Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 278


You shall be the emperor of my soul.

You shall be the emperor of my soul
You, you, you shall be the emperor of my soul
You, you, you shall wear the purple all alone
You, you, you shall wield the sceptre
You, you, only you shall reign within
You, you, you move in as a winner
I know a country that has no barriers
I know a realm in which do grow
Probably a thousand tender thoughts
To my love's rose garden
This is the country I live in.
This is the kingdom I give to you
On whose throne I now elevate you
Is my heart's free state
You, you, you shall be the emperor of my soul
You, you, you shall wear the purple all alone
You, you, you shall wield the sceptre
You, you, only you shall reign within
You, you, move in there as the winner!

You are Everything

I love everything in you so much apart from this one thing,
and it's when I look for something I don't love in you but I don't find it
even the sky is small in front of my love for you
do you see how much I love you and how much I show off and cherish because of your love?
in every moment, you are the sight and the light of my eyes
and in every beat, you are the love, the kindness and the almighty
and you are my sky, my world, my sun and my shade
and you are the one who his hardship hurt in my chest
I have an eye that no other living human apart from you fills it
and I have a soul that gets scared if you got scared
you have a value that only God knows about
the world shakes and your value doesn't shake
I adore you, I love you, and my heart..
has passed this phase and long story short..
you are me literally.. and you are everything
and if I said I will describe my love, I swear I'll fail to do that

Până La Capăt Mergi Tu !

În cea vreme de răscruce,
Înfrunt-o Falnic și far' de ocoliș,
Privirea-ți ridică și umerii-ți ține tu bravi
Cumpătează-te și tăria-ti arată tu.
Timp ce aievea-i a-ncerca de ea să 'fugi'
Dă tu tot ce ai mai bun
Poți și-a eșua , însă poți de hac asemenea tu a-i veni,
Înfrunt-o tu !
Neguroși pot fi ei 'norii' ce planează asupra-ți
Iar viitoru-ți poa' părea el sumbru
Însă pradă celei emoții/goliciuni tu nu te lăsa
Menține-ți tu moralul sus
De cel rău e a se-ntâmpla,
fie și-n ciuda a tot efortu' ce-l poți da
Fuga de el salvare n-are să îți fie
Pieptu-i ține tu !
Chiar și speranța poate ea părea zădărnicită
Când greutățile pieptu-ți apasă
Însă ține tu aminte, că-n față-ți e
Doar greutăți de alți oameni întâlnite
Poți tu chiar și-a eșua, însă fă-o tu-n cel
'câmp de luptă'
Și-nfrant nu te lăsa, fie ce-ar fi
Privirea-ți ține falnic și capu' sus până la sfârșit
Pieptu-i ține tu !!

Cântul plângerii

Du-te fiule, intră sub apă
Şi priveşte femeile care plâng acolo
Apoi urcă pe munte
Şi bărbaţii plâng.
Tată, de ce plâng toate femeile ?
Ele îşi plâng bărbaţii
De ce plâng şi bărbaţii ?
Ei răspund la plânsul lor.
Acesta e un cânt al plângerii
Un cântec pe care să plângi
În timp ce toţi bărbaţii şi femeile dorm.
Acesta e un cânt al plângerii
Dar nu voi mai plânge mult.
Tată, de ce plâng toţi copiii ?
Abia o fac, fiule.
Abia o fac, tată ?
Da. Plânsul adevărat va veni curând.
Acesta e un cânt al plângerii
Un cântec pe care să plângi
În timp ce toţi copiii dorm.
Acesta e un cânt al plângerii
Dar nu voi mai plânge mult.
Tată, spune-mi dacă plângi
Chipul tău e umed la atingere.
Îmi pare rău, tată
Nu credeam să te rănesc atât de tare.
Acesta e un cânt al plângerii
Un cântec pe care să plângi
În timp ce încercăm să adormim.
Acesta e un cânt al plângerii
Dar nu voi mai plânge mult.
Nu ! Nu voi mai plânge mult.


