Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 519


As the Voices Said

That day I started to hear the voices
That told me things about my destiny
From the day that I would become
From an ordinary subject to a systematic killer
I waited, as the voices said
For the sign of the end of our time
And then I went through the revealed message
Just at the entrance to a large parking lot
I didn't really understand all the voices
I barely understood what the goal was
However, so fast that one speaks
I filled the trunk of the car with the explosives
I parked, as the voices said
On the side, next to the cinema doors
I felt sorry for the imported cars
But the voices guaranteed that it would be worth it
And suddenly all the voices ceased
As if they had never existed
Relief that would be memorable
If I were not responsible for a destroyed mall
And since then I've never heard the voices
But I doubt it will change my luck
My future is somewhat uncertain
From here I head straight for the death row

Pierdut în această clipă

Jonathan Thulin:
Acesta ar putea fi ultimul apus pe care-l prind
Așa că mă voi bucura de el, mă voi bucura de el
Acesta ar putea fi ultimul aer pe care-l respir
Așa că o să-l inspir, o să-l inspir
Am auzit că fotografiile nu se schimbă
Doar persoanele din acestea o fac
Oricine ți-a spus că viața este ușoară
Îți promit că acela te-a mințit
Ai o problemă cu împlinirea scopurilor
De aceea eu am o problemă cu a te urma
Te tot uiți la mine de parcă problema asta e nouă
Dar am mai trecut o dată prin asta, ce încerci să faci?
Nu-mi vorbi de parcă nu înțeleg ceea ce simți
Căci eram împreună cu tine atunci la început
Nu te mai uita în altă parte când vorbesc cu tine, lasă-mă să termin
Încerc să fiu sincer, încerci să mă uiți, ugh
Ce-i în neregulă cu tine?
Știu că ai multe pe cap
Îmi tot spui că ar trebui să nu-ți mai stau în cale
Dar nu pot înțelege cum mă minți în față
Nu-mi spune că ești bine, eu știu că nu e așa
Așa că nici să nu încerci
Și pentru ce trăim în viața asta plină de durere până îmbrătrânim și într-o zi ne vom ridica și vom spune că regretăm cum am trăit
Pentru că spre asta ne îndreptăm
Și nu te preface că nici măcar nu-ți dai seama
Chestia amuzantă e că deja ești conștient
Încep să cred că îți place cum mă simt
Așa că pierde-te în această clipă
Jonathan Thulin:
Pierdut, pierdut în această clipă
Pierdut în această clipă, pierdut în această clipă
Și pierde-te, pierde-te în această clipă
Pierdut în această clipă, pierdut în această clipă
Da, ne-au spus că timpul zboară, nu știam ce înseamnă asta
Acum am senzația că doar alergăm încercând
Să-l prindem și sperând să-i tăiem aripile
Dar asta nu se va întâmpla
Bucurie, când am simțit asta ultima oară?
Nu-mi amintesc pentru că tot ceea ce facem
E să ne întoarcem înapoi, dar asta primești când
Trăiești în trecut
Iar eu știu că respirăm dar nu trăim
Serios, în felul ăsta vom muri?
Pân' ai strâns totul în tine
Doar de-ar știi ei ce ne trece prin minte
Știu ce gândești așa că nu te mai ascunde
De ce mă privești de parcă ai fi surprins?
Dacă tu crezi cu adevărat ce scrii în aceste versuri
Atunci de ce nu repari totul, căci m-am săturat!
Da, nu mai pot trăi așa
Încă de când te-ai îndrăgostit de muzică
Găsești un mod să exprimi ceea ce simți
Dar în clipa când pleci de lângă microfon, nu mai știi ce faci
Ai înțeles sau nu?
Nu știu ce-ți trece prin cap
Dar până la urmă, va trebui să faci față situațiilor
Despre care vorbești da, dar bănuiesc că până atunci, ești pierdut!
Jonathan Thulin:
Pierdut, pierdut în această clipă
Pierdut în această clipă, pierdut în această clipă
Și pierde-te, pierde-te în această clipă
Pierdut în această clipă, pierdut în această clipă
Jonathan Thulin:
Da, oh, da, oh pierdut
Oh, da, oh, nu nu
Acesta ar putea fi ultimul apus pe care-l prind
Așa că mă voi bucura de el, mă voi bucura de el
Acesta ar putea fi ultimul aer pe care-l respir
Așa că o să-l inspir, o să-l inspir

