Rezultatele căutării pagină 6
Număr de rezultate: 254
Monsieur Butterfly
It was all as in a fine dream,You smiled tenderly at me,
Illumining my destiny with your lustre.
Having lifted me above the bustle,
You were by my side,
Supporting the flight of my soul with your recognition.
You are like a butterfly giving me paradise,
I called you Butterfly,
Monsieur Butterfly,
Don't forget me, remember.
Monsieur Butterfly,
That was all, sorry and goodbye,
That was all, sorry and goodbye.
It was all as in a fine dream,
I sang songs in Luna's gleam,
Our kisses turned into stars.
I don't have the power to chain myself
In words which can be deceiving,
I will be leaving, keeping my love sacred.
You are like a butterfly giving me paradise,
Sorry, O Butterfly,
Monsieur Butterfly,
Don't forget me, remember.
Monsieur Butterfly,
I can't get back this paradise.
I am fated to lead a new life,
Yielding love to men.
Returning to my long-deserted home,
I cry out your name,
Monsieur Butterfly,
Without me, I ask, endure longing,
Monsieur Butterfly,
That was all, sorry and goodbye
Monsieur Butterfly,
Don't forget me, remember,
Monsieur Butterfly,
I can't get back this paradise,
I can't get back this paradise,
Monsieur Butterfly.
Vreau să fiu nemuritoareca un Zeu în cer
Vreau să fiu o floare de mătase
ca și cum nu aș muri niciodată
Vreau să trăiesc pentru totdeauna
pentru totdeauna în inima ta
Și vom fi mereu împreună
De la sfârșit la început
Pentru asta o facem
pentru a rezerva un loc
Este doar o altă parte a rasei umane
Pentru asta o facem
pentru a rezerva un spațiu
În istorie este doar
parte a rasei umane
Rasei, rasei, rasei, rasei
Alerg în permanență după timp,
dar toată lumea moare, moare
Dacă aș putea cumpăra 'pentru totdeauna' la un preț
l-aș cumpăra de două ori, două ori
Dar dacă lumea sfârșește în foc
și mările sunt înghețate în timp
Va fi un singur supraviețuitor,
amintirea că eu am fost a ta și tu ai fost al meu
Toată lumea moare
Alerg după timp
Când iubești pe cineva
vor pleca întotdeauna prea devreme
Dar o amintire, o amintire
poate face o floare să înflorească
Vrem să fim amintiți,
nu vrem să trăim degeaba
Dar nimic nu e veșnic,
lumea asta este într-un joc pierdut
Vreau să însemn ceva pentru altcineva
să simt o semnificație în lumea reală
Nu este suficient să trăiești o viață norocoasă
Alerg în permanență după timp,
dar toată lumea moare, moare
Dacă aș putea cumpăra 'pentru totdeauna' la un preț
l-aș cumpăra de două ori, două ori
Dar dacă lumea sfârșește în foc
și mările sunt înghețate în timp
Va fi un singur supraviețuitor,
amintirea că eu am fost a ta și tu ai fost al meu
Nu, nu vreau să îmi fie frică, frică să mor
Vreau doar să fiu capabilă să spun că mi-am trăit viața
O, toate lucrurile pe care oamenii le fac
pentru a lăsa în urmă o mică dovadă
Dar singurul lucru care nu moare este iubirea
Alerg în permanență după timp,
dar toată lumea moare, moare
Dacă aș putea cumpăra 'pentru totdeauna' la un preț
l-aș cumpăra de două ori, două ori
Dar dacă lumea sfârșește în foc
și mările sunt înghețate în timp
Va fi un singur supraviețuitor,
amintirea că eu am fost a ta și tu ai fost al meu
Deci ține-mă în viață
ține-mă în viață
ține-mă în viață
Am văzut sezoane venind și plecândDe la soarele iernii la zăpadă verii
Asta nu este prima dată pentru mine la rodeo
Natura nu este o mașină de fructe
Ea trebuie să își păstreze creditele curate
Lucruri bune vin la cei care așteaptă
Dar eu nu sunt într-o fază răbdătoare
Este vara și eu atârn pe o viță de vie
Mă voi transforma într-un vin roșu, dulce
Atârnând precum un fruct în copac
Așteptând să fie cules, vino și eliberează-mă
Haide, umple-ți cana
Uitându-te după ceva noroc
Noroc, noroc ție
Atârnând ca un fruct
Gata să devină suc
