Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 71
Look at me!
From now on, I’m playing this song for myselfFrom this point on, I won’t even care
That it could be better than this, but you couldn’t be better anyway
Another stop on the road1I don’t need anybody else
Just look at me and burn me up by doing so!
Again and again and then one more time
Just look at me, you don’t have to say a word!
A single sigh gave you away
It could be, that one day I’ll play a song for you too
But until then and even then, you’ll hear the exact same thing
What’s in your heart, what lives inside me
The last stop on the road, I don’t need anything else
But you to look at me
Now this, you need to see
I want you to burn me up again!
Just look at me and tell me that you would do it!
That you would love me more than anything else!
Squeeze me, bite me, embrace me
Like someone who’s unaware of the world!
Let this be a dream
From which we never wake up!
You’re the most dangerous of poisons
It kills me when leave me on my own
I expect both of us to get lost in you
One day, the time will come
When you’ll play the song for me
By then, I won’t be able to be with you
But I’ll still be able to hear it
But until then, look at me and burn me up by doing so!
Again and again and then one more time
Just look at me, I can see the world in your eyes!2
Allow me to be the your only mistake!
Squeeze me, bite me, embrace me
Like someone who’s unaware of the world!
Let this be a dream from which we never wake up!
You’re the most dangerous of poisons
It kills me when leave me on my own
I expect both of us to get lost in you
Just look at me, what are you waiting for still?
Come, attack and push me against the wall!
Gobble me up, drink my blood and chain me to yourself for eternity!
Then look at me and burn me up by doing so!
Again and again and then one more time
Just look at me, you don’t have to say a word!
Allow that same single sigh to give you away again!
HOTEL ROOMThe hotel room is
Completely different than last night.
The sun kills the last
Your traces, What ruthless ones
You scatter all around and on ...
Still ... still ... still ...
Salvation sought in you -
It becomes redundant.
Thoughts deep remain alone
Nothing is clear to me anymore,
Come on, don't ... it's good ... it's good.
It's good ... it's good. It's good ... it's good.
A nebula that travels
from head to toe,
From dream to dream.
He saw through me
-So honest
They hear through me
-So silent
They think through me
-so naive.
LOOKING FOR YOUIt's noon, people calm down.
I would like something, at least stupid.
Looking for you.
I'm looking for you in the squares
I'm looking for you in all the weird places,
I'm looking for you in the search game.
Somewhere else, there, anywhere
Events just don’t happen here.
Calm days, people hurry,
I would like something with them
At least you ...
I'm looking for you in the squares
I'm looking for you in all the weird places
I'm looking for you in the game, the search game.
ŽANAŽana, Žana, you are a real girl now
Full of adventure, You passed the prom
And embarked on a love adventure.
Žana, Žana, so young
So brave, You know very well what you won't
But not always what hi wanted.
Žana, Žana sha nanaa Žana, Žana sha nanaa
Song of the Moscow children about Stalin
You live, beloved Stalin,In our dear city.
It is good that we and you
Live in this city!
The same happy sun
That wakes us up every morning
Also looks into your window
At that same early hour.
We walk, we play
In the garden at Moskva river
And over the clear water
We see the tower and the star.
Maybe, in the high Kremlin
You hear how we sing...
It is good that we and you
Live in our city!
Sometimes Blue
I'm really not as...Easygoing as you say...
I too occasionally become sentimental.
It's her, right?
You're worried about her, right?
Even though I knew, I said nothing...
Because I prefer harmony.
Look, there's the footbridge where we once stood...
The dawn is breaking after a long while...
And this love too... Let’s dance once more.
Even with sweet kisses, my heart is sometimes blue...
Just kisses don't make me feel calm...
Even with sweet kisses, my heart is sometimes blue...
Even after kissing, I work hard to seem happy...
Sometimes I'm feel blue.
You're so indecisive...
All the time...
But, I’m fine with it...
