Rezultatele căutării pagină 16
Număr de rezultate: 579
Lord, bring again those past times
Lord, bring again those past times
Those times of repentance
//: When with the holy fire of love
We were building altars, one after another
And the Holy Ghost was gathering us together.
When at the sparkling of the stars
We were meeting with so much longing
What sweet times of prayer meetings ://
Lord, bring nowadays time like in the past
Bring the former grace again
//: Lord, bring again those brethren
Pure in their walk and soul
With a clear conscience.
Those who day and night were praying
And even at death they went
For true faith ://
Lord, bring again same longing for Thy house
Bring the same holy thirst
//: When before the dawn
At Thy house's holy porch
We were meetting, dear Jesus
Driven by the same holy shiver
We were gathering at Thy springs
And were building the house on the rock ://
Lord, bring nowadays the signs and wonders
What You did before
//: For if You say just a word
The sick will bounce singing
And they'll bring You praises
No matter how heavy the disease is
At Thy voice it will be healed
Come Jesus again on the valley ://
My last wish
I like the parties and the unveiled
monday to sunday and the whole week
I´m happy and I enjoy life
and so I will continue until my last day
I like the chaos the environment turns me on
I´m so happy I don`t have a fear of death
I don` t think about that it's a lost time
because nobody escapes our destiny
That's why I take advantage of every moment
well I agree that I´m not eternal
that's why the happy step can be
and from time to time I enter the madhouse
life is borrowed and you have to enjoy it
as you like it and you like it
because the bony has no respect
it takes everything evenly
I want to be happy while the day is coming
to dress my whole family in black
and I hope that it fulfills 'My Last Wish'
before getting in the hole
I don´t want them to cry, I don´t want their tears
take to my burial band music
put me in the madhouse and one of buchanans
in case there is another life
continue the party.
(And it's better to enjoy life company
because you don´t know when it's over
The Recoditos hear ... iron, amonos)
That's why I take advantage of every moment
well I agree that I´m not eternal
that's why the happy step can be
and from time to time I enter the madhouse
life is borrowed and you have to enjoy it
as you like it and you like it
because the bony has no respect
it takes everything evenly
I want to be happy while the day is coming
to dress my whole family in black
and I hope that it fulfills 'My Last Wish'
before getting in the hole
I don´t want them to cry, I don´t want their tears
take to my burial band music
put me in the madhouse and one of buchanans
in case there is another life
continue the party.
Night arabesque
All the pregnant women are sleeping
in the quiet of the forest
Who do you, a traveller, think of
when you return home?
Your shadow is bright,
your hands are white
giving, giving, giving
Cold to the painful heart
You said 'keep it up!' So I did.
In the past years!
We've been everywhere(In the past years)
We've done all we've wanted (In the past years)
We've remained the same (in the past years)
Still here, never, ever, didn't left
I know that we deserved much more than what we've had
I know that motherfuckers, had stolen from us, as much as
they could've done it
But i know that the world wants to hear B U G Mafia
That's why i'm here and i'll fuckin' be here...
'Till the last calling out, the last breath'
I'm appearing when the light in the reflectors is gone
Brotha' it resulted in hard years
As much as it's been accumulated, pushes on my shoulders
Yeah, it's good anyway, you don't trouble yourself
All that was, now they're smoke and ash
Along the 'road', .. there's no way that,
You're not gonna meet with someone/people
That with one hand to give and with the other one to take
from you !!!
This , by no means it hasn't stopped me, on the contrary,
has toughen me up (Because...
The hoes are hoes and they will be till' the end!
But above all , no matter what it' is to come
I remain here to sing with B.U.G!!
We've been everywhere(In the past years)
We've done all we've wanted (In the past years)
We've stayed the same(in the past years)
Still here, never, ever, we didn't left
Honestly, we've made a colection
Of verses and stories, through a convention
With two guys, we've thinked to be dope, dope
To have ourselves a good life and them big numbers
We've collected them 'big numbers', i've fuckin' loved them ,
On the clothes that we've allways wear,
On the sailings of tickets, of course and certainly
A big number of fans to shout out at the concert
I was and i'm a collector of groupies, i like all sorts
Only they, are present, when i'm calling them out
My favorite ones yet, are those who remains mad
at the world just like us
From what you can see
In the past years i've lived my dream
Even though i've confronted in repetitive times the abyss!
