Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 14

Număr de rezultate: 734


Râul lunii

E luna în alba ta lumină.
Un râu de amăgire am visat,
Și tu știi foarte bine
Cât am suferit în acea noapte când i-am pierdut iubirea.
E luna cu inima mea.
Râul tău de amăgire l-am traversat.
I-am dat dragostea mea, și credința, și el m-a aclamat.
Îmi va rămâne durerea de-a vedea singurătatea.
E luna cu inima mea.
Râul tău de amăgire l-am traversat.
I-am dat dragostea mea, și credința, și el m-a aclamat.
Îmi va rămâne durerea de-a vedea singurătatea.

Hollywood Stars

Everyone has left the function
I stayed in the blue theater
For the love of a fictional light
Forever stargazing, Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
From so much seeing them in black and white
My skin begins to lose color
And I transform into an super hero
My shadow breathes on them
Hollywood stars
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world
Only the stars survive at the end of the world


Like the wave of the sea, looking
tirelessly for the sand, I’m looking for you

Little water of balance

Ready for the adventure
With your velcro sneakers
You fall down, you clean yourself up and you get up
You get scared and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again.
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take care of her
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Little water of balance take care of her
Keep her away from the cliffs, take care of her
Keep her away from the drunk drivers, take her away
Daughter of the highway
Wearing 4-wheel skates
The blows hug you in their own way
You stumble and you want to do it again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Somersault again
Fierce wolf again
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
Until I'm worn out from walking
Let go
I want to move from here to there
Let go
If I die it will be from a somersault
Let go, let go, let go, let go.
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Until I'm worn out from walking
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
I want to move from here to there
(Little water of balance take care of her)
Let go, let go, let go
(Little water of balance take care of her)
If I die it will be from a somersault

Cine ştie, cine ştie, cine ştie...

Tu te juri că mă iubeşti
mai mult decât te iubesc eu
Cu toate acestea, eu îţi spun:
'Cine ştie, cine ştie, cine ştie...'
Tu spui că pe pământ
sunt eu cel pe care-l preferi
că nimeni nu poate să te mulţumească
Cine ştie, cine ştie, cine ştie...
O seară într-un dans
Un altul face pasul
Deja, inima ta frivolă
în rochia ta se-ntoarce şi zboară
Și acel sărut pe care îndrăznește să-l fure
Pe obrazul tău roz spui:
'Nu este mult',
Cine știe cine știe cine știe
Spui că în dans
Confidențele tandre
Nu contează prea mult
Cine știe, cine știe, cine știe
Dovada este că în treacăt,
Dacă te mângâie pe corset,
Care să fie mai puțin înțelept?
Cine știe cine știe cine știe
Atâta timp cât interesul iubirii
Îţi întoarce capul
O să-mi fii infidelă
Pentru astfel de fleacuri prosteşti?
Dar dacă îndrăznești vreodată,
Eu însumi, cred,
C-aş face la fel,
Cine știe cine știe cine știe
Și acel sărut pe care îndrăznește să-l fure
Pe obrazul tău roz spui:
'Nu este mult',
Cine știe cine știe cine știe

Listening Mary

Lord Almighty, how beautiful
to hear tones from a blessed angel’s lips.
Lord Almighty, how dulcet
to die when songs are sung.
Flow still, o my soul, on the stream
on the dark, heavenly, purple stream,
sink still, o my spirit and soul,
into God’s good and gracious arms.

MARIA my love(愛しのマリア)

Not being able to tell you my feelings,
I am always talking about random stuff.
Though I want to know how you feel about me,
I knew I wouldn't move forward.
Deep down in my heart
Unreachable place
The feelings of happiness and thankfulness keep on overflowing and don't stop.
They say love is gazing into each other.
I feel you with my eyes closed.
So this is love.
You are my one and only.
I tell you that over and over.
I'm in love with you.
You are my precious, MARIA.
Deep down in my heart
Unreachable place
The feelings of happiness and thankfulness keep on overflowing and don't stop.
You are my one and only.
I tell you that over and over.
I'm in love with you.
You are my precious, MARIA.
I'm yours forever, MARIA.


