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Un cântec pentru V.

Eu voi fi cel
Ce te va duce acasă
Să te liniştesc
Şi să mă jertfesc pentru tine
Când eşti dărâmată şi departe
Şi navighezi pe mări furtunoase
Voi fi acolo
Voi fi bărbatul tău
Eu voi fi cel
Pe care-l poţi lăsa în urmă(părăsi)
Şi să nu te uiţi niciodată înapoi
Să vezi dacă plâng
Voi fi acolo pentru tine
Când toţi ceilalţi bărbaţi pleacă
Eu voi fi acela
Voi fi bărbatul tău
Şi voi fi Christosul tău
Şi-ţi voi lua toată durerea
Toate temerile tale
Îţi voi plăi toate datoriile
Atârnat de cruce
Şi mă voi ruga pentru tine
Eu voi fi acela
Voi fi bărbatul tău
~ ~ ~
Eu voi fi ochii tăi
Când soarele apune
Când lumina lunii păleşte
Şi noaptea vine acasă
Inima mea va arde
Ca să-ţi lumineze calea
Voi fi acolo
Eu voi fi bărbatul tău
Eu voi fi acela
Care te va trece peste
Flăcări arzând
Şi câmp de pietre
Voi fi podul tău
De la leagăn până la dric
Sfântul tău personal
Voi fi bărbatul tău
Eu voi fi cel
Pe care-l poţi lăsa părăsi
Şi să nu te uiţi niciodată înapoi
Să vezi dacă plâng
Voi fi acolo pentru tine
Când toţi ceilalţi bărbaţi pleacă
Eu voi fi acela
Voi fi bărbatul tău


Sarinande, princess Sarinande
What with those swollen teary eyes?
Oh mother, oh father
There's something in the eyes
Oh mother, oh father
There's something in the eyes

Black Eyes

Black eyes
pale cheeks
pointed nose
The girl from Bandung
Who's daughter is she
Where's she living?
I fell in love
with her
Every day
I dream of her
My heart
is full of sorrow
I forgot to eat
I forgot to drink
I remember the beauty of
those black eyes


The low sky grieves with a face that's about to cry
Without ever doing so, it shaves off a moment
Swallowing the thoughts with no place to be vomited
I spit them out, mixed with my irritation
Fearing a tomorrow where I embrace the anxiety that everything's about to shatter
And looking only at the day after tomorrow won't bring me an answer--I know that
What will I draw on the tomorrow that spreads infinitely, pure white?
What will I draw on the tomorrow that reality stained pure black?
I struggle and shine
It's so lame for me to fret
And I refuse to sit still as I play dumb
There's nothing at all I want to do
I stealthily hold a cigarette in my mouth on the rooftop
Somehow, being at Saizeriya today isn't any fun
I'm watching my main man with worried eyes
Even if I lie, 'I ain't crying!'
And try to act tough, it seriously hurts
I'm used to commuting through a dim highway
The i-Pod I bought after a huge hassle
Shallow rap that's got nothing more than a shiny surface
A flimsy bag that's heavy for some reason -
The place that should be pleasantly warm -
Is oppressive, and I throw open a window
I'm about to be flattened by heavy pressure
In the usual park that I run away into
Fearing a tomorrow where I embrace the anxiety that everything's about to shatter
And looking only at the day after tomorrow won't bring me an answer--I know that
What will I draw on the tomorrow that spreads infinitely, pure white?
What will I draw on the tomorrow that reality stained pure black?
I struggle and shine
Draw a crappy-looking sketch of yourself
Within a limited, cramped amount of time
Right now, I'm still fine with that
What will I draw on the tomorrow that spreads infinitely, pure white?
What will I draw on the tomorrow that reality stained pure black?
I struggle and shine
What will I draw on the tomorrow that spreads infinitely, pure white?
What will I draw on the tomorrow that reality stained pure black?
I struggle and shine

