Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 41

Număr de rezultate: 1860


She speaks

She speaks
quiet as see whispers
and says
'Don't think about me anymore'
and says
'Forget, forget'
Her eyes
Her eyes tells me
She suffers a lot
She interferes my heart with her look
and digs
Hug me, hug me
Can you hear me?
Hug me, hug me
Don't ever stop
Don't go away from me
Don't stop
Kiss me kiss me
Kiss me
Her lips
Her lips, delicious and soft
And warm
I don't know where to go with myself
Because of happiness
When I see her I don't know where to put my hands
I don't know how to say a single word
Perhaps she's suffering
Kiss me kiss me
And don't ever stop, don't ever go
Away from me
Don't ever stop
Kiss me kiss me
Kiss me kiss me
Kiss me

Cum doare

Ți-am făcut rost de lumină la meziul nopții
Și de numărul de după înfinit.
Și ți-am prins Ursa Mare de diademă,
Iar tu continuai ca și cum nimic nu s-ar fi întâmplat.
Am îndulcit apa mării de dragul setei tale,
Ți-am închiriat un Prim Pătrar de Lună,
Iar ca un bun pierzător am căutat în pat
Lucrurile pe care iubirea nu le rezolva.
Și cum doare că ești așa departe,
Când dorm aici, în același pat.
Cât de tare doare distanța,
Deși te ascult respirând
Și ești la mii de kilometrii.
Și doare să te iubesc atât,
Să mă prefac că totul e perfect,
În timp ce doare așa de tare să-mi risipesc viața,
Încercând să localizez
Ce s-a pierdut de ceva timp...
Am rămas cu grădinile pentru florile tale,
Am inventat alchimia contra utopiei
Și am ajuns să confund cu drăgălășenie,
Regretul cu care te uiți uneori la mine.
Ce tristă-i asumarea suferinței!
Patetic e să crezi că o minciună
Convoacă elfii minunilor
Care te vor face să te trezești îndrăgostită.
Cum doare că ești așa departe,
Când dorm aici, în același pat.
Cât de tare doare distanța,
Deși te ascult respirând
Și ești la mii de kilometrii.
Și doare să te iubesc atât,
Să mă prefac că totul e perfect,
În timp ce doare așa de tare să-mi risipesc viața,
Încercând să localizez
Ce s-a pierdut de ceva timp...
De ce ne doare atâta distanță,
Să ne prefacem că totul e perfect,
În timp ce simți că te doare
Să-ți risipești viața dormind aici, în același pat...
Cum doare...

Ce se întâmplă cu inima...

Am muncit din greu cândva
Asta nu as numi-o artă,
Constat depresia mea
Întâlnindu-l pe Isus, citindu-l pe Marx...
Bineînțeles focul meu s-a stins,
Dar mica scânteie pe moarte, licărea...
Du-te spune-i noului Mesia,
Ce se -n tâmplă cu inima mea?
Săruturile sunt ca ceața ușoară, de vară
Unde m-am pârlit de două ori...
Rivalitatea e un viciu,
De aceea femeile sunt acuzate...
Nu a fost nimic, doar o afacere,
Dar a lăsat un semn urât
Deci, m-am întors din nou să văd
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Vindeam mărunțișuri sfinte
Purtam un fel de eșarfă
Avem o păsărică în bucătărie
și o panteră în grădină.
În închisoarea aptitudinilor
Am devenit amic cu paznicul
Așa că niciodată nu am avut un martor,
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Ar fi trebuit să știu, asa va fi
Am scris povestea, s-ar putea spune,
Dar e tulburătoare ca să te uiți la ea
A fost haotică de la început,
Desigur, jucam un cuplu uimitor
Dar am urât acest rol,
Nu am fost amabil, nicidecum subtil,
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Acum, îngerul are o vioară
Și diavolul o harfă,
Fiecare suflet e ca o plevușcă,
Fiecare minte ca un rechin
Am deschis toate ferestrele,
Dar în casă era întuneric
Spune-mi unchiule, într-un mod simplu,
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Am muncit din greu cândva
Asta nu as numi-o artă,
Sclavii erau deja acolo,
Cântăreții înlănțuiți, ardeau...
Acum, adevarul iese la iveală
și începe handicapu să mărșăluiască
Mi-am pierdut slujba, apărându-mă,
Ce se -n tâmplă cu inima mea?
Am învățat de la un cerșetor,
Era murdar și plin de cicatrice
Provocat de ghearele multor femei
Nu a reușit să le ignore...
Nu a fost nici o poveste, nici o lecție
Nici ciocârlia nu cânta,
Doar un cerșetor murdar binecuvânta,
Ce a devenit inima mea?
Am muncit din greu cândva
Asta nu as numi artă,
Am ridicat, dar nimic greu
Aproape m-am pierdut.
Am fost dibaci cu pușca
Tată-l meu a avut un pistol, 303
Dar bătălia finală,
Nu negarea dreptului, a fost.
Bineînțeles focul meu s-a stins,
Dar mica scânteie pe moarte, licăre...
Du-te spune-i noului Mesia,
Ce se -n tâmplă cu inima mea?
Dana Kósa

