Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 5

Număr de rezultate: 278


Ai văzut ploaia căzând?

Versions: #1
Mi s-a spus acum mult timp
,,'Nainte năpastei mereu e răstimp.”
simțeam de o lungă vreme.”
Mai spun și : ”Când s-a terminat
Soarele se va fi lăsat”
oglindind ca marea...
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând?
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând
Coborând în zi insorită pe pământ?
Ieri, ca și deunăzi
Soarele-i rece, ploaia se-ntări.
așa a fost de când mă știu.
Se repetă veșnic, cred.
Ciclic, rapid sau încet
nu se termină, mă miră.
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând?
Te rog să-mi spui
de-ai văzut ploaia căzând
Coborând în zi insorită pe pământ?

Jingles, jingles the bell

Jingles, jingles the bell ringing, flickering
Jingles, jingles the bell in the radiance of the snow bank
Go over the ridge slowly by the sleigh
Across the swamp and pasture, across meadows
Jingles, jingles the bell ringing, flickering
Jingles, jingles the bell in the radiance of the snow bank
The land is celebrating Christmas - The candles flicker
Bells of joy announce a fine celebration
Jingles, jingles the bell ringing, flickering
Jingles, jingles the bell in the radiance of the snow bank

Mergi cu mine

Mergi cu mine prin noaptea lungă şi singuratică,
Mergi cu mine şi lumea mea va fi plină cu lumină,
Stau aici simţindu-mă pierdută şi atât de singură
Ia-mi mâna, nu mă părăsi acum,
Te rog nu mă răni acum.
Dacă mergi cu mine, deşi ştiu că drumul este lung
Mă voi descurca cu dragostea ta să mă facă puternică,
Mai mult decât o stea căzătoare deasupra
Tânjesc după tine,
Mergi cu mine, oh, dragostea mea.
Undeva nectarinidele* zboară
Într-un cer senin albastru,
Doar tu cu mine acolo împreună,
Iubeşte-mă acum şi pentru totdeauna.
Mergi cu mine prin noaptea lungă şi singuratică,
Mergi cu mine şi lumea mea va fi plină cu lumină,
Stau aici simţindu-mă pierdută şi atât de singură
Ia-mi mâna, nu mă părăsi acum,
Te rog nu mă răni acum.
Dacă mergi cu mine, deşi ştiu că drumul este lung
Mă voi descurca cu dragostea ta să mă facă puternică,
Mai mult decât o stea căzătoare deasupra
Tânjesc după tine,
Mergi cu mine, oh, dragostea mea.
Tânjesc după tine,
Mergi cu mine, oh, dragostea mea.
Undeva nectarinidele* zboară
Într-un cer senin albastru,
Doar tu cu mine acolo împreună,
Iubeşte-mă acum şi pentru totdeauna.

Insula viselor

Am cutreierat străzile şi veselele locuri aglomerate
Încercând să te uit, dar cumva se pare,
Gândurile mele se abat mereu la ultima nostră dulce îmbrăţişare
Peste mare, pe insula viselor.
Sus în cer este o pasăre care zboară,
Te rog ia-mă cu tine
Departe, foarte departe de nebuna mulţime grăbită,
Te rog ia-mă cu tine.
Aş cutreiera din nou unde amintirile mă îmbrăţişează,
Acolo pe frumoasa insulă a viselor.
Sus în cer este o pasăre care zboară,
Te rog ia-mă cu tine
Departe, foarte departe de nebuna mulţime grăbită,
Te rog ia-mă cu tine.
Aş cutreiera din nou unde amintirile mă îmbrăţişează,
Acolo pe frumoasa insulă a viselor.
Departe, foarte departe pe frumoasa insulă a viselor.

Tot ce-mi amintesc

Zile de vară şi brize de vară, flori peste tot
Sunt tot ce-mi amintesc din timpurile pe care obişnuiam să le împărţim,
Nopţi de vară şi plaje vara curgând în toamnă
Este tot ce-mi pot aminti, tot ce-mi amintesc.
Îmi amintesc anotimpurile când nu ai fost aşa de departe.
Mai îmi pot aminti râsul tău şi lucrurile pe care obişnuiai să le spui
Adăpostiţi de lume după zidul acoperit de iederă,
Asta este tot ce-mi pot aminti, tot ce-mi amintesc.
Undeva deasupra mea
Chipul tău zâmbitor, îmbrăţişare caldă, îmi umplu mintea,
Ştiu că mă iubeşti
Şi eşti cea pentru care soarele mereu va străluci.
Deci, dragostea mea, cu cât mă gândesc mai mult cu atât vreau să spun
Dragostea ta pentru mine este strălucirea soarelui şi râsul zilelor de vară,
Încă odată realizez că te-am iubit cel mai mult dintre toate,
Asta este ce-mi pot aminti, tot ce-mi amintesc.