I've asked from the life more than it gave to me
And i did know, to 'fuc* her in the mouth'
To make it, give me what i've wished/wanted!!
We've been everywhere(In the past years)
We've done all we've wanted (In the past years)
We've remained the same (in the past years)
Still here, never, ever, we didn't left
We've been everywhere(In the past years)
We've done all we've wanted (In the past years)
We've remained the same (in the past years)
Still here, never, ever, we didn't left
I've started from long ago to drink,
To fuc*, to steal, to cheat
'I'm sorry', i'm not regreting nothing
So much time has passed , but i remember well
The time when we were on a corner street and with whom
With whom we've rolled on, with whom we've been drinking
With whom we've smoke, with whom we've fighted
All things that we've done and the places we've been
At the concerts on great money, on the lawsuits few years.
I'm not gonna' ever forget that i've sang for them jail
For them boys who knows better what time means,
it's known...
I'm still here, from the start, unchanged,
And before you say'it again that 'It's over!' listen close:
'If as three dies, (if we die)
We will resurrect, each time you pres PLAY
But till' then, i'll tell you something more :
I'm Uzzi 'Fuc* you very much', B.U.G MAFIA!!!
We've been everywhere(In the past years)
We've done all we've wanted (In the past years)
We've remained the same (in the past years)
Still here, never, ever, we didn't left
We've been everywhere(In the past years)
We've done all we've wanted (In the past years)
We've remained the same (in the past years)
Still here, never, ever, we didn't left
You left in a rush,
your hands were cold as ice
and from your rush
I've kept somehow
a strange sigh
so far away...
You left in a rush
You don't even know what you're going to do, where you're gonna go
If I'd talk to you
you won't hear me,
No telephone
has any tone at all...
Yellow sun,
clouds of iron
Fog instead of sky...
It's hard without you...
Along the river of life an honest Greek swam
Along the river of life an honest Greek swam,
And drowned, or maybe a cancer has caught up with him.
The Greek was involved in dobbing a man-
And the Greek than, really got in to the drink.
He has the roots of kindness, this sod-
That's why he began to delate,-
'To snitch' - ordinarily used word.
And at the same time it means- 'betray'.
Or there is another similar example:
Because of his origin he took off on and on,-
He started from the deep, from people,
And didn't really want to return.
He swallowed reproaches and yawned from boredom,
He new, that from the people he did separate,-
But 'separate' - It's scientific lexicon,
And using our jargon it's'run away'.
Deja mort
in cenusia mea viata
Am fost politicoasa cu oamenii pe care i-am intalnit
Dar acolo inauntru, era ura
Poti tu intelege sentimentele ce le impartasesc?
Daca tu esti sigur ca eu stiu
Calea pe care sa merg
Eu sunt sigura ca totul e in mintea ta
Eu sunt rece, deja moarta
Eu sunt rece, deja moarta'
Eu, eu in distanta am vazut
un tren de marfa din ceata
El venea, se indrepta direct catre mine
Asa ca am inceput sa fug, dar eu respiratia mi-am pierdut
Prea multe tigari, pana la moarte fumand
Si eu imi voi aminti, eu pot simti totul
Daca tu esti sigur ca eu stiu
Calea pe care sa merg
Eu sunt sigura ca totul e in mintea ta
Eu sunt rece, deja moarta
Eu sunt rece, deja moarta'
Tu ai murit cu mult ,
Mult timp in urma
Eu sunt singura aici , pe scena asta
Eu sunt rece, deja moarta
Eu sunt rece, deja moarta'
Eu sunt rece, deja moarta
'Eu sunt rece, deja moarta'
Forever love
Smell of coffee and a ray
beating at the window
for mor than a year
since you wake me up.
So spoiled, from the pillows, you smile
I'm looking for you
The destiny has chose us
so randomly.
I've run, I've searched
but this life has made you sit
in my arms
just when I gave up!
I've run, I've searched
but this life has made you sit
in my arms
just when I gave up!
Dreams don't justify you
You are like a mirage
A Morgana girl
I got no courage
To refuse any whispered wish
in the silence of the night
or even
in the begining of the morning.