Dear name, how would it be if I'd search,
Nowhere on earth I know that I can't find
and the sea and the sky, Maria...
The earth is in bloom
this word has melted us together
As my voice says 'Maria'
I'd want to fly to you
to tell my love in song, Maria...
There's no fairytale that's more beautiful in the world
as it was and your name will be...
with so much shine, Maria...
Maria, Maria...
Maria, Maria...
There's no fairytale that's more beautiful in the world
as it was and your name will be...
with so much shine, Maria...
On earth, no fairytale will be...


In wintry woods the wind is driving
the flock of snowflakes, shepherd-like,
and many a fir-tree feels how soon then
by lights it will be sanctified,
and listens well. To the white pathways
it stretches out its branches wide
to brave the wind and grow - to live for
that single blissful holy night.

From that iron that has made

From that iron that has made
my wretched bridegroom bleed
I learned cruelty.
Beholding a son so wan
and laved with my blood
I forgot pity.

I read about someone who stole a car

I went to school for nine year because that's what I've been told to
I looked for a job where people meet and that's what was suitable for me
After that I bought a house outside the city because that's what I've been told to
I want to help those who are in trouble because that's what I've been told to
Sleep, my darling,
Sleep till the winter is over
I read about someone who stole a car
He has been driving away one early morning
The trace ended after seventeen miles
After that no one has met him again
I enjoy music about which some might say that it is suitable for me
I often travel by myself because that's what is suitable for me
I like to cook something strong sometimes because that's what is suitable for me
You kept the window open and the light on but that was before you met me.
Sleep my darling
Sleep till the winter is over
I read about someone who stole a car
He has been driving away one early morning
The trace ended after seventeen miles
After that no one has met him again
I read about someone who stole a car
He has been driving away one early morning
The trace ended after seventeen miles
After that no one has met him again
We believe in truth and honesty because that's what is suitable for us
We have a wooden sauna because that's what is suitable for us
We like wine which is light and dry because that's what is suitable for us
We invested all in a Asian fond because that's what is suitable for us
Sleep my darling
Sleep till the winter is over
I read about someone who stole a car
He has been driving away one early morning
The trace ended after seventeen miles
After that no one has met him again

Jimmy and Maria

Maria fell in love with a guy from 8th grade
A boy called Jimmy, one of those guys you shouldn't fuck with
He was everyone's worst enemy, but became her boyfriend
'Cause when they were alone, it was someone very different she got to know
'Cause he was sweet and nice and always wanted what was best for her
Messing up those who looked at her whenever they were at a party
And she sat at the back of his moped when they left the place
Only heard him saying he loved her through smoke and noise
Then they grew up and moved to the city together
Jimmy was out on the street while she was keeping the duvet warm
She just wanted to graduate high school
But Jimmy insisted that she should stay at home
Unfortunately, it had to wait, she didn't have time now anyway
She had gotten pregnant, everything was pushed to the side
And one day, he suddenly came home to her
Saying that they would never have to worry about money again
He had something big going on which couldn't go wrong
Something about a lot of money was everything he told her
He promised that he would take care of her and their children
And he whispered quietly to her before he disappeared through the door
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
But Jimmy didn't come back home
Instead, an officer came
Ransacking her stuff
Messed the entire apartment
So that you'd think he owned it, threw all the things around in it
And suddenly, her phone rang
It was Jimmy, he was in detention at the station
'Cause they'd fucked up and everything had gone wrong
Now he was facing three years in prison, would get out after two and a half
So now Maria went around at home, waiting for him
Thought of him whenever she heard a certain song
Cried herself to sleep - started to feel weak
Who wants to celebrate a birthday in a visiting room?
There she sat with a long face, looking down at the table
She had so fucking much to say, but couldn't find the words
He took her hand in his own, whispering to her
With a tear rolling down his cheek
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
But Jimmy didn't come back home
Instead, an officer came
Quietly into her home to inform her
That Jimmy had passed away that night just before five
There was another inmate who said he had snitched on him1
So he found him to stab him eight times
She couldn't believe her own ears, slumped to the ground in the door frame
Started to cry alone, 'cause what was she supposed do now?
Who would take care of her, and who would hold her tight?
Everything she loved in this world was fucking gone
She was cold, felt empty on the inside
'Cause now he was no longer there to comfort her, saying
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
So I know where to go
I'll come back home
It might get late
Leave the door ajar
And before long, you'll hear my voice
  • 1. Literally 'stabbed him'