The Llorona (The Weeping Woman)

Alas, Llorona
Llorona [dressed] in light blue
Alas, Llorona
Llorona [dressed] in light blue
And even if it costs my life, Llorona
I won't stop loving you
I won't stop loving you
I climbed the highest pine tree, Llorona
To see if I could spot you
I climbed the highest pine tree, Llorona
To see if I could spot you
But the pine tree was tender, Llorona
When it saw me cry, it cried
But the pine tree was tender, Llorona
When it saw me cry, it cried
Sorrow and that which is not sorrow, Llorona
Everything is sorrow for me
Sorrow and that which is not sorrow, Llorona
Everything is sorrow for me
Yesterday I cried 'cause I wanted to see you, Llorona
Now I cry because I saw you
Yesterday I cried 'cause I wanted to see you, Llorona
Now I cry because I saw you
Alas, Llorona, Llorona
Llorona [dressed] in light blue
Alas, Llorona, Llorona
Llorona [dressed] in light blue
And even if it costs my life, Llorona
I won't stop loving you
And even if it costs my life, Llorona
I won't stop loving you
I won't stop loving you
I won't stop loving you
Ay, ay, ay!
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.

Micronations Jet

Sealand: 'All right, let’s go find ourselves a new member!♪”
Seborga: 'I’m all for it! Even more so if it’s a cute lady!“
Wy: 'If they’re someone normal… I’d welcome them…”
All: At the top of our lungs HELLO! HELLO!
All: Fly across the sea MICRONATIONS☆JET
Let’s dance with all our might READY SET GO☆
Maybe we’ll make 100 friends♪ HETALIA
All: Oh, we found one! Kugelmuge…
Sealand: Even I, Sealand, Seborga: 'It’s art…'
Sealand: am a little weirded out by this! Wy: 'Me too…'
All: We’ll be back! Seborga: 'Since we shouldn’t be interrupting.“
All: A new encounter is CULTURE SHOCK!!
And the world is as one? THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Sealand: 'Woah! That was so sudden, it gave me a fright! Fuu fuu!”
Wy: 'Haah… I hope the next person is normal.“ Sealand: (Fuu fuu!)
Sealand: 'Well then, let’s pick up our pace and get going!”
All: Moving on quickly☆ HELLO! HELLO!
All: Even Molossia is joining us MICRONATIONS☆JET
Hutt River postponed his decision LET’S GO! LET’S GO!
Sealand: And finally, the next is… that dude! Wy: 「Eh… will it be all right???」 Sealand: HETALIA
All: The Niko Niko Republic
has returned to
a normal Japanese citizen…
Sealand: 'Waah! Niko Niko Republic!!“ Wy: 'Is he over there?”
Seborga: 'Ladonia is looking our way like he really wants to join us…yeah!“
All: Even though we’re not the same size GOOD FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS☆
And the world is as one THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Wy: 'Geez, is it just me or are all micronations weirdos?”
All: No matter what kind of eccentric guy comes along
as long as we show our real feelings to each other
See? We become friends♪
Sealand: 'Here we go!“
All: C D E F G A B C D
Sealand: 'They’re all such interesting guys, this is getting real fun♪'
Wy: 'Interesting, huh…more like…”
Seborga: 'It’s about time we find some cute girls☆'
Wy: 'Huh? …are we still going on?!'
Sealand: 'All right! Let’s get fired up for the next one!'
Wy: 'Geez…'
All: Chiming in together HELLO! HELLO!
All: to the west and to the east MICRONATIONS☆JET
Let’s speed up and READY SET GO☆
I wonder what kind of fellows we’ll meet HETALIA
All: We traveled to many places
where everyone is
and even though they are unique
we made more friends
Sealand: 'Look at how many friends we made☆ We really had such a great time! It’s so fun! And by the way you should acknowledge Sea-kun as a nation♪」
Wy: 'Ca-calm down!“
Seborga: 'How wonderful it is to have good friends!”
All: If we hold our hands together HAPPY! HAPPY!
And the world is as one THE WORLD TWINKLE HETALIA
Sealand: 'Let’s keep this up and go find more and more new members ♪'
Seborga: 'Back to the bella who awaits my arrival☆'
Wy: 'Let’s just call it the day and play soccer… grumble grumble… ah! Hey, wait up-!“

Her Or Me

Our love is just a
Display window from a fairytale
It shines like an exhibition of kitsch
It seems lovely, but I can smell somebody else's perfume in it
A bit of me, a bit of her
You hide it, but everyone already knows
With her I share your lips
Are you sorry now that you're wasting my time, her time, god's time?
Her or me
Say it to my face
Tell me one on one
If you can also tell the truth, not only lies
Her or me
I want you to admit
That only half a heart
You've given to me, because she already has the other half
No, you didn't give her a ring
Or your name
You never admitted you knew her to the world
But you gave your word to me, in front of the lord, and lied
When you make a promise, keep it
When you kiss, love me
When you take me, be mine entirely
Because there's no path in love made for three

Europe (Kosovo National Anthem)