Shut up!

Correctness, foolishness
They're things I'll show off for you
I'd been a model student since I was little
Before I even notices, I became an adult
My train of thought ran like a knife
Without any reason to have one on hand
But I've haven't had my fair share of fun, something's lacking
What's troubling me has to be someone's fault
Without any purpose, everyday is just chaos
Even so, is that so?
The latest fashion is your natural understanding
So is economic growth and my commuting check
It's so much work land a job with an innocent soul
That's just the natural rule for working adults
What? Shut up! Shut up! Shut up already!
You're healthier than you think
The whole shebang's just so mediocre
Maybe you just don't understand, huh?
Ah, it suits you well
That 'strengthless and flawless' melody
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up already!
There's no problem 'cuz your head's built different
Regardless of what you say, I'm the ideal human
Getting beat up is a 'no thank you'
If that's the case, the muzzle of your words ...
I'll thrust it into your face and shoot
Ain't it epic? You can't stop it!
Discontent and grumbling, you'll leave behind a mere shadow of your former self
My spirit will transfigure into a sadistic one
Ya lazy piece of shit
If there's a class 'hungry' for booze, you'll pour some right away
You'll remove the skewers, so that everyone can easily grab 'em
Our bills and orders will cut to front
Knowing the common law is lowest manner you can follow
What? Shut up! Shut up! Shut up already!
Shut your filthy mouth, I've reach my limit
Definitely, definitely, the spokesperson of our age is me
I'm sick of looking at you
It's parody on putting a rehash in new words
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up already!
I'll X out that plump, fleshy face of yours!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up already!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up already!
You're a genius that I use as slang
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up already!
You're healthier than you think
The whole shebang's just so mediocre
Maybe you just don't understand, huh?
Ah, you're so boring...
How many times do I need drill it into your memory?
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up already!
I'm also not getting carried away
But whatever, there's no problem

Everything is clear

The days passed, sat at a window,
The years passed, lost in my thoughts,
The moments passed, in innocence,
And I saw nothing,
Now I'm here, in the light of the stars,
Now I'm here, my eyes are open,
Now I can fully believe
That this is my (fated) destination.
Now, everything is clear,
It's as though the darkness has melted,
Now, everything is clear,
This is now a new night
There are lamps lit in my heart,
This world has now become new,
In a single moment everything has changed
Since I found you.
('I have something to give you too.
I should've given it to you earlier, but I was scared,
And now, I'm not scared at all.
You understand, don't you?' 'Yes, a little')
The days passed, wandering alone
The years passed, lost in my own world,
The moments passed, I had my eyes closed,
I was somewhere far away,
Now she's here, right in front of me,
Now she's here, close to my heart,
Now I can fully believe
That this is my (fated) destination.
Now that's she's close, I'm convinced my world is here.
Now, everything is clear,
It's as though the darkness has melted,
Now, everything is clear,
This is now a new night
There are lamps lit in my heart,
This world has now become new,
In a single moment everything has changed
Since I found you.
Since I found you.

The View I've Never Seen

Why can we run that way?
Why can we immediately stand up again?
Can our voices be heard?
Covered in mud, we go forward
Covered in scars, we struggle forward
The promises that cannot be broken
To protect them, we run
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine if we're dirty
It's fine if we're uncool
The view that can be seen from there
Let's see the same view
For example, even if we can't see our goal
For example, even if there is no answer ahead
Without hesitation, you walk on
Even if it might be useless
Even if it's lost its meaning
With the you who won't give up
Don't betray yourself
Under a bright blue sky, as if it can watch over you
On the bright blue sea, raise a tiny sail
It's fine even if we stop
It's fine even if we run away
If we start rowing again
Perhaps something will be visible
It's not that nobody walks the same path
You open a path for only yourself
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine even if we stop
It's fine even if we run away
On the bright blue sea, raise a tiny sail
Our backs are pushed against by Japan's wind
Our future is illuminated by Japan's sun
It's fine if we're dirty
It's fine if we're uncool
The view that can be seen from there
Let's see the same view
The view I've never seen
Let's see your view

Defendant, please rise!

