Rezultatele căutării pagină 46
Număr de rezultate: 1860
Kill the Dragon
Fog and acrid smoke, there’s no sun in the sky,
All the people here are dressed in grey and dull like mice.
In contrast, iron law and order are everywhere,
A dragon reigns on silk banners.
Earthly happiness burns with sacrificial fire,
The dragon is toying with the power in your city and in the world.
The tyrant has bad blood and a wise man’s mind,
He made slaves, made a featureless herd out of everyone.
But comfort is always dearer
Than money, truth, love.
Fear of freedom gnaws the souls,
And slaves remain obedient.
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!
As well as all, the tyrant isn’t immortal, and his ashes were scattered,
The great myth of wonderful days of flourishing is debunked.
And again, there’s playing with power, and again, there’s a battle for the throne,
And a new dragon gives people a phantom of happiness.
What kind of ancient hex draws this spiral?
Greed will take in its arms again,
Power will plunge steel into the soul.
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!
Dragon's spirit is napping in everyone,
We all are born with it.
Power and greed – these are the laws
Which play with people!
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against…
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!
K P Beat
I've started the car
I didn't forget to put gas in it
The whole world is waiting for me
Today isn't like Monday
It's great, ah ah yeah ah
And how much I would like for things to always be this way!
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
The telephone's ringing again, the season has begun
Of fun, of partying
Crowd, let the girls come
We're preparing as we should
Jeans, makeup, clothes
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
You know or maybe you don't know what I want
It doesn't matter now
I want to take you with me
Na na na na na na na
I want you to listen to the music with me
I'm not chill, I don't want peace anymore
I'm leaving, yeah, I'm not staying another moment
Tonight will be different
And you'll come with me, too, because that's right
Right, right, come on, sing with me now
Let the speakers be heard, eh, eh
Turn the music up, eh eh eh
Tonight, I don't care about anything, I say
I want to dance nonstop, nonstop, only on the beat, beat
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
And maybe, and maybe, and maybe...
Versions: #2
One ordinary fable,
Or maybe not a fable,
The one that’s out of order
We'd like for you to hear.
We cherish it from boyhood,
Or was it not the boyhood?
The story might be faded,
But we’ll try to recall.
(Start off, then!)
’Twas we recall a crow once,
Or was it just a doggy,
Or maybe even moo-cow,
Whom fortune one day found.
A package was delivered -
With quarter pound of fine cheese
Or was it twice the bigger?
Consider it a pound!
She took wing to a fir-tree
Unless she didn’t wing it.
Perhaps she took a running start
And mounted a palm.
To have herself fine breakfast,
Or was it lunch, or dinner?
Perhaps it was a supper
Where she would dine in peace.
(So what’s next?)
Just then a fox was dashing,
Or jogging was her failure?
An Emu full of hate there was,
Or was he kind at heart?…
Perhaps it was a janitor
Who paced along the countryside
And was in hunt for hazel twigs
To make a nice new broom?
Now listen, oh my crowie -
Or are you just a doggy -
Or maybe you’re a moo-cow, -
But still a work of art!
You’ve got some lovely feathers
A massive rack of antlers
Such slim and slender hoovies
And heart of the pure gold!
Should you provide some croaking,
Or we could hear your barking,
Or simply moo melodiously -
It's what the cows would do.
And then one great big saddle,
A carpet and a telly
You'd surely be awarded
Without too much ado!
Well then the silly crowie,
Or was it just a doggy
Or maybe even… a hippo!
Starts off the silly tune…
Which meant her beak got opened,
Or was it just a dog-snout,
Or maybe even muzzle,
In short, the cheese was dropped.
Right on the fox's noggin,
Or was it just the Emu’s,
Or maybe an old janitor’s,
Who on the head got bopped!
The moral for this fable
Or maybe not a fable
Not just a clever grown-up,
A toddler could decode:
No loitering, no frolicking,
No singing and no dancing
In a construction area
With a suspended load!
The Boat!
My heart can't stand
Such storm, happiness
My heart can't settle
The day, the milestone, my heart
The port, no!
Sailing is a must
Living is not
Sailing is a must
Living is not
The Boat!
Night on yours, so beautiful
Loose lost smile
Horizon, daybreak
The laughter, the daybreak's arc
The port, nothing!
Sailing is a must
Living is not
Sailing is a must
Living is not
The boat!
The bright automobile
The loose track, the clatter
Of my teeth hitting your vein
The blood, the puddle, slow sound
The port, silence!
Sailing is a must
Living is not
Sailing is a must
Living is not
When The Seagulls Cry
The wind becomes a storm
The waves grow enraged
The roaring sea calls to the witch who has lived a thousand years
How I have longed for this day!
How I have dreaded this day!
Who will celebrate destiny?
Oh, Witch! Oh, Witch!
What will you disclose to me?
