Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 83
The Eagle
Versions: #1And if you burn my wings
So I can't fly again
From the smoke of my fire
I will still rise high
The eagle dies upon the air
Free and strong
When a heartless bullet finds him
The sky embraces him.
My eagle tears
Will not fall to earth
You will seek me at sunset
And you will not find sleep.
Versions: #1--- 1 ---
Ochi negri și păr negru înmiresmat ...
O armată întreagă poți pune la încercat
În formele taliei ai momeală pentru condamnați
Un sărut și sunt și eu pierdut ca ai mei frați
--- R ---
Bucură-te, bucură-te de vrei
Lasă-ți ochii să se bucure și ei
Nu suport să te văd supărată în spirit
În fața treptelor tale aș muri fericit
--- 2 ---
Buze de foc, mâini calde ce mă înconjoară
Picioare voluptoase ce mă împresoară
Dulcele tău glas care este ca mierea
Lasă-l să cânte dacă nu mă vrea
--- R ---
Bucură-te, bucură-te de vrei
Lasă-ți ochii să se bucure și ei
Nu suport să te văd supărată în spirit
În fața treptelor tale aș muri fericit
--- R ---
Bucură-te, bucură-te de vrei
Lasă-ți ochii să se bucure și ei
Nu suport să te văd supărată în spirit
În fața treptelor tale aș muri fericit
Vreau să te revăd
Scrisoarea este o dramă ce ucideNu pot dormi nopțile
Pe geamul prăfuit a rămas o linie
De atunci de când erai aici
Îmi scrii că iubirea nu se termină
Și de când nu te-am mai văzut
Mi-ai lăsat mâna să se răcească
Nu știu ce să fac ce să spun
Vreau să te revăd
Nu mai vreau să trăiesc
Fără să te ating
Vreau să te revăd
Am obosit să trăiesc
In negru și în gri
Ochii mei privesc spre colțul tău
La vaza acea mică
Pe care mi-ai adus-o din cartierul tău
Și îmi spusesei Să trăiești Te iubesc
Îmi spuneai Voi fi aici lângă tine
Și de atunci nu te-am mai văzut
In cameră miroase parfumul tău
Nu știu ce să fac ce să spun
Mai străin
--- 1 ---Îmi spui prieteni buni să rămânem de-acum
Ce aud nu vreau serios să-mi asum
Pentru că dragostea nu se transformă niciodată
Într-o prietenie imaculată
Pentru că dragostea nu se transformă niciodată
Într-o prietenie imaculată
--- R ---
Vei deveni mai străin decât un străin de oriunde
Dacă mă vei vedea vreodată pe stradă, te vei ascunde
Nu vei face conversație
❤♥ Patria mea
”Și cei mai educați s-au dat înapoi.În rușine, în scaunele lor s-au așezat,
au vorbit repede pentru a se ascunde adevărul.
Și totuși fiți curajoși...
aripile s-au deschis la ușile din spate
îngerii au stat drept și au strigat din nou:
'Μολών Λαβέ' = 'Vino și ia-le'.
Nu este un mit, nu râde,
în zilele noastre ești pierdut, dar nu uita
în aceste vremuri nefericite...
--- 1 ---
În acea dimineață în care ...
de parcă nu am fi vrut să ne mai trezim
iar ziua era înfricoșătoare
de parcă nu am fi vrut soarele să răsară cumva
ca să nu vedem Răul care venea.
Păsările în cuiburi s-au ascuns
au simțit marele rău ce ne-a ajuns
mii de respirații, un singur răspuns
Și unul dintre înțelepți a aruncat cărțile de joc
și totul a fost cuprins de limbile de foc.
--- R ---
Fulgere și tunete dau a se întrece
să îți zgâlțâie trupul rece.
Câini furioși și cățele slute
din nou vor a te rupe
în loc de carne...
pământul tău acum vor să-l dispute.
Fulgere și tunete dau a se întrece
să îți zgâlțâie trupul rece.
Câini furioși și cățele slute
din nou vor a te rupe
în loc de carne...
pământul tău acum vor să-l dispute.
Patria mea iubită ...
ce blestem cântărește asupra ta de ești jefuită
Copiii tăi au votat deja
o moarte rânduită în singurătate...
Patria mea ...
”Unde sunteți flăcăi?
De ce nu ați făcut nimic?
Sunteți dintre mișei?”
”Aceasta este o plângere
pentru acei care au pierdut deja”
--- 2 ---
În acea dimineață caducă
parcă zorii nu ar fi vrut să aducă
dinou culorile zilei de cușcă
De parcă soarele nu ar fi vrut să se ofere
să nu vedem sângele din trupurile stinghere
Ce spun strigând „AER”
ne vom aminti acea zi și de CER
Patrie pierdută prea lejer.