I've run, I've searched
but this life has made you sit
in my arms
just when I gave up!
I've run, I've searched
but this life has made you sit
in my arms
just when I gave up!
I've run, I've searched
but this life has made you sit
in my arms
just when I gave up!
I've run, I've searched
but this life has made you sit
in my arms
just when I gave up!
Sunt o prizoniera
Nu vrei sa ma eliberezi ?
Sunt o prizoniera
Nu vrei sa ma eliberezi?
Tu poti avea trupul meu
Dar nu ma poti avea pe mine
Eu stiu, sunt o delincventa
Tu sa nu ma dai de gol
Eu stiu, sunt o delicventa
Tu sa nu ma dai de gol
Tu poti sa speri ,
Dar pe mine nu ma poti insela
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Sunt o prizoniera
Nu vrei sa ma eliberezi ?
Sunt o prizoniera
Tu sa nu ma dai de gol
Tu poti avea banii mei
Sa ma ai in genunchi
Tu poti avea trupul meu
Dar nu ma poti avea pe mine
Nu, nu ma poti avea pe mine
Tratamentul meu
Cineva mi-a incurcat medicamentele
Cineva mi-a incurcat tratamentul
Ranit unde dormi
Si dormi unde te asezi
Acum esti implicat profund
Acum ai sa plangi
Ai o tipa in stanga
Si un baiat in dreapta
Incep sa transpir , deci tine-ma strans
Cineva mi-a incurcat tratamentul
Nu stiu pe ce sunt
Cineva mi-a incurcat medicamentatia
Dar iubire s-a dus totul ...
Cineva mi-a incurcat tratamentul
Cineva e in capul meu , din nou
Cineva mi-a incurcat medicamentatia din nou
Voi bea ce curge la tine (bautura)
Si voi trage'/fuma ce expiri tu
Te vad in camera cu o privire in ochii tai
Eu am un barbat in stanga si o femeie in dreapta
Incep sa transpir , deci tine-ma strans
Cineva mi-a incurcat tratamentul
Nu stiu pe ce sunt
Cineva mi-a incurcat medicamentatia
Dar iubire s-a dus totul ...
Cineva mi-a incurcat tratamentul
Cineva e in capul meu , din nou
Cineva mi-a incurcat medicamentatia din nou
In camera e un tigru'
si un copil in toaleta
Toarna alt pahar, mama
eu nici macar n-o vreau
Apoi eu ma intorc si cred ca vad
pe cineva care arata ca tine
Ranit unde dormi
Si dormi unde te asezi
Acum esti implicat profund
Acum ai sa plangi
Ai o tipa in stanga
Si un baiat in dreapta
Incep sa transpir , deci tine-ma strans
Cineva mi-a incurcat tratamentul
Nu stiu pe ce sunt
Cineva mi-a incurcat medicamentatia
Dar iubire totul a disparut ...
Cineva mi-a incurcat tratamentul
Cineva e in capul meu , din nou
Cineva mi-a incurcat medicamentatia
din nou x8
Cineva mi-a incurcat tratamentul X3
Cineva e in capul meu , din nou
Cineva mi-a incurcat medicamentatia
din nou x3
Tonight it started drizzling
And I was thinking about you again.
And I was thinking about you again.
At his embrace, ah, who's got you
At his embrace, ah, who's got you
This night that it's drizzling?
Night covers all the land.
I am thinking about you, where are you now?
I am thinking about you, where are you now?
Who's got you at his embrace this moment
Who's got you at his embrace this moment
That it's drizzling in the whole land?
No other passer goes through the road
And my loneliness is a big longing.
And my loneliness is a big longing.
I am aching, nobody else (is aching).
This night that it's drizzling
At his embrace, ah, who's got you?
Etwas Großartiges
Eines Tages wirst du in meine Welt kommen und es alles sagen
Du sagst, dass wir zusammen sein werden, auch wenn du verloren bist
Eines Tages wirst du diese Worte sagen
Die ich gedacht, aber nie ausgesprochen habe
Du sagst, dass wir besser zusammen in unserem Bett dran sind
Ich möchte dich bei mir haben
So, wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte
Sodass ich es mir nicht weiterhin ausmalen muss
Komm, spring zu mir heraus
Komm, bring alles
Ist es zu viel nach etwas großartigen zu fragen?