Ucide Această Iubire

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Blackpink in your area!
Yeah, yeah, yeah
După un dulce 'bună' există mereu câte un acru 'rămas bun'
După fiecare criză, există un preţ pe care trebuie să îl plătești
Nu există niciun răspuns pentru acest test, mereu cad in plasă pentru el
Sunt o sclavă a emotiilor mele
La naiba cu această iubire fără inimă
Iată-mă dând cu piciorul în ușă
Dă-mi-l pe cel mai puternic
Atât de evidentă, această iubire
Dă-mi mai mult, dă-mi puțin mai multă
Mă pun pe marginea stâncii dacă asta îţi dorești
Cu un singur cuvânt ești precum un starstruck din nou
Sentimentul cald de agitare, entuziasm extrem
Se simţea precum raiul însă s-ar putea ca tu să nu intri in el
[Jisoo & Rosé]
Privește-mă, privește-te, cine va suferi mai mult?
Ești deștept precum cine? Tu ești
Dacă verși lacrimi de sânge din ambii ochi
Îţi lacrimi rău precum cine? Tu ești
Ce ar trebui să fac? Nu pot suporta cât sunt de slabă
În timp ce mă forțez să-mi acopăr ochii
Am nevoie sa pun un final acestei iubiri
Haideți să ucidem această iubire!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
Haideți să ucidem această iubire!
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
[Jennie, Lisa]
Simţindu-mă precum o păcătoasă
Este atât de fierbinte cu el, fac boo, ohh
El a spus că arăt precum o nebună
Îţi mulțumesc dragă
Îţi datorez ţie totul
M-ai răvășit
Iubirea lui e preferata mea
Dar tu plus eu
Din nefericire, poate fi periculos
[Rosé & Jisoo]
Norocoasa de mine, norocosul de tine
Până la urmă, la sfârșit mințim
Și ce dacă? Și ce dacă?
Dacă sfârșesc prin a te uita
Îmi cer mii de scuze
Nu-mi pare rău
Ce ar trebui să fac? Nu pot suporta cât sunt de slabă
În timp ce mă forțez să-mi acopăr ochii
Am nevoie sa pun un final acestei iubiri
Haideți să ucidem această iubire!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
Haideți să ucidem această iubire!
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
Cu toţii comitem iubire
Asta te face să plangi, oh, oh
Cu toţii facem iubire
Asta te omoară pe dinăuntru, da
Trebuie sa ucidem această iubire
(Yeah, yeah)
Da, e trist dar adevărat
Trebuie să ucidem această iubire (Yeah, yeah)
Înainte să te omoare și ea
Să ucidem această iubire
(Yeah, yeah)
Da, e trist dar adevărat
Trebuie să ucidem această iubire (Yeah, yeah)
Trebuie să ucidem, haideți sa ucidem această iubire!

Kill This Love

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Blackpink in your area!
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Say 'Hi' like an angel and 'Bye' like a demon
Every time I spit from a crazy high
I have to pay this price
This is a test without answers
And very time I take the bait, yes
I am a slave of miserable feelings
And cold dead love
Here I come kick in the door
Give me the strongest poison
This love is so obvious
Just look and give me some more
I'm walking on the edge of the cliff
In short, I like it more and more.
This warm shiver is a clear restlessness.
It's like a heaven but
you may not get it
Look at me, look at you
It will be more painful but for whom?
You're smart, who are you?
If tears flow from the eyes
I'm sorry, but who are you?
I can not be too weak anymore
Hardly close my eyes
I want this love to stop breathing
Let's kill this love!
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
Let's kill this love!
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
Feelin’ like a sinner
Its so fire with him I go boo hoo
He said you look crazy
Thank you baby
I owe it all to you
Got me all messed up
His love is my favorite
But you plus me
Sadly can be dangerous
Look at me, look at you
It will be more painful but for whom?
You're smart, who are you?
If tears flow from the eyes *
I'm sorry, but who are you?
I can not be too weak anymore
I can hardly hold back tears
I will block the breath of this love
Let's kill this love!
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
Let's kill this love!
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum
We all commit to love
That makes you cry
We’re all making love
That kills you inside
We must kill this love
Yeah, it's sad but true
Gotta kill this love
Before it kills you too
Kill this love
Yeah, it's sad but true
Gotta kill this love
Let's kill this love!