Vom ridica Grecia până când
liderii trădători vor fi în mormânt.
--- R ---
Fulgere și tunete dau a se întrece
să îți zgâlțâie trupul rece.
Câini furioși și cățele slute
din nou vor a te rupe
în loc de carne...
pământul tău acum vor să-l dispute.
Fulgere și tunete dau a se întrece
să îți zgâlțâie trupul rece.
Câini furioși și cățele slute
din nou vor a te rupe
în loc de carne...
pământul tău acum vor să-l dispute.
Ah Grecie tristă, pustie și slăvită ceresc
Cât de mult te iubesc
Eroii ne cer să nu cedăm
O altă porție cu lacrimi să mâncăm
Patria mea ...
”Am luptat, am purtat lupte, le-am câștigat.
În vârful cunoașterii, da, am stat.
Și pe atunci barbari au căzut peste noi neîncetat”
”Aceasta este o plângere
pentru acei care au pierdut deja”
”Cine ne vrea iar așa?”
”Unde sunteți flăcăi?
De ce nu i-ați oprit
pe acei mișei?”
”Aceasta este o plângere
pentru acei care au pierdut deja”
Cât de mult te iubesc ...
Toate acele „Te iubesc”
--- 1 ---Toate acele „Te iubesc”
care au fost spuse firesc
Vreau să ți le spun omniprezent
dar timpul vieții nu-mi este suficient
Toate propozițiile „Te iubesc”
care peste tot în scrijeliri se ivesc
Când la tine privesc
De toate îmi amintesc.
--- R ---
Toate „Te iubesc” și bună
meriți să ți se spună
Meriți să le ai cu tine
Ca o amuletă de la mine
Toate „Te iubesc” laolaltă
care s-au spus pe Pământ vreodată
Le meriți și cred nespus
că pentru tine s-au spus.
--- R ---
Toate „Te iubesc ... și bună”
meriți să ți se spună
Meriți să le ai cu tine
Ca o amuletă de la mine
Toate „Te iubesc” laolaltă
care s-au auzit pe Pământ vreodată
Le meriți și am o credință în mine
că au fost spuse pentru tine
--- 2 ---
Toate „Te iubesc” dintre noi
Fie mai vechi, fie mai noi
Au așteptat pe buze, în mod tăcut
ca să le iei cu un sărut
Toate vorbele „Te iubesc”
în o mie de traduceri ți le dăruiesc
Ți le datorez și înfloresc
pentru că mă faci să le trăiesc
--- R ---
Toate „Te iubesc” și ”Bună”
meriți să ți se spună
Meriți să le ai cu tine
Ca o amuletă de la mine
Toate „Te iubesc” laolaltă
care s-au auzit pe Pământ vreodată
Le meriți și cred nespus
că pentru tine s-au spus.
--- R ---
Toate „Te iubesc” și bună
meriți să ți se spună
Meriți să le ai cu tine
Ca o amuletă de la mine
Toate „Te iubesc” laolaltă
care s-au auzit pe Pământ vreodată
Le meriți și am o credință în mine
că au fost spuse pentru tine
--- R --
Toate „Te iubesc” și bună
meriți să ți se spună
Meriți să le ai cu tine
Ca o amuletă de la mine
Toate „Te iubesc” laolaltă
care s-au auzit pe Pământ vreodată
Le meriți și cred nespus
că pentru tine s-au spus.
--- R ---
Toate „Te iubesc” și bună
meriți să ți se spună
Meriți să le ai cu tine
Ca o amuletă de la mine
Toate „Te iubesc” laolaltă
care s-au auzit pe Pământ vreodată
Le meriți și am o credință în mine
că au fost spuse pentru tine.
She's giving kisses
Versions: #1Now she's talking to him, now she's looking at him
Now she's loving him in bed
He's untangling her hair with his fingers
Now she's dying with his kisses
She's giving kisses to him like I taught her to
And every time I think about her embrace, I cry
She's giving her body to him, how can I keep her by my side?