In Depths of Dark Siberian Mines

Versions: #1
In depths of dark Siberian mines
Three men sit, shitting on side lines.
Their somber deed won't go to waste -
The dogs will come and get a taste.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

The child of the seas

Poseidon gurgles us up
In his rolling arms
Lined with sharp foam
To the dark abysses
These untimely dramas
Irrigate our thoughts
Which dry up, beached,
Bitterly easy to drink*
[in Italian] Faceless shipwrecks**
The castaway child without a face***
Only fourteen years old
His report card in his pocket
Oh! Afflicted bitter mothers
I think of you
That the calm before the storm could soothe you
From this inveterate pain
Which invades me

Boy Scouts

Young boy scouts're never wrong -
Their heads're cast iron strong,
They themselves are made of tin,
God-damned devils dwell within!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

I Confess

If the truth offends you
If I tell you what I feel
And what my soul doesn't dare to
It's because I love you, and I want to be straight with you
Today I'd rather hurt you than do what all the others do, lie to you
If I ever tell you that touching your hand sometimes makes me confused
That the idea of crossing the line is irresistible, I'm saying it
In spite of the fact that deep down I might regret it
I confess: it's too much to find that I've been taken captive
You hypnotize me
I'm stunned, anesthetized, constrained
Frozen, and you haven't a clue
I'm going to risk it all
No matter what, to be without you is to be forever losing
What this silence within me is shouting is consuming me
Tell me if it's just me or you're feeling it too
I confess: it's too much to find that I've been taken captive
You hypnotize me
I'm stunned, anesthetized, constrained
Frozen, and you haven't a clue
I'm going to risk it all
If the truth offends you
If I tell you what I feel
And what my soul doesn't dare to
It's because I love you, and I want to be straight with you
Today I'd rather hurt you than do what all the others do, lie to you

Children of War

Children of war
Aren't really children
They are as old as stone
Of iron and blood
By the tears of mothers
They had their eyes opened
By days without mystery
And a world on fire
Children of war
Aren't really children
They've known the earth
On fire and bloody
They've had pipe dreams
To sharpen their teeth
And have taken cemeteries
As children's play parks
These children of the storm
And of uncertain days
Who had faces
Indented with hunger
Who have aged before their time
And grown up without help
Without touching the heritage
That love must have left them
Children of war
Aren't really children
They've seen anger
Smothering their songs
They've learnt to shut up
And to tighten their fists
When lying voices
Dictate their destinies.
Children of war
Aren't really children
They have a proud look
And their eyes are too big
They've seen misery
Covering over their tracks
And foreign hands
Slitting the throats of their springs
These children without a childhood
Without youth and without joy
Who shivered helplessly
With sorrow and cold
Who defied suffering
And silenced their turmoil
But lived in hope
Are like you and me
Lovers of misery
Unhappy lovers
To singular loves
To ever-changing dreams
Who look for the light
But fear it still
The lovers of the war
Are still children.

Naked Females...

Naked females fly across evening sky -
Missile has hit the bath house on the fly.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.
Ok, I get it that most of you just can't bring yourselves
to pressing 'Thanks' when you have already enjoyed
and probably sung an equirhythmic rhymed translation
and then realized that you couldn't have done a better
one yourself. Yet, avoiding this gesture implicitly helps
to promote other, often subpar work on this site. St.

