Rezultatele căutării pagină 6
Număr de rezultate: 282
Ani lumină
Astăzi, m-am gândit că dacă nu te mai văd vreodată
Nu voi fi capabil să te desprind de mine
Pentru fiecare individ vin momente
Oameni diferiți
Tu ești femeia visurilor mele
Cu imperfecțiuni perfecte
Nu mai există om pe acest pământ care să mă facă să tremur din picioare
Doar privindu-te mă cutremur
Astăzi, vreau să arăt că trăiesc pentru tine
Pentru mine, tu ești lumina
Să te iubesc este o virtute
O să te adaugă în Biblie pentru că ești divină și atât de bună
Tu, calmul în totalitate
Te iubesc atâția ani lumină
Ești omul meu minunat, pe care îl iubesc cel mai mult de pe planetă
Persoana mea aleasă, regina mea
Primul e Domnul, apoi tu, doamna mea
Binecuvântat e locul în care ne-am întâlnit
Prezentul meu, viitorul meu ești tu
Pentru mine, tu ești lumina
Să te iubesc este o virtute
O să te adaugă în Biblie pentru că ești divină și atât de bună
Tu, calmul în totalitate
Te iubesc atâția ani lumină
Ești omul meu minunat, pe care îl iubesc cel mai mult de pe planetă
Pentru mine, tu ești lumina
Să te iubesc este o virtute
O să te adaugă în Biblie pentru că ești divină și atât de bună
Tu, calmul în totalitate
Te iubesc atâția ani lumină
Ești omul meu minunat, pe care îl iubesc cel mai mult de pe planetă
Furia ta îți domină atitudinea
Acest egou care m-a răstignit pe cruce
Buzele tale țipă 'pleacă de aici' și nu-mi vine să te cred
Nu mă cred perfect
Regret trecutul și mă jur
Nu m-am întors să fiu infidel...Lasă-ți gelozia deoparte
Convinge-mă că nu e mândrie
Că nu mă iubești și nu arde nici un foc
Vorbește-mi chiar și cu ură
Pentru că șterg curajul cu un sărut
Plec, nu pentru că vreau
Pentru că nu e un secret că te iubesc
Interpretez tăcerea
Dacă nu văd cum mă oprești să nu ies pe ușă
Rămân, dragă, rămân
Aruncă-mi o privire cu dorință
Rămân, oh, îți aparțin și rămân
Dacă vrei, voi anula acest zbor
Convinge-mă că nu e mândrie
Că nu mă iubești și nu arde nici un foc
Vorbește-mi chiar și cu ură
Pentru că șterg curajul cu un sărut
Plec, nu pentru că vreau
Pentru că nu e un secret că te iubesc
Interpretez tăcerea
Dacă nu văd cum mă oprești să nu ies pe ușă
Rămân, dragă, rămân
Aruncă-mi o privire cu dorință
Rămân, oh, îți aparțin și rămân
Dacă vrei, voi anula acest zbor
Rămân, dragă, rămân
Și cânt serenade, dimineața când mă trezesc
Rămân, oh, îți aparțin și rămân
Cu chitara mea te implor să nu mă lași să plec
Rămân, dragă, rămân
Nu lăsa mânia ta să mă certe
Rămân, oh, îți aparțin și rămân
Dar dacă decizia ta e să plec
Acest final mă distruge
Paint my face, I will also do it to you, I will help you
To see who causes more laughter
You and me, clowns fantasizing about their love
And she does not even return the look
So, the irony of this story
We are both exposed to an emotional mockery
And I know, I have no doubt
That it's not going to be mine nor yours but let us dream
Loves that causes, the jokes, they show
They laugh without mercy
But they are naive loves
They wake up sarcasm, in the neighborhood
Because seemingly she is happy
And they make fun of me in front of you
And how bad are the people
A mask does not disguise the pain
The face is happy as the heart cries
We are two clowns in a circus of love
So, the irony of this story
We are both exposed to an emotional mockery
And I know, I have no doubt
That it's not going to be mine nor yours but let us dream
Loves that causes, the jokes, they show
They laugh without mercy
But they are naive loves
They wake up sarcasm, in the neighborhood
Because seemingly she is happy
And they make fun of me in front of you
And how bad are the people
A mask does not disguise the pain
The face is happy as the heart cries
We are two clowns in a circus of love
Nimeni nu înțelege cum funcționează iubirea asta.
Nu se destramă, nu se îndoaie, nimic nu o distruge.
Le ofer creierul meu pentru examinare.
Nu mi te-ar scoate din minte nici arzându-mi neuronii.
Mami, eu te iubesc până la infinit,
Solid ca un meteorit.
Nu vor înțelege niciodată ceea ce simt,
Au dubii experții, caută leac,
Pentru că te iubesc la nebunie.
Se-ndoiesc de faptul că aș fi ființă umană, femeie.
Mă încredințez științei cu întârziere.
Se activează testosteronul în mine doar pentru tine.
Veniți, faceți-mi o cercetare cerebrală,
Căci comportamentul meu nu e normal,
Iar pe această inimă Dumnezeu a făcută eternă.
Să știți că sentimentul ăsta e nemuritor.
O să intru în Cartea Recordurilor pentru
„Bărbatul care a iubit cel mai mult o femeie”.
Mami, eu te iubesc până la infinit,
Solid ca un meteorit.