O beloved motherland, land of bravery
Nest of love
On you eagles fly and stars shine
Land of our ancestors
Be thou blessed for life and years
O our mother
We will protect you
O beloved motherland, land of bravery
Nest of love

Everything will be fine

When it is only me and you, I stay calm
I am trying to defend us from others
When the world is trying to demolish
That what is meant to be
I am scared, I am scared
I gave you everything I could
I would give you the same - even more
They can laugh at us
Call us fools
I don't care, I don't care
Everything will be the way we wanted
We have loved and believed
Everything will be fine for us
We knew how difficult it is
When the world does not understand
Everything will be fine for us
We can argue entire days
We can't be without each other, no, because
We did not understand what we had started
But we knew why
Because of you, because of you
Maybe we allowed ourselves more than
We can allow
Everything will be done only then when we will want it to be done
Everything will be fine...

Echelon's Song

Versions: #2
Echelon after echelon,
Echelon after echelon:
The road is wide.
The commander gave the order -
he waves a white handkerchief
to the blue Don with his hand.
You and us, Voroshilov,
A campaign life made us friends,
Together we rode to battle:
The enemy recalls with anguish
The battle at Belaya Kalitva,
The battle at Kalach station.
For Tsaritsyn, for Tsaritsyn,
Day and night we will fight,
Crossing our pikes:
And it cannot be washed away by rain,
And it cannot be dried by wind -
The blood of workers and peasants!
The commander gave the order -
he waves a white handkerchief
to the blue Don with his hand.
Echelon after echelon,
Echelon after echelon:
The road is wide.


When you are sleeping between my arms
Just like an angel,Devil woıuld be jealous of you.
But when it comes to love,
You do a runner and there's nobody around!
Go and take those roses,and put those roses
To the most boring part of that empty garden
(You don't have another work to do, so just do it!)
Let me, let me go and i will be free
I will find peace within me or
i will give my all to a vagrant
The end is obvious from the start.
I am out of energy to give up.
You have lots of cheats and tricks.
Well, i have never ever seen a snake(sneaky) like you before.
I suppose i would fly
But everything blowed up and
All my dreams were destroyed
My view was a tough story,but,
I reached up to myself, and shot it,
Wow! Ball in net,thats a goal!

The call of South Africa

From the blue of our heaven
From the depths of our sea,
Over our eternal mountain ranges
Where the cliffs give answer
Through our far-deserted plains
With the groan of ox-wagon
Rises the voice of our beloved,
Of our country South Africa
We will answer to your calling,
We will offer what you ask
We will live, we will die
We for Thee, South Africa
In the marrow of our bones
In our heart and soul and spirit
In the glory of our past
In our hope of what will be
In our will and work and wander,
From our crib to our grave
Share no other land our love,
No other loyalty can sway us.
Fatherland! We will bear the nobility
Of your name with honour:
Dedicated and true as Afrikaners,
Children of South Africa
In the sunglow of our summer,
In our winter night's cold
In the spring of our love,
In the autumn of our sorrow
At the sound of wedding bells,
At the stonefall on the coffin.
Soothes your voice us never in vain,
You know where your children are.
At your call we never say no,
We always, always say yes:
To live, to die –
Yes, we come South Africa
On your almight steadfast entrusted
Had our fathers built:
Give to us also the strength, o Lord!
To sustain and to preserve. 
That the heritage of our fathers
For our children heritage remain
Servants of the almighty,
Against the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted,
Teach us also to trust, o Lord:
With our land and with our nation
It will be well, God reigns.

Me and loneliness

Me and loneliness are companions on this road they call life
And this road is going to be a slope 1
Because you aren't by my side.
You were a one-of-a-kind love for me and my affection grew
For me, you were the beginning, and you were the end!..
The moment you left, my heart became desolate,
We will be the only two left in this world, me and my loneliness...
Me and loneliness became one,
All around me is isolation, because I didn't find another one like you...
With you, nobody compares...
You were a one-of-a-kind love for me and my affection grew
For me, you were the beginning, and you were the end!..
The moment you left, my heart became desolate,
We will be the only two left in this world, me and my loneliness...
We will be the only two left in this world, me and my loneliness...
  • 1. As in, it's a tough road to climb.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

Forgive Her

If you had been beside her, if you had gazed into her eyes,
I am sure that she would never have held me so tight.
Forgive her, forgive her, not even for a moment did she love me.
Forgive her, forgive her, she only spoke about you.
Forget it, forget it, it is not just she who is wrong
Forget it, forget it, I know she loves you more than me.
Now perhaps you suffer more than me,
and you have decided not to see her again.
But remember that—that it was you
who threw her into my arms.
Forgive her, forgive her, not even for a moment did she love me.
Forgive her, forgive her, she only spoke about you.
Forget it, forget it, it is not just she who is wrong.
Forget it, forget it, I know she loves you more than me
because I know she loves you, only you.
Forget it, forget it, it is not just she who is wrong.
Forget it, forget it, I know she loves you more than me
because I know she loves you—
because I know she loves you—
because I know she loves you, only you.