As the moon crosses the night sky, the waves grow tall
The cries of the seagulls beckon the clouds of uncertainty
The Golden Curse and the words left behind
And the secret smile all become smeared with crimson
What are you seeking with closed eyes?
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments
They shall spill from the hands that touch them and never reach you
Without love, you cannot see the decorated truth and lies
Beatrice! Cruel Witch!
Of beauty without equal
Beatrice! Oh! Of capricious sweetness
Never can I free myself from your spell
If this suffering must go on, at least have pity on me for a moment
The dancing butterflies' wings flutter back and forth between reality and dreams
The unceasing sound of the raindrops hides both truth and lies
The beginning banquet and the chosen lamb
And the entangled hatred fill the glass
What are you searching for this imprisoned world?
Though one may wish for the miracle of forgiveness
Their voice shall be carried off by the wind and never reach you
Without love, the recurring loneliness shall never disappear
Joy and sorrow break and retreat like waves
And flow towards the sea in the dark dead of night
Tears and scars all blur together
And you, the liar, fall into the darkness
The sound of the waves, the voice of the sea like a song
Listening to it seems to purify me of the crime committed
The sound of the waves gently cradles me
It sends me to tranquil sleep and I dream happy dreams
What are you seeking with closed eyes?
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments
They shall spill from the hands that touch them and never reach you
Without love, you cannot see the decorated truth and lies
What are you seeking with closed eyes?
Though one may try to gather up the shattered fragments
They shall spill from the hands that touch them
and never reach you
Without love, you cannot see
the decorated truth and lies
Without love, you cannot see the truth
Imnul național al Boliviei
Bolivieni, soarta prielnică
a încoronat visele și dorințele noastre.
Este deja liber, liber acest pământ,
starea lui de sclav a încetat.
Vuietului martirilor de ieri
și urletului groaznicului război,
urmează azi, în contrast armonios,
imnuri dulci de pace și unire.
Urmează azi, în contrast armonios,
imnuri dulci de pace și unire.
Al Patriei nume nobil,
în strălucire glorioasă să-l păstrăm.
Și la altarele ei, din nou jurăm:
Murim decât să trăim ca sclavi!
Murim decât să trăim ca sclavi!
Murim decât să trăim ca sclavi!
Laudă veșnică războinicilor curajoși,
a căror valoare eroică și tărie
a cucerit gloriile cu care Bolivia
începe să se bucure fericită azi.
Numele lor, din marmură și bronz,
să transmită epocilor îndepărtate
și în cântări sonore să repete:
Libertate, Libertate, Libertate!
Și în cântări sonore să repete:
Libertate, Libertate, Libertate!
Aici și-a ridicat dreptatea tronul său
pe care mârșava asuprire nu-l știe,
și strigă cu vocea sa glorioasă:
libertate, libertate, libertate.
Această țară nevinovată și frumoasă
care lui Bolivar i-a datorat numele
este patria fericită unde omul
se bucură de noroc și de pace.
Este patria fericită unde omul
se bucură de noroc și de pace.
Dacă vreo putere străină într-o zi
va încerca să subjuge Bolivia,
să fie pregătită destinului fatal
ce-l amenință pe invadatorul trufaș.
Fiindcă fiii marelui Bolivar
au jurat de mii și mii de ori:
murim decât să vedem umilit
drapelul măreț al Patriei.
Murim decât să vedem umilit
drapelul măreț al Patriei.
Aş vrea să pot vedea dacă te dezbraci
Şi aşa mi-aş înlătura toate dubiile
Aşa sufletul meu e închis în pielea ta
Aşa am pierdut-o cu privirea ta
Pentru că poate nu e uşor
Să pot rezista farmecelor tale
Şi îmi lipsește aerul
Pentru că tu nu respiri lângă mine
Şi chiar dacă ție ți-e totuna
Eu te voi iubi, hoațo
Chiar dacă rămâi cu inima mea
Chiar dacă îmi furi tot timpul
Chiar dacă o faci fără să ai chef
Eu te voi iubi, hoațo
Chiar dacă vii în visele mele
Ca să-mi furi fiecare sărut pe care niciodată nu ți l-am dat treaz
Şi cum nu eşti, voi încerca să continui să dorm
Buzele tale se băteau cu săruturile mele
Şi chiar dacă am supraviețuit, nu sunt teafăr
Ştiu că n-am pierdut chiar dacă e târziu
Să recuperez inima pe care mi-ai furat-o
Pentru că poate nu e uşor
Să pot rezista farmecelor tale
Şi îmi lipsește aerul
Eu te voi iubi, hoațo
Chiar dacă rămâi cu inima mea
Chiar dacă îmi furi tot timpul
Chiar dacă o faci fără să ai chef
Eu te voi iubi, hoațo
Chiar dacă vii în visele mele
Ca să-mi furi fiecare sărut pe care niciodată nu ți l-am dat treaz
Şi cum nu eşti, voi încerca să continui să dorm
Tu ai câștigat fiecare bătălie, dar n-ai câștigat războiul
Nu te-ai gândit la acele bătăi (ale inimii) care îmi rămân
(Şi-ți jur că sunt multe cele care rămân)
Chiar dacă sunt suficienți răniți
Vor fi mai mulți până mă vei iubi (până mă vei iubi)
Eu am jurat că te voi face să te îndrăgosteşti de mine chiar dacă ar durea
Eu te voi iubi, hoațo (eu te voi iubi, eu te voi iubi)
Chiar dacă rămâi cu inima mea
Chiar dacă îmi furi tot timpul
Chiar dacă o faci fără să ai chef (şi chiar dacă o faci fără să ai chef)
Eu te voi iubi, hoațo
Chiar dacă vii în visele mele (care nu mai au stăpân)
Ca să-mi furi fiecare sărut pe care niciodată nu ți l-am dat treaz
Pentru că în final doar în acele vise te găsesc
Şi cum nu eşti, voi încerca să continui să dorm
Oameni singuri
Există oameni care trăiesc singuri
Ca spicul uitat
Lumea din jur - un câmp gol
Iar ei în zăpăceala singurătăţii
Ca spicul uitat
Oameni singuri.