And I’m used to it by now.
What do you think about her?
Which of us do you like more?
You're just playing the fool...
Seeming to want to keep it a secret.
Look, that town full of buildings is coming to life...
Yes, everyone feels lost sometimes...
We all wait for the chance of life.
Even though we are friends, my heart is sometimes blue...
Being just friends really isn't enough...
Even though we are friends, my heart is sometimes blue...
If we're just friends, why does my heart pain so much?
Sometimes I’m feel blue.
Even with sweet kisses, my heart is sometimes blue...
Just kisses don't make me feel calm...
Even with sweet kisses, my heart is sometimes blue...
Even after kissing, I work hard to seem happy...
Sometimes I'm feel blue.
Unfurling Singing starWill you hear it?
Time is at a standstill
Standing on this road
Can’t believe it yet
I took it all for granted
I saw just like you
I wandered just like you
Why does my heart fall apart?
Even the wind
Pauses waiting for you still
Even the fluttering starlight
Lingering on
No, everything is still filled with you
I still can’t go anywhere
Even if you pass me by
I will find you
Then I’ll reach out again to you
Unfurling Singing star
Will it reach you?
Sparkling Shining star
Will you see it too?
Maybe this song
Will take me to you once again
I know so, wait, calm down
I don’t know anything
Lost in longing
I’m standing still
Going back and forth
Lingering on
No, everything is still filled with you
I still can’t go anywhere
Even if you pass me by
I will find you
Then I’ll reach out again to you
How far have you drifted?
Guide to the sky
Whichever road I take, they all turn into you
Someday you will know it too
I’ll run toward the starlight
I’ll remember you
Then I’ll reach out again to you
Unfurling Singing star
Will it reach you?
Sparkling Shining star
Will you see it too?
Drum fără sfârşit
Drumul acum duce mai departe,Cât de departe se poate,
Linii şerpuite,
Şi garduri vii din copaci,
Prin munţi purpurii,
Şi în jurul fiecărei curbe,
Toate drumurile duc la tine,
Nu există sfârşitul călătoriei.
Aici este inima mea şi ţi-o dau ţie,
Ia-mă cu tine prin acest ţinut,
Acestea sunt visele mele, aşa simple şi puţine,
Visuri pe care le ţinem în palma mâinilor noastre.
Adânc în iarnă,
În mijlocul zăpezii ce cade,
Sus în aer ,
Unde toate clopotele bat,
Şi acum totul în jurul meu
Te simt încă aici
Aşa este călătoria,
Niciun mister să-ţi fie frică.
Aici este inima mea şi ţi-o dau ţie,
Ia-mă cu tine prin acest ţinut,
Acestea sunt visele mele, aşa simple şi puţine,
Visuri pe care le ţinem în palma mâinilor noastre.
Drumul acum duce mai departe,
Şi nu ştiu unde,
Simt în inima mea
Că vei fi acolo.
Oricând vine o furtună,
Oricare sunt temerile noastre,
Călătoria continuă
Aşa cum dragostea ta se apropie mereu.
Aici este inima mea şi ţi-o dau ţie,
Ia-mă cu tine prin acest ţinut,
Acestea sunt visele mele, aşa simple şi puţine,
Visuri pe care le ţinem în palma mâinilor noastre.
Răscruce de drumuri
Trupul meu,acum că noi nu vom mai călători
împreună prea mult,
încep să simt
o nouă gingășie față de tine,
foarte crudă și necunoscută,
ca ceea pe care mi-o amintesc
de dragoste când eram tânără –
dragoste ce a fost adesea
prostească în rosturile sale
dar niciodată în alegerile, intensitățile sale.
