneasca
Sa-ti aud numele mijlociu e o durere
Stiu ca ar trebui sa ma uit mai departe
Dar nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze
Nu-mi pot face ochii sa functioneze

Mi-am pierdut minţile

Soarele vine, mă gândesc la tine
în ceaşca de cafea, mă gândesc la tine
Te vreau atât de mult, e ca şi cum mi-aş pierde minţile
Dimineaţa pleacă, mă gândesc la tine
vorbesc cu prieteni şi mă gândesc la tine
şi, ştiu ei, e ca şi cum mi-aş pierde minţile
Toată după-amiaza făcând fel de fel de lucruri
gândul la tine stă strălucitor
Uneori stau în picioare în mijlocul podelei
nemergând spre stânga, nemergând spre dreapta...
Sting luminile şi mă gândesc la tine
Petrec nopţi fără somn gândindu-mă la tine
Spuneai că mă iubeşti sau doar erai amabil
sau mi-am pierdut minţile
Toată după-amiaza făcând fel de fel de lucruri
gândul la tine stă strălucitor
Uneori stau în picioare în mijlocul podelei
nemergând spre stânga, nemergând spre dreapta...
Sting luminile şi mă gândesc la tine
Petrec nopţi fără somn gândindu-mă la tine
Spuneai că mă iubeşti sau doar erai amabil
sau mi-am pierdut minţile
Sau mi-am pierdut
mi-am pierdut minţile
Spuneai că mă iubeşti sau doar erai amabil
sau mi-am pierdut minţile
Erai doar amabil
sau mi-am pierdut minţile
mi-am pierdut minţile
mi-am pierdut minţile

I'm a Pop

Where are you from? Ay
wherever someone is
no matter what
all the time
Why not?
What do you think if I speak Korean?
All of this talent is because of my mom.
Do you envy me? I know all about that.
I'm getting a lot of abuse.
This music has no name.
Why is it that's all my own real melody, and that's all my lyrics?
with someone's freedom
I’m a pop, I’m a rock
And I’m a hip-hop
I can’t breathe in here
I’m a pop, I’m a rock
And I’m a hip-hop
It's stuffy in here
Everybody cares about it wherever it is.
I was listening in silence. be already in the air
He's not hip-hop. He's tired of hip-hop and so on. Doctor
I wanted to express it more than hip-hop or hit songs.
I'm honest with you about genre and culture.'
What's it like to be somebody or something like that?
Shame and deserved criticism.
If you think you're gonna chew me, come here.
If you hide, you'll lose all your chances.
This music has no name.
I'm just going to have a real melody, and I'm just going to have this song.
with someone's freedom
I’m a pop, I’m a rock
And I’m a hip-hop
I can’t breathe in here
I’m a pop, I’m a rock
And I’m a hip-hop
It's stuffy in here
Don't let me ride. Baby.
What's wrong with greed?
this music of my own
I want everything.
I want everything.
I’m a pop, I’m a rock
And I’m a hip-hop
I can’t breathe in here
I’m a pop, I’m a rock
And I’m a hip-hop
It's stuffy in here

it didn´t happen

I must breathe within my own air
I must rest my head on my own shoulders
I must cry for my own sorrow
Bring my own flowers for myself, night after night
It didn't happen, It didn't happen for me to come see you again
It didn't happen for me to breathe again, breathing your air
My blurry days are your lit up nights
You've become such a stranger, but me, i'm for you
Still, your dream is still following me
Still, your wounds are on my wings
Still, I jump awake from your happy dreams every night
Look, look and see my bad, unexpected fate
Look, look and see the flood that is in my teary eyes
Look, look and see that you are far and I get lonelier and lonelier every night
I must breathe within my own air
I must rest my head on my own shoulders
I must cry for my own sorrow
Bring my own flowers for myself, night after night
It seems as though no one cares about my distress
There's no one in my rainy night
Now is not the time for my regrets
It seems as though in my heart, your grief still resides
My heart is still stuck with you
It seems as though, still, your pain is stuck with me
Look, look and see my bad, unexpected fate
Look, look and see the flood that is in my teary eyes
Look, look and see that you are far and I get lonelier and lonelier every night
I must breathe within my own air
I must rest my head on my own shoulders
I must cry for my own sorrow
Bring my own flowers for myself, night after night
It didn't happen, It didn't happen for me to come see you again
It didn't happen for me to breathe again, breathing your air
My blurry days are your lit up nights
You've become such a stranger, but me, i'm for you