Pe strada Jubileului era o fată pe nume Bee
Avea o istorie, dar nu avea trecut
Când au închis-o, rușii s-au mutat
Acum sunt prea speriat să mă întorc în trecut
Ea obișnuia să spună:
Toți acei oameni buni de pe strada Jubileului
Ei ar trebui să practice ceea ce predică
Aici ei trebuie să practice ceea ce predică
Oamenii aceia buni de pe strada Jubileului
Și aici mă urc pe deal
Îmi împing propria roată a dragostei
Am dragoste în burtă și o mică durere
Și o catastrofă de zece tone legată cu un lanț de 60 de kilograme
Și îmi împing roata dragostei pe străzile Jubileului
Le privesc acum
Problema era că avea o carte neagră
Și numele meu a fost scris pe fiecare pagină
Ei bine, o fată care trebuia să-și facă capătul
Chiar pe strada Jubileului
Eram în afara timpului și spațiului, și peste deal și în afara minții mele
Pe strada Jubileului
Ar trebui să pun în practică ceea ce predic
În aceste zile merg în centru cu cravată și frac
Am un făt în lesă
Sunt singur acum, sunt dincolo de învinuiri
Perdelele sunt trase, mobilierul a dispărut
Mă transform, vibrez, strălucesc
Zbor, uită-te la mine
Zbor, privește-mă acum

O voi ucide pe femeia aia

Iubita mea m-a părăsit azi dimineaţă
Acum nu-mi mai pasă, nu-mi pasă ce spun ceilalţi
Am făcut tot ce mi-a stat în putere
Dumnezeu ştie că aşa a fost
Am încercat să-i satisfac mintea pierdută, asta am făcut
A fost doar o pacoste, o pacoste
Mă ţine mereu ca pe ghimpi
Dumnezeu ştie că mişcările ei mă ucid
Iubita mea a stat afară toată noaptea, toată noaptea
Mă ţine mereu ca pe ghimpi
Aseară m-am gândit
Ar trebui s-o ucid pe femeia aia ? Ar trebui ?
Doamne, mă pun în genunchi
Se spune că Dumnezeu îţi iartă toate greşelile
Dar nu-mi pasă ce spun oamenii
O voi ucide pe femeia aia,
O voi ucide, Dumnezeu ştie asta
Mă voi pune în genunchi

Vezi dacă mormântul meu e îngrijit

O singură favoare am să-ți cer,
O singură favoare am să-ți cer.
Da, o singură favoare am să-ți cer:
Vezi dacă mormântul meu e îngrijit.
Sunt doi cai albi alăturați,
Sunt doi cai albi alăturați,
Sunt doi cai albi alăturați,
Care mă duc la cimitir.
Sunt trei negre trăsuri în ploaie,
Sunt trei negre trăsuri în ploaie,
Sunt trei negre trăsuri în ploaie,
Acum golite de-a lor grea încărcătură.
Ai auzit vreodată sunetul unui sicriu,
Ai auzit vreodată sunetul unui sicriu,
Ai auzit vreodată sunetul unui sicriu
Când e coborât în groapă?
O singură favoare am să-ți cer,
O singură favoare am să-ți cer,
O singură favoare am să-ți cer:
Vezi dacă mormântul meu e îngrijit.

Eu vad Lumina

In lumea intunericului si a tacerii,
La marginea prapastiei,
Astept sentinta mea cruda,
Prins intre soapte de durere,
Si o atingere a binecuvantarii.
Stau singur visand la lumina.
Ingeri cenusii ai necunoscutului
vorbesc cu mine, fara cuvinte
Coruri canta melodii fara ton,
O pasare inspaimantata zboara cercetand cerul.
Sunt singur, pierdut in noapte.
Linistea e atat de puternica, plang,
ma rog lui Dumnezeu asteptand doar un Cuvant,
Stiu ca am pacatuit si trebuie sa mor,
Te rog, ai mila, Domnul meu!
In noapte, vad Lumina!
In lumea luminii si a laudelor,
La marginea Paradisului,
Stand pe Stanca cea de Veacuri,
Sunt liber din nou, a disparut durerea,
Tu ai platit pretul.
Pasesc alaturi de Tine in Lumina Eterna!