Prea mult cerut dinainte,
prea multe ce nu puteau fi promise -
Sufletul mi-a fost așa de fricos, de aprig
That’s who I am
There’s no stopping now, round and roundI don’t fit into my skin
I don’t know, how long I can take it
The devil, I still call him to dance
I want it to never end
But I don’t need anything else
It’s so good that it hurts sometimes
And the reason why I need it is because it’s not an obligation
It’s inside of me and I still believe
That I’m the same I used to be
That’s who I am
I’ll always have enough power inside of me
To be the winner
I‘m like a maelstrom
The law has to follow me
It’s inside of me and I still believe
That I’m the same I used to be
That’s who I am
I want everything
You still know who I am
I always swim against the flood
And I won’t ever get bored of it
It’s inside of me and I still believe
That I’m the same I used to be
That’s who I am
Here we are in a parking area by the seaside street...You drove us here, without saying a word.
I know what you're thinking...
But a girl like me, wants to hear it in words.
You murmur, 'What a pretty sky.'
After that, what did you say?
I can't hear you....
So, say it once again – 'Love Again'...
The truth is that I really love that shy part of you...
But you have to tell me – “Love Again”... And I will answer with all my strength...
Look! The wind's stopped.
You don't notice at the seaside park that...
My lipstick is different from usual.
Because words failed us, and we lost our way...
We both avoided the subject, fooled each other with jokes.
You whispered, 'What a nice person'...
After that, what did you say?
Don't be shy...
So, once more – 'Love Again'...
I've been preparing my heart for these words...
Stare at me and say it – 'Love Again'... And I will be yours...
Look! Time has stopped.
So, say it once again – 'Love Again'...
The truth is that I really love that shy part of you...
But you have to tell me – “Love Again”... And I will answer with all my strength...
Look! The wind's stopped.
Orice drum
Ei bine, am călătorit într-o barcă şi-un avionîntr-o maşină, pe-o bicicletă, cu un autobuz şi un tren
am călătorit pe-acolo şi am călătorit pe-aici
pretutindeni în orice viteză
Dar, Doamne, plătim preţul
cu un tur al roţii, cu o rostogolire de zar
O, da, tu-ţi plăteşti cursa
Dar dacă nu știi unde te duci
Orice drum te va duce acolo
Şi am călătorit prin noroi şi murdărie
din trecut spre viitor prin spaţiu şi timp
călătorind adânc prin valuri
în grote apoase şi peşteri cavernoase
Dar, Doamne, trebuie să luptăm
cu gândurile din cap, cu întunericul şi lumina
n-are rost să stai să priveşti
Dar dacă nu știi unde te duci
Orice drum te va duce acolo
S-ar putea să nu ştii de unde-ai venit
s-ar putea să nu ştii cine eşti
S-ar putea să nu te fimirat
cum de-ai ajuns atât de departe
Am călătorit pe o aripă şi-o rugă
lângă pielea dinţilor mei, lângă lăţimea părului
călătorind pe unde suflă cele patru vânturi
cu soarele-n faţă, în gheaţă şi zăpadă
Dar oooh-ee, e un joc
uneori, eşti liniştit, uneori eşti penibil
Oh, da, e undeva
Dar dacă nu știi unde te duci
Orice drum te va duce acolo
Dar, Doamne, plătim preţul
cu un tur al roţii, cu o rostogolire de zar
O, da, tu-ţi plăteşti cursa
Dar dacă nu știi unde te duci
Orice drum te va duce acolo
Continui să călătoresc în jurul curbei
nu e început, nu e sfârşit
Nimeni nu s-a născut şi nimeni nu moare
Nu există margini, nu există feţe.
Oh, da, pur şi simplu nu câștigi
Este atât de departe, calea de ieșire este înăuntru
Înclinați-vă față de Dumnezeu și spuneţi-i Domn
Dar dacă nu știi unde te duci
Orice drum te va duce acolo
Și dacă nu știi unde te duci
Orice drum te va duce acolo
Dacă nu știi unde te duci
Orice drum te va duce acolo
Who's the good guy,Who's pretty?
Rose, my rose,
Grapes are green.