Nu vor înțelege niciodată ceea ce simt,
Veșnic, impecabil ca lumina,
Demența din atitudinea mea.
Îți repet: nimeni nu mă va înțelege.
Mă încredințez științei cu întârziere.
Se activează testosteronul în mine doar pentru tine.
Veniți, faceți-mi o cercetare cerebrală,
Căci comportamentul meu nu e normal,
Iar pe această inimă Dumnezeu a făcută eternă.
Să știți că sentimentul ăsta e nemuritor.
O să intru în Cartea Recordurilor pentru
„Bărbatul care a iubit cel mai mult o femeie”.
Mami, eu te iubesc până la infinit,
Solid ca un meteorit.
Nu vor înțelege niciodată ceea ce simt,
Veșnic, impecabil ca lumina,
Demența din atitudinea mea.
Îți repet: nimeni nu mă va înțelege.
Ei văd asta ca fiind superficial, precum o enigmă,
Că mie îmi lipsește un șurub,
Sfârșit și fără cale de scăpare,
Nebunul tău dement, mami.
Îți duc dorul și valorezi pentru mine mai mult decât propria-mi viață.
Eu te iubesc.
Eu te iubesc.
Eu te iubesc.
The lawsuit
For your love
I've got a delusion that I'm sick
For your love
I deserve a compensation
Who told you that I can't end your outrage?
Who told you that the pain has no limits or brake?
You have made of me what you wanted without knowing
It's an injustice to be a slave in your network
And today I put forward a lawsuit
That this abuse is resolved
For your love
I've got a delusion that I'm sick
For your love
I deserve a compensation
For your love
I have suffered injuries and several damages to the heart
For your love
For the damage caused today I sue you, for one trillion
You have made of me what you wanted without knowing
It's an injustice to be a slave in your network
And today I put forward a lawsuit
That this abuse is resolved
For your love
I've got a delusion that I'm sick
For your love
I deserve a compensation
For your love
I have suffered injuries and several damages to the heart
For your love
For the damage caused today I sue you, for one trillion
Unfaithful and treacherous woman
I prefer the loneliness over your medicine of love
And I don't want it to return
I was her first boyfriend
That pain, heart, heart
And oh man, for a woman like you
I spend the days dreaming only of her
Give it back to me
She made it difficult for me with one that is worse than Nereida
So give me
One trillion
The kiss that I didn't give her
How ungrateful life has been
That doesn't stop killing me
I never forget that one day
15th of November, at 12 o'clock in the day
I saw her at the altar precisely when the father joined them
My world collapsed in a moment
I went to stop her wedding
But I chose to let her be happy,
Causing me to increase my suffering
I saw her at the altar, a tiara on her head.
And that boyfriend took what I love most
The image I cannot erase
I want to remove from my memory
Your white dress, the ring on your finger
And the kiss that I didn't give you
She didn't say goodbye
Nor invited me to the cathedral because of the gossip in the town
I arrived to the church
My dreams died
I saw her at the altar precisely when the father joined them
My world collapsed in a moment
I went to stop her wedding
But I chose to let her be happy,
Causing me to increase my suffering
I saw her at the altar, a tiara on her head.
And that boyfriend took what I love most
The image I cannot erase
I want to remove from my memory
Your white dress, the ring on your finger
And the kiss that I didn't give you
The last
She hurt the two of us
And I don't see her feel guilty
Well the sequel to his deception
It makes her feel superior
Until we were enemies
In discord for her love
We fell ugly in her claws
We don't know who was the bigger idiot between you and me
The last fools, a song
Where I sent her to hell and died
I hope she suffers like that in raw flesh
For all her crimes
The last that we saw was her inside
Inside is malignant, black is the heart
She has the skills to tie you up
Dressed as an angel
I propose a truce, I don't want to be your rival
For that damn woman who has paid us badly
It's late but you have to know that it's not worth it
Bring us tequila, whiskey, and a liter of rum
Today we prepare an orgy of bachatas and liquor
These kings don't want pain from a supposed queen
We share the penalties, misfortune and condemnation
Of being the finalists that the brunette deceived
Kneeling intoxicated with a rose in the hands
I ask God to punish her
That he doesn't take pity on her, on her
Hopefully the devil will take her and we will enjoy it
Because she played with you and with me
It is good misfortune
Let the hell burn
We are going to celebrate
I do not believe in repent of the facts
Jehovah is not mistaken
You put me on the road as a test
And I had to learn
Everything that shines isn't gold
You are not spring
You were a winter, whirlwind, storm
But I'm still standing
I'm firm I didn't bend
I came out unharmed from your winds
Just one blast at a time
That couldn't conquer me
Go away to the devil woman
After the storm comes the calm
I'd Better stay with your sister
And the excuse is that I can't see
Everything that shines isn't gold
You are not spring
You were a winter, whirlwind, storm
But I'm still standing
I'm firm I didn't bend
I came out unharmed from your winds
Just one blast at a time
That couldn't conquer me
Go away to the devil woman
After the storm comes the calm
I'd Better stay with your sister
And the excuse is that I can't see
That's how I am, of stone and iron
Nobody can conquer me
That's how I am, of stone and iron
Nobody can conquer me
I left intact from your hell
The flood didn't affect me
Today I'm still unbeaten in your games
And your sister is a much better kisser
Today I'm going to die of bitterness
And the assassin is you
This masochism is profitable
Although it affects my health
I become deaf and blind
Knowing I can be better
Be careful and you believe that you are very wise
Love does not remove knowledge, I know who you are
Bad, you are bad
I like you that way, I love you that way
Evil, but you are good
I don't care that you're a swine
You light me and extinguish me
You raise me to the top and throw me
This thing corners me
A psychology that traps
I will allow your blackmail
Even though it results in my downfall
I have adaptable patience
To conforms to this situation
I become deaf and blind
Knowing I can be better
Be careful and you believe that you are very wise
Love does not remove knowledge, I know who you are
Bad, you are bad
I like you that way, I love you that way
Evil, but you are good
I don't care that you're a swine
You light me and extinguish me
You raise me to the top and throw me
This thing corners me
A psychology that traps
The Universe Awaits Us
She's coming from a dream
The past, the future I've longed for!