Dreamin' rider

Waiting impatiently in the side shore
He's now sailing to the space between the tides
His board slides through the blue sea
When I see him holding a finger over the waves
Willing to sail, I dance in the air
Dreamin' rider, the vector of the wind
Sea wind rider, betting everything
He runs
In the city, he's always silent
His look is a bit lonesome
Breeze, alone facing the open sea
When he turns around and smile
He's someone who speaks the language of the wind
Dreamin' rider, his strength
Sea wind rider, doesn't know anybody
He is free
On the beach, I take off the mast
On his toasted back, I whispered just with the fingertips
Dreamin' rider, without holding a helmet
Sea wind rider, through the wave fences
He slides
Secret feeling, the shy west wind
Secret feeling, I feel it in him
Dreamin' rider, the vector of my chest
Sea wind rider, decides free
Dreamin' rider
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


I'm sure the suit color for you
Is not red, blue or yellow
Even the burning flame
There is the only one color will left
To be happy is
Have to pay something
I see the sky that seems to be crying
I know your strength
Like the color that seems dirty
You are sulking like that
without being seen by other people
you wipe your tears on your sleeves
I'll take you to the city that cover in pure white
The beautiful green and red light
Until the sleeve arm being warms
The footprints of the two peoples
which coloured snowy road
If goodness has color
It is not red, blue or yellow
Mix them all together
and only one color is formed
It's gray, right
Don't wrinkle your face
Without knowing by other people
you spend the night without sleep
Let's go to our home
On the way back it looks like a silhouette
The Footprints face each other and hold hands
to the people who smell of dinner
It seems to be strong and weak
But, gray is the color that is given to you
which looks weak and strong
This year, winter feels warm
I’ve told you earlier
In a such moment, the world
become pure white like this
I'll take you to the city that cover in pure white
The beautiful green and red light
Until the sleeve arm being warms
The footprints of the two peoples
which coloured snowy road
and the footprint continues

Once my brother

[Verse 1: Søren Karim]
You were my best friend, my loyal companion
My blood, my brother, my squire in the battle of childhood
But the years rushed by, and we couldn't keep up
I'd wish I could rewind time
[Pre-chorus: Lau]
So that you may blow your own cloud
And you may sail in your own lake1
But never forget who was there from the start
And you may build your own town
But don't count on getting a visit
But if everything crumbles, I'll be there
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
Once my brother
Once my brother
Always my brother
[Verse 2: Mads]
We grew up side by side, and I remember for better or worse
We laughed, we cried, did all we could get to do
I haven't seen you in a thousand years
Too busy, too much, lost in a moment
[Pre-chorus: Lau]
So that you may blow your own cloud
And you may sail in your own lake
But never forget who was there from the start
And you may build your own town
But don't count on getting a visit
But if everything crumbles, I'll be there
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
Once my brother
Once my brother
Always my brother
[Verse 3: Loke Deph]
We could kill a man together
Let me know, I've got it all under control, let the clouds come crashing down
We'll drive to Saltholm2 when the shadows grow long
Getting close to one another, don't be afraid
Do you recall what you said when you said once?
I thought it was permanent, we made the plan
But if anything's up, say my name three times
And I'll be ready, just call me, let's talk
[Chorus: Lau]
Once my brother
Always my brother
  • 1. A Danish idiom meaning to be left to one's own devices, usually well-deserved
  • 2. An island in the Øresund Strait
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Don't Cry