Hiding from evil
Hiding from crash
Hiding from me
That itself
Which shares without satisfaction
Cold wrappers
For those giving first aid
I betray myself
I betray my will
I betray and define my values
I go sideways against myself
And stop myself
Cold wrappers
For those giving first aid
Due to break in law is read
Loopholes for judges
I substitute myself now
Let me go
Give me safety
Do we think of suicide
Instructions inserted to the back of the head
How about we jump down a well
Let me go
Give me safety
Do we think of suicide
Instructions inserted to the back of the head
Finally I step to shade
Now that you look from down the well
What do you want?
Do you stand yourself?
What do you want?
Do you stand yourself?
What do you want?
Let me go
Give me safety
Do we think of suicide
Instructions inserted to the back of the head
How about we jump down a well
Let me go
Give me safety
Do we think of suicide
Instructions inserted to the back of the head
How about we jump down a well
Touch me
Touch me now

See You Again

The cold winter passes and
when the season that we promised comes
I'll be back again then, Yeah
Feel the warm sunlight
When even until deep inside the heart becomes warm
I'll be back again that time yeah
There are so many words I haven't delivered yet
Oh baby
I'll borrow this song to send my heart to you
Let's talk when we meet again
The day that the heavens allows us
Let's meet again then, to you
I have so much to say
Can you wait for me?
Can you promise me?
I'll be back to your side
Let's meet again then
Let's please meet again
When the rough rain and wind stops
and the clear clouds cover the skies
I'll be back again then, Yeah
When the leaves turn red
and the rainbow coloured flowers blossom
I'll be back again then yeah
There were so much words I couldn't say back then when I was shy
Oh baby
I'll borrow this song to send my heart to you
Let's talk again when we meet again
The day that the heavens allows us
Let's meet again then
I have so much to say
Can you wait for me?
Can you promise me?
I'll be back to your side
Let's meet again
The day that we meet again after a long time passes
Happiness arriving after a long time of waiting
Like the words, let's talk about each other's happiness
The things that were dreamt about become reality
As time goes by
My heart finds you more
Heart to heart
We attract towards each other more
When the song is about the end, I'll find you
Even if it's a little tired, please wait for me Babe
Perhaps when waiting becomes tired, you
don't forget about me
Don't let go of those two hands, My boy
When I'm not seen
For you, for finding me
I'll hide my precious heart
Let's talk again when we meet again (Woo)
The day that the heavens allows us
Let's meet again then
I have so much to say
Can you wait for me?
Can you promise me?
I'll be back to your side
Let's meet again then
Let's certainly meet again

Încă nu ai văzut nimic

Am cunoscut un drac de femeie
Mi-a luat inima
A spus: 'de la asta ți se va trage!'
Dar eu mi-am dorit-o așa
Cred că orice dragoste e bună de iubit
Așa că am luat ce am putut primi, mmm
Ooo, ooo, s-a uitat la mine cu ochi mari, căprui
Și a spus:
'Încă nu ai văzut nimic,
Dragule, încă nu ai văzut nimic,
Asta-i ceva ce nu vei uita niciodată,
Încă nu ai văzut nimic.'
Încă nu ai fost prin jur,
Asta e ce mi-au zis
Și acum mă simt mai bine
Căci am aflat la sigur...
M-a dus la doctorul ei
Și el mi-a spus de un tratament
A zis că orice dragoste e o dragoste bună
Așa că am luat ce am putut primi,
Da, am luat ce am putut primi,
Apoi ea m-a privit cu acei ochi mari și căprui
Și a spus:
'Încă nu ai văzut nimic,
Dragule, încă nu ai văzut nimic,
Asta-i, asta-i ceva ce nu vei uita niciodată,
Dragule, știi, știi, știi... încă nu ai văzut nimic'
'Ai nevoie să fii educat,
Asta-i sigur'
Orice dragoste e bună de iubit
Așa că am luat ce am putut primi
Da, am luat ce am putut primi
Și atunci, atunci, atunci
S-a uitat la mine cu acei ochi mari și căprui
Și a spus:
'Încă nu ai văzut nimic,
Dragule, încă nu ai văzut nimic,
Asta-i ceva, asta-i ceva,
Asta-i ceva ce n-o să uiți niciodată, dragule
Dragule, dragule, dragule, încă nu ai văzut nimic,
Nu ai fost prin jur
Încă nu ai văzut nimic'
Asta-i ce mi-a spus,
Mi-a zis că trebuie să fiu educat, să fiu școlit
Știu că încă nu am văzut nimic
Știu că încă nu am văzut nimic

Nu vad nimic...