Suc, suc
Trăind viața dulce
Viața nu putea fi mai dulce
Nu îmi da un motiv
Că nu este sezonul potrivit
Dragule, te iubesc enorm
Îți voi da tot ce am
Da, ști că e adevărat
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Precum fructele, precum fructele
Dragule, sunt plinuță și coaptă
Sunt mai roz ca deliciul păstorului
Dulce precum caprifoiul noaptea târziu
Lăsându-l prea mult voi putrezi
Precum un măr de care ai uitat
Păsările și viermii vor veni după mine
Ciclul vieții este complet
Sunt floarea ta carnală, sunt trandafirul tău însîngerat
Culege-mi petalele și fă-mi inima să explodeze
Sunt planta ta mortală, sunt cireșul tău
Tu ești singura mea iubire adevărată, eu sunt destinul tău
Haide, umple-ți cana
Uitându-te după ceva noroc,
noroc, noroc ție
Primăvara, eu voi dispărea
Păsările vor cânta cântecul lor de doliu, cântecul
Trăind viața dulce
Viața nu putea fi mai dulce
Nu îmi da un motiv
Că nu este sezonul potrivit
Dragule, te iubesc enorm
Îți voi da tot ce am
Da, ști că e adevărat
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Precum fructele, precum fructele
O, corpul meu este pregătit
Da, este pregătit, este pregătit pentru iubirea ta
O, ramurile mele sunt grele
Da, sunt grele, sunt grele
Trăind viața dulce
Viața nu putea fi mai dulce
Nu îmi da un motiv
Că nu este sezonul potrivit
Dragule, te iubesc enorm
Îți voi da tot ce am
Da, ști că e adevărat
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Mi-am salvat toate verile pentru tine
Precum fructele, precum fructele
Trăind viața dulce
Sunt îndrăgostită
Trăind viața dulce
Sunt îndrăgostită
Sunt îndrăgostită
Touch me
I found out that everything is worthlessWhen I saw you I wasn't looking at anything else
You're a soap opera thing to me
Everything for me to bring you home to me
I found out that everything is worthless
When I saw you I wasn't looking at anything else
You're a soap opera thing to me
Everything for me to bring you home to me
Fight for me who I'm in, I'm in
You there, me here, that's not funny
Come on swallow me, go to my bed
Pretend that you're loving, but love
Fight for me who I'm in, I'm in
You there, me here, that's not funny
Come on swallow me, go to my bed
pretend to love
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Lift me up, lift me up to see, touch yourself
Touch me, don't anger me
When you play, I am with you
Touch me, touch me to see, touch me
Touch me, don't bother me
When you play, I am with you
Love me, love me not
Hurry up, come by 5On your way pick me a wild flower
Make it as beautiful as you
And while I pick its petals
I swallow my pride with no words
Love me, love me not
You picked feather by feather
From my back
I was your angel
And that is why you went mad
Chorus x2
Welcome to my life, sorrow
Lucky me
Only the wrong ones are loved insanely
Change my heart
All the things I love
Must kill me once
That wouldn't be it
If it wouldn't hurt
You're making a reputation for yourself in the city
And only when you're beat down, I know
Love me, love me not
You cut yourself some slack
And don't leave me in peace, I know
Love me, love me not
A Bouquet of Roses
Whether in jest or in earnestMy dear fell in love with me.
He gave me to my delight
A bouquet of scarlet roses.
I didn't know how to react
I waited a long time for my dear.
I couldn't hide my joy
And accepted the gift.
Many days flew by
Doubts were far away
In my love, in my love
Petals are flying around.
There are no more magical words
I am laughing out of place
It turned out the flowers
Had a bitter aroma.
I have trouble from these roses
My dear went away and forgot
Whether in jest or in earnest
My dear fell in love with me.
Whether in jest or in earnest
My dear fell in love with me.