The universe, the earth and the sky
For her, I wouldn't be afraid to die
A sparkling gaze
His eyes are burning embers
And he just watches like an angel of hell
who brought light to Earth for humanity's sake
He just watches
Will you love me like I will?
Will you come with me where light awaits?
Will you always love me? Answer!
Until our death, until the last minute?
As long as we're alive and longer, whatever happens
Our hearts, after so much longing, finally have arrived
(Romeo and Juliet)
Until doomsday and longer!
For endless times!
The skies above guard our secret
The universe awaits us
Will you love me like I will?
Will you come with me where light awaits?
Will you always love me? Answer!
Until our death, until the last minute?
As long as we're alive and longer, whatever happens
Our hearts, after so much longing, finally have arrived
(Romeo and Juliet)
Until doomsday and longer!
For endless times!
The skies above guard our secret
The universe awaits us
Balcony Duet
Love burns in his eyes,
Who wanted it up in the skies?
Which star or god,
for Juliet to love you so?
Why should I care that it's forbidden,
just because his name is Romeo?
Whatever price the heavens ask for
is nothing compared to my love
Our fathers are enemies
So our attraction is a sin
It's an evil joke from the heavens,
this 'Romeo and Juliet'
Love burns in her eyes,
Who wanted it up in the skies?
Which star or god,
for Romeo to love you so?
So if you want I'll plead,
fight if there's no other way!
Because I know there will be people who disapprove,
But we deserve this between us
(Romeo and Juliet)
However they'll feed their anger
We'll just hold on even tighter
We'll be together in trouble,
Together in happiness and fights!
Was it supposed to be a joke from above
that the person I love is her?
(Romeo and Juliet)
Love burns in his/her eyes,
Who wanted it up in the skies?
Which star or god,
for him/her to love me so?
Which star or god will receive
our gratitude up there?
This joke of the heavens is so beautiful,
this 'Romeo and Juliet'
(Lady Montague)
Now that they live no longer, the fire of Hell burns us
Without our children, our lives are worthless in the end
Our ship sinks down under, there are no blessings for us
(Lady Capulet)
Their souls genuine pearls, why did we chase them so far?
Torturous guilt and sorrow, there is no forgiveness for our sins
May they rest in peace, light fire for their sakes
(Lady Montague)
We're burning in the fire, fate damns us to Hell
And up there in the skies, they wait for Romeo and Juliet
Sinner, atone!
Look, this is how the world judges: guilty!
(Nurse) To love truly, faithfully…
(Benvolio) To burn in this fire…
(Lord Capulet) So our souls won't be so afraid…
(Nurse) Lift your heart to the sky, send word about our love...
(Choir) Love!
Oh, Heavens
Father, help! My lovesick Juliet will die if she can't see Romeo again! She will die!
Nothing changes, curse sits on the souls
My poor, lost Juliet, will her wedding become grief?
And I know pain will strike the Earth, but I will help carry it
Oh, Heavens, why isn't there a haven?
Why are our hearts made of stone? So much stone and ice?
Tell me, my Lord, where are you now?
Why must you step on your servants?
Why are so many people cruel?
Why is revenge swirling like a sea?
Have mercy on us, my Lord! I'm begging you on my knees
(Friar Lawrence)
Run to Juliet, what are you waiting for?
Only there can you find consolation
Believe me, you can start\Na new life in Mantua
Trust that Juliet will wait for you
What an unlucky couple!
Oh, Heavens! Oh, why do these people only want to see sinners, more and more?
How many prayers are needed, who will grant them forgiveness?
(Nurse and Friar Lawrence)
Speak, You who created us
Why don't you let us wash away the blood?
Why do we have to live in filth?
Oh, Heavens, why isn't there a haven?
Why are our hearts made of stone? So much stone and ice?
Tell me, my Lord, where are you now?
Why must you step on your servants?
Why are so many people cruel?
Why is revenge swirling like a sea?
Have mercy on us, my Lord! We're begging you on our knees
Oh, Heavens! Oh, why do these people only want to see sinners, more and more?
How many prayers are needed, who will grant them forgiveness?
Speak, You who created us
Why don't you let us wash away the blood?
Why do we have to live in filth?
Fire Burns In Her Eyes
It was me who raised her, with heart and even milk
She used to be an ugly froggie, a flatterer, that little devil
But seeing her smile, I prayed to the heavens
I pled: my Lord, let her life be beautiful!
And then Juliet grew up
Fire burns in her eyes! Her heart betrays her
Look, how happy she is! Childhood is over
I'm nothing more than a nurse, a confidant
I'm not her mother, just someone who'll cry for her
Fire burns in her eyes
She dances as she walks
How happy, beautiful she is!