Antonis Rigas:
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Sin Boy:
A little bit to extinguish my cigarette
A little bit to drink my drink
A little bit to forget you
A little bit to renounce you
You have do it like your mug
I don't care if its your fault
Pick up my suitcase
I don't care if you cry
One plus One equals 1
Alone equals None
Half truth equals lie
Lie equals here an end
Everyday in the race
Don't mistake me for him
Does not talk to you my drunk
Evein if don't let a drop
Antonis Rigas:
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Sin Boy:
Ay ya Let me alone
I see the hour but i lost my time
Ay ya i feel the pain
Ay ya baby im bleeding
I feel it im missing the ball
My life like a gallows
Im lost in a deserted island
Im mixing xanax with pills
Ya Ay Let me alone
I see the hour but i lost my time
Ya ay baby im bleeding
Ya ay i feel the pain
Get get get get
Get everything you want get
Anyway i dont have anything left
Bitch all everything get
Antonis Rigas:
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time
Don't cry and don't talk about love now
For another pain i haven't time


And I'd like to think about it some more,
we're frightened by this angel.
Come to think of it, it's true, who knows where is
the last word that concerned you.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know where it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
Who among us already has an idea?
Seeing you again and not talking with you makes me shiver,
mad obsession of those who don't know who is
a new love being born here.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know how it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
But you're, you're
you're like snow
when touched it's already melted
and you don't know how it is anymore.
Only a flying image
and you're in my mind, yes,
only in my mind, like that,
only in my mind, you.
I'm vague in my mind.
Only you, only you...
In my mind
only you, only you...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

in love

in love i'm staying up in your absence my love
tired, scared, that your not coming back my love
I'm living in expatriation
my days are hard
don't be long my love
I'm scared of tomorrow
in seconds in hours I'm waiting for my love
It is reasonable to forget my love

5 Minutes

I think I stopped loving you
5 minutes ago
Then I wrote it down
And in the meantime it's 7 (minutes)
I think I stopped loving you
5 minutes ago
Then I wrote it down
And in the meantime it's 7 (minutes)
I wake up in the morning light
And my eyes hurt
How late is it? I don't know
That is okay
I need to eat something
And look back at what's still there
Striked my mind
That it's warm outside
Standing around at Winer Platz (1)
Waiting on the 13 (2)
One can see so far from here
Unlike anywhere else in this area (3)
Watch what happens when I
Simply continue like earlier
I think I stopped loving you
5 minutes ago
Then I wrote it down
And in the meantime it's 7 (minutes)
I think I stopped loving you
5 minutes ago
Then I wrote it down
And in the meantime it's 7 (minutes)
Emojis that you
Also the nudes, sorry, they don't turn me on anymore
I also don't know what it is
You leave me cold, better not call me anymore and yah
And since last week we texted everything, we went through that
Now you type 'I love you!' and 'I miss you' in your phone
And I simply fall asleep while that happens
Facetime with you
I saw, that you don't need me anymore
Without me, you roll a joint, smokes
Believe me, you looked so happy, and I
Dial you number
And I hang up again
From this number
We don't get out like this anymore (K-K-K-K)
I think I stopped loving you
5 minutes ago
Then I wrote it down
And in the meantime it's 7 (minutes)
I think I stopped loving you
5 minutes ago
Then I wrote it down
And In the meantime it's 7 (minutes