Există oameni care trăiesc singuri
Ca stâncile mării
Lumea - mare care se întinde
Iar ei, muţi, cu capul plecat şi singuri,
Stânci bătute de vânt,
Oameni singuri.
Oameni singuri ca ramuri uscate şi rupte
Ca biserici de la ţară, părăsite, uitate
Oameni singuri ca ramuri uscate şi rupte
Ca biserici de la ţară, părăsite, ca tine, ca mine...
What did you learn in school today
What did you learn in school today, my fair-haired son
What were you taught about the world today, my daughter with silky hair
That there are more people than just brother, sister, mom and dad
Humans just like you and me, some are hungry and some are full
And that the world is scarily vast and how many dangers await there
And that that behind many warm smile is actually a cold and devious soul
And I didn't like learning how many wars there are in the world
That there are millions of children without homes as people are taught to hate each other
What did you learn in school today, my fair-haired son
What were you taught about the world today, my daughter with silky hair
That our Father Lord made the Earth and human made all the laws
And by them it's allowed to destroy nature, animals and even me too
And that the most admirable virtues are greediness, ignorance and selfishness
And that the most horrible sins are love, good will and friendliness
And I didn't like learning how many wars there are in the world
That there are millions of children without homes as people are taught to hate each other
What did you learn in school today, my fair-haired son
What were you taught about the world today, my daughter with silky hair
That there's another world that's free from the shackles of beliefs
Pure from the lies of truths, I'm speaking of actual freedom
And there will be a time when innocent won't suffer from injustice
Evil people will only destroy themselves because the law of planets feels no mercy
But I didn't like learning how many wars there are in the world
That there are millions of children without homes as people are taught to hate each other
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
I Get Worried
With a kiss of yours you told me I love you.
between my arms you said I want you.
And since then I haven't seen you
In my mind I carry your shapes.
And I get worried, I get worried
Send me a message, a sign
I love you, I love you
Wherever you are now, come back.
With a glance you broke me in two
Like to a God you said I love you
and since then I'm trying to find you
Wandering the streets without hope.
I'll Go Out Into the Wild
Oh, I'll go out into the field.
Hello, free freedom!
Under the roof of the heavens
My song will spill!
My eyes gaze into the expanse beyond
My heart is calling and calling
Into the the forest depths, where
The sparrow's song will spill.
I'll go out into the wild,
into the wide field.
I'll run out towards the wind, eh-ha!
I'll bow to Yarilo,
I'll rise up to irij.
With the song of the old testament, eh-ha!
The birches quietly cry
Shedding their tears
Over the wide river
Over the glassy water
At the crimson sundown
Say a good word
So that Yarilo to all the world
Will give beauty.
I'll go out into the wild,
into the wide field.
I'll run out towards the wind, eh-ha!
I'll bow to Yarilo,
I'll rise up to irij.
With the song of the old testament, eh-ha!
I'll go out into the wild,
into the wide field.
I'll run out towards the wind, eh-ha!
I'll bow to Yarilo,
I'll rise up to irij.
With the song of the old testament, eh-ha!
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!