All these little brats, and among them Romeo
But this boy is different, so charming!
I just look at them, and there's summer and sunlight
Our Verona could be Heaven on Earth
Since Juliet is an angel
Fire burns in her eyes! Her heart betrays her
Look, how happy she is! Childhood is over
They're standing in front of the goal, two beautiful adults
Their souls now merge together, let blessed peace time come
Fire burns in her eyes! Her heart betrays her
Look, how happy she is! Childhood is over
Lord, give me strength so I can guide her
Here are these two brave children, let them reach a fortunate outcome
Fire burns in her eyes
She dances as she walks
How happy, beautiful she is!
You Could Be A King
You could be a king, but what for?
Your smile will freeze onto your face anyways
Being a king is exhilarating
(Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio)
but we know what's actually great!
Those poor boys up there
In gold from head to toe, but all alone
Power is bothersome, it's just a dumb chain
(Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio)
While we're free to dance down here!
Every mouth and charming eye bring euphoria and offer pleasure
If kiss smacks, if leg flies, pants slide and canon fires
Just live like you want to, it doesn't matter if people peep
Do what's pleasurable, tingle your soul and body!
Rulers, all of them fools!
They watch through the window what's here outside
(Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio)
They shelter themselves even from the sun in there
They have no idea what's love!
These ones up there don't know anything else
but killing each other over a palmful of land
What is war, feud good for?
(Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio)
It's better for us if we stay out of it!
Every mouth and charming eye bring euphoria and offer pleasure
If kiss smacks, if leg flies, pants slide and canon fires
Just live like you want to, it doesn't matter if people peep
Do what's pleasurable, tingle your soul and body!
(Benvolio, during the chorus)
Just live like you want to, it doesn't matter if people peep
Do what's pleasurable!
Every mouth and charming eye bring euphoria and offer pleasure
If kiss smacks, if leg flies, pants slide and canon fires
Just live like you want to, it doesn't matter if people peep
Do what's pleasurable, tingle your soul and body!
Love is a maelstrom, that's an ancient law
If you're with me, give it your all!
But leave love! That'll double-cross you!
Me, into a woman? Out of the question!
It'd be harsh if a foolish feeling,
a hurricane, a gale slammed me to the ground
If a typhoon, a cyclone kicks up?
I'm not at home!
But I keep my cool,
if the heat's too much, I just leave!
Pleasure, thrill isn't alien for an out-and-out buck
To whom who would always seduce people
who come in, say hi and then already left:
find a buck and love now,
because tomorrow might be your end!
Every mouth and charming eye bring euphoria and offer pleasure
If kiss smacks, if leg flies, pants slide and canon fires
Just live like you want to, it doesn't matter if people peep
Do what's pleasurable, tingle your soul and body!
(Benvolio, during the chorus)
Just live like you want to, it doesn't matter if people peep
Do what's pleasurable!
(Mercutio, during)
Every charming eye offers euphoria and pleasure
(Benvolio, during)
Just live like you want to, it doesn't matter if people peep
Do what's pleasurable!
Tingle your soul and body!
(Paris, servants)
The Heavens are furious with us
This world is ready for perdition
Life is getting torn apart
I don't understand why
The end is screaming and raging
Every curse falls back on us
Everything waits to be retributed
Romeo is at fault!
Everything is the Montagues' fault!
What a horrible trial
Compassion and good will isn't enough
Let's not allow any more sacrifices!
Who is that in the dark?
Let's prevent evil!
This is a crisis
Verona is swirling in reek
(Paris, choir)
Today, Hell roars
Today, Death lays waste
Madness races on the stone of the walls
Today, it takes and barks
Chases you, finds you
Under the gates and on the cobble of the streets
Today, Hell roars
Today, Death lays waste
Today, it waits for you!
Where has reason gone?
Demented peril is coming
Save the children
Lock your windows
Lament you sins!
Faith is crumbling
No haven can be found
(Paris, choir)
Today, Hell roars
Today, Death lays waste
Madness races on the stone of the walls
(Choir) - (Paris)
The end is near! - No haven
The end is near! - can be found
The end is near! - I've known it for so long
The end is near! - oh!
Under the gates and on the cobble of the streets…
The end is near! - This world
The end is near! - brings horror
The end is near! - Run!
The end is near! - Death has been waiting a long time - for you!
Romeo and Juliet
Good morning! You have a message from Mars:
How have you been, how are you?
Is there still the taste of love on earth?
Where does one look for it, how does one tie it down?
May I touch? -
the beach in Montevideo
Can Imake your acquaintance? - Shakespeare's
'Juliet and Romeo'
Who always together hand in hand
In loves arch
Always together hand in hand
In the misery of death
Always together hand in hand
In life's joke
And that isn't theatre or something, no
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
Good morning! Is it posiible to feel it, to touch it,
Without love's sweet taste?
It doesn't matter whether on earth or on Mars
It is easier to allure than to await
That can be touched - on the beach in Montevideo
It can be acquainted with - Shakespeare's 'Juliet and Romeo'
Who always together hand in hand
In loves arch
Always together hand in hand
In the misery of death
Always together hand in hand
In life's joke
And that isn't theatre or something, no
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
Who always together hand in hand
In Montevideo
Always together hand in hand
In 'Juliet and Romeo'
On earth or on Mars,
When they are together hand in hand
Who always together hand in hand
In loves arch
Always together hand in hand
In the misery of death
Always together hand in hand
In life's joke
And that isn't theatre or something, no
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
Father and daughter
Versions: #2
Father and daughter
The flower of love
The time has come
Give your blessing!