Vad nimic
Am putea sa ne cufundam si confina
pe valuri.
Marea imi va pulsa
in urechi.
Petalele cele albe
vor fi innegrite
de apa marii.
Vor pluti
pentru o clipa
iar dupa o sa se adance.
Incordandu-se incontinuu
valurile o sa
ma impinga dedesubt.
Totul cade
intr-un dus tulburator,

8. Oh, the dew in the leas

Oh, the dew in the leas
Just marvels
When Bahareh passes
In the Sun
Of the Big Persian fields
And wakes up
To her freshness that passes,
For, what could the dew do ?
to address
This issue ? what advice
To give to the Persian
White-complexioned diaphanous
And peach-like skinned fairy ?
THe great Persian mornings
Better than the fresh dew itself ?
Neither bees
Nor trellises
Ever Saw such great softness
Go by in white mornings
In the Iranian fields.
And the shy, so shy dew
Wishes she could dare
Ask the lovely beauty
How it could have its share
Of her cast and her Sheen
But, alas, indifferent,
THe beauty just walks by
In the dawn of Iran,
So beautiful each morn
More beautiful, Always more beautiful,
THe daughter of the Sun.
To Bahareh Tajfirouz.

I can not think badly

I can not think badly that one moment can pass without you being with me
My life without you I swear I can not live it
I can not think badly that one moment can pass without you being with me
My life without you I swear I can not live it
look with your eyes look what you love did look
and my heartbeat is not ordinary it became I swear thousands beats
look with your eyes look what you love did look
and my heartbeat is not ordinary it became I swear thousands beats
I can not think badly that one moment can pass without you being with me
My life without you I swear I can not live it
And I become jealous on you night and morning even with my hands in your hands
my love for god sake stay with me, I want you
look with your eyes look what you love did look
and my heartbeat is not ordinary it became I swear thousands beats
you either in my life or I can not without you
you either in my life or my days will not continue

My lovely brave sailor

My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
Come all you pretty maidens
no matter who you are,
you all that love a gallant sailor
who dwells in the seas.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
My heart's been pierced by Cupid
I despise glittering gold,
and nothing can console me
except my lovely brave sailor.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation). @= a/o (for Spanish translations only, @ can be switched from a feminine or masculine perspective.


Te văd

Te văd atunci când ești la pământ și deprimată, atât de debusolată
Te văd atunci când plângi , când ești rușinoasă, când vrei să mori
Te văd atunci când zâmbești, durează ceva , dar cel puțin ești prezentă
Te văd, da, te văd
Sunt singur cu tine , ești singura cu mine
Te văd atunci când te ascunzi, iar atunci când minți nu mă surprinzi
Te văd atunci când fugi de minciuna dinăuntrul ochilor tăi
Te văd atunci când crezi că nu observ toate acele cicatrici
Te văd ,da ,te văd
Sunt singur cu tine, ești singură cu mine
Ce dezastru ai făcut din toate
Sunt singur cu tine , ești singură cu mine
Și sper că te vei vedea pe tine însuți
La fel cum te văd eu
Da ,te văd
Te văd
Da,te văd
(Sunt singur cu tine, ești singură cu mine)
Te văd atunci când îți vânezi toate visele din cap
Te văd atunci când râzi și atunci când iubești cu înverșunare și
(Te văd ) In întuneric, la răscrucea unui ceva nou
Te văd ,da ,te văd
Sunt singur cu tine, ești singură cu mine
Și sper că te vei vedea pe tine însuți
La fel cum te văd eu
Da ,te văd
Te văd
Da,te văd
Chiar și atunci când plângi și chiar și atunci când strălucești
Însemni totul pentru mine
Chiar și atunci când minți și chiar și atunci când ești fericită
Însemni totul pentru mine
Te văd
( te văd , te văd , te văd)
Da ,te văd
( te văd , te văd , te văd)
Da ,te văd
Chiar și atunci când plângi și chiar și atunci când strălucești
Da, te văd
( te văd ,te văd ,te văd)
Sunt singur cu tine, ești singură cu mine
Și sper că te vei vedea pe tine însuți