We're both an inferno

Hisingen is in flames now
Let's start over from scratch
Shooting stars above us
My thoughts are clawing themselves free
So hold my hand, let's explode tonight
'Cause you know that
The two of us are like fire
We're both an inferno
The pulse beats back
Will always stay here
So take a step and let's conquer
All of Sweden with our colours
The two of us are like fire
We're both an inferno
You and I, you and I, you and I, we are like fire
You and I, you and I, you and I, we are like fire
You and I, you and I, you and I, we are like fire
You and I, you and I, you and I, we are like fire
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan

Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar

When a Spoonful of Sugar

Because what you do joyfully
Tastes as good as cake to us
A joke, a game,
It's not very difficult.
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
Yes, sweetens medicine,
Sweetens medicine,
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
It runs down just twice as good.
And when a bird builds its nest,
It leaves the tree very early,
Searches tirelessly feather home and twig.1
But the work becomes a passion
Then it sings cheerfully and confidently.
It knows: A song, that makes a happy mind.
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
Yes, sweetens medicine,
Sweetens medicine,
When a spoonful of sugar
Sweetens bitter medicine,
It runs down just twice as good.
The bee carries her nectar
From the flower to the basket
And droning she flies bustling back and forth.
A droplet she takes for herself
From every blossom she empties
So she achieves, achieves
A lot, a lot.
It's a piece of cake.2
  • 1. English version: 'While gathering his bits of twine and twig'
  • 2. Literally: a child's game

I'm Confessing Now

What did you do all day today?
Why am I getting through to you just now?
I was looking for you since last night
I have something on my mind and I’ll tell you about it now
From friends to lovers
From friendship to love,
So baby, my lovely
Actually, I like you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
What did you just say? Don’t play around
I’m not joking right now, don’t shock me
We’re too close and I care too much about you
So I’m worried that I might lose you or that we’d grow apart
I thought about it, wondering if you knew my habit
Wondering if this natural attraction is my heart fluttering
What we need right now isn’t a prepared heart but an organized one
We need distance to calm down my trembling heart
I want to wake you up every morning
Take you home every day
I want to hold your hand, want to hug you
Want to kiss you
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Why aren’t you answering? Do you not like me?
Do you hate me? I’m suddenly scared
There aren’t many guys like me, I’ll be good to you
You are always in my way~~
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Us two, we’re having just another day where nothing’s different
Shyly but strongly, I want to tell you about my feelings
This isn’t a joke, although you might laugh
These aren’t empty words, this isn’t a lie, I want to make you mine
Yes, wherever I go with you, it feels like home
You’re my bodyguard that stayed by me like my shadow
We know each other so well
And we naturally became one like this
I promise to trust you, hold your hand
Don’t steal glances at other girls
I know just by hearing your breath and looking at your eyes
If I’m with you, I can do anything

Total Reset

When the day subsides, the light goes out.
Dark silence surrounds me.
Doubts arise, knocking on the door.
Waking questions deep inside me.
What was right, what was wrong?
Were my actions honorable?
Have I used or wasted my chances?
Was my heart beating with pure happiness?
Softly, voices whisper in my ear.
Softly: 'Live now and here!'1
Total reset, make a new start.
Life happens, I'm steering straight ahead.
Total reset, always aimed forward.
I have no fear, everything will be fine.
We live in the here and now, what was yesterday is meaningless.
Total reset, make a new start.
I'm steering straight ahead.
I keep turning my life upside down,
Even if no one really understands it.
I've lost myself, searched anew.
Was afraid but somehow it works.
Even if it's wrong and everyone warns me,
I don't want any good advice.
Sometimes you have to burn yourself in the fire.
Pain passes in the new day.
Softly, voices whisper in my ear.
Softly: 'Live now and here!
Total reset, make a new start.
Life happens, I'm steering straight ahead.
Total reset, always aimed forward.
I have no fear, everything will be fine.
We live in the here and now, what was yesterday is meaningless.
Total reset, make a new start.
I'm steering straight ahead.
  • 1. In English we would usually say 'Live in the here and now,' so I've translated it that way elsewhere in the song, but I left the original word order here as it keeps the rhythm of the German verse and also rhymes.