Hands Off Me

'You, hey, you understand? Yesterday, in the club, well, it was crazy good, the feel was good and all was totally great, you see... Suddenly, some guy actually flies to me and starts to touch me, I'm like 'Hey, don't, would you... hands off me!'
Get lost, don't touch me.
Put your hands in pockets, don't touch me
You can eye (me/it) but don't touch me.
Remember don't touch me.
Get lost, don't touch me.
Put your hands in pockets, don't touch me
You can eye (me/it) but don't touch me.
Remember don't touch me.
I'm a woman, you're a man
I didn't make myself up for you
And a glance is not a date right away
I'm not your piece of meat for god's sake!
My miniskirt is maxi for you,
don't even try, we don't fit there together
Like an online shop, just look,
you get no goods without investing
Where is your politeness, man?
Don't you feel ashamed, in front of your mom?
This kitty is getting angry...
Get lost, don't touch me.
Put your hands in pockets, don't touch me
You can eye (me/it) but don't touch me.
Remember don't touch me.
Get lost, don't touch me.
Put your hands in pockets, don't touch me
You can eye (me/it) but don't touch me.
Remember don't touch me.
How is it going?1 Not to my body!
Talk something, don't stare with your flag half up
But it seems that what I'm telling to you,
sound to you exactly as babbling as you to me
(mumbling to the beat of the song)
Oh, how will I make you understand?
If only you'd finally get it,
I am not what flashes in your hand at night
Where is your politeness, man?
Don't you feel ashamed, in front of your mom?
This kitty is getting angry...
Get lost, don't touch me.
Put your hands in pockets, don't touch me
You can eye (me/it) but don't touch me.
Remember don't touch me.
Get lost, don't touch me.
Put your hands in pockets, don't touch me
You can eye (me/it) but don't touch me.
Remember don't touch me.
  • 1. literally the expression is: how is the hand going?
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
The same goes for reusing parts of my translations in your own (parallel) translations. Id est: it is forbidden. (If a translation is IYO slightly wrong, I'd be glad if commented or PMed.)
If you want to translate my translation into a third language or use it as a basis, you are welcome. Especially if you do it on this website. Just be so kind and mention it and me. :) You can also notify me (in addition, it would make me recheck my work and maybe find errors that you wouldn't copy then) but you don't have to.
Most of my translations are works in progress. One never knows when a revelation can strike. One word: recheck.



Shut the door and turn the lights off,
it won’t disappear
Your memory of following behind me
Why do I tremble in the dark
With my eyes shut? It’s you, why?
Even if I erase and burn it
You’ll bring me back to life
I remember how I loved you
You follow and tease me everyday
You’re like a shadow
It constantly hovers in my ears
Your voice won’t leave me alone
Even if I run away,
I’m still stuck in place
Oh, you’re like a shadow
A memory I can’t grasp onto
It doesn’t mean anything
When I open my eyes, you disappear like the wind
Why am I looking back
At the elongating shadow? It’s you, why?
Even if I erase and burn you
It’ll only thicken the mark
I remember how I loved you
You follow and tease me everyday
You’re like a shadow
It constantly hovers in my ears
Your voice won’t leave me alone
Even if I run away,
I’m still stuck in place
Oh, you’re like a shadow
Fragmented memories
We’ll be together forever
More deeply in my mind
You can’t get rid of me
Again, a new light is tabbing at me,
your shadow
I remember when I last saw you
You kept following me, mocking me
You’re like a shadow
You hide within the darkness
You come after me and won’t leave me alone
Even if I run away,
I’m still stuck in place
Oh, you’re like a shadow

Crave for rain

Versions: #2
immature, heartless. even so, it's still beautiful
No destiny that suits ourselves
this won't be enough
if we talked over it, it will go smoothly
materials, money, love, words...I'm already tired with your show-off
Dejavu, what are you unsatisfied about?
saying those terrible and selfish things, what do you want again?
even so, I kinda don't hate it
enough, 'I'm already sick hearing that lines'
I don't want to keep things unfinished!
it's enough!
even though you said this and that
even though you said that you love me
it's easy if it's only to fool around, but doing this for serious is nonsense!
those thoughtless, insubstantial (serious) words,
how many times do you want to say it?
after all…
even if i was hoping in this fixed game
even those all quoted phrases
words that make people run away, make it a taboo
read the situation, I'm just hoping it won't rain
'I hate this boring talk'
'don't talk more than necessary, only within two letters, please'
the red butterfly that can't send a message
extending its fragile wing, it's more fascinating by that way right?
in confusion
if you can't respond, leave me alone
if you are hesitant, go away from me
the main thing that you ignored, it's like bring you a peace
if the sweet raindrops fall,
it makes you want to hold up your umbrella right?
as it is
i glad i'm still can hope on it, i closed my eyes
i wanted to change, tried to act like an adult
i lost something that irreparable
please don't stop raining, right now
copy, paste, delete.
repeat it again, breath in, breath out
that's fine, i want to stay here
it's enough!
even though you said this and that
even though you said that you love me
it's easy if it's only to fool around, but doing this for serious is nonsense!
those thoughtless, hard truth (lies),
should we make it a taboo?
even if i was hoping in this fixed game
even those formal phrases
i'll end this habit of running away
read the situation, please don't be sunny right now
today is raining too…
close the umbrella, let's go home wet