Strange dancing

I'll hear an unfinished tune in my dream
I won't close my eyes till morning
Not completely forgiving me for all I've done
You are not sleeping like me now
In the midnight subway, among the round dance of lights
I'm dreaming about your shadow again
Crazy night that I've spent with her
And there comes a day again
And when we will see each other again
Night wind will softly sing on its own
And forgetting for a moment about love
We will start
Dancing together, strange dancing
We'll wait out the day, we won't say goodbye
And at night we'll start strange dancing
Dance under the rain
In the crossings of subway stations
In the crossings of subway stations
You'll forget the question, but I remember the answer
We will not die without each other
With the light of morning stars
Our last sunrise
It's calling us and we will start
Dancing together, strange dancing
We'll wait out the day, we won't say goodbye
And at night we'll start strange dancing
Dance under the rain
In the crossings of subway stations
In the crossings of subway stations

Can You See Our Flag Wavin’ in The Sky?

Even when blindfolded
the precision doesn’t miss the target
Nature is revealed
Shells with no meaning
Overlapping shadows
The relationship that doesn’t rust
Secretly dripping on
your dried lips
The space is getting moist
Ivy intertwines, wanting each other (baby)
Released breath melts
The view of it turning into vapor (baby)
Now it’s time to fly
Look around the world
There’s no reason to be apart
Lead us into the light
We create a star
I wanna be where you are
Mixing the past,
it flies away toward the fuel
The research vessel proceeds
carrying the crystal (oh girl)
Can you see our flag wavin’ in the sky?
Keeping our voices down
It’s a first time experience
The space is filled
The silence echoes
Your innocent expression
We softly feel with hands
to assure each other’s compatibility
Everything is wonderful
We grab the floating colors,
scatter them and create the flow (baby)
The buoyancy I feel with you
It gets stronger and stronger (baby)
Now it’s time to fly
Look around the world
There’s no reason to be apart 
Lead us into the light
We create a star
I wanna be where you are
Mixing the past,
it flies away toward the fuel
The research vessel proceeds
carrying the crystal (oh girl)
Can you see our flag wavin’ in the sky?
What should I call this feeling
You make me perfect
Let’s imagine the picture of the beginning
What should I call this feeling
You make me perfect
Let’s welcome the joy of the unknown with you
Now it’s time to fly
Look around the world
There’s no reason to be apart
Lead us into the light
We create a star
I wanna be where you are
Mixing the past,
it flies away toward the fuel
The research vessel proceeds
carrying the crystal (oh girl)
Can you see our flag wavin’ in the sky?

It`s Not Like Honey*

Drop it, forget about our passion,
Bygone doesn't count,
Subtracting you is an easy calculation
Go away, there's the door, the keys,
I couldn't comprehend, our talk is over
My love is untamed,
There's no comfort from countless words (no, no, no)
My soul is untamed (soul)
I'm holding on, barley breathing.
You destroy all, stepping on thin ice
Sea of salty tears, my love isn't like honey (isn't easy)
It's better you go there, where someone's awaiting
I couldn't comprehend you, my love isn't like honey (isn't easy)
My love isn't like honey, my love isn't like honey
Yearning, loneliness out of despair
The flowers faded away completely
I enjoy youth, reading till the end
And I will drink you down to the bottom**
My love is untamed,
There's no comfort from countless words (no, no, no)
My soul is untamed (soul)
I'm holding on, barley breathing.
You destroy all, stepping on thin ice
Sea of salty tears, my love isn't like honey (isn't easy)
It's better you go there, where someone's awaiting
I couldn't comprehend you, my love isn't like honey (isn't easy)
My love isn't like honey, my love isn't like honey

Soul pain

[x 2:]
Can you be an angel for me?
Can you be guilty for me?
Do you stand in the white light?
My eyes don't see you
Do you still believe my lies?
Do you just want to deceive yourself?
You clutch me far too tightly
Please, please don't believe me
[x 2:]
Can you read my soul?
Every night in my dreams I am alone
Can you read my soul?
Every night in my dreams I am alone
Can you read my soul?
Can you read my soul?
Can you read my soul?
Can you read my soul?
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


We Don't Sow And We Don't Furrow

We don't sow and we don't furrow,
We kill time without slight.
We swing schlongs from church bell tower,
Driving clouds out of sight.
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.