Yes, I am crazy, so crazy with happiness
What do you do with me
I can't get a wink of sleep, never have enough
I only want to be with you
Don't know how you do it
That you make me so happy
When we see each other, what happens between you and me
Simply is indescribable
That thing with us is magic
One look from you, I am gone and already at my destination
That thing with us is magic
Because you exist, everything is easy, feels like never before
Let the spell happen, please don't stop
I don't want to understand anything
Between us, between us is magic
With you I'm open, wild and loud
I surprise myself
I want to play with fire and take risks with you
Everything in the world
Don't know how you do it
That you make me so happy
When we see each other, what happens between you and me
Simply is indescribable
That thing with us is magic
One look from you, I am gone and already at my destination
That thing with us is magic
Because you exist, everything is easy, feels like never before
Let the spell happen, please don't stop
I don't want to understand anything
Between us, between us is magic
We are so different, but still we are one
If we want it, it will never be different
That thing with us is magic
One look from you, I am gone and already at my destination
That thing with us is magic
Because you exist, everything is easy, feels like never before
Let the spell happen, please don't stop
I don't want to understand anything
Between us, between us is magic

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
And blessed is the fruit
Of thy womb: Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Now and at the hour of our death.
Amen. Amen.
Hail Mary.

Nu știu să mă descurc fără tine

Nu știu să mă descurc fără tine,
și te iubesc pentru că
acum, că ești aici,
acum, că ești aici,
lumea e frumoasă și pentru mine.
A fost așa, exact așa
cum am visat,
am visat iubirea dintre noi,
așa de mare, așa de dulce,
ca lumina din ochii tăi.
Nu știu să mă descurc fără tine,
și te iubesc pentru că
am înțeles că tu,
am înțeles că tu
tu nu te descurci fără mine.
Am înțeles că tu,
am înțeles că tu,
tu nu te descurci fără mine,
tu nu te descurci fără mine.

Unde ți-e inima?

De ce ai spus că mă iubești?
Nu-mi mai ești de niciun folos
Și m-ai lăsat în urmă, oh.
Tu, tu ești cel din povestea mea,
Cel care ai luptat pentru mine.
Acum e o minciună...
Tu, tu nu poți să mă iubești și să mă lași aici,
Nu, nu, nu, și tu nu, nu poți îndrepta asta.
Oh unde, unde ți-e inima, dragule?
Ai pierdut-o, ai pierdut-o în frigul nopții?
Acum scumpule eu, eu pot să văd prin promisiunile tale,
Știu că nu vrei cu-adevărat asta,
Nu mai ai nevoie de mine.
Adevărat, te rănește tristețea,
Când nu mai ai viitor.
Și acum ne luăm rămas bun.
Oh tu, tu nu poți să mă iubești și să mă lași aici,
Nu, nu, nu, și tu nu, nu poți îndrepta asta.
Oh unde, unde ți-e inima, dragule?
Ai pierdut-o, ai pierdut-o în frigul nopții?
Acum te voi iubi de la distanță,
O să por povara existenței, iubindu-te încă.
Și tu ai mers mai departe, cu noua ta dragoste.
Fericit și zâmbitor, ai noul tău fior.
Oh tu, tu nu poți să mă iubești și să mă lași aici,
Nu, nu, nu, și tu nu, nu poți îndrepta asta.
Oh unde, unde ți-e inima, dragule?
Ai pierdut-o, ai pierdut-o în frigul nopții?