Să nu crezi că ești singur

Nu obosi, nu renunța
Indiferent de ce greutăți ai, depășește-le mereu
Când e prea greu, când e prea obositor
Îți voi împrumuta spatele meu
Poți renunța oricând la griji
Să nu crezi că ești singur, nu plânge spunând că e greu
Noi știm
Sprijină-te de spatele meu și dacă înduri prin această lume
O să-mi îndeplinești un vis mare
Nu te grăbi și gândește înainte
Când ești somnoros, sprijină-te de perete
Oferă-i trupului tău extenuat o clipă de odihnă
Să nu crezi că ești singur, nu plânge spunând că e greu
Noi știm
Într-o zi foarte călduroasă,
Doar pentru o zi,
Să fim altcineva
Să sperăm la o zi de mâine mai bună
Nu ne putem opri
Să nu crezi că ești singur, nu plânge spunând că e greu
Noi știm
Sprijină-te de spatele meu și dacă înduri prin această lume
O să-mi îndeplinești un vis mare
Când e vorba de noi, ne doare pe amândoi
Când ne chinuim

Don’t Know What To Do

Can someone stop time for a bit
I feel like a big mistake just happened
I tried to laugh it off awkwardly
But I pity myself
Don’t know what to do without you
I am left alone in this trivial place
I picture your memories, they’re blue
People change
Why am I like this
On a pretty day like this
How is everything difficult
Don’t know what to do
Don’t know what to do without you
Don’t know what to do without you
Don’t know what to do without you
You know I
Don’t know what to do
Don’t know what to do
Like people who came and went
I guess we just weren’t meant to be
Wondering if the phone might ring
I hate myself for anticipating uselessly
The tick tock of my clock is
Especially bothering me
I might seem totally fine but
Don’t know what to do without you
I wonder if my feelings will be shown in the mirror
The lips I’ve drawn are blue
I’m comfortable alone
I’m just like that
On a pretty day like this
How is everything difficult
Don’t know what to do
Don’t know what to do without you
Don’t know what to do without you
Don’t know what to do without you
You know I
Don’t know what to do
Don’t know what to do without you
I say I am fine but
Don’t know what to do without you
I am left alone in this trivial place
I picture your memories, they’re blue

Kick It

So what’s the answer
So what are you going to do now
I’ll break ya break ya heart
Never asked for much
Don’t even try
Don’t pick up the words I just tossed around
I ain’t nothin’ like
The same same girls that you’ve had
Yeah, I just do what I want
The dark night might take me away
But now I can dance for myself
I’ll jump over the wall that is you
I’ll kick it if you’re down kick it if you down
Can I kick it
In the dark sky
I’m going to cause a scene and light it on fire
Can I kick it
I’m going to destroy the world that is you and shine brightly
And I’m letting it all out
I have nothing to lose
I’m going to find myself
I’m okay being alone
Don’t feel bad for me
I’m going to forget you now
Never needed nothin’ else
Just a lil love from myself
When you couldn’t be the one to help
Had to kick it and I did it tell whoever you wanna tell
Get kicked to the curb ya kicked out
Never kick a girl when she kicked down
Who you gon kiss now
Know you gon miss how I move
From the top to the bottom of my kicks now
The dark night might take me away
But now I can dance for myself
I’ll jump over the wall that is you
I’ll kick it if you’re down kick it if you down
Can I kick it
In the dark sky
I’m going to cause a scene and light it on fire
Can I kick it
I’m going to destroy the world that is you and shine brightly
And I’m letting it all out
I have nothing to lose
I’m going to find myself
I’m okay being alone
Don’t feel bad for me
I’m going to forget you now
So what’s the answer
So what are you going to do now
I’m leaving your frustrating world and flying above it
I’ll kick it how I wanna kick it when I wanna kick it
No you can’t tell me not to kick it
Cause I’m bout to kick it
I’ll kick it how I wanna kick it when I wanna kick it
No you can’t tell me not to kick it
Cause I’m bout to kick it
And I’m letting it all out
I have nothing to lose
I’m going to find myself
I’m okay being alone
Don’t feel bad for me
I’m going to forget you now