Das Skript wurde geschrieben und ich konnte nichts mehr ändern
Ich möchte alles zerreißen und von vorne anfangen
Eines Tages werde ich in deine Welt kommen und es richtig machen
Ich werde sagen, dass wir heute Nacht besser hier zusammen dran sind
Ich möchte dich bei mir haben
So, wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte
Sodass ich es mir nicht weiterhin ausmalen muss
Komm, spring zu mir heraus
Komm, bring alles
Ist es zu viel nach etwas großartigen zu fragen?
Ich möchte dich bei mir haben
So, wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte
Sodass ich es mir nicht weiterhin ausmalen muss
Komm, spring zu mir heraus
Komm, bring alles
Ist es zu viel nach etwas großartigen zu fragen?
Ich möchte dich bei mir haben
So, wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte
Sodass ich es mir nicht weiterhin ausmalen muss
Du bist alles, was ich will
So sehr, dass es schmerzt
Du bist alles, was ich will
So sehr, dass es schmerzt
Niemals Genug
[Verse 1]
Will die ganze Nacht durchmachen
Und in etwas geraten, das wir nie vergessen werden
Will wach bleiben und feiern
Das Wochenende durch ohne zu wissen, wann wir aufhören sollten
Will die ganze Nacht fahren bis zum Ende der Welt
Und über den Rand gehen
Will mit dir aufwachen
Und sagen, Baby, lass uns das wiederholen
Lippen so gut, dass ich meinen Namen vergesse
Ich schwöre, ich könnte dir alles geben
Ich brauche meine Liebe nicht
Du kannst sie nehmen, du kannst sie nehmen, nimm sie
Ich brauche mein Herz nicht
Du kannst es brechen, du kannst es brechen, brich es
Ich kann einfach nicht zu viel von dir kriegen, Baby
Es ist niemals, es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Komm schon
Komm schon
[Verse 2]
Will die ganze Nacht durchmachen
Und in etwas geraten, das wir nie vergessen werden
Will wach bleiben und feiern
Das Wochenende durch ohne zu wissen, wann wir aufhören sollten
Will die ganze Nacht fahren bis zum Ende der Welt
Und über den Rand gehen
Will mit dir aufwachen
Und sagen, Baby, lass uns das wiederholen
Lippen so gut, dass ich meinen Namen vergesse
Ich schwöre, ich könnte dir alles geben
Ich brauche meine Liebe nicht
Du kannst sie nehmen, du kannst sie nehmen, nimm sie
Ich brauche mein Herz nicht
Du kannst es brechen, du kannst es brechen, brich es
Ich kann einfach nicht zu viel von dir kriegen, Baby
Es ist niemals, es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Zu viel ist niemals genug
Niemals genug, niemals genug
Niemals genug, niemals genug
Ich brauche meine Liebe nicht
Du kannst sie nehmen, du kannst sie nehmen, nimm sie
Ich brauche mein Herz nicht
Du kannst es brechen, du kannst es brechen, brich es
Ich kann einfach nicht zu viel von dir kriegen, Baby
Es ist niemals, es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Ich brauche meine Liebe nicht
Du kannst sie nehmen, du kannst sie nehmen, nimm sie
Ich brauche mein Herz nicht
Du kannst es brechen, du kannst es brechen, brich es
Ich kann einfach nicht zu viel von dir kriegen, Baby
Es ist niemals, es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Es ist niemals genug, niemals genug
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Komm schon
Laufend im Wind
Vor einer Woche sagtest du mir:
'Glaubst du, dass ich nie zu weit weg sein werde?'
Wenn du verloren bist, halt Ausschau nach mir
Du wirst mich in dem Gebiet der Sommersterne finden
Die Tatsache, dass wir hier sitzen können und Lebewohl sagen können
Bedeutet, dass wir schon gewonnen haben
Notwendigkeit für Entschuldigungen zwischen dir und mir
Baby, es gibt keine
Wir hatten gute Zeiten, nicht wahr?