Noapte pentru cei singuri

Aceste lacrimi sunt pentru altă zi,
Acești ochi, cât de mult au plâns!
Durerea asta nicicând nu se va stinge,
Fără să fii lângă mine.
Această noapte e pentru cei singuri...
Sunt terminată pe dinăuntru.
Această inimă nu va mai pierde altă bătaie,
Aceste vise nu se vor adeveri vreodată,
Acest joc incomplet s-a terminat,
În ziua-n care m-ai eliberat.
Această noapte e pentru cei singuri,
Iar învinsa sunt eu.
Când vei simți durerea de-a fi mințit?
Oare-ți voi mai vedea chipul înșelător?
Nu te-a dărâmat niciodată nimic?
Nu pot reveni la suprafață,
Am să mă înec...
Noapte pentru cei singuri.
Aceste buze nu te poți face să mă săruți și tu,
Aceste brațe nu se pot îndoi în jurul tău.
Timpul nostru ne părăsește.
E greu să fii o fraieră oarbă.
Această noapte e pentru cei singuri...
Nu-i prea drăguț să fii crud...


Versions: #1
I have no time to say your name
I have no name for you to say
My coffee won't ever feed you
Nothing you offer could ever tempt me
It's weird how we abandoned ourselves to enjoy nothing
Your thong in the the sleeve of the fake magician
Your hands on the tophat, your body on the stage
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
I still haven't counted your deaf shields
Know that I study you from a distance
Your foreigner saint has showed me your world
I saw that you cry in the darkness
If Shiva told me to be patient
I catch you in the alley of the belief's bell
I scare you with the rage of my madness
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak
Bring everything here
Let your mute being make me speak

To Love Maria

To love Maria
Oh, how I wish I could do that
Even if it was just for a day
Maria's love
Dream and fantasy
Oh! How I wish I could have
Maria's love
But Maria didn't even care
Maria is a Maria if she was out of her mind
Maria is a Maria if she was out of her mind

How are you doing with your life

How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
Don't worry my love I am fine.
I see you always around me , I only miss your hug and your sympathy.
How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
I always see your picture and never forget it& I always see it in my dreams.
I am keeping my promise to make you always very proud of me and to live always in my heart.
How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
I've missed our beautiful days and our picnics which were the most beautiful days.
Also, I've missed your hug which I was sleeping into & I've missed your songs.
How are you doing with your life, my love? Tell me how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.
Oh my love how are you?
I am your memories, the love of your life which you will never forget.

What you see is not what I am

I spent the night again
on top of a plane
I don't know well if I'm arriving
or if I'm leaving
I thought it would be cold
and I die of heat
I forgot that on this side
it's already another station
So close to my dreams
I get further off the ground, today
I forgot who I am
There are so many people
in my loneliness
so many illusions
that I lack reality
and I have said goodbye so many times
so many goodbyes make the heart cold
what you see is not what I am
I used my passport
to see my age
and by the way see
my name and nationality
I don't know anymore if what I want
was my decision
but at least the end
I write it
So close to my dreams
I get further off the ground, today
I forgot who I am
There are so many people
in my loneliness
so many illusions
that I lack reality
and I have said goodbye so many times
so many goodbyes make the heart cold
what you see is not what I am
Behind a smile
sometimes there is pain
and nothing is that bad
if inspires a song
And although
there are so many people
in my loneliness
so many illusions
that I lack reality
and I have said goodbye so many times
so many goodbyes make the heart cold
There are so many people
in my loneliness
so many illusions
that I lack reality
and I have said goodbye so many times
so many goodbyes make the heart cold
what you see is not what I am


Nothing at all
Not even the ad
Here on my screen
Conveys the slightest inkling of humanity
I had seen you
In a flowered and checked dress
Blue like the water
Of the aquarium that
They brought me when I was little
And I don't remember anything
Only the blonde cashier
And the flying fish
And then my mother saying:
Don't touch anything
Don't touch
Anything at all