Defendant, please rise!
In a while my judges will
Read my punishment aloud,
But now I don't care anymore.
Defendant, please rise!
I hear, from an ever increasing distance
Words that modify my destiny
But these don't affect me.
Those strangers dressed in black
I still seem to hear them
No, none of them could understand
How one could kill for love
Very soon those strangers will
Play my life heads or tails.
Whatever they may say or do
I shall not add a single word.
Defendant, please rise!
And slowly I sit up
Lonely in the midst of these people
Who are more impatient than myself
To know whether my life is at stake
Or else if
My fate will be different
If I'm forced to live anew.
Those strangers dressed in black
I still seem to hear them
No, none of them could understand
How one could kill for love
From now on nothing matters
In this world without my love,
And only remains a long silence
Filled with tears and regrets.
And yet I confess
I am willing to thank
All those who will convict me
If I am doomed to death.
At the gates of eternity
I'll be able to meet
The one I love for ever
The one who waits for me, I know
I know it, I know it.

I'm getting on the bus to the other world, See ya!

I'm getting on the bus to the other world, See ya.
I can't count the number of lives I ruined when I was young, I'd smile while I buried another life before heading home
Looking back now I should've been the first one to die.
So cheerful despite the gloomy atmosphere
I've lost my will to live
Life is just needless long
Nothing but meaningless wrinkles and creases
My heart pointlessly laments this hopeless take on life, spitting out ideals that just hurt my ears!
What value is there to a life that wants to end? Am I just being selfish? I don't even know what to think! In the end, after a few years I'll just be a nuisance so just stab me, kill me and take me away.
I'm getting on the bus to the other world, See ya.
I still remember all the times I was made fun of as a kid, these unreasonable thoughts that I don't even remember thinking just won't go away
Looking back now how did I just swallow all the pain?
Ah... if only I had fought back.
Sulking about in a hazy crowd of people, displaying a life that seems worth living
The 'theory of happiness' is useless deep
My shallow heart is driven by an uneasy, fretful rush
Nothing but time passes, and it can never come back.
What takes root in life just makes me want to disappear
You said I'm a nuisance? No one asked for your opinion!
In the end in a few years I just be the same thing...
So just stab me, kill me and take me away.
Is there any meaning to life if you want it to end?
Is there any dreams seen in a life that just wants to disappear?
There are none.
What value is there to a life that wants to end?
'That must suck.', 'I get it.'
Don't act as if you understand!
In the end, in a few years I'll still be suffering
So just stab me, kill me and take me away
This is the only thing I thought to do, my first and final struggle in vain...
I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!
And yet, I regret, and scream as the rain falls...

The Sea, The Beach (The More I See You)

The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Oh, how lucky we are!
The time has come
Under the sun, lying down,
When you take a moment to think about it,
It's like a dream
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Here it goes again
In July
And we find ourselves once again under a clear sky,
Without a single cloud
The sea, the beach
The beach and the sea
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Oh, how lucky we are!
The time has come
We swim the crawl, we tan
And when night falls, we dance
And we do it all again
Without getting tired of it
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays,
The carefreeness
Under the sun, we marvel
At the sounds we hear in the seashells
The sea, the beach
The beach and the sea
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Oh, how lucky we are!
The time has come
The sea, the beach and the summer holidays
Oh, how lucky we are!
The time has come
The sea, the beach

My heart similar to you

My heart similar to you.
As if you were created for my heart.
and when your eyes watch me my face brighten.
On Earth, no one is like you, and no one deserves similar to you.
And from space, nothing like you except a chandelier.
Whoever captures and taste my heart.
Who else like you when meet someone
will be alive.
You live inside me and run through my veins.
And between my feelings and my soul remains.
You are a summary of people in look and sound.
And there is no human being like your beauty. Your voice lights my heart and flies it up.
And seen your smile made me adore you.
A word adore you if it is measured by longing.
Even your imagination when try count will give-up.
Dwells deep down to me until the last extent.
And from the seventh of the land I will love you until the chandelier.