Vona is all good,
Vona is all good-looking.
Walking around the room,
It is easy to enter.
Easy to enter,
The heel doesn't break.
Looking in the mirror,
He wonders about himself.
Well bred,
Out on the porch,
The horse approaches him.
He puts on the bridle,
The horse starts playing.
On the horse he sits,
The horse is awake under him.
On the street he goes,
The streets are rushing by.
The streets are rushing by,
All the people are amazed.
All the people are amazed:
'which rider is this?'
Empty road
The familiar songThat I used to listen to with you
It softly plays
In the taxi
The driver suddenly
Starts talking to me
But I don't really wanna answer right now
I remember this road
That we used to drive on together
With the beautiful evening sunset
And my reflection in your smiling eyes
Now I'm just on an empty road
I'm standing here
Cause it feels like you'll be here too
I'm standing here
Though I know you're not here
I'm standing here
Cause I miss you so much
Now I'm just on an empty road
The familiar neighborhood
That I used to walk around with you
Stopped at the red light
I'm just blankly staring
All those people
Where are they going?
When I'm so lost without you
I remember this road, that we used to drive on together
You twinkled like the stars in the night sky
You're still floating in my heart
Now I'm just on an empty road
I'm standing here
Cause it feels like you'll be here too
I'm standing here
Though I know you're not here
I'm standing here
Cause I miss you so much
Now I'm just on an empty road
I'm standing here
Cause it feels like you'll be here too
I'm standing here
Though I know you're not here
I'm standing here
Cause I miss you so much
Now I'm just on an empty road
Not enough
I know, that it isn't by chance, that our fate is already writtenSo that me and you were at the right place, at the right time...
Our eyes met, the doom began
Then nudity embodied itself,
Or was it all just a dream?
The king bed is scattered around,
Clothes left on the ground,
Tonight, you can have all of me,
If in return, I can borrow you too
It's good like that, take my mind away,
Life is so short.
You have my heart,you can keep it,
You feel the same.
Sweet words, fatal desire, but Cupid's arrow is a gift,
And it is only good, if the game is dangerous for both of us.
It's good like that, take my mind away,
Life is so short.
You have my heart,you can keep it,
You feel the same.
Don't give an answer,
Claw me, bite me,
So that I'll feel
You tearing me apart out of desire.
Laugh, kiss me, love me,
No, no, no, I can't have enough of your mouth.
Not enough! I can't have enough of your mouth!
Laying next to each other in one bed, we are thinking the same thing,
That you and I, are in the right time at the right place...
It's good like that, take my mind away,
Life is so short.
You have my heart,you can keep it,
You feel the same.
Don't give an answer,
Claw me, bite me,
So that I'll feel
You tearing me apart out of desire.
Laugh, kiss me, love me,
No, no, no, your mouth is not enough for me.
Laugh, kiss me, love me, no, no, no...
Laugh, kiss me, love me,
I can't have enough of your mouth!
Private Road Show (Playback, Weekday)
Hit the snooze but the alarm will ring againUntil you lock up the door more than once
Here comes the same old wardrobe
Even a pictogram would rather be snazzy
If only I could make a better joke
Lucked out with the film of me
You think it deserves, I wonder
As if I can't get out of the routine
A road show tour on weekdays
When it comes to this line, should I show a smile in theory?
If the scriptwriter has no choice but to write the mundane story
I can't look forward to the next take
An espresso from the Italian bar
Look, it just tastes bitter I don't like it
If you stitch up a different textile on the cloth
It just won't fit me as it loses the focus
Because of the poor camera work
My smile gets blurred, don't you see it?
As if Sunday has slipped away from a road show tour
Having said that, in theory I need to keep up the smile
If this kind of staging sees us through, it's okay right?
Because I'm with you in every scene!
Since I wake up until I go to bed again
Just like a record spinning over and over again
Did I really say this phrase 24 times or more?