Wir hatten gute Tricks im Ärmel
Abschiede sind bittersüß
Aber das ist nicht das Ende, ich werde dich wiedersehen
Du wirst mich finden, ja, du wirst mich finden
An Orten, an denen wir nie waren
Aus Gründen, die wir nicht verstehen
Laufend im Wind, laufend im Wind
Gestern ging ich aus
Um den Geburtstag eines Freundes zu feiern
Aber als wir unsere Gläser hoben um einen Toast zu sprechen
Realisierte ich, dass du fehltest
Wir hatten gute Zeiten, nicht wahr?
Wir hatten gute Tricks im Ärmel
Abschiede sind bittersüß
Aber das ist nicht das Ende, ich werde dich wiedersehen
Du wirst mich finden, ja, du wirst mich finden
An Orten, an denen wir nie waren
Aus Gründen, die wir nicht verstehen
Laufend im Wind, laufend im Wind
Ich weiß uns wird es gut gehen
Schließe einfach deine Augen und sehe
Ich werde an deiner Seite sein
Jederzeit, wenn du mich brauchst, oh yeah
Du wirst mich finden, ja, du wirst mich finden
An Orten, an denen wir nie waren
Aus Gründen, die wir nicht verstehen
Laufend im Wind, laufend im Wind, laufend im Wind
Sag mir du glaubst an Liebe
Sie ist keine Illusion
Ich habe über die Nacht nachgedacht
und die gefährlichen Tricks, die die Leute vor den Augen der Unschuldigen spielen
Ich könnte eine Menge an Herzen in Steine verwandeln
mit Rauch und Spiegeln, verschwindend genau vor mir
Aber, glaub mir, ich versuche nicht dich zu täuschen
Ich verspreche mir zu Verfallen wird kein Fehler sein
Nein, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Ich trage wirklich mein Herz auf der Zunge
Oh, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Da ist Magie zwischen dir und mir
Nein, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Du hast mit wirklich von meinen Füßen gehoben
Also sag mir du glaubst an Liebe
Denn sie ist keine Illusion für mich
Du musst dir nie Sorgen um mich machen
Darüber wie die Karten fallen
Ich bin alles, was du heut' Nacht brauchst
Ich würde niemals dein Herz zu gebrochenen Teilen machen
Du musst nicht zweimal nachdenken wenn du mir in die Augen schaust
Kannst du es sehen, ich versuche nicht dich in die Irre zu führen
Ich verspreche mir zu Verfallen wird kein Fehler sein
Nein, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Ich trage wirklich mein Herz auf der Zunge
Oh, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Da ist Magie zwischen dir und mir
Nein, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Du hast mit wirklich von meinen Füßen gehoben
Also sag mir du glaubst an Liebe
Denn sie ist keine Illusion für mich
Du kannst mich in Ketten legen
Du kannst den Schlüssel wegwerfen
aber es gibt keine Falltüren
Ich werde nicht gehen
Du bist die Wahrheit, die ich nicht erklären kann
Du bist alles was ich sehe
Es ist keine Illusion für mich
Nein, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Ich trage wirklich mein Herz auf der Zunge
Oh, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Da ist Magie zwischen dir und mir
Nein, Baby, das ist keine Illusion
Du hast mit wirklich von meinen Füßen gehoben
Also sag mir du glaubst an Liebe
Denn sie ist keine Illusion für mich
Also sag mir du glaubst an Liebe
Denn sie ist keine Illusion für mich
It's Necessary to Believe
It's necessary to believe
That the smile of who passes through
Is a gift to be saved
To believe that it's moonlight or free sun
Who cames to light us
Light us with love
It's necessary to believe
That the song of who works is
A gift to be saved
And there's nothing who buys
The willingness to sing
To sing any time
It's necessary to believe
That a free sail far away is
A gift to be saved
That whether a ship goes or coming back
It will pass through the high sea
And the high sea is free
It's necessary to believe
That this rain who is watering us is
A gift to be saved
That there's always earth who collects
A brook to awaken
To a bread to awaken
'2032': Track 14 – The Encounter
[At the ExCom‘s cabinet]
Limaeva: … Good evening! …
Milinevsky: Yes… Please, take a sit!..
..What can I say…
You came to the stage, performed that song… And what’s next?
Do you really think that’s going to work?
I have a family, after all, and…
…By the way, don’t you know why your voice sounds familiar to me?
Limaeva: My… voice?
Milinevsky: Yes.