Give Him the Full Story
Gente de Zona
The best thing playing now
Give him the full story
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story (Micha)
And tell him
That it's the same at two and at three
You get nervous whenever about telling him I'm there
That you're only aroused by the kisses I give you
That not even four hours can pass by without you missing me
Tell him that you like being in the company of your famous friend
You love it when I give it to you, dress you, and bathe you
Ring, so that I can blow your mind
Tell him, mami, that I'm a gentleman
Tell him that you live me, with or without money
That with me, you don't go to bed, but to slaughter
No buts about it, and what your boyfriend is is jealous
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
But tell him that I'm the own who kills you
Give him the full story
That I'm the one who lights you up like a bonfire
Give him the full story
Tell him that I went far with you
Give him the full story
When I touched you, when I kissed you
Give him the full story
Tell him
About how you hop into my bed and watch
Show him the full movie
And tell him not to take it personally
That men like me
Know they're respected
With me you come, even by bike
You don't need no Porsche or jet
You enjoy herself however you like, but when
I don't call, you let me have it
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
Tell him what's happened
Tell him that you've been lying to him
Tell him that it's not him, it's me
That whenever I call, you answer
That you volunteer to be my accomplice
That you like to party with me
Tell him that I know it sucks, baby
Give him the full story
But tell him that I'm the own who kills you
Give him the full story
That I'm the one who lights you up like a bonfire
Give him the full story
Tell him that I went far with you
Give him the full story
When I touched you, when I kissed you
Give him the full story
Gente de Zona
From Miami to Havana
I've eaten all my grapes
Now I'm biting into the apple
The Latinos are here
Adding in some flavor
Viață bună
Și lasă ca timpul să aibă partea lui
Și ține pasul mai sigur
pune curaj și papuci buni
ia strada pe care nu o ia nimeni
și pe drum resentiment și regrete
toate strigătele pe care le face viața
orice promisiune este jurământ
datorie și loialitate
este frumusețe, uită-te bine
chiar dacă câteodată nu se face văzută
înainte de călătorie ultima mângâiere
de la cine rămâne
Viață bună
Pentru tine pentru mine
Viață bună
Pentru cine are inima neliniștită
Viață bună
Pentru cine a plecat liber
Viață bună
Pentru cine sa întors înapoi
Viață bună
Pentru mâinile mele și ale tale
Viață bună
Pentru luminile acestea stinse
Viață bună
Pentru toate zilele îndepărtate
Viață bună
Și pentru viața care e aici în față
Pune în siguranță o parte din tine
Pun în siguranță o parte din mine
Și trec visele bune de consumat
Pare înțelepciune prostia
Și totul se schimbă și rămâne la fel
Nici vis nici realitate
Și ține inima care schimbă vântul
Orice bun simț ține post
Orice cuvânt face liniște
Praf și fum
Și chiar și dragostea se ascunde bine
Departe unde nu se poate vedea
De aș fi gândul sub fruntea ta
Pentru toate răspunsurile
Viață bună
Pentru tine pentru mine
Viață bună
Pentru cine are inima neliniștită
Viață bună
Pentru cine a plecat liber
Viață bună
Pentru cine sa întors înapoi
Viață bună
Pentru mâinile mele și ale tale
Viață bună
Pentru luminile acestea stinse
Viață bună
Pentru toate zilele îndepărtate
Viață bună
Și pentru viața care e aici în față
Pune în siguranță o parte din tine
Pun în siguranță o parte din mine
Viață bună
Pentru tine pentru mine
Viață bună
Pentru cine are inima neliniștită
Viață bună
Pentru cine a plecat liber
Viață bună
Pentru cine sa întors înapoi
Viață bună
Pentru mâinile mele și ale tale
Viață bună
Pentru luminile acestea stinse
Viață bună
Pentru toate zilele îndepărtate
Viață bună
Și pentru viața care e aici în față
She's Not Like Everybody Else
She doesn't smoke socially, she simply doesn't smoke.
Groupies who mingle with stars at the clubs and bars
envy her, and her clean sheets.
Every day they hate her more and more.
She doesn't take selfies on the beach or in her bedroom,
She doesn't stay in contact, isn't glued to Instagram,
and won't dance at all, to the latest songs.
Not that she doesn't care, she simply couldn't care less.
She's not like everybody else.
She's a (butterfly) flying to the moon in Spring.
She drinks tea, as (hot) as a dream, on the balcony.
She dreams of a son, upon a sapphire throne.
She's defiantly old-fashioned.
In her eyes, the universe's stars burn out in blazing (glory).
Her friends laugh at her, and family doesn't understand.
But, she'll wait for the one who can change everything. A man who's wiser than an (owl) and ('slower' than a snail) . Her heart told her that it's time to jump into the (unknown) ,
into another person's life, with her love, without rubbing it in your face. But for you, her joy seems like a sad story.
She is not like everybody else.
She's a (butterfly) flying to the moon in Spring,
She drinks tea, sweet as a dream, on the balcony.
And it is a shame the world doesn't understand at all.
She dreams of her son on a sapphire throne.
On the little balcony of life
I'm sitting here drinking on the little balcony of life, there's a bottle on the floor
I'm erasing my love, so I can see where I'm going next
What dizziness, what drunkenness
The yearning still isn't gone
I'm drinking a love made of ivory straight from the glass
What dizziness, what drunkenness
The yearning still isn't gone
My heart has split in two and I'm giving it to you
I'm sitting here on the little balcony of life, whistling songs of the East
Songs that are like touching longing
And our love is on the floor, I see it and weep.