He once gave me
A bouquet of scarlet roses.
He gave me to my sadness
A bouquet of scarlet roses.
Oh, you, are Russia, and Mother RussiaYeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes you, Russia, oh, our mother land,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes you, Russia, oh, our mother land,
Oh, you, our Russian homeland,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, a lot, a lot of glory, glory about you,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, a lot, a lot of glory, glory about you.
A lot, a lot of glory, glory about you.
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, you gave birth, gave birth to a son,
Yeh-yeh-ya-yey, oh,
Yes, you gave birth, gave birth to a son.
Out Of An Abundance Of Boredom
Out of an abundance of boredom i burned everythingout of an abundance of pride
i didn't let you fall
into my arms
i played it cool1
and forgot all about you
The told me that time heals all
i took a vitamin with my alcohol
but am searching for the
significance like a drunkard
If there isn't any room for mistakes
there also isn't any room for successes
act less foolishly today
learning to ask for forgiveness
Today i know that i would give it all
in order not to lose
what i already lost yesterday
it's a shame that this is how it works
We tried to destroy so that we could rebuild
and how lovely you are
how much fire do you attract
you covered me in flames
it cost me dearly
If there isn't any room for mistakes
there also isn't any room for successes
i act less foolishly today
learning to ask for forgiveness
Today i know that i would give it all
in order not to lose
what i already lost yesterday
it's a shame that this is how it works
- 1. lit: large
The honey-like expectation
Like the expectation of rain during droughts.Like the expectation of kisses after fasting.
Like the expectation of Saint-George's day when people sow in the hope of reaping*
Like the expectation of Easter when everything is lighted up.
So big is my expectation, for the sunset to take place
for the sun to hide, and for the day to turn into night.
So big is my expectation for the stars to rise high in the sky
So i could talk to them, my love, for you, whom they see.
I've been waiting for them since the morning even if they are not yet kindled
full of joy they light up at once, as soon as i speak to them about you.
I look outside my window and they immediately laugh
i wish you could see them, oh my nightingale, how they sing to me.
I tell them that your eyes, remind me of poetry
and hearing me saying that, they shine even more.
I tell them that your lips are made by honey-bees
that they're dripping honey when they kiss me, and give a sweet taste to my sobbing.
I tell them about the seas you draw for me
so as i can swim, when you sink into my mind.
I'm telling them that you have silky embroidered winds
to fly into my arms, while i am abroad.
As much as i wait for the stars to talk with
they wait for me as well, so i could dress them with love.
They expect a lot to learn about you
they compose poems for you under the moonlight.
I believe they have loved you more than i have..
It's the first time i see stars in love
I believe they have sweetened the whole sky for you
in the name of love, our stars turned into honey.
Tentativă de gelozie
Cum trăieşti cu alta, oare,E mai simplu? - Vâsle bat! -
Ca profilul unor ţărmuri,
Iute, s-a îndepărtat.
Amintirea mea, un plaur?
(Sus, pe cer - nu pe talaz!)
Suflete surori voi-v-aş
Nu îndrăgostite - azi!
Cum trăieşti oare cu-o simplă
Muritoare? Fără zei?
Suverana-i detronată,
Tu, la fel (naintea ei).
Cum trăieşti - cu griji mărunte?
Te strecori? Te îmbrânceşti?
Veşnic bir banalităţii,
Sărăcuţele, plăteşti?
'Neorânduială, zbucium -
Basta! Casă-mi închiriez.'
Cum trăieşti cu-o oarecare -
Tu, alesul meu, ales?
Sunt merindele mai bune,
Mai fireşti? Zi tot ce ai!
Cum trăieşti cu-n simulacru,
Tu, despot peste Sinai!?
Cum trăieşti cu o străină
De prin preajmă? Dragă - da?
Al lui Zeus frâu, ruşinea,
Nu loveşte fruntea ta?
Cum trăieşti - voinic şi teafăr -
Cântecele sună? Tac?
Rănile conştiinţei treze,
Sărăcuţele, ce-ţi fac?
Cum trăieşti - e greu tributul -
Cu o marfă dintr-un vraf?