main actor

A manga's protagonist said
'I'll protect you'
They were a really cool protagonist
If it were me, I wonder if I'd just be 'villager B' that runs away
Without making one unpleasant face, smiling, crying in the shadows
They fought, they saved people
They were everyone’s favorite person
They were a hero, it’s obvious
If it were me I’d cling to and depend on the protagonist
I wonder if I’d just be “villager C”
I just waited for the morning without doing anything, alone on my bed
While drinking a cup of soup
While watching the same old news again in front of the television
I waited again for the usual peace
Just once, just once, just once, just once
Give me proof that I exist
Only me, only me, only me, only me
Give me proof there’s something only I can do
Even you, it’s the same, everybody, is waiting
I’m singing probably because even I don’t know what that is
I’ve grown tired of each day I thought of as ordinary things have come
I hated things that were difficult, simplicity was better
But for some reason the guitar in my room
was the only thing I couldn’t throw away
Just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit
I wanted even a square meter where I belonged
Only me, only me, only me, only me
I wanted to be someone’s number one
It won’t change, it won’t change
It can’t change, it can’t change
‘Cause, just as I thought, this is how I am
Just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a little bit
I wanted even a square meter where I belonged
Just once, just once, just once, just once
Give me proof that I exist
Only me, only me, only me, only me
Give me proof there’s something only I can do
Because it's me, because it's me, because it's me, even if I am how I am,
Love me
Forgive me
From Cookie with Love!

Unless the Lord

Unless the Lord build the house,
they have laboured in vain who build it.
Unless the Lord keep the city,
The watchmen waketh but in vain.
Potete utilizzare tutte le mie traduzioni purché citiate la fonte.

Salt Water

Simple and so banal
I would say, it's almost predictable and always the same.
They're all made this way:
Love and men.
As you see, they are adjectives. 1
That stick to us
Come on, we're not crazy.
Without you it's like not being anything.
You speak very well and you surprise me with your words.
In your mind you know very well where you will arrive
You practice more than I do.
And it could be the reason
I desire to have your love
It's me who's always with you.
I'll need you forever
I don't want anything else.
Salt water to drink.
from the punches you (threw) when you don't stop yourself.
that which pulses through my veins
your intoxicating lies, and the other stuff you fill me with.
And you fill me
And you throw me
Like a stone that does not feel emotions
From your footprints
I am the sand
And it's me who will suffer, love, all the pains.
Look, it's fine to have fun
I feel like I'm laughing at myself, and I just take what's coming
I can't stand a lot of things. I can't tell you which ones.
Your silences, my silence.
Your questions, my listening.
Let's find out what they are.
It's me who's always with you.
I'll need you forever
I don't want anything else.
Salt water to drink.
from the punches you (threw) when you don't stop yourself.
that which pulses through my veins
your intoxicating lies, and the other stuff you fill me with.
And you fill me
And you throw me
Like a stone that does not feel emotions
From your footprints
I am the sand
And it's me who will suffer, love, all the pains.
  • 1. 'Amor and Hombres' are actually 'nouns', so I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Perhaps the reference is to 'simple and banal'.

The Feminine Voice of the Singer

It was my mother said to me
My voice comes from woman
My voice came from therein, from who gave me birth
Who could explain the singer
Who could understand this voice
Without the voices he carries with him?
Without the voices he's heard
When still an apprentice
How can his voice be an Elis*
Without the angel who listened
To Maria Sapoti*
When would his song flourish then?
Feminine is the gift
That compels him to chant
The song his soul arrests in the air
Feminine is the passion
His musical love
Feminine is the sound of his heart
His minstrel's voice
His people has wed
And the country' streets are his altar
Feminine is the passion
In his musical love
Feminine is the sound of his heart
His minstrel's voice
His people has wed
And the country' streets are his altar
The city is joyous
With the voice of its singer
The city wants to sing along
He'll always remember
The firewood on a stove
The melodies sweeping in from the backyard
The voices he's kept close
The voices he's loved
The voices who taught him thus: it's truly good to sing