Try to rewind it I sure can't get out of weekdays
But by doing so you give me a hint everyday
I'm putting together the common words
This line makes me laugh... and I like it
So it's high time we got down to the private road show
It makes me happy anyway... Playback... tomorrow again!
Adio Drumule de Cărămidă Galbenă
Când te vei prăbușiCând vei ateriza
Ar fi trebuit să rămân la fermă
Ar fi trebuit să-mi ascult tatăl
Știi că nu mă poți reține pe vecie
Nu m-am angajat la tine
Nu sunt un cadou de care prietenii tăi să se bucure
Băiatul acesta este prea tânăr să cânte blues
Așa că adio drumule de cărămidă galbenă
Unde câinii societății urlă
Nu mă poți planta în apatamentul tău de lux
Mă întorc înapoi la plugul meu
Înapoi la bâtrâna bufniță urlătoare din pădure
Vânând iarăși broasca râioasă în călduri
Oh în sfârșit am hotârât unde se află viitorul meu
Dincolo de drumul de cărămidă galbenă
Ce crezi că vei face atunci
Pariez că asta îți va doborî avionul
Îți trebuie câteva sticle de vodkă și tonice
Să te pună din nou pe picioare
Poate vei primi un înlocuitor
Există o groază ca mine de găsit
Corcituri fără de ban
Adulmecând după delicatese ca tine pe pământ
An eagle is flying above the sea
An eagle is flying above the sea* -x3And talking with the falcons.
An eagle is flying above the sea
And talking with the falcons.
Fly, eagle, -x3
To my homeland.
Find, eagle, -x3
My parents.
Do they miss me or grieve -x3
For me? I'm an orphan.
I'm an orphan -x3
In a strange far land.
I don't dare cry -x3
And I'm not allowed to be sad.
An eagle is flying above the sea -x3
And talking with the falcons.
Every place my feet touch, it feels newI follow the light as I have you by my side
The landscape loses its color and it becomes dark
We were so good at one point
In the strong wind, there is a deep silence in the car
The only thing we see is our frustrated hearts
On top of this rough road, our journey gets more tiring
We sharpen our knives and start to hurt each other now
The air is broken into two pieces
You’re breathing in different air
The scent is broken into two pieces
Two pieces
The eyes are broken into two pieces
You’re dreaming a different dream
We are broken into two pieces
In the short film of our memories
Feelings that made us laugh and cry dried up, nothing remains
Can’t we even smile now? You’re so difficult
It would be better if you were a stranger
In the strong wind, there is a deep silence in the car
The only thing we see is our frustrated hearts
On top of this rough road, our journey gets more tiring
We sharpen our knives and start to hurt each other now
The air is broken into two pieces
You’re breathing in different air
The scent is broken into two pieces
Two pieces
The eyes are broken into two pieces
You’re dreaming a different dream
We are broken into two pieces
Two pieces
The hot engine, the hot and impatient us
Now I regret it
Two cold hearts are breathing out
And cutting each other out as well
In the strong wind, there is a tiny trembling
The only thing I see ahead is you
On top of this rough road, we both feel the ground shaking
We’re not there yet, even if we’re off-road
Even if the road is far, we can’t go back
Even if you dream a different dream, stay by my side
If one person doesn’t get off first
We’re not there yet, even if we’re off-road
The air is broken into two pieces
You’re breathing in different air
The scent is broken into two pieces
amazarashi - Haruki on the Road ハルキオンザロード
Versions: #2Our parting was decided from the start.
I almost want to carve those few years we spent onto a tombstone.
The both of us, huddled together in a pick-up trailer, the sounds of insects seeping into our nights sweats, like a vacuum-sealed freeze-frame of summer.
But since Haruki was really bad at living life, just like a children's game of catch, it all went in an absolutely clumsy trajectory.
Yeah, yeah. And her body whice shen tossed aside came crashing down on a certain summer's night.