What dizziness, what drunkenness
The yearning still isn't gone
I'm drinking a love made of ivory straight from the glass
What dizziness, what drunkenness
The yearning still isn't gone
My heart has split in two and I'm giving it to you
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
With the speed of the world
In the morning birds start sparkling
Like your dew
From damned god's eyes
It's yellow summer.
At night animals are blareing
In a working burrow
And pine echo
Is limping along the hills.
Through the fires, through the woods - on an obedient carpet
At the sunrise, in reality, and with the speed of the world
It's the right time.
Grass is spiking from the heels of earth
Like from the bucket
And no one can satisfy
Its sweet sea
Round trees, tight elephants
Blue dust
The bless of aching shoes
A poor affair.
Through the glasses, through the years - on a shaggy carpet
In silver, in the wind, and with the speed of the world
It's the right time.
No one said it would be easy -
At the sunset of life
One resonant moon
One excessive wall
However, outside the window -
It's yellow summer
Sweet sea
It's the right time
It's the right time
It's the right time
The icy glaze has trampled my laughs,
The machine gun has chewed up my laughs.
The insects are hoarding shame,
The insects are hoarding jealousy.
The pity squeaked between the teeth,
The meat cried under the knife.
The insects are squirming,
The insects are slithering.
Shit doesn't sink in fire and in blood.
Honest and respectable people everywhere.
Everyone was born a cop!
Everyone was born a cop!
The padded jackets heed lessons in courage,
The borscht is smirking like a crapper wide open.
An insect can endure everything —
Self-control is self-control.
A beautiful, brave new world,
A beautiful, brave new plague!
Meandering through the weeds,
They froze to death,
Meandering through the weeds,
They froze to death,
They froze to death,
Both of God's servants — they're you and I.
Both of God's servants — they're you and I.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
That's how it was.
For ever and ever,
For ever and ever,
In the name of the puppy
And the crumpled piece of paper
I invoke!
I invoke
The dry little river,
The dead little birdie,
The great gaping flame,
The charred grimy rock,
To deliver us from
The efforts of evil,
From the eyes of meat,
From the speeches of stone,
The museums of plenty,
And the boozy remarks,
From the proletarian masses
And all other life!
The icy glaze has trampled my laughs,
The machine gun has chewed up my laughs.
Insects, insects...
Insects, insects...
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
World-class dope.
You Live Well
Live well
The closed voice and the changed hair
It feels weird maybe we're in front of breakup
Maybe we're wandering somewhere
Are we okay? Your first words
It's weird the words, you and I who are exhausted
We know those answers
You live well meet a better person
Laugh happily and live
Because you're pretty
You live well don't cry any more
Let's meet again someday smiling
Let's share past stories I'll be first
Memories of love
All the times that we cared
Hateful minds
All the memories that we shared
We worked hard
We had a good run
My love my love
I will remember
The hot kiss happy times
Those 1 minute 1 second were precious
I don't want to lose it I only knew you and only spoke to you
You were everything in my world
You were everything yes everything
It could've been the long time, the smell of releasing pent up emotions
When I let out a sigh
All the memories fall asleep
How do people know and break up?
You live well meet a better person
Laugh happily and live
Because you're pretty
You live well don't cry any more
Let's meet again someday smiling
Let's share past stories I'll be first
Love well it all passed
We were happy
We came here difficultly
Let's stop now everything
You can also look for a different person
That's it you're beautiful
Don't forget me don't leave like that
You're still so clear in my eyes
This is my truth
Fine I'll let you go now let's stop
You'll be perfect if it wasn't for me
You'll be able to laugh like the beginning
Memories of love
Memories of love
Hateful minds
Hateful minds
We worked hard
I've never forgotten one moment
Memories of love
Memories of love
Hateful minds
We worked hard
Zone of promises
Mamma knows well
I lost a battle
I want to go back
Just to kiss her
It’s not wrong to own myself again
Or to be afraid that the river may bleed and calm down
When I tell it about my pleading
It takes a long time to arrive, and in the end, in the end
There’s a reward
It takes a long time to arrive, and in the end, in the end
There’s a reward
Mamma knows well
Little princess
When I went back, everything was burning
It’s not wrong to submerge myself again
Or to be afraid that the river may bleed and calm down
I know how to scuba dive in silence
It takes a long time to arrive, and in the end, in the end
There’s a reward
It takes a long time to arrive, and in the end, in the end
There’s a reward
In the zone of promises
The song of death
John Cage said sound doesn't exist
Kanye says he invented it
Nietzsche said life without music is a mistake, says Google
Everyone says something, everyone's DJ, only Miles Davis toots the horn
You got rhythm, no one notices,
You're offbeat, everyone complains
Punk is dead, Reggae is dead,
Jazz is dead, Hip-Hop is dead,
Funk is dead, Schlager is dead,
Classic - dead too, but no one cares
Punk is dead, Reggae is dead,
Jazz is dead, Hip-Hop is dead,
Funk is dead, Schlager is dead,
Techno - not dead, smells weird though
Play me a song I can fight to
Play me a song I can ride
Play me a song I can sleep to
Play me the song of death
Play me a song I can laugh to
Play me a song just for the downfall
Where's the song everyone doesn't already know ?