I have to stop her before she gives her heart to him, too
Now she's talking to him, he's making her laugh
Now she's rolling on him like the rain
She'll swear oaths to him and kiss him in the morning
Oaths that she'll never, never, never keep
You'll remember me
Versions: #1I'm not going to ask you if you ever loved me
If you want me to leave you alone, just say it
Just know that you wasted a life
You'll ask for it back when it's too late
You'll remember me like a fire
In your frozen heart
And you'll ask for me to warm your loneliness
You'll remember me like rain
In your thirsty soul
Because I loved you more than my own life
I won't hold you back with shouts and tears
If you want me to leave you alone, I'll go once and for all
But remember that things change
And you'll want me back when it's too late
You'll remember me like a fire
In your frozen heart
And you'll ask for me to warm your loneliness
You'll remember me like rain
In your thirsty soul
Because I loved you more than my own life
I'm afraid for you
Versions: #1Every cliff has its edge
Every 'goodbye' has a tear that it wants to save
Every longing has its pain
And separation wants to forget its time
And I'm not afraid of this emptiness in my body
The moment you leave, it'll cut itself in two
I'm not thinking about my own winter
I'm afraid for you
How you'll return to an empty house late at night
Who will give you a kiss goodnight?
How you'll forget all those things that cause you pain
I'm afraid for you
Every moment of silence has its reasoning
Every glance hides its fear
So it won't be betrayed
Every heart finds its own road
Whether it's in an embrace or whether it searches for it on its own
To catch it somewhere
And I'm not afraid...
Versions:In this holy hour
When our lips meet
And lock up thousands of 'I love yous'
In this holy hour
We don't need words
Our love speaks for the both of us
Statues, we'd become statues
In this holy hour
At this moment
My love, I'd die in your arms
You'd die in my arms, too
As if a kiss were a knife
In this holy hour
When our hands are burning
When longing is both sweet and torturous
Time would stop in this holy hour
When the words 'I love you' were spoken
Statues, we'd become statues
In this holy hour
At this moment
My love, I'd die in your arms
You'd die in my arms, too
As if a kiss were a knife
--- 1 ---Chiar dacă îmi arzi aripile în jar
Ca să nu mai pot să zbor iar
Din jarul meu ca un fum
Dinou în înălțimi mă voi urca oricum
--- R ---
Vulturul moare pe bolta cerească
Liber și în puterea strămoșească
Când de un glonte e lovit neașteptat
De paradis e îmbrațișat
--- 2 ---
Lacrima mea de vultur pur-sânge
La sol nu va ajunge
Mă vei căuta degeaba la ieșiri de seară
Dar somnul liniștit nu te va mai cuprinde iară
--- R ---
Vulturul moare pe bolta cerească
Liber și în puterea strămoșească
Când de un glonte e lovit neașteptat
De paradis e îmbrațișat
--- R ---
Vulturul moare pe bolta cerească
Liber și în puterea strămoșească
Când de un glonte e lovit neașteptat
De paradis e îmbrațișat
Versions: #1On the trails of longing
on the bridge of sighs
my mother gave birth to me
On an autumn evening,
oh Life, my eyes saw your cold heart
With plastic rattles
pretty and colorful
they put me to sleep
And my little eyes
saw the world's commodities
and they agreed
My milk was bitter
and the water I was raised on was brackish
And opposite my swing,
my malicious Fate
was boasting of me
My cry was dull
as if I was trying to say something,
but they didn't feel for me
A sorrowful breath
for this whore of a life
that they debited me with
That's how my story began, then. That's how it began
They didn't ask for my opinion, oh Life, but I got used to you
Like a wounded eaglet in the dirt,
I seek the strength to keep holding on
That's how my story began, then. That's how it began
They taught me something but I faced something else entirely
God, I wish I knew what day I will die
and I will celebrate it like my birthday
On the mud and nails
and fire of this unjust world, I took my first steps
A steady balance
so I can catch up with life,
but I fell flat
Only the 'O' and the 'H'
did I learn to pronounce
in my school days
That's why the words 'oh' and 'why'
follow me wherever I go
even though I've turned thirty
Thus time passed
and I, stooping on my path,
made dreams
It so happened that I was one of those
who swim in the foam
and the sludge
The blood of my soul is dripping
like raindrops
but who cares?
And the invisible wound
which is bleeding within
has no one to share the burden
That's how my story began, then. That's how it began
They didn't ask for my opinion, oh Life, but I got used to you
Like a wounded eaglet in the dirt,
I seek the strength to keep holding on
That's how my story began, then. That's how it began
They taught me something but I faced something else entirely
God, I wish I knew what day I will die
and I will celebrate it like my birthday
God, I wish I knew what day I will die
and I will celebrate it like my birthday
Versions: #3You push me away, and yet I return
To me, you're the center of the world.
You're blossoming, and I'm shrinking
You're going to destroy me, you're doing your damnedest to do it.
What a poison, what a knife from your hand 1
There is no death for me.
What even is your kiss, this mercy killing of yours?