She lived life with a face that always said, ''This is home''.
A trackless path. An unworn path.
She didn't pursue any course, but she sketched one out instead.
But the world is still too big to confirmed to an empty notebook.
She got on board the train called ''living'', she drove right by the passing silhouette of time.
And the one she was sharing a seat with was sadness.
But she only realized that after the fact.
We scattered the nights away, we scattered the summer away, and a new dawn shines so unapologetically upon them.
At the afterparty of a live show, caught in a fight with angry drunks, we ran away as fast as we could, and we took a piss on their van.
Beautiful memories are always at night: the glowing billboards an the moonlight, and just the two of us, like etchings carved in stone.
If we could fly just by imagining, it wouldn't be the ends of space, but inside of me, where we would dig up the sceneries we want to see again.
We'd be digging them up like we were grave robbers.
And it would get us dirtier than you could dream of, like splattears of paint on work clothes.
But I guess romaticists are always caked in mud.
If we piled those vistas up, then the amount we'd pile up would be so heavy that we probably couldn't even move them.
Everything in the world is junk.
It's flashy junk, and nothing else.
Stupidly loud music, careless intoxication - the real truth in the world is those moments where the music pauses.
The girl I loved was like a drop of water in a desert, but in time she too sizzled and dried up.
We scattered the nights away, we scattered the summer away, and a new dawn shines so unapologetically upon them.
Those nights when we laughed wildly are still ringing in my ears, and now, on sleepless nights, they cut into me like a knife.
A river stretches out between us: a river by the name of ''time''.
What we called ''youth'' is just a dried-out husk: I changed the same way you did.
Our parting was decided from the start.
And just like the brightest star in the sky, we burnt out just as fast.
Haruki, from my point of view, you're tumor: an incurable impetus to venture into the unknown.
Like insects, drawn toward the brightest light they see, where are we supposed to go when we're in broad daylight?
The times change, other people change, and even now, then dawn shines so unapologetically.
Actress in the Mirror
Usually, I'd be in your side seatas the car slips into the precious night.
When you called to cancel, I smelled a lie.
But I pretended I didn't notice and hung up.
The color of my manicure after drying
only decorates the night in vain.
I'm the actress in the mirror.
Though I should speak frankly,
hesistation whispers in my ear
'Cause I love you.
I'm the actress in the mirror.
Every time I act, my true face
leaves me.
You've broken my heart.
In a bedroom lit by only a lamp,
who is it I'm looking at?
As we got used to each other, what we lost
was our imagination toward each other.
You probably just wishing that I was
as 'dry' as that.
I'm the actress in the mirror.
Although I'd rather cry,
my bravado is changing my lines
'Cause I love you.
I'm the actress in the mirror.
Realizing how much I am to blame,
I can't go back.
You've broken my heart.
I'm the actress in the mirror.
Though I should speak frankly,
hesistation whispers in my ear
'Cause I love you.
I'm the actress in the mirror.
Every time I act, my true face
leaves me.
You've broken my heart.
I'm the actress in the mirror.
Although I'd rather cry,
my bravado is changing my lines
'Cause I love you.
I'm the actress in the mirror.
Realizing how much I am to blame,
I can't go back.
You've broken my heart.
Duceți-mă acasă, drumuri de țară
Aproape rai, West Virginia,Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River,
Viața e veche aici, mai veche decât arborii,
Mai tânără decât munții, crescând ca o briză.
Drumuri de țară, duceți-mă în locul căruia-i aparțin,
West Virginia, Mountain Mama
Duceți-mă acasă, drumuri de țară.
Toate amintirile se adună în jurul ei,
Femeia minerului, străină apei albastre,
Întunecată și prăfuită, pictată pe cer,
Gust cețos de rază de lună, lacrimă în ochii mei.