Upside down

Much more than the ground beneath my feet
Here I miss voices and the city
And I miss you, because I haven't seen you
Since I've been here
We went up before the shift ended
To the factory roof to see
Whether from up there we could finally see
The one who got us fired
The first day he took off almost hurriedly
With us above and the others arguing below,
But whose faces are those above the roof
And what do they have to look at?
Then the patrol car came tearing in
And a little boy waved from a window
Before night fell,
The television crew set up shop
But no, I'm not coming down
Not even the television
Can make me come down
No, I'm not coming down
You go ahead
And go on television
Like passers-by during a sudden downpour
Crammed into a doorway's only shelter
The people downstairs crushed themselves
Around the eye of the broadcast.
'A relative of mine was up there on the roof.'
'Outsourcing's to blame as far as I'm concerned'
Everyone wanted the microphone
To say something on television
And while darkness sank into the streets
And onto the gates and railings of Turin
And the light had gone out on the balcony
Where that little boy was
I thought for an instant that I saw you
Among the others showing solidarity down there
But it wasn't you and I stayed up
On the roof camping out
But no, I'm not coming down...
Days and nights have gone by since that day
And there's traffic in the streets again
Only rarely is there someone who lifts their gaze
And watches me watching
My comrades have gone, too, and I understand them
It isn't so easy to stay
If there's someone waiting for you
If you have someone you can tell things to
And so, all alone now, I keep watch on my own
And I no longer care about getting down or going back
Or even about knowing
Who got us fired
Unchanging days go by and I don't count them
Let them take away the breath of those who follow them closely
I'll stay here and, for now, make do
With a little boy's wave

Twenty thousand leagues (under the seas)

The first was the Cape of Good Hope
Closed by law and special decree
So that the Pacific waves would quit
Bastardizing that other sea.
Next it was the turn of Panama and Suez
And then of the Bosporus and Gibraltar:
Every last wave demanded
Respect for its sovereign independence
No more exchanges of water and fish
No more round-the-world trips in sailing ships
All canals were closed
To the passage of foreign waves
Thus for a time the waters of all
The planet's seas became calm again
But before long it began again: a wave said
That it was time to end it all
And so it happened that one day in our local sea
The Ionian demanded to be alone
And so did the Tyrrhenian and the Sicilian Strait
And the Adriatic forthwith
In short, 'let no one mix with anyone else'
Thundered the waters of the shallows
'Let each remain anchored in place
And bathe only the sands of her birth.'
It seemed to be over but it was only the beginning
And it was truly ugly to see
In what once was a vast expanse
The gashes of trenches rending the sea
It was only the beginning, as we said
Because now the secessionist fever
Was sickening every single shore
And nothing and no one managed to say 'enough'
And thus from Trieste to the tip of Apulia
From Sicily to the Italian Riviera
Every last tiny creek demanded
Independence and not in name only
But the matter went shabby
When they seized each other drop by drop
And, each eyeing her neighbor, said
'Go away or I'll break your face'
The sea was soon an assemblage of dewdrops
Of no use to fish or any creature
Tuna, anchovies, and swordfish died
Deep-sea vessels stayed on dry land
And then one day or (I'm not sure) one night
Something even stranger happened
Do you know the formula H2O?
Yes, the one for water that we all know
Well, hydrogen took exception
And claimed to have a majority
And thus the sovereign right
To pursue now-hallowed independence
A kind of wind blew, an infinite gust
And the water of the seas vaporized into the sky
There remained a desert of salt and granite
But dark and deep, blacker than black

Half on nothing

Keeping you all to myself
Seemed to be stealing something
Given the great abundance of life
The two of us cooped up in just one story
Just one
And so we said, let's go
And maybe we'll come back some day
You took half of nothing
I the other half, and then I closed
The door
But the life that burns your hands
Happened far from here
Mixed up and lost in the days
Of other people's time
And so we said let's go
And maybe we'll come back some day
But that nothing divided in half
Demanded that the door stay closed
And the life that burns your hands
Happened far from here
Mixed up and lost in the days
In other people's days