I see the light

How many years, I have dreamed
How many years disappointed
I don't know, how I lived
To love is happiness
The stars will shine when you are there
My heart will sing when you are there
Is it real or a dream?
Fate will join us
As the morning dawns
I will become a radiant light
I want to see such an amazing
The blue sky is infinite
The star of the road
He decorated my life
My heart beats only for you
You are my love
How many years, I have dreamed
How many years disappointed
I don't know, how I lived
To love is happiness
The stars will shine when you are there
My heart will sing when you are there
Is it real or a dream?
Fate will join us
As the morning dawns
I will become a radiant light
I want to see such an amazing
The blue sky is infinite
The star of the road,
You are the beauty of my life
The stars will shine when you are there
To love is happiness

She brings light on her arrival

Versions: #1
All of you, say 'In the name of God'*
Say 'So is the will of God'*
Mention the name of God*
This is our bride!
On her arrival, she brings light along with her**
Oh how exquisite her eyes are
Every bit of her, grace and delicacy
Take it easy there, woman!*** Nobody is her equal
People, you ever seen the moon?
Well, this one is prettier than it is
When she walks, mention the name of God upon her*,
The brilliance she gives off is like that of the full moon
She has a long, prestigious history of giving
She has always been a real man's sister^
She has finally met her worth
This daughter of the lofty ones^
May God see to it that this marriage goes all the way through
All the beauty of this world resides in her
Towards (actions conductive to) joy and prosperity
May God inspire Hoda
This hottie^^, nobody is her equal

Odessa odyssey

Versions: #1
Oh, my love, I must run:
Uncertain from whom or after what
...Odessa odyssey...
There are always situations to avoid,
There are many glances that are cloyed
...Odessa odyssey...
I will return victorious
When everything is on open up
...Odessa odyssey...
I’m leaving half smiling,
But, trust me, it doesn’t come from my heart.
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
Oh, my love, I’ve read your letter,
But, I cannot rehash the past.
...Odessa odyssey...
You neither want to keep the same nor change -
You just really want to break it all.
...Odessa odyssey...
I’d like to come back,
But, I’m afraid you’ve had enough of me.
...Odessa odyssey...
Even if everything between us went nowhere,
Promise me not to erase anything.
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
Oh, my love I want to believe in us,
But, when I look among the ghosts,
....Odessa odyssey...
I always seem to see
The same people inside disparate bodies.
...Odessa odyssey...
Even in the twilight,
I can never find that life before -
...Odessa odyssey...
Try to understand, you should know -
If I still breathe, if I'm still alive,
It’s Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...
...Odessa odyssey...

I Haven't Forgotten Anything

From my window I see time,
Time that goes by and you inside –
All the promises that I kept
And all the others that aren’t promises any more.
Face to face, in front of the reflection
Of my face that you loved –
The memory, our sweet excesses
Kept a secret in a sigh.
I haven’t forgotten anything – you looked at me.
I haven’t forgotten anything – you saw only me.
I haven’t forgotten anything – everything is there.
I haven’t forgotten anything about you.
All our photos are about love.
For you my heart will always burn
And my smiles think of tomorrow.
I know you

Nu mă poți vedea?

Sunt al tău, tu erai a mea, secretele lumii
Promisiunea eternă era ca o magie
Scintilla noastră a înflorit sub lumina stelelor
Acum privește-o cum ia foc
Au devenit ruine, amintirile noastre s-au făcut cenușă
Împreună, împreună
Noi suntem etern, etern, știi bine
Am promis ceva, ceva
Ți-ai întors spatele când a luat foc
Un castel de nisip dărâmat, cine-i mincinosul
Dansând înaintea focului la capătul lumii
Nu auzi? Vocea mea te strigă
Încă o dată, am rămas singur
Nu mă poți vedea?
Ca în acea zi magică, spune ”Crede-mă”
Inima mea incinerată,
Vino și simte-mă, simte-mă
Oh, nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg, nu
Nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mă mai înțeleg
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mai
Nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mă mai înțeleg
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mai
Inima mi-e grea de resentimente
Căci tu nu mă înțelegi
Ca să scap de resentimente, te rog
Ia-mă de mână, încă o dată
Împreună, împreună
Noi suntem etern, etern, știi bine
Am promis ceva, ceva
Ți-ai întors spatele când a luat foc
Un castel de nisip dărâmat, cine-i mincinosul
Dansând înaintea focului la capătul lumii
Nu auzi? Vocea mea te strigă
Încă o dată, am rămas singur
Nu mă poți vedea?
Ca în acea zi magică, spune ”Crede-mă”
Inima mea incinerată,
Vino și simte-mă, simte-mă
Oh, nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg, nu
Nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mă mai înțeleg
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mai
Nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mă mai înțeleg
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mai
Rea, rea, speranța e doar un vis deșart
Tristă, tristă, întoarce-te în dreapta mea
Nu mă poți vedea?
Ca în acea zi magică, spune ”Crede-mă”
Inima mea incinerată,
Vino și simte-mă, simte-mă
Oh, nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg, nu
Nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mă mai înțeleg
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mai (Shh!)
Nu mă poți vedea?
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mă mai înțeleg
Prietenii nu mă înțeleg
Nu mă mai înțeleg