Play me the song of death
Brass band, play!
Play me the song of death
Play me the song of death
Someone says 'this thing is so fresh'
Internet says, it's all stolen
Tom Waits says his favourite sound is the one of ham going into the pan
Punk is dead, Reggae is dead,
Jazz is dead, death is dead,
Trap is dead, Rap is dead,
Techno - not dead, smells weird though
Play me a song I can fight to
Play me a song I can ride
Play me a song I can sleep to
Play me the song of death
Play me a song I can laugh to
Play me a song just for the downfall
Where's the song everyone doesn't already know?
Play me the song of death
Everything's just beat now
Everything's just beat now
Everything's just beat now
Everything's just beat now
Brass band, play!
Play me a song before you go
Play me a song before you go
Play me a song before you go
Play me the song of death
Play me a song before you go
Play me a song before you go
Play me a song before you go
Play me the song of -- death
Independent, unhumiliated
Many armed men came here along, many tears were shed,
but they came back with an orchestra, since there is one victory.
So the willows were shaking and the black elder was blossoming
When they went to the independent (land) across mountains and rivers.
Independent, unhumiliated she always was, will be, and is.
Winged with the white of an eagle she beats with the rhythm of our hearts.
Independent, unhumiliated she will never disappear from the maps again,
´cause she’s our, ´cause she’s free, ´cause her name is POLAND, POLAND.
The dust hasn’t yet fallen from the road, the poppy is still red,
but time wrote so many new days and dates into history.
All are known and still familiar, since they belong to us
And that Chopin tune, that is sounding in our hearts.
Independent, unhumiliated she always was, will be, and is.
Winged with the white of an eagle she beats with the rhythm of our hearts.
Independent, unhumiliated she will never disappear from the maps again,
´cause she’s our, ´cause she’s free, ´cause her name is POLAND, POLAND.
Independent, unhumiliated she will never disappear from the maps again,
´cause she’s our, ´cause she’s free, ´cause her name is POLAND.
Independent, unhumiliated she will never disappear from the maps again,
´cause she’s our, ´cause she’s free, ´cause her name is POLAND, POLAND.
Partid vinovat
Tu dormi zi si noapte
Cum poti
Eu sunt clar treaz
Simtinu-ma infrant.
Iti zic numele
Iti zic ca imi pare rau
Stiu ca nu merge
Nu sunt deloc ca o vancanta
Nu e vina nimanui,
Nici un partid vinovat
Nu mai avem nimic
Nimic de spus
Un alt an mai trece
O alta vara de iubiri
Nu stiu de ce imi pasa
Ne e dor in fiecare vare
Iti zic numele
Iti zic ca imi pare rau
Si eu sunt cel care face asta
Nu e alt mod
Nu e vina nimanui
Nici un partid vinovat
Nu mai am nimic
Nimic de spus
Toutul ma ajunge din urma
Totul ma ajunge din urma
Iti zic numele
Iti zic ca imi pare rau
Stiu ca nu merge
Nu sunt deloc ca o vancanta
Nu e vina nimanui,
Nici un partid vinovat
Nu mai avem nimic
Nimic de spus
Iti zic numele
Iti zic ca imi pare rau
Si eu sunt cel care face asta
Nu e alt mod
Nu e vina nimanui
Nici un partid vinovat
Nu mai am nimic
Nimic de spus
Totul ma ajunge din urma
Totul ma ajunge din urma
Mimì and the Volleyball National Team Opening
Colorful suits, peanuts, ice creams
bubble gum, flags and us here
national team with the colors of the heart
Mimì, there's Mimì
Super duper great world championship
ah! ah!
I want a song to sing and scream
to Mimì, to Mimì
Mimimimimì, with your hands you embroider many stitches
spinning the way you do
beneath the invincible net you're the strongest one, you'll never lose
Mimimimimì, with your hands you throw things like hurricanes
you've got no opponents anymore
how hard it is to get up there
but tonight the winner is you!
Oh Mimì, oh Mimì
oh Mimì, oh Mimì
oh Mimì, oh Mimì...
super duper extra mega fast
you dunk, jump, spring, you beat everyone Mimì
you play just for the game without winning anything
oh Mimì, oh Mimì
Mimimimimì, with your hands you embroider many stitches
spinning the way you do
you're beneath the invincible net, the strongest one, you'll never lose
Mimimimimì, with your hands you throw things like hurricanes
you've got no opponents anymore
how hard it is to get up there, but tonight the winner
after a thousand sacrifices
tonight the great one is you...