I had a strange dream
A morning dream
A weird and truthful dream
That I woke up and was still a little boy
And was setting off, my bed a sailing-ship
On one side there was the sea
And on the other practically nothing
A storm was puffing the sails
I was flying over people's hats
I was shouting to the world
And the world was a carousel
Tell me if you believe me
And if you believe me, wait for me because
If I ever come back
I'll come back to you
Tell me if you believe me
And if you believe me wait for me
That way, if I come back
You'll already be here
A cannon's mouth
Was spitting cannonballs and fire
And there was a red cat at a window
Almost as if it were a game, he was watching
People falling off the carousel
They were falling into the streets
But without making much noise
Like leaves in the November wind
And the red cat's heart grew sad
But he stayed at the window, as always
Tell me if...

Worlds Apart

I don't know how you have kept
Beauty, amidst hell,
Not how you were able to escape
From the horror that has hurt you.
When I lick your wounds
I see, deep in your eyes,
What I cannot erase:
We have been born worlds apart!
La la-la, la la-ra la la-la...
Far beyond the oceans,
Far beyond the cry of the seas,
Where rain has its root
Blessed by Allah.
Where the moon descends from the stars
Into a dusty world,
Our hearts have found each other
On a bridge that we have built...
La la-la, la la-ra la la-la...
In this time that we must live,
The truth is useless:
Let's create a time for our love,
Full of life amidst death!
The stars follow us
In the path that we've opened...
Your heart with my own heart,
Far above these worlds apart!
La la-la, la la-ra la la-la...
With both the blood and the darkness
With whom we've learned to deal closely,
We shan't spend one more moment:
We haven't been able to choose
The sadness of death
In our separate worlds,
But allow our love to give
Everything it can give!
Everything it can give...
Everything it can give...
La la-la, la la-ra la la-la...


Lady, lady
Don't make me go crazy
Listen, listen
To what my heart does
When you go away
he cries
he hides inside himself
But my honey, when you come back
He sings, he runs, smiles
When you go he cries
He hides inside himself
But when you come, he comes back
He sings, he runs, smiles
Come here
Come dance
Life is prettier with your company
come here, woman
Sovereign queen, is star, is the moonlight
Lady, lady
Don't make me go crazy
Listen, listen
To what my heart does
When you go away
he cries
he hides inside himself
But my honey, when you come back
He sings, he runs, smiles
When you go he cries
He hides inside himself
But when you come, he comes back
He sings, he runs, smiles
Come here
Come dance
Life is prettier with your company
come here, woman
Sovereign queen, is star, is the moonlight
Come here, let's dance
Feel the music
And there's no use denying
Just feel the music
Come near me, let's play
Our song
Woman, you made me delusional
Feel the music
Tell me, where are you?
Where did you end up?
I got lost in your eyes
There is no longer music

Farewell To An Adolescent Love

I don't know whether I'm thinking about you
Or the waves of a sad sea are soaking me


Someone shall pay for your contempt
Someone shall suffer for your disdain
Someone shall, one day, bend from the weight
Of the evil I feel for liking someone
Someone who will appear in my life
Someone who I don't know yet, even
Someone will judge me as lost
When after all I'm nothing more than woman
Because of someone who cheated and drove me crazy
To someone, for vengeance, I will be mean
Because of someone who kissed my mouth
I will kiss without love, at God's will

Sweet Murmur Of Every Afternoon

Sweet murmur of every afternoon,
Do not fade away: do caress me
With the voices and laughter
Of singing children
Down my street where, only they
Bring tenderness every evening
As well as old memories that cause the rebirth
Of longing for those arms,
Because I cannot love them...
Stop this torment for just a little.
Acrimonious sweetness of every afternoon,
Return once more and intoxicate me