The train to Kainuu

Oh baby, move your feet and run fast
I have build up my dam for a long time, now I'm going to break it
Like people usually want to
I just wanted to fuck and breathe
Do you remeber the summer when it rained sleet and we made love
And do you remember the winter when it rained and we argued
I react better to the climate change
Than to the lack of love
Now one hell of a large dam is breaking
And all those who wobble, they will drown
Do you believe in love, that I will make a nest for you
If not, I'll take the next train to Kainuu
I think that in the winter I was below freezing point
But I had read women's magazines carefully
It was written in them to just be cool
Put the makeup on your face and everything will be fine
So baby, move your feet when everything collapses
And eventually you'll realize that it isn't so awful after all
Everything will move of its own accord
The flood will wash away all the scum and the ground will blossom
One hell of a large dam is breaking
And all those who wobble, they will drown
Do you believe in love, that I will make a nest for you
If not, I'll take the next train to Kainuu
One hell of a large dam is breaking
And all those who wobble, they will drown
Do you believe in love, that I will make a nest for you
If not, I'll take the next train to Kainuu
Now one hell of a large dam is breaking
And all those who wobble, they will drown
If you don't believe in love or even in Jesus
Then you can go to Lahti as far as I'm concerned
Taking the next train to Kainuu
The journey carries me again

Die Gedanken Sind Frei (Thoughts Are Free)

Thoughts are free,
my thoughts freely flower.
Thoughts are free,
my thoughts give me power.
No scholar can map them.
No hunter can trap them.
No man can deny
thoughts are free.
No man can deny
thoughts are free.
I think as I please
and this gives me pleasure.
My conscience decrees
this right I must treasure.
My thoughts will not cater
to duke or dictator.
No man can deny
thoughts are free.
No man can deny
thoughts are free.
And should tyrants take me
and throw me in prison,
my thoughts will burst free
like blossoms in season.
Foundations will crumble
and structures will tumble
and free men will cry:
'Thoughts are free!'
And free men will cry:
'Thoughts are free!'

Still & Still

Whatever the age I got,
The more crazier I get
You only without any human
I closed my eyes on you
Whatever the age I got,
The more crazier I get
You only without any human
I closed my eyes on you
Still , still, still
Your love in my heart is still
My life age doesn't become sweetest
except you're with me
I want you forever
My life you wants me die
Ask me to forget you in a single day
Whatever the age I got,
The more crazier I get
You only without any human
I closed my eyes on you
An inscription with a stone does not erase
Your love lives in my heart
I mean you are everything in my life
I love you and do not converse
An inscription with a stone does not erase
Your love lives in my heart
I mean you are everything in my life
I love you and do not converse
To You, To you
Me alone, I deserve you
Selfish and to me only
Your love remains to me forever
To You, To you
You became in everything, I imagine you
Weakness and broken when your absence
Like a glass
Understand me when you are far away
My whole life in my eyes becomes darkness
You only without any human
I closed my eyes on you
Whatever the age I got,
The more crazier I get
You only without any human
I closed my eyes on you

Brightness When She Arrive

Say in the name of Allah
say Ma-Sha'-Allah
Remember Allah
This is our bride
How sweet her eyes
She is all beauty and sweetness
I dedicate who ... someone like her
Oh human, have you seen the moon?
She is sweeter than the moon
How sweet her walk
She is brightness like a moon
She is continuous generous
As long as she is a sister of men
Arrived to her who she is deserved
A girl who she full of loyalty
Allah pleasing her
All the beauty of the world at her
For happiness
May Allah grant success
This beauty moon