I have become immortal.
There is no death for me.
Am I your love or am I a sacrifice?
And you, you're counting each embrace I give you.
I weep whenever I touch you,
And you dress me in shame. 2
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
Don't say anything
It was a big mistake, and you returnedYou were repentant, you wanted to find me.
You asked for forgiveness, but how am I supposed to answer?
Such moments are better left silent 1
Don't say anything, don't say anything,
You're the destiny that hit me with no remorse.
Don't say anything, don't say anything,
You're the destiny that hit me with no remorse.
I'm afraid, I'm really afraid, I can't look back,
I'm closing my eyes in the hopes that morning will come.
I'll stay up late with a bottle, drinking
Such moments are better left silent.
Don't say anything, don't say anything,
You're the destiny that hit me with no remorse.
Don't say anything, don't say anything,
You're the destiny that hit me with no remorse.
- 1. Or unanswered.
Talk to us
You passed by me again, and you didn't even return to look at meMy heart is aching so much, it's aching for you to change it.
You're not measuring me properly
Don't go against me
Shut up, you're scattering my life
Talk to us and don't love us
You're passing by without any reason
Talk to us and don't love us
You're carrying a storm 1 and I'm fading away.
Whatever is mine, I will contribute
Whenever a conversation is getting to be enough, I will take you away
Whatever the price is, I will pay it
I will risk everything for you.
Unravel the silence, and come to wherever it's leaving
Give me the end and the beginning.
Talk to us and don't love us
You're passing by without any reason
Talk to us and don't love us
You're carrying a storm and I'm fading away.
- 1. Metaphorically speaking. Probably referring to a secret.
Love is witchcraft
When the night falls, you are the lightYou become a beautiful Goddess
And I try to touch you, but I can't reach you.
You felt it, and since you can do it 1
Don't deny this love.
Come tonight, come find me, so that I might warm you up.
Love is witchcraft, come bewitch me
If you'd believe me, one night would last a lifetime.
Come now, come near me,
Come into my dreams
Come now, my heart 2
Come into my dreams.
When the night falls, you are the light
You become a beautiful Goddess
And I try to get near your heart.
You should know how much I love you,
Every moment, every minute,
I'll hunt and yearn for your embrace.
Love is witchcraft, come bewitch me
If you'd believe me, one night would last a lifetime.
Come now, come near me,
Come into my dreams
Come now, my heart,
Come into my dreams.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
I'm hiding
Don't look at me when I'm not speakingMaybe something inside me will break.
My life is a quiet wave that has never learned how to break.
I'm hiding not just from others, but from myself as well
I'm hiding from these fixed games
I'm also hiding from your lie of a love
I'm hiding not just from others, but from myself as well
I'm hiding from these fixed games
I'm also hiding from your lie of a love
I'm returning to myself in this crowd
I feel that the roads are suspicious
I'm searching to touch something real
And of loneliness, I'm asking forgiveness.
I'm hiding not just from others, but from myself as well
I'm hiding from these fixed games
I'm also hiding from your lie of a love
I'm hiding not just from others, but from myself as well
I'm hiding from these fixed games
I'm also hiding from your lie of a love
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
How much pain you're causing me
Versions: #2Tonight, I touched an old wound of mine
It came from you, and it remained open
You were the worst mistake I ever made in my life
The one which my heart still blames me for.
I found a letter, a photograph,
Things of yours that I'm holding onto
One moment I'm telling a lie, one moment I'm admitting a weakness
Do I hate you, or do I still love you?
You don't know how much pain you're causing me when I remember you
You don't know how you're destroying me
Do I hate you, or do I love you?
I don't know if I love you...
I turned my life around tonight,
But I'm bleeding for yet another night 1
I want to win over each memory of you, but when I'm reminded of you I'm milling about again. 2
I found a letter, a photograph,
Things of yours that I'm holding onto
One moment I'm telling a lie, one moment I'm admitting a weakness
Do I hate you, or do I still love you?
You don't know how much pain you're causing me when I remember you
You don't know how you're destroying me
Do I hate you, or do I love you?
I don't know if I love you...
- 1. As in, that 'old wound' of his is still open.
- 2. He can't give up these memories because he cherishes them too much.
You've put me on a train that has no driver because you want to leave meAnd when the rails go off the cliff, you won't be there to stop it. 1
Night is falling
And I'm in a basement, slowly drinking my death
And you, with white dresses in the lights 2, and with lies, are celebrating this separation.
You've thrown me to fight with my pain on a road with no return
And when the storm comes, I'll get lost,
Your heartlessness will drown me like a river.