Total Reset (Demo Version)

When the days of the year grow shorter,
the world weights on the mind.
When blossom and leaf yield to the wind,
I feel how quickly time passes.
What was right, what was wrong?
Were my actions honorable?
Have I used or wasted my chances?
Was my heart beating with pure happiness?
Softly, voices whisper in my ear.
Softly: 'Live now and here!'1
Total reset, make a new start.
Life happens, I'm steering straight ahead.
Total reset, always aimed forward.
I have no fear, everything will be fine.
We live in the here and now, what was yesterday is meaningless.
Total reset, make a new start.
I'm steering straight ahead.
I keep turning my life upside down,
Even if no one really understands it.
I've lost myself, searched anew.
Was afraid but somehow it works.
Even if it's wrong and everyone warns me,
I don't want any good advice.
Sometimes you have to burn yourself in the fire.
Pain passes in the new day.
Softly, voices whisper in my ear.
Softly: 'Live now and here!
Total reset, make a new start.
Life happens, I'm steering straight ahead.
Total reset, always aimed forward.
I have no fear, everything will be fine.
We live in the here and now, what was yesterday is meaningless.
Total reset, make a new start.
I'm steering straight ahead.
Total reset, make a new start.
I'm steering straight ahead
Total reset, make a new start.
Total reset, make a new start.
Life happens, I'm steering straight ahead.
Total reset, always aimed forward.
I have no fear, everything will be fine.
We live in the here and now, what was yesterday is meaningless.
Total reset, make a new start.
I'm steering straight ahead.
  • 1. In English we would usually say 'Live in the here and now,' so I've translated it that way elsewhere in the song, but I left the original word order here as it keeps the rhythm of the German verse and also rhymes.


You pull me to see the stars
You had the moonlight in my eyes for once
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
I won't leave you alone
Don't let that moon lonely
You drag my hand to see the stars
Sitting on the rooftop with sunset glow
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly
If this lyric can console you
I'll hold the pen
I can say more sincerely
than irritating
All day
You were waiting for me
like a dog than a cat
What made you so sad all day?
You are the most special in this planet
You didn't know that.
You want some more
Why do you keep lock you up?
You want some more
Sky is nothing to believe
You drag my hand to see the stars
Sitting on the rooftop with sunset glow
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly
You know
I flinched whenever you make things heavy
I don't have a hand to console you
Now I'm a lost star
You are the power to pull me
You are wandering like a sky without stars
Just like the constellation we've been through
You and me follow the road
Remember me
You want some more
Why do you keep lock you up?
You want some more
Sky is nothing to believe
You drag my hand to see the stars
Sitting on the rooftop with sunset glow
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly
Girl I don’t know why I’m leaving
Girl I don’t know why
Let me know again from the beginning
Girl I don’t know why I’m leaving
Girl I don’t know why
You drag my hand to see the stars
Sitting on the rooftop with sunset glow
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly
I went out looking for you who looked just like me
Even if I tried to pull you
Every time I look up in the sky
But there's no star
It's OK, you are my universe and you are shining brightly

Convicted Defendant

I've come to tell you that if something's gone wrong
I was to blame, I apologize
I come after you, to apologize to you
The breakup was my fault
I must admit I'm a convicted defendant
And this is why I ask for a comeback
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
With you around I can do anything
I can already see it all, I ask for a comeback
I must admit I'm a convicted defendant
And this is why I ask for a comeback
Way away from you I'm really lost
See, it's a struggle to live without seeing you
With you around I can do anything
I can already see it all, I ask for a comeback

The Beginning

Good evening!
Welcome to the world of Schiller.
In the next moments, we'll lead you through moods and
that will change your life.
Close your eyes.
and let your fantasies and your feelings run free.
Welcome to the world of Schiller!