Are the Good Old Days Right Now

One day when we wake up, you and me, when we're old and grey
We'll think back to these seconds here, I promise
I see a man, he's running towards, running towards a horizon
The whole of his life has been about days that never came
But I don't want to be that man anymore
Tired of fleeing, I think I'll stop right here
I want to tell you, no matter what happens
We choose life, life
What if one day we'll look back to right now
Before we escaped, the good old days are right now
One day when we wake up, you and me, when we're old and grey
We'll think back to these seconds here, I promise
There was a time when I dreamed of escaping to a foreign land
If I had a second chance I would be a better man
But I don't want to be that man anymore
I want to see the whole world but my roots are here
I want to tell you, no matter what happens
We choose life, life
What if one day we'll look back to right now
Before we escaped, the good old days are right now
Oh, oh, oh, eeoh
Oh, oh, oh, eeoh
One day when we wake up, you and me, when we're old and grey
We'll think back to these seconds here, I promise
But I don't want to be that man anymore
I want to see the whole world but my roots are here
I want to tell you, no matter what happens
We choose life, life
One day when we wake up, you and me, when we're old and grey
We'll think back to these seconds here, I promise
One day when we wake up, you and me, when we're old and grey
We'll think back to these seconds here, I promise
Oh, oh, oh, eeoh

Minced meat fucker

-Hey, what the-, what the fuck are you doing?
-G-Get lost, I'm fucking a minced meat!
Goddamn Culinary workers,
Are fucking minced meat every day.
Main Cooker - penetrator and dumbass.
He is an avid minced meat fucker.
When he makes a cheburek*
He would pull out his dick.
And before putting the minced meat
He will surely fuck it.
Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck!
He would spin all the meat through the meat grinder,
And then make a big-ass ball out of it.
After that, he'd pull out his dick
And energetically fuck the minced meat.
He is not even getting sadder
From the fact that he cums inside of it.
And then this fucker
Would feed the people with it.
Minced Meat Fucker Solo!
Minced Meat is better than a pussy!
Sexual fucking madman
He would spin the meat through meat grinder.
And then our fucking dumbass
Would put his dick inside the meat grinder.
This fucker is worse than a faggot!
He is fucking meat without even stopping!
This is fucked-up as hell.
How long will you keep fucking the minced meat?
Oh, fuck, Minced Meat Fucker!
-You fucking pissed me off, get the fuck away!


[Chorus: Reino Nordin]
When the lights start to shine, it's easy to go from one hundred to zero
And only when the smoke clears, we realize how high we are
This thing that I do, lightning blinds
Not everyone has a moment on the top
It's such a long distance to climb, so I'll take a little breather for a moment
[Verse 1: VilleGalle]
Do you know what the light means
That you'll soon fill the spotlight
When you learn from a mistake, you can succeed
But the most important thing is always to familiarize [oneself]
Don't be [too] proud, but know your worth
That way you may have a chance to bathe even though you were in the shadows
Camera rolls, we become friends
Many think that I have everyhing [so much] better
When the electricity strikes, you'll remember your starting point
Too bright, too much brightness
I want brightness before [everything] goes dark
[Chorus: Reino Nordin]
When the lights start to shine, it's easy to go from one hundred to zero
And only when the smoke clears, we realize how high we are
This thing that I do, lightning blinds
Not everyone has a moment on the top
It's such a long distance to climb, so I'll take a little breather for a moment
[Verse 2: Jare]
Shines, shines
That won't make a man
Even if put glasses on, what will be left of it
When you're on the top, is there any room for fire anymore
It would be pointless to hang around here, if nobody here has any fun anymore
I should stay here for a moment, watching the scenery
I've taken excursions, but did I make the most out of them
If I sit down, is there still room here honey
I have to think if this is what I though I ordered
When the electricity strikes, you'll remember your starting point
Too bright, too much brightness
I want brightness before [everything] goes dark
[Chorus: Reino Nordin]
When the lights start to shine, it's easy to go from one hundred to zero
And only when the smoke clears, we realize how high we are
This thing that I do, lightning blinds
Not everyone has a moment on the top
It's such a long distance to climb, so I'll take a little breather for a moment
When the lights start to shine