- 1. That's certainly one way to get rid of someone...
- 2. Sounds like she's burning her wedding dress.
Where will I find courage?
You were just a lie, a golden butterflyYou had the gaze of the Virgin Mary,
But the lips of Judas.
I will bear the cross and forgive you,
But where will I find the courage to forget you?
I forgot everything in your embrace, from your first caress
I forgot you had the sun in your eyes,
But you had darkness in your soul.
I will bear the cross and forgive you,
But where will I find the courage to forget you?
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
Notis Sfakianakis - Χάρε, να ήσουν άνθρωπος (Chare, na isoun anthropos) versuri traducere în engleză
Death, if you were human
Death, if you were human for only an hourYou'd feel loneliness, you'd feel pain!!
I would want you to be unarmed
When you came out sauntering
And I'd be holding a sword, I'd hold a scythe...
And I would be sitting on a throne of luxuries, and I'd like it like that
Any riches that you had, I would take them from you..
But you aren't human, you're a murderer
And when I speak with you, the time goes by, lost...
Death, if you were human
I'd see your power
You'd be in my place, and I'd be in yours
And I would be sitting on a throne of luxuries, and I'd like it like that
Any riches that you had, I would take them from you..
But you aren't human, you're a murderer
And when I speak with you, the time goes by, lost...
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
Migrant birds
I grew out of rocks and ashes,And you grew in a parlor flowerpot.
I'm searching for the heart of the trail,
And you're offhandedly getting into the kinks of the mind 1
I grew out of rocks and steel
And you grew in a glass cage
I raised my head up to God,
And you're painting the jail in so many colours.
I have migrant birds for friends,
And you say that you have the clingy sort of friends.
I'm searching for my lost suns,
Tell me, what are you searching for in the smoke?
What are you searching for?
What are you searching for?
I grew out of rocks and ashes
And you grew in your warm den
I've looked death in the eye,
And you take your life seriously.
I have migrant birds for friends,
And you say that you have the clingy sort of friends.
I'm searching for my lost suns,
Tell me, what are you searching for in the smoke?
What are you searching for?
What are you searching for?
- 1. As in, sex kinks.
With an orchestra as a backdropAnd a commercial voice,
You spend your hours on a dance floor.
You're so-and-so, an artist of some great art
But you never learned what an artist truly is.
Artist, they'll say, alone in a prison on a channel of bitterness
Artist, they'll say, speak with silence so that the others can hear
Artist, they'll say, how you aren't all that and you're mimicking the rest.
If those who are watching you clap for you,
Don't be flattered, it's just out of habit 1
And if you're an artist of this art, you're just a poster 2,
You're not a true artist.
- 1. As in, the subject of the song isn't that good and the audience is clapping to be polite.
- 2. He's basically calling this person a cheap reprint of true art.
Both Christ and vagrant
It's a love just like the others, you'll tell me,It's a love just like those that have come and gone,
It's not like that, I'll tell you, based on price 1 alone,
It's a love that's torn me in two.
In her body, I'm a cop,
In her body, I'm a thief,
In her body, there's a murder victim,
In her body, both Christ and vagrant live. 2
You don't know, you can't take your place,
Only I know how much I love her,
And if one day she hurts me like a knife,
I'll have another wound to bear 3
In her body, I'm a cop,
In her body, I'm a thief,
In her body, there's a murder victim,
In her body, both Christ and vagrant live.
Both Christ and vagrant...
Both Christ and vagrant...
- 1. Emotional price, not actual monetary value.
- 2. This is difficult to translate, but it basically means that he will go to either end of the good/bad spectrum for this woman.
- 3. Literally, to carry.
Goodnight, I'll whisper to you, but after a thousand thoughts.Another night full of being apart,
I'm lost in hyperboles and contrasts.
Tonight, my mind is bringing you here,
Everything I should be doing is going out the window.
I want you to come here so I can see you,
Tonight, everything will be allowed.
What a strange woman this night is,
An embrace, a separation, again and again so many times.
I kept how much I love you secret in my soul, but you're not coming back and it's in pain.
Goodnight, my heart is calling out to you.
Goodnight, and if you're far,
I'm saying what I feel. 1
You see that they gathered a lot.
Martyrdom or loneliness, I'm crying on the inside.
I don't know what this is that's hurting me,
I don't know what I'm responsible for.
I always gave you hugs, I always showed you and told you I loved you.
What a strange woman this night is,
An embrace, a separation, again and again so many times.
I kept how much I love you secret in my soul, but you're not coming back and it's in pain.
Goodnight, my heart is calling out to you.
- 1. As in, he's not holding anything back.