Hope Not

I sit by the window where cool air blows
I think of you while looking at the far sky
I must be a fool who can’t be helped
Even when the four seasons change, I don’t
They say there’s no point in regretting but
I keep thinking of you
(I was wrong)
I will smile if
I see you as if nothing happened
For you I’m okay with being hurt
Since I only gave you pain during the time we were together
But you, the love you want
You need to meet someone better than me and be happy
But I hope not to the point where you forget me
I can’t fall asleep this night under the moonlight
No matter how much I wait, you won’t come
Next to me is an empty space
I’m not a stranger to being alone anymore
They say there’s no point in regretting but
I keep thinking of you
(I was wrong)
I will smile if I see you as if nothing happened
For you I’m okay with being hurt
Since I only gave you pain during the time we were together
But you, the love you want
You need to meet someone better than me and be happy
But I hope not to the point where you forget me
Still at this place, I can’t forget about you
For you I’m okay with being hurt
Since I only gave you pain during the time we were together
But you, the love you want
You need to meet someone better than me and be happy
But I hope not to the point where you forget me

Thrones and People and Cities

Thrones and people and cities
last very briefly-
flowers, like autumn weather
soon dies out.
But new as flowers blossom
when winter flees,
out of earth's soil, generous as before,
cities stand anew.
The anemones spring has awoken
have never heard
what storm, that their relatives
last year has destroyed.
But that safe peace
that little knows,
it's eight day long lifetime
forever they mention.
So Time, that is mild
and relieves grief,
makes us their picture,
blind as they,
that even when we become soil
we dream big-
shadow to shadow whispers trustfully:
'Still lasts what we have done!'

I Have Fallen For A Soul Mate

I have fallen for a soul mate,
She is hunchbacked and she's old.
Well, such troubled times loom lately,
That you have to stick with gold.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


We’ll flow in this air
We’ll reside in this rain bearing clouds
You’re my rain
And I’m your cloud o beloved
I won’t be anyone else’s if I am not yours
You’re crazy for me
And I’m your crazy lover
Among thousands only one
Is born with such destiny
Of a Romeo’s and Juliet's
I don’t know why this world
Wants to destroy our love
It’s not a stain rather kohl of love
It’s not a stain rather kohl of love
I’m a lost traveler and you’re my home
I’m yours… I'm yours
You’re a firefly and I’m a dense forest
I’m yours…
I’m yours
I’m yours… I’m yours


It hurts inside
when you leave
Your `Sorry`
hurt me more and more
we will try
again more, I don't need and
I just want you to stay
Until now,I've grown used to
that taciturn attitude Oh
`It`s about time we break up`
I mutter to the mirror Oh
Taking my company for granted
That`s just like you isn`t it?
But still Stay stay stay with me
I like this Melody
It remind about you
you eyes like a Felony
I hate but love so stronger
don`t leave me,
please, I can cry
I know, that you will not
leave me alone
I want to hear you vote
And want you…Stay with me
(It goes a little something like)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
I don't need anything in this life
I only want you…Stay with me
I said wanted you to stay
But you’re always leaving
Never tell me where
Never tell me what’s the reason
When you’re gone
I can’t tell if my hearts even beatin’
Sometimes I think it’s just for you
That I live and breathe and
So stay
I know you gotta be tired
When the night gets dark
Let me be your fire
In a world full of lies
My only truth is you
Here’s a letter from me to you
I like this Melody
It remind about you
you eyes like a Felony
I hate but love so stronger
don`t leave me,
please, I can cry
I know, that you will not
leave me alone
I want to hear you vote
And want you…Stay with me
(It goes a little something like)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
I don't need anything in this life
I only want you…Stay with me
(It goes a little something like)
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
Lalalalalala Lalalalalala Lalalalalala
I don't need anything in this life
I only want you…Stay with me