You got a call from God

It's not that I'm lazy to sing today,
Just nothing left to sing with:
Vocal cords are dissonant and my soul with
Empty phrases weighed down.
Better that on this festive day,
We light a candle - to God,
Let us recall that it is now two years
Since Heavens are keeping us safe!
Maples are weeping the tears of yellow leaves -
Summer is over, it just rushed by.
I remain unabashedly yours:
To whom else can I belong?
Fate's final bill at times is paid
With the cost of a pistol,
And Devil has hunters 1 lined-up
Thirsting to kill those in flight.
You got a call from God -
Take down the number!
Oh, just wait a bit,
I am still alive.
Let me this kingdom
Drink to its fullest.
Too bad there isn't a medicine
Against the lead's hit!
It's not that I'm lazy to sing today,
It is just that I'm tired to live,
And without love, you can't birth a line,
No matter how you might try.
For some reason, in my kitchen, you find
That leaves are more often burned,
To dismay the calls come way too often
From the Heavens above.
You got a call from God -
Bells are tolling - ringtone
Oh, just wait a bit,
I am still alive.
This means that foolish bullet
Hasn't found her Sagitarius 2
As there isn't a tincture
Against the lead's hit...
Bird falls down to the earth,
Slain through the throat,
And I, my sick soul,
Drown in vodka.
Sort of, all is Russian,
So why are you so bitter?
... Simply said, Volodya's gone
And there's no more Igor....
It's not that I'm lazy to sing today...
  • 1. play on words охотников as in hunters as well as willing people
  • 2. Стрелец is a zodiac sign or a person who shoots
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.


White night

What does she think of me? Not even god knows.
What does she think, when we are next to eachother naked?
When in a new pose (yeah) awaits a new dose
like Casanova, I’m not letting you go home.
The movie is always HD, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The whole hood is on their feet, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Same story (yeah) different nights (yeah)
Theres no roses, she just rolls flowers in the blunt.
Clothes are on the floor (yeah), they look better there.
We have a whole night ahead of us, to watch it go up and down.
Alcohol and white night, so you move up and down,
Give me, give me, a new move, kill me with every look.
She says “Hi”, I tell her “Ho”,
Baby pimp my ride, so that there is flow
Leave them alone, not even they know, how that looks like in doggy (yeah)
We pour full, speeds up our pulse, I have the best team Chicago Bulls
Oh my, we are so high, she gave me head, so that theres a good vibe.


I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.
Right player, unfair game. What they say, doesn’t bother me. O mama mia, in a city of crime, only she complains.
Nights I work, then I sleep during the day, because I opened yesterday like a neckline.
But I have a gift, yeah, and its a plan, yeah.
My gang, dirty, moisture like Vandam, yeah.
We shine like gold, yeah, we are the strength, yeah!
Dirty money and crime,
Sluts and casinos, thats what the Balkans are serving me,
how can I be normal?
I pack the club, while you speak, light the kush so you burn it, all thats left is your jealousy.
I’ve been through everything, yeah yeah, stop playing, don’t play.
I take out a gram yeah yeah, she takes off my belt, takes off my belt.
I have no shame, yeah yeah, everything is high, everything is high.
Full lungs, and Dirty Sprite.
I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.
Houses and cars bought on loans, and starlet elites,
this is Balkan, nobodys at fault, but everyones faulty,
for dirty business, theres no limit, false alibi,
now everyone who is popular, bro, they sold their property.
I’ve been through everything, yeah, yeah, stop playing,
Summers we’re at sea, winters we ski on the gram, yeah, yeah, here it isn’t like Paradise, MVP like Mike (Jordan), yeah, we play until the end.
Soul black like Ghana,
ganja from Tirana,
When the bullets celebrate, everyone has to know us.
From Belgrade, a white lady, at night to two locations,
in Sofia I pull up my car in Skopje my gang waits for me.
Everyone wants to ride this train,
If the game is a whore, I’m Macro,
Tonny Sosa, Toni drinks, me in the nose.
Here they love us like Broz.
I cant sleep peacefully,
It leads to sin when I drink,
I give-I make cash to cash out,
Body, white, it waits for me, it glows, like Colombia.
We make a show,
You talked about me, now everybody is like me,
Everybodys like “wow”
You spit on me, now everybody is like me.

Advance Australia Fair [Dharawal verse]

We Australian mob are going to have a good dance
We good young fellows
Good earth and speared a lot of wallabies
A lot of water associated with this earth
Earth having a lot of animals and waratahs
Go along the path Australians
Australian mob go together
We say and sing out
Australian mob go together

Ba'ath Anthem

O Arab youth come on, o my convoy go forth!
Lift your voice and say: “Long live the Arabic Ba’ath!”
O Arab youth come on, O my convoy go forth!
Lift your voice and say: “Long live the Arabic Ba’ath!”
We are farmers and workers, and youngsters without softness
We are fighting soldiers, we are the voice of hardworking!
From the depths of the world we came, from the core of struggle
With sacrificing we never were greedy and with giving the most generous
O Arab youth come on, O my convoy go forth!
Lift your voice and say: “Long live the Arabic Ba’ath!”
The trench of the revolutionaries is one, otherwise we say the injustice has vanished
Patience o Ba’ath and keep resist! Verily you’re at the domain of struggle!
Unite the free people, unite the glorious (Arab) nation!
O Ba’ath keep going on strong and firm, to a new day of freedom and dignity
O Arab youth come on, O my convoy go forth!
Lift your voice and say: “Long live the Arabic Ba’ath!”