Copilul meu

Chiar dacă tu vezi lumea
Diferit față de mine,
Uneori pot să abordez
Minunile pe care le vezi.
Și toate noile culori
Și imagini desenate de tine.
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
N-ai nevoie de îndrumări,
Și pe unde să apuci,
Și nu vreau să te țin în loc,
Vreau numai să te văd crescând.
Da, tu ești cel care m-a învățat
Că nu trebuie să privești în urmă.
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Nimeni nu-ți va ucide visele
Sau să-ți spună cum să-ți trăiești viața,
Dar mereu vor fi oameni
Ce ți-o vor face grea o vreme.
Dar le vei schimba gândirea,
Când îți vor vedea zâmbetul.
Timpurile în care te-ai născut
Poate că nu sunt cele mai bune
(Dar știu că sunt)
Poți face timpurile ce vor veni
Mai bune decât celelalte.
Știu că vei fi cinstit,
Dacă n-o să poți fi mereu amabil.
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.
Copilul meu, copilul meu,
O, da, scumpule,
Mă bucur nespus că ești copilul meu.

Forget Me

Forget me in the same date you remembered me
I can't live the rest of my life in illusions
the face of time frowned and its blaming increased, don't blame me
The oppression of love overwhelmed me and it ended years of patience and dreams
I want to sleep like a naïve child and don't wake me up
I want to rest from some difficulties and from the game of days
I asked for you, I had some preciousness inside of you
abandon me, the heat of abandoning is so much easier than the illusion if it lasted
bye to a time that passed without being wonderful to me
the light of moon and sun relaxed because I haven't lighted in a year
sing to me and love me from there with the longing
and don't come near here, the place got narrow by the crowd of feet
my love plays the most sublime poems in my collection
I chose to go away and silence and loneliness are my only titles
and if you want to visit me, come!! but only in dreams


Once you count to 10, I’ll open my eyes
I don’t want to say goodbye yet
Go from nine back to one
Go back to the beginning
I had a dream that I met you all over again
Then I’ll be able to tell you that I’ll never let you go
Time has filled us up, endlessly tying us together
Remember our smiles as you keep smiling, my flower
Put all the past into our album
All of our memories
Count one to nine
The dazzling me and you
Count one two three
Smile and wake up
Even if we’re apart for a bit, don’t let go of my hands
Always, one to nine
Feels like I’m next to you, yeah
One two three, counting on memory
Always, one to nine
Counting on memory
My heart aches
As we grow farther apart
I remember how we laughed so bright in the photos
I’ll be back soon
I still miss everything
It’s like a drama that I’ll never forget
I had a dream that I met you all over again
Then I’ll be able to tell you that I’ll never let you go
I know the reason your eyes shine
I am the same way
Until we can hold hands again
Grasp onto our memories
Count one to nine
The dazzling me and you
Count one two three
Smile and wake up
Even if we’re apart for a bit, don’t let go of my hands
Always, one to nine
Feels like I’m next to you, yeah
I’m always one step behind
I’ll always be there, always
It’s our dream
Headed toward that place
Once that time comes
Let’s meet again, yeah
Count one to nine
The dazzling me and you
Count one two three
Smile and wake up
Even if we’re apart for a bit,
Don’t let go of my hands
Always, one to nine
Feels like I’m next to you, yeah
One to nine, Counting on memory
Always, one to nine
You’re in this melody
One to nine, I’ll remember your memory

In truth now

Elsa: Mother I am flipping through the pages trying to get to the past
Elsa: Mother I am lost and I am afraid that I will not find my way
Elsa: What were you trying to say? Why do I still hope that someday I'll know?
Elsa: With a strength that boils inside me like a beast that's let loose
Elsa: You were there, now you are not here I am left behind alone again
Elsa: I won't let it bother me, I don't give up, I move on, I know that everything I feel is real
Elsa: In truth now, what do you want to tell me? I hear you, I am here, or else I won't go on, I am asking for my answers
Elsa: In truth now, what do you wanna show me? I need to see, to learn who I am, to find my own self
Elsa: Mother you were everyone's queen and you taught me so much
Elsa: How to be good, how to act like you, aptly in Arendelle
Elsa: How do I appease this strength that governs alongside me?
Elsa: It grows, I will never know in what language it speaks
Elsa: And in truth now, what are you teaching me, I wish I'd known, I am not turning back, I have you as my guide
Elsa: In truth now, those pages hold the key, that will guide me, so I find who I am in life
Anna: Another day, secrets and questions, mother, they would be over, if you could come back
Anna: I won't let everything I love get lost I won't let (her) get lost, far away from here
Elsa: A small northwind goes to find
Anna: the truth
Elsa: A small river... full of memories
Anna: (We're) united... we are together
Elsa: Come so I will take you home
Anna: I have found you
Elsa: To take you
Anna: I am holding you
Elsa: In truth now, for all the signs that you give, thank you, I am not alone here anymore, you guide me wherever I am
Elsa: In truth now, (Anna: Elsa)
even if I get hurt I still seek (Anna: Elsa)
for who you really were, so I can learn who I am
Elsa: And I will no longer let go
Anna: I won't let you go
Both: I won't let you go