A Study In Overthinking

The things, I'm thinking about, I can't explain
I hope you don't misunderstand
The days fall hard down on my empty head
Sorry for thinking out loud, yeah, yeah
[Verse 1]
They say I think too much, I say they think too little
I lower my gaze, believe me I don't regard them, no
For sure not those clicks that says, I might as well just nod at them
Fuck that shit, I'd rather leave it be
Why would I be out getting to know everyone and their mothers?
No, I'm here now
Sit down, take a sip, let me know how it's going
With you and your problems, oh my God, it's been so long
You cant find yourself? Believe me, it's a sign of the times
Believe me, it's not the cool thing to say, but I've tried the same before
Been close to burning out, exactly like a flame does
I think thoughts out loud, making my friends roll their eyes
I probably say things, that makes me end up in a straitjacket
But seriously, should I just follow suit?
Should I just be quiet and smile? Should I essentially give up?
Why do I keep thinking about it? Should really just stop, but
Red-hot, golden glow, just like a sunset
New hope in deep blue, as when darkness falls
The eyes beam at everything you can see
One sip for me, one sip for you, one sip for me
Blackbird, snow white, turn around and come back
Right in the middle under the coldest of lights
Close your eyes and see everything, you can't see
One sip for you, one sip for me, one sip for you, one sip for me
[Verse 2]
So is there room for me here?
Room for the thoughts I'm thinking? Is there room for thoughts?
Should I let the ship sail? Should I anchor?
I don't know but I know, I shouldn't listen to them at all
I should just listen to myself, but I can't help it
The things I think about always makes it hard
I think about things so heavy, I took my time
Took my head for repair, said: 'Is it supposed to say like this?'
Just the other day I caught myself acting as my own fucking shrink
And I'm so schizophrenic I took two glasses of water, yeah I took two Ibuprofen
I thought I was losing it, now I'm good again
But I have no use of that shit, I mean
Should I really just follow suit?
Should I just be quiet and smile? Should I essentially give up?
Should I keep my eyes down? Should I mend my own business?
Is there room for another hello? Is there room for goodbye?
I don't know

Nina's Good From Head To Toe

Nina's good from head to toe,
She's got body and got soul.
One thing's wrong with her although,
She got married long ago!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

I Think I’m Crazy

(SANA) Oh my gosh, oh my god,
Why am I like that again?
I see you alone as I approach you
(DAHYUN) I start acting cute
What do I do now?
(TZUYU) But somehow you are the one
who acts cold towards me
Don't know why, don't know why no
(JUNGYEON) I don't like it when you are so mean
But what do I do? I like you
(NAYEON) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy babe
I want you this much
yet you won't look back at me
(JIHYO) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy
I cannot stop looking at you
Don't break my heart oh boy
(MINA) Maybe you might be toying with me
But you are not a playboy,
I know you are a soft guy
(MOMO) but why on earth do you only care for other girls
Makin' me so cray
(CHAEYOUNG) No matter how distanced we are
I can see, I can see
Every time, every time no
(SANA) Before I know it , I'm right next to you
What should I do now?
Ah I can't resist any longer
(NAYEON) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy babe
I want you this much
yet you won't look back at me
(JIHYO) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy
I cannot stop looking at you
Don't break my heart oh boy
(CHAEYOUNG) Only you make me feel so nervous
You are the reason why my heart keeps beating
My whole bode feels excited, come and be my pair
A field og pink current entangles us together
(DAHYUN) Now try my love ( Get ready)
I will get through this day (Hey baby)
I am not afraid 1 2 3
I am yours
(JUNGYEON)I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy babe
I want you this much
yet you won't look back at me
(TZUYU) I must be going crazy, I must be going crazy
I cannot stop looking at you
Don't break my heart oh boy
(MINA) (Going crazy, going crazy)
(NAYEON) I want you be mine, I want you be mine
(MINA) (Going crazy, going crazy)
(JUNGYEON) I need you babe, why don't you know that
(MINA) (Going crazy, going crazy)
(JIHYO) I am going crazy
(MINA) (Going crazy, going crazy)
(SANA) I'm going crazy