She's Like That

As alive as light itself,
Beautiful like a blossom,
Filled with kindness
And innocence.
Her singing is a violin,
Her laughter is a bell
And her voice, a throstle.
When I sing,
I'd like to paint
Your smiley shape,
Woman of Buenos Aires. 1
And (I'd like to) say,
To anyone who wants to listen,
To the sound of this little ...
She's like that.
When she gives her love
She is fire and passion,
She's blushing modesty, she's loyalty
And abnegation.
Without spite, she nobly lends
Her forgiveness even while suffering
The vilest of betrayals:
She's like that.
A woman's heart,
Maternal heart,
Blue illusion,
The home's warmth.
She's capable of, without fear,
Killing and dying
Out of filial love:
She's like that.
  • 1. Porteño, a is the colloquial demonym for the inhabitants of Buenos Aires.

Here She Is

oo here she is
oo here she burns
sorry it's not me
too bad it's not me being hugged
oo here she is
oo here she burns
sorry it's not me
too bad it's not me being hugged
This night is in full swing just will not leave
my heart melts with its wild dance
in the whole world you are alone
graceful and free
how to tame you
how to tame me
in a wild dance till the morning
by the open fire
you're driving everybody crazy
but tell me whose fault are you
ohh here she is
ohh here she burns
sorry it's not me
sorry not hugging me
Long nights in clubs ignite
but today
in the club close and dark
you dance so easy
I don't take my eyes off you
From you I don't walk away
Whoa whoa
You ignite inside me like a fire
I can't hide, I don't escape
nothing more to hide
oo here she is
oo here she burns
sorry it's not me
too bad it's not me being hugged
mixing up all the truths
changing my principles
i look at you intently
lure me with you
oo here she is
oo here she burns
sorry it's not me
too bad it's not me being hugged
oo here she is
oo here she burns
sorry it's not me
too bad it's not me being hugged

Persoana mea preferată

Nu înțeleg chestia asta despre culoare și rasă
Mie îmi place maroniul feței tale
Te-am căutat în fiecare seară, draga mea
Mă lași fără respirație
Îmi pare rău, dragă
Pasul tău mic în calea mea devine tot mai mare
Doar o singură privire de a ta mă omoară
Apusul din ochii tăi, privește
Adevărul e că, fato, ai avuut necazurile tale
Știu că mă iubești un pic
Cu capul pe umărul meu
Uite cine cântă, e vocea sufletului meu
Persoana mea preferată
Are o față frumoasă
Are un înger în zâmbet
Are o inimă și
Persoanei mele preferate
Îi cânt acest
Lucru jucăuș, ia-mi viața
Joacă-te cu inima mea
Ești ca soarele
Apari fără motiv
Purtând lumină și calm
O singură floare
Pe care o țin
Și vocea ta care mă dezarmează
Știu că mă iubești un pic
Cu capul pe umărul meu
Uite cine cântă, e vocea sufletului meu
Persoana mea preferată
Are o față frumoasă
Are un înger în zâmbet
Are o inimă și
Persoanei mele preferate
Îi cânt acest
Lucru jucăuș, ia-mi viața
Joacă-te cu inima mea
Știu că mă iubești un pic
Cu capul pe umărul meu
Persoana mea preferată
Are o față frumoasă
Are un înger în zâmbet
Are o inimă și
Persoanei mele preferate
Îi cânt acest
Lucru jucăuș, ia-mi viața
Joacă-te cu inima mea


My money is pink because it's self made
These kids are on a strike with Baby K memes
Stick or carrot it depends on who you are
Tattoos of lyrics signed baby (baby, baby)
She jumps on my SUV blue angel it has a blue soul (okay)
She asks me where we're going and I say the Moon, and even higher (hey, yeah)
She wants a life as an icon, you don't need a degree
Queen of hearts with dreams on Instagram and the peach in full sight (hey, yeah)
When I'll be grown up I'll be an icon
(she tells me) Britney, Amy, Whitney or Michael
(she tells me) all of the ambitions in the iPhone
(and she says) Marylin, Madonna, Billy Idol
With sunglasses and a crown
My generation is an icon
I lived nine lives, did a thousand damages, said hi to the greats (ahh)
I called saints, I broke stages even till late (ahh)
My pains to cries, my life to others, satiated the discography (phy)
Me David against Goliath, born again like the Messiah, good luck (eh)
From the bedroom to the dressing room, from a part to the loot
Four continents in the gallery, a hundred K in France now I laugh
It's a work of art of a soap opera, choose Da Vince or Dante
You are born and you die in part, an icon lives forever diamond (oh yeah)
Mum don't you see me I'm an icon (okay)
In the dreams Biggie, Whitney, Michael (okay)
I'll die singing ona stage (okay)
Marylin, Madonna, Billy Idol
With sunglasses and a crown
New generation new icon
Mum don't you see me I'm an icon (okay)
In the dreams Biggie, Whitney, Michael (okay)
I'll die singing ona stage (okay)
Marylin, Madonna, Billy Idol
With sunglasses and a crown
New generation new icon