Aashaan Bahot Hain Honna Khooda,
Meri Taraah Se Jii Ke Bataa……
Aashaan Bahot Hain Honna Khooda,
Meri Taraah Se Jii Ke Bataa……
Aan Jaa Falak Se Ikk Raat Tu,
Ikk Do Kadam Merey Chall Saath Tu,
Paayenga Tu Bhi Rushwaaiyein…….
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Farj Hain Jeetne,
Karj Hain Uttne,
Padtein Hain Karne Sabb Ko Aadda,
Rishton Ke Dhaagein Ulljhein Hain Keetne,
Yeh Bhi Nahin Tujjh Ko Pataa…..….
Aan Jaa Falak Se Ikk Raat Tu,
Ikk Do Kadam Merey Chall Saath Tu,
Paayenga Tu Bhi Rushwaaiyein…….
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Kishmat Jo Meri Toone Leekhi Hain,
Ikk Rojj Esspe Chalke Bataa,
Jalte Hain Mujjh Mein Sholey Juggon Ke,
Tu Vi Kabbhi Enn Mein Jalke Bataa…….
Aan Jaa Falak Se Ikk Raat Tu,
Ikk Do Kadam Merey Chall Saath Tu,
Paayenga Tu Bhi Rushwaaiyein…….
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……
Tanhaaiyaan Hai…..
Tannhaaiyaan Hain……

Baltic Sea Song

I hate the glassy blue of the sky
The tireless sun that reveals everything
I hate the shimmering heat of the south
The grassless cliffs, which stretch spiritlessly
Give me the threatening colours of the north
The dripping silence of the snowless night
Give me the fearful lights of the morning
The rustle of the dunes, the storm that laughs loudly
Give me the rattling breath of the cold
The seamless strings of rain at sea
Give me the fog that distorts everything
The deep black nights and clouds like tar
Give me my childhood beach once again
With mussels and amber on dry white
Give me the salty wind of my Baltic Sea
The wailing of the seagull that circles hopefully
Give me moles with moss-green legs
And waves that sing their endless song
Give me the colours that combine quietly
The breath of childhood, which escapes silently