While she is
Still a child
And she needs
Your love
Father and daughter
We are 'yes' and 'no'
Father and daughter
The question and the answer
How to protect
To save, to help
My soul and flesh
My daughter?
My daugher
The day will come, from my knees
She will fly away to be captured
By insidious charms of unknown men
Where everyone is a thief and dishonest
A nightmare, my biggest fear
My daughter is growing up, I'm getting older,
The night became lighter than the day
I can't change such law
If it is not me, so there's him
She and he
So maybe I am wrong
It is time to humble my pride
And to wait for my death sorrowfully
The daughter will become a mother, so a part of us
Will grow in her as another flower
We will finish the cycle
But my angel, my love!
I can't humble myself!
And give my child to the enemy!
And let this man be cursed a hundred thousand times
Who will pick my flower just in jest
There is only one passion that reigns over me
My earthly heaven can't be stolen
The daughter, my angel, can't be stolen
Father and daughter
My love
Daughter, my angel
You are a part of me
There's only one passion
That reigns over me
My earthly heaven
Can't be stolen
Father and daughter
Father and daughter
And may the odds be ever in your favor :)
Nu ma mai joc
[DJ Quik]: Gata?
Yo, sunt DJ Quik si o ard aici baietii de la Chromeo.
Tineti-o asa cu genul funky, oameni buni
Pentru ca, asa cum stim, intr-un final
Cand o sa murim, oricare ne este este rangul, vom puti*.
Funk pentru eternitate, ciumegilor!
Trebuie sa discutam, am observat ceva la tine.
Am devenit supicios cand,
Ti-ai schimbat toate rujurile cu un brand nou.
Pretinzi ca nu stii nimic, imi spui ca sunt diliu si ai dreptate...
Dar totusi te-am vazut coborand dintr-o Mazda Miata seara trecuta.
(Aia nu e masina ta!)
Nu o sa pot vreodata sa traiesc cu jumatate de masura,
Inca nu pot sa concep ca altcineva te poate atinge.
M-ai garat pe linie moarta si ma iubesti cu jumate de norma, oh...
Deabia acum realizez ca relatia noastra este
Tu cu mine plus inca cineva.
Suntem doi sau trei? Nu pot sa-mi dau seama.
Ceva nu bate intre
Tu cu mine plus inca cineva.
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc!
In pat incerci tot felul de pozitii noi pe care eu nu le stiu.
(De unde dracu' stii toate astea?!)
Mobilul iti suna, dar nici una din prietenele tale nu au numere cu 310.
Nu o sa pot vreodata sa traiesc cu jumatate de masura,
Inca nu pot sa concep ca altcineva te poate atinge.
M-ai garat pe linie moarta si ma iubesti cu jumate de norma, oh...
Deabia acum realizez ca relatia noastra este
Tu cu mine plus inca cineva.
Suntem doi sau trei? Nu pot sa-mi dau seama.
Ceva nu bate intre
Tu cu mine plus inca cineva.
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc!!!
Da-mi te rog un singur argument sa raman cu tine pentru ca simt ca ma joci.
Am crezut ca suntem doar noi doi, nu noi doi plus un alt tip!
Stiu ca esti fata libera, dar nu am stiut ca un cuplu este format din trei.
Crezi ca pot sa stau asa in asteptarea unui dezastru sa se intample.
Nu o sa pot vreodata sa traiesc cu jumatate de masura,
Inca nu pot sa concep ca altcineva te poate atinge.
M-ai garat pe linie moarta si cu pipeta imi dai dragoste.
(Dragoste, dragoste, dragoste!!!)
Deabia acum realizez ca relatia noastra este
Tu cu mine plus inca cineva.
Suntem doi sau trei? Nu pot sa-mi dau seama.
Ceva nu bate intre
Tu cu mine plus inca cineva.
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc, nu ma mai joc cu tine
Nu ma mai joc!