The best in you

Where is the best of times?
Seems that it’s somewhere.
But it’s not here, it’s not next to me.
It’s difficult for me to spell
The best of names.
But I really need to do this.
And I can’t accept my fate
If it’s not similar
To yours.
And I don’t want to take your heart
Away from the people
Who can no longer be without you.
I know only the best in you.
I'm not afraid to suffocate from love.
We don’t live in a dream
But I still can't wake up.
I’ll say “I love you”. It’s forever.
Even though it’s funny, even though someone will laugh at me.
The cities’ lights look like constellations.
And our planes will take different paths.
Let the hundreds of random people
Look for the random tragedies
And attract these tragedies to them like magnets.
Sorrow will grind us.
But who will be the first?
We’re cemented together.
I just want you to know that
We can’t stop the time
Or move out of the way of life around the bend.
Everyone will have his own paradise.
But I will take our tender days
And sheet music with me.
I know only the best in you.
I'm not afraid to suffocate from love.
We don’t live in a dream
But I still can't wake up.
I’ll say “I love you”. It’s forever.
Even though it’s funny, even though someone will laugh at me.
The cities’ lights look like constellations.
And our planes will take different paths.


Versions: #1
There isn’t a soul for thousands of miles around
Not a trace left on the sand
And everything’s colored turquoise of these waters
In the stillness of time
The icecap will melt and flood the city
The planet will become wilderness
One wave will come after another
One eon will follow another
I could have touched the stars
Thrown them as a handful of pearls
But, for eternity I would be dead
And there isn’t an alternate future
In the forest full of sleeping cars,
An echo of our songs can be heard
In the dust and earth that knew no rain
I will forever await you
I could have touched the stars
Thrown them as a handful of pearls
But, for eternity I would be dead
And there isn’t an alternate future

Mi-ar plăcea să te văd în seara asta

Alo, da, a trecut ceva timp,
Nu mult, ce mai faci?
Nu prea știu de ce am sunat,
Cred că am vrut doar să vorbesc cu tine.
Și m-am gândit că poate mai târziu
Am putea să ne vedem un pic.
A trecut așa de mult timp
Și chiar mi-e dor de zâmbetul tău.
Nu spun să te muți la mine
Și nu vreau să-ți schimb viața,
Dar bate un vânt cald,
Stelele au răsărit și mi-ar plăcea să te văd în seara asta.
Am putea să ne plimbăm printr-un parc cu vânt
Sau să dăm o tură cu mașina de-a lungul plajei,
Sau să stăm acasă și să ne uităm la TV.
Vezi tu, nu prea contează pentru mine.
Nu spun să te muți la mine
Și nu vreau să-ți schimbi viața,
Dar bate un vânt cald,
Stelele au răsărit și mi-ar plăcea să te văd în seara asta.
Nu-ți cer promisiuni,
Așa că nu trebuie să minți.
Amândoi am jucat acest joc înainte,
Am spus ”te iubesc”, apoi ”rămas bun”.
Nu-ți spun să te muți la mine
Și nu vreau să-ți schimbi viața,
Dar bate un vânt cald,
Stelele au răsărit și mi-ar plăcea să te văd în seara asta.
Nu-ți spun să te muți la mine
Și nu vreau să-ți schimbi viața,
Dar bate un vânt cald,
Stelele au răsărit și mi-ar plăcea să te văd în seara asta.
Nu-ți spun să te muți la mine
Și nu vreau să-ți schimbi viața,
Dar bate un vânt cald,
Stelele au răsărit și mi-ar plăcea să te văd în seara asta.