'Ntrevad Foc

Versions: #3
Ohh, prea-marit strajer, al celui munte,1
Continua grijuliu , veghhea-ti , peste ale camarazilor mei suflete !
Iar de cerul va sa fie acoperit de foc si fum
Continuă veghea-ti, peste fiul lui Durin.
De asta-i (predestinat') a sfarsi in flacari'
Atunci, avem toţi a 'arde'/pali împreună,
Privi flăcările, facandu-si loc in noapte,
In strigat, “Tată, fi-ne aproape!', iar noi vom
Privi flăcările arzând , aprins pe-a muntelui colina.
Si de trebuie a pali in asta noapte ,
Atunci ar trebui cu totii , impreuna a pali !
Cinstind un pahar de vin, pentru ultima dată,
In strigat, catre al nostru 'Creator': 'Caleste-ne , 'timp ce no vom
Privi flăcările arzând , aprins' pe-a muntelui colina,
Pustiul se asterne , in inalt !
Acum văd foc/ardoare, înlăuntrul muntelui,
Văd foc, arzând copacii
Şi văd 'foc', Pustiind 'cele suflete!
Văd 'foc', suferinta plutind
Şi sper că tu iti vei aminti de mine!
Oh, De ai mei sunt destinati pieirii,
Atunci şi eu , asemenea !
Izolati in serpuirea muntelui
Ne-am apropiat prea mult de flacără,
In strigat, catre al nostru 'Creator': 'Cuprinde-ne strans' iar noi vom
Privi flăcările arzând , aprins pe-a muntelui colina.
Pustiul se asterne , in inalt !
Acum văd foc înăuntrul muntelui,
Văd foc, arzând copacii
Văd 'foc', Pustiind 'cele suflete!
Văd 'foc', suferinta plutind
Şi sper că-ti vei aminti de mine!
Şi de noaptea-i arzatoare,
Îmi voi acoperi ochii
Căci de-ntunericul se-ntoarce, atunci
Fraţii mei vor pieri
Şi-n timp ce se prăbuşeşte cerul peste noi,
Se prăbuşi peste 'cel pustiit oras
Şi cu acea umbrire, acoperind pamantul
Îmi aud poporul ţipând
Acum văd foc înăuntrul muntelui,
Văd foc, arzând copacii
Văd 'foc', Pustiind 'cele suflete!
Văd 'foc', sange in bataia vantului
Văd foc, oh Tu ştii... văzut-am un oraş arzând (foc)!
Văd foc, simt ardoarea napadindu-mi trupul (foc)!
Şi văd foc (foc)
Si vad foc arzând aprins pe-a muntelui colina.
  • 1. Personal Adaptation/Translation/ Work allowed under the moral and written rule , found under the section of 'Website Rules---Adding a translation----Paragraph no 10 'As translations can be a mean of knowing and understanding a new language, it's better if you keep at least a colloquial (Though YOU'RE FREE to keep an informal tone in certain contexts) language that's easy to understand - and you may use footnotes to add general explanations and comments in certain parts of the translation.' So that being said , my profile is the place for the non-literal translation's and adaptation so people may like it or not , still that won't ever change a thing , so like they say in our dear America : Deal with it !!!

You shall be the kaiser of my soul

I know a land, one without borders
I know a realm wherein gently extend
For sure a thousand tender thoughts
Around the rosen path of my love
That is the land wherein I live
That is the realm that I surrender to you
The throne to which I now raise you
Being the free estate of my heart
You, you, you shall be the kaiser of my soul
You, you, you alone shall wear the purple
You, you, you shall bear the sceptre
You, you, only you shall govern therein
You, you, you will enter there as victor
When you love me, as reward
Your crown will reside in my heart
And you shall rule freely on golden throne
Made by my love for you
You are my kaiser-elect
And your wishes are orders
Obeyed will you be by my soul
Which I entrust wholly to you
You, you, you shall be the kaiser of my soul
You, you, you alone shall wear the purple
You, you, you shall bear the sceptre
You, you, only you shall govern therein
You, you, you will enter there as victor

His Soul

She wasn't yet thirteen years old,
And she wore a snow-white dress,
Her long curly, blonde hair
Fell around eyes full of sadness
They found her in the dark basement
Of the one who had tormented her for years,
Down there, the dead silence prevailed—
But something sacred too
She said,
'God, I've been searching for hours already,
But I've found nothing,
I always knew that he was missing something.'
She wanted to see his soul,
She wanted to see where his love dwelt,
She wanted to see his soul,
She wanted to see whether the love was worth it,
She wanted to touch his heart just once,
And finally understand his cruelty
She had surrendered to him,
But this time, she wasn't intoxicated,
Now he couldn't move,
Because, this time, she had switched their glasses
She asked,
'If I cut open your stomach,
Will I just find guts?
Or will I see your soul?'
She wanted to see his soul,
She wanted to see where his love dwelt,
She wanted to see his soul,
She wanted to see whether the love was worth it,
She wanted to touch his heart just once,
And finally understand his cruelty
In her hand she held a knife,
And no one would forget it,
The sight before their eyes
She said,
'God, I've ripped his intestines out,
And I wanted him to suffer,
But, apparently, his body was never seen.'
She wanted to see his soul,
She wanted to see where his love dwelt,
She wanted to see his soul,
She wanted to see whether the love was worth it,
She wanted to touch his heart just once,
And finally understand his cruelty

The two of us

Hold me close to you
So that we remember
The moments we had
So that it all comes back to us.
I can see so much love in your eyes
When it is just the two of us
Why wouldn't you take me in your arms?
So that we stay together just one last time
It is all complicated when it comes to me
So many things that I don't say...
Sing, sing if you like
Sing when you can
But sing with me
Dance, dance if you like
Dance when you can
But sing with me