Colors of the rainbow

Have you ever seen a black and white rainbow?
Children who are always quiet?
Those don't exist
Do you have dreams you can't reach?
Feelings you can't show to anyone?
Those don't exist
Turn around, then you'll be able to see the bigger picture
Everything colorful, you just have to go a little farther
I play the air guitar and we sing!
Come, let's paint the world
With the colors of the rainbow
We want them everywhere: rainbow flags
Come! Come, make the world gleam
With the colors of the rainbow
You can see them everywhere: rainbow flags
He and he, two parents bringing their child to the daycare
She and she are now wearing the same ring
Everything completely normal
He and she, he's lubricating the bread
Brought home by her
You and I, it doesn't matter who we are
We're completely normal!
Come, let's paint the world
With the colors of the rainbow
We want them everywhere: rainbow flags
Come! Come, make the world gleam
With the colors of the rainbow
You can see them everywhere!
Turn around, then you'll be able to see the bigger picture
Everything colorful, you just have to go a little farther
I play the air guitar and we sing!
Colors of the rainbow
Colors of the rainbow
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


Facing emotions vomited in anger and destruction
The meaning is...the meaning is...the meaning is...
The fury of others captured in a note
That which is traced starting with the curves
Is essentially the scream of a brief paper maché
A future which seems fun
Facing emotions vomited in anger and destruction
The meaning in howling obediently
Where is the meaning in howling obediently?
The answer based on justice
The fury of others captured in a note
That which is traced starting with the curves
Is essentially the scream of a brief paper maché
A future which seems fun
You say I can still make it?
I doubt it
Not in this world
The meaning in howling obediently
Where is the meaning in howling obediently?
That's not an answer
Borne from justice
The meaning in howling obediently
Where is the meaning in howling obediently?
The meaning borne of justice
The meaning is... the meaning is... the meaning is...

Weight of the world

My shoulders under weight for all the eternity
Blame the passing of time
Carved torso by the blizzard
Naked at the mercy of time
Condemned to endure mankind's weight
Cruel punishment, I can escape. No!
Eyes tired of watching for years
Always the same horizon
I contemplate the clouds, the land and sea
The countryside, the valleys and mountains
On my knees I have to be
That's how I have to pay
My curse, I can't escape
I'm the heaven's pillar
Exiled titan for fighting
The gods for my liberty
I miss you so much
I'm dying on the inside when I remember
That I won't see you ever again
I'm still here, even though my soul lives alongside you
Body made into stone and chains around me
I want to flee, I'll make the Olympus pay for making us suffer
The gods of the heaven must die
I'll fulfill my vengeance and return to you
I'm the heaven's pillar
Exiled titan for fighting
The gods for my liberty
I miss you so much
I'm dying on the inside when I remember
That I won't see you ever again
I'm the heaven's pillar
Exiled titan for fighting
The gods for my liberty
Hear my sorrow
You'll hear it on the wind above the sea
I'll fight to see you one more time

Symphony of sorrow

Your eyes look at me
My face floating in tears is painful
The white fog easily
Hid our shadows
On the lake inside my chest
You threw a stone of tears
You're scared of the love deepness
Looking at me and wiping my tears
i wonder if you'll let me love you
Without knowing why I feel scared
Only after seeing your eyes
Getting wet, it's a beautiful thing
Beyond the white fog
The morning seems to burn
Your whims like the wind are bad
To tell love from playing
Is something I still can't achieve yet
Looking at me and wiping my tears
i wonder if you'll let me love you
Without knowing why I feel scared
Looking at me and wiping my tears
i wonder if you'll let me love you
Without knowing why I feel scared
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Whose breath are you? *

She's a new thing / My heart is ready for falling in love with her /
She's simple yet beautiful
Does such a lady exist? Really?
The good thing is that I know she'll stay with me
to prove that in my life,
she'll be number one forever. Is it possible? Could this be real?
Carve your love on my heart. Does such a wonderful thing exist? Am I not dreaming?
Whose breath are you my love?
Put an end to the distance and come close
Your name is written on my heart
Whose breath are you my dear?
Everyone knows me as a logical guy, but I am crazy about you
I love you. I can't go on without you
Your eyes are exactly as everyone describes
These eyes are all mine, I love them
My heart doesn't beat without you
Does a love of life similar to you exist?
Your words sit directly on the bottom of my heart
How can I talk about your excellence?
I would give up everything to have you
This much of dependency is unbelievable
This much of emotional dependency....
Whose breath are you my love?
Put an end to the distance and come close
Your name is written on my heart
Whose breath are you my dear?
Everyone knows me as a logical guy, but I am crazy about you
I love you. I can't go on without you