And Now She's There
I am a nobody, no one sees me
They tell me that I gave the best of my love
And when I see her, I thank the God
And pray that her life will be beautiful and shadeless
And Juliette had grown
And now she's there, she's in love with him
The childhood is gone, she's leaving me
And it is I who is captive in the cradle of her babyhood
It is not I whom she wants
And only I have never given up on her
And now she's there, she loves him
And her heart is full
And she who was once mine, now belongs to another
When her mother said 'My daughter', I felt how my heart was flaming
Why, for their husbands' sake, do so many women forget
That the birthing and the contractions, will bring them to their twenties
And Juliette had grown
And now she's there, she's in love with him
She's a woman now, and she's leaving me
And I who sees, who watches without a word
Shall give her my entire life
To my child who grew
And now she's there, in love with him
And her heart is full
And now she's there, and now I know
That love is the devil
Give me courage and strength
To get used to this groom
And now she's there, she loves him
And her heart is full
And now she's there
So long as we know that Juliette was blonde
And that Romeo was madly in love
So long as we know that the Earth is round
And that it has been traveled around
We'll see the departing processions
Of lost pretty dreams
And will turn, turn the roundabout
Of forbidden loves
Your name suits love so well
Your name will always sing
In the hearts of girls from the suburbs
You, who knew how to die for love
If it were today, you would go to Scotland
With your Juliette on your arm
You would go there, without attire or carriage
And just put the ring on her finger
You would forget your callous parents
But you, poor you
To save an impossible love
You had no other choice
Your name suits love so well
Your name will always sing
In the hearts of girls from the suburbs
You, who knew how to die for love
Always Promises
Promises, always promises
It’s joy, it’s delirium, its euphoria
But when we have our backs against the wall
There are those have nails in their shoes
Promises, always promises
We let ourselves be swindled nice and smooth
But when we think that this time that’s got to be the one
Time to turn your head, there is no one there any longer
Because in this life, Little Girl, don’t forget
That a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
When I saw him on the television
I had a very good impression about him
What I really found amazing, is when he said quite loudly
That if I voted for him I would no longer pay taxes
Promises, always promises
It’s joy, it’s delirium, its euphoria
But when we have our backs against the wall
There are those have nails in their shoes
Promises, always promises
We let ourselves be swindled nice and smooth
But when we think that this time that’s got to be the one
Time to turn your head, there is no one there any longer
Because in this life, Little Girl, don’t forget
That a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
He said that for our savings
We deserved twenty point five percent,
I gave him all my loot, very happy about the information
Until the day I saw his picture in the newspapers
Promises, always promises
It’s joy, it’s delirium, its euphoria
But when we have our backs against the wall
There are those have nails in their shoes
Promises, always promises
We let ourselves be swindled nice and smooth
But when we think that this time that’s got to be the one
Time to turn your head, there is no one there any longer
Because in this life, Little Girl, don’t forget
That a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
I fell for him one beautiful day
When he told me as he wooed me
That there was no one else like him
To win in one night [life]
The gold medal at the Olympic games of love
Promises, always promises
It’s joy, it’s delirium, its euphoria
But when we have our backs against the wall
There are those have nails in their shoes
Promises, always promises
We let ourselves be swindled nice and smooth
But when we think that this time that’s got to be the one
Time to turn your head, there is no one there any longer
Because in this life, Little Girl, don’t forget
That a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
I'm gonna go home
Powerful for a saying,
That it's the last time
The morning light arises
And you, and you, and you, and you!
You never asked much
Of yourself, yourself
You did not take the time.
All intentions to wake up early,
On a Sunday morning.
Just like ice,
They melt in alcohol.
You were dancing there,
As elegant as before.
But I want to join in,
For a better tomorrow.
And you, and you, and you, and you!
You never asked much
Of yourself, yourself
You did not take the time.
Let's go tomorrow, yeah
Get ready
Let's get going now
Before it's kept from us.
We always lied to ourselves,
Losing a lot of time
For promises that go on.
We always lied to ourselves,
Because we never meant our promises.
Ow ow ow uh ow ow tu
Ow ow ow uh ow ow tu
Ow ow ow uh ow ow tu
Ow ow ow uh ow ow tu
Ești plină te virtuți, mai mult decât fidelă,
Ceva grandios, neegalabil și un cinci pe o scară de la unu la zece.
Ai aura și puterea
Care conduce către infinit orice bărbat care ajunge să te cunoască.
Ești drogul meu și mă afectezi.
Văd curcubeul, stelute, Edenul.
Visez cu ochii deschiși, sunt dependent de dragostea ta.
Extaz divin, midicina plăcerii...
Buzele tale au gust de miere,
Iar fluidele tale sunt nectarul pe care limba mea îl savurează când îi e sete.
Nu există greșeli în ființa ta,
Și cum Dumnezeu nu se înșală, te prefer sută la sută dezbrăcată.
Ești vin roșu, băutura mea preferată.
Destramă-te în corpul meu, să te absoarbă pielea mea,
Iar această noapte să se desfăsoare în excese,
Ca minutele să devină ore,
Devorându-te, femeie.
Ești afrodiziac rafinat, mă excitezi non-stop.
Ai îmblânzit un sălbatic și mă las cuprins de aroma ta subtilă,
Ai șters neliniștea acelui bărbat nefericit.
Sunt fericit. Pentru tine îmi pierd respirația.
Simt foc înauntrul meu.
Și, baby, tu, tu ești domnița mea.
E mai mult decât sexual, iar tu mă completezi.
Ai nevoie de asta în viața ta.
Hey, ce trăire, mami.
Regele rămâne rege.
Mereu am fost o enigmă pe care nimeni nu a putut-o înțelege,
Navigând printre femei, să văd cine îmi face pe plac.
Iar tu ai ajuns, nebuna mea amantă, îmi faci bine.
Ești afrodiziac rafinat, mă excitezi non-stop.
Ai îmblânzit un sălbatic și mă las cuprins de aroma ta subtilă,
Ai șters neliniștea acelui bărbat nefericit.
Sunt fericit. Pentru tine îmi pierd respirația.
Simt foc înauntrul meu.
Și, baby, tu, tu ești domnița mea.
E mai mult decât sexual, iar tu mă completezi.