…Okay, nevermind… It’s probably nothing…
You know… Stalin, Plotnikov, Romanov… Well, in fact, all of us received a certain number of love letters.
And me, too. Even though, I think nobody did it in such a way before.
Or, at least, I don’t know about it.
Well, actually, I liked your song.
I really did.
I guess a technician just couldn’t turn the sound off when he realized that it wasn’t… the right thing.
How old are you?
Limaeva: I’m 16.
Milinevsky: Oh, right… You’re in the 11th grade already.
I’ve got to go now. There’s still a lot to do.
Maybe, we’ll meet again later.
Limaeva: Meet… again?..
Milinevsky: Why not?
Limaeva: I… I’ll be waiting for you!..
I’ll be waiting for you…
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.
Doar tu
Oh, băiete, mi-ai văzut capul?
Mi-am pierdut mințile ca să uit,
Și oh, băiete, mi-ai văzut inima?
Bate atât de tare, mă destram/ risipesc, și
Doar tu mă poți readuce la viață,
Doar tu mă poți aduce pe drumul cel bun,
Spune-mi când pot respira iarăși.
Oh, băiete, mi-ai văzut mâinile?
Nu pot rezista, nu știu de ce,
Dragă băiatule, mi-ai văzut sufletul?
E sub pământ, îmi pierd controlul.
Doar tu mă poți readuce la viață,
Doar tu mă poți aduce pe drumul cel bun,
Spune-mi când pot respira iarăși.
x 7
Spune-mi că mă iubești cu adevărat
Cu adevărat...
Doar tu mă poți readuce la viață,
Doar tu mă poți aduce pe drumul cel bun,
Spune-mi când pot respira iarăși.
Voi renaște...
You Deserve It All
I don't regret it, no...
I don't regret
Having let my feelings
Deep within me.
I don't regret having allowed that flame
That once melted our bodies
To fade away.
I'm not ashamed, no...
I'm not ashamed
Of having watched how you suffered
While not feeling
Anything at all.
I'm not ashamed of looking indifferently on
As your whole world crumbled around you...
The truth is that I just can't feel any remorse whatsoever...
Because you deserve all this,
For believing
That you would be able to play with me with impunity.
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!
I don't regret it, no...
I don't regret
Having patiently waited
To take revenge
For every occasion
In which you made me cry,
In which you made me suffer.
Did you really think that I would forgive you?
Because you deserve all this,
For believing
That you would be able to play with me with impunity.
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!
You deserve it all, you thief, as a punishment!
Because you have increased
My pain and sorrow so many times
That my resentment explodes in your presence.
You deserve it all!
Yes, you do deserve it all!
Tomorrow is another day
Tomorrow is another day
dawning on this naked earth.
Tomorrow is another day,
life goes on.
Even if your hand and mine
hold each other on the road
and our paths
suddenly split apart.
Dear oh dear, my love,
what good are speeches?
Dear oh dear, my love,
tomorrow is another day.
Should you love me or forget about me,
seasons defy us all the same.
Whether we're foes or buddies,
tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow is another day,
while the night rests
so that love blooms
and the rose whiters.
The sun will shine
on empty oceans,
and the rain will fall
on the arid cities.
Dear oh dear, my love,
what good are speeches?
Dear oh dear, my love,
tomorrow is another day.
Should you love me or forget about me,
seasons defy us all the same.
Whether we're foes or buddies,
tomorrow is another day.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
I'll never know happiness on Earth,
I'm far too much of a jerk.
Everything is painful and miserable
for a stupid jerk like me.
Any endeavour is bound to end up in tears,
for the jerks, that is.
Any pleasure fades, and then it's much worse,
at least for the jerks.
Anguish grasps and smothers me, I'm being
ever more of a jerk.
Don't know if I should laugh or cry,
as jerks do.
Sometimes it is blue, sometimes a soothy black,
the colour of jerks.
You'd like to sing, now here comes the rain
pouring down on jerks.
You'd like to dance, soil is nothing but mud,
the jerks are wading.
We are mud-eating idiots,
we are jerks.
Love loiters in an gyroplane
above the jerks,
who look up with a gentle smile,
the smile of jerks,
as they still await the nice love story,
delusional jerks,
for they are down to their bare nature,
the nature of jerks.
Roses, flowers, moonlight
are not for jerks.