Infantry you are crown of all weapons

Infantry, you are the crown of all weapons
Infantry, you are carrying with pride the heavy burden*
Infantry, you I never forget
With you marches the glory
of Germanies great time
into all eternity
vacation form, you are the most beautiful of all forms
vacation form, all are just thinking
vacation form, when will you be finnally mine?
i want so much once
to go back home
and see my loved once again
payday, you are the most beautfil of all days
payday, at you one forget effort and toil
payday, at you no one stays back
and do we have the coffer full of money
then we feel like the lords of the world
medic, there you lay so lazy in the lawn!
medic, and who is treating my blebs?
medic, yeah yeah he never can!
and you have the hands full with the blebs
then you are as good as dead!
Annemarie, you didn't write for this long
Annemarie, did you remain faithful to me?
Annemarie, yeah i never forget you
Write a long, long letter to me
and put inside much love
and a ten-mark note.

Queen of the weapons German Infantry

Comrads let us sing
a melody
cause there shall sound a song
on the Infantry.
Cause she is at all times
always battle ready
if it thunder, sparkles or cracks
Their steady fightings
this song is conceived.
Tanks and flyer
never make it alone
can never be the winners
on the battlefield.
Can never make it
without your commitment
commitment never!
Queen of the weapons
German Infantry!
Without stop through storm and rain
in the middle of the night.
without stop against the enemy
what may comes.
If even a hot day
if even a cold night
if even the home is far away
home is far away.
steady fights on all ways
proud the infantryman.
Tanks and flyer
never make it alone
can never be the winners
on the battlefield.
Can never make it
without your commitment
commitment never!
Queen of the weapons
German Infantry!

Problem children

When we are older
When we are older
We are problem children
Even when delirious
We just laugh
Tomorrow we'll do better
It's true that we're a bother
We seem strange
Some of us are wanting
For a bit of maturity
Other people are wary
They look down on us
Too bad if they judge us
As if we are the same
They want to set us straight
Just ignore them
We can still kid around
As life is a game
We will be more peaceful
We will be less frivolous
We will be less trouble
When we are older
We will be more wise
We will be more serious
We will be more calm
When we are older
We will be more peaceful
We will be less frivolous
We will be less trouble
When we are older
Much more reasonable
Much more respectable
And more approachable
When we are older
It's not in books
That we learn to live
That we learn to laugh
That we learn to be happy
A lot of recklessness
A lot of agitation
Take the initiative
And take it all in
Wander all night
In the streets of Paris
Take the leap
And play with fire
To keep from getting bored
And as time flies by
We have fun growing up
Without being serious
When we are older
When we are
When we are older
When we are older
Time is too short
So grow older with love
We'll still be problem children in their eyes
Our love surprises
We must tell them that they were wrong
We have even more love
Now that we are older
When we are older
When we are
When we are older
When we are

Child Moon

[Verse 1]
My head is so heavy, I'd like to clear my head
I lift my chin up in search of a shooting star
And I'm trying to follow it trail in the hope that it will guide me
The light is beautiful, the darkness is fascinating
Close relatives who left in the afterlife at the blessed age
The ceremonies, the paper from Armenia
When laughter and tragedy mix
I stopped wondering why
If I drop a tear, the one that hurts the most doesn't sink
There are wounds that nothing can erase
If I hide when my eyes take on water
It's just that all this has left its mark on me
Often, I hesitate to take the plunge
All this has left its mark on me
If I hide when my eyes take on water
If so many times, I hesitate to take the plunge
It's just that all this has left its mark on me
Is the Earth more beautiful from above?
All this has left its mark on me
I hide when my eyes take on water
I'm perched all the way up there
There are wounds that nothing can erase
I'm perched all the way up there
Is the Earth more beautiful from above?
[Verse 2]
Where do loved ones go when they leave?
Do they travel to another dimension?
Are they resting in a space-time hole?
Don't blame me if I look absent
Do they travel to another dimension?
Don't blame me if I look absent
A child Moon, head in the stars
A child Moon, head in the stars
A child Moon, head in the stars
A child Moon, a child Moon