Ow ow ow uh ow ow tu
Ow ow ow uh ow ow tu
Ow ow ow uh ow ow
Ow ow ow uh ow ow
Fato, hmmm
She Shot Me
Don't force me to pull you back in
Can run but you'll never be
Far from me
Can't show that I'm week
It hurts like bullets if I stay
She shot me
Hurts like bullets if I stay
She's shooting me
Hurts like bullets if I stay
She shot me
She shot me
Hurts like bullets if I say
There was a time when we were naked nearly all the time, outrageous
But now there's no love left, I can't stay
Awhile ago you saw me smile
To some degree, it's up to me
But the whole situation feels awry
And I can't hide anymore
Do you remember when we made snow angels?
Everything was magical, I was enthralled
But time ran out and something started to happen
(I had to take)
Went out and tripped in the woods
Met a hot girl who smiled
Then stayed at a lake and was unfaithful
(but can that ever end well?)
You called me and barked at me for being drunk
But to no avail, I was drunk and chugged what was still there
I sang and danced
Away from you
And suddenly I was at the place where we made angels
And without you my angel came to life
And it took hold of my hand
Took off away from land
Up in the air, we disappeared
Up among the clouds and I had time to think
Fuckers, nothing can stop me now
It hurts like bullets if I stay
If I stay with you
There's nothing left of me
Translation mine, unless otherwise specified// Översättningar är mina om ej anges nedan
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar
She wants to drink
[Romeo Santos]
When a woman decides to be bad and does not want an owner
Probably a man cheated on her in his life, without feelings
Rumba, the past buried him in the grave
The bad has life, the good is the deceased
Now, every fool who approaches her ignores him
So silent she was the girl
Now it's candela
I see her hunting with twenty bottles
I feel a problem
I am helpful with your wishes
If he asks me like R Kelly I'll
No't me like
I just do what the baby excites him
He failed her and betrayed her
Now she will have revenge in my bed
[Anuel AA]
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
In the Phantom I will find you
Baby you'll never forget me
I don't need you to teach me to love
Bebecita, I'll devour you
Baby, your body and your voice excite me
Inside you need me '
You'll ever be my demon
My crazy, wet '
Baby, your body and your voice excite me
Inside you need me '
You'll ever be my demon
My crazy so pretty
[Romeo Santos]
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
[Anuel AA]
She looked me from far
Dancing in a thread of Romeo
I never heard the 'advice'
In his eyes I always see my reflexes
He failed her and betrayed her
She got drunk and with me she escaped
Twenty bottles, pink champagne
The little baby wanted me
A little devil, she devoured me
And I inside 'your skin
He buried me
My god, so hot, baby
Your body takes over me
Shaking in an orgm for me
Real until the death, baby
[Annuel AA y Romeo Santos]
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
She wants to drink, she wants to dance
Her boyfriend left her and she wants to forget him
She gave herself up and the guy failed her
And that's why it's going to be rumbed
The Promise
Like a stranger with nothing to lean on, with no lead
By keeping silent I stopped wanting to speak
To the point I forgot who I had become to please you
Instead of accepting myself, I did the opposite
Is it worth the pain?
Is it worth the pain?
Spending your whole life in armour?
I promise myself, I promise myself
I promise myself to stay true to myself
I promise myself, I promise myself
To finally live when my heart beats for a man
For a man, for a man
Like an enemy
Without a sword, with no hope
On his quest for eternity, for a haven, for a glance
For a reason to believe that somewhere
That I also have a right to love without being aloof
It's not worth the pain
It's not worth the pain
Spending your whole life behind a wall
I promise myself, I promise myself
I promise myself to stay true to myself
I promise myself, I promise myself
To finally live when my heart beats for a man
For a man, for a man, for a man, for a man
Not my family, not the mutterings
Not my hand, not my looks
Nothing will ever stop me, I swear
Not the ties, not the insults
Not the punches in my face
Nothing will ever wear me down
If sometimes all that hurts us
We owe it to ourselves not stop loving each other
Being there, doing everything to sort things out
It's you I'm talking to
To our rights, to our wealth
Promise me finally that you're going to promise yourself
Promise me finally that you're going to promise yourself
I promise myself, I promise myself
I promise myself to stay true to myself
Andromeda Andromeda
We are aliens.
We make contact behind the school building.
We target you with your plasma
to convey our desire through our super electromagnetic waves
The galaxy feels this miraculous
after school experience
Our observations are based on you.
Your spiraling emotions awaken love in our heart
Andromeda, Andromeda, please respond
We can never make contact
Andromeda, Andromeda, please notice us
We gaze lovingly towards where you reside in the cosmos
Parura parura parura ttattara
A large discharge of electricity
paints the sky red behind my house
The mysterious sound reverberates
throughout the land at 3 AM, bothering the entire neighborhood
The secret club on the roof
wants to experience this mystery
The beam of light sets its sights on you,
and secretly shoots your love
Andromeda, Andromeda, please respond
We can never make contact
Andromeda, Andromeda, please forget
You and the cosmos look so much alike
Parura parura parura ttattara
A New Place
A new place
that has four walls
and I cannot find them
I see you watching
through the glass
and it scares me a bit
I know that in the end
I'll let it take over me
and I shouldn't
And I fall, surrendered
my day is closed
there's nothing left for me to give
With my hands up high
as if it was a farewell
I tell you goodbye
Wisin and Yandel!