Don't Say Goodbye To Me

Versions: #2
This journey, one which we'll go on arm in arm
Into the depths of the ocean, with our hearts as a guide
There'll be a cold north wind blowing, but there'll also be nights with a full moon
Lighting our way back to shore.
This journey, one which we'll go on together
To whatever you or I desire, with our kisses as a guide
There'll be guilt, over everything we left behind
But what ending doesn't come with pain?
A futureless love, is the kind of love we have
But I want you to wash over me like a massive wave, even if it'll hurt a lot
A futureless love, is the love we have
But I want you even if I'm found washed up like a shipwreck in the morning
Journeys you never wanted to make
Why are you crying about them now?
Come, let's go and never say goodbye.
Where will this journey take us, you ask.
I'll tell you once I can see just how much you love me.
Don't despair, there's a rainbow laying out our path for us
Just for us
This journey, you say, you're afraid of it
But life is not lived by the weak-hearted
Don't mention journeys you ruined
Over old flames, come now, don't cry.
Don't mention journeys you ruined
Over old flames, come now, don't cry.
A futureless love, is the kind of love we have...
Journeys you never wanted to make...
Where will this journey take us, you ask.


Rooftop with a pale sky
The hustle and bustle after school, the fluttering skirt
Wire mesh straddling behind
I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes
What kind of place is waiting
Just half a step ahead
Before I become an adult, Before I lose all my feathers
Before I forgetting how to fly in the sky
If I can stay the same through the passage of time
I will fly, I will fly
The bunch of loose clouds
Will eventually just turn into rain
A drop that resembles tears
Don't feel bad if it's just gonna disappear like that
If it somehow continues
Or if it just ends
'Because the sun was dazzling'
Just like that
I wish to not wake up from this dream, I wish for the magic to not wear off
I wish for the country of mirror to not fade away
I wish for the dull grey landscape to be decorated by bouquets of flowers
I will fly, I will fly
Today is an anniversary
Today is just another day
My second birthday
Are you going to celebrate it?
Before I become an adult, Before I lose all my feathers
Before I forgetting how to fly in the sky
If I can stay the same through the passage of time
I will fly, I will fly
I wish for the dull grey landscape to be decorated by bouquets of flowers
I will fly, I will fly
Just as I took my fingers off
A warm breeze blew and I smell the scent of summer

Fie ca Regalitatea voastră

--- 1 ---
Fie ca Regalitatea voastră
Pentru 8000 de generații să dăinuiască
Până când pietricelele
vor crește bolovani uriași
Și în tărână va mai crește mușchi
--- 2 ---
Fie ca Regalitatea voastră
Pentru 8000 de generații să dăinuiască
Până când pietricelele
vor crește bolovani uriași
Și în tărână va mai crește mușchi.

Imn de libertate

--- 1 ---
Te recunosc după cât ai luptat
când sabie nemiloasă ai ridicat,
Te cunosc după fețele celor ce trudesc
ce cu pământul forțele-și măsoară neîncetat.
--- 2 ---
Din oasele grecilor ce s-au sacrificat
În spirit tânăr la o nouă viață ai reînviat
Și din valorile străvechi te-ai adăpat
Ca să strigăm ...
... Trăiască Libertatea ce ne-am câștigat.
---3 ---
Din valorile străvechi te-ai adăpat
Ca să strigăm ...
... Trăiască Libertatea ce ne-am câștigat.


De câte ori ar trebui, dar nu știi cum să eviți
Acele cuvinte spuse anume ca să rănească
Care provoacă greață
Și care se transmit prin ceea ce rămâne
Nu las amintirile să mă bântuie
Ca apoi să mă conving iarăși că tu nu exiști
Dar unele nu-mi dau pace, nu le pot uita
ele înconjoară ceea ce rămâne
E doar o dezamăgire care trece
O altă cicatrice care-ți va purta numele
Dar dacă te întorci într-adevăr ca să ștergi durerea
Din piatră mă voi face cretă
Inima mi se rupe
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Îmi vorbești despre o lume care ne învață să urâm
Dar care apoi e același loc în care încă mai pot iubi
Despoaie-mă, umilește-mă, varsă-ți nervii pe mine
dar nu-mi lua ceea ce rămâne
E doar o dezamăgire care trece
O altă cicatrice care-ți va purta numele
Dar dacă te întorci într-adevăr ca să ștergi durerea
Din piatră mă voi face cretă
Inima mi se rupe
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
Mândria noastră ne-a făcut rău
Ea ne-a pus bețe-n roate de-a lungul călătoriei
Exprimăm un sentiment ce se pare că astăzi nu mai înseamnă nimic
Și cu toate astea, această însemnătate nulă e doar o aparență
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă
E doar o dezamăgire care trece
O altă cicatrice care-ți va purta numele
Dar dacă te întorci într-adevăr ca să ștergi durerea
Din piatră mă voi face cretă
Inima mi se rupe
Iartă-mă, iartă-mă