După marmuri de Carrara,
Cum trăieşti cu-n ghips, cu-n praf?
(Dintr-un bloc era zeiţa,
Dăltuit - şi-apoi zdrobit!)
Cum trăieşti cu-o oarecare,
Tu, stăpân al lui Lilith!?
Eşti sătul de noutatea
De la târg? De vrăji sătul?
Cum trăieşti cu-o pământeană,
Simţu-al şaselea de nu-l
Afli-n ea? Dar fericire
Ai găsit? În negrul hău -
Cum trăieşti, iubire? Greu ţi-e?
Cum, cu altul, îmi e greu?
It's Just Gossip
Excuse me. What?We have known each other for a long time,
But they all seem to find us a sight,
They all glance at us, no matter what and where,
and they keep doing so in the day and night.
Everywhere, when both of us are walking,
People look and stare and start talking.
And throughout the town, when we're together,
Everybody sometimes starts stalking.
(Excuse me. What?)
When together, when together, they all gossip.
They make rumors and they spread all sorts of nonsense.
They say that we're not even meant for each other.
But don't listen
The winged song
Song is the spring of life for the people.Sing out, and the fatigue is gone at once.
Spring water gives you strength,
And if you sing, your soul calms down.
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!
The road of life cannot always be even –
How much vigor one needs to succeed!
You get to sing, and the misery is gone,
And all you want is to ever live on.
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!
It helps in work and in celebration,
It makes one forget hardships and struggle.
So let song be the life friend –
Or is it in vain that song is the spring of life?
So let the winged song fly,
Let it take us along with it.
A gentle melody makes its way into your heart,
So let it sing, let it sing, let it sing!
Fighting spirit for tomorrow
Trust the ring,Burn up, Burn your fighting spirit for tomorrow.
When you close your eyes,
A dream like a mirage will floats
and disappears.
You are trying to reach for it.
You won't show tears anymore.
(won't ever cry again)
Here you go. Enemies are blocking your way.
(don't wanna get away)
Now, Thrust your fist.
Beat it! Smash it! Go forward! Toward tomorrow!
Believe your future.
Trust the ring,
The fighting spirit is burning up.
Today is only once. You've no day to waste.
Trust the ring,
Trust your everything.
Go, run through tomorrow.
(I'm willing to fight forever)
The sky that hangs low
brings rain clouds.
The wind swirls
and calls for a storm.
Now, don't look back.
(don't ever look away)
Now, look straight ahead.
(look at me face to face)
Aim at the great sky.
Shoot it! Fire it! Hook the rainbow!
Raise your hope higher than ever.
Trust the ring,
The spirit is burning furiously.
Strike your fist against your rivals.
Trust the ring,
You will stand up no matter how many times you fall.
You will never turn your face away.
As long as you have the ambition.
Trust the ring,
The fighting spirit is burning up.
Today is only once. You've no day to waste.
Trust the ring,
Trust your everything.
Go, run through tomorrow.
Until you grab your dream with your hands.
(I'm willing to fight forever)
A Melancholy Man
It was a melancholy man who stopped me,He had something strange in his eyes, distant.
He was a melancholy man when I met him,
With the sign of winters on his face he was bereaved.
Melancholic, he only looked at me for a moment.
A man, a cloud, a dream, a step,
He didn't leave, he didn't stay,
He didn't taste the bread and wine.
I've always wondered since then
If it was true
Or maybe it was a wing of wind,
And if he comes back,
In an hour, one day,
When even the foreheads will be of snow.
Then, just melancholy
He will give it to me as a gift,
'Cause it is, I know, my very youth.
I have a wound in my heart
How did you burst into my life, I do not knowI do not understand, myself anyhow
You whirled by unreliable, crazy wind,
But fall out of love with you is impossible now
Your beautiful eyes are full of a cheat
In your words is a lot of an enticing dope
You set up your love traps so capably
You bewitched me, I couldn't leave
I have a wound in my heart
Your love is a wormwood-herb1
Your words, your words
Ah, how my head dizzies
I have a wound in my heart
Your love is a wormwood-herb
Your words, your words
Ah, how my head dizzies
I wanted to see you faithful, dedicated
But how I didn't distinguish you at once
You blinded me as the Sun, so suddenly
I was for you just a gambling
From the sweet kisses just left a bitterness
The string of my soul has torn like a threadie2
You are just a dream, you are a strange vision
You are my disaster, my storm, my eclips
I have a wound in my heart
Your love is a wormwood-herb
Your words, your words
Ah, how my head dizzies
I have a wound in my heart
Your love is a wormwood-herb
Your words, your words
Ah, how my head dizzies
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
And now look at that:Yes, what's coming here? A train!