Shanghai Blues

A long time ago
When we didn’t care,
What to drink, how to live and how to be
And time went on hi-fi 1
We sang the Shanghai Blues
When the light, the light of victory
When prior years, said “Hello!”
Well, don’t hold your head down
And remember, remember the Shanghai blues.
Let’s assemble the old choir 2
And play our favorite in A-Major
Then, any year, doesn’t matter
You don’t believe, you play along with me
All of the same Shanghai blues
And then at the table
Somethin’ about the past, bout it and myself, 3
We sing, and we pour, and we pour again.
Don’t let it be tea,
(Let it be) Remembering the Shanghai blues! 4
Shanghai blues, Shanghai blues...
  • 1. High-Fidelity. High-Quality, a time when music was published in higher quality.
  • 2. I went with “assemble” because “collect” just doesn’t fit. Sounds, off. I see it like they’re getting a band back together. This isn’t a quest, you’re not “collecting” the items, you’re “assembling” a choir.
  • 3. Given the bluesy feel, cutting the ‘g’ off was fitting in my opinion. Just my opinion, same goes for chopping the ‘a’ off of “about”. Got a problem, consult my Southern heritage.
  • 4. I’d exclamate this line in the OP, and as an explanation. If you’re not familiar with (*insert text here*) this is where either omitted or assumed lines, words, etc. would go. This is where an important line you should go when the context points to it being there. This isn’t “Let me hurl this in to make the song fit my agenda”, this is for when you know for certain by context what should go there. I just wanted to put it out there, some people will have their definitions and I’ll be happy to discuss. But it is almost certain, given the previous lines, he is saying they’re singing and pouring in their memories of the Shanghai Blues. Also, this is confusing because it can be used to refer to another way of saying something. But usually, you'll see that in the title and only in the title.
To me, music is a form of speech, and just like speech, music should be heard to all regardless of barriers in place. So by translating you're letting other people open up to a world that is alien to them, a world where many who listen to the Russian, German and French music I listen to, is not strange or weird because they do not understand what the singer is singing. By having translations music can share cultural and political ideas, or really just ideas, around without barrier, and allow for discussion over meaning and purpose instead of trivial pursuit.

Quitting Drinking

Quitting drinking is my drill -
Mornings're really stinking,
But will I retain the skill
Of creative thinking?
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


(like) rain in the plains, in the stone, in the ear(spike), on the roof of our home.
Deeply in our soil is your hug.
The stone keeps(holds) the Freedom,
Freedom like the red Garyfaliá,(which is)
the fire of sun.

I Was Lying With My Dude

I was lying with my dude
Absolutely in the nude,
'Cause to show my beauty off
I have taken panties off.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


Got 'em in place
New eyeglasses with blinders without brims
that keep the world black
As it goes on on its own
And she's got it likewise
Gives no shits about what they think
Do we oughta grow up?
Should we have gotten
something that seems obvious?
That we've got something going on
Am I over deep waters?
Is it too good to be true?
Or just luck
That we've got something going on
Am I over deep waters?
Is it too good to be true?
Or just luck
The daylight has left
Like sand in a glass that's turned as soon as it's dark
So things will go on and on
And do what they did yesterday
So easy to take it easy
about those things we don't care to understand
In a diligent world
we're living without a meaning that seems obvious
That we've got something going on
Am I over deep waters?
Is it too good to be true?
Or just luck
That we've got something going on
Am I over deep waters?
Is it too good to be true?
Or just luck
Just luck..