The two of us

Hold me close to you so that we remember
The moments we had, so that it all comes back to us
I can see so much love in your eyes
When it is just the two of us
Why wouldn't you take me in your arms
So that we waltz together just one last time
It is all complicated when it comes to me
So many things that I don't say
Sing, sing if you like
Sing when you can
But sing with me
Dance, dance if you like
Dance when you can
But sing with me
You will remain the first man in my life
Who put me on my true path and today I sing
You taught me to see who I really am
And for all this, thank you Daddy
Sing, sing if you like
Sing when you can
But sing with me
Dance, dance if you like
Dance when you can
But sing with me
Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy
Daddy, daddy, daddy
Sing, sing if you like
Sing when you can
But sing with me
Dance, dance if you like
Dance when you can
But sing with me

One Thousand Souls

One thousand souls rest deep within you
Sometimes you can feel them,
So wondrous and heavy
One thousand souls
You fight in the storm
And the earth stands still
You're not afraid to go through the flames
You remain persistent
like sapphires in the embers
One thousand souls
carry you through the flood
through the flood
One thousand souls
They offer strength and give courage
in the vast sea of love and anger
You fight in the storm
And the earth stands still
You're not afraid to go through the flames
You remain persistent
like sapphires in the embers
One thousand souls
carry you through the flood
through the flood
Upright and proud, you ascend
Fathered by fire, born out of ashes
One thousand souls
You fight in the storm
and the earth stands still
You're not afraid to go through the flames
You remain persistent
like sapphires in the embers
One thousand souls
carry you through the flood
through the flood
One thousand souls
carry you through the flood
through the flood

Tennessee Waltz [German version]

When I was dancing with my darling
To the Tenn-Tenn-Tennessee Waltz
There came a girl who he hadn't seen for a long time
And she called him by his name
And he kissed her hand
Yes, that was the moment they fell in love
Oh, oh, they were dancing like lovers
To the Tenn-Tenn-Tennessee Waltz
And I watched them all by myself
Tonight I am lonely
But my boy is her's
Since the Tenn-Tenn-Tennessee Waltz
Oh, oh, they were dancing like lovers
To the Tenn-Tenn-Tennessee Waltz
And I watched them, oh, all by myself
Tonight I am lonely
But my boy is her's
Since the Tenn-Tenn-Tennessee Waltz
He is her's
Since the Tenn-Tenn-Tennessee Waltz
He is her's
Since the Tenn-Tenn-Tennessee Waltz

At the crossroads

At the crossroads
Sometimes dreams vanish
Sometimes hands clung together
In a farandole get loose
At the crossroads
We look at each other silently
We know the last train
Won't be for holidays
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
At the crossroads
It's not a stormy sky
But the daily grey
Colour of our journey
At the crossroads
We fear the last gestures
Afraid of spoiling that morning
The short time left to us
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow
You will follow your road
I'll follow mine...
Everyone for himself to a different fate
Everyone for himself towards sorrow


My sweet sisters
Maidens from the neighbors'
Seh eh eh linny koy,
Seh eh eh lah yah
Seh eh eh linny koy,
Seh eh eh lah yah
So he flirted with me
Courted for a long time
Before my mother gave in
My father let me leave
I put my trust in men
I Waited for grooms
Oh, grooms
I waited for grooms
I wanted to go to a man
To go on a wooing journey
Oh, a journey
To go on a wooing journey
The girl was taken away
The daughter to strange lands
They made me a wench
A slave with no rights
I did what the men wanted
I knew their desires
Oh, I knew
I knew their desires
Every day I did my best
At night I was an orphan
Oh, at night
At night I was an orphan
Stupid girls, don't you do
What I did, stupid me
Damn me, I left
To be a wife in strange lands
Damn me, I left
What I did, stupid me
What I did, stupid me
Damn me, I left
Oh, what I did
Damn me, I left
Oh, what I did
Damn me, I left
Oh, what I did
What I did, stupid me
Oh, what I did
What I did, stupid me