Mimimimimì, with your hands you throw something like hurricanes
you've got no opponents anymore
how hard it is to get up there, but tonight the winner
after a thousand sacrifices
tonight the great one is you!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Do Enchant Me
The temptation of the night the feeling of adrenaline
On the body of the shadow painting the walls
A candid look provokes a step
Looking for love?
As if hypnosis acts in your eyes
A drunken evening raises the thoughts
I through symbols guess without words
Maybe that's you
Perfume - Chanel Sycamore
I Unlock the night to replay
Breathing in your body
Enchant me
With your wings
Enchant me
With the appearance of arrows
Tear apart my thoughts
Its likely I'm without a memory
Enchant me
I will bloom for you
And you do not let your eyes open
And do not shut up what at night that you unlock
Your flight is of my fantasies
A colorful smoke
I'm flying, flying
Another night worries us
Plus and minus at the same time
Time does not govern us
We fall into a trance
Plus and minus I and you
A half step to the goal
I'm like under the hypnotic
Two blue eyes
Perfume - Chanel Sycamore
I Unlock the night to replay
Breathing in your body
Enchant me
With your wings
Enchant me
With the appearance of arrows
Tear apart my thoughts
Its likely I'm without a memory
Enchant me
I will bloom for you
My Point - G
Time had stopped for almost a minute
Your crazy view point ruins the walls
The walls of a forgotten feeling
The walls of my heart
Take away the night - and take away the day
It tears the heart apart into a hundreds new songs
Views and tokens of my catch
Take it away, love it
Love with all the strength you have
Love, do not let it go
Keep me in your soul
My point - G
The smell of coffee at the airport
I'm flying you say sadend again
I shall write on your heart my name
Yours, I know
Even the kilometers will not change us
You kiss, as if be last time
Quiet, so that only you would have heard
I love to whisper
Love with all the strength you have
Love, do not let it go
Keep me in your soul
My point - G
Am nevoie de fata mea
Sunt bun, sunt realist
Davy spune ca arat mai inalt
Nu pot sa imi dau seama
Ma simt din ce in ce mai mic
Am nevoie de fata mea
Am nevoie de fata mea
Mai ti minte cand ti-ai pierdut minitile si
Ai condus masina in gradina
Si ai iesit si ti-ai cerut scuze
Vitei de vie si nimeni nu vazuse asta
Am nevoie de fata mea
Am nevoie de fata mea
Sunt din nou amenintat
Stiu ca am fost cam 45% din atunci
Stiu ca am fost o gramada de lucruri
Dar eu sunt bun, eu sunt realist
Davy spune ca arat mai inalt
Nu pot sa imi dau seama
Ma simt din ce in ce mai mic
Am nevoie de fata mea
Am nevoie de fata mea
Sunt unele lucruri de care nu ar trebui niciodata
Sa rad in fata familiei
Intr-o saptamana vom fi impreuna
Voi incerca sa te sun cand am aterizat
Am nevoie de fata mea
Am nevoie de fata mea
Mai ti minte cand ti-ai cerut scuze
Viteti de vie si nimeni nu a vazut asta
Voi incerca sa te sun de la petrecere
E plin de golani si ghiulele
Am nevoie de fata mea
Am nevoie de fata mea
Sunt din nou amenintat
Stiu ca am fost cam 45% din atunci
Stiu ca am fost o gramada de lucruri
Dar eu sunt bun, eu sunt realist
Davy spune ca arat mai inalt
Nu pot sa imi dau seama
Ma simt din ce in ce mai mic
Am nevoie de fata mea
Ma simt din ce in ce mai mic
Am nevoie de fata mea
Ma simt din ce in ce mai mic
Death Is Not The End
When sorrow reaches us
over a fallen brother,
when a sorrowful farewell
looks for hope in Faith,
We trust Your word,
being certain that
You have brought him back to life,
that You have taken him to the light.
You have brought him back to life,
that You have taken him to the light.
Why are you sending me letters
Eh, why are you telling me in words, why are you sending me letters
why are you sending me letters
And i dont know how to read and I start crying
and I start crying and I start crying
My frizzly basil
and bushy mint
like your love
i've never felt before
Eh, wont you tell me last night, what was your anger (for)
Two friends answered me and about you told me
about you told me about you told me
My frizzly basil
and bushy mint
like your love
i've never felt before
My frizzly basil
with green leaves
I want your love
With a thousand sufferings
Full soul
You leave me alone on the corner of loneliness
With the shadows of myself to fight with
Without being able to find the switch to my heart
To close the light and turn everything around
Soul, carnation on the lapel
And I will use a veto
A heart shared in two
Waiting for you
Soul full of love
In an empty bed
No one to cry for
But where can I find a solution
Double crossing at the tunnel of your body
And all the roads take me to exits
Falling forwards on your minds wall
And I want you like crazy, sorry
Soul, carnation on the lapel
And I will use a veto
A heart shared in two
Waiting for you
Soul full of love
In an empty bed
No one to cry for
But where can I find a solution
Ceva pe degeaba
Toata lumea vrea ceva pe degeaba.