The jerks believe in all this, but for peanuts,
a food for jerks.
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Phone lament
When we leave one another and you call me,
I'm sad for a host of reasons.
It saddens me that your voice rings
in my ear while you're not there,
and also you speak too close to the receiver.
I know you love me, alright, but just don't be so loud!
You always call when I work or when I sleep.
I'd think you're picking your time.
Use your phone if you feel like it, but please,
if it's for blabbering, just don't call me!
You can write to me, reel off your life story,
but you know, thinking of me is quite enough.
I feel an pang of anguish when the phone rings.
It annoys me, thinking it'll be you again.
Seven phone calls within the hour,
that's way too much for a single person!
We say stupid things when we speak.
We fight, we are out of our minds.
If you ask me, what really matters
in life are feelings.
Ears have their limits.
As for me, I love you when you're quiet!
A silence, a pounding heart,
a caress, you can't beat these.
Call me if you feel like it,
but don't try to talk nice to me.
I know you just don't want me to forget about you,
but sometimes I think it would actually be a relief.
When we leave one another and you call me,
my poor head buzzes with all your speeches.
I like it better when we see each other
and cuddle up to one another
and kiss, and you're quiet at last!
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
Children who love each other
Children who love each other kiss each other up against the doors of the night
And passers-by point fingers at them
But children who love each other aren't there for anybody
And it's only their shadow that trembles in the night
Enraging the passers-by
Their rage, their contempt, their laughter and their envy
Children who love each other aren't there for anybody
They are somewhere else far beyond the night
Far higher than the day
In the dazzling clarity of their first love
They are somewhere else far beyond the night
Far higher than the day
In the dazzling clarity of their first love
Barbara's Song
It was beautiful outside when I had my virginity
You had it too, you remember?
And I knew well that the time would come
For me to choose a husband, a lover
If he had money, if he was charming
Even on weekdays, if his collar was white
And if, by chance, he offered me his heart and his last name
I would tell him no
Never look away
Indifference is better
Even though the moon shines in the sky
And the boat sleeps on the blue waves
My heart is silent
It is better, much better
Don't give your heart away
And only show calmness and coldness
Wait, this isn't good
I answer right away
A man from Kent came first
And he was a nice cavalier
The second one was as rich as a king
The third one was crazy in love with me
They had money, they were charming
Even on weekdays, their fake collars were white
Very courteously, they offered me their hearts and their last names
I told them no
So one fine day when the sky was clear
Came the one that offered me nothing
Without greeting me, he entered my room
He threw his hat on my bed
He didn't have money, he wasn't charming
Even on Sundays, his collar wasn't white
He couldn't offer me anything but himself for me to put up with
But I didn't tell him no
Before him, I had to look away
It was him that appealed to me the most
The Moon twinkled in the skies
And the big boat sailed on the blue waves
All I had to do was give him my whole heart
For love, there is no reason
And the day happiness begins
We don't know how to say no
Si vous voyez une erreur, dites-moi svp.
N'hésitez pas à utiliser mes traductions où vous voulez si vous pensez qu'elles sont assez bien :)
If you see an error, please tell me.
Feel free to use my translations wherever you want to if you think that they're good enough :)
they sung every possible tune about you.
There are so many words in your songs
that speak of wat, of what precisely?
As for me, it's your eyes, your skin
I want to kiss real properly,
just like the gigolos know how to.
the sun has put its pyjamas on,
as you light up and in your alluring downtown
Mister Haussmann is hitting on you.
come and love me like in the old times,
especially at night, as we
walked together toward an unknown goal.
some street names are easily forgotten,
and in such streets, after midnight,
you showed me your little Paris.
as you sobbed in your horn blasts,
a girl lost among men,
you came to me like a mere little girl
tonight I feel like dancing,
dancing with your cobblestones
everyone looks at with their feet.
youre so pretty under the lantern lights,
as you take your seasonal vacations
in the arms of an accordion.
as you dress up with blue,
it makes lovers go out,
saying 'in Paris together'.
as you dress up with grey,
the tailors have only one concern,
that's to dress up all the chicks in grey.
as you get bored you stroll down the quays,
stroll down the Seine and its drowned men.
It brings soe fresh air and that's entertaining.
people talk an afwul lot about you,
yet they don't know who you are.