Only one small wagon, a locomotive,
But everyone is excited by the whistling
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
But at one point the end station comes,
Maybe you even dream of that one time?
Of the ancien locomotive,
As if it was shouting as a goodbye:
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train is whistling,
Smokes a little bit, growls a little bit
And then it pushes again.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
You drive into the green forest
Pick a bunch of hairy alpenroses
And then you enter [the train] again
Yes, one has an easy time and the other has a hard one.
Look, the little locomotive, it toils a lot.
And some people in the train think:
Yes, I also have to pull my adjunct.
Between Salzburg and Bad Ischl
A lovely little train goes,
Rusts a little bit, runs a little bit
Until it can't go on any more
Until one time it can't go on any more.
And So Now All The Chittering And Singing Will Tire Away
Versions: #1And so now all the chittering and singing will tire away
Even that mouth!
And so time, it'll cheat me,
And that dream, it'll come.
And so I'll lie down peacefully, I'll close my eyelids,
I will close my eyes,
And I'll lie down serenely, and I'll dream
Of the trees and the birds.
An Island Is
An island is a red ideaWithin the soul of the sea.
An island is a mad idea
In the crazed mind of the sea.
In the island's heart live the dance,
Gold, the drums,
Honey and evil...
And the island's luck, always the same!
Adventure, a rocking horse that never gets tired,
That shakes, that swings
Amidst the rage of the seas...
(An island is...)
An island is a green idea
Within the soul of the sea.
An island is a sweet idea
In the placid mind of the sea.
In the island's heart live the wind,
Heat, pain,
Thirst, the snake
And its moonshine treasure.
Adventure, a rocking horse that never gets tired,
That shakes, that swings
Amidst the rage of the seas...
(An island is...)
An island is a yellow idea
Within the soul of the sea.
An island is a single idea
In the obsessive mind of the sea.
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a mad idea...
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a sweet idea...
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a single idea...
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a green idea...
(An island is an island, is an island...)
It is a mad idea...
The Opportunity To Know Each Other Better
We're learning to give words a meaningAt each step from each predestination
As everything changes fast around us
We estimate generations
We estimate recombinations
We estimate perspectives, enemies and friends around us
But we...
But we...
Fifty years in our days
The courage of redeeming ourselves from indifference
To discover we're still weak at loving
Afraid of staying alone
Of staying outside
Among usual speeches, nice continuations
Around us
But we...
But we...
But we...
But we...
But we...
You and I
Finally have the opportunity
To know each other better...
You and I
Finally have the opportunity
To look at each other better...
We're learning to give words a weight
To the continuation of our relation
Even if everything changes fast around us
I Should Tell You
I should tell youPretty things don't change
I love you
I still look for you
I should tell you
Do you want to leave?
You see me like a blue sky
Where you can navigate
And that smile
To which you can't say no
And that tenderness that you found in my eyes
And if you stop to think...
I should tell you
Do you want to stay?
I lost you like the wind in our faces
You, who made me wake up
I should tell you
That at times I'm afraid of swimming
But beauty lies in getting lost in open waters
And come back ashore...
And that smile
To which you can't say no
And that tenderness that you found in my eyes
And if you stop to think...
Nobody Knows
The man doesn't know how sad he will beAnd how lonely one day.
He knows not too much, and if he knew
He would love as strong as before.
I remember how much I loved you.
I didn't understand why you run away
And what did you do with love
When you left from my life.
It's your fault, it's my fault
For everything that happened.
I wonder who will ever know
How to really love?
No one will ever know
How much it hurt me,
But I will mourn for what it once was
And today it's just the past.