We Used to be Lovers

We used to be lovers,
the best of lovers
Love is gone as if it was never there
It is not possible for lovers
who used to be so in love
to go back to the way they used to be
So is life and this is our fate
We are abandoned in a blink by the ones we love
And the ones we abandon become our lovers
And our lives become safe with them
We used to be lovers,
the best of lovers
Love is gone as if it was never there
Oh, life
Was it your fault
or was our separation our own doing?
Should we cry and lament the gone days
Or will life lament us
lament us
Oh oh, life
We used to be lovers,
the best of lovers
Love is gone as if it was never there
Why does cruel sadness remain?
And why does joy slip away in a second?
Why should my heart live deprived [of love],
when it has been so kind and tender to others
oh so tender
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.


My friend was walking on the Summer street one day
And somewhere near the fifth house, in his head he heard
A strange voice, like it was ringing true
And the voice said to him: 'There's no medicine for fate'
She went to the fortune-teller, saying 'Throw the cards,
Tell me, my fairy, whom should I love and hate'
The fortune-teller told from her fingers: 'the situation's bad,
But if you forget yourself, you'll get saved'
Aj-ja-ja, how you believe, that's how it is
O-joj-joj-joj you'll be sure tomorrow
Hej-hej-hej, how you see is how you view
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
UFOs landed on the edge of my yard
They're all faceless and emotionless
But in their group, there was one intellectual
And that one said to me, 'What you fear, is what you'll face'
Aj-ja-ja, how you believe, that's how it is
O-joj-joj-joj you'll be sure tomorrow
Hej-hej-hej, how you see is how you view
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
Three Mercedes stopped, not nice to look at
'Hey girl, where are you hitch-hiking to, maybe I could take you'
In one, silent maniac, in the other a chatty fool
The third offers a choice - the other two, or death
(Because you can always choose)
Aj-ja-ja, how you believe, that's how it is
O-joj-joj-joj you'll be sure tomorrow
Hej-hej-hej, how you see is how you view
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
I know that the Internet has secret pages
The ones which let to see, what you all are dreaming about
This life isn't worth forgetting about
Where's the sky
If there was a first time, the last one will also be
Aj-ja-ja, how you believe, that's how it is
O-joj-joj-joj you'll be sure tomorrow
Hej-hej-hej, how you see is how you view
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
Na-naj-naj-naj, but I'm singing simply
But I'm singing simply
But I'm singing simply

She was walking in front of me

She was walking in front of me
I walked behind her
She conveyed through her eyes
She killed me with her looks
She was walking in front of me
I walked behind her
She conveyed through her eyes
She killed me with her looks
A butterfly dances inside my heart
It replays a background song inside..
I made a route to you like Google maps
Now you locked me up by citing a traffic jam
She was walking in front of me
I walked behind her
She conveyed through her eyes
She killed me with her looks
She was walking in front of me
I walked behind her
She conveyed through her eyes
She killed me with her looks
You came to my house and saw me
I'm happy for that..
When you come near, I feel a chemistry with you
If you kiss me, wow...
It's goosebumps (x2)
The fingers that dances for air
Lips like sugar cotton candy
Eyes like oil
If you smile, inside my heart
It's like and share, O girl (x2)
That sky, the cloud in it
rain flows because of you
At night, inside my heart
it's love and love
When your hair freely falls
I saw sky in it
Your love, that's enough
You are my real lover...
She was walking in front of me
I walked behind her
She conveyed through her eyes
She killed me with her looks
She was walking in front of me
I walked behind her
She conveyed through her eyes