They live at your place but never actually meet you.
if you could smile, I'd have your charm
If you could cry, I'd have your tears.
If someone hit you, I't take up arms.
You're more than just a thrill to me,
more than an idea, a girl just worth writing songs about,
and that's why I call out your name,
Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris...
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
It's raining it's raining
Outside my window
It's raining, raining, raining
and I keep waiting for you
to appear from around the corner
Rivers are flowing outside
And it's raining, raining,raining
I cry behind my window
the sky cries with me
Who knows where she is
really, where could she be
now that I have such need
of her sweet company
Summer passed
and a storm separated us
and I have rain in my eyes
and an overcast heart
Outside of my window
It's raining, raining raining
I cry for my lost dream
along with the rain
Black are the sky's depths
and it keeps raining raining raining
and my sorrowful soul keeps raining with out tears
I need that love
at night, in my bedroom, alone
I look at the stars
looking for you, but you're not there
my heart rushes
my mind wanders
Why don't you como to love me?
why is this love never here?
it's always there, away from me
why does this love make me suffer?
and far from you I no longer can live
come, end this yearning
I'm dying to see you
I'm mad for you
come, and bring happiness
I need that love
The Feminine Eternal
If my appearance tells you anything
You'd be wrong to get in the way
I don't do it to be a model
I am woman, I am known
Flat banners or crazy manes of hair
Say, what forehead drives you crazy?
I have the art of every school
I have souls for all tastes
Pick the flower of my faces
Drink my mouth and not my voice
And don't look for anything more
Nobody saw it clearly, not even me
Our weapons are not equal
So that I hold your hand
You are just naive men
I am the feminine eternal!
My goal is lost in the stars
It's me who's the great Isis
Nobody removed my veil
Only think of my oases
Pick the flower of my faces
Drink my mouth and not my voice
And don't look for anything more
I am woman, I am known!
It's Too Late
Fragrances of May, perfume of sulfur
Uncertain dreams where one delves into
So many yellowing pictures
So many words, so many cries
All these silent faces
These hazy calls from the emptiness
Rising in fever so many nights
Where our chimeras came to battle
I smiled, me, the worrying one
Beneath so much hope, innocent
Fragrances of Summer, perfume of rage
The eye too bright under the makeup
In the harmful neon lights
Beating heart, bitter mouth
To want so much to mask one's fear
To always be hunting happiness
Upright, stood in the light
Heavy eyelids, light soul
I murmured, me, the glorious one
Beneath so much powerlessness, fearful
Fragrances of Autumn, perfume of melancholy
Hidden shadows where these pale silhouettes
Take shape
Incarnations of evil
When just the flame of a silly hope
Dances in their gaze
Weary from being so little understood
Broken from being so unsuccessful
I kept quiet, me, the arrogant one
Beneath so much hatred, unsteady
Fragrances of Winter, perfume of mourning
The wind's caress on the leaves
From so many days gone by
From so many withered loves
Another movement to catch
Just the shadow of a memory
Another word, just a smile
A final breath to tell you
But what use is it? It's too late...
A child cries, somewhere
Song to the Auvergnat
This song is your's
You the Auvergnat that, without fuss
GIved me four wood's pieces
When my life was feeling cold
You that give me fire when
the 'croquantes' and 'croquants' *
all this people well intentionned
slammed their doors on my face
that was nothing much than a wood fire
but it had heated my body
And in my soul its burning again
As a bonfire
you, the Auvergnat, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father
This song is your's
You the host that, without fuss
Gived me four bread's pieces
When my life was feeling hungry
you, that opened your bread box when
the croquantes and croquants
All this people well intetionned
they laughed seeing me fasting ( do not eat)
That was nothing more than a few bred pieces
But it had heated my body
And in my soul its burning again
As a great feast
you, the host, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father
This song is your's
You the stranger that, without fuss
Looking miserable you smiled me
When policeman caugh me
You, that didn't applaused when
the croquantes and the croquants
All this people well intentionned
Laughed seeing then taking me away
That was nothing more than sweetness (honey)
But te heated my body
and in my soul its burning again
As a great sun
you, the stranger, when you'll died
When the undertaker will take you away
that he drives you, through the sky
To the Eternal Father