Back with the King
[Romeo Santos, Wisin & Yandel]
I found one of your hairs in my bed
I kept thinking where are you now
I waited for you a couple of hours (almost always everything comes to light, in hours)
I have the feeling that you are not alone
You have not written me, not even a 'hello'
You keep wrapping me up
With the same story
When I see you I forget everything
I don't want to talk, I prefer to go crazy
Taking off your clothes little by little
[Romeo Santos]
Howling like a she-wolf
So who does not forgive you
If you yearn in my bed
Anyone falls in love
If they spend one night with you and you do what you do to me
Explain if you are with me and you are with him?
So I look for another one and me too
And we just had a good time
You decide, because I know that you like how I do it
To those who deceives, tell them no
For something that we always finish the two of us
We're eating, baby
[Romeo Santos]
How lucky that I have a bad memory
I only remember the glory of when we make love
With the same story
When I see you I forget everything
I don't want to talk, I prefer to go crazy
Taking off your clothes little by little
[Romeo Santos]
Howling like a she-wolf
So who does not forgive you
If you yearn in my bed
Anyone falls in love
If they spend one night with you and you do what you do to me
Baby, you don't fuck me anymore ...
Baby I was waiting for you and you were rolling about in another bed
Knowing that with him you don't feel anything-anything
I am the one that leads to the clouds, the one that raises you up
Baby with kisses I warm you and fast you flow
I am the man who pulls you up against the wall
That takes away your stress
You tremble when you see me
The fact is I already know what happens, why do you disguise yourself?
Tell that fool how I did it to you on the terrace
And I reveal to him I put a handkerchief over your eyes
You had velvet underwear
Your hair is still in my sheets
I don't get over when I bite your neck
The King!
[Romeo Santos]
If he knew, that you divide us in the calendar
She-wolf without owner does not have a schedule
You have turned into a bad-necessary
And he eats your story
What you tell him, like a child he believes it
And I enjoy your skin, I'm living in the moment
[Romeo Santos]
Howling like a she-wolf
So who does not forgive you
If you yearn in my bed
Anyone falls in love
If they spend one night with you and you do what you do to me
Îți promit
Ai vrea să-ți spun că te voi iubi toată viața
Ai vrea să îți promit toate nopțile mele pentru totdeauna
Ai vrea să te urmez pentru totdeauna fără să fac zgomot
Și că înțeleg toate acestea fără ca tu să îmi spui
Dar nu aș putea să îți spun ceva ce nu știu
Și nu aș putea să îți dau ceva ce nu am
Și nu aș putea să fug de tine chiar dacă totul ne desparte
Tot ce pot să îți promit este un început nou
Aș vrea ca timpul să se oprească când vorbim
Și să apară în mijlocul zilei pe cer un miliard de stele
Ca să îmi fac o dorință fără ca soarele meu să se ascundă
Și să putem fi din nou doi fără să ne facem rău
Dar nu aș putea să îți spun ceva ce nu știu
Și nu aș putea să îți dau ceva ce nu am
Și nu aș putea să fug de tine chiar dacă totul ne desparte
Tot ce pot să îți promit este un început nou
Și aș vrea să mă ascund sub pleoapele tale
Ca să mă poți vedea când te rogi
Și aș vrea să sparg toate aceste lumini
Acestea care te împiedică să vezi puțin mai clar
Dar nu aș putea să îți spun ceva ce nu știu
Și nu aș putea să îți dau ceva ce nu am
Și nu aș putea să fug de tine chiar dacă totul ne desparte
Tot ce pot să îți promit este un început nou
Romeo și Julieta
[Versul 1]
Paradisul cooperativ înăuntru eutanasiat
Viața mea ca un serial mexican
Pune pixul meu pe stomacul paginii
Liniștea mă ia în spate ca ostatic
Vremea însorită în mine întuneric
Nu mă joc cu mintea mea adumi o macara
Nu știu inconștienții bucuriile mele dar
Mă învață să zâmbesc în timp ce plâng
Responsabilitatea și celelalte toate sunt o povară
3 miliarde de Romeo și 3 miliarde de Julieta
Dacă m-aș uita la fața mea fața mea înjură
Și eu cred că tu mulțumești că m-am uitat la acea față
Imagine de familie care nu se încadrează în același cadru
Murind în viață viața mea ornament
Povestea vieții tale într-o plasă de sârmă
Dacă dis de dimineață s-ar închide cerul
Chiar apăs pe capcană cu încredere
Uciderea somnului meu arată răspunsul
Faka nu am apăsat dar shut tha fuck îl
Nu este în inima mea ci în creierul meu hip hop
Am vrut să fiu copil să râd fără sens
Dar acum îmi aștept moartea fără sens
Am încredere în parașuta care nu se deschide dar
Pe tine nu te-am iubit ca călătoria cu avionul
Sunt la închisoare acest donjon* știe bine totul
Dacă te obișnuiești cu răul și răul îți prinde bine
Dacă acest 1 pentru a-mi auzi ultimul cuvânt
Pentru a fi nerușinat chiar e nevoie de omenire
M-am uitat la fața mamei mele plângea din nou
Distrus să nu fi orb în acest oraș orb
Sunt ostatic în mlaștină jurând pocăință
Încrederiile mele au fost rupte ca un os că mine!
[Refren x4]
Ține-mi mâinile ca să nu mor astăzi
Doar lăsați-mă singur
Foarte critic Can e beat, genetic
Starea mea tragică în fiecare noapte
İnim mea se contrazice nu-mi deranja munca din minte
Haide zâmbește ca mine
Sufletul tău se schimbă Ayaz-12
Moartea doar a uitat de noi
Ege Kökenli