Luceafărul meu al dimineții,
Mariam, Mariam, Mariam,
Aș ajunge la tine, dar n-am cum,
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Hei! Haide! Destăinuie-te!
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Ți-aș aduce acea stea,
Mariam, Mariam, Mariam,
Ca pe un dar de nuntă,
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Hei! Haide! Destăinuie-te!
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Cumva te tot găsesc,
Mariam, Mariam, Mariam,
N-am cum să trăiesc fără tine,
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Hei! Haide! Destăinuie-te!
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
În ciuda luminii soarelui,
Mariam, Mariam, Mariam,
Voi construi o scară către ceruri,
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Hei! Haide! Destăinuie-te!
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Dacă ai urca acea scară,
Mariam, Mariam, Mariam,
Ai ajunge chiar la steaua aceea,
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Hei! Haide! Destăinuie-te!
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Dar tu nu m-ai băgat în seamă,
Mariam, Mariam, Mariam,
N-ai împărtășit același vis cu mine,
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Hei! Haide! Destăinuie-te!
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
Hei! Haide! Destăinuie-te!
Ce va fi cu viața mea?
© Vladímir Sosnín

The Head of the Raghu Family

Let us sing in praise of Rāma, who is the Eternal One, the One without a second.
It matters little whether we call him Allah, Buddha, Christ or Jehova, He belongs equally to us all.
The head of the Raghu family, Ramachandra, Lord Rama
They are the patrons for the fallen, Sita and Rama 1
The head of the Raghu family, Ramachandra, Lord Rama
They are the patrons for the fallen, Sita and Rama
Be your name Shiva or Allah
Give everyone your blessing, God
Be your name Shiva or Allah
Give everyone your blessing, God
The head of the Raghu family, Ramachandra, Lord Rama
They are the patrons for the fallen, Sita and Rama
The head of the Raghu family, Ramachandra, Lord Rama
They are the patrons for the fallen, Sita and Rama
Be your name Shiva or Allah
Give everyone your blessing, God
Be your name Shiva or Allah
Give everyone your blessing, God
Hail, hail, Lord Rama, Sita and Rama (x4)
  • 1. Ramachandra or Lord Rama, one of God Vishnu's incarnations, is the symbol of a perfect husband while his wife Sita, the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi, is the symbol of a perfect woman, wife and lifemate. The union of Rama and Sita is the symbol of perfect harmony between man and woman, the symbol of compassion and perfect relations in the family and society

Such the tango

In a large and shiny room
Just like night Buenos Aires
Which I do not want to sleep
The orchestra tunes the instruments
It gives a sign and it will start soon
New tango to play
We are sitting next to indifferent people
To yourself as tourists
We're sticking out the rhythm
There will be no tango between us
Even a miracle happened
Nothing will help
Although funky notes are flowing
Blood is burning in veins
None of us ever dance
I will not get up
Because you need two to tango
Compatible bodies and willing hearts
Because you need two to tango
Yes, this world is made
It will finally flood Buenos Aires
A night as thick as ink
And when the daybreak comes
What was in our hearts once
It used to be like a glowing diamond
The whole will lose its glow
And though they will play again
God knows that one
Never together in this room
We will not meet
Because you need two to tango
Compatible bodies and willing hearts
Because you need two to tango
Yes, this world is made