Mă gândesc la tine

A început cu conversaţia la telefon şi eu
Am zburat afară să te văd, plouă afară
Stăm lângă apă şi vorbim despre viaţă
Ai spus că ţi-ai pierdut tatăl, fată ştiu cum se simte asta
Eu mi-am pierdut mama, încă încerc să mă împac cu asta
Cred ca suntem conectaţi prin ura noastră pentru pastile
Este real
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
M-ai făcut să mă gândesc la lucruri la care nu m-am gândit niciodată
Nu sunt tipul care dă telefoane, mai degrabă aş fi cu tine
Câteodată mă abţin să spun : „Mi-e dor de tine”
Dar mi-e dor
Trebuie să admit , mă simt singuratic pe acest drum
Dar tu mă faci să zâmbesc de fiecare dată când mă suni
Tu mă laşi să fiu eu însumi
Tu nu mă controlezi
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
Stau întins pe pat, doar privesc tavanul, iubito
Eu doar vreau să ştiu dacă tu simţi ce simt eu, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, da, spune-mi care este ultima înţelegere
Da, ultima înţelegere, ultima înţelegere
Sunt un om de cuvânt, fată să crezi asta
Sunt o carte închisă dar cumva tu înveţi să o citeşti
Ştiu că ar trebui să mă relaxez, urăsc felul în care reacţionez
Mă gândesc că sunt bun dar tu ştii că sunt aproape să recidivez
Mă gândesc că sunt bun dar tu ştii că sunt aproape să recidivez
Fată trezeşte-mă dimineata, tu eşti tot la ce mă pot gândi
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine
Mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă gândesc la tine, mă gândesc la tine

Opus 08

A little son came to his father,
And this toddler said:
'A genital into a genital is good,
A genital into an ass is bad'
A little daughter came to his father,
And this little bitch said:
'A genital into a genital is good,
A genital into an ass is better!'
(It is a parody of Vladimir Mayakovsky)

Vovochka Brought a Dynamite at School

Vovochka1 brought a dynamite at school,
Uncoiled and lit its cord. It's burning...
BANG! The wall instantly fell apart...
Vovochka absolutely doesn't need a school...
  • 1. Vovochka (a Russian little children pet name of Vladimir) is a popular character of Soviet and Russian jokes, anecdotes, and informal 'children's poety.

Up on the rooftop, a boy so small

Versions: #2
Up on the rooftop, a boy so small
didn't see the end, and took a nasty fall.
He did thirty flips, then three more for good measure.
Cleaning up his brains—well, that took forever!

Opus 03

Versions: #2
In a field, a girl came across a grenade,
but she had no clue for what it was made.
An old man told her to pull the pin,
then her sandal flew far off into the wind.

Little Boy Was Walking Along A Steep Roof - 2

A little boy was walking along the roof,
The roof ended, and the boy fell down,
He made thirty three flips in his flight,
People were scraping his brain from the asphalt for a long time...


Ce-ți cer ție e milă, ce-mi ceri e păcat,
O coincidență târzie și o lovitură întârziată,
Diavolul va spune „așteaptă puțin”, nu te trezi,
Și eu voi spune la fel să nu te trezești.
Dă-mi apă și vorbește-mi,
Sărută-mă și lasă-mă să deschid un trandafir,
Omul s-a inventat pe sine, m-a avertizat despre nefericire,
Dă-ne o șansă, fii nebun!
Am o șansă cu tine,
Dansează cu mine, lasă-mă să plec,
Flăcările noastre ne împresoară/ ne îmbrățișează
O clipă mai înainte n-a trecut.
În fața inimii noastre avem multă gândire,
Dă-mi apă și vorbește-mi,
Sărută-mă și lasă-mă să deschid un trandafir,
Omul s-a inventat pe sine, m-a avertizat despre nefericire,
Dă-ne o șansă, fii nebun!
Am o șansă cu tine,
Dansează cu mine, lasă-mă să plec,
Flăcările noastre ne împresoară/ ne îmbrățișează...
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