Îi aud vocea, în ceasul dimineții mă cheamă,
Radioul îmi amintește de casa mea îndepărtată
Și conducând pe drum, am un sentiment
Că trebuia să fiu acasă ieri, ieri...
Drumuri de țară, duceți-mă în locul căruia-i aparțin,
West Virginia, Mountain Mama
Duceți-mă acasă, drumuri de țară!
Duceți-mă acasă, în jos, pe drumuri de țară!
Duceți-mă acasă, în jos, pe drumuri de țară!
Drumurile lui Brooklyn
Dacă îmi închid ochiiAproape pot s-o aud pe mama
Strigînd, „Neil du-te si gasește-l pe fratele
Tata a venit, iar e momentul să ne cinăm.
Iar văd doi băieți
Urcînd pe două etaje de scări
Zbătînd cu îmbratisarea tatălui
Iar mustața lui le încălzesc fețele
Unde e plecat?
Oh, unde e plecat?
Două etaje deasupra măcelarului
Prima usă la dreapta
Și viața umplut pîna la refuz
În timp ce stăteam lîngă geamul meu
Și mă uiteăm la toate
Drumurile lui Brooklyn
Încă îmi amintesc
De aromele mîncării1 în holurile
Căuciucurile uscînd la ușă
Și carnetele de note pe care totdeauna
Mi-era frică să le arăt
Mama vinea la școala
Iar în timp ce sînt așezat plîngînd ușor
Profesorii spuneau, „Numai că el nu încearcă
Poartă un cap bun dacă se dedică
Iar te cunosti pe tine însuși,
totdeauna e altundeva'.
Mi-am construit un castel
Cu dragoane și regi
Iar călărim cu ei
În timp ce stăteam lînga geamul meu
Și mă uiteăm la toate
Drumurile lui Brooklyn
M-am gindit să mă întorc
Dar tot ceea ce-aș vedea ar fi fețele necunoscuților
Și toate urmele ce dragostea sterge
Iar în timp ce gîndurile2 umblă prin acele locuri
Mă întreb,
Ce s-a [petrecut] cu ei?
Oare se duce [și] un alt tînăr
Vine acasă în camera mea
Oare visează ceea ce eu am [visat]
Stă lînga geamul meu
Și se uită la acele
Drumurile lui Brooklyn
Drumurile lui Brooklyn
Night Flight ~Never Marry A Railroad Man~
Wearing in my body the toilet of darknessI have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
Even if I love another woman
you'll turn around someday
My sinful wish is Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Even though my silent cold blue
look out for a hopeless love
My increasing thought is Fly To Your Night
A dream, a reflection and then an illusion
If they breathe on my chest
Will they become true? Fly To Your Night
Even if I spill tears
I already feel hurt enough
I like you more than anyone else Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Wearing in my body the toilet of darkness
I have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
No, No, No
My every night sleeping gets disturbed
of the tale of the dark night's land
Good night. Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
Wearing in my body the toilet of darkness
I have a dream about one of the thousand nights
If you close your eyes, Fly To Your Night
No, No, No
My every night sleeping gets disturbed
of the tale of the dark night's land
Good night. Love, Love Me Do
No, No, No
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
Nimeni nu ne va vedea
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
Nimeni nu ne va vedea
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
Nimeni nu ne va vedea
De ce n-o facem în stradă?
i needed to breathe so i tried to come back up
but the waves already swallowed the whale
under this pressure i held back countless words
it was painful but i had no choice
but i was okay because i had you, baby
it’s true love, i know
you rose me up again
in those moments of separation
if only i’d told you my heart
i’m nothing without you my baby
if only i could see you again and hold you tight
if you’re searching for me too
wherever it is, i’ll be there
running this rough road
crossing those rough seas
i’m on my way to find you
believe in me so i can rise again
hold me so i won’t collapse
even if these wounds don’t heal, i’ll go to you
i’m on my way to find you
i’ll hold you tight, you won’t cry
even if i’m on the off-road
don’t leave me to go somewhere else
stay by my side even if we walk on thorns
would you be alright on that rough road?