We can't be friends

I've never felt so small, never felt so weak (so weak)
What is a lie, what should I believe, yeah, what is true? (what is true)
This city is small, believe me, I know everything (know everything)
You showed the real you when I saw the devil in the detail1 (detail)
I thought there was no one like you
But now everything is just weird, yah
We can't be in the same place now
I had to cut you out
Haven't seen you since then, now we're just two strangers
'Cause I was blind, but now I can see
We can't be friends anymore
We can't be friends anymore
Say what you want, but it's too late
We can't be friends anymore
We can't be friends anymore
I've never seen you so small, never seen you so weak (so weak)
Someone I thought so highly of has sunk so low (so low)
I never saw this coming after everything you've said (you've said)
Fuck you and your high horse, I saw you fall off (fall off)
I thought there was no one like you
But now everything is just weird, yah
We can't be in the same place now
I had to cut you out, yeah
Haven't seen you since then, now we're just two strangers
'Cause I was blind, but now I can see
We can't be friends anymore
We can't be friends anymore
Say what you want, but it's too late
We can't be friends anymore
We can't be friends anymore
  • 1. 'devil in the details' means a hidden problem/difficulty in something

Mom pick viburnum

Mom pick viburnum, singing songs
Her hair winds her hair
Really, mom is the thing
Loves more than others
Why only in its own way
You can not write the fate
I would write sweet words
I would not have entered the bitter mistakes
Mom, as if not a bunch,
And collects errors
With every bunch torn, her
Heart is breaking
In the palm of her so many bitter viburnum,
As bitter as our life
With this viburnum, when I say
On my heart, for some reason, it becomes easier
Mom pick viburnum, singing songs
Tears are running down her face
No, mommy, these are not tears,
These are bittersweet clusters of viburnum

Spirit of darkness

Spirit of darkness
guide us
while we search for
the paths of wisdom
guide our work
don't cast us away
bless our music
by the grace of Satan
The children of Christ
to the doom of love
in the light of Christ
yet living in the shadows
in the gates of damnation
now beg for mercy!
Spirit of darkness
guide us
while we study the paths of awareness
in all you show us
the whores of damnation
the mighty heats
passing protections
Beherit is being graced
in the honor of Satan
purges them
dripping of blood
in the light of Christ
yet living in the shadows
in the gates of damnation

The Internationale (drinking song)

(In Swedish)
More booze in my glass
More glasses on the table
More tables to this party
More parties to this Earth
More Earths around the moon
More moons around Mars
More marches to Skåne
More Skåne, forsooth!
(In Finnish)
More booze in my glass
More glasses on the table
More tables to this party
More parties for the people
More people for Finland
More Finland on Earth
More land for (Greater) Finland
Let's march to Karelia, to Karelia!

The Pike And Other Miracles

There's a pike moving in the ceiling,
I bet it means you harm
Screw the bottle open,
a drink will drive away the beast
A lizard crawls from under the table,
it stares you with evil eyes
Chug another drink,
the hallucination will disappear
A seal is sitting next to you,
slapping your diaphragm with its tail
As long as you don't decline a drink,
the walrus will turn into a lady again
A cow is mooing on the table,
trying to make you drink milk
A fourth drink, goddamnit,
will poison the lactic acid

Crimea Crisis

Oh my friends if only we had
Ukraine's peninsula and a Tsar!
With no international observers
We'd have a democratic election!
Then, comrade, we'd have no worries
Only one percent object to the conquest
Oh my friends if only we had
Ukraine's peninsula and a Tsar!
All peoples unite and rejoice
Everything's allowed except anal!
Do not touch your brothers
For a good slav doesn't do the gay!
Lead by Putin we march
Towards the Soviet sunrise
Let its rays always shine
Brighter than the rainbow!

Form’s Deforming Badly The Elastic Rubber Nodule Of Fatigue

Form’s deforming badly the elastic rubber nodule of fatigue
Sitting on the windowsill, the tomcat wipes all off swinging its tail
Having got a fine word of command we will wake up, brace up, and leave
Our black clothes oblige to go dancing our weird dances on bonfires
It’s called a neglected city, the depleted limit of supplies
the ticket that’s expired