My Home

It's easier to worship the dead than the living
It's easier to live of shadows than of suns
It's easier to mimeograph the past
Than printing the future
I don't want to be sad
Like the poet who gets older reading Mayakovsky1
In the convenience store
I don't want to be happy
Like the dog that goes for a walk
With its happy owner
Under the Sunday sun
I also don't want to be as tight
As those who build roads and don't walk
In the darkness
I want to grope, like someone blind,
Distracted stars
In the darkness
I want to grope, like someone blind,
Distracted stars
Wild berries
In the promenade
Affairs hidden
Under umbrellas
Non-stopping thunderstorms
Who doesn't have lightning rods?
Even if the train doesn't stop
I can't stop
Non-stopping thunderstorms
Who doesn't have lightning rods?
Even if the train doesn't stop
I can't stop
I see the world move
Like a samba school
Crossing the avenue
Moves around
I ask
'Where are your tambourines?'
I ask
'Where are your tambourines?'
Sat on the doorstep
Of my home
The one and only home
Where I always lived
Where I always lived
Where I always lived
  • 1. A Soviet poet, playwright, artist, and actor
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Velierul meu !

Velierul meu
Poarta-ma , vreme ce
Plutind in larg
Mergi orisiunde valul ma poarta
Purtat de valuri, suav dincolo
Catre un loc , in care nimeni n-a pasit
Imi Este in sufletul meu , necontenit si salbatec
Totusi , la fel de curios precum un copilandru
Nevoia-mi a vedea , tot ce se regaseste
In aceasta lume fermecatoare, asa de nemaivazuta
In visele-mi pline de viata
Pot fi complet 'liber(A)'
Sa-mi las mintea a zburda
A gasi , unde-s predestinat(A) a ma regasi
Pe cinea-am sa gasesc acolo?
Inca , cautand persoane ce pot impartasi
Totu cu mine
Si sper ca ei deja stiu
Ca niciodat' nu le-as lasa
Ne-am aventura 'departari
Calarorii sub clar de luna
Strabatand mile in a noatra trezire
'Timp ce ne grabim
A cuprinde soarele ce rasare
Si precum noaptea se retrage
RAze de soare se arata
Peste tot orizontul
Plutind in larg
Mergi orisiunde valul ma poarta
Purtat de valuri, suav dincolo
Catre un loc , in care nimeni n-a pasit
In visele-mi pline de viata
Pot fi complet 'liber(A)'
Sa-mi las mintea a zburda
A gasi , unde-s predestinat(A) a ma regasi
Velierul meu
Poarta-ma , vreme ce


The moment you take me in you’ll be thirsting for more, incomplete
Creating the definition of heat
From instincts to reasoning
Will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
This strange feeling in my fingertips, coming through
Taking over my senses
The heat, prisoner to it all
Will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
Hot, hot
teasing you slowly
Hot, hot
making you fall for me without no limit
Hot, hot
waking you up from the silence under your deep sea
Hot, hot
will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
This sweetness of the forbidden apple tempts you
The impulse awakens the senses
In this sweet flow
Will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
Hot, hot
teasing you slowly
Hot, hot
making you fall for me without no limit
Hot, hot
waking you up from the silence under your deep sea
Hot, hot
will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
Want more, you want it more
Want more, you want it more
Want more, you want it more
Will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
I’m your eyes,
I’ll help you see a new world (I’m your eyes)
I’m your toy, I’ll make you innocent (I’m your toy)
Trust your own self-control
Move by your body and soul
Open your eyes, listen to your sound
What do you want?
I’ll make you realize what you never knew
Will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
Hot, hot
teasing you slowly
Hot, hot
making you fall for me without no limit
Hot, hot
waking you up from the silence under your deep sea
Hot, hot
will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more
Want more, you want it more
Want more, you want it more
Want more, you want it more
Will leave you wanting more, thirsting for more...