Toata lumea vrea o bucata din viata ta.
Eu vreau sa fiu doar cel ce-l il chemi cand totul merge prost.
Si voi veni sa te ajut,
Da, voi veni sa te ajut.
Toata lumea vrea ceva pe degeaba.
Toata lumea vrea cheia inimii tale.
Eu vreau sa fiu cel ce-l chemi cand totul se duce de rapa.
Si voi veni sa te ajut,
Da, voi veni sa te ajut.
Pentru ca tu imi dai o mica degustare
Din bucuria ce se afla in ceata vietii.
Eu vreau sa fiu cel ce-l chemi cand totul se duce de rapa.
Si voi veni sa te ajut,
Da, voi veni sa te ajut.
Toata lumea vrea ceva pe degeaba.
Dar nimeni nu vrea sa te iubesca exact asa cum esti.
Eu vreau sa fiu cel ce-l chemi cand totul se duce de rapa.
Si voi veni sa te ajut,
Da, voi veni sa te ajut.
Pentru ca tu imi dai o mica degustare
Din bucuria ce se afla in ceata vietii.
Eu vreau sa fiu cel ce-l chemi cand totul se duce de rapa.
Si voi veni sa te ajut,
Da, voi veni sa te ajut.
Pot incerca dar nu vor reusi niciodata sa ma opreasca
Voi sari toate podurile in flacari ce ne separa.
Hai sa transformam acest gol in ceva important.
Cheama-ma si voi veni!
Pentru ca tu imi dai o mica degustare
Din bucuria ce se afla in ceata vietii.
Eu vreau sa fiu cel ce-l chemi cand totul se duce de rapa.
Si voi veni sa te ajut,
Da, voi veni sa te ajut.
Pentru ca tu imi dai o mica degustare
(Oh, Oh)
Din bucuria ce se afla in ceata vietii.
(Nu, nu.)
Eu vreau sa fiu cel ce-l chemi...
Cand totul se duce de rapa. (totul este pierdut)
Si voi veni sa te ajut,
Da, voi veni sa te ajut!
The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Version)
Versions: #2
The most loved troll by all the people,
With bedside manners and a shining mushroom
It's Flemmingrad, the friend whom
You would have liked to have by your side
They used to give him the moss and the bluest berries,
That he used to devour throwing them down.
He used to force down stew
For all that food, he was more and more grateful
And then he used to love rolling,
He used to love so much rolling away
One day humans arrived there,
He wanted to run away or hide himself
But since he had put on weight
He got stuck in the middle of a rock
The rock was broken (by someone) and the little greedy
Ended up straight in a fjord
Unfortunately when he fell down
The tender troll never emerged again
Stuck, but not forgotten.
Since always he used to love rolling,
He used to love so much rolling away
And that's why we have this tradition.
It's in december that we gather
To pay homage to a troll we honor,
It was Flemmingrad, a being
Of joyful and unaffected heart.
We use to dig deep with all our friends,
Filling his nostrils with grass,
His beautiful statue will be useful not to forget Flemmingrad
We do a symbolic rite,
For Flemmy, the mushroom-troll!
Spunei ei
Mi-am pus capul pe un trotuar
Perna era intenția nu ai înțeles
Cine știe nu spune eu pe cine știu
Din nou am rămas uitându-mă la stele
Nu mi-a rămas răbdare spunei ei
Ți-e dor cu siguranță de încrederea ta de sine
Numele melodiei noastre promit frumusețea mea
Dar a fost dependență rezolvă frumoasa mea
Nu te uita în ochii mei
Sunt de vină dar nu știu de care
Mereu vrei să zâmbești scăzut nemernicule
Acum zâmbetele vin false
Nu mi-a mai rămas entuziasm pentru a trăi
Ieri așa am spus în fața mamei mele
Ura mea a crescut ca mine
Pe ea am lăsat-o înfometată dar voi sunteți hrană pentru animale
Încă nu sa terminat totul arată-i ei
Și dacă aș fi orb pot face o melodie
Nu am căzut în problema ta în absolut nimic
Nu-mi strânge suferințele tale dă-ți o singură doză
Dar spune zvonul care îl ști despre mine
Ce persoană frumoasă încă nu a aflat nimic
Lan paginile de Facebook nu sunt ale mele
De aceea lăsați-o adaugă-mă
Vino prietene vino și înrăutățește-te
În ochi umiditate în mână uscat și în vârstă
Toată lumea se duce și vine de la moarte prietene
Eu cred că-s degeaba cuvintele tale de adio
Uite nu mi-a mai rămas răbdare spunei ei
Ți-e dor cu siguranță mereu pleacă
Nu am tras la dracu o frână de mână
Acum îl asculți pe cel pe care la omorât pe Can
Ege Kökenli