don’t get hurt, you’re my only precious light
the only true pain is this sign
there’s nothing but regret in my heart
i want to cry because you’re not here
i receive more wounds but even if i fall again
you rose me up again
in those moments of separation
if only i’d told you my heart
i’m nothing without you, my baby
if only i could see you again and hold you tight
if you’re searching for me too
wherever it is, i’ll be there
running this rough road
crossing those rough seas
i’m on my way to find you
believe in me so i can rise again
hold me so i won’t collapse
even if these wounds don’t heal, i’ll go to you
i’m on my way to find you
i’ll hold you tight, you won’t cry
even if i’m on the off-road
now night falls
tomorrow won’t come
if i don’t stop now
i’ll see you at the end
even if i regret turning back time
i’m lost in those eyes twice as bright as before
even if anxiety tires me and i face cruel words
i could endure it because of you
it was you
just as before, i won’t let you go
i’m on my way to find you
believe in me so i can rise again
hold me so i won’t collapse
i’ll smile proudly in front of you
until the end of the world
i’ll hold you tight, you won’t cry
even if i’m on the off-road
Flower Road
Good old days, back thenYou and me were together
I was lonely and sad sometimes
But still, you and me were together
Sing it na na na
Sing it na na na
This is not the end of us
Hope we meet again, when all flowers bloom
Weird things happen
You meeting someone like me
I wonder if I'll be able to love someone again
I think I won't, if it's not you
I was walking without thinking where to go
A ray of light called you was shining on me so brightly
I trembled on that beautiful flower road
I was a roly poly, standing there thanks to you
If you want to leave, I understand
I'll scatter flowers on the road you'll walk on
But if you ever miss me, please come back
Please love me again, then
You can take some rest walking on this flower road
And wait for me right there
Good old days, back then
You and me were together
I was lonely and sad sometimes
But still, you and me were together
I cried a lot, but I also smiled a lot
There are too many memories in my head
This too shall pass
I'll see you again, when all flowers bloom
365 days, you were my only
Motive for my music
You're my savior who wakes me up
I was leaning on you, your big flower garden
Lyrics were coming to me
They're still so vivid
Flowers of 100,000 colors
All of them in full bloom, they're called 'you'
Huge vibration that never stops
Four Seasons by Vivaldi
You're a painting
That I cannot ever own in my heart
I cannot believe my eyes
You are my Magical Queen
If you want to leave, I understand
I'll scatter flowers on the road you'll walk on
But if you ever miss me, please come back
Please love me again, then
You can take some rest walking on this flower road
And wait for me right there
Kissing on a flower petal, my cheek is blushing
I'm preparing, scattering flowers on the road
On the road that you will walk on, coming back to me
If you ever miss me, please come back
Please love me again, then
You can take some rest walking on this flower road
And wait for me right there
Kissing on a flower petal
My cheek is blushing
I'm preparing, scattering flowers on the road
Please wait for me right there
Road of Resistance
The beacon fire turns the eastern sky crimsonIt's our new guide
That heralds the end of isolation in darkness
If you get discouraged
Light the fire in your heart
Over and over again
Now is the time! Is the time!
At this moment
Is the time! Is the time!
We're living together
Just now is the time! Is the time!
I'll sing for you and tomorrow
Now the time has come
Go for resistance! Resistance!
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
We're here for a single purpose
If you believe it
Move forward
Even if it's a trackless path
Forever! Forever!
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
The burning passion in the depth of heart
It's our resistance
Wow, wow, wow, wow
As long as I live
I'll never turn my back on you
Today makes tomorrow
Yes, it's our future
On the way
Resistance! Resistance!
Stand up and shout!
Justice forever!
If you believe it
Move forward
The answer is right here
Forever! Forever!
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
The burning passion in the depth of heart
It's our resistance