Mr boatman

Hey Mr boatman, Mr boatman
Can you hear me calling from the bank?
Can you see my older sister hair?
Turn charmingly
And lower the spead
Of your boat, of your boat
Hey Mr boatman, Mr boatman
Last night when I heard a song
The boats tied to the dry riverbed
Sail charmingly
And after, the white tides
Are cold, are cold
Hey Mr boatman, Mr boatman
Without forgetting the moonrise tides
Without waking up the plovers who sleep early
Flow charmingly
Hidden from the public gaze
Come, come
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Snow migratory bird

Putting on the raincoat, a migratory bird
Makes a nest somewhere in my hat
Though I don't complain, there are no returning shoals
I miss the lights of Izu and Shimoda
'I'm a man who lives proudly'
I say to my chest that I live traveling
Three months, three years, I still can't give up
The lingering affections I leave behind cry
Though I leave my bills aside, they happen
What regrets have the rain and the snow?
I'm also a silver and thin koi
If I draw my long sword, there will be a blood blizzard
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Chanchiki Okesa

The moon is the sake's bittersweetness
Of a miserable stand on the other side of an alley
An unknown fellow hits a small dish
Chanchiki Okesa
Okesa, pain is helpless
That girl left me alone
My mom says 'Are you well?'
Tonight I beg your pardon
Chanchiki Okesa
With the Okesa I torment myself
When I left my hometown
The big dreams thet came
Sigh floating in a sake cup
Chanchiki Okesa
The moon gets cloudy of tears
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Batman-clock shouted into my ear
It would be one new morning again
And that dick busdriver, I want to punch his face
If I didn't go to work today no one would probably notice
I'm wondering why I'm hating this pointless stuff
I leave my timecard outside my workplace
Adi-adi-os, adios, adios
Now was the last straw
Adi-adi-os, adios, adios
I won't be wondering what if, anymore
Today I'm leaving, today I'm dancing, today I'm raving
So adi-adi-os, adios, adios
I have a dead palm tree and dish piles
But instead I've been slowdancing with my vacuum
I'm gonna find a place somewhere where I can be completely tourist
Blindly drink mojitos, kiss strangers
Messages are raining to my voicemail
I throw my phone to a wall and I'm free
Adi-adi-os, adios, adios
Now was the last straw
Adi-adi-os, adios, adios
I won't be wondering what ifs anymore
Today I'm leaving, today I'm dancing, today I'm raving
So adi-adi-os, adios, adios
Played the role of a saint too long
Not easy
I want to drown into a moshpit
Hands full of bruises
I'm spilling my drinks
Shaking my hair to this beat
Adi-adi-os, adios
I won't be thinking what if, what if, anymore
Because hey, today I'm leaving, today I'm dancing, today I'm raving, today I'm boiling
Adi-adi-os, adios, adios
Now was the last straw
Adi-adi-os, adios, adios
I won't be wondering what ifs anymore
Today I'm leaving, today I'm dancing, today I'm raving
So adi-adi-os, adios, adios

My lullaby

Sleep, my little Kovu
Dream what you can muster
One day when you grow up
You will be our king
I was exiled over night
No one asked if I was suffering
When I think of that cat
I get pretty angry
But I have a dream that chases
The depression away
It extinguishes all suffering
And raise my mood
It's about Simba's last moment
When her daughter squirms in my mouth
The lioness pride's hierarchical fall
Is my lullaby
What once was should be forgotten
Old feuds should be put away
But I'm one of the bad one
I think that's hypocrisy
I know someone who is so brave
That he will solve your conflict
That battle will be too bloody
But I appreciate such things
A potpourri of pesky floggings
As a counterpoint of tormented screams
A death dance that is tough and long
Is my lullaby
Scar is gone, but Zira is here
And she has bred forth
Another son with magnificent genes
Just wait until he becomes just as bad
Sleep, you little furball
Oh, sorry, don't get offended
One day when you grow up
You will be our king
Then he'll make every lion stiff with fear
With the sound of his deep roar
We will cheer
All day long
The time is coming soon
Kovu is on his way
I know we will win
And end Simba's forced rule
He's nearing his end
In my lullaby