'Cine sunt?' pun intrebarea pe care am avut-o intreaga mea viata
Intrebarea la care probabil nu voi gasi un raspuns toata viata mea
Daca as fi fost raspunzator cu cateva cuvinte simple
Atunci Dumnezeu nu ar fi creat toate aceste frumuseti variate
Cum te simti? Cum te simti chiar acum?
De fapt, sunt chiar bine dar putin incomfortabil
Inca nu sunt sigur daca sunt un caine sau un porc sau ce altceva
Dar apoi alti oameni ies si pun colierul cu perle pe mine
Rad mai mult decat am facut-o inainte
Am visat la a deveni un supereou
Acum se simte ca si cum chiar as fi devenit unul
Dar pe masura ce trece timpul exista atat de multa sporovaiala
Unul spune 'fugi' altul spune 'opreste-te'
Acesta spune 'priveste spre padure' acela spune 'priveste floarea salbatica'
Umbra mea, am scris-o si am denumit-o 'ezitare'
Niciodata nu a ezitat dupa ce a devenit asta
Continua sa apara sub scena sau lumina
Continua sa se holbeze la mine infricosator precum un val de caldura (oh rahat!)
Hei, ai uitat deja de ce ai inceput macar asta
Tu doar ai sperat profund ca cineva asculta
Cateodata totul suna efectiv ca niste prostii fara sens
Stii ce iese din tine atunci cand esti beat.. precum imaturitatea
Cineva ca mine nu e destul de bun pentru muzica
Cineva ca mine nu este destul de bun pentru adevar
Cineva ca mine nu este destul de bun pentru a fi o muza
Defectele mele pe care le cunosc
Poate ca in realitate ele sunt tot ce am
Lumea de fapt nu e interesata de neindemanarea mea deloc
Regretele de care nici macar nu ma mai satur
Ma rostogolesc cu ele in fiecare noapte pana cand sunt dezgustat
Si intorc in mod obisnuit timpul ireversibil
E un lucru care m-a ridicat din nou de fiecare data
Prima intrebare
Cele trei silabe ale numelui meu si cuvantul 'dar' care ar trebui sa vina inaintea fiecareia
Deci intreb inca o data da
Cine naiba sunt?
Spune-mi toate numele tale draga
Vrei sa mori?
Oh vrei sa pleci?
Vrei sa zbori?
Unde iti este sufletul? unde iti este visul?
Crezi ca esti viu?
Numele meu este 'R'
Acel 'eu' pe care mi-l amintesc si pe care il cunoaste lumea
Acel 'eu' pe care l-am creat eu insumi pentru a iesi
Da poate ca m-am inselat pe mine insumi
Poate ca am mintit
Dar nu mai sunt rusinat, asta e harta sufletului meu
Draga eu
Nu trebuie niciodata sa iti pierzi temperamentul
Pentru ca nu ai nevoie sa fii nici cald nici rece
Cu toate ca s-ar putea ca uneori sa fiu ipocrit sau sa pretind ca sunt malefic
Acesta este barometrul directiei mele pe care vreau sa o pastrez
Acel 'eu' care vreau eu insumi sa fiu
Acel 'eu' care oamenii vor sa fiu
Acel 'eu' pe care il iubesti
Si acel 'eu' pe care il creez
Acel 'eu' care zambeste
Acel eu care cateodata e in lacrimi
Respirand cu viata fiecare secunda si fiecare moment chiar si acum
Cine naiba sunt?
Vreau doar sa plec
Vreau doar sa zbor
Vreau doar sa iti ofer toate vocile pana mor
Vreau doar sa iti ofer toti umerii cand plangi
Cine naiba sunt?
Vreau doar sa plec
Vreau doar sa zbor
Vreau doar sa iti ofer toate vocile pana mor
Vreau doar sa iti ofer toti umerii cand plangi


Who am I’ the question I had my whole life
The question which I probably won’t find an answer to my whole life
If I were answerable with a few mere words
Then God wouldn’t have created all those various beauties
How you feel? How’re you feeling right now?
Actually I’m real good but a little uncomfortable
I’m still not so sure if I’m a dog or a pig or what else
But then other people come and put the pearl necklace on me
I laugh more than I did before
I dreamt of becoming a superhero
Now it feels like I really became one
But as it goes on there’s so much blabbering
One says ‘run’ another says ‘stop’
This one says ‘look at the forest’ that one says ‘look at the wild flower’
My shadow, I wrote and called it ‘hesitation’
It has never hesitated after becoming that
It keeps appearing under the stage or the light
Keeps glaring at me scorchingly like a heat wave (Oh shit)
Hey have you already forgotten why you even started this
You were just digging it that someone was listening
Sometimes everything sounds like freakin’ nonsense
You know what comes out of you when you’re drunk.. like immaturity
Someone like me ain’t good enough for music
Someone like me ain’t good enough for the truth
Someone like me ain’t good enough for a calling
Someone like me ain’t good enough to be a muse
The flaws of mine that I know
Maybe that’s all I’ve got really
The world is actually not interested in my clumsiness at all
The regrets that I don’t even get sick of anymore
I tumble with them every night until I’m disgusted
and twist the irreversible time habitually
There’s something that raised me up again every time
The first question
The three syllables of my name and the word ‘but’ that should come before any of those
So I’m askin’ once again yeah
Who the hell am I?
Tell me all your names baby
Do you wanna die?
Oh do you wanna go?
Do you wanna fly?
Where’s your soul? where’s your dream?
Do you think you’re alive?
My name is R
The ‘me’ that I remember and people know
The ‘me’ that I created myself to vent out
Yeah maybe I have been deceiving myself
Maybe I’ve been lying
But I’m not embarrassed anymore this is the map of my soul
Dear myself
You must never lose your temperature
Cuz you don’t need to be neither warm nor cold
Though I might sometimes be hypocritical
or pretend to be evil
This is the barometer of my direction I want to keep
The ‘me’ that I want myself to be
The ‘me’ that people want me to be
The ‘me’ that you love
And the ‘me’ that I create
The ‘me’ that’s smiling
The ‘me’ that’s sometimes in tears
Vividly breathing each second and every moment even now
Who the hell am I
I just wanna go
I just wanna fly
I just wanna give you all the voices till I die
I just wanna give you all the shoulders when you cry
Who the hell am I
I just wanna go
I just wanna fly
I just wanna give you all the voices till I die
I just wanna give you all the shoulders when you cry